Custom Query (16 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#7 monthly linfit for y=f(x) plots ericg enhancement minor V 1.1 component1
#1 Choose POST_IT version to be put on forge kolasinski defect major M1 component1
#2 Put the sources on the server kolasinski defect major M1 component1
#3 Test the first version kolasinski defect major M3 component1
#4 send to Eric, Dan a short description to use the svn server kolasinski defect major M3 component1
#5 Put POST_IT on the SVN server kolasinski defect major M2 component1
#6 '@@icecovgrady 1 2L24 T# xy 100y 1860 - 1 1 v', $ does not work kolasinski defect major V 1.2 component1
#10 Integrate procs sent by Eric 14/1/08 kolasinski enhancement major V 1.1 component1
#11 Read 3D atmospheric data kolasinski defect major V 1.1 component1
#12 Clean seasonal slope of yfx options in plt_map ericg enhancement major V 1.2 component1
#13 Better separate ORCA2 from ORCA05 in grid specifications somebody defect major V 1.2 component1
#14 3D atmosphere averaging and handling kolasinski defect major V 1.2 component1
#17 change nc_read routine to get rid of read_ncdf_varget and use read_ncdf routine kolasinski defect major V 1.2 component1
#19 Add use of scale_factor in netCDF file in reading somebody defect major V 1.2 component1
#32 Function vs. array syntax problem somebody defect blocker component1
#33 Arguments checkings problems somebody defect blocker component1
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