IDLdoc developer's guide

This guide discusses how to mark up IDL pro code in order to insert more information into IDLdoc's output.

Comments on the routine and file level are placed between ";+" and ";-" lines before a routine in IDL source code. Content between these lines is copied verbatim into the IDLdoc output for the routine it appears before with the exception of the @-preceded "tags" listed in tables below. Once an @ appears in the comments, IDLdoc processes all remaining lines of the comments as tags. To place a non-tag defining "@" in your comments, escape it with a "\", as in "email_address\".

In the following example, the @author tag is used to indicate an author of the code. The second "@" is escaped to allow its literal use in the email address:

; @author Michael Galloy, mgalloy\

Routine level comments

There are many tags which describe an individual routine. Each tag name appears after an "@" sign as the first non-whitespace character after the ;. The tags are described below.

Tag Description
abstract Presence of the this tag indicates this method is abstract. This is intended for use with methods of a class which are not intended to be called, but are only provided as documenting an interface that a subclass will override.
author Text following this tag appears in a list of attributes of the routine marked as "Author."
bugs Text that follows this tag is copied into a bug attribute of the routine and placed in a library wide listing which documents known failings of routines.
categories Text following this tag is used as a comma separated list of categories of the routine. The syntax is:
; @categories math, input/output
Category names are case-sensitive and may contain any characters except commas (though whitespace at the beginning and end will be removed).
copyright Text following this tag appears in a list of attributes of the routine marked as "Copyright."
customer_id Text following this tag appears in a list of attributes of the routine marked as "Customer ID."
examples Text following this tag is copied into an examples attribute of the routine; it is intended to have example code of using the routine.
field For routines in files that end in "__define", this provides documentation of a member variable of a class/structure. The syntax is
; @field field_name comment
where "field" matches one of the structure field names of the structure type/class being defined.
hidden Presence of this tag hides this routine in IDLdoc output.
history Text following this tag is copied into a history attribute of the routine; it is intended to have a history of the creators and modifiers of the source code of the routine.
inherits Obsolete. Intended to provide the parent class of the documented class, but this is automatically handled by IDLdoc now (as long as class definitions are in files that end "__define").
keyword This tag documents a single keyword parameter to the routine. This syntax is
; @keyword keyword_name attributes comment
Attributes further describe keyword and detailed in the section below. The comment may be an text and is copied into the IDLdoc output.
obsolete Presence of this tag marks the routine as obsolete.
param This tag documents a single keyword parameter to the routine. This syntax is
; @param keyword_name attributes comment
Attributes further describe keyword and detailed in the section below. The comment may be an text and is copied into the IDLdoc output.
pre Text following this tag will be copied to a pre attribute of the routine; it is intended to give conditions the routine assumes to be true before it runs.
post Text following this tag will be copied to a post attribute of the routine; it is intended to give conditions the routine assumes to be true after it runs.
private Presence of this tag will hide this routine in IDLdoc output if IDLdoc is run in "user" mode.
requires Text following this tag is copied into the "Requires" attribute of the routine; it is intended to provide the version of IDL required to run the routine. For example,
; @requires IDL 6.2
will simply cause "IDL 6.2" to appear in the "Requires" attribute.
restrictions Text following this tag is copied into the "Restrictions" attribute of the routine; it is intended to provide any restrictions on the use of the routine.
returns Text following this tag is copied into the "Returns" attribute of the routine; it is intended to provide information about return value of a function.
todo This tag places an item in a library-wide list of todo items. The text following the tag is copied into this list along with the routine it appears in it.
uses Text following this tag is placed in a uses attribute of the routine; it is intended to list routines that this routine calls.
version Text following this tag is placed in a version attribute of the routine; it is intended to give a version name/number of the routine.

For each positional parameters or keyword tag additional attributes may be added in curly braces. For example,

; @param x {in}{required}{type=lonarr} x-axis data

The attributes are described below.

Attribute Description
default This atrribute defines the default value of the parameter. Any string may be entered and is echoed in the IDLdoc output.
hidden This attribute hides this parameter in IDLdoc output.
in This attribute marks the parameter as an input to the routine.
optional This attribute marks the parameter as optional; the routine does not always need this parameter, although there might be cases where the parameter is required (depending on the presence and value of other parameters).
out This attribute marks the parameter as an output to the routine. This routine expects a named variable to be passed to this parameter (if passed at all).
private This attribute hides this parameter in IDLdoc output when IDLdoc is run in "user" mode and marking it as "private" when run in "developer" mode.
required This attribute marks the parameter as required.
type This atrribute defines the data type of the parameter. Any string may be entered and is echoed in the IDLdoc output. The special type "boolean" will cause the calling syntax in IDLdoc output to use the IDL online help syntax of prepending a "/" to the parameter name.

File level comments

Some tags may appear in the comments for any routine in a file because they document attributes of the file. These tags are described below.

Tag Description
file_comments Text following the tag is copied to the top of the file in the IDLdoc output i.e. it is a comment on the file and not the routine it appears in. If there are multiple file_comments tags in the file, the comments will be concatenated in the order they are present in the file.
hidden_file Presence of this tag indicates this entire file should be hidden in IDLdoc output.
private_file Presence of this tag indicates this entire file should be hidden in IDLdoc output if IDLdoc is run in "user" mode, but shown when run in "developer" mode (the default).


