function test_nc_varput ( ncfile ) % TEST_NC_VARPUT: % % % Generic Tests, should all fail gracefully. % Test 001: pass 0 arguments into nc_varput. % Test 002: pass 1 arguments into nc_varput. % Test 003: pass 2 arguments into nc_varput. % Test 004: bad filename into nc_varput. % Test 005: bad varname into nc_varput. % Test 006: try to write a 2D matrix to a singleton % Test 007: try to write a 2D matrix to a 2D var using 'put_var', % but having the wrong size % Test 008: try to write a 2D matrix to a 2D var using 'put_vara', % but having the wrong size % Test 009: try to write a 2D matrix to a 2D var using 'put_vars', % but having the wrong size % Test 010: try to write a 2D matrix to a 2D var using 'put_vara', % but with too long of a count argument % Test 011: try to write a 2D matrix to a 2D var using 'put_vars', % but with too long of a stride argument % Test 012: try to write a 2D matrix to a 2D var using 'put_vars', % but with too long of a start, count, stride argument % Test 013: try a bad start index % % % % put_var1 % Test 100: write to a singleton variable and read it back. % Test 101: write to a 1D variable with just a count % Test 102: write to a 1D variable with a bad count % Test 103: write to a 1D variable with a good count % Test 104: write to a 1D variable with a bad stride % Test 105: write to a 1D variable with a good stride. % Test 106: write more than 1 datum to a singleton variable. This should fail. % Test 107: write 1 datum to a singleton variable, bad start. Should fail. % Test 108: write 1 datum to a singleton variable, bad count. Should fail. % Test 109: write 1 datum to a singleton variable, give a stride. Should fail. % % put_var % Test 200: using put_var, write all the data to a 2D dataset. % Test 201: using put_vara, write a chunk of the data to a 2D dataset. % Test 202: using put_vara, write a chunk of data to a 2D dataset. % Test 203: using put_vars, write a chunk of data to a 2D dataset. % Test 204: write too much to a 2D dataset (using put_var). Should fail. % Test 205: write too little to a 2D dataset (using put_var). Should fail. % Test 206: use put_vara, write with a bad offset. Should fail. % Test 207: use put_vars, write with a bad start. Should fail. % Test 208: use put_vara, write with a bad count. Should fail. % Test 209: use put_vars, write with a bad stride. Should fail. % % Test 301: test reading with scale factors, add offsets. % Test 302: test writing with scale factors, add offsets. % Test 303: test reading with scale factor, no add offset. % Test 304: test writing/reading with _FillValue % Test 305: test reading with missing_value % Test 306: test reading with floating point scale factor % Test 307: test with _FillValue and missing_value % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % $Id: test_nc_varput.m 2559 2008-11-28 21:53:27Z johnevans007 $ % $LastChangedDate: 2008-11-28 16:53:27 -0500 (Fri, 28 Nov 2008) $ % $LastChangedRevision: 2559 $ % $LastChangedBy: johnevans007 $ % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% fprintf ( 1, 'NC_VARGET, NC_VARPUT: starting test suite...