


04:54 Ticket #21 (Overide post_it.pro attribute with specific line in post-it) created by ericg
Instead of changing an attribute for N lines, add a specific line to …


05:12 Changeset [107] by ericg
Macros update: linfit
03:24 Changeset [106] by ericg
Macros update: make_grad (needs fullcgrid keyword) and linfit
00:12 Changeset [105] by ericg
Added color palettes for mu and alpha macro computations


05:40 Changeset [104] by ericg
Added option nino_plot in plt_def to plot nino 1,2,3,4 boxes in xy maps
04:21 Changeset [103] by ericg
Update of fld_* for linfitdom macro
04:20 Changeset [102] by ericg
Update of fld_macros for linfitdom macro
04:18 Changeset [101] by ericg
Added macro linfitdom.pro


22:10 Changeset [100] by ericg
Update of mesh_from_file and mesh_orca following merge with r86 (new …


00:29 Changeset [99] by ericg
Up to date plt_def.pro
00:24 Changeset [98] by ericg
New orca grids
00:20 Changeset [97] by ericg
New color palettes
00:16 Changeset [96] by ericg
Merge of EG configs for new variables
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.