! ! $Id: nc_sta.h,v 1.1 2005/01/21 17:02:11 pmarches Exp $ ! ! This is include file "nc_sta.h". ! ==== == ======= ==== ============ ! ! stafield Number of station fields for output ! wrtsta Logical vector with flags for output ! indxsta[...] Index of logical flag to output several fields ! Grd - grid level ! Temp - temp ! Salt - Salt ! Rho - Density ! Vel - u and v components ! ncidsta id of station output file ! nrecsta step to output station data ! sta[...] several reference names of netcdf output ! staname station output filename ! staposname station input data filename integer stafield parameter(stafield=5) integer indxstaGrd, indxstaTemp, indxstaSalt, & indxstaRho, indxstaVel parameter ( indxstaGrd=1, indxstaTemp=2, & indxstaSalt=3, indxstaRho=4, indxstaVel=5) integer ncidsta, nrecsta, staGlevel & , staTstep, staTime, staXgrd, staYgrd & , staZgrd, staV, staU #ifdef SPHERICAL & , staLon, staLat #else & , staX, staY #endif #ifdef SOLVE3D & , staDepth, staDen, staTemp # ifdef SALINITY & , staSal # endif #endif logical wrtsta(stafield) common/incscrum_sta/ & ncidsta, nrecsta, staGlevel & , staTstep, staTime, staXgrd, staYgrd & , staZgrd, staV, staU #ifdef SPHERICAL & , staLon, staLat #else & , staX, staY #endif #ifdef SOLVE3D & , staDepth, staDen, staTemp # ifdef SALINITY & , staSal # endif #endif & , wrtsta character*80 staname, staposname common /cncscrum_sta/ staname, staposname