\n' ); if nargin == 0 ncfile = ''; end create_test_file ( ncfile ); test_001 ( 'testdata/' ); test_002 ( 'testdata/' ); test_003 ( 'testdata/' ); test_004 ( '' ); test_005 ( ncfile ); test_006 ( ncfile ); test_007 ( ncfile ); test_008 ( ncfile ); test_009 ( ncfile ); test_010 ( ncfile ); test_011 ( ncfile ); test_100 ( ncfile ); test_101 ( ncfile ); test_102 ( ncfile ); test_103 ( ncfile ); test_104 ( ncfile ); test_105 ( ncfile ); test_106 ( ncfile ); test_107 ( ncfile ); test_108 ( ncfile ); test_109 ( ncfile ); test_200 ( ncfile ); test_201 ( ncfile ); test_202 ( ncfile ); test_203 ( ncfile ); test_204 ( ncfile ); test_205 ( ncfile ); test_206 ( ncfile ); test_207 ( ncfile ); test_208 ( ncfile ); test_209 ( ncfile ); test_301 ( ncfile ); test_302 ( ncfile ); test_303 ( ncfile ); test_304 ( ncfile ); test_305 ( ncfile ); test_306 ( ncfile ); test_307 ( ncfile ); return function create_test_file ( ncfile, arg2 ) if snctools_use_tmw % % ok, first create the first file ncid_1 = netcdf.create(ncfile, nc_clobber_mode ); % % Create a fixed dimension. len_x = 4; xdimid = netcdf.defDim(ncid_1, 'x', len_x ); % % Create a fixed dimension. len_y = 6; ydimid = netcdf.defDim(ncid_1, 'y', len_y ); netcdf.close(ncid_1); elseif snctools_use_mexnc % % ok, first create the first file [ncid_1, status] = mexnc ( 'create', ncfile, nc_clobber_mode ); if ( status ~= 0 ) ncerr_msg = mexnc ( 'strerror', status ); msg = sprintf ( '%s: ''create'' failed, error message '' %s ''\n', mfilename, ncerr_msg ); error ( msg ); end % % Create a fixed dimension. len_x = 4; [xdimid, status] = mexnc ( 'def_dim', ncid_1, 'x', len_x ); if ( status ~= 0 ) ncerr_msg = mexnc ( 'strerror', status ); msg = sprintf ( '%s: ''def_dim'' failed on dim x, file %s, error message '' %s ''\n', mfilename, ncfile, ncerr_msg ); error ( msg ); end % % Create a fixed dimension. len_y = 6; [ydimid, status] = mexnc ( 'def_dim', ncid_1, 'y', len_y ); if ( status ~= 0 ) ncerr_msg = mexnc ( 'strerror', status ); msg = sprintf ( '%s: ''def_dim'' failed on dim y, file %s, error message '' %s ''\n', mfilename, ncfile, ncerr_msg ); error ( msg ); end % % CLOSE status = mexnc ( 'close', ncid_1 ); if ( status ~= 0 ) error ( 'CLOSE failed' ); end else error('No mexnc or native matlab support, this test cannot be run.'); end % % Add a singleton varstruct.Name = 'test_singleton'; varstruct.Nctype = 'double'; varstruct.Dimension = []; nc_addvar ( ncfile, varstruct ); clear varstruct; varstruct.Name = 'test_1D'; varstruct.Nctype = 'double'; varstruct.Dimension = { 'y' }; nc_addvar ( ncfile, varstruct ); clear varstruct; varstruct.Name = 'test_2D'; varstruct.Nctype = 'double'; if getpref('SNCTOOLS','PRESERVE_FVD',false) varstruct.Dimension = { 'x', 'y' }; else varstruct.Dimension = { 'y', 'x' }; end nc_addvar ( ncfile, varstruct ); clear varstruct; varstruct.Name = 'test_2D_float'; varstruct.Nctype = 'float'; if getpref('SNCTOOLS','PRESERVE_FVD',false) varstruct.Dimension = { 'x', 'y' }; else varstruct.Dimension = { 'y', 'x' }; end nc_addvar ( ncfile, varstruct ); clear varstruct; varstruct.Name = 'test_var3'; varstruct.Nctype = 'double'; varstruct.Dimension = { 'x' }; nc_addvar ( ncfile, varstruct ); return function test_001 ( ncfile ) try nc_varput; msg = sprintf ( '%s: nc_varput succeeded when it should not have.\n', mfilename ); error ( msg ); end return function test_002 ( ncfile ) try nc_varput ( ncfile ); msg = sprintf ( '%s: nc_varput succeeded when it should not have.\n', mfilename ); error ( msg ); end return function test_003 ( ncfile ) try nc_varput ( ncfile, 'test_2d' ); msg = sprintf ( '%s: nc_varput succeeded when it should not have.