;--------- ;+ ; @file_comments ; north stereographic polar projection ; ; @categories ; Interpolation ; ; @param plam {in}{required} ; longitude position ; ; @param pphi {in}{required} ; latitude position ; ; @keyword DOUBLE {default=0} ; use double precision (default is float) ; ; @returns ; structure: {x:x, y:y} containing the point position in north stereographic polar projection ; ; @hidden ; ;- ; FUNCTION fsnspp, plam, pphi, DOUBLE = double ; compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs ; IF keyword_set(double) THEN BEGIN a = 2.d * tan( !dpi/4.d - !dpi/180.d*pphi/2.d ) x = cos( !dpi/180.d*plam ) * a y = sin( !dpi/180.d*plam ) * a ENDIF ELSE BEGIN a = 2. * tan( !pi/4. - !pi/180.*float(pphi)/2. ) x = cos( !pi/180.*float(plam) ) * a y = sin( !pi/180.*float(plam) ) * a ENDELSE RETURN, {x:x, y:y} END ;--------- ;+ ; @file_comments Compute angles between grid lines and direction of the North pole ;(fom angle.F,v 2.2 in OPA8.2) ; ; @categories ; Interpolation ; ; @param fileocemesh {in}{required}{type=scalar string} ; a netcdf file that contains (at least) the following variables: ; glamu, gphiu: longitudes and latitudes at U-points ; glamv, gphiv: longitudes and latitudes at V-points ; glamf, gphif: longitudes and latitudes at F-points ; ; @param gcosu {out}{type=2d array} ; cosinus of the angle between grid lines at U points and direction of the North pole ; ; @param gsinu {out}{type=2d array} ; sinus of the angle between grid lines at U points and direction of the North pole ; ; @param gcosv {out}{type=2d array} ; cosinus of the angle between grid lines at V points and direction of the North pole ; ; @param gsinv {out}{type=2d array} ; sinus of the angle between grid lines at V points and direction of the North pole ; ; @param gcost {out}{type=2d array} ; cosinus of the angle between grid lines at T points and direction of the North pole ; ; @param gsint {out}{type=2d array} ; sinus of the angle between grid lines at T points and direction of the North pole ; ; @keyword IODIRECTORY {type=scalar string}{default=''} ; the directory path where is located fileocemesh ; ; @keyword DOUBLE {type=1 ou 2}{default=0} ; put 1 to use double precision (default is float) ; ; @restrictions ; to compute the lateral boundary conditions, we assume that: ; (1) the first line is similar to the second line ; => gcosu[*, 0] = gcosu[*, 1] ; => gsinu[*, 0] = gsinu[*, 1] ; (2) the grid follows OPA x periodicity rule, first column is ; equal to the next to last column ; => gcosv[0, *] = gcosv[jpj-2, *] ; => gsinv[0, *] = gsinv[jpj-2, *] ; ; @history ; Original : 96-07 (O. Marti) ; 98-06 (G. Madec) ; Feb 2005: IDL adaptation S. Masson ; ; @version $Id$ ;- ;--------- ; PRO angle, fileocemesh, gcosu, gsinu, gcosv, gsinv, gcost, gsint $ , IODIRECTORY = iodirectory, DOUBLE = double ; ; 0. read oceanic grid parameters ; ================================ ; ; compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs ; IF keyword_set(IODIRECTORY) THEN BEGIN IF strpos(iodirectory,'/',/reverse_search) NE (strlen(iodirectory)-1) THEN $ iodirectory = iodirectory+'/' ENDIF ELSE iodirectory = '' fileoce = iodirectory+fileocemesh ; fileoce = findfile(fileoce, count = okfile) IF okfile NE 1 THEN BEGIN print, 'the file '+fileoce+' is not found... we stop' stop ENDIF ; cdfido = ncdf_open(fileoce[0]) ncdf_varget, cdfido, 'glamt', glamt ncdf_varget, cdfido, 'glamu', glamu ncdf_varget, cdfido, 'glamv', glamv ncdf_varget, cdfido, 'glamf', glamf