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Define a triangulation array like TRIANGULATE. But in a VERY SIMPLE CASE: the points are regulary-gridded on nx*ny array. Find a Delaunay triangulation for this set of points is easy: Points define (nx-1)*(ny-1) rectangles which we can cut in 2 triangles. cf. figure above
      ny-1*---*---*. . . . . .*---*---*
          |  +|  +|           |  +|  +|
          | + | + |           | + | + |
          |+  |+  |           |+  |+  |
      ny-2*---*---*. . . . . .*---*---*
          .       .           .       .
          .       .           .       .
          .       .           .       .
         1*---*---*. . . . . .*---*---*
          |  +|  +|           |  +|  +|
          | + | + |           | + | + |
          |+  |+  |           |+  |+  |
         0*---*---*. . . . . .*---*---*
           0   1   2        nx-3  nx-2 nx-1
You have 2 ways to cut a rectangle: 1) the upward diagonal 2) the downward diagonal
          *---*                        *---*
          |  +|                        |+  |
          | + |                        | + |
          |+  |                        |  +|
          *---*                        *---*

definetri Utilities

result = definetri(nx, ny[, downward])

Return value

triangles is a 2d array and its dimensions are 3 and 2*(nx-1)*(ny-1). triangles is defined like in the TRIANGULATE procedure.


nx        in required

The x dimension array

ny        in required

The y dimension array

downward        in optional

When DOWNWARD is undefined all rectangles are cut in using the upward diagonal. DOWNWARD is a vector which contains the rectangles numbers which are cut in using the downward diagonal. The rectangle number is defined by the index (in a nx*ny vector) of the lower-left corner of the rectangle.


 IDL> triangles=definetri(3,3,[1,3])
 triangles will be this kind of triangulation:

          |+  |  +|
          | + | + |
          |  +|+  |
          |  +|+  |
          | + | + |
          |+  |  +|


Version history


$Id: 232 2007-03-20 16:59:36Z pinsard $


sebastien Masson ( 4/3/1999


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