\n', mfilename ); error ( msg ); end return function test_106 ( ncfile ) input_data = [3.14159; 2]; nc_varput ( ncfile, 'test_1D', input_data, 0, 2, 2 ); output_data = nc_varget ( ncfile, 'test_1D', 0, 2, 2 ); ddiff = abs(input_data - output_data); if any( find(ddiff > eps) ) msg = sprintf ( '%s: input data ~= output data.\n', mfilename ); error ( msg ); end return function test_004 ( ncfile ) try nc_varput ( ncfile, 'test_2d' ); msg = sprintf ( '%s: nc_varput succeeded when it should not have.\n', mfilename ); error ( msg ); end return function test_005 ( ncfile ) try nc_varput ( ncfile, 'bad', 5 ); msg = sprintf ( '%s: nc_varput succeeded when it should not have.\n', mfilename ); error ( msg ); end return function test_006 ( ncfile ) try nc_varput ( ncfile, 'test_singleton', [2 1] ); msg = sprintf ( '%s: test failed, ''%s''.\n', mfilename, lasterr ); error ( msg ); end return function test_007 ( ncfile ) try nc_varput ( ncfile, 'test_2D', ones(7,4) ); msg = sprintf ( '%s: test failed, ''%s''.\n', mfilename, lasterr ); error ( msg ); end return function test_008 ( ncfile ) try nc_varput ( ncfile, 'test_2D', ones(3,4), [0 0], [3 3] ); msg = sprintf ( '%s: test failed, ''%s''.\n', mfilename, lasterr ); error ( msg ); end return function test_009 ( ncfile ) try nc_varput ( ncfile, 'test_2D', ones(3,2), [0 0], [3 2], [2 2] ); msg = sprintf ( '%s: test failed, ''%s''.\n', mfilename, lasterr ); error ( msg ); end return function test_010 ( ncfile ) try nc_varput ( ncfile, 'test_2D', ones(6,4), [0 0], [6 4 1] ); msg = sprintf ( '%s: test failed, ''%s''.\n', mfilename, lasterr ); error ( msg ); end return function test_011 ( ncfile ) try nc_varput ( ncfile, 'test_2D', ones(3,2), [0 0], [3 2], [2 2 1] ); msg = sprintf ( '%s: test failed, ''%s''.\n', mfilename, lasterr ); error ( msg ); end return function test_012 ( ncfile ) try nc_varput ( ncfile, 'test_2D', ones(3,2), [0 0 0], [3 2 1], [2 2 1] ); msg = sprintf ( '%s: test failed, ''%s''.\n', mfilename, lasterr ); error ( msg ); end return function test_013 ( ncfile ) try nc_varput ( ncfile, 'test_2D', ones(6,4), [1 0], [6 4] ); msg = sprintf ( '%s: test failed, ''%s''.\n', mfilename, lasterr ); error ( msg ); end return function test_021 ( ncfile ) try nc_varput ( ncfile, 'test_2D', ones(3,2), [0 0 0], [3 2], [2 2 1] ); msg = sprintf ( '%s: test failed, ''%s''.\n', mfilename, lasterr ); error ( msg ); end return function test_100 ( ncfile ) input_data = 3.14159; nc_varput ( ncfile, 'test_singleton', input_data ); output_data = nc_varget ( ncfile, 'test_singleton' ); ddiff = abs(input_data - output_data); if any( find(ddiff > eps) ) msg = sprintf ( '%s: input data ~= output data.\n', mfilename ); error ( msg ); end return function test_101 ( ncfile ) input_data = 3.14159; try nc_varput ( ncfile, 'test_1D', input_data, 8 ); msg = sprintf ( '%s: nc_varput succeeded when it should have failed.\n', mfilename ); error ( msg ); end return function test_102 ( ncfile ) input_data = 3.14159; try nc_varput ( ncfile, 'test_1D', input_data, 4, 2 ); msg = sprintf ( '%s: nc_varput succeeded in when it should have failed.\n', mfilename ); error ( msg ); end return function test_103 ( ncfile ) input_data = 3.14159; nc_varput ( ncfile, 'test_1D', input_data, 0, 1 ); output_data = nc_varget ( ncfile, 'test_1D', 0, 1 ); ddiff = abs(input_data - output_data); if any( find(ddiff > eps) ) msg = sprintf ( '%s: input data ~= output data.