Changeset 138

02/24/12 18:39:22 (12 years ago)

first draf of new user guide

9 added
2 copied


  • trunk/docs/docs_users/source/overview.rst

    r137 r138  
    1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> 
    2 <!DOCTYPE chapter [ 
    3 <!ENTITY % isolat1 SYSTEM ""> 
    4 %isolat1; 
    5 <!ENTITY % isolat2 SYSTEM ""> 
    6 %isolat2; 
    7 <!ENTITY % isogrk3 SYSTEM ""> 
    8 %isogrk3; 
    9 <!ENTITY % isopub SYSTEM ""> 
    10 %isopub; 
    11 <!ENTITY % isotech SYSTEM ""> 
    12 %isotech; 
    13 <!ENTITY % isonum SYSTEM ""> 
    14 %isonum; 
    15 <!ENTITY project "SUPERBIB"> 
    16 ]> 
    17 <chapter version="5.0" 
    18 xmlns="" 
    19 xmlns:xl="" 
    20 xml:lang="en" 
    21 xml:id="whatis"> 
    22 <title>What is &project; ?</title> 
    23   <info> 
    24     <pubdate>$Id$</pubdate> 
    25   </info> 
     1.. + 
     4.. =========== 
     6.. overview 
     8.. TODO 
     9.. ==== 
     11.. outline overview vs home/index 
     13.. EVOLUTIONS 
     14.. ========== 
     16.. $Id$ 
     18.. $URL$ 
     20.. - fplod 20120224 
     22..   * creation from whatis.xml 
     24.. - 
    27 <sect1 xml:id="whatis_short"> 
    28 <title>What is &project; ?</title> 
    29 <para xml:id="whatis_for_main"> 
    30 &project; is dedicated to bibliography and users of a project &hellip;  
    31 </para> 
    32 <para> 
    33 Imagine you want to know how many publications have been written using your tools or your results : &project; is for you ! 
    34 </para> 
    35 <para> 
     26What is |project| ? 
     28|project| is dedicated to bibliography and users of a project &hellip;  
     30Imagine you want to know how many publications have been written using your tools or your results : |project| is for you ! 
    3632Using a XML/DocBook bibliography file, you will be able to produce 
    3733HTML and PHP files to see : 
    38 <itemizedlist> 
    39 <listitem> 
    40 <simpara> 
    41 All publications, 
    42 </simpara> 
    43 </listitem> 
    44 <listitem> 
    45 <simpara> 
    46 publications sorted by years with a graph, 
    47 </simpara> 
    48 </listitem> 
    49 <listitem> 
    50 <simpara> 
    51 publications sorted by authors in a big file, 
    52 </simpara> 
    53 </listitem> 
    54 <listitem> 
    55 <simpara> 
    56 publications by authors - one in a file, 
    57 </simpara> 
    58 </listitem> 
    59 <listitem> 
    60 <simpara> 
    61 relationship between authors, 
    62 </simpara> 
    63 </listitem> 
    64 <listitem> 
    65 <simpara> 
    66 forms to help authors to update the bibliography. 
    67 </simpara> 
    68 </listitem> 
    69 </itemizedlist> 
    70 </para> 
     34 * All publications, 
     35 * publications sorted by years with a graph, 
     36 * publications sorted by authors in a big file, 
     37 * publications by authors - one in a file, 
     38 * relationship between authors, 
     39 * forms to help authors to update the bibliography. 
    72 <para> 
    7341As <link xl:href="">XML/DocBook</link> 
    74 bibliography is not very popular, &project; allows you to convert flat bibliography information (using copy/paste on an existing website for example) or <literal>bibtex</literal> into this format. 
    75 </para> 
     42bibliography is not very popular, |project| allows you to convert flat bibliography information (using copy/paste on an existing website for example) or <literal>bibtex</literal> into this format. 
    77 <para> 
    7844No database is involved in the process. HTML and PHP files just have to be  
    7945uploaded to an existing website to be visible everywhere. 
    80 </para> 
    81 </sect1> 
    83 <sect1 xml:id="prerequisites"> 
    84   <title>Prerequisites</title> 
    85   <para> 
    86     <application>&project;</application> needs <command>xsltproc</command> and <command>xmlstarlet</command> (XML processors). 
    87   </para> 
    88   <para> 
    89 If you need the publications/years graph, <application>&project;</application>  
    90 needs <command>ploticus</command>. 
    91   </para> 
    92   <para> 
    93 If you want PDF outputs, <application>&project;</application> needs <link xl:href=""><command>dblatex</command></link>. 
    94   </para> 
    95   <para> 
    96 If your entry is flat text, <application>&project;</application> needs <command>recode</command>. 
    97   </para> 
    98   <para> 
    99 If your entry is bibtex, <application>&project;</application> needs <command>python</command>. 
    100 </para> 
    101 </sect1> 
    103 <!-- ++  
    104 <sect1 xml:id="include"> 
    105   <title>Include</title> 
    106 <para> 
    107 </para> 
    108 </sect1> 
    109 --> 
    111 </chapter> 
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.