package Sophie::Controller::Chat::Cmd; use Moose; use namespace::autoclean; use Getopt::Long; BEGIN {extends 'Catalyst::Controller'; } =head1 NAME Sophie::Controller::Chat::Cmd - Catalyst Controller =head1 DESCRIPTION Catalyst Controller. =head1 METHODS =cut =head2 index =cut =head2 end =cut sub end : Private { my ($self, $c ) = @_; $c->forward('/chat/update_statistic', [ ($c->action =~ /([^\/]+)$/)[0] ]); my $reqspec = $c->req->arguments->[0]; $reqspec->{max_line} ||= 4; my $message = $c->stash->{xmlrpc}; my @backup = @{ $message->{message} }; my $needpaste = 0; if (@{ $message->{message} } > ($reqspec->{max_line})) { @{ $message->{message} } = # -2 because line 0 and we remove one for paste url @backup[0 .. $reqspec->{max_line} -2]; $needpaste = 1; } if ($needpaste && !$reqspec->{nopaste}) { my $id = $c->forward('/chat/paste', [ 'Bot paste', join("\n", @backup) ]); if ($id) { push(@{ $message->{message} }, 'All results available here: ' . $c->uri_for('/chat', $id)); } } $c->stash->{xmlrpc} = $message; $c->forward('/end'); } =head1 BOT COMMAND =head2 REPLY =cut sub _commands { my ( $self, $c ) = @_; [ grep { m/^[^_]/ } map { $_->name } $self->get_action_methods() ]; } sub _getopt : Private { my ( $self, $c, $options, @args) = @_; local @ARGV = @args; GetOptions(%{ $options || {} }); return \@ARGV; } sub _fmt_location : Private { my ($self, $c, $searchspec, $pkgid) = @_; my @loc; foreach (@{ $c->forward('/rpms/location', [ $pkgid ]) }) { push @loc, sprintf( '%s (%s, %s, %s)', $_->{media}, $_->{dist} || $_->{distribution}, $_->{release}, $_->{arch}, ); } return join(', ', @loc); } sub _find_rpm_elsewhere : Private { my ($self, $c, $searchspec, $name) = @_; if ($searchspec->{distribution}) { my $rpmlist = $c->forward('/search/rpm/byname', [ { distribution => $searchspec->{distribution}, rows => 1, }, $name ]); if (@{$rpmlist}) { return $c->forward('_fmt_location', [ { distribution => $searchspec->{distribution} }, $rpmlist->[0] ]); } } my $rpmlist = $c->forward('/search/rpm/byname', [ {}, $name ]); my %dist; foreach(@$rpmlist) { foreach (@{ $c->forward('/rpms/location', [ $_ ]) }) { $dist{$_->{dist} || $_->{distribution}} = 1; } } if (keys %dist) { return join(', ', sort keys %dist); } return; } =head1 AVAILLABLE FUNCTIONS =cut =head2 help [cmd] Return help about command cmd or list available command. =cut sub help : XMLRPC { my ( $self, $c, $reqspec, $cmd ) = @_; if ($cmd) { my @message = grep { /\S+/ } split(/\n/, $c->model('Help::POD')->bot_help_text($cmd) || 'No help available'); return $c->{stash}->{xmlrpc} = { private_reply => 1, message => \@message, }; } else { return $c->{stash}->{xmlrpc} = { private_reply => 1, message => [ 'available command:', join(', ', sort grep { $_ !~ /^end$/ } @{ $self->_commands }), 'Find more at ' . $c->uri_for('/help/chat'), ], } } } =head2 asv ASV means in french "age, sexe, ville" (age, sex and town). Return the version of the Chat module version. =cut sub asv : XMLRPC { my ( $self, $c ) = @_; return $c->stash->{xmlrpc} = { message => [ 'Sophie: ' . $Sophie::VERSION . ', Chat ' . q$Rev$ ], }; } =head2 q REGEXP Search rpm name matching C. NB: C<.>, C<*>, C<+> have special meaning and have to be escaped. =cut sub q : XMLRPC { my ($self, $c, $reqspec, @args) = @_; $reqspec->{src} = 0; @args = @{ $c->forward('_getopt', [ { 'd=s' => \$reqspec->{distribution}, 'v=s' => \$reqspec->{release}, 'a=s' => \$reqspec->{arch}, 's' => sub { $reqspec->{src} = 1 }, }, @args ]) }; my $res = $c->forward('/search/tags/name_regexp', $reqspec, $args[0]); if (!