package Sophie::Controller::Maintainers; use Moose; use namespace::autoclean; BEGIN {extends 'Catalyst::Controller'; } =head1 NAME Sophie::Controller::Maintainers - Catalyst Controller =head1 DESCRIPTION Catalyst Controller. =head1 METHODS =cut =head2 maintainers.byrpm ( RPMNAME, [ DISTRIB ] ) Return the list of maintainers for rpm source name C. The optional C filter the result to this specific distribution. Result example: [ { 'owner' => 'rpmmaintainer', 'distribution' => 'Mandriva' 'vendor' => 'Mandriva' } ]; =head2 Url: /maintainers// Return the list of maintainers for source rpm named C for distribution C. Theses alternatives are supported: /maintainers?rpm=;distrib= /maintainers/?distrib= /maintainers// To use JSON (same for AJAX): /maintainers?rpm=;distrib=;json=1 /maintainers/?distrib=;json=1 /maintainers//?json =cut sub byrpm :Path :XMLRPC { my ($self, $c, $rpm, $distrib) = @_; $rpm ||= $c->req->param('rpm'); $distrib ||= $c->req->param('distrib'); $c->stash->{xmlrpc} = [ map { { $_->get_columns } } $c->model('Base::MaintRpm')-> search( { rpm => $rpm }, { select => [ qw(owner) ] }, )-> search_related('MaintSources')-> search_related('MaintDistrib')-> search_related('Distribution', $distrib ? { '-or' => [ { shortname => $distrib }, { name => $distrib }, ], } : (), )->search({}, { 'select' => [ qw'me.owner name maintsources.label' ], 'as' => [ qw'owner distribution vendor' ], } )->all ]; } =head2 maintainers.bymaintainer ( MAINT, [ DISTRIB ] ) Return the list of rpms for maintainer C. The optional C filter the result to this specific distribution. Result example: [ { 'rpm' => 'rpm package', 'distribution' => 'Mandriva' 'vendor' => 'Mandriva' } ]; =cut sub bymaintainer : XMLRPC { my ($self, $c, $maint, $distrib) = @_; $c->stash->{xmlrpc} = [ map { { $_->get_columns } } $c->model('Base::MaintRpm')-> search( { owner => $maint }, { select => [ qw(rpm) ] }, )-> search_related('MaintSources')-> search_related('MaintDistrib')-> search_related('Distribution', $distrib ? { '-or' => [ { shortname => $distrib }, { name => $distrib }, ], } : (), )->search({}, { 'select' => [ qw'rpm name label' ], 'as' => [ qw'rpm distribution vendor' ], } )->all ]; } =head2 ( MAINT, [ DISTRIB ] ) Search the database for a maintainer matching C. The optional C filter the result to this specific distribution. Result example: [ { 'owner' => 'maintainer', 'distribution' => 'Mandriva' 'vendor' => 'Mandriva' } ]; =cut sub search :XMLRPC { my ($self, $c, $maint, $distrib) = @_; $c->stash->{xmlrpc} = [ map { { $_->get_columns } } $c->model('Base::MaintRpm')->search( { owner => { 'LIKE' => "%$maint%" } } )->search_related('MaintSources' )->search_related('MaintDistrib' )->search_related('Distribution', $distrib ? { '-or' => [ { shortname => $distrib }, { name => $distrib }, ], } : (), )->search({}, { 'select' => [ qw'owner name label' ], 'as' => [ qw'owner distribution vendor' ], 'group_by' => [ qw'owner name label' ], 'order_by' => [ qw'owner name label' ], } )->all ]; } =head1 AUTHOR Olivier Thauvin =head1 LICENSE This library is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable; 1;