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read NetCDF grid file created by ROMS

topncdf_meshroms Grid

ncdf_meshroms[, filename], NRHO=scalar, GLAMBOUNDARY=2 elements vector, ONEARTH=scalar: 0 or 1, GETDIMENSIONS=scalar: 0 or 1, PERIODIC=scalar: 0 or 1, SHIFT=scalar, STRIDE=3 elements vector, STRCALLING=scalar string, _EXTRA=_EXTRA


filename        in optional type: scalar string default: 'roms_grd.nc'

Name of the meshmask file to read. If this name does not contain any "/" and if iodirectory keyword is not specify, then the common variable iodir will be use to define the mesh file path.


NRHO        type: scalar default: 1

Specify the number of rho level that contain the data we want to explore. This is mainly useful when using xxx to get access to the deeper levers and vertical sections.

GLAMBOUNDARY        type: 2 elements vector default: those defined in the file

Longitude boundaries that should be used to visualize the data. lon2 > lon1 lon2 - lon1 le 360 By default, the common (cm_4mesh) variable key_shift will be automatically defined according to GLAMBOUNDARY.

ONEARTH        type: scalar: 0 or 1 default: 1

Force the manual definition of data localization on the earth or not 0) if the data are not on the earth 1) if the data are on earth (in that case we can for example use the labels 'longitude', 'latitude' in plots). The resulting value will be stored in the common (cm_4mesh) variable key_onearth ONEARTH = 0 forces PERIODIC = 0, SHIFT = 0 and is cancelling GLAMBOUNDARY

GETDIMENSIONS        type: scalar: 0 or 1 default: 0

Activate this keywords if you only want to know the dimension of the domain stored in the mesh file. This dimensions will be defined in jpiglo, jpjglo, jpkglo (cm_4mesh common variables)

PERIODIC        type: scalar: 0 or 1 default: computed by using the first line of glamt

Force the manual definition of the grid zonal periodicity. The resulting value will be stored in the common (cm_4mesh) variable key_periodic PERIODIC = 0 forces SHIFT = 0

SHIFT        type: scalar default: computed according to glamboundary

Force the manual definition of the zonal shift that must be apply to the data. The resulting value will be stored in the common (cm_4mesh) variable key_shift Note that if key_periodic=0 then in any case key_shift = 0.

STRIDE        type: 3 elements vector default: [1, 1, 1]

Specify the stride in x, y and z direction. The resulting value will be stored in the common (cm_4mesh) variable key_stride

STRCALLING        type: scalar string

the calling command used to call computegrid (this is used by xxx.pro)


Used to pass keywords to isafile


IDL> ncdf_meshroms [,' filename']

Version history


$Id: ncdf_meshroms.pro 231 2007-03-19 17:15:51Z pinsard $


Sebastien Masson (smasson@lodyc.jussieu.fr) September 2006

Known issues


ixminmesh,ixmaxmesh,iyminmesh,iymaxmesh,izminmesh,izmaxmesh must be defined before calling ncdf_meshread. if some of those value are equal to -1 they will be automatically defined In the original ROMS grid, if F grid has (jpi,jpj) points then T grid will have (jpi+1,jpj+1) points, U grid will have (jpi,jpj+1) points and V grid will have (jpi+1,jpj) points. By default C-grid used in this package needs the same number of points for T,U,V and F grid, with a T point at the bottom left corner of the grid. We therefore ignore the last column of T and V points and the last line of T and U points. Scale factors are compuited using the distance between the points (which is not the exact definition for irregular grid).

Other attributes

Uses routines

cm_4mesh cm_4data cm_4cal


McCabe cyclic 72
McCabe essential 1
McCabe modular design 1
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