
Version 4 (modified by kolasinski, 16 years ago) (diff)



Directories and files

Launch IDL and POST_IT


General description and a first example is the file in which you will work. It defines the in line commands1 which will be read by post_it so as to get the plot you want. For instance :

cmdline = [ $
; var             on   exp      grid  plt   timeave  date1   spec  disp   proj   out
  'sohtc300   1     2L24   T       xy   100y      1860     -       1       1        v', $

'lastline 0' ]

This means that you want the sohtc300 variable to be visualised from a netcdf file called '2L24_100y_1860_*' on a 2D plot 'xy'.
The result is the following picture.

Net heat flux at the sea-ice base differences between NEW_SBC - REF_CORE No image "2L24_HTC300_TROP_100y.gif" attached to Doc

As a consequence, the names of the netcdf files are standardized and follow this pattern :
'Experiment'_'Frequency'_'Date1'_'Date2'_'Grid Type'.nc