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    r207 r208  
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    99hal_id = {hal-00705573}, 
    1010url = {}, 
    11 title = {{First Observations of Energy Budget and Bulk Fluxes at Ny Ålesund (Svalbard) during a 2010 Transition Period as Analyzed with the BEAR Station}}, 
    12 author = {Alain Weill and {L}aurence {E}ymard  and {F}rédéric {V}ivier and Ania Matulka and Rodrigue Loisil and Nadir Amarouche and Jean-Michel Panel and {A}ntonio {L}ourenço and Angelo Viola and Vito Vitale and Stefania Argentini and Heike Kupfer}, 
     11title = {{F}irst {O}bservations of {E}nergy {B}udget and {B}ulk {F}luxes at {N}y Ålesund (Svalbard) during a 2010 {T}ransition {P}eriod as {A}nalyzed with the {BEAR} {S}tation}, 
     12author = {{A}lain {W}eill and {L}aurence {E}ymard and {F}rédéric {V}ivier and {A}nia {M}atulka and {R}odrigue {L}oisil and {N}adir {A}marouche and {J}ean-{M}ichel {P}anel and {A}ntonio {L}ourenço and {A}ngelo {V}iola and {V}ito {V}itale and {S}tefania {A}rgentini and {H}eike {K}upfer}, 
    1313  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    1414  loceanteam = {surf,ditm}, 
    15 abstract = {{A small-size meteorological mast, BEAR (Budget of Energy for Arctic regions) has been developed as a part of a new autonomous buoy for monitoring the sea ice mass balance. BEAR complements observations of the thickness and thermodynamic properties of the ice/snow pack determined by the so-called Ice-T (Ice-Thickness) buoy, giving access to bulk fluxes and energy budget at the surface, using meteorological measurements. The BEAR mast has been tested with success during ten days in April-May 2010 at Ny Alesund, in the Svalbard archipelago (Norway) showing that meteorological data were close to measurements at the same level of the Italian Climate Change Tower (CCT) from the ISAC-CNR. A discussion is undertaken on bulk fluxes determination and uncertainties. Particularly, the strategy to systematically use different relevant fluxes parameterizations is pointed out to explore flux range uncertainty before to analyze energy budget. Net radiation, bulk fluxes and energy budget are estimated using as average 10 minutes, 24 hours and the ten days of the experiment. The observation period was very short, but we observe a spring transition when the net radiation begins to warm the surface while the very small turbulent heat flux cools the surface.}}, 
    16 language = {Anglais}, 
    17 affiliation = {Laboratoire Atmosph{\`e}res, Milieux, Observations Spatiales - LATMOS , Institut Pierre-Simon-Laplace - IPSL , Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN , Division technique INSU/SDU - DTI , Centre d'{\'E}tude de la Neige, Centre National de Recherches M{\'e}t{\'e}orologiques , Institute for Atmospheric Sciences and Climate - ISAC/CNR , Institute of Building Climatology}, 
     15abstract = {{A} small-size meteorological mast, {BEAR} (Budget of {E}nergy for {A}rctic regions) has been developed as a part of a new autonomous buoy for monitoring the sea ice mass balance. {BEAR} complements observations of the thickness and thermodynamic properties of the ice/snow pack determined by the so-called {Ice-T} ({I}ce-{T}hickness) buoy, giving access to bulk fluxes and energy budget at the surface, using meteorological measurements. {T}he {BEAR} mast has been tested with success during ten days in {A}pril-{M}ay 2010 at {N}y {A}lesund, in the {S}valbard archipelago (Norway) showing that meteorological data were close to measurements at the same level of the {I}talian {C}limate {C}hange {T}ower ({CCT}) from the ISAC-CNR. A discussion is undertaken on bulk fluxes determination and uncertainties. {P}articularly, the strategy to systematically use different relevant fluxes parameterizations is pointed out to explore flux range uncertainty before to analyze energy budget. {N}et radiation, bulk fluxes and energy budget are estimated using as average 10 minutes, 24 hours and the ten days of the experiment. {T}he observation period was very short, but we observe a spring transition when the net radiation begins to warm the surface while the very small turbulent heat flux cools the surface.}, 
     16language = {{A}nglais}, 
     17affiliation = {{L}aboratoire {A}tmosphères, {M}ilieux, {O}bservations {S}patiales - LATMOS , {I}nstitut {P}ierre-{S}imon-{L}aplace - IPSL , {L}aboratoire d'{O}céanographie et du {C}limat : {E}xpérimentations et {A}pproches {N}umériques - LOCEAN , {D}ivision technique INSU/SDU - DTI , {C}entre d'étude de la {N}eige, {C}entre {N}ational de {R}echerches {M}étéorologiques , {I}nstitute for {A}tmospheric {S}ciences and {C}limate - ISAC/CNR , {I}nstitute of {B}uilding {C}limatology}, 
    1818pages = {ID 675820 (12 p.)}, 
    19 journal = {ISRN Meteorology}, 
     19journal = {ISRN {M}eteorology}, 
    2020volume = {2012}, 
    2121audience = {internationale}, 
    2929hal_id = {hal-00700857}, 
    3030url = {}, 
    31 title = {{Comparative analysis of methods for inferring successful foraging areas from Argos and {GPS} tracking data}}, 
    32 author = {{A}nne-{C}écile {D}ragon and Avner Bar-Hen and Pascal P. Monestiez and Christophe Guinet}, 
    33 abstract = {{Identifying animals' successful foraging areas is a major challenge, but such comprehensive knowledge is needed for the management and conservation of wild populations. In recent decades, numerous specific analytic methods have been developed to handle tracking data and to identify preferred foraging areas. In this study, we assessed the efficiency of different track-based methods on Argos and {GPS}  predators' tracks. We investigated (1) the consistency in the detection of foraging areas between track-based methods applied to 2 tracking data resolutions and (2) the similarity of foraging behaviour identification between track-based methods and an independent index of foraging success. We focused on methods that are commonly used in the literature: empirical descriptors of foraging effort, Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) and first passage time analysis. We applied these methods to satellite tracking data collected on 6 long-ranging elephant seals equipped with both Argos and {GPS}  tags. Seals were also equipped with time depth recorder loggers from which we estimated an independent index, based on the drift rate and the changes in the seals' body condition, as a proxy for foraging success along the tracks. Favourable foraging zones identified by track-based methods were compared to locations where the body condition of the seals significantly increased. With or without an environmental covariate, HMMs were the most reliable for identifying successful foraging areas on both high (GPS) and low (Argos) resolution data. Areas identified by HMMs as intensively used were congruent with the locations where seals significantly increased their body condition given a 4 d metabolisation lag.}}, 
    34 language = {Anglais}, 
    35 affiliation = {Centre d'{\'e}tudes biologiques de Chiz{\'e} - CEBC , LOCEAN-UPMC , Math{\'e}matiques appliqu{\'e}es Paris 5 - MAP5 , BioSP-INRA}, 
