Custom Query (12 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Priority Milestone Component
#15 Script to update new features of new kolasinski minor V 1.2 component1
#25 procs/ usr/ useless new somebody minor component1
#28 SVN-Book_version1.2.pdf new pinsard minor component1
#20 Add option to read mask from file in mesh_from_file new somebody major V 1.3 component1
#21 Overide attribute with specific line in post-it new somebody major component1
#22 Add month selection in yfx and ybinx assigned ericg major V 1.3 component1
#24 usage of spawn new somebody major component1
#26 arguments checkings new somebody major component1
#27 wavelet tool new somebody major component1
#29 idldoc processing new somebody major component1
#30 track syntax errors new somebody major component1
#31 remove duplicate, old and working progress files new somebody major component1
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.