; ; com_eg for post_it under IDL ; ; attributs horizontal+vertical means ; COMMON zm_att, box_h, depth_z, zoom_z, diaznl_idx, box_plot, legbox, hpa_max, hpa_min, max_spec, spec_win, vert_type, vert_mean, vert_switch, glamboundary_box, msf_mean ; ; attributs hoevmoeller ; COMMON hovmoel, trend_typ, calendar_type, nb_cycles, def_stride, time_stride, field_int, time_array, key_offset, ioverchk, hotypchk, fld_prev_t, c_correl, lag_correl, c_normal, lag_correlation, boot_win, run_stddev, tukey ; ; attributs formats + div ; COMMON formats, look, free_1d_minmax, lat_axis, cont_fill, multi_win, atmos_msk, line_thick, line_style, line_color, title_type, fill_space, vector_sample, symbol_style, symbol_color, symbol_families, contour_options, mean_sc_only, nc_grids_list, cont_real, symbol_size ; ; attributs couleur ; COMMON color2, shading, pal_type, grey_shade, grey_shade_1, grey_shade_2, col_palette ; ; unites + write switch ; COMMON units, nulhis, write_data, movie_count, marge_option, debug_w ; ; switchs de controle + grilles ; COMMON switch0, meshlec_type, data_domain, data_dom_type, suff_domain, masked_data, mesh_type, mesh_type2, base_file_name, base_suffix, file_suff_var COMMON switch1, f_suffix, idx_main, cmdline_main, cmd2, sw_diffg, h_config_oce, cmd_wrk COMMON switch2, h_config_oce_type, v_config_oce, v_config_oce_type, box_h_prev COMMON switch3, orca_mask_version, orca_mask_version_type, read_grid_from_file, force_all_data_read ; ; printers ; COMMON printers, prt_BW, prt_col, prt_tra, ghost, lp_opt, save_ps ; ; attributs bathymetrie ; COMMON bathys, bathy_read, nbathys ; ; Legend common ; COMMON legend, nwin_tot, default_txt_format, leg_format, nover, line_thick_txt, line_style_txt, colov ; ; attributs champs ; COMMON fld_att, fldatt, field, fld_prev, index_over, fldatt_bak, cmd_prev, key_shift_map, vecplot, time1_r, time2_r, cmdline2, cmdm, macro_base_fld, datyp, datyp2, fldrem_t1, fldrem_t2, fld_flag, vargrid1, vargrid2, mean_sc, var_read_grd_file ; ; stats ; COMMON stats_com, stddev_mth, stddev_diff ; ; gmt palettes ; COMMON gmt_pal, ncont_gmt, levels_gmt, coul_gmt, max_gmt, idx_pal ; ; COMMON directories2, hom_def, hom_idl, data_bases, dev_type, asciidir, spec_bases ; ; density projections ; COMMON sigma_plots, splot, sig_min, sig_max, sig_del, sig_surf, sig_bowl, really_1m_st ; ; masks ; COMMON masks, umaskr, vmaskr, fmaskr ; ; write to netCDF file attributes and grids ; COMMON netCDF, x_att, y_att, z_att, t_att, global_attributes