     31title = {{Comparative analysis of methods for inferring successful foraging areas from {A}rgos and {GPS} tracking data}}, 
     32author = {{A}nne-{C}écile {D}ragon and {A}vner {B}ar-{H}en and {P}ascal {P}. {M}onestiez and {C}hristophe {G}uinet}, 
     33abstract = {{Identifying animals' successful foraging areas is a major challenge, but such comprehensive knowledge is needed for the management and conservation of wild populations. {I}n recent decades, numerous specific analytic methods have been developed to handle tracking data and to identify preferred foraging areas. {I}n this study, we assessed the efficiency of different track-based methods on {A}rgos and {GPS}  predators' tracks. {W}e investigated (1) the consistency in the detection of foraging areas between track-based methods applied to 2 tracking data resolutions and (2) the similarity of foraging behaviour identification between track-based methods and an independent index of foraging success. {W}e focused on methods that are commonly used in the literature: empirical descriptors of foraging effort, {H}idden {M}arkov {M}odels (HMMs) and first passage time analysis. {W}e applied these methods to satellite tracking data collected on 6 long-ranging elephant seals equipped with both {A}rgos and {GPS}  tags. {S}eals were also equipped with time depth recorder loggers from which we estimated an independent index, based on the drift rate and the changes in the seals' body condition, as a proxy for foraging success along the tracks. {F}avourable foraging zones identified by track-based methods were compared to locations where the body condition of the seals significantly increased. {W}ith or without an environmental covariate, HMMs were the most reliable for identifying successful foraging areas on both high (GPS) and low (Argos) resolution data. {A}reas identified by HMMs as intensively used were congruent with the locations where seals significantly increased their body condition given a 4 d metabolisation lag.}}, 
     34language = {{A}nglais}, 
     35affiliation = {{C}entre d'études biologiques de {C}hizé - CEBC , LOCEAN-UPMC , {M}athématiques appliquées {P}aris 5 - MAP5 , {B}ioSP-INRA}, 
    3636pages = {253-267}, 
    3737journal = {{M}arine {E}cology {P}rogress {S}eries}, 
    47 author = {{L}ucia {B}unge and {C}hristine {P}rovost  and {A}nnie {K}artavtseff}, 
     47author = {{L}ucia {B}unge and {C}hristine {P}rovost and {A}nnie {K}artavtseff}, 
    4848  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    4949  loceanteam = {austral-boréal,ditm}, 
    5252  journal = {{J}ournal of {G}eophysical {R}esearch}, 
    5353  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    54 keywords = {4231 Oceanography: General: Equatorial oceanography,4277 Oceanography: General: Time series experiments,4532 Oceanography: Physical: General circulation,4572 Oceanography: Physical: Upper ocean and mixed layer processes,equatorial,intraseasonal,variability}, 
     54keywords = {4231 {O}ceanography: {G}eneral: {E}quatorial oceanography,4277 {O}ceanography: {G}eneral: {T}ime series experiments,4532 {O}ceanography: {P}hysical: {G}eneral circulation,4572 {O}ceanography: {P}hysical: {U}pper ocean and mixed layer processes,equatorial,intraseasonal,variability}, 
    5555month = feb, 
    5656number = {C2}, 
    5757pages = {C02014}, 
    5858publisher = {AGU}, 
    59 title = {{Variability in horizontal current velocities in the central and eastern equatorial Atlantic in 2002}}, 
     59title = {{Variability in horizontal current velocities in the central and eastern equatorial {A}tlantic in 2002}}, 
    6060url = {}, 
    6161volume = {112}, 
    68 author = {{J}ing-{J}ia {L}uo and {S}ébastien {M}asson and Swadhin Behera and {T}oshio {Y}amagata}, 
     68author = {{J}ing-{J}ia {L}uo and {S}ébastien {M}asson and {S}wadhin {B}ehera and {T}oshio {Y}amagata}, 
    6969loceanaffectation = {uvsq}, 
    7070loceanteam = {varclim,nemo}, 
    7171doi = {10.1175/JCLI4132.1}, 
    7272issn = {0894-8755}, 
    73 journal = {Journal of Climate}, 
     73journal = {{J}ournal of {C}limate}, 
    7474month = may, 
    7575number = {10}, 
    7676pages = {2178--2190}, 
    77 publisher = {American Meteorological Society}, 
    78 title = {Experimental Forecasts of the Indian Ocean Dipole Using a Coupled {OAGCM}}, 
     77publisher = {{A}merican {M}eteorological {S}ociety}, 
     78title = {{E}xperimental {F}orecasts of the {I}ndian {O}cean {D}ipole {U}sing a {C}oupled {OAGCM}}, 
    7979url = {}, 
    8080volume = {20}, 
    87 title={Authigenic carbonates from methane seeps of the Congo deep-sea fan}, 
     87title={{A}uthigenic carbonates from methane seeps of the {C}ongo deep-sea fan}, 
    8888author={{C}atherine {P}ierre and {Y}ves {F}ouquet}, 
    8989loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    102 title={Statistical analysis of absorption spectra of phytoplankton and of pigment concentrations observed during three POMME cruises using a neural network clustering method}, 
    103 author={Aymeric Chazottes and  {M}ichel {C}répon  and Annick  Bricaud and Joséphine Ras and {S}ylvie {T}hiria}, 
     102title={{S}tatistical analysis of absorption spectra of phytoplankton and of pigment concentrations observed during three POMME cruises using a neural network clustering method}, 
     103author={{A}ymeric {C}hazottes and {M}ichel {C}répon and {A}nnick  {B}ricaud and {J}oséphine {R}as and {S}ylvie {T}hiria}, 
    104104  loceanaffectation = {uvsq}, 
    105105  loceanteam = {mmsa}, 
    117 author = {Tomoki {T}ozuka and {J}ing-{J}ia {L}uo and {S}ébastien {M}asson and {T}oshio {Y}amagata}, 
     117author = {{T}omoki {T}ozuka and {J}ing-{J}ia {L}uo and {S}ébastien {M}asson and {T}oshio {Y}amagata}, 
    118118loceanaffectation = {uvsq}, 
    119119loceanteam = {varclim,nemo}, 
    125125number = {18}, 
    126126pages = {4615-4627}, 
    127 publisher = {American Meteorological Society}, 
    128 title = {Seasonally Stratified Analysis of Simulated {ENSO} Thermodynamics}, 
     127publisher = {{A}merican {M}eteorological {S}ociety}, 
     128title = {{S}easonally {S}tratified {A}nalysis of {S}imulated {ENSO} {T}hermodynamics}, 
    129129volume = {20}, 
    130130year = {2007} 
    136 title={Characterisation of low molecular weight dissolved organic nitrogen by liquid chromatography-electrospray ionisation-mass spectrometry}, 
    137 author={Philippa K. Curtis-Jackson and {G}uillaume {M}assé and Martha Gledhill and M.F. Fitzsimons}, 
    138 journal={Limnol. Oceanogr. Methods}, 
     136title={{C}haracterisation of low molecular weight dissolved organic nitrogen by liquid chromatography-electrospray ionisation-mass spectrometry}, 
     137author={{P}hilippa {K}. {C}urtis-{J}ackson and {G}uillaume {M}assé and {M}artha {G}ledhill and {M}. {F}. {F}itzsimons}, 
     138journal={{L}imnol. {O}ceanogr. {M}ethods}, 
    148148title={{REE}s in authigenic carbonates: A new proxy for tracing fluid sources at cold seeps}, 
    149 author={E. Rongemaille and G. Bayon and {C}atherine {P}ierre and S. Mecozzi and C. Bollinger and J. Etoubleau and M. Voisset and Yves Fouquet}, 