@{ $res }) { return $c->stash->{xmlrpc} = { message => [ 'Nothing match `' . $args[0] . '\'' ] }; } else { my @message = 'rpm name matching `' . $args[0] . '\':'; while (@{ $res }) { my $str = ''; do { my $item = shift(@{ $res }) or last; $str .= ', ' if ($str); $str .= $item->{name}; } while (length($str) < 70); push(@message, $str); } return $c->stash->{xmlrpc} = { message => \@message, }; } } =head2 version [-s] NAME Show the version of package C. =cut sub version : XMLRPC { my ($self, $c, $reqspec, @args) = @_; my @message; $reqspec->{src} = 0; @args = @{ $c->forward('_getopt', [ { 'd=s' => \$reqspec->{distribution}, 'v=s' => \$reqspec->{release}, 'a=s' => \$reqspec->{arch}, 's' => sub { $reqspec->{src} = 1 }, }, @args ]) }; if (!$c->forward('/distrib/exists', [ $reqspec ])) { return $c->stash->{xmlrpc} = { message => [ "I don't have such distribution" ] }; } my $rpmlist = $c->forward('/search/rpm/byname', [ $reqspec, $args[0] ]); if (!@{ $rpmlist }) { my $else = $c->forward('_find_rpm_elsewhere', [ $reqspec, $args[0] ]); if ($else) { return $c->stash->{xmlrpc} = { message => [ "The rpm named `$args[0]' has not been found but found in " . $else ], } } else { return $c->stash->{xmlrpc} = { message => [ "The rpm named `$args[0]' has not been found" ], } } } foreach (@{ $rpmlist }) { my $info = $c->forward('/rpms/basicinfo', [ $_ ]); push @message, $info->{evr} . ' // ' . $c->forward('_fmt_location', [ $reqspec, $_ ]); } return $c->stash->{xmlrpc} = { message => \@message, } } =head2 v C is an alias for L command. =cut sub v : XMLRPC { my ($self, $c, @args) = @_; $c->forward('version', [ @args ]); } =head2 summary [-s] NAME Show the summary of package C. =cut sub summary : XMLRPC { my ($self, $c, $reqspec, @args) = @_; $c->forward('qf', [ $reqspec, @args, '%{summary}' ]); } =head2 s Is an alias for C command. =cut sub s : XMLRPC { my ($self, $c, @args) = @_; $c->forward('summary', [ @args ]); } =head2 packager [-s] NAME Show the packager of package C. =cut sub packager : XMLRPC { my ($self, $c, $reqspec, @args) = @_; $c->forward('qf', [ $reqspec, @args, '%{packager}' ]); } =head2 p Is an alias for C command. =cut sub p : XMLRPC { my ($self, $c, @args) = @_; $c->forward('packager', [ @args ]); } =head2 arch [-s] NAME Show the architecture of package C. =cut sub arch : XMLRPC { my ($self, $c, $reqspec, @args) = @_; $c->forward('qf', [ $reqspec, @args, '%{arch}' ]); } =head2 a Is an alias to C command. =cut sub a : XMLRPC { my ($self, $c, @args) = @_; $c->forward('arch', [ @args ]); } =head2 url [-s] NAME Show the url of package C. =cut sub url : XMLRPC { my ($self, $c, $reqspec, @args) = @_; $c->forward('qf', [ $reqspec, @args, '%{url}' ]); } =head2 u Is an alias to C command. =cut sub u : XMLRPC { my ($self, $c, @args) = @_; $c->forward('url', [ @args ]); } =head2 group [-s] NAME Show the group of package C. =cut sub group : XMLRPC { my ($self, $c, $reqspec, @args) = @_; $c->forward('qf', [ $reqspec, @args, '%{group}' ]); } =head2 g Is an alias to C command. =cut sub g : XMLRPC { my ($self, $c, @args) = @_; $c->forward('group', [ @args ]); } =head2 license [-s] NAME Show the license of package C. =cut sub license : XMLRPC { my ($self, $c, $reqspec, @args) = @_; $c->forward('qf', [ $reqspec, @args, '%{license}' ]); } =head2 l Is an alias to C command. =cut sub l : XMLRPC { my ($self, $c, @args) = @_; $c->forward('license', [ @args ]); } =head2 buildtime [-s] NAME Show the build time of package