function add_bry_pisces(bryname,obc,time,cycle,clobber); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % function add_bry_pisces(bryname,grdname,title,obc... % theta_s,theta_b,hc,N,... % time,cycle,clobber); % % This function create the header of a Netcdf climatology % file. % % Input: % % bryname Netcdf climatology file name (character string). % obc open boundaries flag (1=open , [S E N W]). % time time.(vector) % cycle Length (days) for cycling the climatology.(Real) % clobber Switch to allow or not writing over an existing % file.(character string) % % Further Information: % % % This file is part of ROMSTOOLS % % ROMSTOOLS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published % by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, % or (at your option) any later version. % % ROMSTOOLS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but % WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software % Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, % MA 02111-1307 USA % % Copyright (c) 2001-2006 by Pierrick Penven % % Pierrick Penven, IRD, 2005. % % Olivier Aumont the master, IRD, 2006. % % Patricio Marchesiello, chief, IRD, 2007. % % Christophe Eugene Raoul Menkes, the slave, IRD, 2007. % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% disp(' ') disp([' Adding PISCES data into file : ',bryname]) disp(' ') % % Redefine the boundary file % nc = netcdf(bryname,clobber); result = redef(nc); % % Create dimensions % nc('dic_time') = length(time); nc('doc_time') = length(time); nc('no3_time') = length(time); nc('po4_time') = length(time); nc('talk_time') = length(time); nc('si_time') = length(time); nc('fer_time') = length(time); nc('o2_time') = length(time); nc('one') = 1; % % Create variables and attributes % nc{'dic_time'} = ncdouble('dic_time') ; nc{'dic_time'}.long_name = ncchar('time for DIC climatology'); nc{'dic_time'}.long_name = 'time for DIC climatology'; nc{'dic_time'}.units = ncchar('day'); nc{'dic_time'}.units = 'day'; nc{'dic_time'}.cycle_length = cycle;% % nc{'talk_time'} = ncdouble('talk_time') ; nc{'talk_time'}.long_name = ncchar('time for TALK climatology'); nc{'talk_time'}.long_name = 'time for TALK climatology'; nc{'talk_time'}.units = ncchar('day'); nc{'talk_time'}.units = 'day'; nc{'talk_time'}.cycle_length = cycle;% % nc{'no3_time'} = ncdouble('no3_time') ; nc{'no3_time'}.long_name = ncchar('time for NO3 climatology') nc{'no3_time'}.long_name = 'time for NO3 climatology'; nc{'no3_time'}.units = ncchar('day'); nc{'no3_time'}.units = 'day'; nc{'no3_time'}.cycle_length = cycle;% % nc{'po4_time'} = ncdouble('po4_time') ; nc{'po4_time'}.long_name = ncchar('time for PO4 climatology'); nc{'po4_time'}.long_name = 'time for PO4 climatology'; nc{'po4_time'}.units = ncchar('day'); nc{'po4_time'}.units = 'day'; nc{'po4_time'}.cycle_length = cycle;% % nc{'si_time'} = ncdouble('si_time') ; nc{'si_time'}.long_name = ncchar('time for Si climatology'); nc{'si_time'}.long_name = 'time for Si climatology'; nc{'si_time'}.units = ncchar('day'); nc{'si_time'}.units = 'day'; nc{'si_time'}.cycle_length = cycle;% % nc{'o2_time'} = ncdouble('o2_time') ; nc{'o2_time'}.long_name = ncchar('time for O2 climatology'); nc{'o2_time'}.long_name = 'time for O2 climatology'; nc{'o2_time'}.units = ncchar('day'); nc{'o2_time'}.units = 