     149author={{E}. {R}ongemaille and {G}. {B}ayon and {C}atherine {P}ierre and {S}. {M}ecozzi and {C}. {B}ollinger and {J}. {E}toubleau and {M}. {V}oisset and {Y}ves {F}ouquet}, 
    150150loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    151151loceanteam = {paleoproxus}, 
    152 booktitle = {Geochimica et cosmochimica acta}, 
     152booktitle = {{G}eochimica et cosmochimica acta}, 
    153153pages = {A1116-A1116}, 
    154 address = {Davos, Suisse}, 
     154address = {{D}avos, {S}uisse}, 
    155155volume = {73}, 
    156156number = {13}, 
    164164hal_id = {hal-00409387}, 
    165165url = {}, 
    166 title = {Millenium scale radiocarbon variations in Eastern North Atlantic thermocline waters : 0-7000 years}, 
    167 author = {N. Frank  and N. Tisnerat-Laborde and C. Colin and M. Dottori and {G}illes {R}everdin and C. Hatte}, 
     166title = {{M}illenium scale radiocarbon variations in {E}astern {N}orth {A}tlantic thermocline waters : 0-7000 years}, 
     167author = {{N}. {F}rank and {N}. {T}isnerat-{L}aborde and {C}. {C}olin and {M}. {D}ottori and {G}illes {R}everdin and {C}. {H}atte}, 
    168168loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    169169loceanteam = {surf}, 
    170 language = {Anglais}, 
    171 affiliation = {LSCE, UMR 1572 - LSCE , Interactions et dynamique des environnements de surface - IDES , LOCEAN}, 
    172 booktitle = {Geochimica et cosmochimica acta}, 
     170language = {{A}nglais}, 
     171affiliation = {LSCE, UMR 1572 - LSCE , {I}nteractions et dynamique des environnements de surface - IDES , LOCEAN}, 
     172booktitle = {{G}eochimica et cosmochimica acta}, 
    174174pages = {A393-A393}, 
    175 address = {Davos, Suisse}, 
     175address = {{D}avos, {S}uisse}, 
    176176volume = {73}, 
    177177number = {13}, 
    184 title={Pre-Neolithic wild boar management and introduction to Cyprus more than 11,400 years ago}, 
     184title={{P}re-{N}eolithic wild boar management and introduction to {C}yprus more than 11,400 years ago}, 
    188188journal = {{P}roceedings of the {N}ational {A}cademy of {S}ciences}, 
    189 publisher={National Academy of Sciences}, 
    190 author={Jean-Denis Vigne and Antoine Zazzo and {J}ean-{F}rançois {S}aliège and François Poplin and Jean Guilaine and Alan Simmons}, 
     189publisher={{N}ational {A}cademy of {S}ciences}, 
     190author={{J}ean-{D}enis {V}igne and {A}ntoine {Z}azzo and {J}ean-{F}rançois {S}aliège and {F}rançois {P}oplin and {J}ean {G}uilaine and {A}lan {S}immons}, 
    191191loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    192192loceanteam = {paleoproxus}, 
    220220  loceanaffectation = {ird}, 
    221221  loceanteam = {varclim}, 
    222   title = {Erratum to: {T}he {E}arth {S}ystem {M}odel of {I}ntermediate {C}omplexity {CLIMBER}-3a. {P}art {I}: description and performance for present day conditions}, 
     222  title = {{E}rratum to: {T}he {E}arth {S}ystem {M}odel of {I}ntermediate {C}omplexity {CLIMBER}-3a. {P}art {I}: description and performance for present day conditions}, 
    223223  journal = {{C}limate {D}ynamics}, 
    224224  year = {2010}, 
    252252title = {{A} procedure for automated quality control and homogenization of historical daily temperature and precipitation data ({APACH}) : part 1 : quality control and application to the {A}rgentine weather service stations}, 
    253 author = {{J}ean-{Ph}ilippe {B}oulanger and J. Aizpuru and L. Leggieri and M. Marino}, 
     253author = {{J}ean-{Ph}ilippe {B}oulanger and {J}. {A}izpuru and {L}. {L}eggieri and {M}. {M}arino}, 
    254254loceanaffectation = {ird}, 
    255255loceanteam = {varclim}, 
    270270title = {{CHAC} : a weather pattern classification system for regional climate downscaling of daily precipitation}, 
    271 author = {A. D'onofrio and {J}ean-{Ph}ilippe {B}oulanger and E. C. Segura}, 
     271author = {{A}. D'onofrio and {J}ean-{Ph}ilippe {B}oulanger and {E}. {C}. {S}egura}, 
    272272loceanaffectation = {ird}, 
    273273loceanteam = {varclim}, 
    288 title={Integration of Argo trajectories in the Mediterranean Forecasting System and impact on the regional analysis of the western Mediterranean circulation}, 
    289 author={V. Taillandier and S. Dobricic and {P}ierre {T}estor and Nadia Pinardi and A. Griffa and {L}aurent {M}ortier and G. P. Gasparini}, 
     288title={{I}ntegration of {A}rgo trajectories in the {M}editerranean {F}orecasting {S}ystem and impact on the regional analysis of the western {M}editerranean circulation}, 
     289author={{V}. {T}aillandier and {S}. {D}obricic and {P}ierre {T}estor and {N}adia {P}inardi and {A}. {G}riffa and {L}aurent {M}ortier and {G}. {P}. {G}asparini}, 
    290290loceanaffectation = {cnrs,ensta}, 
    291291loceanteam = {phybiocar}, 
    303 title={Impact of data assimilation of glider observations in the Ionian Sea (Eastern Mediterranean)}, 
    304 author={Srdjan Dobricic and Nadia Pinardi and {P}ierre {T}estor and {U}we {S}end}, 
     303title={{I}mpact of data assimilation of glider observations in the {I}onian {S}ea (Eastern {M}editerranean)}, 
     304author={{S}rdjan {D}obricic and {N}adia {P}inardi and {P}ierre {T}estor and {U}we {S}end}, 
    305305loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    306306loceanteam = {phybiocar}, 
    318318hal_id = {insu-00610550}, 
    319319url = {}, 
    320 title = {{Climate change and human occupation in the Southern Arabian lowlands during the last deglaciation and the Holocene}}, 
    321 author = {Anne-Marie Lézine and Christian Robert and Serge Cleuziou and Marie-Louise Inizan and Frank Braemer and {J}ean-{F}rançois {S}aliège and Florence Sylvestre and Jean-Jacques Tiercelin and Rémy Crassard and Sophie Méry and Vincent Charpentiern and Tara Steimer-Herbeth}, 
     320title = {{Climate change and human occupation in the {S}outhern {A}rabian lowlands during the last deglaciation and the {H}olocene}}, 
     321author = {{A}nne-{M}arie {L}ézine and {C}hristian {R}obert and {S}erge {C}leuziou and {M}arie-{L}ouise {I}nizan and {F}rank {B}raemer and {J}ean-{F}rançois {S}aliège and {F}lorence {S}ylvestre and {J}ean-{J}acques {T}iercelin and {R}émy {C}rassard and {S}ophie {M}éry and {V}incent {C}harpentiern and {T}ara {S}teimer-{H}erbeth}, 
    322322loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    323323loceanteam = {paleoproxus}, 
    324 abstract = {{Paleohydrological and archaeological evidence from the Southern and South-Eastern Arabian Peninsula reveal strong relations between phases of human settlements and climate change linked to the Indian monsoon system. During the early to mid-Holocene, large fresh-water lakes extended in the lowland deserts of Ramlat as-Sab'atayn (Yemen) and Wahiba Sands (Oman), which were very similar to those occurring in the North, in the Rub' al-Khali (Saudi Arabia), at that time. Many archaeological sites, characterized by scattered stone artefacts, ostrich-eggshells and bones around hearths, are related to this lacustrine phase, which culminated around 10 000­8000 cal yr B.P. in the lowland deserts before the lakes progressively dried up. The last record of fresh-water bodies' extensions date back 7300 cal yr B.P. at Shabwa (Yemen) and 7500 cal yr B.P. at al-Haid (Oman). Then, fresh-water was probably available only from seasonal run-off from adjacent highlands, where paleolakes persisted into the late Holocene. Dry climate conditions in the inland desert of Yemen during the late Holocene coincide with a phase of intensive human inhabitation as testified by development of irrigation in the piedmontane areas, numerous necropolises of built collective burials and houses.}}, 
