;--------------------------- ; Reading ORCA netcdf files ; EG 24/2/99 ;--------------------------- FUNCTION nc_read, file_name, var_name, ncdf_db, TIME_1 = time_1, TIME_2 = time_2, ALL_DATA = all_data, NO_MEAN = no_mean ; arguments = file_name, varname ; ncdf_db=: or just ; mot clef = iodir time_1 time_2 @common @com_eg ;; print, 'key_yreverse : ', key_yreverse ; inits IF debug_w THEN print, 'DEBUG: Entering nc_read...' IF NOT keyword_set(TIME_1) THEN time_1 = 1 IF NOT keyword_set(TIME_2) THEN time_2 = time_1 ; ; decide which subdomain of data to read ; IF debug_w THEN print, 'keyword_set(ALL_DATA) : ', keyword_set(ALL_DATA) IF keyword_set(ALL_DATA) THEN BEGIN print, ' Reading whole domain' firstx = 0 firsty = 0 firstz = 0 nx = jpi ny = jpj nz = jpk lastx = jpi-1 lasty = jpj-1 lastz = jpk-1 ;Rajout MK ;Trouver une meilleure place ixminmesh = 0 iyminmesh = 0 ixmaxmesh = jpi-1 iymaxmesh = jpj-1 ;Fin rajout ENDIF ELSE BEGIN grille,mask,glam,gphi,gdep,nx,ny,nz,firstx,firsty,firstz,lastx,lasty,lastz mask = 1 ENDELSE IF debug_w THEN print, 'nx,ny,nz,firstx,firsty,firstz,lastx,lasty,lastz' IF debug_w THEN print, nx,ny,nz,firstx,firsty,firstz,lastx,lasty,lastz IF debug_w THEN print, 'key_offset =', key_offset IF debug_w THEN print, 'jpi, jpj, jpk =', jpi, jpj, jpk ; define reading boundaries x_count = nx y_count = ny z_count = nz IF debug_w THEN print, 'nx,ny,nz =', nx,ny,nz ; force izmaxmesh to lastz jpk = lastz+1 ; dealing with longitude periodicity IF x_count NE jpi THEN BEGIN key_shift_read = 0 ENDIF ELSE key_shift_read = key_shift IF debug_w THEN print, 'key_shift_read=', key_shift_read x_offset = key_offset[0]+ firstx+(key_shift_read-key_shift) y_offset = key_offset[1]+ firsty z_offset = key_offset[2]+ firstz IF debug_w THEN print, 'offset =', x_offset, y_offset, z_offset ; pour trouver un fichier, tu as ; findfile (tres pratique) et dialog_pickfile (interactif) ; pour verifier si il y a une variable je fais ; contient=ncdf_inquire(cdfid) ; for varid=0,contient.nvars-1 do BEGIN ; varcontient=ncdf_varinq(cdfid,varid) ; if varcontient.name eq nom then goto, variabletrouvee ; endfor ; return, -1 ; variabletrouvee: ; local directory IF strpos(ncdf_db, ':') GE 1 THEN directory = (str_sep(ncdf_db, ':'))[1] $ ELSE directory = ncdf_db ; existence of file list = findfile(directory+file_name, count = nb_file) IF nb_file EQ 0 THEN BEGIN print, '' print, ' ***** file ', file_name, ' not found in ', $ directory print, '' field = {data: -1.0} return, field ENDIF ; ouverture fichier netCDF + contenu cdfid=ncdf_open(directory+file_name) contient=ncdf_inquire(cdfid) ; que contient la variable varid = ncdf_varid(cdfid, var_name) name_suff = '' IF varid EQ -1 THEN BEGIN print, '' print, ' ***** field ', var_name, ' not found in file ', $ file_name print, '' field = {data: -1.0} return, field ENDIF varcontient=ncdf_varinq(cdfid, var_name) ; test sur la dimension err_mess = '' field_dim = n_elements(varcontient.dim) ; get unlimited record variable IF contient.recdim NE -1 THEN BEGIN ncdf_diminq, cdfid, contient.recdim, name_time, nb_time ;;ncdf_varget, cdfid, contient.recdim, time_array ;;nb_time = (size(time_array))(1) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ; Look for a potential record dimension IF debug_w THEN print, ' Warning : no unlimited record in netCDF file' ; Look for the names of all dimensions and all variables list_dims = ncdf_listdims(cdfid) list_vars = ncdf_listvars(cdfid) ; Propose all the names and make the user choose the right one ; for the record dimension print, 'In the file ', file_name, ', the dimensions are named :' print, list_dims print, 'In the file ', file_name, ', the variables are named :' print, list_vars name_time = xquestion('Among the preceding names, which one could refer to the record dimension ?', /chkwid) IF name_time NE '-' THEN BEGIN dimidt = ncdf_dimid(cdfid, name_time) ncdf_diminq, cdfid, dimidt, name_time, nb_time print, 'You chose ', name_time, ' as a record dimension and its size is ', nb_time contient.recdim = dimidt ENDIF ELSE BEGIN print, 'No record dimension considered in the file' nb_time = 0 ENDELSE IF varcontient.dim[varcontient.ndims-1] NE dimidt THEN STOP, $ 'Post_it cannot handle variables whose record dimension is not the last one' ; ncdf_diminq,cdfid,(n_elements(varcontient.dim)-1), name_time, nb_time ; dimidl = ncdf_dimid(cdfid, name_time) ; ncdf_diminq,cdfid,dimidl, name_time, nb_time ; varidl = ncdf_varid(cdfid, name_time) ; ncdf_varget, cdfid, varidl, time_array ENDELSE IF jpt GT nb_time THEN BEGIN jpt = nb_time print, 'Warning : the specified jpt does not correspond to the real time dimension in the file !' print, 'New jpt =', jpt ENDIF ; defs for @read_ncdf_varget ; key_stride = time_stride key_stride = 1 if n_elements(key_stride) LE 2 then key_stride = [1, 1, 1] key_stride = 1l > long(key_stride) jpitotal = long(ixmaxmesh-ixminmesh+1) key_shift = long(testvar(var = key_shift)) key = long(key_shift MOD jpitotal) if key LT 0 then key = key+jpitotal ixmin = ixminmesh-ixmindta iymin = iyminmesh-iymindta firsttps = time_1-1 lasttps = time_2-1 name = varid IF debug_w THEN print, 'key=', key IF debug_w THEN print, 'jpitotal=', jpitotal IF debug_w THEN print, 'ixmindta,iymindta,izmindta =', ixmindta,iymindta,izmindta IF debug_w THEN print, 'ixminmesh,iyminmesh=', ixminmesh,iyminmesh IF debug_w THEN print, 'ixmaxmesh,iymaxmesh=', ixmaxmesh,iymaxmesh IF debug_w THEN print, 'izminmesh,izmaxmesh=', izminmesh,izmaxmesh IF debug_w THEN print, 'ixmin,iymin=', ixmin,iymin IF debug_w THEN print, 'firsttps,lasttps=', firsttps, lasttps IF debug_w THEN print, 'key_shift in nc_read=', key_shift IF debug_w THEN print, 'key_yreverse, firsty, lasty',key_yreverse, firsty, lasty CASE n_elements(varcontient.dim) OF ;; fichier 2d : surface 2: BEGIN print, ' Reading ', var_name, ' (2D data) from ', file_name @read_ncdf_varget lec_data = res data_direc = 'xy' niveau = 1 END ;; fichier 3d : 2 cas = 1/ 2d espace + temps 2/ 3d espace 3: BEGIN ;; si varcontient.dim contient la dim infinie (no 3) -> temps dim_3 = '3d' IF nb_time GE 1 THEN dim_3 = '2d' IF dim_3 EQ '2d' THEN BEGIN IF time_2 EQ time_1 THEN BEGIN print, ' Reading ', var_name, ' (2D data - index ', strcompress(string(time_1)),') from ', file_name @read_ncdf_varget lec_data = res data_direc = 'xy' ENDIF ELSE BEGIN print, ' Reading ', var_name, ' (2D data time serie)', strcompress(string(time_1)),'-', strtrim(string(time_2), 2), ' [every ',strtrim(string(time_stride), 2), '] from ', file_name IF debug_w THEN print, 'x_offset et y_offset et time_1 :', x_offset, y_offset, time_1 @read_ncdf_varget lec_data = res data_direc = 'xyt' ENDELSE ENDIF ELSE BEGIN print, ' Reading ', var_name, ' (3D data)', ' from ', file_name @read_ncdf_varget lec_data = res data_direc = 'xyz' ENDELSE END ;; fichier 4d : volume + temps 