function nc_addvar ( ncfile, varstruct ) % NC_ADDVAR: adds a variable to a NetCDF file % % USAGE: nc_addvar ( ncfile, varstruct ); % % PARAMETERS: % Input % ncfile: % varstruct: % This is a structure with four fields: % % Name % Nctype % Dimension % Attribute % % "Name" is just that, the name of the variable to be defined. % % "Nctype" should be % 'double', 'float', 'int', 'short', or 'byte', or 'char' % 'NC_DOUBLE', 'NC_FLOAT', 'NC_INT', 'NC_SHORT', 'NC_BYTE', 'NC_CHAR' % % "Dimension" is a cell array of dimension names. % % "Attribute" is also a structure array. Each element has two % fields, "Name", and "Value". % % Output: % None. In case of an error, an exception is thrown. % % AUTHOR: % % error(nargchk(2,2,nargin,'struct')); if ~ischar(ncfile) error ( 'SNCTOOLS:NC_ADDVAR:badInput', 'file argument must be character' ); end if ( ~isstruct(varstruct) ) error ( 'SNCTOOLS:NC_ADDVAR:badInput', '2nd argument must be a structure' ); end varstruct = validate_varstruct ( varstruct ); switch ( version('-release') ) case { '11', '12', '13', '14', '2006a', '2006b', '2007a', '2007b', '2008a' } nc_addvar_mexnc(ncfile,varstruct); otherwise nc_addvar_tmw(ncfile,varstruct); end % Now just use nc_attput to put in the attributes for j = 1:length(varstruct.Attribute) attname = varstruct.Attribute(j).Name; attval = varstruct.Attribute(j).Value; nc_attput ( ncfile, varstruct.Name, attname, attval ); end %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function nc_addvar_tmw(ncfile,varstruct) ncid =, nc_write_mode ); % % determine the dimids of the named dimensions num_dims = length(varstruct.Dimension); dimids = zeros(1,num_dims); for j = 1:num_dims dimids(1,j) = netcdf.inqDimID(ncid, varstruct.Dimension{j} ); end % If we are old school, we need to flip the dimensions. if ~getpref('SNCTOOLS','PRESERVE_FVD',false) dimids = fliplr(dimids); end % % go into define mode netcdf.reDef(ncid); netcdf.defVar(ncid, varstruct.Name, varstruct.Nctype, dimids ); netcdf.endDef(ncid ); netcdf.close(ncid ); %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function nc_addvar_mexnc(ncfile,varstruct) [ncid, status] = mexnc ( 'open', ncfile, nc_write_mode ); if ( status ~= 0 ) ncerr = mexnc ( 'strerror', status ); error ( 'SNCTOOLS:NC_ADDVAR:MEXNC:OPEN', ... 'OPEN failed on %s, ''%s''', ncfile, ncerr); end % % determine the dimids of the named dimensions num_dims = length(varstruct.Dimension); dimids = zeros(num_dims,1); for j = 1:num_dims [dimids(j), status] = mexnc ( 'dimid', ncid, varstruct.Dimension{j} ); if ( status ~= 0 ) mexnc ( 'close', ncid ); ncerr = mexnc ( 'strerror', status ); error ( 'SNCTOOLS:NC_ADDVAR:MEXNC:DIMID', ncerr ); end end % If preserving the fastest varying dimension in mexnc, we have to % reverse their order. if getpref('SNCTOOLS','PRESERVE_FVD',false) dimids = flipud(dimids); end status = mexnc ( 'redef', ncid ); if ( status ~= 0 ) ncerr = mexnc ( 'strerror', status ); mexnc ( 'close', ncid ); error ( 'SNCTOOLS:NC_ADDVAR:MEXNC:REDEF', ncerr ); end [varid, status] = mexnc ( 'DEF_VAR', ncid, varstruct.Name, varstruct.Nctype, num_dims, dimids ); if ( status ~= 0 ) ncerr = mexnc ( 'strerror', status ); mexnc ( 'endef', ncid ); mexnc ( 'close', ncid ); error ( 'SNCTOOLS:NC_ADDVAR:MEXNC:DEF_VAR', ncerr ); end status = mexnc ( 'enddef', ncid ); if ( status ~= 0 ) ncerr = mexnc ( 'strerror', status ); mexnc ( 'close', ncid ); error ( 'SNCTOOLS:NC_ADDVAR:MEXNC:ENDDEF', ncerr ); end status = mexnc ( 'close', ncid ); if ( status ~= 0 ) ncerr = mexnc ( 'strerror', status ); error ( 'SNCTOOLS:NC_ADDVAR:MEXNC:CLOSE', ncerr ); end return %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function varstruct = validate_varstruct ( varstruct ) % % Check that required fields are there. % Must at least have a name. if ~isfield ( varstruct, 'Name' ) error ( 'SNCTOOLS:NC_ADDVAR:badInput', 'structure argument must have at least the ''Name'' field.' ); end % % Check that required fields are there. % Default Nctype is double. if ~isfield ( varstruct, 'Nctype' ) varstruct.Nctype = 'double'; end % % Are there any unrecognized fields? fnames = fieldnames ( varstruct ); for j = 1:length(fnames) fname = fnames{j}; switch ( fname ) case { 'Nctype', 'Name', 'Dimension', 'Attribute' } % % These are used to create the variable. They are ok. case { 'Unlimited', 'Size', 'Rank' } % % These come from the output of nc_getvarinfo. We don't % use them, but let's not give the user a warning about % them either. otherwise fprintf ( 2, '%s: unrecognized field name ''%s''. Ignoring it...\n', mfilename, fname ); end end % If the datatype is not a string. % Change suggested by Brian Powell if ( isa(varstruct.Nctype, 'double') && varstruct.Nctype < 7 ) types={ 'byte' 'char' 'short' 'int' 'float' 'double'}; varstruct.Nctype = char(types(varstruct.Nctype)); end % % Check that the datatype is known. switch ( varstruct.Nctype ) case { 'NC_DOUBLE', 'double', ... 'NC_FLOAT', 'float', ... 'NC_INT', 'int', ... 'NC_SHORT', 'short', ... 'NC_BYTE', 'byte', ... 'NC_CHAR', 'char' } % % Do nothing otherwise error ( 'SNCTOOLS:NC_ADDVAR:unknownDatatype', 'unknown type ''%s''\n', mfilename, varstruct.Nctype ); end % % Check that required fields are there. % Default Dimension is none. Singleton scalar. if ~isfield ( varstruct, 'Dimension' ) varstruct.Dimension = []; end % % Check that required fields are there. % Default Attributes are none if ~isfield ( varstruct, 'Attribute' ) varstruct.Attribute = []; end