Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of Documentation/UserGuide/ReBuild

2014-11-14T09:28:12+01:00 (9 years ago)



  • Documentation/UserGuide/ReBuild

    v2 v3  
    1818=== Rebuild the missing history file(s) === 
    20 If your the run did not crash (check run.card) but there is still a history file missing LibIGCM may have encountered a problem with rebuild job. To check whether this is the case you should find the same number of stomate and sechiba files as the number of processors you are running with. Thus if you run with 32 procs the rebuild folder should contain 64 files. 
     20If your run did not crash (check run.card) but there is still a history file missing LibIGCM may have encountered a problem with rebuild job. To check whether this is the case you should look into 
     24Where XXXX is the year, month or day for which you are missing an output file. In that folder you should find the same number of stomate and sechiba files as the number of processors you are running with. Thus if you run with 32 procs the rebuild folder should contain 64 files (32 for sechiba and 32 for stomate). 
     26Copy the file rebuild_fromWorkdir.job from the libIGCM folder to your config folder 
     28cp /ccc/work/cont003/dsm/p529luy/DOFOCO.SPINUP/libIGCM/rebuild_fromWorkdir.job /ccc/work/cont003/dsm/cheny/DOFOCO.SPINUP/config/ORCHIDEE_OL/ACF/rebuild_fromWorkdir.job 
     31You will to adjust the job so it does exactly what you want most of the comments are self explaining but NOTE the following: to avoid confusion on the queue (that's how I understood it) LibIGCM starts to rebuild the last year and then goes backward in time. This implies that you have to list the start of the last time step. In the example below the year 1965 will be rebuild. 
     34#D- Path to libIGCM 
     35#D- Default : value from AA_job if any 
     36# WARNING For StandAlone use : To run this script on some machine (ulam and cesium) 
     37# WARNING you must check MirrorlibIGCM variable in sys library. 
     38# WARNING If this variable is true, you must use libIGCM_POST path instead 
     39# WARNING of your running libIGCM directory. 
     42#-D- $hostname of the MASTER job when SUBMIT_DIR is not visible on postprocessing computer. 
     45#D- Do we rebuild parallel output from archive or from ${BIGDIR} 
     46#D- Default : value from AA_job if any 
     49#D- Directory where files we need to rebuild are store 
     50#D- Default : value from AA_job if any 
     51#D- if RebuildFromArchive=true REBUILD_DIR=${DMFDIR}/IGCM_OUT/.../JobName/TMP 
     52#D- example : /dmnfs09/cont003/p86denv/IGCM_OUT/IPSLCM5/CM5PIRC7/TMP 
     53#D- if RebuildFromArchive=false REBUILD_DIR=${BIGDIR}/REBUILD/TagName/JobName/ 
     54#D- example : /scratch/cont003/p86denv/REBUILD/IPSLCM5/SCAL-NEW 
     57#D- How many directory to rebuild we have to consider 
     58#D- Default : value from AA_job if any 
     61#D- Suffix date we will use to determine which directory to rebuild 
     62#D- We will rebuild NbRebuildDir before and including PeriodDateBegin 
     63#D- Default : value from AA_job if any 
     67The original instruction can be found at 