\n', mfilename ); error ( msg ); end return function test_104 ( ncfile ) input_data = [3.14159; 2]; try nc_varput ( ncfile, 'test_1D', input_data, 0, 2, 8 ); msg = sprintf ( '%s: nc_varput succeeded when it should have failed.\n', mfilename ); error ( msg ); end return function test_105 ( ncfile ) input_data = [3.14159 2]; try nc_varput ( ncfile, 'test_singleton', input_data ); msg = sprintf ( '%s: nc_varput succeeded when it should not have.\n', mfilename ); error ( msg ); end return function test_107 ( ncfile ) input_data = 3.14159; try nc_varput ( ncfile, 'test_singleton', input_data, 4, 1 ); msg = sprintf ( '%s: nc_varput succeeded when it should not have.\n', mfilename ); error ( msg ); end return function test_108 ( ncfile ) input_data = 3.14159; try nc_varput ( ncfile, 'test_singleton', input_data, 0, 2 ); msg = sprintf ( '%s: nc_varput succeeded when it should not have.\n', mfilename ); error ( msg ); end return function test_109 ( ncfile ) input_data = 3.14159; try nc_varput ( ncfile, 'test_singleton', input_data, 0, 1, 1 ); msg = sprintf ( '%s: nc_varput succeeded when it should not have.\n', mfilename ); error ( msg ); end return function test_200 ( ncfile ) input_data = [1:24]; count = nc_varsize(ncfile,'test_2D'); input_data = reshape(input_data,count); nc_varput ( ncfile, 'test_2D', input_data ); output_data = nc_varget ( ncfile, 'test_2D' ); ddiff = abs(input_data - output_data); if any( find(ddiff > eps) ) msg = sprintf ( '%s: input data ~= output data \n', mfilename ); error ( msg ); end return function test_201 ( ncfile ) sz = nc_varsize(ncfile,'test_2D'); start = [0 0]; count = sz-1; input_data = [1:prod(count)]; input_data = reshape(input_data,count); nc_varput ( ncfile, 'test_2D', input_data, start, count ); output_data = nc_varget ( ncfile, 'test_2D', start, count ); ddiff = abs(input_data - output_data); if any( find(ddiff > eps) ) msg = sprintf ( '%s: input data ~= output data .\n', mfilename ); error ( msg ); end return function test_202 ( ncfile ) sz = nc_varsize(ncfile,'test_2D'); start = [1 1]; count = sz-1; input_data = [1:prod(count)] - 5; input_data = reshape(input_data,count); nc_varput ( ncfile, 'test_2D', input_data, start, count ); output_data = nc_varget ( ncfile, 'test_2D', start, count ); ddiff = abs(input_data - output_data); if any( find(ddiff > eps) ) msg = sprintf ( '%s: input data ~= output data .\n', mfilename ); error ( msg ); end return function test_203 ( ncfile ) sz = nc_varsize(ncfile,'test_2D'); start = [0 0]; count = sz/2; stride = [2 2]; input_data = [1:prod(count)]; input_data = reshape(input_data,count); nc_varput ( ncfile, 'test_2D', input_data, start, count, stride ); output_data = nc_varget ( ncfile, 'test_2D', start, count, stride ); ddiff = abs(input_data - output_data); if any( find(ddiff > eps) ) msg = sprintf ( '%s: input data ~= output data.\n', mfilename ); error ( msg ); end return function test_204 ( ncfile ) input_data = [1:49]; input_data = reshape(input_data,7,7); try nc_varput ( ncfile, 'test_2D', input_data ); msg = sprintf ( '%s: nc_varput succeeded when it should not have.