Changes between Version 50 and Version 51 of Documentation/UserGuide/PreIndSim

2014-11-05T13:25:39+01:00 (9 years ago)



  • Documentation/UserGuide/PreIndSim

    v50 v51  
    1010cp EXPERIMENTS/LMDZ/CREATE_amip/config.card ./ 
    12 The following changes to were made to the config.card: 
    13  (1) Add a suffix, i.e., -1750 to the job name so that the pre-industrial and present day boundary files will not interfere with each other 
     12The following changes were made to the config.card: 
     13 (1) Add a suffix, i.e., -1750 (but keep the grid dimensions 128x118x39) to the job name so that the pre-industrial and present day boundary files will not interfere with each other on the store directory 
    1515JobName= ELI-128x118x39-1750 
    100100=== PARAM/orchidee.def_CWRR === 
    101 When installing LMDZOR we substituted the trunk version of ORCHIDEE by the DOFOCO-branch. The coupled set-up has some left overs of previous ORCHIDEE versions. Earlier the run.def of ORCHIDEE contained all settings because that was very difficult to read and maintain all parameters now get a default value and only when the default value needs to be changed, the parameter should be mentioned in the run.def. This basically resulted in an empty run.def when running a default set-up. LMDZOR still comes with unreadable full run.def which in the LMDZOR world is called PARAM/orchidee.def_CWRR. We propose to delete settings from the old run.def and only keep the following settings: 
     101When installing LMDZOR we substituted the trunk version of ORCHIDEE by the DOFOCO-branch. The coupled set-up has some left overs of previous ORCHIDEE versions. Earlier the run.def of ORCHIDEE contained all settings. Because such an extensive file was very difficult to read and maintain all parameters now get a default value and only when the default value needs to be changed, the parameter should be mentioned in the run.def. This basically resulted in an empty run.def when running a default set-up. LMDZOR still comes with the unreadable full run.def which in the LMDZOR world is called PARAM/orchidee.def_CWRR. We propose to delete all settings from the old run.def and only keep the following settings: 
    203 Within the 20-year coupled run the land surface will stay constant to that described by the restart file that will be used, i.e., 1750. Forest management and litter raking are still activated (else we will affect the C-pools). We will keep these settings constant to their values for the year 1750. We simply hard code the years for these maps as detailed below. Note that because we start from a restart file the [InitialStateFiles] are not used. We have to define the litter and FM maps as [BoundaryFiles] which are read only once during the year.  
     203Within the 20-year coupled run the land surface will stay constant to that described by the restart file that will be used, i.e., 1750. Forest management and litter raking are still activated (else we will affect the C-pools). We will keep these settings constant to their values for the year 1750. We simply hard code the years for these maps as detailed below. Note that because we start from a restart file the [InitialStateFiles] are not used. We have to define the litter and FM maps as [BoundaryFiles] which are read only once during the year. Note that 1:12: means that the file will be copied to the working directory at the first integration step and then every 12 iterations until the simulation is finished. More information on the difference between InitialStateFiles, BoundaryFilesn and SmoothFiles can be found at   
    255 We can choose from 5 aerosol groups which groups we want to account for during the simulation. 6 means that all 5 groups will be used. Activating ok_ade and ok_aie implies that the model accounts for both the direct and indirect effects of aerosols. Because we run without INCA, the aerosols are coupled and aerosol_couple is set to n. For ozone it a day time climatology, a night time climatology or both (=2) can be used. cdnc stands for cloud number count. The path of the aerosol files is also specified in COMP/lmdz.card (see below). For a more detailed description of the these aerosols settings have a look at []. As we are not sure which information is read first, i.e., the PARAM/config.def_preind or the COMP/lmdz.card we don't want to take the risk that the pre-industrial settings get overwritten and so we commented-out the setting in the COMP/lmdz.card. In case you want to regrid your own aerosol files the relevant scripts and instructions (in French) can be found at [].  
    257 It is also possible to deactivate aerosol forcing. To do so, remove the lines containing aerosols_ from the List section and change lmdz.card to the following : 
    258 {{{ 
    259 # manage radiative aerosol effect and ozone  
    260 flag_aerosol=0 
    261 ok_ade=n 
    262 ok_aie=n 
    263 aerosol_couple=n 
    264 read_climoz=0 
    265 ok_cdnc=n 
    266 }}} 
    267 Note that read_climoz=0 will also deactivate the reading of ozone. Ozone is regridded by the job LMDZ/CREATE_ (as are some other boundary conditions such as SST, sea ice, ...) so this is not necessary to deactivate.     
     255We can choose from 5 aerosol groups which groups we want to account for during the simulation. 6 means that all 5 groups will be used. Activating ok_ade and ok_aie implies that the model accounts for both the direct and indirect effects of aerosols. Because we run without INCA, the aerosols are coupled and aerosol_couple is set to n. For ozone it a day time climatology, a night time climatology or both (=2) can be used. cdnc stands for cloud number count. The path of the aerosol files is also specified in COMP/lmdz.card (see below). For a more detailed description of the these aerosols settings have a look at []. As we are not sure which information is read first, i.e., the PARAM/config.def_preind or the COMP/lmdz.card we don't want to take the risk that the pre-industrial settings get overwritten and so we commented-out the setting in the COMP/lmdz.card. In case you want to regrid your own aerosol files the relevant scripts and instructions (in French) can be found at []. Interesting to know but NOT part of this set-up: it is also possible to deactivate aerosol forcing. To do so, remove the lines containing aerosols_ from the List section and change lmdz.card to the following : flag_aerosol=0, ok_ade=n, ok_aie=n, aerosol_couple=n, read_climoz=0, ok_cdnc=n. Note that read_climoz=0 will also deactivate the reading of ozone. Ozone is regridded by the job LMDZ/CREATE_ (as are some other boundary conditions such as SST, sea ice, ...) so this is not necessary to deactivate.     
    269257Activate nudging by setting ok_guide=y and add the path to the nudging files in Boundary Files section List in lmdz.card. (the French for 'nudging' is 'guider')