4: BEGIN IF time_2 EQ time_1 THEN BEGIN print, ' Reading ', var_name, ' (3D data - index ', strcompress(string(time_1)),') from ', file_name ; read vertical levels IF mesh_type EQ 'atm' THEN BEGIN ncdf_diminq,cdfid,2, name_level, nb_level ; get name of vertical level from metadata file_grid_config = hom_def+'grid_config.def' spawn, 'grep -i "\ '+meshlec_type+' " '+file_grid_config, line line = strcompress(strtrim(line[0], 2)) length = strlen(line) IF length EQ 0 THEN BEGIN print, ' *** nc_read : define name_level from grid ', meshlec_type, $ ' in file ', file_grid_config name_level = '' return, -1 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN argvar = str_sep(line, ' ') name_level = argvar[4] ENDELSE dimidl = ncdf_dimid(cdfid, name_level) ncdf_diminq,cdfid,dimidl, name_level, nb_level varidl = ncdf_varid(cdfid, name_level) ; make sure name_level is in hPa ncdf_attget, cdfid, varidl, 'units', val_unit IF string(val_unit) NE 'hPa' AND string(val_unit) NE 'millibar' AND string(val_unit) NE 'mbar' THEN BEGIN print, ' vertical levels coordinate not obvious = ', name_level print, ' ... using ...' varidl = ncdf_varid(cdfid, 'levels') ENDIF ncdf_varget, cdfid, varidl, gdept gdept = gdept gdepw = gdept e3t = shift(gdept, 1)-gdept e3t[0] = e3t[1] e3w = e3t jpk = nb_level tmask = reform((reform(tmask(*, *), jpi*jpj)#replicate(1, jpk)), jpi, jpj, jpk) ENDIF IF debug_w THEN print, ' going into @read_ncdf_varget ' @read_ncdf_varget lec_data = res ; lec_data = reform(lec_data,x_count, y_count, z_count) data_direc = 'xyz' IF debug_w THEN help, lec_data ; vertical average ? IF vert_switch ge 1 AND NOT keyword_set(no_mean) THEN BEGIN old_boite = [lon1, lon2, lat1, lat2, prof1, prof2] print, ' Average in vertical domain ', vert_type, vert_mean IF mesh_type EQ 'atm' THEN BEGIN CASE atmos_msk OF 0: print, ' [atmos grid : take all points] ' ; take all points 1: BEGIN ; take ocean points only idx = where(tmask EQ 0) lec_data(idx) = 1.e20 print, ' [atmos grid : take ocean points only] ' END 2: BEGIN ; take land points only idx = where(tmask GT 0) lec_data(idx) = 1.e20 print, ' [atmos grid : take land points only] ' END ENDCASE CASE vert_type OF 'z': BEGIN ; depth range IF time_1 EQ time_2 THEN BEGIN zmean = moyenne(lec_data, 'z', boite = vert_mean, NAN =1.e20) END ELSE zmean = grossemoyenne(lec_data, 'z', boite = vert_mean, NAN =1.e20) IF vert_mean[0] EQ vert_mean[1] THEN BEGIN name_suff = ' at '+strtrim(string(long(gdept(vert_mean(0)))), 2)+' hPa' ENDIF ELSE BEGIN name_suff = ' averaged in '+vert_type+'['+strtrim(string(long(vert_mean(0))), 2)+','+strtrim(string(long(vert_mean(1))), 2)+']' ENDELSE END ELSE: BEGIN ; levels range IF vert_mean[0] EQ vert_mean[1] THEN BEGIN zmean = lec_data(*, *, vert_mean[0]) name_suff = ' at '+strtrim(string(long(gdept(vert_mean(0)))), 2)+' hPa' ENDIF ELSE BEGIN zmean = moyenne(lec_data, 'z', boite = vert_mean, /zindex, NAN =1.e20) name_suff = ' averaged in '+vert_type+'['+strtrim(string(long(vert_mean(0))), 2)+','+strtrim(string(long(vert_mean(1))), 2)+']' ENDELSE END ENDCASE ; tmask = reform(tmask(*, *, 0), jpi, jpj) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ; ocean = always mask ; idx = where(tmask EQ 0) ; lec_data(idx) = 1.e20 CASE vert_type OF 'z': BEGIN IF vert_mean[0] EQ vert_mean[1] THEN BEGIN zmean = lec_data ; right depth already selected name_suff = ' at '+strtrim(string(long(gdept(vert_mean(0))+.1)), 