'day'; nc{'o2_time'}.cycle_length = cycle;% % nc{'doc_time'} = ncdouble('doc_time') ; nc{'doc_time'}.long_name = ncchar('time for DOC climatology'); nc{'doc_time'}.long_name = 'time for DOC climatology'; nc{'doc_time'}.units = ncchar('day'); nc{'doc_time'}.units = 'day'; nc{'doc_time'}.cycle_length = cycle;% % nc{'fer_time'} = ncdouble('fer_time') ; nc{'fer_time'}.long_name = ncchar('time for FER climatology'); nc{'fer_time'}.long_name = 'time for FER climatology'; nc{'fer_time'}.units = ncchar('day'); nc{'fer_time'}.units = 'day'; nc{'fer_time'}.cycle_length = cycle;% % if obc(1)==1 % % Southern boundary % nc{'NO3_south'} = ncdouble('no3_time','s_rho','xi_rho') ; nc{'NO3_south'}.long_name = ncchar('southern boundary NO3'); nc{'NO3_south'}.long_name = 'southern boundary NO3'; nc{'NO3_south'}.units = ncchar('mMol N m-3'); nc{'NO3_south'}.units = 'mMol N m-3'; % nc{'PO4_south'} = ncdouble('po4_time','s_rho','xi_rho') ; nc{'PO4_south'}.long_name = ncchar('southern boundary PO4'); nc{'PO4_south'}.long_name = 'southern boundary PO4'; nc{'PO4_south'}.units = ncchar('mMol N m-3'); nc{'PO4_south'}.units = 'mMol N m-3'; % nc{'Si_south'} = ncdouble('si_time','s_rho','xi_rho') ; nc{'Si_south'}.long_name = ncchar('southern boundary Si'); nc{'Si_south'}.long_name = 'southern boundary Si'; nc{'Si_south'}.units = ncchar('mMol N m-3'); nc{'Si_south'}.units = 'mMol N m-3'; % nc{'O2_south'} = ncdouble('o2_time','s_rho','xi_rho') ; nc{'O2_south'}.long_name = ncchar('southern boundary O2'); nc{'O2_south'}.long_name = 'southern boundary O2'; nc{'O2_south'}.units = ncchar('mMol N m-3'); nc{'O2_south'}.units = 'mMol N m-3'; % nc{'DIC_south'} = ncdouble('dic_time','s_rho','xi_rho') ; nc{'DIC_south'}.long_name = ncchar('southern boundary DIC'); nc{'DIC_south'}.long_name = 'southern boundary DIC'; nc{'DIC_south'}.units = ncchar('mMol N m-3'); nc{'DIC_south'}.units = 'mMol N m-3'; % nc{'TALK_south'} = ncdouble('talk_time','s_rho','xi_rho') ; nc{'TALK_south'}.long_name = ncchar('southern boundary TALK'); nc{'TALK_south'}.long_name = 'southern boundary TALK'; nc{'TALK_south'}.units = ncchar('mMol N m-3'); nc{'TALK_south'}.units = 'mMol N m-3'; % nc{'DOC_south'} = ncdouble('doc_time','s_rho','xi_rho') ; nc{'DOC_south'}.long_name = ncchar('southern boundary DOC'); nc{'DOC_south'}.long_name = 'southern boundary DOC'; nc{'DOC_south'}.units = ncchar('mMol N m-3'); nc{'DOC_south'}.units = 'mMol N m-3'; % nc{'FER_south'} = ncdouble('fer_time','s_rho','xi_rho') ; nc{'FER_south'}.long_name = ncchar('southern boundary Iron'); nc{'FER_south'}.long_name = 'southern boundary Iron'; nc{'FER_south'}.units = ncchar('mMol N m-3'); nc{'FER_south'}.units = 'mMol N m-3'; % end % if obc(2)==1 % % Eastern boundary % nc{'NO3_east'} = ncdouble('no3_time','s_rho','eta_rho') ; nc{'NO3_east'}.long_name = ncchar('eastern boundary NO3'); nc{'NO3_east'}.long_name = 'eastern boundary NO3'; nc{'NO3_east'}.units = ncchar('mMol N m-3'); nc{'NO3_east'}.units = 'mMol N m-3'; % nc{'PO4_east'} = ncdouble('po4_time','s_rho','eta_rho') ; nc{'PO4_east'}.long_name = ncchar('eastern boundary PO4'); nc{'PO4_east'}.long_name = 'eastern boundary PO4'; nc{'PO4_east'}.units = ncchar('mMol N m-3'); nc{'PO4_east'}.units = 'mMol N m-3'; % nc{'Si_east'} = ncdouble('si_time','s_rho','eta_rho') ; nc{'Si_east'}.long_name = ncchar('eastern boundary