;------------------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;+ ; ; @file_comments ; calculate the norm of a field of vectors, then make a possible average. ; Comment 1: The field of vector can be, 2d:xy, 3d: xyz or xyt, ; 4d: xyzt ; Comment 2: ; The calculation of the norm is made before the possible spatial or ; temporal average because the average of the norm is not equal to the ; norm of averages ; ; @categories ; Calculation ; ; @param COMPOSANTEU {in}{required} ; an 2d, 3d or 4d array ; ; @param COMPOSANTEV {in}{required} ; an 2d, 3d or 4d array ; ; @keyword BOXZOOM ; boxzoom on which do the average (by default the domain selected ; by the last domdef done) ; ; @keyword DIREC ; 't' 'x' 'y' 'z' 'xys' 'xz' 'yz' 'xyz' 'xt' 'yt' 'zt' 'xyt' ; 'xzt' 'yzt' 'xyzt' Direction on which do averages ; ; @returns ; Array to trace with plt, pltz or pltt. ; ; @uses ; common.pro ; ; @restrictions ; The norm is calculated on points TTo do this calculation, we average ; field U and Von points T before calculate the norme. At the edge of ; coast and of domain, we can not calculate fields U and V at points T, ; that is why these points are at value !values.f_nan. ; ; When we calculate on a reduce geographic domain, field U and V have not ; necessarily the same number of point. In this case, we recut U and V to ; keep only common points. We profit of this to redo a domdef which redefine ; a geographic domain on which fields U and V are extracted on same points ; ; @restrictions ; To know what type of array we work with, we test its size and dates ; gave by time[0] and time[jpt-1] to know if thee is a temporal dimension. ; Before to start norme, make sure that time and jpt are defined how ; they have to! ; ; @examples ; To calculate the average of the norme of streams on all the domain ; between 0 et 50: ; IDL> res=norme(un,vn,boxzoom=[0,50],dir='xyz') ; ; @history ; Sebastien Masson (smasson\@lodyc.jussieu.fr) ; 9/6/1999 ; ; @version ; $Id$ ; ;- ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------------------ FUNCTION norme, composanteu, composantev, BOXZOOM = boxzoom, DIREC = direc, _extra = ex ;--------------------------------------------------------- ; compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs ; @cm_4mesh @cm_4data @cm_4cal IF NOT keyword_set(key_forgetold) THEN BEGIN @updatenew @updatekwd ENDIF ;--------------------------------------------------------- tempsun = systime(1) ; To key_performance ; IF finite(glamu[0])*finite(gphiu[0])*finite(glamv[0])*finite(gphiv[0]) EQ 0 THEN $ return, report(['This version of norme is based on Arakawa C-grid.' $ , 'U and V grids must therefore be defined']) ; ;------------------------------------------------------------ if keyword_set(boxzoom) then BEGIN Case 1 Of N_Elements(Boxzoom) Eq 1:bte = [lon1, lon2, lat1, lat2, 0., boxzoom[0]] N_Elements(Boxzoom) Eq 2:bte = [lon1, lon2, lat1, lat2, boxzoom[0], boxzoom[1]] N_Elements(Boxzoom) Eq 4:bte = [Boxzoom, vert1, vert2] N_Elements(Boxzoom) Eq 5:bte = [Boxzoom[0:3], 0, Boxzoom[4]] N_Elements(Boxzoom) Eq 6:bte = Boxzoom Else: return, report('Mauvaise Definition de Boxzoom') ENDCASE domdef, boxzoom ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------------------ if NOT keyword_set(direc) then direc = 0 ; construction of u and v at points T u = litchamp(composanteu) v = litchamp(composantev) date1 = time[0] if n_elements(jpt) EQ 0 then date2 = date1 ELSE date2 = time[jpt-1] if (size(u))[0] NE (size(v))[0] then return, -1 vargrid='T' varname = 'norme ' valmask = 1e20 ; grilleu = litchamp(composanteu, /grid) if grilleu EQ '' then grilleu = 'U' grillev = litchamp(composantev, /grid) if