2)+' m' ENDIF ELSE BEGIN zmean = moyenne(lec_data, 'z', boite = vert_mean) name_suff = ' averaged in '+vert_type+'['+strtrim(string(long(vert_mean(0))), 2)+','+strtrim(string(long(vert_mean(1))), 2)+']' ENDELSE END ELSE: BEGIN ; case level (zindex) IF vert_mean[0] EQ vert_mean[1] THEN BEGIN zmean = lec_data ; right depth already selected name_suff = ' at '+strtrim(string(long(gdept(vert_mean(0))+.1)), 2)+' m' ENDIF ELSE BEGIN zmean = moyenne(lec_data, 'z', boite = vert_mean, /zindex) name_suff = ' averaged in '+vert_type+'['+strtrim(string(long(vert_mean(0))), 2)+','+strtrim(string(long(vert_mean(1))), 2)+']' ENDELSE END ENDCASE ENDELSE lec_data = zmean domdef, old_boite field_dim = field_dim - 1 data_direc = 'xy' nzt = 1 firstz = 0 lastz = 0 ENDIF ENDIF ELSE BEGIN print, ' Reading ', var_name, ' (3D data time serie)', strcompress(string(time_1)),'-', strtrim(string(time_2), 2), ' from ', file_name ; read vertical levels IF mesh_type EQ 'atm' THEN BEGIN ncdf_diminq,cdfid,2, name_level, nb_level ; get name of vertical level from metadata file_grid_config = hom_def+'grid_config.def' spawn, 'grep -i "\ '+meshlec_type+' " '+file_grid_config, line line = strcompress(strtrim(line[0], 2)) length = strlen(line) IF length EQ 0 THEN BEGIN print, ' *** nc_read : define name_level from grid ', meshlec_type, $ ' in file ', file_grid_config name_level = '' return, -1 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN argvar = str_sep(line, ' ') name_level = argvar[1] ENDELSE dimidl = ncdf_dimid(cdfid, name_level) ncdf_diminq,cdfid,dimidl, name_level, nb_level varidl = ncdf_varid(cdfid, name_level) ; make sure name_level is in hPa ncdf_attget, cdfid, varidl, 'units', val_unit IF string(val_unit) NE 'hPa' AND string(val_unit) NE 'millibar' AND string(val_unit) NE 'mbar' THEN BEGIN print, ' vertical levels coordinate not obvious' print, ' ... using ...' varidl = ncdf_varid(cdfid, 'levels') ENDIF ncdf_varget, cdfid, varidl, gdept gdepw = gdept e3t = shift(gdept, 1)-gdept e3t[0] = e3t[1] e3w = e3t jpk = nb_level tmask = reform((reform(tmask(*, *), jpi*jpj)#replicate(1, jpk)), jpi, jpj, jpk) ENDIF @read_ncdf_varget lec_data = res data_direc = 'xyzt' ; vertical average ? IF vert_switch ge 1 AND NOT keyword_set(no_mean) THEN BEGIN old_boite = [lon1, lon2, lat1, lat2, prof1, prof2] print, ' Average in vertical domain ', vert_type, vert_mean IF mesh_type EQ 'atm' THEN BEGIN CASE atmos_msk OF 0: print, ' [take all points] ' ; take all points 1: BEGIN ; take ocean points only idx = where(tmask EQ 0) lec_data(idx) = 1.e20 print, ' [take ocean points only] ' END 2: BEGIN ; take land points only idx = where(tmask GT 0) lec_data(idx) = 1.e20 print, ' [take land points only] ' END ENDCASE CASE vert_type OF 'z': BEGIN ; levels IF vert_mean[0] EQ vert_mean[1] THEN BEGIN name_suff = ' at '+strtrim(string(long(gdept(vert_mean(0)))), 2)+' hPa' ENDIF ELSE BEGIN zmean = grossemoyenne(lec_data, 'z', boite = vert_mean) name_suff = ' averaged in '+vert_type+'['+strtrim(string(vert_mean(0)), 2)+','+strtrim(string(vert_mean(1)), 2)+']' ENDELSE END ELSE: BEGIN ; levels IF vert_mean[0] EQ vert_mean[1] THEN BEGIN zmean = lec_data(*, *, vert_mean[0]) name_suff = ' at '+vert_type+' '+strtrim(string(long(vert_mean(0))), 2)+' ['+strtrim(string(gdept(vert_mean(0))), 2)+' hPa]' ENDIF ELSE BEGIN zmean = moyenne(lec_data, 'z', boite = vert_mean, /zindex) name_suff = ' averaged in '+vert_type+'['+strtrim(string(long(vert_mean(0))), 2)+','+strtrim(string(long(vert_mean(1))), 2)+']' ENDELSE END ENDCASE ; tmask = reform(tmask(*, *, 0), jpi, jpj) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ; ocean = always mask ; idx = where(tmask EQ 0) ; lec_data(idx) = 1.e20 CASE vert_type OF 'z': BEGIN IF vert_mean[0] EQ vert_mean[1] THEN BEGIN zmean = lec_data name_suff = ' at '+strtrim(string(long(gdept(vert_mean(0))+.1)), 2)+' m' ENDIF ELSE BEGIN zmean = grossemoyenne(lec_data, 'z', boite = vert_mean) name_suff = ' averaged in '+vert_type+'['+strtrim(string(long(vert_mean(0))), 2)+','+strtrim(string(long(vert_mean(1))), 2)+']' ENDELSE END ELSE: BEGIN IF vert_mean[0] EQ vert_mean[1] THEN BEGIN zmean = lec_data name_suff = ' at '+strtrim(string(long(gdept(vert_mean(0))+.1)), 2)+' m' ENDIF ELSE BEGIN zmean = moyenne(lec_data, 'z', boite = vert_mean, /zindex, NAN =1.e20) name_suff = ' averaged in '+vert_type+'['+strtrim(string(long(vert_mean(0))), 2)+','+strtrim(string(long(vert_mean(1))), 2)+']' ENDELSE END ENDCASE ENDELSE lec_data = zmean domdef, old_boite field_dim = field_dim - 1 data_direc = 'xyt' nzt = 1 firstz = 0 lastz = 0 ENDIF ENDELSE END ;; erreur si dim > 4 ELSE: BEGIN err_mess = ' *** nc_read : ERROR dimension > 4' lec_data = -1.0 END ENDCASE ; scaling ? FOR i = 0, varcontient.natts-1 DO BEGIN att_txt = ncdf_attname(cdfid, varid, i) IF att_txt EQ 'scale_factor' THEN BEGIN ncdf_attget, cdfid, varid, att_txt, valscale lec_data = lec_data*valscale ENDIF ENDFOR ; Attribut du champ field = {name: '', data: lec_data, legend: '', units: '', origin: '', dim: 0, direc: data_direc} field.name = var_name field.origin = directory+file_name ; ; get long name ; result = '???' FOR i = 0, varcontient.natts-1 DO BEGIN att_txt = ncdf_attname(cdfid, varid, i) IF att_txt EQ 'long_name' OR att_txt EQ 'title' THEN ncdf_attget, cdfid, varid, att_txt, result ENDFOR field.legend = strtrim(string(result),1)+name_suff ; get unit ; if it exists isunits = ncdf_attinq(cdfid, varid, 'units') IF isunits.datatype NE 'UNKNOWN' THEN BEGIN ncdf_attget, cdfid, varid, 'units', result field.units = strtrim(string(result),1) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN print, 'No units for the variable ', field.name print, ' Or units were forgotten in the file !' ENDELSE field.dim = field_dim ; get valmask (might need valmask = float(string(valmask)) valmask = 1.e20 FOR i = 0, varcontient.natts-1 DO BEGIN att_txt = ncdf_attname(cdfid, varid, i) IF att_txt EQ 'missing_value' OR att_txt EQ 'mask value' OR att_txt EQ '_FillValue' THEN ncdf_attget, cdfid, varid, att_txt, valmask ENDFOR ; min/max chardim = ' - dim = ' FOR i = 1, (size(field.data))[0] DO BEGIN chardim = chardim+string((size(field.data))[i], format = '(I5)') ENDFOR index_test = (where (field.data NE valmask)) IF index_test(0) NE -1 THEN BEGIN minf = min(field.data(where (field.data NE valmask))) maxf = max(field.data(where (field.data NE valmask))) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN minf = min(field.data) maxf = max(field.data) ENDELSE print, ' = ',field.legend, ' [min/max = ',minf , maxf,' ', field.units,' - masked values = ',valmask, chardim, ']' ncdf_close, cdfid ;key_offset = key_offset_orig ;jpi = jpi_orig ;jpj = jpj_orig ;jpk = jpk_orig IF keyword_set(key_yreverse) THEN print, ' key_yreverse active : ', key_yreverse IF debug_w THEN print, 'DEBUG: Exiting nc_read...' return, field END