C. =cut sub buildtime : XMLRPC { my ($self, $c, $reqspec, @args) = @_; $c->forward('qf', [ $reqspec, @args, '%{buildtime:date}' ]); } =head2 builddate Is an alias for C command. =cut sub builddate : XMLRPC { my ($self, $c, @args) = @_; $c->forward('buildtime', [ @args ]); } =head2 builddate Is an alias for C command. =cut sub b : XMLRPC { my ($self, $c, @args) = @_; $c->forward('builddate', [ @args ]); } =head2 cookie [-s] NAME Show the C tag of package C. =cut sub cookie : XMLRPC { my ($self, $c, $reqspec, @args) = @_; $c->forward('qf', [ $reqspec, @args, '%{cookie}' ]); } =head2 qf rpmname format Perform an rpm -q --qf on package named C =cut sub qf : XMLRPC { my ($self, $c, $reqspec, @args) = @_; my @message; $reqspec->{src} = 0; @args = @{ $c->forward('_getopt', [ { 'd=s' => \$reqspec->{distribution}, 'v=s' => \$reqspec->{release}, 'a=s' => \$reqspec->{arch}, 's' => sub { $reqspec->{src} = 1 }, }, @args ]) }; if (!$c->forward('/distrib/exists', [ $reqspec ])) { return $c->stash->{xmlrpc} = { message => [ "I don't have such distribution" ] }; } my $rpmlist = $c->forward('/search/rpm/byname', [ $reqspec, $args[0] ]); if (!@{ $rpmlist }) { my $else = $c->forward('_find_rpm_elsewhere', [ $reqspec, $args[0] ]); if ($else) { return $c->stash->{xmlrpc} = { message => [ "The rpm named `$args[0]' has not been found but found in " . $else ], } } else { return $c->stash->{xmlrpc} = { message => [ "The rpm named `$args[0]' has not been found" ], } } } foreach (@{ $rpmlist }) { my $info = $c->forward('/rpms/queryformat', [ $_, $args[1] ]); push @message, $info . ' // ' . $c->forward('_fmt_location', [ $reqspec, $_ ]); } return $c->stash->{xmlrpc} = { message => \@message, } } =head2 more NAME Show url where details about package named C can be found =cut sub more : XMLRPC { my ($self, $c, $reqspec, @args) = @_; my @message; $reqspec->{src} = 0; @args = @{ $c->forward('_getopt', [ { 'd=s' => \$reqspec->{distribution}, 'v=s' => \$reqspec->{release}, 'a=s' => \$reqspec->{arch}, 's' => sub { $reqspec->{src} = 1 }, }, @args ]) }; if (!$c->forward('/distrib/exists', [ $reqspec ])) { return $c->stash->{xmlrpc} = { message => [ "I don't have such distribution" ] }; } my $rpmlist = $c->forward('/search/rpm/byname', [ $reqspec, $args[0] ]); if (!@{ $rpmlist }) { my $else = $c->forward('_find_rpm_elsewhere', [ $reqspec, $args[0] ]); if ($else) { return $c->stash->{xmlrpc} = { message => [ "The rpm named `$args[0]' has not been found but found in " . $else ], } } else { return $c->stash->{xmlrpc} = { message => [ "The rpm named `$args[0]' has not been found" ], } } } foreach (@{ $rpmlist }) { push @message, $c->uri_for('/rpms', $_) . ' // ' . $c->forward('_fmt_location', [ $reqspec, $_ ]); } return $c->stash->{xmlrpc} = { message => \@message, } } =head2 buildfrom NAME Return the list of package build from source package named C =cut sub buildfrom : XMLRPC { my ($self, $c, $reqspec, @args) = @_; $reqspec->{src} = 1; my @message; @args = @{ $c->forward('_getopt', [ { 'd=s' => \$reqspec->{distribution}, 'v=s' => \$reqspec->{release}, 'a=s' => \$reqspec->{arch}, }, @args ]) }; if (!$c->forward('/distrib/exists', [ $reqspec ])) { return $c->stash->{xmlrpc} = { message => [ "I don't have such distribution" ] }; } my $rpmlist = $c->forward('/search/rpm/byname', [ $reqspec, $args[0] ]); if (!