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result = inter(a, b)

NAME:inter PURPOSE:calcule l''intersection de 2 matrices D'ENTIERS POSITIFS CATEGORY:calcule sur les matrices CALLING SEQUENCE:res=inter(a,b) INPUTS:a et b:arrays of positive integers, which need not to be sorted. Duplicate elements are ignored, as they have noeffect on the result KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS:tableau COMMON BLOCKS: SIDE EFFECTS: The empty set is denoted by an array with the first element equal to -1. RESTRICTIONS: These functions will not be efficient on sparse sets with wide ranges, as they trade memory for efficiency. The HISTOGRAM function is used, which creates arrays of size equal to the range of the resulting set. EXAMPLE: a = [2,4,6,8] b = [6,1,3,2] inter(a,b) = [ 2, 6] ; Common elements MODIFICATION HISTORY: http://www.dfanning.com/tips/set_operations.html




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