package Sophie::Controller::Distrib; use Moose; use namespace::autoclean; BEGIN {extends 'Catalyst::Controller'; } =head1 NAME Sophie::Controller::Distrib - Catalyst Controller =head1 DESCRIPTION Catalyst Controller. =head1 METHODS =cut =head2 distrib.list( [ DISTRIBUTION [, RELEASE [, ARCH ]]] List content of distrib according arguments given. IE list available C if no argument is given, list C if C is given, list C if both C and C are given. Etc... Up to give C if C is specified. Results are given as C. =cut sub list :XMLRPC { my ( $self, $c, $distrib, $release, $arch ) = @_; my $distribution; if (ref $distrib) { ($distribution, $release, $arch) = ( $distrib->{distribution}, $distrib->{release}, $distrib->{arch}, ); } else { $distribution = $distrib; } my $rs = $c->model('Base')->resultset('Distribution'); if (!$distribution) { return $c->stash->{xmlrpc} = [ map { $_->name } $rs->search(undef, { order_by => ['name'] })->all ]; } $rs = $rs->search({ -or => [ { name => $distribution }, { shortname => $distribution }, ], })->search_related('Release'); if (!$release) { return $c->stash->{xmlrpc} = [ map { $_->version } $rs->search(undef, { order_by => ['version'] })->all ]; } $rs = $rs->search({ version => $release })->search_related('Arch'); if (!$arch) { return $c->stash->{xmlrpc} = [ map { $_->arch } $rs->search(undef, { order_by => ['arch'] })->all ]; } $rs = $rs->search({ arch => $arch })->search_related('Medias'); return $c->stash->{xmlrpc} = [ map { $_->label } $rs->search(undef, { order_by => ['label'] })->all ]; } sub struct :XMLRPC { my ( $self, $c, $distribution, $release, $arch ) = @_; if (!ref $distribution) { $distribution = { distribution => $distribution, release => $release, arch => $arch, } } my $rs = $c->forward('distrib_rs', [ $distribution ]) ->search({}, { order_by => 'label' }); $c->stash->{xmlrpc} = [ map { { label => $_->label, group_label => $_->group_label, } } $rs->all ]; } sub distrib_rs : Private { my ( $self, $c, $distrib, $asfilter ) = @_; if ($asfilter && !( $distrib->{distribution} || $distrib->{release} || $distrib->{arch} || $distrib->{media} || $distrib->{media_group})) { return; } return $c->model('Base')->resultset('Distribution') ->search( { $distrib->{distribution} ? (-or => [ { '' => $distrib->{distribution} }, { shortname => $distrib->{distribution} }, ], ) : () }, { select => [ qw(name shortname) ], } )->search_related('Release', { $distrib->{release} ? (version => $distrib->{release}) : () }, { select => [ qw(version) ], } )->search_related('Arch', { $distrib->{arch} ? ('Arch.arch' => $distrib->{arch}) : () }, { select => [ qw(arch) ], } )->search_related('Medias', { ($distrib->{media} ? (label => $distrib->{media}) : ()), ($distrib->{media_group} ? (group_label => $distrib->{media_group}) : ()), }, { select => [ qw(label group_label) ], } ); } =head2 distrib.exists( DISTRIB ) Return true or false if distribution C exists. C is a structure with following key/value: =over 4 =item distribution The distribution name =item release The release name =item arch The arch name =back This function is useful to check if a search have chance to succeed, eg if the user is not searching a rpm on a non existing distribution. =cut sub exists : XMLRPC { my ( $self, $c, $d ) = @_; my $rs = $c->forward('distrib_rs', [ $d ]); if ($rs->search({}, { rows => 1 })->next) { $c->stash->{xmlrpc} = 1; } else { $c->stash->{xmlrpc} = 0; } } =head2 index =cut =head2 Url: /distrib Return the list of currently indexed distributions. =cut sub index :Path :Chained :Args(0) { my ( $self, $c ) = @_; $c->stash->{metarevisite} = 60; $c->stash->{metatitle} = 'Available Distribution'; push(@{$c->stash->{keywords}}, 'Rpm Distribution'); $c->forward('list'); } =head2 release =cut =head2 Url: /distrib/ Return the list of available releases for given C. =cut sub list_release :Path :Args(1) { my ( $self, $c, $distribution ) = @_; $c->stash->{dist}{distribution} = $distribution; if (!