FUNCTION trends, fld, trend_int, type, silent = silent @common @com_eg ; fld = field to work on ; trend_int = 1,2,3,4,...9 (see cases after) ; type = 't', 'xt', 'yt', 'zt' or 'xyt' IF NOT keyword_set(silent) THEN print, ' Enter' trend_type = strtrim(string(trend_int), 2) ; select subset of time serie according to [sel1,sel2,freq] ; ========================================================= month1 = 11 month2 = 12 sample = 0 field_intl = field_int CASE trend_type OF '7': timeunit = 30/6 '8': timeunit = 30 '71': BEGIN trend_type = '4'+strtrim(string(6*(month2-month1+1)), 2) timeunit = 30/6 END '81': BEGIN trend_type = '4'+strtrim(string(month2-month1+1), 2) timeunit = 30 END ELSE: timeunit = 1 ENDCASE delt = 30/timeunit sel1 = (month1-1)*delt sel2 = (month2)*delt-1 freq = 360/timeunit ; build indexes to keep in [0,N-1] = serie of [sel1,sel2] mod(freq) IF (size(fld))[0] EQ 1 AND sample EQ 1 THEN BEGIN ; 1D time serie IF NOT keyword_set(silent) THEN print, ' Extract months : ', month1, month2 Ndim = (size(fld))[1] idx0 = floor(findgen(sel2-sel1+1)+sel1) ndelt = n_elements(idx0) idx = idx0 ninter = Ndim/freq FOR t = 1, ninter-1 DO BEGIN idx0 = idx0+freq idx = [idx, idx0] ENDFOR ; new array fld = fld[idx] jpt = n_elements(fld) ; change time accordingly time = time[idx(0)]+(findgen(jpt)-1)*360/ndelt ENDIF ; normalise 1d time series if c_normal=1 IF c_normal EQ 1 AND (size(fld))[0] EQ 1 THEN BEGIN IF NOT keyword_set(silent) THEN print, ' Normalizing 1D time series with stddev = ',sqrt((moment(fld))[1]) fld = fld/sqrt((moment(fld))[1]) ENDIF ; modify time serie according to trend_typ ; ======================================== CASE strmid(trend_type, 0, 1) OF '1': BEGIN ; trend = remove first value ; --------------------------- IF (size(fld))[0] EQ 1 THEN BEGIN ; 1D time serie fld = fld-fld[0] ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ; hovmoeller fldrem = fld[*, 0]#replicate(1, (size(fld))[2]) fld = fld-fldrem ENDELSE END '2': BEGIN ; drift = remove previous value ; ------------------------------ IF (size(fld))[0] EQ 1 THEN BEGIN ; 1D time serie fldrem = shift(fld, 1) fldrem[0]= fld[0] fld = fld-fldrem ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ; hovmoeller fldrem = shift(fld, 0, 1) fldrem[*, 0]= fld[*, 0] fld = fld-fldrem ENDELSE END '3': BEGIN ; inverse trend = remove mean of last values ; ---------------------------------------------- IF strlen(trend_type) GT 1 THEN $ mean_n = long(strmid(trend_type, 1, strlen(trend_type)-1)) ELSE mean_n = 1 IF (size(fld))[0] EQ 1 THEN BEGIN ; 1D time serie fld = mean(fld[(size(fld))[1]-mean_n:(size(fld))[1]-1])-fld ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ; hovmoeller fldrem = reform(fld[*, (size(fld))[2]-mean_n:(size(fld))[2]-1],(size(fld))[1],mean_n) fldrem = total(fldrem, 2)/float(mean_n)#replicate(1, (size(fld))[2]) idx = where(fld EQ valmask) fld = fldrem-fld IF idx(0) NE -1 THEN fld(idx) = valmask ENDELSE END '4': BEGIN ; anomaly = remove average running mean ; ------------------------------------- IF strlen(trend_type) GT 1 THEN $ running = long(strmid(trend_type, 1, strlen(trend_type)-1)) ELSE running = 1 IF (size(fld))[0] EQ 1 THEN BEGIN ; 1D time serie ; build array to remove from time serie IF running GE 2 THEN BEGIN lenght = (size(fld))[1] fldrem = fltarr(running) FOR t = 0, running-1 DO BEGIN fldrem(t) = mean(fld(long(findgen(lenght/running)*running+t))) ENDFOR IF fld_flag EQ 1 THEN BEGIN fldrem_t1 = fldrem ENDIF IF fld_flag EQ 2 THEN fldrem_t2 = fldrem sc_ampl = sqrt((moment(fldrem))[1]) sc_ampl2 = max(fldrem)-min(fldrem) fldrem = reform(fldrem#replicate(1, long(lenght/running)), lenght) ; Compute mean error-bar using running bootstrap window (width = 10 months) temperr = stat_error(fld, 10L, /mean, niter = 999) err_std = sqrt( total( (temperr-mean(fld))^2 )/n_elements(temperr) ) IF NOT keyword_set(silent) THEN BEGIN print, ' 1D times-serie info : mean +- err ', (moment(fld))[0], err_std print, ' Mean seasonal cycle amplitude stdev / max-min', sc_ampl, sc_ampl2 ENDIF ; Compute std error-bar using running bootstrap window (width in plt_def) IF jpt GT boot_win(0) THEN BEGIN temperr = stat_error(fld, boot_win(0)) err_std_1 = sqrt( total((temperr-sqrt((moment(fld - fldrem))[1]) )^2)/n_elements(temperr) ) ENDIF ELSE err_std_1 = 0 IF jpt GT boot_win(1) THEN BEGIN temperr = stat_error(fld, boot_win(1)) err_std_2 = sqrt( total((temperr-sqrt((moment(fld - fldrem))[1]) )^2)/n_elements(temperr) ) ENDIF ELSE err_std_2 = 0 IF jpt GT boot_win(2) THEN BEGIN temperr = stat_error(fld, boot_win(2)) err_std_3 = sqrt( total((temperr-sqrt((moment(fld - fldrem))[1]) )^2)/n_elements(temperr) ) ENDIF ELSE err_std_3 = 0 IF NOT keyword_set(silent) THEN print, ' 1D times-serie anomaly info : var/stddev +- error (24,36,48)', (moment(fld - fldrem))[1], sqrt((moment(fld - fldrem))[1]), err_std_1, err_std_2, err_std_3 IF NOT keyword_set(silent) THEN print, ' ' ENDIF ELSE fldrem = mean(fld) idx = where(fld EQ valmask) fld = fld - fldrem ; keep mean seasonal cycle in common mean_sc = fldrem IF idx(0) NE -1 THEN BEGIN fld(idx) = valmask ENDIF ; compute time lag correlation IF ioverchk EQ 2 AND c_correl EQ 1 THEN BEGIN IF (size(fld))(1) EQ (size(fld_prev_t))(1) THEN BEGIN lag_array = findgen(2*lag_correl+1)-lag_correl lag_correlation = C_CORRELATE(fld, fld_prev_t, lag_array) print, ' 1D time series lag correlation = ', lag_correlation indx = where (lag_correlation EQ max(lag_correlation)) IF indx[0] NE -1 THEN BEGIN print, ' Lag of max correlation =', lag_array(indx),lag_correlation(indx) print, ' Lag correlation limit [-N,N] =', lag_correl ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ; ; apply running mean stdev ; IF run_stddev GT 0 THEN BEGIN print, ' Compute running std dev, window = ',run_stddev print, ' ' full = 0 nyears = lenght/running bootfoo = run_stddev/running stat = spectra(fld, nyears, tukey, run_stddev/running, full, bootfoo) stdarr = fld stdarr[*] = !VALUES.F_NAN size_data = (size(stat.run_std))[1] stdarr[run_stddev/2:(run_stddev/2)+size_data-1]= stat.run_std fld = stdarr ENDIF fld_prev_t = fld ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ; hovmoeller ; build array to remove from time serie IF debug_w THEN print, ' anomaly = remove average running mean (hovmoeller)' CASE type OF 'xt': BEGIN nx = (size(fld))[1] lenght = (size(fld))[2] fldrem = reform(fld, nx, running, lenght/running) fldrem = total(fldrem, 3)/(lenght/running) fldrem = fldrem[*] fldrem = reform(fldrem#replicate(1, long(lenght/running)),nx, lenght) END 'yt': BEGIN ny = (size(fld))[1] lenght = (size(fld))[2] fldrem = reform(fld, ny, running, lenght/running) fldrem = total(fldrem, 3)/(lenght/running) fldrem = fldrem[*] fldrem = reform(fldrem#replicate(1, long(lenght/running)),ny, lenght) END 'zt': BEGIN nz = (size(fld))[1] lenght = (size(fld))[2] fldrem = reform(fld, nz, running, lenght/running) fldrem = total(fldrem, 3)/(lenght/running) fldrem = fldrem[*] fldrem = reform(fldrem#replicate(1, long(lenght/running)),nz, lenght) END 'xyt': BEGIN nx = (size(fld))[1] ny = (size(fld))[2] lenght = (size(fld))[3] fldrem = reform(fld, nx*ny, running, lenght/running) fldrem = total(fldrem, 3)/(lenght/running) fldrem = fldrem[*] fldrem = reform(fldrem#replicate(1, long(lenght/running)),nx*ny, lenght) fldrem = reform(fldrem, nx, ny, lenght) END ELSE: stop, 'The type '+type+' is not handled in trends to build the seasonal cycle fldrem. Please change your cmd.plt' ENDCASE idx = where(fld EQ valmask) fld = fld - fldrem ; keep mean seasonal cycle in common mean_sc = fldrem IF idx(0) NE -1 THEN fld(idx) = valmask ENDELSE END '5': BEGIN ; Apply digital