;------------------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;+ ; NAME: DOMDEF ; ; PURPOSE:permet d'extraire un sous domaine d'etude en fournissant les ; parametres necessaires pour les traces. (cf. outputs) ; ; CATEGORY: ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE:domdef [,lon1, lon2, lat1, lat2[,vert1,vert2]] ou ; bien domdef,vecteur ; ; INPUTS:(facultatif), [vecteur a] 2, 4 ou 6 elements:; ; sans l''utilisation des mots cles index,xindex,yindex,zindex: ; *vert1, vert2: pour un domaine 3D dont la partie horizontale couvre tout ; glam et gphi ; *lon1, lon2, lat1, lat2: ; definissant les longitudes min. max et les latitudes min, max du domaine a ; etudier (tous les niveaux sont selectiones) ; *lon1,lon2,lat1,lat2,vert1,vert2 pour specifier les profondeurs. ; ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; ; ENDPOINTS: a four elements vector [x1,y1,x2,y2] used to specify ; that domdef must define the box used to make a plot (pltz, pltt, ; plt1d) done strictly along the line (that can have any direction) ; starting at (x1, y1) ending at (x2, y2). When defining endpoints, ; you must also define TYPE which define the type of plots ; ('pltz', 'xt', 'yt', 'zt', 'x', 'y', 'z', 't') will used ; ENDPOINTS keywords ; ; FINDALWAYS:oblige a redefinir une boite meme qd auqun point ; n''est trouve ds la boite. dans ce cas on selectionne toute la ; grille. ; ; GRIDTYPE:un string ou un vecteur de string contennant le nom des ; grilles (determinees uniquement par : 'T','U','V','W','F') pour ; lesquelles le calcul doit etre fait. par ; ex :'T' ou ['T','U'] ; ; /MEMEINDICES: il se peut que les points t,u,v et F correspondant a ; une meme boite geographique ne concernent pas les memes ; indices des tableaux. Ceci pose parfois de pb (ou du moins de ; serieuses complications) ds les programmes ou plusieurs types ; de grilles interviennent (cf.: norme, curl...). Activer ; MEMEINDICES pour forcer domdef a prendre les memes indices -ceux ; de la grille T- pour toutes les autres grilles. ; ; /INDEX: activer si on veut specifier que tous les elements ; passes en entree de domdef se rapportent aux indices des ; tableaux glam, gphi et gdep plutot qu'aux valeurs de ces ; tableaux ; ; /xindex: activer si on veut que les elements passes en entrre ; de domdef et concernant la dimension en x se rapportent aux ; indices des tableaux glam qu'aux valeurs de ces tableaux. ; ; /yindex: cf xindex mais pour y et les gphi ; ; /zindex: cf xindex mais pour z et les gdep ; ; OUTPUTS:on recupere pour les 4 grilles t,u,v,f ; -nxt,u,v:entier qui contient le nombre de pts en longitude de ; la grille reduite au domaine ; -nyt,u,v:entier qui contient le nombre de pts en latitude de ; la grille reduite au domaine ; -nzt,w:entier qui contient le nombre de pts en profondeur de ; la grille reduite au domaine 3D ; -firstxt,u,v,f: le first indice qui delimite le sous domaine ; suivant x ; -firstyt,u,v,f: le first indice qui delimite le sous domaine ; suivant y ; -firstzt,w: le first indice qui delimite le sous domaine ; suivant z ; -lastxt,u,v,f: le last indice qui delimite le sous domaine ; suivant x ; -lastyt,u,v,f: le last indice qui delimite le sous domaine ; suivant y ; -lastzt,w: le last indice qui delimite le sous domaine ; suivant z ; ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; common.pro ; ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; ; RESTRICTIONS: ; ; EXAMPLE: ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: Sebastien Masson (smasson@lodyc.jussieu.fr) ; 8/2/98 ; rewrite everything, debug and spee-up Sebastien Masson April 2005 ;- ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------------------ pro domdef, x1, x2, y1, y2, z1, z2, FINDALWAYS = findalways $ , GRIDTYPE = gridtype, MEMEINDICES = memeindices $ , XINDEX = xindex, YINDEX = yindex, ZINDEX = zindex $ , ENDPOINTS = endpoints, TYPE = type $ , INDEX = index, _extra = ex ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; include commons @cm_4mesh IF NOT keyword_set(key_forgetold) THEN BEGIN @updatenew @updatekwd ENDIF ;--------------------- tempsun = systime(1) ; pour key_performance ; CASE N_PARAMS() OF 0: 1: 2: 4: 6: ELSE:BEGIN ras = report('Bad number of parameter in the call of domdef.') RETURN END ENDCASE ; IF keyword_set(endpoints) THEN BEGIN IF NOT keyword_set(type) THEN BEGIN dummy = report(['If domdef is used do find the box associated' $ , 'to endpoints, you must also specify type keyword']) return ENDIF CASE N_PARAMS() OF 0: 1:boxzoom = [x1] 2:boxzoom = [x1, x2] 4:boxzoom = [x1, x2, y1, y2] 6:boxzoom = [x1, x2, y1, y2, z1, z2] ENDCASE section, BOXZOOM = boxzoom, ENDPOINTS = endpoints, TYPE = type, /ONLYBOX return ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------------------------- ; recall domdef when there is only one input parameter ;------------------------------------------------------------------- ; IF N_PARAMS() EQ 1 THEN BEGIN CASE n_elements(x1) OF 2:domdef, x1[0], x1[1], FINDALWAYS = findalways, GRIDTYPE = gridtype, MEMEINDICES = memeindices, XINDEX = xindex, YINDEX = yindex, ZINDEX = zindex, INDEX = index, _extra = ex 4:domdef, x1[0], x1[1], x1[2], x1[3], FINDALWAYS = findalways, GRIDTYPE = gridtype, MEMEINDICES = memeindices, XINDEX = xindex, YINDEX = yindex, ZINDEX = zindex, INDEX = index, _extra = ex 6:domdef, x1[0], x1[1], x1[2], x1[3], x1[4], x1[5], FINDALWAYS = findalways, GRIDTYPE = gridtype, MEMEINDICES = memeindices, XINDEX = xindex, YINDEX = yindex, ZINDEX = zindex, INDEX = index, _extra = ex ELSE:BEGIN ras = report('Bad number of elements in x1') RETURN END ENDCASE RETURN ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------------------------- ; default definitions and checks ;------------------------------------------------------------------- IF NOT keyword_set(gridtype) THEN gridtype = ['T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'F'] $ ELSE gridtype = strupcase(gridtype) IF keyword_set(memeindices) THEN gridtype = ['T', gridtype] ; default definitions lon1t = 99999. & lon2t = -99999. & lat1t = 99999. & lat2t = -99999. lon1u = 99999. & lon2u = -99999. & lat1u = 99999. & lat2u = -99999. lon1v = 99999. & lon2v = -99999. & lat1v = 99999. & lat2v = -99999. lon1f = 99999. & lon2f = -99999. & lat1f = 99999. & lat2f = -99999. vert1t = 99999. & vert2t = -99999. & vert1w = 99999. & vert2w = -99999. ; IF N_PARAMS() EQ 2 THEN GOTO, vertical ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------- ;------------------------------------------------------------------- ; define all horizontal parameters ... ; lon1 et lon2 ; lat1 et lat2 ; firstx[tuvf], lastx[tuvf], nx[tuvf] ;------------------------------------------------------------------- ; check if the grid is defined for U and V points. If not, take care ; of the cases gridtype eq 'U' or 'V' ;------------------------------------------------------------------- errstatus = 0 IF (finite(glamu[0]*gphiu[0]) EQ 0 OR n_elements(glamu) EQ 0 OR n_elements(gphiu) EQ 0) AND (where(gridtype eq 'U'))[0] NE -1 THEN BEGIN firstxu = !values.f_nan lastxu = !values.f_nan nxu = !values.f_nan okgrid = where(gridtype NE 'U', count) IF count NE 0 THEN gridtype = gridtype[okgrid] $ ELSE errstatus = report('U grid is undefined. Impossible to call domdef with vargid = ''U''') ENDIF ; IF (finite(glamv[0]*gphiv[0]) EQ 0 OR n_elements(glamv) EQ 0 OR n_elements(gphiv) EQ 0) AND (where(gridtype eq 'V'))[0] NE -1 THEN BEGIN firstxv = !values.f_nan lastxv = !values.f_nan nxv = !values.f_nan okgrid = where(gridtype NE 'V', count) IF count NE 0 THEN gridtype = gridtype[okgrid] $ ELSE errstatus = report('V grid is undefined. Impossible to call domdef with vargid = ''V''') ENDIF IF errstatus EQ -1 THEN return ;------------------------------------------------------------------- ;------------------------------------------------------------------- ; horizontal domain defined with lon1, lon2, lat1 and lat2 ;------------------------------------------------------------------- ;------------------------------------------------------------------- IF N_PARAMS() EQ 0 $ OR ( (N_PARAMS() EQ 4 OR N_PARAMS() EQ 6) $ AND NOT keyword_set(xindex) AND NOT keyword_set(yindex) AND NOT keyword_set(index) ) THEN BEGIN IF N_PARAMS() EQ 0 THEN BEGIN ; find lon1 and lon2 the longitudinal boudaries of the full domain IF (where(gridtype eq 'T'))[0] NE -1 THEN lon1t = min(glamt, max = lon2t) IF (where(gridtype eq 'W'))[0] NE -1 AND (where(gridtype eq 'T'))[0] EQ -1 THEN lon1t = min(glamt, max = lon2t) IF (where(gridtype eq 'U'))[0] NE -1 THEN lon1u = min(glamu, max = lon2u) IF (where(gridtype eq 'V'))[0] NE -1 THEN lon1v = min(glamv, max = lon2v) IF (where(gridtype eq 'F'))[0] NE -1 THEN lon1f = min(glamf, max = lon2f) lon1 = min([lon1t, lon1u, lon1v, lon1f]) lon2 = max([lon2t, lon2u, lon2v, lon2f]) ; find lat1 and lat2 the latitudinal boudaries of the full domain IF (where(gridtype eq 'T'))[0] NE -1 THEN lat1t = min(gphit, max = lat2t) IF (where(gridtype eq 'W'))[0] NE -1 AND (where(gridtype eq 'T'))[0] EQ -1 THEN lat1t = min(gphit, max = lat2t) IF (where(gridtype eq 'U'))[0] NE -1 THEN lat1u = min(gphiu, max = lat2u) IF (where(gridtype eq 'V'))[0] NE -1 THEN lat1v = min(gphiv, max = lat2v) IF (where(gridtype eq 'F'))[0] NE -1 THEN lat1f = min(gphif, max = lat2f) lat1 = min([lat1t, lat1u, lat1v, lat1f]) lat2 = max([lat2t, lat2u, lat2v, lat2f]) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN lon1 = min([x1, x2], max = lon2) lat1 = min([y1, y2], max = lat2) ENDELSE ; find firstxt, firstxt, nxt and nyt according to lon1, lon2, lat1 and lat2 IF (where(gridtype eq 'T'))[0] NE -1 OR (where(gridtype EQ 'W'))[0] NE -1 THEN BEGIN dom = where( (glamt GE lon1) AND (glamt LE lon2) $ AND (gphit GE lat1) AND (gphit LE lat2) ) IF (dom[0] EQ -1) THEN BEGIN IF keyword_set(findalways) THEN BEGIN domdef, GRIDTYPE = gridtype, MEMEINDICES = memeindices, _extra = ex IF N_PARAMS() EQ 6 THEN $ domdef, z1, z2, GRIDTYPE = gridtype, MEMEINDICES = memeindices, ZINDEX = zindex, _extra = ex RETURN ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ras = report('WARNING, The box does not contain any T points...') firstxt = -1 & lastxt = -1 & nxt = 0 firstyt = -1 & lastyt = -1 & nyt = 0 ENDELSE ENDIF ELSE BEGIN jyt = dom / jpi ixt = temporary(dom) MOD jpi firstxt = min(temporary(ixt), max = lastxt) firstyt = min(temporary(jyt), max = lastyt) nxt = lastxt - firstxt + 1 nyt = lastyt - firstyt + 1 ENDELSE ENDIF ; find firstxu, firstxu, firstyu, firstyu, nxu and nyu ; according to lon1, lon2, lat1 and lat2 IF (where(gridtype eq 'U'))[0] NE -1 THEN BEGIN IF keyword_set(memeindices) THEN BEGIN firstxu = firstxt & lastxu = lastxt & nxu = nxt firstyu = firstyt & lastyu = lastyt & nyu = nyt ENDIF ELSE BEGIN dom = where( (glamu GE lon1) AND (glamu LE lon2) $ AND (gphiu GE lat1) AND (gphiu LE lat2) ) IF (dom[0] EQ -1) THEN BEGIN IF keyword_set(findalways) THEN BEGIN domdef, GRIDTYPE = gridtype, MEMEINDICES = memeindices, _extra = ex IF N_PARAMS() EQ 6 THEN $ domdef, z1, z2, GRIDTYPE = gridtype, MEMEINDICES = memeindices, ZINDEX = zindex, _extra = ex RETURN ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ras = report('WARNING, The box does not contain any U points...') firstxu = -1 & lastxu = -1 & nxu = 0 firstyu = -1 & lastyu = -1 & nyu = 0 ENDELSE ENDIF ELSE BEGIN jyu = dom / jpi ixu = temporary(dom) MOD jpi firstxu = min(temporary(ixu), max = lastxu) firstyu = min(temporary(jyu), max = lastyu) nxu = lastxu - firstxu + 1 nyu = lastyu - firstyu + 1 ENDELSE ENDELSE ENDIF ; find firstxv, firstxv, firstyv, firstyv, nxv and nyv ; according to lon1, lon2, lat1 and lat2 IF (where(gridtype eq 'V'))[0] NE -1 THEN BEGIN IF