%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Modeling Package % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% [I] Installation (for a linux i686 computer with g77) : # 1 Copy the gzip tar file roms_package.tar.gz from the CDROM # 2 uncompress it (gunzip) and untar it (tar -xvf) # 3 log as root (su root) # 4 cd ~/Roms_tools/ and install xanim and ppm2fli for animations (rpm -ivh xanim-2.80.1-12.i386.rpm ; rpm -ivh ppm2fli-2.1-1.i386.rpm) # 5 (exit) # 6 cd ~/Roms_tools/Run # 7 run ./jobcomp to test model compilation [II] Model preparation # 8 launch matlab in ~/Roms_tools/Run # 9 run start in matlab (matlab paths) # 10 edit ~/Roms_tools/Preprocessing_tools/make_grid.m # 11 give the title, the grid file name, the r smoothing parameter (r=max(|grad H|/H)), the grid positions (lonmin, lonmax, latmin, latmax), the grid resolution (in degrees), and the minimum depth (hmin). # 12 run make_grid in matlab # 13 edit ~/Roms_tools/Preprocessing_tools/make_forcing.m # 14 give the title, the grid file name, and the forcing file name # 15 run make_forcing in matlab # 16 edit ~/Roms_tools/Preprocessing_tools/make_clim.m # 17 give the title, the grid file name, the forcing file name, the climatology file name, the initial file name, the objective analysis file name, the vertical grid parameters (theta_s=6.,theta_b=0.,hc=10.,N=32), the switches for open boundaries, the level of reference for geostrophy, and the day of initialisation. # 18 run make_clim in matlab # 19 edit ~/Roms_tools/Tides/make_tides.m # 20 run make_tides in matlab [III] Model compilation # 21 edit ~/Roms_tools/Run/param.h # 22 give the grid dimensions (Lm,Mm,N) # 23 edit ~/Roms_tools/Run/cppdefs.h # 24 activate the cpp keys corresponding to the different model options (attention to the opne boundaries: should be conform to make_clim.m) # 25 cd ~/Roms_tools/Run # 26 run ./jobcomp for compilation [IV] Model Run # 27 edit ~/Roms_tools/Run/roms.in to give the mdel run parameters (dt,ndtfast,etc..) # 28 run ./roms roms.in [V] Visualization # 29 run roms_gui in matlab [VI] Zooms # 30 run nestgui in matlab # 31 activate the cpp key AGRIF in cppdefs.h