Changes between Version 78 and Version 79 of Documentation/Forcings

2018-02-22T11:30:34+01:00 (6 years ago)



  • Documentation/Forcings

    v78 v79  
    7272(d) '''Tips and script examples when building/using meteorological forcing files''': 
    7373* '''Land compressed files''':  
    74    - The spatial structure of ORCHIDEE forcing files can either be 2D, or 1D if we exclude the sea points to construct a vector of land points. In both cases, this imposes a land-sea mask, to define the land points on which ORCHIDEE will run if we use 2D files, or to construct the 1D files.  
     74   - The spatial structure of ORCHIDEE forcing files can either be 2D, or 1D if we exclude the sea points to construct a vector of land points. In both cases, this imposes a land-sea mask, to define the land points on which ORCHIDEE will run if we use 2D files, or to construct the 1D files. In the latter case, the landpoint indices are initialized in the NW corner, and increase for each land point encountered when scanning the 2D array from W to E then from N to S. 
     75   - In dim2driver ("old"), this part is addressed in readdim2 > forcing_read_interpol > flinget_buffer > flinget_r3d > flinget_mat. For a 2D forcing, the sea mask is defined by the undef values found for variable Tair.  
    7576   - To define the sea points, the '''missing_value''' attribute is mandatory in forcing files containing only land points, with a value outside of the valid range of the variables, for example missing_value=1.e+20. In flinget_mat, the default value is set to 0, if this value is kept, oceanic points will be filled with it and treated as land points because 0. is a valid value for some fields (Qair) but ORCHIDEE will crash because it's not valid for others (PSurf), causing the usual problems in qsatcalc. 
    7677   - FORTRAN 90 script to create a land points only forcing file (use of the compress attribute) [attachment:mk_grid.f90]