function theResult = ncweb % ncweb -- World Wide Web site of the NetCDF Toolbox. % ncweb (no argument) displays or returns the WWW % site for the NetCDF Toolbox. If displayed, % a dialog asks whether to go there. % Copyright (C) 1999 Dr. Charles R. Denham, ZYDECO. % All Rights Reserved. % Disclosure without explicit written consent from the % copyright owner does not constitute publication. % Version of 28-Apr-1999 19:30:28. % Updated 18-Sep-2002 14:37:43. theURL = ['' ... 'staffpages/cdenham/MexCDF/nc4ml5.html']; if nargout > 0 theResult = theURL; else disp(['## NetCDF Toolbox Home Page:']) disp(['## ' theURL]) theButton = questdlg('Go To NetCDF Toolbox Home Page?', 'WWW', 'Yes', 'No', 'No'); if isequal(theButton, 'Yes') theStatus = web(theURL); switch theStatus case 1 disp(' ## Could not find Web Browser.') disp(' ## See "help web".') case 2 disp(' ## Web Browser found, but could not be launched.') disp(' ## See "help web".') help('web') otherwise end end end