keyword_set(memeindices) THEN BEGIN firstxv = firstxt & lastxv = lastxt & nxv = nxt firstyv = firstyt & lastyv = lastyt & nyv = nyt ENDIF ELSE BEGIN dom = where( (glamv GE lon1) AND (glamv LE lon2) $ AND (gphiv GE lat1) AND (gphiv LE lat2) ) IF (dom[0] EQ -1) THEN BEGIN IF keyword_set(findalways) THEN BEGIN domdef, GRIDTYPE = gridtype, MEMEINDICES = memeindices, _extra = ex IF N_PARAMS() EQ 6 THEN $ domdef, z1, z2, GRIDTYPE = gridtype, MEMEINDICES = memeindices, ZINDEX = zindex, _extra = ex RETURN ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ras = report('WARNING, The box does not contain any V points...') firstxv = -1 & lastxv = -1 & nxv = 0 firstyv = -1 & lastyv = -1 & nyv = 0 ENDELSE ENDIF ELSE BEGIN jyv = dom / jpi ixv = temporary(dom) MOD jpi firstxv = min(temporary(ixv), max = lastxv) firstyv = min(temporary(jyv), max = lastyv) nxv = lastxv - firstxv + 1 nyv = lastyv - firstyv + 1 ENDELSE ENDELSE ENDIF ; find firstxf, firstxf, firstyf, firstyf, nxf and nyf ; according to lon1, lon2, lat1 and lat2 IF (where(gridtype eq 'F'))[0] NE -1 THEN BEGIN IF keyword_set(memeindices) THEN BEGIN firstxf = firstxt & lastxf = lastxt & nxf = nxt firstyf = firstyt & lastyf = lastyt & nyf = nyt ENDIF ELSE BEGIN dom = where( (glamf GE lon1) AND (glamf LE lon2) $ AND (gphif GE lat1) AND (gphif LE lat2) ) IF (dom[0] EQ -1) THEN BEGIN IF keyword_set(findalways) THEN BEGIN domdef, GRIDTYPE = gridtype, MEMEINDICES = memeindices, _extra = ex IF N_PARAMS() EQ 6 THEN $ domdef, z1, z2, GRIDTYPE = gridtype, MEMEINDICES = memeindices, ZINDEX = zindex, _extra = ex RETURN ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ras = report('WARNING, The box does not contain any F points...') firstxf = -1 & lastxf = -1 & nxf = 0 firstyf = -1 & lastyf = -1 & nyf = 0 ENDELSE ENDIF ELSE BEGIN jyf = dom / jpi ixf = temporary(dom) MOD jpi firstxf = min(temporary(ixf), max = lastxf) firstyf = min(temporary(jyf), max = lastyf) nxf = lastxf - firstxf + 1 nyf = lastyf - firstyf + 1 ENDELSE ENDELSE ENDIF ; ENDIF ELSE BEGIN CASE 1 OF ;------------------------------------------------------------------- ;------------------------------------------------------------------- ; horizontal domain defined with the X and Y indexes ;------------------------------------------------------------------- ;------------------------------------------------------------------- (keyword_set(xindex) AND keyword_set(yindex)) OR keyword_set(index):BEGIN fstx = min([x1, x2], max = lstx) fsty = min([y1, y2], max = lsty) IF fstx LT 0 OR lstx GE jpi THEN BEGIN ras = report('Bad definition of X1 or X2') return ENDIF IF fsty LT 0 OR lsty GE jpj THEN BEGIN ras = report('Bad definition of Y1 or Y2') return ENDIF nx = lstx - fstx + 1 ny = lsty - fsty + 1 ; find lon1t, lon2t, lat1t, lat2t, firstxt, firstxt, nxt and nyt ; according to x1, x2, y1, y2 IF (where(gridtype eq 'T'))[0] NE -1 OR (where(gridtype eq 'W'))[0] NE -1 THEN BEGIN lon1t = min(glamt[fstx:lstx, fsty:lsty], max = lon2t) lat1t = min(gphit[fstx:lstx, fsty:lsty], max = lat2t) firstxt = fstx & lastxt = lstx firstyt = fsty & lastyt = lsty nxt = nx & nyt = ny ENDIF ; find lon1u, lon2u, lat1u, lat2u, firstxu, firstxu, nxu and nyu ; according to x1, x2, y1, y2 IF (where(gridtype eq 'U'))[0] NE -1 THEN BEGIN lon1u = min(glamu[fstx:lstx, fsty:lsty], max = lon2u) lat1u = min(gphiu[fstx:lstx, fsty:lsty], max = lat2u) firstxu = fstx & lastxu = lstx firstyu = fsty & lastyu = lsty nxu = nx & nyu = ny ENDIF ; find lon1v, lon2v, lat1v, lat2v, firstxv, firstxv, nxv and nyv ; according to x1, x2, y1, y2 IF (where(gridtype eq 'V'))[0] NE -1 THEN BEGIN lon1v = min(glamv[fstx:lstx, fsty:lsty], max = lon2v) lat1v = min(gphiv[fstx:lstx, fsty:lsty], max = lat2v) firstxv = fstx & lastxv = lstx firstyv = fsty & lastyv = lsty nxv = nx & nyv = ny ENDIF ; find lon1f, lon2f, lat1f, lat2f, firstxf, firstxf, nxf and nyf ; according to x1, x2, y1, y2 IF (where(gridtype eq 'F'))[0] NE -1 THEN BEGIN lon1f = min(glamf[fstx:lstx, fsty:lsty], max = lon2f) lat1f = min(gphif[fstx:lstx, fsty:lsty], max = lat2f) firstxf = fstx & lastxf = lstx firstyf = fsty & lastyf = lsty nxf = nx & nyf = ny ENDIF lon1 = min([lon1t, lon1u, lon1v, lon1f]) lon2 = max([lon2t, lon2u, lon2v, lon2f]) lat1 = min([lat1t, lat1u, lat1v, lat1f]) lat2 = max([lat2t, lat2u, lat2v, lat2f]) END ;------------------------------------------------------------------- ;------------------------------------------------------------------- ; horizontal domain defined with the X index and lat1/lat2 ;------------------------------------------------------------------- ;------------------------------------------------------------------- keyword_set(xindex):BEGIN fstx = min([x1, x2], max = lstx) IF fstx LT 0 OR lstx GE jpi THEN BEGIN ras = report('Bad definition of X1 or X2') return ENDIF nx = lstx - fstx + 1 lat1 = min([y1, y2], max = lat2) ; find lon1t, lon2t, firstxt, firstxt, firstyt, firstyt, nxt ; and nyt according to x1, x2, lat1 and lat2 IF (where(gridtype eq 'T'))[0] NE -1 OR (where(gridtype EQ 'W'))[0] NE -1 THEN BEGIN firstxt = fstx & lastxt = lstx & nxt = nx dom = where( (gphit[fstx:lstx, *] GE lat1) AND (gphit[fstx:lstx, *] LE lat2) ) IF (dom[0] EQ -1) THEN BEGIN IF keyword_set(findalways) THEN BEGIN domdef, GRIDTYPE = gridtype, MEMEINDICES = memeindices, _extra = ex IF N_PARAMS() EQ 6 THEN $ domdef, z1, z2, GRIDTYPE = gridtype, MEMEINDICES = memeindices, ZINDEX = zindex, _extra = ex RETURN ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ras = report('WARNING, The box does not contain any T points...') firstyt = -1 & lastyt = -1 & nyt = 0 ENDELSE ENDIF ELSE BEGIN jyt = temporary(dom) / nx firstyt = min(temporary(jyt), max = lastyt) nyt = lastyt - firstyt + 1 ENDELSE IF nyt NE 0 THEN lon1t = min(glamt[firstxt:lastxt, firstyt:lastyt], max = lon2t) ENDIF ; find lon1u, lon2u, firstxu, firstxu, firstyu, firstyu, nxu ; and nyu according to x1, x2, lat1 and lat2 IF (where(gridtype eq 'U'))[0] NE -1 THEN BEGIN firstxu = fstx & lastxu = lstx & nxu = nx IF keyword_set(memeindices) THEN BEGIN firstyu = firstyt & lastyu = lastyt & nyu = nyt ENDIF ELSE BEGIN dom = where( (gphiu[fstx:lstx, *] GE lat1) AND (gphiu[fstx:lstx, *] LE lat2) ) IF (dom[0] EQ -1) THEN BEGIN IF keyword_set(findalways) THEN BEGIN domdef, GRIDTYPE = gridtype, MEMEINDICES = memeindices, _extra = ex IF N_PARAMS() EQ 6 THEN $ domdef, z1, z2, GRIDTYPE = gridtype, MEMEINDICES = memeindices, ZINDEX = zindex, _extra = ex RETURN ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ras = report('WARNING, The box does not contain any U points...') firstyu = -1 & lastyu = -1 & nyu = 0 ENDELSE ENDIF ELSE BEGIN jyu = temporary(dom) / nx firstyu = min(temporary(jyu), max = lastyu) nyu = lastyu - firstyu + 1 ENDELSE ENDELSE IF nyu NE 0 THEN lon1u = min(glamu[firstxu:lastxu, firstyu:lastyu], max = lon2u) ENDIF ; find lon1v, lon2v, firstxv, firstxv, firstyv, firstyv, nxv ; and nyv according to x1, x2, lat1 and lat2 IF (where(gridtype eq 'V'))[0] NE -1 THEN BEGIN firstxv = fstx & lastxv = lstx & nxv = nx IF keyword_set(memeindices) THEN BEGIN firstyv = firstyt & lastyv = lastyt & nyv = nyt ENDIF ELSE BEGIN dom = where( (gphiv[fstx:lstx, *] GE lat1) AND (gphiv[fstx:lstx, *] LE lat2) ) IF (dom[0] EQ -1) THEN BEGIN IF keyword_set(findalways) THEN BEGIN domdef, GRIDTYPE = gridtype, MEMEINDICES = memeindices, _extra = ex IF N_PARAMS() EQ 6 THEN $ domdef, z1, z2, GRIDTYPE = gridtype, MEMEINDICES = memeindices, ZINDEX = zindex, _extra = ex RETURN ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ras = report('WARNING, The box does not contain any V points...') firstyv = -1 & lastyv = -1 & nyv = 0 ENDELSE ENDIF ELSE BEGIN jyv = temporary(dom) / nx firstyv = min(temporary(jyv), max = lastyv) nyv = lastyv - firstyv + 1 ENDELSE ENDELSE IF nyv NE 0 THEN lon1v = min(glamv[firstxv:lastxv, firstyv:lastyv], max = lon2v) ENDIF ; find lon1f, lon2f, firstxf, firstxf, firstyf, firstyf, nxf ; and nyf according to x1, x2, lat1 and lat2 IF (where(gridtype eq 'F'))[0] NE -1 THEN BEGIN firstxf = fstx & lastxf = lstx & nxf = nx IF keyword_set(memeindices) THEN BEGIN firstyf = firstyt & lastyf = lastyt & nyf = nyt ENDIF ELSE BEGIN dom = where( (gphif[fstx:lstx, *] GE lat1) AND (gphif[fstx:lstx, *] LE lat2) ) IF (dom[0] EQ -1) THEN BEGIN IF keyword_set(findalways) THEN BEGIN domdef, GRIDTYPE = gridtype, MEMEINDICES = memeindices, _extra = ex IF N_PARAMS() EQ 6 THEN $ domdef, z1, z2, GRIDTYPE = gridtype, MEMEINDICES = memeindices, ZINDEX = zindex, _extra = ex RETURN ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ras = report('WARNING, The box does not contain any F points...') firstyf = -1 & lastyf = -1 & nyf = 0 ENDELSE ENDIF ELSE BEGIN jyf = temporary(dom) / nx firstyf = min(temporary(jyf), max = lastyf) nyf = lastyf - firstyf + 1 ENDELSE ENDELSE IF nyf NE 0 THEN lon1f = min(glamf[firstxf:lastxf, firstyf:lastyf], max = lon2f) ENDIF lon1 = min([lon1t, lon1u, lon1v, lon1f]) lon2 = max([lon2t, lon2u, lon2v, lon2f]) END ;------------------------------------------------------------------- ;------------------------------------------------------------------- ; horizontal domain defined with the Y index and lon1/lon2 ;------------------------------------------------------------------- ;------------------------------------------------------------------- keyword_set(yindex):BEGIN fsty = min([y1, y2], max = lsty) IF fsty LT 0 OR lsty GE jpj THEN BEGIN ras = report('Bad definition of Y1 or Y2') return ENDIF ny = lsty - fsty + 1 lon1 = min([x1, x2], max = lon2) ; find lat1t, lat2t, firstxt, firstxt, firstyt, firstyt, nxt ; and nyt according to x1, x2, lon1 and lon2 IF (where(gridtype eq 'T'))[0] NE -1 OR (where(gridtype EQ 'W'))[0] NE -1 THEN BEGIN firstyt = fsty & lastyt = lsty & nyt = ny dom = where( (glamt[*, fsty:lsty] GE lon1) AND (glamt[*, fsty:lsty] LE lon2) ) IF (dom[0] EQ -1) THEN BEGIN IF keyword_set(findalways) THEN BEGIN domdef, GRIDTYPE = gridtype, MEMEINDICES = memeindices, _extra = ex IF N_PARAMS() EQ 6 THEN $ domdef, z1, z2, GRIDTYPE = gridtype, MEMEINDICES = memeindices, ZINDEX = zindex, _extra = ex RETURN ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ras = report('WARNING, The box does not contain any T points...') firstxt = -1 & lastxt = -1 & nxt = 0 ENDELSE ENDIF ELSE BEGIN jxt = temporary(dom) MOD jpi firstxt = min(temporary(jxt), max = lastxt) nxt = lastxt - firstxt + 1 ENDELSE IF nxt NE 0 THEN lat1t = min(gphit[firstxt:lastxt, firstyt:lastyt], max = lat2t) ENDIF ; find lat1u, lat2u, firstxu, firstxu, firstyu, firstyu, nxu ; and nyu according to x1, x2, lon1 and lon2 IF (where(gridtype eq 'U'))[0] NE -1 THEN BEGIN firstyu = fsty & lastyu = lsty & nyu = ny IF keyword_set(memeindices) THEN BEGIN firstxu = firstyt & lastxu = lastyt & nxu = nxt ENDIF ELSE BEGIN dom = where( (glamu[*, fsty:lsty] GE lon1) AND (glamu[*, fsty:lsty] LE lon2) ) IF (dom[0] EQ -1) THEN BEGIN IF keyword_set(findalways) THEN BEGIN domdef, GRIDTYPE = gridtype, MEMEINDICES = memeindices, _extra = ex IF N_PARAMS() EQ 6 THEN $ domdef, z1, z2, GRIDTYPE = gridtype, MEMEINDICES = memeindices, ZINDEX = zindex, _extra = ex RETURN ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ras = report('WARNING, The box does not contain any U points...') firstxu = -1 & lastxu = -1 & nxu = 0 ENDELSE ENDIF ELSE BEGIN jxu = temporary(dom) MOD jpi firstxu = min(temporary(jxu), max = lastxu) nxu = lastxu - firstxu + 1 ENDELSE ENDELSE IF nxu NE 0 THEN lat1u = min(gphiu[firstxu:lastxu, firstyu:lastyu], max = lat2u) ENDIF ; find lat1v, lat2v, firstxv, firstxv, firstyv, firstyv, nxv ; and nyv according to x1, x2, lon1 and lon2 IF (where(gridtype eq 'V'))[0] NE -1 THEN BEGIN firstyv = fsty & lastyv = lsty & nyv = ny