$c->forward('exists', [ $c->stash->{dist} ])) { $c->go('/404/index'); } $c->stash->{metarevisite} = 60; $c->stash->{metatitle} = 'Available release for ' . $distribution; push(@{$c->stash->{keywords}}, $distribution); $c->forward('list', [ $c->stash->{dist} ] ); } =head2 Url: /distrib// Return the list of available architectures for given C, C. =cut sub list_arch :Path :Args(2) { my ( $self, $c, $distribution, $release ) = @_; # Compatability with Sophie1 if ($distribution =~ /^([^,]+,)?[^,]+,[^,]+$/) { $c->go('/compat/distrib', [ $distribution, $release ]); } $c->stash->{dist}{distribution} = $distribution; $c->stash->{dist}{release} = $release; if (!$c->forward('exists', [ $c->stash->{dist} ])) { $c->go('/404/index'); } $c->stash->{metarevisite} = 60; $c->stash->{metatitle} = 'Available architecture for ' . $distribution . ' / ' . $release; push(@{$c->stash->{keywords}}, $distribution, $release); $c->forward('list', [ $c->stash->{dist} ] ); } sub distrib_view :PathPrefix :Chained :CaptureArgs(3) { my ( $self, $c, $distribution, $release, $arch ) = @_; $c->stash->{dist}{distribution} = $distribution; $c->stash->{dist}{release} = $release; $c->stash->{dist}{arch} = $arch; if (!$c->forward('exists', [ $c->stash->{dist} ])) { $c->go('/404/index'); } $c->stash->{metarevisite} = 60; $c->stash->{metatitle} = $distribution . ' / ' . $release . ' / ' . $arch . ' content'; push(@{$c->stash->{keywords}}, $distribution, $release, $arch); $c->stash->{distrib} = $c->stash->{dist}; } =head2 Url: /distrib/// Return the list of available medias for given C, C, C. =cut sub distrib :Chained('distrib_view') PathPart('') :Args(0) { my ( $self, $c ) = @_; $c->forward('list', [ $c->stash->{dist} ]); } # Url: /distrib////media sub media :Chained('/distrib/distrib_view') PathPart('media') :Args(0) { my ( $self, $c ) = @_; $c->forward('struct', [ $c->stash->{dist} ]); } =head2 distrib.anyrpms( DISTRIB ) Return a list of packages available for C. C is a struct with following keys/values: =over 4 =item distribution The distribution name =item release The release name =item arch The archictecture name =back =cut sub anyrpms :XMLRPC { my ( $self, $c, $distribution, $release, $arch ) = @_; if (!ref $distribution) { $distribution = { distribution => $distribution, release => $release, arch => $arch, } } $c->stash->{rpm} = [ map { { pkgid => $_->pkgid, filename => $_->filename, } } $c->forward('/search/rpms/rpms_rs', [ $distribution ]) ->search( { $c->req->param('fl') ? ( filename => { ILIKE => $c->req->param('fl') . '%' } ) : (), }, { order_by => [ qw(filename) ] }) ->all ]; $c->stash->{xmlrpc} = $c->stash->{rpm}; } =head2 distrib.rpms( DISTRIB ) Return a list of binary packages available for C. C is a struct with following keys/values: =over 4 =item distribution The distribution name =item release The release name =item arch The architecture name =back =cut sub rpms :XMLRPC { my ( $self, $c, $distribution, $release, $arch ) = @_; if (!ref $distribution) { $distribution = { distribution => $distribution, release => $release, arch => $arch, } } $distribution->{src} = 0; $c->stash->{rpm} = [ map { { pkgid => $_->pkgid, filename => $_->filename, } } $c->forward('/search/rpms/rpms_rs', [ $distribution ]) ->search( { $c->req->param('fl') ? ( filename => { ILIKE => $c->req->param('fl') . '%' } ) : (), }, { order_by => [ qw(filename) ] }) ->all ]; $c->stash->{xmlrpc} = $c->stash->{rpm}; } =head2 distrib.srpms( DISTRIB ) Return a list of source packages available for C. C is a struct with following keys/values: =over 4 =item distribution The distribution name =item release The release name =item arch The architecture name =back =cut sub srpms :XMLRPC { my ( $self, $c, $distribution, $release, $arch ) = @_; if (!ref $distribution) { $distribution = { distribution => $distribution, release => $release, arch => $arch, } } $distribution->{src} = 1; $c->stash->{rpm} = [ map { { pkgid => $_->pkgid, filename => $_->filename, } } $c->forward('/search/rpms/rpms_rs', [ $distribution ]) ->search( { $c->req->param('fl') ? ( filename => { ILIKE => $c->req->param('fl') . '%' } ) : (), }, { order_by => [ qw(filename) ] }) ->all ]; $c->stash->{xmlrpc} = $c->stash->{rpm}; } =head2 distrib.rpms_name( DISTRIB ) Return the list of rpm name available for C. C is a struct with following keys/values: =over 4 =item distribution The distribution name =item release The release name =item arch The architecture name =back =cut sub rpms_name :XMLRPC { my ( $self, $c, $distribution, $release, $arch ) = @_; if (!ref $distribution) { $distribution = { distribution => $distribution, release => $release, arch => $arch, } } $c->stash->{xmlrpc} = [ $c->model('Base')->resultset('Rpms')->search( { pkgid => { IN => $c->forward('distrib_rs', [ $distribution ]) ->search_related('MediasPaths') ->search_related('Paths') ->search_related('Rpmfiles')->get_column('pkgid')->as_query } }, { group_by => [ qw(name) ], order_by => [ qw(name) ] } )->get_column('name')->all ]; } =head2 Url: /distrib////rpms Return the list of available rpms for given C, C, C. =cut sub list_rpms :Chained('distrib_view') PathPart('rpms') Args(0) { my ( $self, $c ) = @_; if (!$c->forward('exists', [ $c->stash->{dist} ])) { $c->go('/404/index'); } $c->stash->{metarevisite} = 60; $c->stash->{metatitle} = sprintf( 'Available Rpms for %s / %s / %s', $c->stash->{dist}{distribution}, $c->stash->{dist}{release}, $c->stash->{dist}{arch} ); push(@{$c->stash->{keywords}}, $c->stash->{dist}{distribution}, $c->stash->{dist}{release}, $c->stash->{dist}{arch}); $c->forward('rpms', [ $c->stash->{dist} ]); } =head2 Url: /distrib////srpms Return the list of available source rpms for given C, C, C. =cut sub list_srpms :Chained('distrib_view') PathPart('srpms') Args(0) { my ( $self, $c ) = @_; if (!$c->forward('exists', [ $c->stash->{dist} ])) { $c->go('/404/index'); } $c->stash->{metarevisite} = 60; $c->stash->{metatitle} = sprintf( 'Available Srpms for %s / %s / %s', $c->stash->{dist}{distribution}, $c->stash->{dist}{release}, $c->stash->{dist}{arch} ); push(@{$c->stash->{keywords}}, $c->stash->{dist}{distribution}, $c->stash->{dist}{release}, $c->stash->{dist}{arch}); $c->forward('srpms', [ $c->stash->{dist} ]); } =head2 Url: /distrib////srpms/ Show the highest version of source rpm named C for given C, C, C. =cut sub srpm_by_name :Chained('distrib_view') PathPart('srpms') { my ($self, $c, $name, @subpart) = @_; $c->stash->{dist}{src} = 1; ($c->stash->{pkgid}) = @{ $c->forward('/search/rpm/byname', [ $c->stash->{dist}, $name ]) }; $c->go('/404/index') unless ($c->stash->{pkgid}); push(@{$c->stash->{keywords}}, $c->stash->{dist}{distribution}, $c->stash->{dist}{release}, $c->stash->{dist}{arch}); $c->go('/rpms/rpms', [ $c->stash->{pkgid}, @subpart ]); } =head2 