grillev EQ '' then grillev = 'V' IF grilleu EQ 'V' AND grillev EQ 'U' THEN inverse = 1 IF grilleu EQ 'T' AND grillev EQ 'T' THEN BEGIN interpolle = 0 return, report('cas non code mais facile a faire!') ENDIF ELSE interpolle = 1 if keyword_set(inverse) then begin rien = u u = v v = rien endif ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; We find common points between u and v ;------------------------------------------------------------ indicexu = (lindgen(jpi))[firstxu:firstxu+nxu-1] indicexv = (lindgen(jpi))[firstxv:firstxv+nxv-1] indicex = inter(indicexu, indicexv) indiceyu = (lindgen(jpj))[firstyu:firstyu+nyu-1] indiceyv = (lindgen(jpj))[firstyv:firstyv+nyv-1] indicey = inter(indiceyu, indiceyv) nx = n_elements(indicex) ny = n_elements(indicey) ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- case 1 of ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;xyz ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- (size(u))[0] EQ 3 AND date1 EQ date2 :BEGIN ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- indice2d = lindgen(jpi, jpj) indice2d = indice2d[indicex[0]:indicex[0]+nx-1,indicey[0]:indicey[0]+ny-1] indice3d = lindgen(jpi, jpj, jpk) indice3d = indice3d[indicex[0]:indicex[0]+nx-1,indicey[0]:indicey[0]+ny-1,firstzt:lastzt] ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; extraction of u and v on the appropriated domain ;------------------------------------------------------------ case 1 of (size(u))[1] EQ nxu AND (size(u))[2] EQ nyu AND $ (size(v))[1] EQ nxv AND (size(v))[2] EQ nyv:BEGIN case (size(u))[3] OF nzt:BEGIN if nxu NE nx then $ if indicex[0] EQ firstxu then u = u[0:nx-1,*,*] ELSE u = u[1: nx, *,*] IF nxv NE nx THEN $ if indicex[0] EQ firstxv then v = v[0:nx-1,*,*] ELSE v = v[1: nx, *,*] IF nyu NE ny THEN $ if indicey[0] EQ firstyu then u = u[*,0:ny-1,*] ELSE u = u[*, 1: ny,*] IF nyv NE ny THEN $ if indicey[0] EQ firstyv then v = v[*,0:ny-1,*] ELSE v = v[*, 1: ny,*] end jpk:BEGIN if nxu NE nx then $ if indicex[0] EQ firstxu then u = u[0:nx-1, *,firstzt:lastzt] ELSE u = u[1: nx, *,firstzt:lastzt] IF nxv NE nx THEN $ if indicex[0] EQ firstxv then v = v[0:nx-1, *,firstzt:lastzt] ELSE v = v[1: nx, *,firstzt:lastzt] IF nyu NE ny THEN $ if indicey[0] EQ firstyu then u = u[*, 0:ny-1,firstzt:lastzt] ELSE u = u[*, 1: ny,firstzt:lastzt] IF nyv NE ny THEN $ if indicey[0] EQ firstyv then v = v[*, 0:ny-1,firstzt:lastzt] ELSE v = v[*, 1: ny,firstzt:lastzt] end ELSE: return, report('problemes d''adequation entre la taille du domaine et la taille des matrices necessaires a tracer des vecteurs') endcase END (size(u))[1] EQ jpi AND (size(u))[2] EQ jpj AND (size(u))[3] EQ jpk AND $ (size(v))[1] EQ jpi AND (size(v))[2] EQ jpj AND (size(u))[3] EQ jpk :BEGIN u = u[indice3d] v = v[indice3d] END ELSE: return, report('problemes d''adequation entre la taille du domaine et la taille des matrices necessaires a tracer des vecteurs') endcase ;------------------------------------------------------------------ ; We reshape u and v to make sure that no dimension has been erased ;------------------------------------------------------------------ if nzt EQ 1 then begin u = reform(u, nx, ny, nzt, /over) v = reform(v, nx, ny, nzt, /over) endif ;------------------------------------------------------------------ ; construction of u and v at points T ;----------------------------------------------------------- a=u[0,*,*] u=(u+shift(u,1,0,0))/2. if NOT keyword_set(key_periodic) OR nx NE jpi then u[0,*,*]=a a=v[*,0,*] v=(v+shift(v,0,1,0))/2. if NOT keyword_set(key_periodic) OR nx NE jpi then v[*,0,*]=a ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; attribution