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xhelp, filename, _extra=_extra

NAME: xhelp PURPOSE: Display an IDL procedure header using widgets and the widget manager. CATEGORY: Widgets. CALLING SEQUENCE: xhelp, Filename,_extra=ex INPUTS: Filename: A scalar string that contains the filename of the file to display. If FILENAME does not include a complete path specification, xhelp will search for the file in the current working directory and then each of the directories listed in !PATH environment variable. The ".pro" file suffix will be appended if it is not supplied. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Ceux de xdisplayfile OUTPUTS: No explicit outputs. A file viewing widget is created. SIDE EFFECTS: Triggers the XMANAGER if it is not already in use. RESTRICTIONS: None. PROCEDURE: Open a file and create a widget to display its contents. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written By Steve Richards, December 1990 Graceful error recovery, DMS, Feb, 1992. Modified to extract .pro documentation headers, PJR/ESRG mar94 author: Paul Ricchiazzi jun93 Institute for Computational Earth System Science University of California, Santa Barbara 7/1/99 : legeres mofification par Sebastien Masson : utilisation de xdisplayfile, de findfile et de _extra. 6/7/1999: compatibilite mac et windows





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