PRO search_time_file, cmd, ncdf_db, suffix, date1, date2, delta_t1, timavef ; look for time serie file with date min =< cmd.date1 and date max => cmd.spec ; output : data file date1 and date2 @common @com_eg timavef = cmd.timave date1 = cmd.date1 date2 = cmd.spec found = 1 delta_t1 = 0 suff_var = '' CASE cmd.timave OF '1mm': meanm = 'yes' '3mm': meanm = 'yes' ELSE: meanm = 'no' ENDCASE CASE meanm OF 'no': BEGIN file_name_root = cmd.exp+'_'+cmd.timave+'_' ; local or remote DB machine = (str_sep(ncdf_db, ':'))[0] CASE machine OF 'local': BEGIN ; field name added (1 variable) variab = '_'+cmd.var ; spawn, 'ls '+(str_sep(ncdf_db, ':'))[1]+file_name_root+'*'+suffix+variab+'.nc', line ; global name (all variables) ; spawn, 'dir '+(str_sep(ncdf_db, ; ':'))[1]+file_name_root+'*'+suffix+'.nc', line2 ; print, 'ls ; '+(str_sep(ncdf_db,':'))[1]+file_name_root+'*'+suffix+'.nc' print, ' Looking for '+(str_sep(ncdf_db, ':'))[1]+file_name_root+'*'+suffix+'.nc ...' spawn, 'ls '+(str_sep(ncdf_db, ':'))[1]+file_name_root+'*'+suffix+'.nc', line2 ; line = [line, line2] line = line2 END ELSE: BEGIN spawn, 'grep -i " '+machine+' " '+hom_def+'remote/remote.def', rem_line nrem = n_elements(rem_line) IF nrem EQ 1 THEN BEGIN rem_line = strcompress(strtrim(rem_line[0], 2)) argvar = str_sep(rem_line, ' ') remote_name = argvar[1] remote_login = argvar[2] print, ' rsh '+remote_login+'@'+remote_name+' ls '+$ (str_sep(ncdf_db, ':'))[1]+file_name_root+'*'+suffix+'.nc' print, '' spawn, 'rsh '+remote_login+'@'+remote_name+' ls '+$ (str_sep(ncdf_db, ':'))[1]+file_name_root+'*'+suffix+'.nc', line ENDIF ELSE print, ' *** search_file : '+machine+' unknown in config/remote' END ENDCASE nfiles = n_elements(line) print, ' ->', nfiles, ' file(s) found for date1 '+date1+' and date2 '+date2+':' print, line print, ' ' il = 0 found = 0 delta_1 = 0L WHILE il LE nfiles-1 AND found EQ 0 DO BEGIN file = line[il] ; remove root directory if exists IF strpos(file, '/') NE -1 THEN BEGIN argvar = str_sep(file, '/') n = n_elements(argvar) file = argvar[n-1] ENDIF ELSE BEGIN print, ' *** File missing or' print, ' *** Wrong definition for database: ', file stop ENDELSE argvar = str_sep(file, '_') dat1 = argvar(2) dat2 = argvar(3) ; print, dat1,' ', date1,' ', dat2,' ', date2 IF strpos(dat1, '_') EQ -1 AND strpos(dat2, '_') EQ -1 AND $ strpos(dat1, '-') EQ -1 AND strpos(dat2, '-') EQ -1 THEN BEGIN IF (long(dat1) LE long(date1) AND long(dat2) GE long(date2)) THEN BEGIN found = 1 delta_t2 = compute_time(cmd.timave, dat1, date1) delta_t1 = delta_t2.count-1 ; print, delta_t1 date1 = dat1 date2 = dat2 var_file = strpos(file, cmd.var) ENDIF ELSE stop, 'The second date in the name of the file should be higher than the first one in terms of absolute numbers... EXIT search_time_file ' ENDIF ELSE BEGIN found = 1 nfiles = 1 delta_t1 = 0 ENDELSE il = il+1 ENDWHILE END 'yes': BEGIN CASE strmid(cmd.timave, strlen(cmd.timave)-2, 1) OF 'm': BEGIN ; mean month case nmonths = long(strmid(cmd.timave, 0,strlen(cmd.timave)-2)) date1 = '01' ndate = string(long(12/nmonths), format = '(I2.2)') date2 = ndate+'_'+strmid(cmd.date1, 3, strlen(cmd.date1)-3) timavef = strmid(cmd.timave, 0,strlen(cmd.timave)-2)+'mm' END ELSE: ENDCASE delta_t1 = 0 nfiles = 1 found = 1 END ELSE: ENDCASE ; print, date1, date2, delta_t1 IF nfiles EQ 0 OR found EQ 0 THEN BEGIN & date1 = '???' & date2 = '???' & END END