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1) extract from a NetCDF file the longitude, latidude, and their dimensions and make sure it is 1D or 2D arrays or 2) given longitude and latitude arrays get their dimensions and make sure they are 1D or 2D arrays

topget_gridparams interpolation

get_gridparams, in1, in2, in3, in4, in5, in6, in7, in8, DOUBLE=DOUBLE


in1        in out required

the name of the netcdf file 1d or 2D arrays defining longitudes and latitudes. the variable that will contain the longitudes

in2        in out required

the name of the variable that contains the longitude in the NetCDF file 1d or 2D arrays defining longitudes and latitudes. Note that these arrays are also outputs and can therefore be modified. the variable that will contain the latitudes

in3        in required

the name of the variable that contains the latitude in the NetCDF file the number of points in the longitudinal direction

in4        in out

the number of points in the longitudinal direction the number of points in the latitudinal direction

in5        in out

the number of points in the latitudinal direction 1 or 2 to specify if lon and lat should be 1D (jpi or jpj) arrays or 2D arrays (jpi,jpj). Note that of n_dimensions = 1, then the grid must be regular (each longitudes must be the same for all latitudes and each latitudes should be the sae for all longitudes).

in6        out

the variable that will contain the longitudes

in7        out

the variable that will contain the latitudes

in8        out

1 or 2 to specify if lon and lat should be 1D (jpi or jpj) or 2)




1) get_gridparams, file, lonname, latname, lon, lat, jpi, jpj, n_dimensions or 2) get_gridparams, lon, lat, jpi, jpj, n_dimensions 1) 1) ncdf_get_gridparams, 'coordinates_ORCA_R05.nc', 'glamt', 'gphit' $ , olon, olat, jpio, jpjo, 2 2) ncdf_get_gridparams, olon, olat, jpio, jpjo, 2

Version history


November 2005: Sebastien Masson (smasson@lodyc.jussieu.fr)
Produced by IDLdoc 2.0.