;+ ; @file_comments ; compute the weight and address needed to interpolate data from a ; "regular grid" to any grid using the bilinear method ; ; @categories ; Interpolation ; ; @param alonin{in}{required}{type=2d array} ; longitude of the input data ; ; @param alatin {in}{required}{type=2d array} ; latitude of the input data ; ; @param olonin {in}{required}{type=2d array} ; longitude of the output data ; ; @param olat {in}{required}{type=2d array} ; latitude of the output data ; ; @keyword NONORTHERNLINE {type=scalar 0 or 1}{default=0} ; put 1 if you don't want to take into ; account the northen line of the input data when performing the interpolation. ; ; @keyword NOSOUTHERNLINE {type=scalar 0 or 1}{default=0} ; put 1 if you don't want to take into ; account the southern line of the input data when performing the interpolation. ; ; @param weig {out}{type=2d array} ; (see ADDR) ; ; @param addr {out}{type=2d array} ; 2D arrays, weig and addr are the weight and addresses used to ; perform the interpolation: ; dataout = total(weig*datain[addr], 1) ; dataout = reform(dataout, jpio, jpjo, /over) ; ; @restrictions ; - the input grid must be a "regular grid", defined as a grid for which each ; longitudes lines have the same latitude and each latitudes columns have the ; same longitude. ; - We supposed the data are located on a sphere, with a periodicity along ; the longitude. ; - points located out of the southern and northern boundaries are interpolated ; using a linear interpolation only along the longitudinal direction. ; ; @history ; November 2005: Sebastien Masson (smasson\@lodyc.jussieu.fr) ; ; @version $Id$ ; ;- ; PRO compute_fromreg_bilinear_weigaddr, alonin, alatin, olonin, olat, weig, addr $ , NONORTHERNLINE = nonorthernline, NOSOUTHERNLINE = nosouthernline ; compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs ; alon = alonin alat = alatin olon = olonin ; jpia = n_elements(alon) jpja = n_elements(alat) ; jpio = (size(olon, /dimensions))[0] jpjo = (size(olon, /dimensions))[1] ; ; alon minalon = min(alon, max = maxalon) IF maxalon-minalon GE 360. THEN stop ; alon must be monotonically increasing IF array_equal(sort(alon), lindgen(jpia)) NE 1 THEN BEGIN shiftx = -(where(alon EQ min(alon)))[0] alon = shift(alon, shiftx) IF array_equal(sort(alon), lindgen(jpia)) NE 1 THEN stop ENDIF ELSE shiftx = 0 ; for longitude periodic boundary condition we add the fist ; column on the right side of the array and alon = [alon, alon[0]+360.] jpia = jpia+1L ; alat revy = alat[0] GT alat[1] IF revy THEN alat = reverse(alat) ; alat must be monotonically increasing IF array_equal(sort(alat), lindgen(jpja)) NE 1 THEN stop ; if keyword_set(nonorthernline) then BEGIN jpja = jpja - 1L alat = alat[0: jpja-1L] ENDIF if keyword_set(nosouthernline) then BEGIN alat = alat[1: jpja-1L] jpja = jpja - 1L ENDIF ; olon between minalon et minalon+360 out = where(olon LT minalon) WHILE out[0] NE -1 DO BEGIN olon[out] = olon[out]+360. out = where(olon LT minalon) ENDWHILE out = where(olon GE minalon+360.) WHILE out[0] NE -1 DO BEGIN olon[out] = olon[out]- 360. out = where(olon GE minalon+360.) ENDWHILE ; make sure that all values of olon are located within values of alon IF min(olon, max = ma) LT minalon THEN stop IF ma GE minalon+360. THEN stop ; ; we want to do biliear interpolation => for each ocean point, we must ; find in which atm cell it is located. ; if the ocean point is out of the atm grid, we use closest neighbor ; interpolation ; ; for each T point of oce grid, we find in which armospheric cell it is ; located. ; As the atmospheric grid is regular, we can use inrecgrid instead ; of inquad. pos = inrecgrid(olon, olat, alon[0:jpia-2L], alat[0:jpja-2L] $ , checkout = [alon[jpia-1L], alat[jpja-1L]], /output2d) ; checks... ; for longitude, each ocean points must be located in atm cell. IF (where(pos[0, *] EQ -1))[0] NE -1 THEN stop ; no ocean point should be located westward of the left boundary of the ; atm cell in which it is supposed to be located IF total(olon LT alon[pos[0, *]]) NE 0 THEN stop ; no ocean point should be located eastward of the right boundary of the ; atm cell in which it is supposed to be located IF total(olon GT alon[pos[0, *]+1]) NE 0 THEN stop ; ; we use bilinear interpolation ; ; we change the coordinates of each ocean points to fit into a ; rectangle defined by: ; ; y2 *------------* ; | | ; | | ; | | ; y1 *------------* ; x1 x2 ; ; X = (x-x1)/(x2-x1) ; Y = (y-y1)/(y2-y1) ; indx = pos[0, *] indy = (temporary(pos))[1, *] ; points located out of the atmospheric grid...(too much northward or southward) bad = where(indy EQ -1) indy = 0 > indy ; IF max(indx) GT jpia-2 THEN stop ; checks... IF max(indy) GT jpja-2 THEN stop ; checks... ; x coordinates of the atm cell x1 = alon[indx] x2 = alon[indx+1] ; new x coordinates of the ocean points in each cell divi = temporary(x2)-x1 glamnew = (olon-x1)/temporary(divi) x1 = -1 ; free memory olon = -1 ; free memory ; y coordinates of the atm cell y1 = alat[indy] y2 = alat[indy+1] ; ; new y coordinates of the ocean points in each cell divi = temporary(y2)-y1 zero = where(divi EQ 0) IF zero[0] NE -1 THEN divi[zero] = 1. gphinew = (olat-y1)/temporary(divi) y1 = -1 ; free memory ; checks... IF min(glamnew) LT 0 THEN stop IF max(glamnew) GT 1 THEN stop ; ; weight and address array used for bilinear interpolation. xaddr = lonarr(4, jpio*jpjo) xaddr[0, *] = indx xaddr[1, *] = indx + 1L xaddr[2, *] = indx + 1L xaddr[3, *] = indx ; yaddr = lonarr(4, jpio*jpjo) yaddr[0, *] = indy yaddr[1, *] = indy yaddr[2, *] = indy + 1L yaddr[3, *] = indy + 1L ; compute the weight for the bilinear interpolation. weig = fltarr(4, jpio*jpjo) weig[0, *] = (1.-glamnew) * (1.-gphinew) weig[1, *] = glamnew * (1.-gphinew) weig[2, *] = glamnew * gphinew weig[3, *] = (1.-glamnew) * gphinew ; free memory gphinew = -1 IF bad[0] EQ -1 THEN glamnew = -1 ELSE glamnew = (temporary(glamnew))[bad] ; we work now on the "bad" points ; linear interpolation only along the longitudinal direction IF bad[0] NE -1 THEN BEGIN ybad = olat[bad] ; the ocean points that are not located into an atm cell should be ; located northward of the northern boundary of the atm grid ; or southward of the southern boundary of the atm grid IF total(ybad GE min(alat) AND ybad LE max(alat)) GE 1 THEN stop ; weig[0, bad] = (1.-glamnew) weig[1, bad] = temporary(glamnew) weig[2, bad] = 0. weig[3, bad] = 0. south = where(ybad LT alat[0]) IF south[0] NE -1 THEN yaddr[*, bad[temporary(south)]] = 0L north = where(ybad GT alat[jpja-1]) IF north[0] NE -1 THEN yaddr[*, bad[temporary(north)]] = jpja-1 ybad = -1 & bad = -1 ; free memory ENDIF ; check totalweight = 1 totalweig = abs(1-total(weig, 1)) IF (where(temporary(totalweig) GE 1.e-5))[0] NE -1 THEN stop ; ; come back to the original atm grid without longitudinal overlap. ; jpia = jpia-1L xaddr = temporary(xaddr) MOD jpia ; take into account shiftx if needed IF shiftx NE 0 THEN xaddr = (temporary(xaddr) - shiftx) MOD jpia ; take into account nosouthernline and nonorthernline if keyword_set(nosouthernline) then BEGIN yaddr = temporary(yaddr) + 1L jpja = jpja + 1L ENDIF if keyword_set(nonorthernline) then jpja = jpja + 1L ; take into account revy if needed IF revy EQ 1 THEN yaddr = jpja - 1L - temporary(yaddr) ; ; addr = temporary(yaddr)*jpia + temporary(xaddr) ; return end