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Allows to read an array or a sructure cooresponding to a field. If we have in input: -an array, litchamp send back the array. -a structure, litchamp send back the first element of the structure which must be the field in an array. Litchamp profit of this to look other elements of the structure et update if needed global variables which refer to the field: vargrid, varname, varunit, vardate, varexp , valmask et time

toplitchamp Graphics


Return value

It is the array containing the field.


struct        in required

It is either an array or a structure. If STRUCT is a structure, it must follow following rules: -the first element is the array containing the field. -other elements are strings containing informations on the field exept for the one about the date. This one can be either a string to designate a particular date (ex: 'August 1999') or a vector of julian days (of IDL) corresponding to the calendar to be associated with the field if it is a temporal series. -the order of elements (exept the first) has not any importance. -the other elements (exept the first) are optional. -they are recognize by the first letter of their names: g to update vargrid u to update varunit e to update varexp d to update vardate n to update varname m to update valmask



We activate this keyword if we want litchamp to send back the variable associated with the element of the structure starting by 'g' if it exist and '' if it does not.


We activate this keyword if we want litchamp to send back the variable associated with the element of the structure starting by 'n' if it exist and '' if it does not.


We activate this keyword if we want litchamp to send back the variable associated with the element of the structure starting by 'u' if it exist and '' if it does not.


We activate this keyword if we want litchamp to send back the variable associated with the element of the structure starting by 'u' if it exist and '' if it does not.


We activate this keyword if we want litchamp to send back the variable associated with the element of the structure starting by 'd' if it exist and '' if it does not.


We activate this keyword if we want litchamp to send back the variable associated with the element of the structure starting by 'l' if it exist and -1 if it does not.


We activate this keyword if we want litchamp to send back the variable associated with the element of the structure starting by 'm' if it exist and -1 if it does not.


IDL> print, vargrid,', ', varname,', ', varunit,', ', vardate,', ', varexp T, , , 0, IDL> help, litchamp({a:indgen(5), u:'C', name:'toto'}) INT = Array[5] IDL> print, vargrid,', ', varname,', ', varunit,', ', vardate,', ', varexp T, toto, C, 0, IDL> help, litchamp({a:indgen(5), da:'1999'}) INT = Array[5] IDL> print, vargrid,', ', varname,', ', varunit,', ', vardate,', ', varexp T, toto, C, 1999,

Version history


$Id: litchamp.pro 142 2006-07-21 12:47:49Z navarro $


Sebastien Masson (smasson@lodyc.jussieu.fr) 28/5/1999

Known issues


Update if needed global variables vargrid, varname, varunit, vardate, varexp, valmask and time.

Other attributes

Uses routines

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