Url: /distrib////rpms/ Show the highest version of binary rpm named C for given C, C, C. =cut sub rpm_by_name :Chained('distrib_view') PathPart('rpms') { my ($self, $c, $name, @subpart) = @_; $c->stash->{dist}{src} = 0; ($c->stash->{pkgid}) = @{ $c->forward('/search/rpm/byname', [ $c->stash->{dist}, $name ]) }; $c->go('/404/index') unless ($c->stash->{pkgid}); push(@{$c->stash->{keywords}}, $c->stash->{dist}{distribution}, $c->stash->{dist}{release}, $c->stash->{dist}{arch}); $c->go('/rpms/rpms', [ $c->stash->{pkgid}, @subpart ]); } =head2 Url: /distrib////by-pkgid/ Show information about rpm having pkgid C for given C, C, C. This is likely the same thing than C but website will return a 404 error code if the rpm is not in this distrib =cut sub rpm_bypkgid :Chained('distrib_view') PathPart('by-pkgid') { my ( $self, $c, $pkgid, @subpart ) = @_; if ($pkgid) { if (@{ $c->forward('/search/rpm/bypkgid', [ $c->stash->{dist}, $pkgid ]) } ) { $c->go('/rpms/rpms', [ $pkgid, @subpart ]); push(@{$c->stash->{keywords}}, $c->stash->{dist}{distribution}, $c->stash->{dist}{release}, $c->stash->{dist}{arch}); } else { $c->go('/404/index'); } } else { $c->forward('anyrpms', [ $c->stash->{dist} ]); } } sub _media_list_rpms :Chained('distrib_view') PathPart('media') CaptureArgs(1) { my ( $self, $c, $media ) = @_; $c->stash->{dist}{media} = $media; push(@{$c->stash->{keywords}}, $c->stash->{dist}{distribution}, $c->stash->{dist}{release}, $c->stash->{dist}{arch}, $c->stash->{dist}{media}, ); } =head2 Url: /distrib////media/ Return the list of rpms in media C for distribution C, C, C. The result list is an array of struct: [ { filename => 'zvbi-0.2.33-5.fc14.x86_64.rpm', pkgid => 'bb9cc5113f0de3e4c7140a1ee8694900' }, { filename => 'zvbi-devel-0.2.33-5.fc14.i686.rpm', pkgid => '2c3b41c5e1c475dfa31492998eb4de9f' } ] =cut sub media_list_rpms :Chained('_media_list_rpms') PathPart('') :Args(0) { my ( $self, $c ) = @_; $c->forward('anyrpms', [ $c->stash->{dist} ]); } =head2 Url: /distrib////media//rpms/ Show binary rpm named C in this distribution/media. Return C<404> error if such rpm does not exists =cut sub media_rpm_byname :Chained('_media_list_rpms') PathPart('rpms') { my ( $self, $c, $name, @subpart ) = @_; $c->stash->{dist}{src} = 0; ($c->stash->{pkgid}) = @{ $c->forward('/search/rpm/byname', [ $c->stash->{dist}, $name ]) }; $c->go('/404/index') unless ($c->stash->{pkgid}); $c->go('/rpms/rpms', [ $c->stash->{pkgid}, @subpart ]); } =head2 Url: /distrib////media//srpms/ Show source rpm named C in this distribution/media. Return C<404> error if such rpm does not exists =cut sub media_srpm_byname :Chained('_media_list_rpms') PathPart('srpms') { my ( $self, $c, $name, @subpart ) = @_; $c->stash->{dist}{src} = 1; ($c->stash->{pkgid}) = @{ $c->forward('/search/rpm/byname', [ $c->stash->{dist}, $name ]) }; $c->go('/404/index') unless ($c->stash->{pkgid}); $c->go('/rpms/rpms', [ $c->stash->{pkgid}, @subpart ]); } =head2 Url: /distrib////media//by-pkgid/ Show rpm having C in this distribution/media. Return C<404> error if such rpm does not exists =cut sub media_rpm_bypkgid :Chained('_media_list_rpms') PathPart('by-pkgid') { my ( $self, $c, $pkgid, @part ) = @_; if ($pkgid) { if (@{ $c->forward('/search/rpm/bypkgid', [ $c->stash->{dist}, $pkgid ]) } ) { $c->stash->{pkgid} = $pkgid; $c->go('/rpms/rpms', [ $pkgid, @part ]); } else { $c->go('/404/index'); } } else { $c->forward('anyrpms', [ $c->stash->{dist} ]); } } =head1 AUTHOR Olivier Thauvin =head1 LICENSE This library is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable; 1;