    325 keywords = {paleohydrology; palynology; clay mineralogy; human settlements; Yemen; Oman; Arabian lowlands; Holocene}, 
    326 language = {Anglais}, 
    327 affiliation = {Laboratoire des sciences du climat et de l'environnement - LSCE , Centre europ{\'e}en de recherche et d'enseignement de g{\'e}osciences de l'environnement - CEREGE , Arch{\'e}ologies et Sciences de l'Antiquit{\'e} - ArScAn , Pr{\'e}histoire et Technologie - PT , Centre d'{\'E}tudes Pr{\'e}histoire, Antiquit{\'e}, Moyen-Age - CEPAM , LOCEAN , G{\'e}osciences Rennes - GR}, 
     324abstract = {{Paleohydrological and archaeological evidence from the {S}outhern and {S}outh-{E}astern {A}rabian {P}eninsula reveal strong relations between phases of human settlements and climate change linked to the {I}ndian monsoon system. {D}uring the early to mid-{H}olocene, large fresh-water lakes extended in the lowland deserts of {R}amlat as-{S}ab'atayn (Yemen) and {W}ahiba {S}ands (Oman), which were very similar to those occurring in the {N}orth, in the {R}ub' al-{K}hali (Saudi {A}rabia), at that time. {M}any archaeological sites, characterized by scattered stone artefacts, ostrich-eggshells and bones around hearths, are related to this lacustrine phase, which culminated around 10 000­8000 cal yr {B}.{P}. in the lowland deserts before the lakes progressively dried up. {T}he last record of fresh-water bodies' extensions date back 7300 cal yr {B}.{P}. at {S}habwa (Yemen) and 7500 cal yr {B}.{P}. at al-{H}aid (Oman). {T}hen, fresh-water was probably available only from seasonal run-off from adjacent highlands, where paleolakes persisted into the late {H}olocene. {D}ry climate conditions in the inland desert of {Y}emen during the late {H}olocene coincide with a phase of intensive human inhabitation as testified by development of irrigation in the piedmontane areas, numerous necropolises of built collective burials and houses.}}, 
     325keywords = {paleohydrology; palynology; clay mineralogy; human settlements; {Y}emen; {O}man; {A}rabian lowlands; {H}olocene}, 
     326language = {{A}nglais}, 
     327affiliation = {{L}aboratoire des sciences du climat et de l'environnement - LSCE , {C}entre européen de recherche et d'enseignement de géosciences de l'environnement - CEREGE , {A}rchéologies et {S}ciences de l'{A}ntiquité - {A}rScAn , {P}réhistoire et {T}echnologie - PT , {C}entre d'études {P}réhistoire, {A}ntiquité, {M}oyen-{A}ge - CEPAM , LOCEAN , {G}éosciences {R}ennes - GR}, 
    328328pages = {412-428}, 
    329 journal = {Global and Planetary Change}, 
     329journal = {{G}lobal and {P}lanetary {C}hange}, 
    330330volume = {72}, 
    331331number = {4}, 
    342 title = {Direct evidence of the South Java Current system in Ombai Strait}, 
    343 journal = {Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans}, 
     342title = {{D}irect evidence of the {S}outh {J}ava {C}urrent system in {O}mbai {S}trait}, 
     343journal = {{D}ynamics of {A}tmospheres and {O}ceans}, 
    344344volume = {50}, 
    345345number = {2}, 
    349349doi = {10.1016/j.dynatmoce.2010.02.006}, 
    350350url = {}, 
    351 author = {Janet Sprintall and Susan Wijffels and {R}obert {M}olcard and Indra Jaya}, 
     351author = {{J}anet {S}printall and {S}usan {W}ijffels and {R}obert {M}olcard and {I}ndra {J}aya}, 
    352352loceanaffectation = {ird}, 
    353353loceanteam = {varclim}, 
    354 keywords = {South Java Current}, 
    355 keywords = {Ombai Strait}, 
    356 keywords = {Indian Ocean Kelvin waves}, 
    357 keywords = {Ekman dynamics} 
     354keywords = {{S}outh {J}ava {C}urrent}, 
     355keywords = {{O}mbai {S}trait}, 
     356keywords = {{I}ndian {O}cean {K}elvin waves}, 
     357keywords = {{E}kman dynamics} 
    362 title = {The Indonesian throughflow during 2004-2006 as observed by the INSTANT program}, 
     362title = {{T}he {I}ndonesian throughflow during 2004-2006 as observed by the INSTANT program}, 
    363363journal = {{D}ynamics of {A}tmospheres and {O}ceans}, 
    364364volume = {50}, 
    369369doi = {10.1016/j.dynatmoce.2009.12.002}, 
    370370url = {}, 
    371 author = {A.L. Gordon and J. Sprintall and H.M. Van Aken and D. Susanto and S. Wijffels and {R}obert {M}olcard and A. Ffield and W. Pranowo and S. Wirasantosa}, 
     371author = {{A}. {L}. {G}ordon and {J}. {S}printall and {H}. {M}. {V}an {A}ken and {D}. {S}usanto and {S}. {W}ijffels and {R}obert {M}olcard and {A}. {F}field and {W}. {P}ranowo and {S}. {W}irasantosa}, 
    372372loceanaffectation = {ird}, 
    373373loceanteam = {varclim}, 
    374 keywords = {Ocean circulation}, 
    375 keywords = {Indonesian throughflow}, 
    376 keywords = {Tropical oceanography}, 
    377 keywords = {Interocean exchange} 
     374keywords = {{O}cean circulation}, 
     375keywords = {{I}ndonesian throughflow}, 
     376keywords = {{T}ropical oceanography}, 
     377keywords = {{I}nterocean exchange} 
    383383title = {{S}patial and temporal variability of water masses, nutrients and sedimentation of organic and inorganic matter, in {M}ejillones del sur bay (23 degrees {S}), {C}hile}, 
    384 author = {Mauricio Cerda and Bastiaan Knoppers and Jorge Valdes and {A}bdelfettah {S}ifeddine and {L}uc {O}rtlieb and Elisamara Sabadini-Santos}, 
     384author = {{M}auricio {C}erda and {B}astiaan {K}noppers and {J}orge {V}aldes and {A}bdelfettah {S}ifeddine and {L}uc {O}rtlieb and {E}lisamara {S}abadini-{S}antos}, 
    385385abstract = {{T}his study addresses the spatial and temporal variability of physical-chemical properties and sedimentation rates of particulate matter of the water column at a fixed station set within {B}ahia de {M}ejillones del {S}ur, during the austral summer of 2003-2004. {T}he water column was generally characterized by warmer oxygen-rich surface waters, marked stratification gradients between about 10 to 20 m depths and by colder, denser and sub-oxic upwelling waters from 30 m depths to the bottom throughout studied period. {T}he bay was governed by three different water masses: the {S}urface {S}ub-{T}ropical {W}aters ({SSTW}), {S}ub-{A}ntarctic {W}aters ({SAAW}) and the {E}quatorial {S}ub-{S}urface {W}aters ({ESSW}). {T}he surface waters exhibited a clear alternation between weak and short (three to eight days) upwelling events and longer (29 days) periods of stratification. {D}uring the weak upwelling events and at the onset of the stratification periods, sub-oxic to micro-oxic conditions prevailed with elevated nutrient concentrations at the 10 to 15 m depth layer. {T}he variability of oxygen saturation levels and of the dissolved inorganic nutrients nitrogen ({N}), phosphorus ({P}) and silicic acid ({S}i), as well as the behavior of the {N}:{P} and {S}i:{NID} ratios, indicated the important combined effects of internal recycling of the organic matter in the surface water column and of the contribution of allochthonous nutrients from upwelled bottom waters. {T}he fortnightly variability of the total flux of particulate material collected in sediment traps in the bay suggest that material deposition from the water column is governed by the alternation of upwelling and stratification events. {I}n addition, the sediment traps registered nitrogen impoverishment with increasing depths, suggesting that remineralisation processes affected the settling of particles and the denitrification of the oxydo-reducting deeper waters of the bay.}, 
