= MICT Reference Simulations = == Main features of the run.def == This options belong to revision [2916/branches/ORCHIDEE-MICT/ORCHIDEE]: {{{ ### General flags ### # Activate the DGVM? STOMATE_OK_DGVM = n # Activate grassland management? ENABLE_GRAZING = n # Activate Spitfire? FIRE_DISABLE = y ALLOW_DEFOREST_FIRE = n # Activate the soil freezing scheme? OK_FREEZE = y # Activate permafrost carbon? OK_PC = y # Activate the explicit snow scheme? OK_EXPLICITSNOW = y # Activate computation of flux densities of CH4 from wetlands? CH4_CALCUL = n # Activate Topmodel? TOPM_CALCUL = n # Activate CO2 downregulation? DOWNREGULATION_CO2 = n ### Options related to soil carbon ### #Activating this option allows the soil carbon to go below 0.5 m everywhere. new_carbinput_intdepzlit=y #Model for the temperature dependence of the respiration related to microbial activity # Albert: it does not exists. Is it mistyped? frozen_respiration_func=1 #No insolation effect of the organic top soil layer USE_SOILC_TEMPDIFF=n ### Vertical discretization scheme ### # recommended values to get ndeep=32 (default values) DEPTH_TMAX=38. RATIO_GEOM_BELOW=1.05 ### Options related to the routing scheme ### RIVER_ROUTING = TRUE DO_FLOODPLAINS = y DO_FLOODINFILT = TRUE DO_SWAMPS = TRUE ### Added by Dan ### # These are all current default values # cryoturbate = y cryoturbation_diff_k = 0.001 bioturbation_diff_k = 0.0001 bioturbation_depth = 2. adjust_method_new = y ### End Dan ### }}}