For example, here's a sample class definition routine:
; Define the instance variables of the array_list.
; @file_comments An array_list is an object representing a variable
;                length list of scalar elements of any single type.
;                Array_lists support adding elements at the end of
;                the vector only, but any element may be removed from
;                the array_list. An iterator is provided for
;                efficient and easy looping throught the elements of
;                the array_list.
; @field data pointer to an array
; @field cur_size the current size of the data in the array
; @field max_size the maximum size of the data in the current array
; @field type type code (as in SIZE function) for the elements in the
;        array_list
; @field sample_struct pointer to a structure if the type is
;        "structure"
; @field iterators IDL_Container for the iterators of this array_list
; @requires IDL 6.0
; @author Michael D. Galloy
; @history Created September 26, 2003
; @copyright RSI, 2003
pro array_list__define
    compile_opt idl2

    define = { array_list, $
        data:ptr_new(), $
        cur_size:0L, $
        max_size:0L, $
        type:0L, $
        sample_struct:ptr_new(), $
        iterators:obj_new() $
Another example routine, this time a simple function with a positional parameter and keyword:
; Returns [b, a] for a linear function y = a * x + b that sends
; inRange[0] -> range[0] and inRange[1] -> range[1].
; @returns dblarr(2)
; @param inRange {in}{required}{type=2 element numeric array} input
;        range
; @keyword range {in}{optional}{type=dblarr(2)}{default=[0.D, 1.D]}
;          output range
; @categories math, object graphics
function linear_function, inRange, range=outRange
    compile_opt idl2

    i_outRange = n_elements(outRange) eq 0 $
        ? [0.D, 1.D] $
        : double(outRange)

    scale = [i_outRange[0] * inRange[1] - i_outRange[1] * inRange[0], $
        i_outRange[1] - i_outRange[0]] / (inRange[1] - inRange[0])
    return, scale
One more example, this time a function method with an output keyword.
; Finds the value associated with the given key.
; @returns the value of the associated key or -1L if not found
; @param key {in}{type=key type} key to look up
; @keyword found {out}{optional}{type=boolean} true if value found for
;          given key
function hash_table::get, key, found=found

Directory overviews

The "dir-overview" file in each directory of the library is copied into the directory overview file. Much of the content of the overview file is obtained from the PRO code files in the directory, but this allows header content as an overview of the all the files in the directory to be inserted at the top of the directory overview file.

Library overview

The library overview file is a single file which is inserted into the opening page of the IDLdoc output. This file is copied verbatim into the IDLdoc output except for the following tag which allows for comments on the contents of the directories found in the library.

Tag Description
dir The text following this tag is the relative path (web-style, always with a /) to a directory in the library and a comment which is copied into a table in the opening page of the IDLdoc output.
; @dir algorithms/math mathematical routines

Syntax of IDLdoc routine

Below is the IDLdoc generated documentation for the IDLdoc main routine.


idldoc, root=string[, output=string][, overview=string][, footer=string][, log_file=string][, /user][, /quiet][, /silent][, /embed][, /nonavbar][, title=string][, subtitle=string][, /statistics][, n_warnings=variable][, /browse_routines][, /preformat][, /assistant]

Calling routine for IDLdoc.


root        in required type: string

root directory for IDLdoc's recursive search for .pro files. IDLdoc will find any files with the '.pro' suffix and include them in its file listings. Only directories with '.pro' files in them are included in the directory listings.

output        in optional type: string default: same as root

directory in which to create the HTML output and possible subdirectories

overview        in optional type: string

filepath to a file containing the summary of the package information about each directory in the package.
filename for a footer to be placed at the bottom of files; this file can contain any valid HTML

log_file        in optional type: string

set to a filename of a file to contain the error messages generated by the IDLdoc run; useful for automated runs of IDLdoc

user        in optional type: boolean

set to create a listing appropriate for users of the given library hierarchy; the default is to create documentation suited to developers. If set private routines are not shown in the documentation.

quiet        in optional type: boolean

if set, print only warnings

silent        in optional type: boolean

if set, print no messages

embed        in optional type: boolean

if set, embeds style sheet in each HTML document; if this is not set, each HTML file will be looking for the cascading style sheet idldoc.css in the directory specified for the ROOT keyword

nonavbar        in optional type: boolean

set to exclude the navigation bar at the top of each page

title        in optional type: string default: Research Systems

title of the library

subtitle        in optional type: string default: IDL version

subtitle of the library

statistics        in optional type: boolean

set to calculate several McCabe statistics for each routine

n_warnings        out optional type: integer

set to a named variable to contain the total number of warnings issued during the run

browse_routines        in optional type: boolean

set to include a frame to browse through the routines of the current file

preformat        in optional type: boolean

set to produce output that will look like it does in the code files (line for line)

assistant        in optional type: boolean

set to produce output for the IDL assistant help system instead of optimized for a web browser


To run IDLdoc, try:
idldoc, root='C:\mycode'
where C:\mycode is the root of a directory tree containing IDL .pro files.

Version history


Michael D. Galloy


RSI, 2002

Other attributes

Requires IDL version

IDL 6.0
Produced by IDLdoc 2.0 on Sat Mar 11 21:40:01 2006.