;+ ; @file_comments ; similar to extrapolate but could to the job in a better way because the ; extrapolated values are smoothed... takes more time than extrapolate. ; extrapolate data where maskinput eq 0 by filling ; step by step the coastline points with the mean value of the 8 neighbourgs. ; ; @categories ; Interpolation ; ; @param in {in}{required}{type=2d array} ; data to be extrapolate ; ; @param maskinput {in}{required}{type=2d array or -1} ; a 2D array, the land-sea mask of the output data (1 on ocean, 0 on land) ; put -1 if input data are not masked ; ; @keyword MINVAL {type=scalar}{default=not used} ; to specify a minimum value to the extrapolated values ; ; @keyword MAXVAL {type=scalar}{default=not used} ; to specify a maximum value to the extrapolated values ; ; @keyword GE0 {type=scalar 0 or 1}{default=0} ; put 1 to force the extrapolated values to be larger than 0, same as using minval=0. ; ; @returns ; the extrapolated array with no more masked values ; ; @restrictions ; You cannot specify the number of iterations done in the extrapolation process ; ; @examples ; IDL> a=extrapsmooth(dist(jpi,jpj),tmask[*,*,0],/x_periodic) ; IDL> tvplus, a ; compare to extrapolate result: ; IDL> b=extrapolate(dist(jpi,jpj),tmask[*,*,0],/x_periodic) ; IDL> tvplus, b, window = 1 ; ; @history ; January 2007: Sebastien Masson (smasson\@lodyc.jussieu.fr) ; ; @version ; $Id$ ;- ; FUNCTION extrapsmooth, in, mskin, x_periodic = x_periodic, MINVAL = minval, MAXVAL = maxval, GE0 = ge0 ; compile_opt strictarr, strictarrsubs ; sz = size(reform(in)) IF sz[0] NE 2 THEN BEGIN print, 'Input arrays must have 2 dimensions' return, -1 ENDIF nx = sz[1] ny = sz[2] IF n_elements(mskin) EQ 1 AND mskin[0] EQ -1 THEN mskin = replicate(1b, nx, ny) IF n_elements(mskin) NE nx*ny THEN BEGIN print, 'input grid mask do not have the good size' return, -1 ENDIF ; out = reform(in) whmsk = where(mskin EQ 0, nbr) IF nbr NE 0 THEN out[temporary(whmsk)] = !values.f_nan ; add values on each side of the array to avoid boundary effects nx2 = nx/2 ny2 = ny/2 add = replicate(!values.f_nan, nx, ny2) out = [[add], [temporary(out)], [add]] IF keyword_set(x_periodic) THEN BEGIN add1 = out[0:nx2, *] add2 = out[nx-nx2:nx-1, *] out = [add2, [temporary(out)], add1] ENDIF ELSE BEGIN add = replicate(!values.f_nan, nx2, ny+2*ny2) out = [add, [temporary(out)], add] ENDELSE ; msk0 = where(finite(out) EQ 0) nnan = total(finite(out, /nan)) i = 1 WHILE nnan NE 0 DO BEGIN tmp = smooth(out, 2*i + 1, /nan) ; find only the changed values that where on land new = where(finite(out) EQ 0 AND finite(tmp) EQ 1, nnew) IF nnew EQ 0 then nnan = 0 ELSE BEGIN IF keyword_set(ge0) THEN tmp = 0. > temporary(tmp) IF n_elements(minval) NE 0 THEN tmp = minval > temporary(tmp) IF n_elements(maxval) NE 0 THEN tmp = temporary(tmp) < maxval out[new] = tmp[new] i = i+1 nnan = total(finite(out, /nan)) ENDELSE ENDWHILE ; a final smooth is needed out = smooth(temporary(out), 5, /nan) IF keyword_set(ge0) THEN out = 0. > temporary(out) IF n_elements(minval) NE 0 THEN out = minval > temporary(out) IF n_elements(maxval) NE 0 THEN out = temporary(out) < maxval ; get back to the original domain out = (temporary(out))[nx2:nx+nx2-1, ny2:ny+ny2-1] ; put back the non-maskqed values whmsk = where(mskin NE 0) out[whmsk] = in[whmsk] ; return, out END