ncdf_varget, cdfido, 'gphit', gphit ncdf_varget, cdfido, 'gphiu', gphiu ncdf_varget, cdfido, 'gphiv', gphiv ncdf_varget, cdfido, 'gphif', gphif ncdf_close, cdfido ; glamt = reform(glamt, /over) glamu = reform(glamu, /over) glamv = reform(glamv, /over) glamf = reform(glamf, /over) gphit = reform(gphit, /over) gphiu = reform(gphiu, /over) gphiv = reform(gphiv, /over) gphif = reform(gphif, /over) jpj = (size(glamf, /dimension))[1] ; ; I. Compute the cosinus and sinus ; ================================ ; (computation done on the north stereographic polar plan ; ; ... north pole direction & modulous (at t-point) znpt = fsnspp( glamt, gphit, DOUBLE = double ) glamt = -1 & gphit = -1; free memory znpt.x = - znpt.x znpt.y = - znpt.y znnpt = znpt.x*znpt.x + znpt.y*znpt.y ; ... north pole direction & modulous (at u-point) znpu = fsnspp( glamu, gphiu, DOUBLE = double ) glamu = -1 & gphiu = -1; free memory znpu.x = - znpu.x znpu.y = - znpu.y znnpu = znpu.x*znpu.x + znpu.y*znpu.y ; ... north pole direction & modulous (at v-point) znpv = fsnspp( glamv, gphiv, DOUBLE = double ) znpv00 = znpv znpv01 = fsnspp( shift(glamv, 0, 1), shift(gphiv, 0, 1), DOUBLE = double ) glamv = -1 & gphiv = -1; free memory znpv.x = - znpv.x znpv.y = - znpv.y znnpv = znpv.x*znpv.x + znpv.y*znpv.y ; ... f-point znpf00 = fsnspp( glamf, gphif, DOUBLE = double ) znpf01 = fsnspp( shift(glamf, 0, 1), shift(gphif, 0, 1), DOUBLE = double ) znpf10 = fsnspp( shift(glamf, 1, 0), shift(gphif, 1, 0), DOUBLE = double ) glamf = -1 & gphif = -1; free memory ; ... j-direction: v-point segment direction (t-point) zxvvt = znpv00.x - znpv01.x zyvvt = znpv00.y - znpv01.y zmnpvt = sqrt ( temporary(znnpt) * ( zxvvt*zxvvt + zyvvt*zyvvt ) ) znpv00 = -1; free memory znpv01 = -1; free memory IF keyword_set(double) THEN zmnpvt = 1.e-14 > zmnpvt $ ELSE zmnpvt = 1.e-6 > zmnpvt ; ... j-direction: f-point segment direction (u-point) zxffu = znpf00.x - znpf01.x zyffu = znpf00.y - znpf01.y zmnpfu = sqrt ( temporary(znnpu) * ( zxffu*zxffu + zyffu*zyffu ) ) znpf01 = -1; free memory IF keyword_set(double) THEN zmnpfu = 1.e-14 > zmnpfu $ ELSE zmnpfu = 1.e-6 > zmnpfu ; ... i-direction: f-point segment direction (v-point) zxffv = znpf00.x - znpf10.x zyffv = znpf00.y - znpf10.y znpf00 = -1 & znpf10 = -1; free memory zmnpfv = sqrt ( temporary(znnpv) * ( zxffv*zxffv + zyffv*zyffv ) ) IF keyword_set(double) THEN zmnpfv = 1.e-14 > zmnpfv $ ELSE zmnpfv = 1.e-6 > zmnpfv ; ... cosinus and sinus using scalar and vectorial products gsint = ( znpt.x*zyvvt - znpt.y*zxvvt ) / zmnpvt gcost = ( znpt.x*zxvvt + znpt.y*zyvvt ) / zmnpvt ; ... cosinus and sinus using scalar and vectorial products gsinu = ( znpu.x*zyffu - znpu.y*zxffu ) / zmnpfu gcosu = ( znpu.x*zxffu + znpu.y*zyffu ) / zmnpfu ; ... cosinus and sinus using scalar and vectorial products ; (caution, rotation of 90 degres) gsinv = ( znpv.x*zxffv + znpv.y*zyffv ) / zmnpfv gcosv = -( znpv.x*zyffv - znpv.y*zxffv ) / zmnpfv ; ; II. Geographic mesh ; =================== ; ; bad = where(abs(glamf-shift(glamf, 0, 1)) LT 1.e-8) ; IF bad[0] NE -1 THEN BEGIN ; gcosu[bad] = 1. ; gsinu[bad] = 0. ; ENDIF ; bad = where(abs(gphif-shift(gphif, 1, 0)) LT 1.e-8) ; IF bad[0] NE -1 THEN BEGIN ; gcosv[bad] = 1. ; gsinv[bad] = 0. ; ENDIF ; ; III. Lateral boundary conditions ; ================================ ; gcost[*, 0] = gcost[*, 1] gsint[*, 0] = gsint[*, 1] gcosu[*, 0] = gcosu[*, 1] gsinu[*, 0] = gsinu[*, 1] gcosv[0, *] = gcosv[jpj-2, *] gsinv[0, *] = gsinv[jpj-2, *] ; RETURN END