filter ; -------------------- IF strlen(trend_type) EQ 1 THEN BEGIN print, ' *** specify filter width as __' return, -1 ENDIF IF (size(fld))[0] EQ 1 THEN BEGIN ; 1D time serie print, ' 1D times-serie info : mean ', (moment(fld))[0] print, ' 1D times-serie anomaly info : var/stddev ', (moment(fld))[1], sqrt((moment(fld))[1]) print, ' ' print, ' *** filter on 1D data not ready' ENDIF ELSE BEGIN print, ' *** filter on 2D data not ready' return, -1 ENDELSE ; filter = digital_filter(0.15, 0.66666, 50, 15) ; fraction of niquisk freq (upper, lower ; limit indays)) ; output_1d = convol(input_1d, filter) END '6': field_intl = 1; time integral done after ELSE: ENDCASE ; compute field time integral if required IF n_elements(field_int) EQ 0 THEN field_int = 0 IF field_intl EQ 1 THEN BEGIN ; running integral ? IF strlen(trend_type) GT 1 THEN $ int_win = long(strmid(trend_type, 1, strlen(trend_type)-1)) ELSE int_win = 0 CASE (size(fld))[0] OF 1: BEGIN print, ' -> compute 1D data field time integral / lenght = ', strtrim(string(int_win), 2) fldint = fld lenght = (size(fld))[1] IF int_win EQ 0 THEN BEGIN ; integral from start FOR t = 0, lenght-1 DO BEGIN fldint(t) = total(fld[0:t]) ENDFOR ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ; running integral FOR t = 0, int_win-1 DO BEGIN fldint(t) = total(fld[0:t]) ENDFOR FOR t = int_win,lenght-1 DO BEGIN fldint(t) = total(fld[t-int_win+1:t]) ENDFOR ENDELSE fld = fldint END 2: BEGIN print, ' -> compute 2D data field time integral / lenght = ', strtrim(string(int_win), 2) CASE type OF 'yt': BEGIN ny = (size(fld))[1] lenght = (size(fld))[2] FOR i = 0, ny-1 DO BEGIN zwrk = fld(i, *) zint = zwrk IF int_win EQ 0 THEN BEGIN ; integral from start FOR t = 0, lenght-1 DO BEGIN zint(t) = total(zwrk[0:t]) ENDFOR ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ; running integral FOR t = 0, int_win-1 DO BEGIN zint(t) = total(zwrk[0:t]) ENDFOR FOR t = int_win,lenght-1 DO BEGIN zint(t) = total(zwrk[t-int_win+1:t]) ENDFOR ENDELSE fld(i, *) = zint ENDFOR END 'xt': BEGIN nx = (size(fld))[1] lenght = (size(fld))[2] FOR i = 0, nx-1 DO BEGIN zwrk = fld(i, *) zint = zwrk IF int_win EQ 0 THEN BEGIN ; integral from start FOR t = 0, lenght-1 DO BEGIN zint(t) = total(zwrk[0:t]) ENDFOR ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ; running integral FOR t = 0, int_win-1 DO BEGIN zint(t) = total(zwrk[0:t]) ENDFOR FOR t = int_win,lenght-1 DO BEGIN zint(t) = total(zwrk[t-int_win+1:t]) ENDFOR ENDELSE fld(i, *) = zint ENDFOR END ELSE: BEGIN print, ' -> 2D data field type ', type, ' not ready' END ENDCASE END ENDCASE ENDIF ; if write_data then write to ascii/cdf file IF n_elements(write_data) EQ 0 THEN write_data = 0 IF write_data NE 0 THEN BEGIN IF write_data GE 1 THEN BEGIN ; ascii scale = 1. get_lun, nuldat IF field.origin EQ 'div' THEN $ name_exp = strjoin(strsplit(cmd_wrk.exp, '/', /EXTRACT), '-', /SINGLE) ELSE name_exp = cmd_wrk.exp filename = name_exp+'_'+ cmd_wrk.var+'_'+cmd_wrk.date1+'_'+cmd_wrk.spec+'_'+cmd_wrk.plt+'.asc' openw, nuldat, asciidir+filename print, ' -> writing 1D data to ', asciidir+filename print, ' ' printf, nuldat, fld*scale, format = '(f8.4)' free_lun, nuldat close, nuldat ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ; netCDF (tcdf case) flddesc = field = fld cdf_description = nc_build(cmd_wrk, flddesc, type, vargrid) fldcdf = {data:fld, units:field.units, short_name:field.legend+'_'+legbox, long_name:field.legend+' ('+legbox+')', missing_value:valmask, direc:type} file_out = cmd_wrk.var+'_'+strtrim(string(FORMAT = '(I2.2)', ABS(write_data)), 2)+'.nc' pltcmd ='nc_put, fldcdf, file_out, ncdf_db = hom_idl'+cdf_description printf, nulhis, strcompress(pltcmd) res = execute(pltcmd) ENDELSE ENDIF IF debug_w THEN print, ' Vargrid : ', vargrid IF debug_w THEN print, ' Leaving' return, fld END