    386386keywords = {{C}hile ; {M}ejillones bay ; nutrients ; particle sedimentation ; upwelling ; northern humboldt current ; el-nino ; upwelling system ; carbon ; ocean ; flux}, 
    416 title={Striking similarities in temporal changes to spring sea ice occurrence across the central Canadian Arctic Archipelago over the last 7000 years}, 
    417 author={{S}imon {T}. {B}elt and {L}indsay {L}. {V}are and and {G}uillaume {M}assé and Hayley R. Manners and John C. Price and Suzanne E. MacLachlan and John T. Andrews and Sabine Schmidt}, 
     416title={{S}triking similarities in temporal changes to spring sea ice occurrence across the central {C}anadian {A}rctic {A}rchipelago over the last 7000 years}, 
     417author={{S}imon {T}. {B}elt and {L}indsay {L}. {V}are and and {G}uillaume {M}assé and {H}ayley {R}. {M}anners and {J}ohn {C}. {P}rice and {S}uzanne {E}. {M}acLachlan and {J}ohn {T}. {A}ndrews and {S}abine {S}chmidt}, 
    418418loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    419419loceanteam = {paleoproxus}, 
    431 title={An inter-comparison of zenith tropospheric delays derived from {DORIS} and {GPS} data}, 
    432 author = {Olivier Bock and Pascal Willis and {M}aïté {L}acarra and Pierre Bosser}, 
     431title={{A}n inter-comparison of zenith tropospheric delays derived from {DORIS} and {GPS} data}, 
     432author = {{O}livier {B}ock and {P}ascal {W}illis and {M}aïté {L}acarra and {P}ierre {B}osser}, 
    433433  journal = {{A}dvances in {S}pace {R}esearch}, 
    434434  year={2010}, 
    464464loceanaffectation = {upmc}, 
    465465loceanteam = {austral-boréal}, 
    466 journal={Biogeosciences}, 
    476476title = {{F}luid geochemistry of natural manifestations from the {S}outhern {P}oroto-{R}ungwe hydrothermal system ({T}anzania) : preliminary conceptual model}, 
    477 author = {Manuëlla Delalande and Laurent Bergonzini and Fabrizio Gherardi and Massimo Guidi and Luc Andre and Issah Abdallah and {D}avid {W}illiamson}, 
     477author = {{M}anuëlla {D}elalande and {L}aurent {B}ergonzini and {F}abrizio {G}herardi and {M}assimo {G}uidi and {L}uc {A}ndre and {I}ssah {A}bdallah and {D}avid {W}illiamson}, 
    478478loceanaffectation = {ird}, 
    479479loceanteam = {paleoproxus}, 
    512 title={Impact of the Mertz Glacier Tongue calving on dense water formation and export}, 
    513 author={Kazuya Kusahara and Hiroyasu Hasumi and {G}uy {D}. {W}illiams}, 
     512title={{I}mpact of the {M}ertz {G}lacier {T}ongue calving on dense water formation and export}, 
     513author={{K}azuya {K}usahara and {H}iroyasu {H}asumi and {G}uy {D}. {W}illiams}, 
    514514loceanaffectation = {ird}, 
    515515loceanteam = {paleoproxus}, 
    516 journal={Nature Communications}, 
     516journal={{N}ature {C}ommunications}, 
    527 title={Dense shelf water formation and brine-driven circulation in the Adélie and George {V} Land region}, 
    528 author={Kazuya Kusahara and Hiroyasu Hasumi and {G}uy {D}. {W}illiams}, 
     527title={{D}ense shelf water formation and brine-driven circulation in the {A}délie and {G}eorge {V} {L}and region}, 
     528author={{K}azuya {K}usahara and {H}iroyasu {H}asumi and {G}uy {D}. {W}illiams}, 
    529529loceanaffectation = {ird}, 
    530530loceanteam = {paleoproxus}, 
    543543title = {{B}iogeochemical indicators of environmental changes from 50 {K}a to 10 {K}a in a humid region of the {B}razilian {A}mazon}, 
    544 author = {R.C. Cordeiroa and {B}runo {T}urcq and {A}bdelfettah {S}ifeddine and L.D. Lacerda and E.V. Silva Filho and B. Gueiros and Y.P. Potty and R.E. Santelli and E.O. Pádua and S.R. Patchinelam}, 
     544author = {{R}. {C}. {C}ordeiroa and {B}runo {T}urcq and {A}bdelfettah {S}ifeddine and {L}.{D}. {L}acerda and {E}.{V}. {S}ilva {F}ilho and {B}. {G}ueiros and {Y}.{P}. {P}otty and {R}.{E}. {S}antelli and {E}.{O}. {P}ádua and {S}.{R}. {P}atchinelam}, 
    545545loceanaffectation = {ird}, 
    546546loceanteam = {paleoproxus}, 
    561 title = {{A}pproche pal{\'e}op{\'e}dologique de l'environnement des hominid{\'e}s fossiles du {D}{\^o}me de {S}angiran ({J}ava central, {I}ndon{\'e}sie) = {P}aleopedological approach of the environment of fossil hominids from the {S}angiran {D}ome ({C}entral {J}ava, indonesia)}, 
     561title = {{A}pproche paléopédologique de l'environnement des hominidés fossiles du {D}ôme de {S}angiran ({J}ava central, {I}ndonésie) = {P}aleopedological approach of the environment of fossil hominids from the {S}angiran {D}ome ({C}entral {J}ava, indonesia)}, 
    562562author = {{B}. {B}rasseur and {F}. {S}emah and {A}nne-{M}arie {S}émah and {T}. {D}jubiantono}, 
    563563loceanaffectation = {ird}, 
    579 title = {{D}elivery and deposition of organic matter in surface sediments of Lagoa do {C}açò ({B}razil)}, 
    580 author = {{A}bdelfettah {S}ifeddine and Philip A. Meyers and Renato Campello Cordeiro and Ana Luiza S. Albuquerque and Marcelo Bernardes and {B}runo {T}urcq and Jorge João Abrão}, 
     579title = {{D}elivery and deposition of organic matter in surface sediments of {L}agoa do {C}açò ({B}razil)}, 
     580author = {{A}bdelfettah {S}ifeddine and {P}hilip {A}. {M}eyers and {R}enato {C}ampello {C}ordeiro and {A}na {L}uiza {S}. {A}lbuquerque and {M}arcelo {B}ernardes and {B}runo {T}urcq and {J}orge {J}oão {A}brão}, 
    581581loceanaffectation = {ird}, 
    582582loceanteam = {paleoproxus}, 
    598 title={Monitoring and interpreting the ocean uptake of atmospheric {CO$_{2}$}}, 
     598title={{M}onitoring and interpreting the ocean uptake of atmospheric {CO$_{2}$}}, 
    599599author={{A}ndrew {J}. {W}atson and {N}icolas {M}etzl and {U}te {S}chuster}, 
    600600loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    615615loceanteam = {austral-boréal}, 
    617 title={The Arctic Ocean halocline and its interannual variability from 1997 to 2008}, 
     617title={{T}he {A}rctic {O}cean halocline and its interannual variability from 1997 to 2008}, 
    618618journal = {{D}eep {S}ea {R}esearch {P}art {I}: {O}ceanographic {R}esearch {P}apers}, 
    619619aerestype = {ACL}, 
    629 title={Rare earth elements in cold seep carbonates from the Niger delta}, 
    630 author={E. Rongemaille and G. Bayon and {C}atherine {P}ierre and C. Bollinger and N.C. Chu and Yves Fouquet and V. Riboulot and M. Voisset}, 
