


03:20 Changeset [82] by ericg
Corrected bug for T05 in make_energetics


20:24 Changeset [81] by kolasinski
First temporary commit for the new reading procedures - Still some bugs


20:03 WikiStart edited by kolasinski
20:02 WikiStart edited by kolasinski


15:24 Changeset [80] by kolasinski
Creating a branch for the developments related to the reading procedures
15:20 WikiStart edited by kolasinski
15:17 Changeset [79] by kolasinski
POST_IT version 1.1.1 - small changes in usr and config directories
15:16 Changeset [78] by kolasinski
config and usr directories updates
15:08 WikiStart edited by kolasinski
15:06 Changeset [77] by kolasinski
POST_IT version 1.1 created before major changes in reading procedures


20:08 Changeset [76] by ericg
Modifications to allow better distinction of ORCA2 and ORCA05 grids, now …
19:52 Ticket #13 (Better separate ORCA2 from ORCA05 in grid specifications) closed by ericg
fixed: Solved via modifications to allow better distinction of ORCA2 and ORCA05 …
19:48 Changeset [75] by ericg
conflict resolved / added ORCA05 grids


10:28 Changeset [74] by kolasinski
comment removed
08:57 Ticket #18 (Update use of specific mask (_#<mask> option after plot type)) created by ericg
This feature has not been used for a while and is not working. Fixing it …


19:22 Ticket #17 (change nc_read routine to get rid of read_ncdf_varget and use read_ncdf ...) created by kolasinski
* change nc_read routine to get rid of read_ncdf_varget and use read_ncdf …


11:01 Changeset [73] by kolasinski
stops removed
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.