Si'); nc{'Si_east'}.long_name = 'eastern boundary Si'; nc{'Si_east'}.units = ncchar('mMol N m-3'); nc{'Si_east'}.units = 'mMol N m-3'; % nc{'O2_east'} = ncdouble('o2_time','s_rho','eta_rho') ; nc{'O2_east'}.long_name = ncchar('eastern boundary O2'); nc{'O2_east'}.long_name = 'eastern boundary O2'; nc{'O2_east'}.units = ncchar('mMol N m-3'); nc{'O2_east'}.units = 'mMol N m-3'; % nc{'DIC_east'} = ncdouble('dic_time','s_rho','eta_rho') ; nc{'DIC_east'}.long_name = ncchar('eastern boundary DIC'); nc{'DIC_east'}.long_name = 'eastern boundary DIC'; nc{'DIC_east'}.units = ncchar('mMol N m-3'); nc{'DIC_east'}.units = 'mMol N m-3'; % nc{'TALK_east'} = ncdouble('talk_time','s_rho','eta_rho') ; nc{'TALK_east'}.long_name = ncchar('eastern boundary TALK'); nc{'TALK_east'}.long_name = 'eastern boundary TALK'; nc{'TALK_east'}.units = ncchar('mMol N m-3'); nc{'TALK_east'}.units = 'mMol N m-3'; % nc{'DOC_east'} = ncdouble('doc_time','s_rho','eta_rho') ; nc{'DOC_east'}.long_name = ncchar('eastern boundary DOC'); nc{'DOC_east'}.long_name = 'eastern boundary DOC'; nc{'DOC_east'}.units = ncchar('mMol N m-3'); nc{'DOC_east'}.units = 'mMol N m-3'; % nc{'FER_east'} = ncdouble('fer_time','s_rho','eta_rho') ; nc{'FER_east'}.long_name = ncchar('eastern boundary Iron'); nc{'FER_east'}.long_name = 'eastern boundary Iron'; nc{'FER_east'}.units = ncchar('mMol N m-3'); nc{'FER_east'}.units = 'mMol N m-3'; % end % if obc(3)==1 % % Northern boundary % nc{'NO3_north'} = ncdouble('no3_time','s_rho','xi_rho') ; nc{'NO3_north'}.long_name = ncchar('northern boundary NO3'); nc{'NO3_north'}.long_name = 'northern boundary NO3'; nc{'NO3_north'}.units = ncchar('mMol N m-3'); nc{'NO3_north'}.units = 'mMol N m-3'; % nc{'PO4_north'} = ncdouble('po4_time','s_rho','xi_rho') ; nc{'PO4_north'}.long_name = ncchar('northern boundary PO4'); nc{'PO4_north'}.long_name = 'northern boundary PO4'; nc{'PO4_north'}.units = ncchar('mMol N m-3'); nc{'PO4_north'}.units = 'mMol N m-3'; % nc{'Si_north'} = ncdouble('si_time','s_rho','xi_rho') ; nc{'Si_north'}.long_name = ncchar('northern boundary Si'); nc{'Si_north'}.long_name = 'northern boundary Si'; nc{'Si_north'}.units = ncchar('mMol N m-3'); nc{'Si_north'}.units = 'mMol N m-3'; % nc{'O2_north'} = ncdouble('o2_time','s_rho','xi_rho') ; nc{'O2_north'}.long_name = ncchar('northern boundary O2'); nc{'O2_north'}.long_name = 'northern boundary O2'; nc{'O2_north'}.units = ncchar('mMol N m-3'); nc{'O2_north'}.units = 'mMol N m-3'; % nc{'DIC_north'} = ncdouble('dic_time','s_rho','xi_rho') ; nc{'DIC_north'}.long_name = ncchar('northern boundary DIC'); nc{'DIC_north'}.long_name = 'northern boundary DIC'; nc{'DIC_north'}.units = ncchar('mMol N m-3'); nc{'DIC_north'}.units = 'mMol N m-3'; % nc{'TALK_north'} = ncdouble('talk_time','s_rho','xi_rho') ; nc{'TALK_north'}.long_name = ncchar('northern boundary TALK'); nc{'TALK_north'}.long_name = 'northern boundary TALK'; nc{'TALK_north'}.units = ncchar('mMol N m-3'); nc{'TALK_north'}.units = 'mMol N m-3'; % nc{'DOC_north'} = ncdouble('doc_time','s_rho','xi_rho') ; nc{'DOC_north'}.long_name = ncchar('northern boundary DOC'); nc{'DOC_north'}.long_name = 'northern boundary DOC'; nc{'DOC_north'}.units = ncchar('mMol N m-3'); nc{'DOC_north'}.units = 'mMol N m-3'; % nc{'FER_north'} = ncdouble('fer_time','s_rho','xi_rho') ; nc{'FER_north'}.long_name = ncchar('northern