     629title={{R}are earth elements in cold seep carbonates from the {N}iger delta}, 
     630author={{E}. {R}ongemaille and {G}. {B}ayon and {C}atherine {P}ierre and {C}. {B}ollinger and {N}. {C}. {C}hu and {Y}ves {F}ouquet and {V}. {R}iboulot and {M}. {V}oisset}, 
    631631loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    632632loceanteam = {paleoproxus}, 
    645 author = {{E}lsa {M}ohino and {B}elén {R}odriguez-{F}onseca and {C}. {R}. {M}echoso and Sébastien Gervois and P. Ruti and F. Chauvin}, 
     645author = {{E}lsa {M}ohino and {B}elén {R}odriguez-{F}onseca and {C}. {R}. {M}echoso and {S}ébastien {G}ervois and {P}. {R}uti and {F}. {C}hauvin}, 
    646646  loceanteam = {varclim}, 
    647647issn = {0894-8755}, 
    651651number = {15}, 
    652652pages = {3878-3891}, 
    653 publisher = {American Meteorological Society}, 
    654 title = {{Impacts of the Tropical Pacific/Indian Oceans on the Seasonal Cycle of the West African Monsoon}}, 
     653publisher = {{A}merican {M}eteorological {S}ociety}, 
     654title = {{Impacts of the {T}ropical {P}acific/Indian {O}ceans on the {S}easonal {C}ycle of the {W}est {A}frican {M}onsoon}}, 
    655655volume = {24}, 
    656656year = {2011} 
    662 title={Do paleoclimate proxies agree? A test comparing 19 late Holocene climate and sea-ice reconstructions from Icelandic marine and lake sediments}, 
    663 author={Yarrow Axford and Camilla S. Andresen and John T. Andrews and Simon T. Belt and Áslaug Geirsdóttir and {G}uillaume {M}assé and Gifford H. Miller and Sædís Ólafsdóttir and Lindsay L. Vare}, 
     662title={{D}o paleoclimate proxies agree? A test comparing 19 late {H}olocene climate and sea-ice reconstructions from {I}celandic marine and lake sediments}, 
     663author={{Y}arrow {A}xford and {C}amilla {S}. {A}ndresen and {J}ohn {T}. {A}ndrews and {S}imon {T}. {B}elt and Áslaug {G}eirsdóttir and {G}uillaume {M}assé and {G}ifford {H}. {M}iller and Sædís Ólafsdóttir and {L}indsay {L}. {V}are}, 
    664664  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    665665  loceanteam = {paleoproxus}, 
    676 title = {Microborer ichnocoenoses in Quaternary corals from New Caledonia: reconstructions of paleo-water depths and reef growth strategies in relation to environmental changes}, 
     676title = {{M}icroborer ichnocoenoses in {Q}uaternary corals from {N}ew {C}aledonia: reconstructions of paleo-water depths and reef growth strategies in relation to environmental changes}, 
    677677  journal = {{Q}uaternary {S}cience {R}eviews}, 
    678678volume = {30}, 
    683683doi = {10.1016/j.quascirev.2011.06.019}, 
    684684url = {}, 
    685 author = {Rémy Richet and Véronique Chazottes and {G}uy {C}abioch and Norbert Frank and Georges S. Burr}, 
     685author = {{R}émy {R}ichet and {V}éronique {C}hazottes and {G}uy {C}abioch and {N}orbert {F}rank and {G}eorges {S}. {B}urr}, 
    686686  loceanaffectation = {ird}, 
    687687  loceanteam = {paleoproxus}, 
    688 keywords = {Microendolith assemblages}, 
    689 keywords = {Paleo-water depth}, 
    690 keywords = {Coralgal assemblages}, 
    691 keywords = {Reef}, 
    692 keywords = {New Caledonia} 
     688keywords = {{M}icroendolith assemblages}, 
     689keywords = {{P}aleo-water depth}, 
     690keywords = {{C}oralgal assemblages}, 
     691keywords = {{R}eef}, 
     692keywords = {{N}ew {C}aledonia} 
    699699loceanaffectation = {upmc}, 
    700700loceanteam = {austral-boréal}, 
    701 title={{SIDEBAR} vertical bar Steps Toward an Integrated Arctic Ocean Observational System}, 
     701title={{SIDEBAR} vertical bar {S}teps {T}oward an {I}ntegrated {A}rctic {O}cean {O}bservational {S}ystem}, 
    712 author = {{G}uillaume {M}assé and Simon T. Belt and Xavier Crosta and Sabine Schmidt and Ian Snape and David N. Thomas and Steven J. Rowland}, 
     712author = {{G}uillaume {M}assé and {S}imon {T}. {B}elt and {X}avier {C}rosta and {S}abine {S}chmidt and {I}an {S}nape and {D}avid {N}. {T}homas and {S}teven {J}. {R}owland}, 
    713713  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    714714  loceanteam = {paleoproxus}, 
    716 title={Highly branched isoprenoids as proxies for variable sea ice conditions in the Southern Ocean}, 
    717 journal={Antarctic Science}, 
     716title={{H}ighly branched isoprenoids as proxies for variable sea ice conditions in the {S}outhern {O}cean}, 
     717journal={{A}ntarctic {S}cience}, 
    725725title = {{D}isappearance of {A}cropora from the {M}arquesas ({F}rench {P}olynesia) during the last deglacial period}, 
    726 author = {{G}uy {C}abioch and C. C. Wallace and M. T. McCulloch and H. Zibrowius and P. Laboute and B. {Richer de Forges}}, 
     726author = {{G}uy {C}abioch and {C}. {C}. {W}allace and {M}. {T}. {M}cCulloch and {H}. {Z}ibrowius and {P}. {L}aboute and {B}. {Richer de {F}orges}}, 
    727727  loceanaffectation = {ird}, 
    728728  loceanteam = {paleoproxus}, 
    744 author={Thomas Brown and Simon Belt and Benoît Philippe and Christopher Mundy and {G}uillaume {M}assé and Michel Poulin and Michel Gosselin}, 
     744author={{T}homas {B}rown and {S}imon {B}elt and {B}enoît {P}hilippe and {C}hristopher {M}undy and {G}uillaume {M}assé and {M}ichel {P}oulin and {M}ichel {G}osselin}, 
    745745  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    746746  loceanteam = {paleoproxus}, 
    748 title={Temporal and vertical variations of lipid biomarkers during a bottom ice diatom bloom in the Canadian Beaufort Sea: further evidence for the use of the IP25 biomarker as a proxy for spring Arctic sea ice}, 
     748title={{T}emporal and vertical variations of lipid biomarkers during a bottom ice diatom bloom in the {C}anadian {B}eaufort {S}ea: further evidence for the use of the IP25 biomarker as a proxy for spring {A}rctic sea ice}, 
    749749journal={{P}olar {B}iology}, 
    758758  author = {{X}avier {{D}urrieu {{d}e {M}adron}} and {C}. {G}uieu and {R}. {S}empéré and {P}. {C}onan and {D}. {C}ossa and {F}. {D'{O}rtenzio} and {C}. {E}stournel and {F}. {G}azeau and {C}. {R}abouille and {L}. {S}temmann and {S}. {B}onnet and {F}. {D}iaz and {P}. {K}oubbi and {O}. {R}adakovitch and {M}. {B}abin and {M}. {B}aklouti and {C}. {B}ancon-{M}ontigny and {S}. {B}elviso and {N}. {B}ensoussan and {B}. {B}onsang and {I}oanna {B}ouloubassi and {Ch}ristian {B}runet and {J}.-{F}. {C}adiou and {F}. {C}arlotti and {M}. {C}hami and {S}. {C}harmasson and {B}. {C}harrière and {J}. {D}achs and {D}. {D}oxaran and {J}.-{C}. {D}utay and {F}. {E}lbaz-{P}oulichet and {M}. {E}léaume and {F}. {E}yrolles and {C}. {F}ernandez and {S}. {F}owler and {P}. {F}rancour and {J}. {C}. {G}aertner and {R}. {G}alzin and {S}. {G}asparini and {J}.-{F}. {G}higlione and {J}.-{L}. {G}onzalez and {C}. {G}oyet and {L}. {G}uidi and {K}. {G}uizien and {L}.-{E}. {H}eimbürger and {S}. {H}. {M}. {J}acquet and {W}. {H}. {J}effrey and {F}. {J}oux and {P}. {{L}e {H}ir} and {K}. {L}eblanc and {D}. {L}efèvre and {C}. {L}ejeusne and {R}. {L}emé and {M}.-{D}. {L}oÿe-{P}ilot and {M}. {M}allet and {L}aurence {M}éjanelle and {F}. {M}élin and {C}. {M}ellon and {B}. {M}érigot and {P}.-{L}. {M}erle and {C}. {M}igon and {W}. {L}. {M}iller and {L}aurent {M}ortier and {B}. {M}ostajir and {L}. {M}ousseau and {T}. {M}outin and {J}. {P}ara and {T}. {P}érez and {A}. {P}etrenko and {J}.-{C}. {P}oggiale and {L}. {P}rieur and {M}. {P}ujo-{P}ay and {P}ulido-{V}illena and {P}. {R}aimbault and {A}. {P}. {R}ees and {C}éline {R}idame and {J}.-{F}. {R}ontani and {D}iana {R}uiz {P}ino and {M}arie-{A}lexandrine {S}icre and {V}. {T}aillandier and {C}. {T}amburini and {T}. {T}anaka and {I}. {T}aupier-{L}etage and {M}. {T}edetti and {P}ierre {T}estor and {H}. {T}hébault and {B}. {T}houvenin and {F}. {T}ouratier and {J}. {T}ronczynski and {C}. {U}lses and {F}. {V}an {W}ambeke and {V}. {V}antrepotte and {S}. {V}az and {R}. {V}erney}, 
