Changeset 93

04/30/08 22:23:13 (16 years ago)

New macros for correlations and linfit, change of make_20C to make_thdepth, update of make_energetics following merge with r86

4 added
1 deleted
1 edited


  • trunk/procs/macros/

    r87 r93  
    115115         tmaskr = abs(s) gt 1.e-6 
    116116         valmask = 1.e20 
    117          w(where (tmaskr EQ 0)) = valmask 
     117         idxw = where (tmaskr EQ 0) 
     118         IF idxw[0] NE -1 THEN w(idxw) = valmask 
    118119         idxt = where (tmaskr EQ 0) 
    119          t (where (tmaskr EQ 0)) = 0. 
    120          s (where (tmaskr EQ 0)) = 0. 
     120         IF idxt[0] NE -1 THEN t (idxt) = 0. 
     121         IF idxt[0] NE -1 THEN s (idxt) = 0. 
    121122         tmaskr = 0 ; free memory 
    122123      ENDIF ELSE BEGIN  
    247248   int_val = (rhop-rho_s4d)*(w_T) 
     249   IF idxt[0] NE -1 THEN int_val(idxt) = 0. 
    248251; remove first 2 levels (MXL too unstable) 
    249    IF idxt[0] NE -1 THEN int_val(idxt) = 0. 
    250252   int_val[*, *, 0:1, *] = 0. 
    264266   umean=grossemoyenne(u,'z',boite=[0,30]) 
    265267   vmean=grossemoyenne(v,'z',boite=[0,30]) 
     268;   umean=grossemoyenne(u,'z',boite=[0,10]) 
     269;   vmean=grossemoyenne(v,'z',boite=[0,10]) 
    267271   idx = where(tx GT valmask/10.) 
    313317   IF ps EQ 1 THEN openps 
    315    pltt, ape, 't',  petit = [2, 4, 1],  landscape = 1, /rempli, /BASICMARGES,  title = 'APE (full) '+cmd_wrk.exp 
    316    pltt, ww, 't',  petit = [2, 4, 2],  min = -2, max = 5, /noerase, /rempli, /BASICMARGES,  title = 'Wind work (full) '+cmd_wrk.exp 
    317    pltt, bfx, 't',  petit = [2, 4, 8],  min = -2, max = 5, color = 4, /noerase, /rempli, /BASICMARGES,  title = 'B (full)' 
     319   pltt, ape, 't',  petit = [2, 4, 1],  landscape = 1, /rempli, /BASICMARGES,  title = 'APE (full) '+cmd_wrk.exp, window=3 
     320   pltt, ww, 't',  petit = [2, 4, 2],  min = -2, max = 5, /noerase, /rempli, /BASICMARGES,  title = 'Wind work (full) '+cmd_wrk.exp, window=3 
     321   pltt, bfx, 't',  petit = [2, 4, 8],  min = -2, max = 5, color = 4, /noerase, /rempli, /BASICMARGES,  title = 'B (full)', window=3 
    319323   ape_1mm = trends(ape, 412, 't') 
    320    pltt, ape_1mm, 't',  petit = [2, 4, 3],  /noerase, /rempli, /BASICMARGES,  title = 'APE (inter)' 
     324   pltt, ape_1mm, 't',  petit = [2, 4, 3],  /noerase, /rempli, /BASICMARGES,  title = 'APE (inter)', window=3 
    321325   jpt_b = jpt 
    322326   jpt = 24 
    323    pltt, mean_sc[0:23], 't',  petit = [2, 4, 5],  /noerase, /rempli, /BASICMARGES,  title = 'APE (seasonal cycle x 2)' 
     327   pltt, mean_sc[0:23], 't',  petit = [2, 4, 5],  /noerase, /rempli, /BASICMARGES,  title = 'APE (seasonal cycle x 2)', window=3 
    325329   jpt = jpt_b 
    329333   wwx_1mm = trends(wwx, 412, 't') 
    331    pltt, ww_1mm, 't',  petit = [2, 4, 4], color = 2, /noerase, /rempli, /BASICMARGES,  title = 'Interannual W (red) B (blue) [efficiency = '+string(strcompress(efficiency))+']' 
    332    pltt, bfx_1mm*1.e-11, 't',  petit = [2, 4, 4],  /ov1d, color = 4, thick = 2, /noerase, /rempli, /BASICMARGES 
     335   pltt, ww_1mm, 't',  petit = [2, 4, 4], color = 2, /noerase, /rempli, /BASICMARGES,  title = 'Interannual W (red) B (blue) [efficiency = '+string(strcompress(efficiency))+']', window=3 
     336   pltt, bfx_1mm*1.e-11, 't',  petit = [2, 4, 4],  /ov1d, color = 4, thick = 2, /noerase, /rempli, /BASICMARGES, window=3 
    334338   jpt_b = jpt 
    335339   jpt = 24 
    336    pltt, tmp[0:23], 't',  petit = [2, 4, 6],  min = -1,  max = 3.5,  /noerase, /rempli, /BASICMARGES,  title = 'Seasonal Cycle x 2 (W total: black, B: blue, Wx/y: red/green)' 
    337    pltt, mean_sc[0:23], 't',  petit = [2, 4, 6], /ov1d, color = 2, thick = 2, /noerase, /rempli, /BASICMARGES 
     340   pltt, tmp[0:23], 't',  petit = [2, 4, 6],  min = -1,  max = 3.5,  /noerase, /rempli, /BASICMARGES,  title = 'Seasonal Cycle x 2 (W total: black, B: blue, Wx/y: red/green)', window=3 
     341   pltt, mean_sc[0:23], 't',  petit = [2, 4, 6], /ov1d, color = 2, thick = 2, /noerase, /rempli, /BASICMARGES, window=3 
    338342   wwy_1mm = trends(wwy, 412, 't') 
    339    pltt, mean_sc[0:23], 't',  petit = [2, 4, 6], /ov1d, color = 3, thick = 2, /noerase, /rempli, /BASICMARGES 
     343   pltt, mean_sc[0:23], 't',  petit = [2, 4, 6], /ov1d, color = 3, thick = 2, /noerase, /rempli, /BASICMARGES, window=3 
    340344   pltt, bfx_sc[0:23]*1.e-11, 't',  petit = [2, 4, 6], /ov1d, color = 4, thick = 1, /noerase, /rempli, /BASICMARGES 
    341345   jpt = jpt_b 
    383387   openw, nuldat, asciidir+filename 
    384388   print,  '     -> writing ww data to ',  asciidir+filename & print,  ' ' 
     389   print,  '         min/max of ww, ww_1mm = ', min(ww),  max(ww), min(ww_1mm),  max(ww_1mm)  
    385390   printf, nuldat, ww_wr, format = '(g10.4)' 
    386391   free_lun, nuldat & close, nuldat 
    390395   openw, nuldat, asciidir+filename 
    391396   print,  '     -> writing bf data to ',  asciidir+filename & print,  ' ' 
     397   print,  '         min/max of bfx, bfx_1mm= ', min(bfx),  max(bfx), min(bfx_1mm),  max(bfx_1mm)  
    392398   printf, nuldat, bfx_wr, format = '(g10.4)' 
    393399   free_lun, nuldat & close, nuldat 
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