The Short And Sweet Of It... ============================ Please add this directory to your matlab path. You must also have mexnc on your path in order for snctools to work. SNCTOOLS Preferences ======================================================================= USE_JAVA If you have the toolsUI jar file on your javapath, then enabling this preference allows the java backend to work. You may find this useful in reading OPeNDAP URLs. You may also which to use an opendap-enabled version of mexnc for opendap work. In that case, set this preference to false. The same set of logic holds for netcdf-4 files. The java backend can read it, or you may wish to try a netcdf-4-enabled version of mexnc. SNCTOOLS and NetCDF-4 ======================================================================= SNCTOOLS supports netCDF-4 files provided you do one of two things. You can read and write to netCDF-4 classic files (those files that do not use any advanced netCDF-4 features, like compound or variable- length datasets) if you >>>> STATICALLY <<< recompile the netcdf-4 and hdf5 libraries and then relink mexnc. The R2008b MathWorks netCDF support only extends to 3.6.2. If you do not compile the libraries statically, you will get an invalid mex-file, as the 1.8.x version of hdf5 will conflict with the 1.6.5 version used by MATLAB. Please see the instructions for mexnc for further details about compiling mexnc. The 2nd route is perhaps easier, but you only get read support. The java backend can read netCDF-4 classic files just fine, just make sure you have version 4.0 of toolsUI or better. This requires MATLAB version R2006a or higher. ======================================================================= Of all the routines in this m-file collection, the most useful (in my humble opinion) are as follows 1. nc_varget - reads a netcdf variable 2. nc_varput - writes to a netcdf variable 3. nc_attget - reads a netcdf attribute 4. nc_attput - writes a netcdf attribute 5. nc_padheader - pads header section of large netCDF files 6. nc_dump - prints netcdf metadata There is a subdirectory called "tests" which has routines that test the m-files of SNCTOOLS. You really don't need to worry about this unless you are convinced that there is something wrong with one of the m-files. In that case, you can run the test suite by changing directories into "tests" and running "test_snctools" from the matlab command line. ROW MAJOR VS COLUMN MAJOR ORDER ======================================================================= Mexnc is written in C and therefore retrieves data in row-major order. MATLAB is a column-major order beast, however. This results in a dimension mismatch because the fastest-varying dimension in MATLAB is the 1st dimension, whereas it is the last dimension in C. Therefore, Mexnc has historically transposed data before writing to file and after reading from file. This imposes a performance hit. You can now set a preference to tell SNCTOOLS to not transpose the data. >> setpref('SNCTOOLS','PRESERVE_FVD',true); This could very well break code written prior to R2008b, so use this option at your own risk. The default value is false, i.e. NOT transposing the data. SNCTOOLS and OPeNDAP ======================================================================= SNCTOOLS can use java to read OPeNDAP URLs. In order to do this, follow these steps. Then download toolsUI-2.2.22.jar or higher from Make sure that you DO NOT start matlab with the -nojvm option. Add this jar file to your dynamic java path from within matlab using javaaddpath, i.e. >> javaaddpath ( '/path/to/toolsUI-2.2.22.jar' ); From the command line, you can then turn on the java backend with >> setpref ( 'SNCTOOLS', 'USE_JAVA', true ); Note that if you want netcdf-4 support, you need the 4.0 version of the jar file.