    759   title = {Corrigendum to "{M}arine ecosystems' responses to climatic and anthropogenic forcings in the {M}editerranean"  [Prog. Oceanogr. 91 (2011) 97-166]}, 
     759  title = {{C}orrigendum to "{M}arine ecosystems' responses to climatic and anthropogenic forcings in the {M}editerranean"  [Prog. {O}ceanogr. 91 (2011) 97-166]}, 
    760760  journal = {{P}rogress {I}n {O}ceanography}, 
    761761  year = {2011}, 
    772 title = {Sustained monitoring of the Southern Ocean at Drake Passage: past achievements and future priorities}, 
    773 author={Michael P. Meredith and Philip L. Woodworth and Teresa K. Chereskin and David P. Marshall and Lesley C. Allison and Grant R. Bigg and Kathy Donohue and Karen J. Heywood and Chris W. Hughes and Angela Hibbert and Andrew McC. Hogg and Helen L. Johnson and Loic Jullion and Brian A. King and Harry Leach and Yueng-Djern Lenn and Miguel A. Morales-Maqueda and David R. Munday and Alberto C. Naveira-Garabato and {C}hristine {P}rovost and {J}ean-{B}aptiste {S}allée and Janet Sprintall}, 
     772title = {{S}ustained monitoring of the {S}outhern {O}cean at {D}rake {P}assage: past achievements and future priorities}, 
     773author={{M}ichael {P}. {M}eredith and {P}hilip {L}. {W}oodworth and {T}eresa {K}. {C}hereskin and {D}avid {P}. {M}arshall and {L}esley {C}. {A}llison and {G}rant {R}. {B}igg and {K}athy {D}onohue and {K}aren {J}. {H}eywood and {C}hris {W}. {H}ughes and {A}ngela {H}ibbert and {A}ndrew {M}cC. {H}ogg and {H}elen {L}. {J}ohnson and {L}oic {J}ullion and {B}rian {A}. {K}ing and {H}arry {L}each and {Y}ueng-{D}jern {L}enn and {M}iguel {A}. {M}orales-{M}aqueda and {D}avid {R}. {M}unday and {A}lberto {C}. {N}aveira-{G}arabato and {C}hristine {P}rovost and {J}ean-{B}aptiste {S}allée and {J}anet {S}printall}, 
    774774loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    775775loceanteam = {austral-boréal}, 
    786 title = {Introduction to physics, carbon dioxide, trace elements and isotopes in the Southern Ocean: The Polarstern expeditions {ANT-XXIV/3} (2008) and {ANT-XXIII/3} (2006)}, 
    787 author={Eberhard Fahrbach and Hein J.W. {de Baar} and Véronique Garçon and {C}hristine {P}rovost}, 
     786title = {{I}ntroduction to physics, carbon dioxide, trace elements and isotopes in the {S}outhern {O}cean: {T}he {P}olarstern expeditions {ANT-XXIV/3} (2008) and {ANT-XXIII/3} (2006)}, 
     787author={{E}berhard {F}ahrbach and {H}ein {J}.{W}. {de {B}aar} and {V}éronique {G}arçon and {C}hristine {P}rovost}, 
    788788loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    789789loceanteam = {austral-boréal}, 
    802 title = {Modeling transport and survival of anchoveta eggs and yolk-sac larvae in the coastal zone off central-southern Chile: Assessing spatial and temporal spawning parameters}, 
    803 author={Samuel Soto-Mendoza and Carolina Parada and {F}rançois {C}olas and Wolfgang Schneider}, 
     802title = {{M}odeling transport and survival of anchoveta eggs and yolk-sac larvae in the coastal zone off central-southern {C}hile: {A}ssessing spatial and temporal spawning parameters}, 
     803author={{S}amuel {S}oto-{M}endoza and {C}arolina {P}arada and {F}rançois {C}olas and {W}olfgang {S}chneider}, 
    804804loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    805805loceanteam = {phybiocar}, 
    817817url = {}, 
    818 title = {Horizontal and vertical movements as predictors of foraging success in a marine predator}, 
    819 author = {{A}nne-{C}écile {D}ragon and Avner Bar-Hen and Pascal P. Monestiez and Christophe Guinet}, 
    820 abstract = {{With technical advances in wildlife telemetry, the study of cryptic predators' responses to prey distribution has been revolutionised. In the case of marine predators, high resolution tagging devices have been developed recently to collect precise diving datasets covering extended periods of time. In this study, we investigated changes in the horizontal movements and diving patterns of a marine predator, the southern elephant seal, at fine temporal and spatial scales. Satellite tracking data collected for 9 seals were processed with switching state-space models. Seal body condition, as a proxy for foraging success, was estimated through changes in drift rate from Time Depth Recorder (TDR) data. We identified (1) statistically distinct behavioural modes from the tracking data (intensive vs. extensive foraging modes) and (2) distinct dive classes from the TDR diving data (drift, exploratory, shallow active and deep active dives). Active dives, associated with vertical foraging and chasing, were more numerous when the seals were in intensive foraging mode. Improved body condition and mass gain of seals were also associated with the intensive foraging mode and, within the vertical dimension, with sets of highly active dives. In conclusion, proportions of dive classes varied according to seals' horizontal behaviour. Intensive foraging detected from surface tracking data is a good predictor of diving activity and foraging success occurring in the vertical dimension.}}, 
    821 keywords = {Area-restricted search * Dive classification * Drift dive * Fine-scale behaviour * Movement analysis}, 
    822 language = {Anglais}, 
    823 affiliation = {Centre d'{\'e}tudes biologiques de Chiz{\'e} - CEBC , MAP5-CNRS , LOCEAN-UPMC , Math{\'e}matiques appliqu{\'e}es Paris 5 - MAP5 , BioSP-INRA}, 
     818title = {{H}orizontal and vertical movements as predictors of foraging success in a marine predator}, 
     819author = {{A}nne-{C}écile {D}ragon and {A}vner {B}ar-{H}en and {P}ascal {P}. {M}onestiez and {C}hristophe {G}uinet}, 
     820abstract = {{With technical advances in wildlife telemetry, the study of cryptic predators' responses to prey distribution has been revolutionised. {I}n the case of marine predators, high resolution tagging devices have been developed recently to collect precise diving datasets covering extended periods of time. {I}n this study, we investigated changes in the horizontal movements and diving patterns of a marine predator, the southern elephant seal, at fine temporal and spatial scales. {S}atellite tracking data collected for 9 seals were processed with switching state-space models. {S}eal body condition, as a proxy for foraging success, was estimated through changes in drift rate from {T}ime {D}epth {R}ecorder (TDR) data. {W}e identified (1) statistically distinct behavioural modes from the tracking data (intensive vs. extensive foraging modes) and (2) distinct dive classes from the TDR diving data (drift, exploratory, shallow active and deep active dives). {A}ctive dives, associated with vertical foraging and chasing, were more numerous when the seals were in intensive foraging mode. {I}mproved body condition and mass gain of seals were also associated with the intensive foraging mode and, within the vertical dimension, with sets of highly active dives. {I}n conclusion, proportions of dive classes varied according to seals' horizontal behaviour. {I}ntensive foraging detected from surface tracking data is a good predictor of diving activity and foraging success occurring in the vertical dimension.}}, 
