;+ ; @file_comments ; extrapolate data (zinput) where maskinput eq 0 by filling ; step by step the coastline points with the mean value of the 8 neighbourgs. ; ; @categories ; Interpolation ; ; @param zinput {in}{required} ; data to be extrapolate ; ; @param maskinput {in}{required} ; ; @param nb_iteration {in}{optional} ; number of iteration ; ; @keyword x_periodic ; @keyword MINVAL ; @keyword MAXVAL ; @keyword GE0 ; ; @version $Id$ ; ;- FUNCTION extrapolate, zinput, maskinput, nb_iteration, x_periodic = x_periodic, MINVAL = minval, MAXVAL = maxval, GE0 = ge0 ; compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs ; ; check the number of iteration used in the extrapolation. IF n_elements(nb_iteration) EQ 0 THEN nb_iteration = 10.E20 IF nb_iteration EQ 0 THEN return, zinput nx = (size(zinput))[1] ny = (size(zinput))[2] ; take care of the boundary conditions... ; ; for the x direction, we put 2 additional columns at the left and ; right side of the array. ; for the y direction, we put 2 additional lines at the bottom and ; top side of the array. ; These changes allow us to use shift function without taking care of ; the x and y periodicity. ; ztmp = bytarr(nx+2, ny+2) ztmp[1:nx, 1:ny] = byte(maskinput) msk = temporary(ztmp) ; ztmp = replicate(1.e20, nx+2, ny+2) ztmp[1:nx, 1:ny] = zinput if keyword_set(x_periodic) then begin ztmp[0, 1:ny] = zinput[nx-1, *] ztmp[nx+1, 1:ny] = zinput[0, *] ENDIF ; remove NaN points if there is some... nan = where(finite(ztmp) EQ 0, cnt_nan) IF cnt_nan NE 0 THEN ztmp[temporary(nan)] = 1.e20 z = temporary(ztmp) nx2 = nx+2 ny2 = ny+2 ;--------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------- ; extrapolation ;--------------------------------------------------------------- sqrtinv = 1./sqrt(2) ; cnt = 1 ; When we look for the coast line, we don't want to select the ; borderlines of the array. -> we force the value of the mask for ; those lines. msk[0, *] = 1b msk[nx+1, *] = 1b msk[*, 0] = 1b msk[*, ny+1] = 1b ; find the land points land = where(msk EQ 0, cnt_land) ;--------------------------------------------------------------- WHILE cnt LE nb_iteration AND cnt_land NE 0 DO BEGIN ;--------------------------------------------------------------- ; find the coast line points... ;--------------------------------------------------------------- ; Once the land points list has been found, we change back the the ; mask values for the boundary conditions. msk[0, *] = 0b msk[nx+1, *] = 0b msk[*, 0] = 0b msk[*, ny+1] = 0b if keyword_set(x_periodic) then begin msk[0, *] = msk[nx, *] msk[nx+1, *] = msk[1, *] endif ; ; we compute the weighted number of sea neighbourgs. ; those 4 neighbours have a weight of 1: ; * ; *+* ; * ; ; those 4 neighbours have a weight of 1/sqrt(2): ; ; * * ; + ; * * ; ; As we make sure that none of the land points are located on the ; border of the array, we can compute the weight without shift ; (faster). ; weight = msk[land+1]+msk[land-1]+msk[land+nx2]+msk[land-nx2] $ +sqrtinv*(msk[land+nx2+1]+msk[land+nx2-1] $ +msk[land-nx2+1]+msk[land-nx2-1]) ; list all the points that have sea neighbourgs ok = where(weight GT 0) ; the coastline points coast = land[ok] ; their weighted number of sea neighbourgs. weight = weight[temporary(ok)] ;--------------------------------------------------------------- ; fill the coastine points ;--------------------------------------------------------------- z = temporary(z)*msk ; zcoast = z[1+coast]+z[-1+coast]+z[nx2+coast]+z[-nx2+coast] $ +1./sqrt(2)*(z[nx2+1+coast]+z[nx2-1+coast] $ +z[-nx2+1+coast]+z[-nx2-1+coast]) ; IF keyword_set(ge0) THEN zcoast = 0. > temporary(zcoast) IF n_elements(minval) NE 0 THEN zcoast = minval > temporary(zcoast) IF n_elements(maxval) NE 0 THEN zcoast = temporary(zcoast) < maxval z[coast] = temporary(zcoast)/temporary(weight) ; we update the the boundary conditions of z if keyword_set(x_periodic) then begin z[0, *] = z[nx, *] z[nx+1, *] = z[1, *] endif ;--------------------------------------------------------------- ; we update the mask ;--------------------------------------------------------------- msk[temporary(coast)] = 1 ; cnt = cnt + 1 ; When we look for the coast line, we don't want to select the ; borderlines of the array. -> we force the value of the mask for ; those lines. msk[0, *] = 1b msk[nx+1, *] = 1b msk[*, 0] = 1b msk[*, ny+1] = 1b ; find the land points land = where(msk EQ 0, cnt_land) ; ENDWHILE ;--------------------------------------------------------------- ; we return the original size of the array ;--------------------------------------------------------------- ; return, z[1:nx, 1:ny] END