;+ ; ; Program to extract data, compute anomaly, do time series analysis. ; Computes detrended data using a linear regression and ; produces autocovariances and correlograms. ; Then computes spectrum with and without ; the Tukey window for various values of m. ; ; Adapted by Eric Guilyardi from a fortran program by Julia Slingo ; (c) CGAM January 2002 ; ; @param DATIN {in} ; 1D input data (monthly time serie) ; ; @param NYEARS {in} ; number of years in data ; ; @param TUKEY {in} ; tukey window in years (20 as a first guess for 100 years) ; ; @param RUNNING {in} ; running window in years for standard deviation variations (15 first guess) ; ; @param FULL {in} ; 1 = no anomaly, 0: anomaly wrt SC ; ; @param BOOTWIN {in} ; bootstrap window for error bar calculation (in months) ; ; @returns ; if called with ; field=spectra(datin, nyears, tukey, running, full, bootwin) ; then field.std is the standard deviation ; field.spectw the normalized spectrum, etc... ; ; structure { std: standard deviation ; mean: mean of serie ; sc: mean seasonal cycle ; sc_range: range of mean SC ; sc_std: seasonal cycle STD ; anom: anomaly time serie (non-normalized) ; spec: spectrum ; spectw: normalized spectrum with Tukey window ; time: spectra time array ; fmax: frequency of maximum power ; run_std: running standard deviation ; run_sc: running seasonal cycle ; anom_stdsc: anomaly time serie using run_sc ; time_std: associated time axis ; err_std: error bar on std dev + new mean ; } ; ; ; @version ; $Id$ ; ;- FUNCTION spectra, datin, nyears, tukey, running, full, bootwin ; compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs ; ; 0. Initializations ; ------------------ ntime = nyears*12 ; size of time serie lfreq = ntime/2 ; number of wavelenghts ntim1=ntime-1 period = fltarr(lfreq) ; frequency axis amean = fltarr(12) ; mean seasonal cycle ameansc = fltarr(12) ; mean seasonal cycle (work array) datad = fltarr(ntime) ; anomaly data normalized anom = fltarr(ntime) ; anomaly data (non-normalized) stdsc = fltarr(12) ; Seasonal cycle of STD DEV weight = fltarr(ntime+1) cx = fltarr(ntim1+1) rx = fltarr(ntim1+1) powerux = fltarr(lfreq) ; spectra powerwx = fltarr(lfreq) ; spectra with Tukey window run_std = fltarr(ntime-(running*12)+1) ; time serie of STD DEV sc_run = fltarr(ntime-(running*12)+1) ; time serie of running SC anom_stdsc = fltarr(ntime-(running*12)+1) time_std = (findgen(ntime-(running*12)+1)+(running*12)/2)/12. err_std = fltarr(2) pi = 3.141592654 twopin=2.0*pi/float(ntime) pirm=pi/float(ntime) period = (float(ntime)/(float(findgen(lfreq))+1.))/12. ; ; 1. Compute monthly means and anomalies ; -------------------------------------- ; ; mean of time serie ; smean = mean(datin) ; mean seasonal cycle ; FOR t = 0, 12-1 DO BEGIN amean[t] = mean(datin(long(findgen(ntime/12)*12+t))) ENDFOR ; ; range of mean SC ; sc_range = max(amean)-min(amean) ; ; interannual anomaly ; CASE full OF '0': datad = datin - reform(amean#replicate(1, long(ntime/12)), ntime) '1': datad = datin ENDCASE anom = datin - reform(amean#replicate(1, long(ntime/12)), ntime) xmean = mean(datad) ; ; standard deviation ; sdev = sqrt((moment(datad))[1]) ; error bar on std temperr = stat_error(anom, bootwin) ; err= +- sqrt(sum(temperr(i)-sdev)**2)/N) err_std[0] = sqrt( total((temperr-sdev)^2)/n_elements(temperr) ) ; err_std[0] = sqrt((moment(temperr))[1]) err_std[1] = mean(temperr) ; ; standard deviation and SC in running window ; FOR t = 0, ntime-(running*12) DO BEGIN run_std[t] = sqrt((moment(datad[t:t+(running*12)-1]))[1]) ; dattmp = datin[t:t+(running*12)-1] ; ntsc = running*12 ; FOR tsc = 0, 12-1 DO BEGIN ; ameansc[tsc] = mean(dattmp(long(findgen(ntsc/12)*12+tsc))) ; ENDFOR ; sc_run[t] = sqrt((moment(ameansc))[1]) ; sc_run[t] = max(ameansc)-min(ameansc) ; sc_run[t] = mean(dattmp(long(findgen(running/12)*12+ (t MOD 12)))) ENDFOR ; anomaly time serie wrt time varying SC ; anom_stdsc = datin - [sc_run[0]#replicate(1, long(running*12/2)), sc_run, sc_run(ntime-(running*12))#replicate(1, long(running*12/2-1))] ; run_std = smooth(run_std, running*12) ; run_std[0:(running*12)/2] = 0. ; run_std[ntime-(running*12)/2, ntime-1] = 0. ; ; standard deviation SC ; FOR t = 0, 12-1 DO BEGIN stdsc[t] = sqrt((moment(datin(long(findgen(ntime/12)*12+t))))[1]) ENDFOR ; ; Normalize data by standard deviation ; datad = datad-xmean datad = datad/sdev ; ; 2. Spectra ; ---------- ; ; Compute autocovariance coefficients ; FOR k = 0, ntim1 DO BEGIN cx[k] = (total(datad[0:ntime-k-1]*(shift(datad, -k))[0:ntime-k-1]))/float(ntime) ENDFOR ; ; Compute autocorrelations for plotting ; rx = cx/cx[0] ; ; Compute the spectrum with no windowing ; FOR i=0,lfreq-2 DO BEGIN omega=twopin*float(i+1) powerux[i] = (cx[0]+total((2.0*shift(cx, -1)*cos(omega*float(findgen(ntim1)+1)))[0:ntim1-1]))/pi ENDFOR ; ; Compute the spectrum with windowing ; mm=tukey*12 pirm=pi/float(mm) ; ; compute the weights for the Tukey window ; weight=0.5*(1.0+cos(pirm*findgen(mm+1))) ; ; Compute windowed spectrum ; FOR i=0,lfreq-2 DO BEGIN omega=twopin*float(i+1) powerwx[i] = (weight(0)*cx(0)+total((2.0*shift(weight, -1)*shift(cx, -1)*cos(omega*float(findgen(mm)+1)))[0:mm-1]))/pi ENDFOR pmax = max(powerwx) ; ; Find max amplitude freq ; fmax = max(powerwx/pmax) index = where (powerwx/pmax EQ fmax) fmax = period(index) ; ; 3. Organise output ; ------------------ ; spectra = {std:sdev, mean:smean, sc:amean, sc_range:sc_range, sc_std:stdsc, anom:anom, spec:powerux, spectw:powerwx/pmax, time:period, fmax:fmax, run_std:run_std, sc_run:sc_run, anom_stdsc:anom_stdsc, time_std:time_std, err_std:err_std} return, spectra END