boundary Iron'); nc{'FER_north'}.long_name = 'northern boundary Iron'; nc{'FER_north'}.units = ncchar('mMol N m-3'); nc{'FER_north'}.units = 'mMol N m-3'; % end % if obc(4)==1 % % Western boundary % nc{'NO3_west'} = ncdouble('no3_time','s_rho','eta_rho') ; nc{'NO3_west'}.long_name = ncchar('western boundary NO3'); nc{'NO3_west'}.long_name = 'western boundary NO3'; nc{'NO3_west'}.units = ncchar('mMol N m-3'); nc{'NO3_west'}.units = 'mMol N m-3'; % nc{'PO4_west'} = ncdouble('po4_time','s_rho','eta_rho') ; nc{'PO4_west'}.long_name = ncchar('western boundary PO4'); nc{'PO4_west'}.long_name = 'western boundary PO4'; nc{'PO4_west'}.units = ncchar('mMol N m-3'); nc{'PO4_west'}.units = 'mMol N m-3'; % nc{'Si_west'} = ncdouble('si_time','s_rho','eta_rho') ; nc{'Si_west'}.long_name = ncchar('western boundary Si'); nc{'Si_west'}.long_name = 'western boundary Si'; nc{'Si_west'}.units = ncchar('mMol N m-3'); nc{'Si_west'}.units = 'mMol N m-3'; % nc{'O2_west'} = ncdouble('o2_time','s_rho','eta_rho') ; nc{'O2_west'}.long_name = ncchar('western boundary O2'); nc{'O2_west'}.long_name = 'western boundary O2'; nc{'O2_west'}.units = ncchar('mMol N m-3'); nc{'O2_west'}.units = 'mMol N m-3'; % nc{'DIC_west'} = ncdouble('dic_time','s_rho','eta_rho') ; nc{'DIC_west'}.long_name = ncchar('western boundary DIC'); nc{'DIC_west'}.long_name = 'western boundary DIC'; nc{'DIC_west'}.units = ncchar('mMol N m-3'); nc{'DIC_west'}.units = 'mMol N m-3'; % nc{'TALK_west'} = ncdouble('talk_time','s_rho','eta_rho') ; nc{'TALK_west'}.long_name = ncchar('western boundary TALK'); nc{'TALK_west'}.long_name = 'western boundary TALK'; nc{'TALK_west'}.units = ncchar('mMol N m-3'); nc{'TALK_west'}.units = 'mMol N m-3'; % nc{'DOC_west'} = ncdouble('doc_time','s_rho','eta_rho') ; nc{'DOC_west'}.long_name = ncchar('western boundary DOC'); nc{'DOC_west'}.long_name = 'western boundary DOC'; nc{'DOC_west'}.units = ncchar('mMol N m-3'); nc{'DOC_west'}.units = 'mMol N m-3'; % nc{'FER_west'} = ncdouble('fer_time','s_rho','eta_rho') ; nc{'FER_west'}.long_name = ncchar('western boundary Iron'); nc{'FER_west'}.long_name = 'western boundary Iron'; nc{'FER_west'}.units = ncchar('mMol N m-3'); nc{'FER_west'}.units = 'mMol N m-3'; % end % % Leave define mode % result = endef(nc); % % Write variables % nc{'dic_time'}(:) = time; nc{'doc_time'}(:) = time; nc{'no3_time'}(:) = time; nc{'po4_time'}(:) = time; nc{'talk_time'}(:) = time; nc{'si_time'}(:) = time; nc{'fer_time'}(:) = time; nc{'o2_time'}(:) = time; if obc(1)==1 nc{'NO3_south'}(:) = 0; nc{'PO4_south'}(:) = 0; nc{'Si_south'}(:) = 0; nc{'O2_south'}(:) = 0; nc{'DIC_south'}(:) = 0; nc{'TALK_south'}(:) = 0; nc{'DOC_south'}(:) = 0; nc{'FER_south'}(:) = 0; end if obc(2)==1 nc{'NO3_east'}(:) = 0; nc{'PO4_east'}(:) = 0; nc{'Si_east'}(:) = 0; nc{'O2_east'}(:) = 0; nc{'DIC_east'}(:) = 0; nc{'TALK_east'}(:) = 0; nc{'DOC_east'}(:) = 0; nc{'FER_east'}(:) = 0; end if obc(3)==1 nc{'NO3_north'}(:) = 0; nc{'PO4_north'}(:) = 0; nc{'Si_north'}(:) = 0; nc{'O2_north'}(:) = 0; nc{'DIC_north'}(:) = 0; nc{'TALK_north'}(:) = 0; nc{'DOC_north'}(:) = 0; nc{'FER_north'}(:) = 0; end if obc(4)==1 nc{'NO3_west'}(:) = 0; nc{'PO4_west'}(:) = 0; nc{'Si_west'}(:) = 0; nc{'O2_west'}(:) = 0; nc{'DIC_west'}(:) = 0; nc{'TALK_west'}(:) = 0; nc{'DOC_west'}(:) = 0; nc{'FER_west'}(:) = 0; end close(nc) return