;+ ; @file_comments ; ; ; @categories ; ; ; @param EVENT ; ; ; @returns ; ; ; @uses ; ; ; @restrictions ; ; ; @examples ; ; ; @history ; ; ; @version ; $Id$ ;- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- pro xquestion_event, event ; compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs ; ; we get the answer widget_control, widget_info(event.top, find_by_uname = 'text') $ , get_value = answer & answer = answer[0] ; now we give the answer to xquestion.pro by using the pointer uvalue widget_control, event.top, get_uvalue = ptranswer *ptranswer = answer ; we destroy the widget widget_control, event.top, /destroy return end ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;+ ; ; @file_comments ; A small widget who ask a question and give an answer. ; WARNING: For a binary question with yes/no answer use ; DIALOG_MESSAGE. ; ; @categories ; Widget ; ; @param QUESTION ; A scalar string or a array of string. If this ; argument is set to : ; + an array of strings: each array element is ; displayed as a separate line of text. ; + a scalar string: we are looking for the "separate line ; character" '!C' ; ; @param PROPOSEDANSWER {type=string} ; A string proposing a answer ; ; ; @keyword CHKWIDGET ; Active this keyword if you want that xquestion ; check if managed widget are present. If not, xquestion do not ; open a widget but print the question in the IDL window. ; ; @keyword _EXTRA ; Used to pass your keywords ; ; @returns ; answer: a string ; ; @restrictions ; The function does not return to its caller until the user ; press "Enter" key in the widget. ; ; @examples ; IDL> help, xquestion('Postscript name') ; STRING = 'toto.ps' ; ; @history ; Sebastien Masson (smasson\@lodyc.jussieu.fr) ; 13/10/1999 ; ; @version ; $Id$ ; ;- ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------------------ FUNCTION xquestion, question, proposedanswer, CHKWIDGET = chkwidget, _extra = ex ; ; compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs ; ; is separate line a scalar? we must cut it into pieces? if n_elements(question) EQ 1 then question = str_sep(question, '!C', /trim) ; is a widget necessary? if keyword_set(chkwidget) then BEGIN if (widget_info(/managed))[0] EQ 0 then BEGIN if n_elements(proposedanswer) EQ 0 then BEGIN proposedanswer = '' answer = '' complete = '' ENDIF ELSE BEGIN answer = proposedanswer complete = '(default answer is '+proposedanswer+') ' ENDELSE if n_elements(question) GT 1 THEN $ for i = 0, n_elements(question)-2 do print,question[i] read, question[n_elements(question)-1]+' '+complete , answer if keyword_set(answer) EQ 0 then answer = proposedanswer return, answer endif endif ; definition of the widget BaseId = widget_base(/column, title = 'Question', _extra = ex) screensize = get_screen_size() widget_control, BaseId, tlb_set_xoffset = screensize[0]/2.2, tlb_set_yoffset = screensize[1]/2.2 for i = 0, n_elements(question)-1 DO trash = widget_label(BaseId, value = question[i], /align_left) if n_elements(proposedanswer) EQ 0 then answer = '' ELSE answer = proposedanswer trash = widget_text(BaseId, value = answer, /editable, _extra = ex, uname = 'text') trash = widget_button(BaseId, value = 'ok') ptranswer = ptr_new(/allocate_heap) widget_control, BaseId, set_uvalue = ptranswer ; we realize the widget and wait for an answer widget_control,BaseId,/realize xmanager,'xquestion',BaseId ; we get the answer answer = *ptranswer ; we freeing the pointer ptr_free, ptranswer ; return, answer end