;+ ; ; @file_comments ; This procedure writes a short text message within a box-shaped ; area in a graphic window. The message may be split at word ; boundaries into several lines, and the character size and ; orientation may be adjusted for the text to fit within the box. ; ; @param TEXT {in}{required} {type=string} ; message in ASCII. ; ; @keyword POS ; 4 elements vector specifying the box position and size ; pos[0],pos[1] specify the lower left corner coordinate, ; pos[2],pos[3] specify the upper right corner coordinate, ; data window normalized coordinates are used. ; ; @keyword FG_COLOR {default=0} ; color of box and legend titles ; ; @keyword BG_COLOR ; background color. Setting BG_COLOR erases the area ; covered by the text box (filling it with color BG_COLOR) ; prior to writing the text. If both BG_COLOR and !p.color ; are zero then the background color is reset to 255 to ; guarantee a readability. ; ; @keyword RIGHT ; if set, right justify text ; ; @keyword CENTER ; if set, center the text ; ; @keyword VERT_SPACE {default=1.5} ; vertical spacing of lines in units of character height ; ; @keyword _EXTRA ; Used to pass keywords ; ; @keyword BOX ; activate to show the box on graphic window. ; ; @history ; Paul Ricchiazzi 7Jul93 ; Institute for Computational Earth System Science ; University of California, Santa Barbara ; ; @version ; $Id$ ; ;- ; PRO text_box, text, POS=pos, FG_COLOR=fg_color, BG_COLOR=bg_color,$ CENTER=center, RIGHT=right, BOX=box, VERT_SPACE=vert_space, _EXTRA = ex ; compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs ; ON_ERROR, 2 ; ; Check the number of parameters. ; justify=-1 if keyword_set(right) ne 0 then justify=1 if keyword_set(center) ne 0 then justify=0 if keyword_set(vert_space) eq 0 then vert_space= 1.5 IF n_elements(text) eq 0 then message, 'must specify text' nnx=!x.window*!d.x_vsize nny=!y.window*!d.y_vsize nnx=[0., 1.]*!d.x_vsize nny=[0., 1.]*!d.y_vsize if n_elements(pos) eq 0 then begin box_cursor,xx1,yy1,nx,ny xx2=xx1+nx yy2=yy1+ny pos=[(xx1-nnx[0])/(nnx[1]-nnx[0]),(yy1-nny[0])/(nny[1]-nny[0]),$ (xx2-nnx[0])/(nnx[1]-nnx[0]),(yy2-nny[0])/(nny[1]-nny[0])] posstring=string(form='(a,4(f5.2,a))',$ ',pos=[',pos[0],',',pos[1],',',pos[2],',',pos[3],']') print,strcompress(posstring,/remove_all) endif else begin xx1 = nnx[0]+pos[0]*(nnx[1]-nnx[0]) xx2 = nnx[0]+pos[2]*(nnx[1]-nnx[0]) yy1 = nny[0]+pos[1]*(nny[1]-nnx[0]) yy2 = nny[0]+pos[3]*(nny[1]-nnx[0]) endelse ; ; calculate the height and width of the box in characters. ; width = (xx2 - xx1) / !d.x_ch_size height = (yy2 - yy1) / !d.y_ch_size ; ; decompose the message into words. ; words = str_sep(text,' ') ; print,f='(20a)',words nwords=n_elements(words) wordlen=lenstr(words)*!d.x_vsize blanklen=lenstr(' ')*!d.x_vsize maxcharsize=(xx2-xx1)/(4*blanklen+max(wordlen)) charsize=1 lpnt=intarr(nwords) nomore=0 ntries=0 repeat begin ntries=ntries+1 if ntries gt 20 then message,'Can not fit message into box' ychsiz=vert_space*!d.y_ch_size*charsize wlen=wordlen*charsize blen=blanklen*charsize n_lines=fix((yy2-yy1)/ychsiz)-1 sum=0 ilines=0 ; print,f='(8a8)','charsz','i','ilines','n_lines','lpnt','wlen','sum','xwdth' for i=0,nwords-1 do begin sum=sum+wlen[i]+blen if sum+3*blen gt xx2-xx1 then begin ilines=ilines+1 sum=wlen[i]+blen endif lpnt[i]=ilines ; print,f='(f8.2,4i8,3f8.2)',charsize,i,ilines,n_lines,lpnt[i],$ ; wlen[i]+blen,sum+3*blen,xx2-xx1 endfor case 1 of ilines+1 lt n_lines: if charsize*1.1 gt maxcharsize then $ vert_space=(yy2-yy1)/((n_lines-1)*!d.y_ch_size*charsize) $ else charsize=charsize*1.1 ilines+1 eq n_lines: nomore=1 ilines+1 gt n_lines: charsize=charsize*.9 endcase endrep until nomore lines=strarr(n_lines) maxlen=0 for i=0,n_lines-1 do begin ii=where(lpnt eq i,nc) maxlen=(total(wlen[ii])+nc*blen)>maxlen lines[i]=string(f='(200a)',words[ii]+' ') ; print,i,words[ii] ; print,i,lines[i] endfor ; align=.5*(1+justify) case justify of -1:xx = xx1+.5*((xx2-xx1)-maxlen) 0:xx = 0.5*(xx1 + xx2) 1:xx = xx2-.5*((xx2-xx1)-maxlen) endcase dy=!d.y_ch_size*charsize*vert_space yy=yy2-0.5*dy xbox=[xx1,xx2,xx2,xx1,xx1] ybox=[yy1,yy1,yy2,yy2,yy1] if n_elements(bg_color) ne 0 then begin if !p.color eq 0 and bg_color eq 0 then bgc=255 else bgc=bg_color polyfill,xbox,ybox,color=bgc,/device endif if n_elements(fg_color) eq 0 then color = 0 else color=fg_color for i_line = 0,n_lines-1 do begin yy = yy-dy ; print,xx,yy,lines[i_line],charsize xyouts, xx, yy, lines[i_line], /device, charsize=charsize, $ alignment=align, color=color, font=-1, _extra = ex endfor if keyword_set(box) then plots,xbox,ybox,color=color,/device ; return end