; Name: pnc ; ----- ; ; Purpose : ; -------- ; Non penetrative convective adjustment scheme. solve the static ; instability of the water column. ; ; Method : ; ------- ; The algorithm used converges in a maximium of jpk iterations. ; instabilities are treated when the vertical density gradient ; is less than 1.e-5. ; ; Input : potential density (what ever the reference is) at t-point ; ------ ; ; Output : adjusted potential density field ; ------- ; ; References : ; ----------- ; Madec et al., 1991, JPO, 21, 9, 1349-1371. ; ; Modifications : ; -------------- ; original : 90-09 (G. Madec) ; Additions : 01-06 (G. Madec) Idl version ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION npc, s3d @common ;; ;; Definition des variables ;; ; Profils selon les niveaux du modele (suffixe _z) ; s_z = fltarr(jpk) ; profil de la densite ; ; Tableau de sortie ; rhos = fltarr(jpi, jpj, jpk) rhos = s3d ; ; ==================================== ; Loop over the horizontal domain (2D) ; ==================================== ; ncompt = 0 FOR i = 0, jpi-1 DO BEGIN FOR j = 0, jpj-1 DO BEGIN ; ; Indices des points T dans l ocean i_ocean = where(tmask(i,j,*) EQ 1) ; IF (i_ocean[0] NE -1) THEN BEGIN ; on n'entre que si il y a des points ocean ; ; density profil s_z(*)= s3d(i,j,*) ;s_z(*) = rho(i,j,*) ; ; 1. Static instability pointer ; ----------------------------- ; ds =(shift(s_z,-1)-s_z)(i_ocean(0:n_elements(i_ocean)-2)) ind_c = where(ds LT 0.) ; ; 2. Vertical mixing for each instable portion of the density profil ; IF ( ind_c(0) NE -1 ) THEN BEGIN ncompt=ncompt+1 ; print, 'static instability at i,j=', i,j ; ; -->> the density profil is statically instable : ; ikbot: last ocean level (just above the bottom) ikbot = n_elements(i_ocean)-1 ; vertical iteration jiter = 0 WHILE ( (ind_c(0) NE -1) AND (jiter LT jpk-1) ) DO BEGIN &$ jiter = jiter+1 &$ ; ikup : the first static instability from the sea surface ikup = ind_c(0) &$ ; the density profil is instable below ikup ; ikdown : bottom of the instable portion of the density profil ; search of ikdown and vertical mixing from ikup to ikdown ze3tot= e3t(ikup) &$ zraua = s_z(ikup) &$ jkdown = ikup+1 &$ ; WHILE (jkdown LE ikbot AND zraua GT s_z(jkdown) ) DO BEGIN &$ ze3dwn = e3t(jkdown) &$ ze3tot = ze3tot+ze3dwn &$ zraua = ( zraua*(ze3tot-ze3dwn) + s_z(jkdown)*ze3dwn )/ze3tot &$ jkdown=jkdown+1 &$ ; print, jkdown, zraua &$ ENDWHILE &$ ; FOR jkp = ikup,jkdown-1 DO BEGIN &$ s_z(jkp) = zraua &$ ENDFOR &$ ds =(shift(s_z, -1)-s_z)(i_ocean(0:n_elements(i_ocean)-2)) &$ ind_c = where(ds LT 0.) &$ ENDWHILE ENDIF ; save the modifications rhos(i,j,*) = s_z(*) ; ; <<-- no more static instability on slab jj ; ENDIF ENDFOR ENDFOR ; print, ' number of static instability treated : ', ncompt ; sortie: return, rhos END