\n', mfilename ); error ( msg ); end return function test_205 ( ncfile ) sz = nc_varsize(ncfile,'test_2D'); start = [0 0]; count = sz-1; input_data = [1:prod(count)]; input_data = reshape(input_data,count); try nc_varput ( ncfile, 'test_2D', input_data ); msg = sprintf ( '%s: nc_varput succeeded when it should not have.\n', mfilename ); error ( msg ); end return function test_206 ( ncfile ) % write with a bad offset sz = nc_varsize(ncfile,'test_2D'); start = [1 1]; count = sz; input_data = [1:prod(count)]; input_data = reshape(input_data,count); try nc_varput ( ncfile, 'test_2D', input_data, start, count ); msg = sprintf ( '%s: nc_varput succeeded when it should not have.\n', mfilename ); error ( msg ); end return function test_207 ( ncfile ) % write using put_vars with a bad offset sz = nc_varsize(ncfile,'test_2D'); start = [1 1]; count = sz/2; stride = [2 2]; input_data = [1:prod(count)] + 3.14159; input_data = reshape(input_data,count); try nc_varput ( ncfile, 'test_2D', input_data, start, count, stride); msg = sprintf ( '%s: nc_varput succeeded when it should not have.\n', mfilename ); error ( msg ); end return function test_208 ( ncfile ) % vara with bad count sz = nc_varsize(ncfile,'test_2D'); start = [0 0]; count = sz+1; input_data = [1:prod(count)] + 3.14159; input_data = reshape(input_data,count); try nc_varput ( ncfile, 'test_2D', input_data, start, count ); msg = sprintf ( '%s: nc_varput succeeded when it should not have.\n', mfilename ); error ( msg ); end return function test_209 ( ncfile ) sz = nc_varsize(ncfile,'test_2D'); start = [0 0]; count = sz/2; stride = [3 3]; input_data = [1:prod(count)] + 3.14159; input_data = reshape(input_data,count); try nc_varput ( ncfile, 'test_2D', input_data, start, count, stride); msg = sprintf ( '%s: nc_varput succeeded when it should not have.\n', mfilename ); error ( msg ); end return function test_301 ( ncfile ) % % Write some data, then put a scale factor of 2 and add offset of 1. The % data read back should be twice as large plus 1. create_test_file ( ncfile ); sz = nc_varsize(ncfile,'test_2D'); start = [0 0]; count = sz; input_data = [1:prod(count)]; input_data = reshape(input_data,count); nc_varput ( ncfile, 'test_2D', input_data ); nc_attput ( ncfile, 'test_2D', 'scale_factor', 2.0 ); nc_attput ( ncfile, 'test_2D', 'add_offset', 1.0 ); output_data = nc_varget ( ncfile, 'test_2D' ); ddiff = abs(input_data - (output_data-1)/2); if any( find(ddiff > eps) ) msg = sprintf ( '%s: input data ~= output data in Test 13.\n', mfilename ); error ( msg ); end return function test_302 ( ncfile ) % % Put a scale factor of 2 and add offset of 1. % Write some data, % Put a scale factor of 4 and add offset of 2. % data read back should be twice as large create_test_file ( ncfile ); sz = nc_varsize(ncfile,'test_2D'); start = [0 0]; count = sz; input_data = [1:prod(count)]; input_data = reshape(input_data,count); nc_attput ( ncfile, 'test_2D', 'scale_factor', 2.0 ); nc_attput ( ncfile, 'test_2D', 'add_offset', 1.0 ); nc_varput ( ncfile, 'test_2D', input_data ); nc_attput ( ncfile, 'test_2D', 'scale_factor', 4.0 ); nc_attput ( ncfile, 'test_2D', 'add_offset', 2.0 ); output_data = nc_varget ( ncfile, 'test_2D' ); ddiff = abs(input_data - (output_data)/2); if any( find(ddiff > eps) ) msg = sprintf ( '%s: input data ~= output data .