@{ $rpmlist }) { my $else = $c->forward('_find_rpm_elsewhere', [ $reqspec, $args[0] ]); if ($else) { return $c->stash->{xmlrpc} = { message => [ "The rpm named `$args[0]' has not been found but found in " . $else ], } } else { return $c->stash->{xmlrpc} = { message => [ "The rpm named `$args[0]' has not been found" ], } } } foreach (@{ $rpmlist }) { my $res = $c->forward('/rpms/binaries', [ $_ ]); my @name; foreach (@$res) { push(@name, $c->forward('/rpms/basicinfo', [ $_ ])->{name}); } push(@message, join(', ', sort @name)); } return $c->stash->{xmlrpc} = { message => \@message, } } =head2 findfile FILE Return the rpm owning the file C. =cut sub findfile : XMLRPC { my ($self, $c, $reqspec, @args) = @_; my @message; $reqspec->{src} = 0; @args = @{ $c->forward('_getopt', [ { 'd=s' => \$reqspec->{distribution}, 'v=s' => \$reqspec->{release}, 'a=s' => \$reqspec->{arch}, }, @args ]) }; if (!$c->forward('/distrib/exists', [ $reqspec ])) { return $c->stash->{xmlrpc} = { message => [ "I don't have such distribution" ] }; } my $rpmlist = $c->forward('/search/rpm/byfile', [ $reqspec, $args[0] ]); if (!@{ $rpmlist }) { return $c->stash->{xmlrpc} = { message => [ "Sorry, no file $args[0] found" ], } } elsif (@{ $rpmlist } > 20) { foreach (@{ $rpmlist }) { my $info = $c->forward('/rpms/basicinfo', [ $_ ]); push @message, $info->{name} . ' // ' . $c->forward('_fmt_location', [ $reqspec, $_ ]); } return $c->stash->{xmlrpc} = { message => \@message, } } else { my %list; foreach (@{ $rpmlist }) { my $info = $c->forward('/rpms/basicinfo', [ $_ ]); $list{$info->{name}} = 1; } return $c->stash->{xmlrpc} = { message => [ join(', ', sort keys %list) ], }; } } sub what : XMLRPC { my ($self, $c, $reqspec, @args) = @_; @args = @{ $c->forward('_getopt', [ { 'd=s' => \$reqspec->{distribution}, 'v=s' => \$reqspec->{release}, 'a=s' => \$reqspec->{arch}, 's' => \$reqspec->{src}, }, @args ]) }; my ($type, $depname, $sense, $evr) = @args; my $deptype = uc(substr($type, 0, 1)); my $rpmlist = $c->forward('/search/rpm/bydep', [ $reqspec, $deptype, $depname, $sense, $evr ]); if (@{ $rpmlist } < 20) { my @name; foreach (@{ $rpmlist }) { my $info = $c->forward('/rpms/basicinfo', [ $_ ]); push @name, $info->{name} . '-' . $info->{evr}; } return $c->stash->{xmlrpc} = { message => [ "Package matching $depname" . ($evr ? " $sense $evr" : '') . ':', join(' ', @name), ], } } else { return $c->stash->{xmlrpc} = { message => [ 'Too many result' ], }; } } =head2 maint RPMNAME Show the maintainers for the rpm named C. =cut sub maint : XMLRPC { my ($self, $c, $reqspec, @args) = @_; $reqspec->{src} = 0; my @message; @args = @{ $c->forward('_getopt', [ { 'd=s' => \$reqspec->{distribution}, 'v=s' => \$reqspec->{release}, 'a=s' => \$reqspec->{arch}, }, @args ]) }; if (!$c->forward('/distrib/exists', [ $reqspec ])) { return $c->stash->{xmlrpc} = { message => [ "I don't have such distribution" ] }; } my $rpmlist = $c->forward('/search/rpm/byname', [ $reqspec, $args[0] ]); if (!@{ $rpmlist }) { my $else = $c->forward('_find_rpm_elsewhere', [ $reqspec, $args[0] ]); if ($else) { return $c->stash->{xmlrpc} = { message => [ "The rpm named `$args[0]' has not been found but found in " . $else ], } } else { return $c->stash->{xmlrpc} = { message => [ "The rpm named `$args[0]' has not been found" ], } } } my %maint; foreach (@{ $rpmlist }) { my $res = $c->forward('/rpms/maintainers', [ $_ ]); foreach (@$res) { my $m = 'For ' . $_->{vendor} . ': ' . $_->{owner}; $maint{$m} = 1; } } return $c->stash->{xmlrpc} = { message => [ sort keys %maint ], } } =head1 AUTHOR Olivier Thauvin =head1 LICENSE This library is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable; 1;