[% IF embed %] [% ELSE %] [% END %] [% INCLUDE_TEMPLATE navbar_filename %]
  1. Help for users of an IDLdoc'ed library
  2. Basic markup of code
  3. Modifying IDLdoc output

Help on IDLdoc output

The following information is provides documentation in interpreting the results of the output of IDLdoc. For documentation on marking up IDL code to better use IDLdoc's capabilities, see the developer's help or the advanced developer's help.

File summary

The file summary includes a the class hierarchy diagram for files with names ending in __define, a list of various attributes of the file, and a description.

Field summary

If the filename of PRO file ends in __define, then the fields defined in the routine of the same name are listed with their type and any comments provided by the developer. Following this listing are separate listings for each parent class of the class/structure with a list of their fields with types.

Routine summary

The routine summary simply provides the calling sequence for each routine in the file (in the same syntax is the online help for IDL) and the first sentence of the detailed description for each routine in the file.

Routine details

The routine details sections gives a possibly longer description of the routine as well as a tables of the parameters and keywords accepted by the routine. Also listed are various attributes of the routine.

All the parameters and keywords of the routine will be in these tables regardless if they have been commented using IDLdoc (though the developer can hide parameters and keywords if they chose).

Routine attributes

A routine can be marked with various attributes described in the below table.

Attribute Description


The routine name will be italicized if the routine is marked "abstract" (meaning it is not implemented, it is provided for its interface only). This is generally used in only object-oriented programming.


This routine is not intended to be called except by other routines in the same file. In other words it is a "helper routine". Private routines are only seen if the library is IDLdoc'ed in "developer" mode.


This routine is no longer supported by the library maintainer.


The names of any categories for the routine are listed.

Parameter and keyword attributes

A parameter or keyword can be marked with various attributes described in the below table.

Attribute Description
in Indicates that the argument is intended to be passed into the routine.
out Indicates that the argument is intended to be used to pass a value out of the routine. A named variable must be passed to the routine to pass a value back to the calling level.
optional This attribute indicates the argument is optional; optional parameters and keywords are also placed inside brackets ([]) in the routine summary.
required Indicates the argument is required
type Type indicates the IDL type of the variable. Can be used indicate a group of types, a specific type, an array of a certain type, etc. Boolean keywords are indicated by a /KEYWORD_NAME in the routine summary.
default Default indicates the default value for an optional parameter or keyword.
private This parameter is not intended to be used in calls except by other routines in the same file. Private parameters are only seen if the library is IDLdoc'ed in "developer" mode.
[% IF footer NE '' %][% END %] [% INCLUDE_TEMPLATE tagline_filename %]