of the mask and of logitude and latitude arrays ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- mask = tmask[indice3d] if nzt EQ 1 then mask = reform(mask, nx, ny, nzt, /over) ;----------------------------------------------------------- if n_elements(valmask) EQ 0 THEN valmask = 1e20 landu = where(u GE valmask/10) if landu[0] NE -1 then u[landu] = 0 landv = where(v GE valmask/10) if landv[0] NE -1 then v[landv] = 0 res=sqrt(u^2+v^2) if NOT keyword_set(key_periodic) OR nx NE jpi then res[0,*, *]=!values.f_nan res[*,0, *]=!values.f_nan mask = where(mask eq 0) IF mask[0] NE -1 THEN res[mask] = valmask ; All kind of average domdef, (glamt[indice2d])[0, 0], (glamu[indice2d])[nx-1, 0],(gphit[indice2d])[0, 0], (gphiv[indice2d])[0, ny-1], vert1, vert2, /meme if keyword_set(direc) then res = moyenne(res,direc,/nan, boxzoom = boxzoom, /nodomdef) ;----------------------------------------------------------- END ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;xyt ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- date1 NE date2 AND (size(u))[0] EQ 3 :BEGIN indice2d = lindgen(jpi, jpj) indice2d = indice2d[indicex[0]:indicex[0]+nx-1,indicey[0]:indicey[0]+ny-1] ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; extraction of u and v on the appropriated domain ;------------------------------------------------------------ case 1 of (size(u))[1] EQ nxu AND (size(u))[2] EQ nyu AND $ (size(v))[1] EQ nxv AND (size(v))[2] EQ nyv:BEGIN if nxu NE nx then $ if indicex[0] EQ firstxu then u = u[0:nx-1, *, *] ELSE u = u[1: nx, *, *] IF nxv NE nx THEN $ if indicex[0] EQ firstxv then v = v[0:nx-1, *, *] ELSE v = v[1: nx, *, *] IF nyu NE ny THEN $ if indicey[0] EQ firstyu then u = u[*, 0:ny-1, *] ELSE u = u[*, 1: ny, *] IF nyv NE ny THEN $ if indicey[0] EQ firstyv then v = v[*, 0:ny-1, *] ELSE v = v[*, 1: ny, *] END (size(u))[1] EQ jpi AND (size(u))[2] EQ jpj AND $ (size(v))[1] EQ jpi AND (size(v))[2] EQ jpj:BEGIN u = u[indicex[0]:indicex[0]+nx-1,indicey[0]:indicey[0]+ny-1, *] v = v[indicex[0]:indicex[0]+nx-1,indicey[0]:indicey[0]+ny-1, *] END ELSE:return, report('problemes d''adequation entre la taille du domaine et la taille des matrices necessaires a tracer des vecteurs') endcase ;------------------------------------------------------------------ ; construction of u and v at points T ;----------------------------------------------------------- a=u[0,*,*] u=(u+shift(u,1,0,0))/2. if NOT keyword_set(key_periodic) OR nx NE jpi then u[0,*,*]=a a=v[*,0,*] v=(v+shift(v,0,1,0))/2. if NOT keyword_set(key_periodic) OR nx NE jpi then v[*,0,*]=a ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; attribution of the mask and of longitude and latitude arrays. ; We recover the complete grid to establish a big mask extent in the four ; direction to cover pointsfor which a land point has been ; considerated (make a small drawing) ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- mask = tmask[indice2d+jpi*jpj*firstzt] if ny EQ 1 then mask = reform(mask, nx, ny, /over) ;----------------------------------------------------------- ; construction of land containing all points to mask ;----------------------------------------------------------- if n_elements(valmask) EQ 0 THEN valmask = 1e20 landu = where(u GE valmask/10) if landu[0] NE -1 then u[landu] = 0 landv = where(v GE valmask/10) if landv[0] NE -1 then v[landv] = 0 res=sqrt(u^2+v^2) if NOT keyword_set(key_periodic) OR nx NE jpi then res[0,*, *]=!values.f_nan res[*,0, *]=!values.f_nan mask = where(mask eq 0) IF mask[0] NE -1 THEN BEGIN coeftps = lindgen(jpt)*nx*ny coeftps = replicate(1, n_elements(mask))#coeftps mask = (temporary(mask))[*]#replicate(1, jpt) mask =temporary(mask[*]) + temporary(coeftps[*]) res[temporary(mask)] = valmask ENDIF ; moyennes en tous genres domdef, (glamt[indice2d])[0, 0], (glamu[indice2d])[nx-1, 0],(gphit[indice2d])[0, 0], (gphiv[indice2d])[0, ny-1], vert1, vert2, /meme if keyword_set(direc) then res = grossemoyenne(res,direc,/nan, boxzoom = boxzoom, /nodomdef) END ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;xyzt ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- date1 NE date2 AND (size(u))[0] EQ 4:BEGIN indice2d = lindgen(jpi, jpj) indice2d = indice2d[indicex[0]:indicex[0]+nx-1,indicey[0]:indicey[0]+ny-1] indice3d = lindgen(jpi, jpj, jpk) indice3d = indice3d[indicex[0]:indicex[0]+nx-1,indicey[0]:indicey[0]+ny-1,firstzt:lastzt] ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; extraction of u and v on the appropriated domain ;------------------------------------------------------------ case 1 of (size(u))[1] EQ nxu AND (size(u))[2] EQ nyu AND $ (size(v))[1] EQ nxv AND (size(v))[2] EQ nyv:BEGIN case (size(u))[3] OF nzt:BEGIN if nxu NE nx then $ if indicex[0] EQ firstxu then u = u[0:nx-1,*,*,*] ELSE u = u[1: nx, *,*,*] IF nxv NE nx THEN $ if indicex[0] EQ firstxv then v = v[0:nx-1,*,*,*] ELSE v = v[1: nx, *,*,*] IF nyu NE ny THEN $ if indicey[0] EQ firstyu then u = u[*,0:ny-1,*,*] ELSE u = u[*, 1: ny,*,*] IF nyv NE ny THEN $ if indicey[0] EQ firstyv then v = v[*,0:ny-1,*,*] ELSE v = v[*, 1: ny,*,*] end jpk:BEGIN if nxu NE nx then $ if indicex[0] EQ firstxu then u = u[0:nx-1, *,firstzt:lastzt,*] ELSE u = u[1: nx, *,firstzt:lastzt,*] IF nxv NE nx THEN $ if indicex[0] EQ firstxv then v = v[0:nx-1, *,firstzt:lastzt,*] ELSE v = v[1: nx, *,firstzt:lastzt,*] IF nyu NE ny THEN $ if indicey[0] EQ firstyu then u = u[*, 0:ny-1,firstzt:lastzt,*] ELSE u = u[*, 1: ny,firstzt:lastzt,*] IF nyv NE ny THEN $ if indicey[0] EQ firstyv then v = v[*, 0:ny-1,firstzt:lastzt,*] ELSE v = v[*, 1: ny,firstzt:lastzt,*] end ELSE: return, report('problemes d''adequation entre la taille du domaine et la taille des matrices necessaires a tracer des vecteurs') endcase END (size(u))[1] EQ jpi AND (size(u))[2] EQ jpj AND (size(u))[3] EQ jpk AND $ (size(v))[1] EQ jpi AND (size(v))[2] EQ jpj AND (size(u))[3] EQ jpk :BEGIN u = u[indicex[0]:indicex[0]+nx-1,indicey[0]:indicey[0]+ny-1,firstzt:lastzt, *] v = v[indicex[0]:indicex[0]+nx-1,indicey[0]:indicey[0]+ny-1,firstzt:lastzt, *] END ELSE: return, report('problemes d''adequation entre la taille du domaine et la taille des matrices necessaires a tracer des vecteurs') endcase ;------------------------------------------------------------------ ; construction of u and v at points T ;----------------------------------------------------------- a=u[0,*,*,*] u=(u+shift(u,1,0,0,0))/2. if NOT keyword_set(key_periodic) OR nx NE jpi then u[0,*,*,*]=a a=v[*,0,*,*] v=(v+shift(v,0,1,0,0))/2. if NOT keyword_set(key_periodic) OR nx NE jpi then v[*,0,*,*]=a ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; attribution of the mask and of logitude and latitude arrays ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- mask = tmask[indice3d] if nzt EQ 1 then mask = reform(mask, nx, ny, nzt, /over) ;----------------------------------------------------------- if n_elements(valmask) EQ 0 THEN valmask = 1e20 landu = where(u GE valmask/10) if landu[0] NE -1 then u[landu] = 0 landv = where(v GE valmask/10) if landv[0] NE -1 then v[landv] = 0 res=sqrt(u^2+v^2) if NOT keyword_set(key_periodic) OR nx NE jpi then res[0,*, *, *]=!values.f_nan res[*,0, *, *]=!values.f_nan mask = where(mask eq 0) IF mask[0] NE -1 THEN BEGIN coeftps = lindgen(jpt)*nx*ny*nzt coeftps = replicate(1, n_elements(mask))#coeftps mask = (temporary(mask))[*]#replicate(1, jpt) mask =temporary(mask[*]) + temporary(coeftps[*]) res[temporary(mask)] = valmask ENDIF ; All kind of average domdef, (glamt[indice2d])[0, 0], (glamu[indice2d])[nx-1, 0],(gphit[indice2d])[0, 0], (gphiv[indice2d])[0, ny-1], vert1, vert2, /meme if keyword_set(direc) then res = grossemoyenne(res,direc,/nan, boxzoom = boxzoom, /nodomdef) END ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;xy ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ELSE:BEGIN ;xy indice2d = lindgen(jpi, jpj) indice2d = indice2d[indicex[0]:indicex[0]+nx-1,indicey[0]:indicey[0]+ny-1] ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; extraction of u and v on the appropriated domain ;------------------------------------------------------------ case 1 of (size(u))[1] EQ nxu AND (size(u))[2] EQ nyu AND $ (size(v))[1] EQ nxv AND (size(v))[2] EQ nyv:BEGIN if nxu NE nx then $ if indicex[0] EQ firstxu then u = u[0:nx-1, *] ELSE u = u[1: nx, *] IF nxv NE nx THEN $ if indicex[0] EQ firstxv then v = v[0:nx-1, *] ELSE v = v[1: nx, *] IF nyu NE ny THEN $ if indicey[0] EQ firstyu then u = u[*, 0:ny-1] ELSE u = u[*, 1: ny] IF nyv NE ny THEN $ if indicey[0] EQ firstyv then v = v[*, 0:ny-1] ELSE v = v[*, 1: ny] END (size(u))[1] EQ jpi AND (size(u))[2] EQ jpj AND $ (size(v))[1] EQ jpi AND (size(v))[2] EQ jpj:BEGIN u = u[indice2d] v = v[indice2d] END ELSE:return, report('problemes d''adequation entre la taille du domaine et la taille des matrices necessaires a tracer des vecteurs') endcase ;------------------------------------------------------------------ ; We reshape u and v to make sure that no dimension has been erased ;------------------------------------------------------------------ if ny EQ 1 then begin u = reform(u, nx, ny, /over) v = reform(v, nx, ny, /over) endif ;------------------------------------------------------------------ ; construction of u and v at points T ;----------------------------------------------------------- a=u[0,*] u=(u+shift(u,1,0))/2. if NOT keyword_set(key_periodic) OR nx NE jpi then u[0,*]=a a=v[*,0] v=(v+shift(v,0,1))/2. if NOT keyword_set(key_periodic) OR nx NE jpi then v[*,0]=a ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; attribution of the mask and of longitude and latitude arrays. ; We recover the complete grid to establish a big mask extent in the four ; direction to cover pointsfor which a land point has been ; considerated (make a small drawing) ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- mask = tmask[indice2d+jpi*jpj*firstzt] if nyt EQ 1 THEN mask = reform(mask, nx, ny, /over) ;----------------------------------------------------------- ; construction of land containing all points to mask ;----------------------------------------------------------- if n_elements(valmask) EQ 0 THEN valmask = 1e20 landu = where(u GE valmask/10) if landu[0] NE -1 then u[landu] = 0 landv = where(v GE valmask/10) if landv[0] NE -1 then v[landv] = 0 res=sqrt(u^2+v^2) if NOT keyword_set(key_periodic) OR nx NE jpi then res[0,*]=!values.f_nan res[*,0]=!values.f_nan mask = where(mask eq 0) IF mask[0] NE -1 THEN res[mask] = valmask ; All kind of average domdef, (glamt[indice2d])[0, 0], (glamu[indice2d])[nx-1, 0],(gphit[indice2d])[0, 0], (gphiv[indice2d])[0, ny-1], vert1, vert2, /meme if keyword_set(direc) then res = moyenne(res,direc,/nan, boxzoom = boxzoom, /nodomdef) END ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- endcase ;------------------------------------------------------------ if keyword_set(key_performance) THEN print, 'temps norme', systime(1)-tempsun return, res end