IF keyword_set(memeindices) THEN BEGIN firstxv = firstyt & lastxv = lastyt & nxv = nxt ENDIF ELSE BEGIN dom = where( (glamv[*, fsty:lsty] GE lon1) AND (glamv[*, fsty:lsty] LE lon2) ) IF (dom[0] EQ -1) THEN BEGIN IF keyword_set(findalways) THEN BEGIN domdef, GRIDTYPE = gridtype, MEMEINDICES = memeindices, _extra = ex IF N_PARAMS() EQ 6 THEN $ domdef, z1, z2, GRIDTYPE = gridtype, MEMEINDICES = memeindices, ZINDEX = zindex, _extra = ex RETURN ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ras = report('WARNING, The box does not contain any V points...') firstxv = -1 & lastxv = -1 & nxv = 0 ENDELSE ENDIF ELSE BEGIN jxv = temporary(dom) MOD jpi firstxv = min(temporary(jxv), max = lastxv) nxv = lastxv - firstxv + 1 ENDELSE ENDELSE IF nxv NE 0 THEN lat1v = min(gphiv[firstxv:lastxv, firstyv:lastyv], max = lat2v) ENDIF ; find lat1f, lat2f, firstxf, firstxf, firstyf, firstyf, nxf ; and nyf according to x1, x2, lon1 and lon2 IF (where(gridtype eq 'F'))[0] NE -1 THEN BEGIN firstyf = fsty & lastyf = lsty & nyf = ny IF keyword_set(memeindices) THEN BEGIN firstxf = firstyt & lastxf = lastyt & nxf = nxt ENDIF ELSE BEGIN dom = where( (glamf[*, fsty:lsty] GE lon1) AND (glamf[*, fsty:lsty] LE lon2) ) IF (dom[0] EQ -1) THEN BEGIN IF keyword_set(findalways) THEN BEGIN domdef, GRIDTYPE = gridtype, MEMEINDICES = memeindices, _extra = ex IF N_PARAMS() EQ 6 THEN $ domdef, z1, z2, GRIDTYPE = gridtype, MEMEINDICES = memeindices, ZINDEX = zindex, _extra = ex RETURN ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ras = report('WARNING, The box does not contain any F points...') firstxf = -1 & lastyf = -1 & nxf = 0 ENDELSE ENDIF ELSE BEGIN jxf = temporary(dom) MOD jpi firstxf = min(temporary(jxf), max = lastxf) nxf = lastxf - firstxf + 1 ENDELSE ENDELSE IF nxf NE 0 THEN lat1f = min(gphif[firstxf:lastxf, firstyf:lastyf], max = lat2f) ENDIF lat1 = min([lat1t, lat1u, lat1v, lat1f]) lat2 = max([lat2t, lat2u, lat2v, lat2f]) END ENDCASE ENDELSE ;------------------------------------------------------------------- ; The extracted domain is it regular or not? ;------------------------------------------------------------------- CASE 1 OF ((where(gridtype eq 'T'))[0] NE -1 OR (where(gridtype eq 'W'))[0] NE -1) AND nxt NE 0 AND nyt NE 0:BEGIN ; to get faster, we first test the most basic cases befor testing the ; full array. CASE 0 OF array_equal(glamt[firstxt:lastxt, firstyt], glamt[firstxt:lastxt, lastyt]):key_irregular = 1b array_equal(gphit[firstxt, firstyt:lastyt], gphit[lastxt, firstyt:lastyt]):key_irregular = 1b array_equal(glamt[firstxt:lastxt, firstyt:lastyt] $ , glamt[firstxt:lastxt, firstyt]#replicate(1, nyt)):key_irregular = 1b array_equal(gphit[firstxt:lastxt, firstyt:lastyt] $ , replicate(1, nxt)#(gphit[firstxt, firstyt:lastyt])[*]):key_irregular = 1b ELSE:key_irregular = 0b ENDCASE END (where(gridtype eq 'U'))[0] NE -1 AND nxu NE 0 AND nyu NE 0:BEGIN CASE 0 OF array_equal(glamu[firstxu:lastxu, firstyu], glamu[firstxu:lastxu, lastyu]):key_irregular = 1b array_equal(gphiu[firstxu, firstyu:lastyu], gphiu[lastxu, firstyu:lastyu]):key_irregular = 1b array_equal(glamu[firstxu:lastxu, firstyu:lastyu] $ , glamu[firstxu:lastxu, firstyu]#replicate(1, nyu)):key_irregular = 1b array_equal(gphiu[firstxu:lastxu, firstyu:lastyu] $ , replicate(1, nxu)#(gphiu[firstxu, firstyu:lastyu])[*]):key_irregular = 1b ELSE:key_irregular = 0b ENDCASE END (where(gridtype eq 'V'))[0] NE -1 AND nxv NE 0 AND nyv NE 0:BEGIN CASE 0 OF array_equal(glamv[firstxv:lastxv, firstyv], glamv[firstxv:lastxv, lastyv]):key_irregular = 1b array_equal(gphiv[firstxv, firstyv:lastyv], gphiv[lastxv, firstyv:lastyv]):key_irregular = 1b array_equal(glamv[firstxv:lastxv, firstyv:lastyv] $ , glamv[firstxv:lastxv, firstyv]#replicate(1, nyv)):key_irregular = 1b array_equal(gphiv[firstxv:lastxv, firstyv:lastyv] $ , replicate(1, nxv)#(gphiv[firstxv, firstyv:lastyv])[*]):key_irregular = 1b ELSE:key_irregular = 0b ENDCASE END (where(gridtype eq 'F'))[0] NE -1 AND nxf NE 0 AND nyf NE 0:BEGIN CASE 0 OF array_equal(glamf[firstxf:lastxf, firstyf], glamf[firstxf:lastxf, lastyf]):key_irregular = 1b array_equal(gphif[firstxf, firstyf:lastyf], gphif[lastxf, firstyf:lastyf]):key_irregular = 1b array_equal(glamf[firstxf:lastxf, firstyf:lastyf] $ , glamf[firstxf:lastxf, firstyf]#replicate(1, nyf)):key_irregular = 1b array_equal(gphif[firstxf:lastxf, firstyf:lastyf] $ , replicate(1, nxf)#(gphif[firstxf, firstyf:lastyf])[*]):key_irregular = 1b ELSE:key_irregular = 0b ENDCASE END ELSE: ENDCASE ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------- ;------------------------------------------------------------------- ; define all vertical parameters ... ; vert1, vert2 ; firstz[tw], lastz[tw], nz[tw] ;------------------------------------------------------------------- ;------------------------------------------------------------------- ; vertical: ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------- ; vertical domain defined with vert1, vert2 ;------------------------------------------------------------------- IF NOT (keyword_set(zindex) OR keyword_set(index)) THEN BEGIN ; define vert1 et vert2 CASE N_PARAMS() OF 2:vert1 = min([x1, x2], max = vert2) 6:vert1 = min([z1, z2], max = vert2) ELSE:BEGIN IF (inter(byte(gridtype), byte(['T', 'U', 'V', 'F'])))[0] NE -1 THEN $ vert1t = min(gdept, max = vert2t) IF (where(gridtype eq 'W'))[0] NE -1 AND n_elements(gdepw) NE 0 THEN $ vert1w = min(gdepw, max = vert2w) vert1 = min([vert1t, vert1w]) vert2 = max([vert2t, vert2w]) END ENDCASE ; define firstzt, firstzt, nzt IF (inter(byte(gridtype), byte(['T', 'U', 'V', 'F'])))[0] NE -1 THEN BEGIN domz = where(gdept ge vert1 and gdept le vert2, nzt) IF nzt NE 0 THEN BEGIN firstzt = domz[0] lastzt = domz[nzt-1] ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ras = report('WARNING, The box does not contain any T level...') firstzt = -1 lastzt = -1 ENDELSE ENDIF ; define firstzw, firstzw, nzw IF (where(gridtype eq 'W'))[0] NE -1 AND n_elements(gdepw) NE 0 THEN BEGIN IF keyword_set(memeindices) THEN BEGIN firstzw = firstzt lastzw = lastzt nzw = nzt ENDIF ELSE BEGIN domz = where(gdepw ge vert1 and gdepw le vert2, nzw) IF nzw NE 0 THEN BEGIN firstzw = domz[0] lastzw = domz[nzw-1] ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ras = report('WARNING, The box does not contain any W level...') firstzw = -1 lastzw = -1 ENDELSE ENDELSE ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------------------------- ; vertical domain defined with the Z index ;------------------------------------------------------------------- ENDIF ELSE BEGIN CASE N_PARAMS() OF 2:fstz = min([x1, x2], max = lstz) 4:return 6:fstz = min([z1, z2], max = lstz) ENDCASE IF fstz LT 0 OR lstz GE jpk THEN BEGIN ras = report('Bad definition of X1, X2, Z1 or Z2') return ENDIF nz = lstz - fstz + 1 ; find vert1t, vert2t, firstzt, firstzt, nzt ; according to (x1, x2) or (z1, z2) IF (where(gridtype eq 'T'))[0] NE -1 THEN BEGIN vert1t = min(gdept[fstz:lstz], max = vert2t) firstzt = fstz & lastzt = lstz & nzt = nz ENDIF ; find vert1w, vert2w, firstzw, firstzw, nzw ; according to (x1, x2) or (z1, z2) IF (where(gridtype eq 'W'))[0] NE -1 AND n_elements(gdepw) NE 0 THEN BEGIN vert1w = min(gdepw[fstz:lstz], max = vert2w) firstzw = fstz & lastzw = lstz & nzw = nz ENDIF vert1 = min([vert1t, vert1w]) vert2 = max([vert2t, vert2w]) ENDELSE ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------- IF NOT keyword_set(key_forgetold) THEN BEGIN @updateold ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------------------------- if keyword_set(key_performance) THEN print, 'temps domdef', systime(1)-tempsun ;------------------------------------------------------------------- ;------------------------------------------------------------------- return end