PRO plt_def ; ; Defaults plot attributes ; @com_eg @common ; boxes used in horizontal/vertical display ; ----------------------------------------- ; ; horizontal domain ; box_h = [20,380,-30,30] ; box_h = [100,290,-30,30] ; box_h = [10,180,-20,20] ; box_h = [180,270,-30,30] ; box_h = [0,360,-90,90] ; box_h = [20,380,-30,30] box_h = [20,380,-30,30] ; box_h = [20,380,-90,-50] ;; box_h = [20,380,-90,90] ; box_h = [20,150,0,30] ; box_h = [100,290,-40,40] ; box_h = [180,290,-5,10] glamboundary_box = [20, 380] ; vertical domain depth_z = 400 zoom_z = 400 hpa_min = 10 hpa_max = 500 msf_mean = 0 ; vertical average for 3D fields vert_type = 'z' ; 'z' for depth/altitude or 'level' or '0' for nothing vert_mean = [0, 10] ; [depth1,depth2] or [level1,level2] in C notation 0-jpk-1 ; density domain (sigma) + delta sigma sig_min = 20. sig_max = 27. sig_del = 0.2 sig_bowl = 0 ; 0/1 bowl overlay on density binned plots ; Statistics ; ----------- ; max date in spectrums (in days) ; spectrum window (in days) ; tukey window (in years) ; bootstrap window to compute error bar for 1d time serie (in units of time array) max_spec = 7*360 spec_win = long(20)*long(360) tukey = 20 boot_win = [24, 36, 48] ; cross-correlation and normalisation: c_normal = 0 ; normalise data serie c_correl = 1 ; when overlay of 1d curves : 0/1 lag_correl = 12L ; bound for lagged-correlation [-lag_correl,..,0,...,lag_correl] ; standard deviation stddev_diff = 0 ; 0/1 (if = 1 makes a difference between the ; std dev for a given month and the std dev of the whole time serie) ; Active with the make_stddev macro for a given month (ex : @@sosstdev_01 for ; sst std dev only for January) ; axis ; ---- ; lat_axis : latitudinal axis : 'reg'ular or 'sin'us latitude lat_axis = 'reg' ; min /max ; -------- ; free minmax in 1D-plots (yes) or take fld_glo_mmx.def value (no) [yes] free_1d_minmax = 'no' ; free_1d_minmax = 'yes' ; Hovmoellers ; ----------- ; trend_typ : 0 no trend ; 1 remove initial value to serie (trend) ; 2 remove previous value to current (drift) ; 3[] remove serie to mean of final values (inverse trend) ; 4[] remove [n]-average running mean of serie (anomaly) ; for monthly serie use =12 to remove mean ; seasonal cycle ; this value can be field-overriden by specifying @t after ; timave in post-it line ; 6[] time integral of field activation. is the ; number of previous time steps to integrate from ; (default is from beginning of time serie) ; ; ; field_int : field time integral (0/1) ; nb_cycles : number of repeated cycles for seasonal time series ; def_stride : default stride in hovmoeller sampling (see domain_boxes.def) trend_typ = '0' field_int = 0 nb_cycles = 2 def_stride = 1 asciidir = homedir+'out/ascii_out/' ; ; calendar type ; 0: 365 days/year ; 1: gregorian ; N: N days per month ; calendar_type = 30 ; ; Graphic options ; ---------------- ; shadind : (fill) 1/0 ; pal_type: 'bw', 'col', '2dom' (2dom = read 2 domains in isolignes - ISOSP) ; grey_shade: % of black for 2dom case ; grey_shade_1/2: % of black for 2dom case : difference plots (-/+) ; col_palette: 'yes' or 'no' (put colorbar or not) ; shading = 1 pal_type = 'col' grey_shade = 20 grey_shade_1 = 5 grey_shade_2 = 20 col_palette = 'yes' cont_fill = 1 ; continent fill for atmosphere grids (1/0) cont_real = 0 ; draw real continents (0) ; = 0 (no real continents drawn) ; = 1 (real continents drawn instead of the mask) ; = 2 (mask + real continents drawn) vector_sample = 2 ; vector sampling (1) ;; line_thick = [2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2] ; 1D plot line thickness (for each overlay curves) line_style = [1,1,1,6,6,6,6,6] ; 1D plot line style (for each overlay curves) line_color = [1,2,4,1,1,2,3,4] ; 1D plot line color (for each overlay curves) ; 1=black; 2=red; 3=green; 4=blue; 6=purple ; 43 ---- 90 ---- 160 ---- 190 ---- 210 ---- 254 ; blue turq green yell orange red ;; symbol_families = '1' ; 4x3 number of colors in time symbol plots (modulo) ; use or x (n same colors, modulo nxm) symbol_families = '4x3' ;; symbol_families = '12x1' symbol_style = [1,1,1,1,2,2,1,1,1,1,1,1] ; Symbol style (for each overlay symbol) symbol_color = [1,2,3,4,2,3,7,8,9,10,11,12] ; Symbol line color (for each overlay symbol) symbol_size = 1 ; Symbol size (1) mean_sc_only = 0 ;; mean_sc_only = 4 ; 1 = Only plot mean SC in yfx when symbol_families='4x3' and hotyp=t ; 2 = Only plot SC of std dev when symbol_families='4x3' and hotyp=t ; (require 1m@t412) ; 4 = Only plot ICS per month + errorbar when symbol_families='12x1' langage = 'gb' ; Langage (fr/gb) ; ; Graphic keywords for axis, contours ; ;; contour_options = ',/nocontour' ;;;;;; include this line to delete contour labels contour_options = ',cell_fill=2' ;;;;;; include this line to include contour label look = ',xthick=2,ythick=2,zthick=2,sepdate='' ''' ; look = ',charsize=1.1,charthick=1.3,c_charsize=1.1,c_charthick=1.3,xthick=2,ythick=2,zthick=2,sepdate='' ''' ; Use of page space and titles ; marge_option : add or reduce marge around the plot ; suitable for ; optimizing space when several plots on the same ; window. See title_type and titles keyword below to ; set it fill_space = 1 ; fill space on plot (0/1) (/rempli option) ? marge_option = 'marge=[0,0,2,2]' ; (use [0, 0, -2, -2] to fill up even more space ;; marge_option = 'marge=[0,0,-2,-2]' title_type = 'TS' ; default type of titles ; 'T' for title only, 'S' for subtitle only ; 'TS' for both ; 'off' for no titles xchartxt = 1.0 ; x axis font size (1.0) ychartxt = 1.0 ; y axis font size (1.0) default_txt_format = 'E' ; default text in legend for 1D plots (E)xperiment(V)ariable[L]ong name[U]nits(B)ox ; Multiple windows (0/1) turn on for one window per plot multi_win = 0 ; Save PostScript files save_ps = 1 ; set to 2 to convert to pdf ; Averages ; --------- ; land-sea mask use in atmospheric boxes 0 : take all ; 1 : ocean points ; 2 : land points ; atmos_msk = 1 ; ; Data domain (OPA only) ; ----------- ; h_config_oce = 'ORCA05' ; h_config_oce = 'ORCA_R4' h_config_oce = 'ORCA_R2' ; h_config_oce = ''; data_domain = 'pacific' data_domain = 'global' ; data_domain = 'zonal' v_config_oce = 'L30' ; v_config_oce = '' orca_mask_version = 'V3' ;V1(ST7/CT runs), V2 (? runs), V3 (CH, Dan runs, CM4) ; Zoomed domains ORCA2 (indexes are within array [0:181,0:148]) ; global 27118 pts ; equator (j=73) 182 pts ; equator_band (j=64,82 -> [5S,5N]) 2912 pts = 10% ; pacific (j=49,97 -> [30S,30N], ; i=16,106 -> [110E,70W]) 4320 pts = 16% ; ; pacific_eq (j=64,82 -> [5S,5N], ; i=16,106 -> [110E,70W]) 1620 pts = 6% ; zonal ; ; Zoom ORCA05 (indexes are within array [0:721,0:510]) ; pacific i=54,434 & j=183,312 ; data_domain = 'glosea' ; data_domain = 'equator' data_domain = 'equator_band' ; data_domain = 'pacific_eq' data_domain = 'zonal' data_domain = 'pacific' data_domain = 'global' ; grids list (IPCC atmos regular) nc_grids_list = ['ct42', 'mt42', 'mt106', 'nt85', 'giss4x5', 'giss4x3', 'cgcm3_1', 'mk3', 'gfdl2.5x2', 'fgoals1', 'inmcm3', 'cgcm232', 'nt42', 'n96', 'mt63', 'lmdzl', 'lmdzh', 'ncpt62', 'ert106', 'it30', 'bt42', 'reg1'] ; machine type ('x' or 'WIN') dev_type='x' ; debug mode debug_w = 1 END