\n', mfilename ); error ( msg ); end return function test_303 ( ncfile ) % % Put a scale factor of 2 and no add offset. % Write some data. create_test_file ( ncfile ); sz = nc_varsize(ncfile,'test_2D'); start = [0 0]; count = sz; input_data = [1:prod(count)]; input_data = reshape(input_data,count); nc_attput ( ncfile, 'test_2D', 'scale_factor', 2.0 ); nc_varput ( ncfile, 'test_2D', input_data ); % % Now change the scale_factor, doubling it. nc_attput ( ncfile, 'test_2D', 'scale_factor', 4.0 ); output_data = nc_varget ( ncfile, 'test_2D' ); if output_data(1) ~= 2 msg = sprintf ( '%s: input data ~= output data .\n', mfilename ); error ( msg ); end return function test_304 ( ncfile ) create_test_file ( ncfile ); sz = nc_varsize(ncfile,'test_2D'); start = [0 0]; count = sz; input_data = [1:prod(count)]; input_data = reshape(input_data,count); input_data(1,1) = NaN; nc_attput ( ncfile, 'test_2D', '_FillValue', -1 ); nc_varput ( ncfile, 'test_2D', input_data ); % % Now change the _FillValue, to -2. nc_attput ( ncfile, 'test_2D', '_FillValue', -2 ); % % Now read the data back. Should have a -1 in position (1,1). output_data = nc_varget ( ncfile, 'test_2D' ); if output_data(1) ~= -1 msg = sprintf ( '%s: input data ~= output data .\n', mfilename ); error ( msg ); end return function test_305 ( ncfile ) create_test_file ( ncfile ); sz = nc_varsize(ncfile,'test_2D'); start = [0 0]; count = sz; input_data = [1:prod(count)]; input_data = reshape(input_data,count); input_data(1,1) = NaN; nc_attput ( ncfile, 'test_2D', 'missing_value', -1 ); nc_varput ( ncfile, 'test_2D', input_data ); % % Now change the _FillValue, to -2. nc_attput ( ncfile, 'test_2D', '_FillValue', -2 ); % % Now read the data back. Should have a NaN in position (1,1). output_data = nc_varget ( ncfile, 'test_2D' ); if ~isnan(output_data(1,1)) msg = sprintf ( '%s: output data is not correct.\n', mfilename ); error ( msg ); end return % Read from a single precision dataset with a single precision scale factor. % Should still produce single precision. function test_306 ( ncfile ) % % Write some data, then put a scale factor of 2 and add offset of 1. The % data read back should be twice as large plus 1. create_test_file ( ncfile ); sz = nc_varsize(ncfile,'test_2D'); start = [0 0]; count = sz; input_data = rand(1,prod(count)); input_data = reshape(input_data,count); scale_factor = single(0.5); add_offset = single(1.0); nc_attput ( ncfile, 'test_2D_float', 'scale_factor', scale_factor ); nc_attput ( ncfile, 'test_2D_float', 'add_offset', add_offset ); nc_varput ( ncfile, 'test_2D_float', input_data ); output_data = nc_varget ( ncfile, 'test_2D_float' ); ddiff = abs(input_data - output_data); if any( find(ddiff > 1e-6) ) msg = sprintf ( 'input data ~= output data.\n' ); error ( msg ); end return % % Test a fill value / missing value conflict. The fill value should take precedence. function test_307 ( ncfile ) create_test_file ( ncfile ); sz = nc_varsize(ncfile,'test_2D'); start = [0 0]; count = sz; input_data = [1:prod(count)]; input_data = reshape(input_data,count); input_data(1,1) = NaN; nc_attput ( ncfile, 'test_2D', '_FillValue', -1 ); nc_attput ( ncfile, 'test_2D', 'missing_value', -1 ); nc_varput ( ncfile, 'test_2D', input_data ); % % Now read the data back. Should have a NaN in position (1,1). output_data = nc_varget ( ncfile, 'test_2D' ); if ~isnan(output_data(1,1)) msg = sprintf ( '%s: output data is not correct.\n', mfilename ); error ( msg ); end return