     821keywords = {{A}rea-restricted search * {D}ive classification * {D}rift dive * {F}ine-scale behaviour * {M}ovement analysis}, 
     822language = {{A}nglais}, 
     823affiliation = {{C}entre d'études biologiques de {C}hizé - CEBC , MAP5-CNRS , LOCEAN-UPMC , {M}athématiques appliquées {P}aris 5 - MAP5 , {B}ioSP-INRA}, 
    824824pages = {243-257}, 
    825825journal = {{M}arine {E}cology {P}rogress {S}eries}, 
    836 title={Impact of oceanic processes on the carbon cycle during the last termination}, 
    837 author={N. Bouttes and D. Paillard and D. M. Roche and C. Waelbroeck and M. Kageyama and {A}nna {L}ourantou and E. Michel and L. Bopp}, 
     836title={{I}mpact of oceanic processes on the carbon cycle during the last termination}, 
     837author={{N}. {B}outtes and {D}. {P}aillard and {D}. {M}. {R}oche and {C}. {W}aelbroeck and {M}. {K}ageyama and {A}nna {L}ourantou and {E}. {M}ichel and {L}. {B}opp}, 
    838838  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    839839  loceanteam = {phybiocar}, 
    850 title={Reconstructing past upwelling intensity and the seasonal dynamics of primary productivity along the Peruvian coastline from mollusk shell stable isotopes}, 
    851 author={James Sadler and Matthieu Carré and Moufok Azzoug and Andrew J. Schauer 
    852 and Jesus Ledesma and Fredy Cardenas and Brian M. Chase and Ilhem Bentaleb 
    853 and Serge D. Muller and {M}agloire {M}andeng-{Y}ogo and Eelco J. Rohling and Julian P. Sachs}, 
     850title={{R}econstructing past upwelling intensity and the seasonal dynamics of primary productivity along the {P}eruvian coastline from mollusk shell stable isotopes}, 
     851author={{J}ames {S}adler and {M}atthieu {C}arré and {M}oufok {A}zzoug and {A}ndrew {J}. {S}chauer and {J}esus {L}edesma and {F}redy {C}ardenas and {B}rian {M}. {C}hase and {I}lhem {B}entaleb and {S}erge {D}. {M}uller and {M}agloire {M}andeng-{Y}ogo and {E}elco {J}. {R}ohling and {J}ulian {P}. {S}achs}, 
    854852loceanaffectation = {ird}, 
    855853loceanteam = {paleoproxus}, 
    865 title = {The Rungwe Volcanic Province, Tanzania - A volcanological review}, 
    866 journal = {Journal of African Earth Sciences}, 
     863title = {{T}he {R}ungwe {V}olcanic {P}rovince, {T}anzania - A volcanological review}, 
     864journal = {{J}ournal of {A}frican {E}arth {S}ciences}, 
    867865volume = {63}, 
    868866pages = {12-31}, 
    871869doi = {10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2011.11.005}, 
    872870url = {}, 
    873 author = {Karen Fontijn and {D}avid {W}illiamson and Evelyne Mbede and Gerald G.J. Ernst}, 
     871author = {{K}aren {F}ontijn and {D}avid {W}illiamson and {E}velyne {M}bede and {G}erald {G}.{J}. {E}rnst}, 
    874872loceanaffectation = {ird}, 
    875873loceanteam = {paleoproxus}, 
    876 keywords = {East African Rift System}, 
    877 keywords = {Rungwe Volcanic Province}, 
    878 keywords = {Explosive eruptions}, 
    879 keywords = {Phonolite-trachyte}, 
    880 keywords = {Volcano-tectonic interactions}, 
    881 keywords = {Tanzania} 
     874keywords = {{E}ast {A}frican {R}ift {S}ystem}, 
     875keywords = {{R}ungwe {V}olcanic {P}rovince}, 
     876keywords = {{E}xplosive eruptions}, 
     877keywords = {{P}honolite-trachyte}, 
     878keywords = {{V}olcano-tectonic interactions}, 
     879keywords = {{T}anzania} 
    889887loceanteam = {austral-boréal}, 
    891 title={The Atlantic and summer Pacific waters variability in the Arctic Ocean from 1997 to 2008}, 
     889title={{T}he {A}tlantic and summer {P}acific waters variability in the {A}rctic {O}cean from 1997 to 2008}, 
    892890journal = {{G}eophysical {R}esearch {L}etters}, 
    893891aerestype = {ACL}, 
    903 author = {Italo Masotti and {D}iana {R}uiz-{P}ino and Aubert {Le Bouteiller}}, 
     901author = {{I}talo {M}asotti and {D}iana {R}uiz-{P}ino and {A}ubert {Le {B}outeiller}}, 
    904902loceanaffectation = {upmc}, 
    905903loceanteam = {austral-boréal}, 
    907 title={Photosynthetic characteristics of Trichodesmium in the southwest Pacific Ocean: importance and significance}, 
     905title={{P}hotosynthetic characteristics of {T}richodesmium in the southwest {P}acific {O}cean: importance and significance}, 
    908906journal = {{M}arine {E}cology {P}rogress {S}eries}, 
    917 author = {Alejandro A. Bianchi and {D}iana {R}uiz-{P}ino and Hernán G. {Isbert Perlender} and Ana P. Osiroff and Valeria Segura and Vivian Lutz and Moira Luz Clara and Carlos F. Balestrini and Alberto R. Piola}, 
     915author = {{A}lejandro {A}. {B}ianchi and {D}iana {R}uiz-{P}ino and {H}ernán {G}. {Isbert {P}erlender} and {A}na {P}. {O}siroff and {V}aleria {S}egura and {V}ivian {L}utz and {M}oira {L}uz {C}lara and {C}arlos {F}. {B}alestrini and {A}lberto {R}. {P}iola}, 
    918916loceanaffectation = {upmc}, 
    919917loceanteam = {austral-boréal}, 
    921 title={Annual balance and seasonal variability of sea-air {CO$_{2}$} fluxes in the Patagonia Sea: Their relationship with fronts and chlorophyll distribution}, 
     919title={{A}nnual balance and seasonal variability of sea-air {CO$_{2}$} fluxes in the {P}atagonia {S}ea: {T}heir relationship with fronts and chlorophyll distribution}, 
    922920journal = {{J}ournal of {G}eophysical {R}esearch}, 
    923921aerestype = {ACL}, 
    932 author = {Cédric Cotté and {Y}oung-{H}yang {P}ark and C.-A. Bost and C. Guinet}, 
     930author = {{C}édric {C}otté and {Y}oung-{H}yang {P}ark and {C}harles-{A}ndré {B}ost and {C}. {G}uinet}, 
    933931loceanaffectation = {mnhn}, 
    934932loceanteam = {austral-boréal}, 
    935 title={King penguin foraging in a dynamic environment}, 
     933title={{K}ing penguin foraging in a dynamic environment}, 
    936934journal = {{P}roceedings of the {R}oyal {S}ociety of {L}ondon {S}eries B}, 
    946 author = {{Y}oung-{H}yang {P}ark and N. Gasco and G. Duhamel}, 
     944author = {{Y}oung-{H}yang {P}ark and {N}. {G}asco and {G}. {D}uhamel}, 
    947945loceanaffectation = {mnhn}, 
    948946loceanteam = {austral-boréal}, 
    950 title={Slope currents around the Kerguelen Islands from demersal longline fishing records}, 
     948title={{S}lope currents around the {K}erguelen {I}slands from demersal longline fishing records}, 
    951949journal = {{G}eophysical {R}esearch {L}etters}, 
    952950aerestype = {ACL}, 
    962 author={P. P. Povinec and R. Breier and L. Coppola and M. Groening and C. Jeandel and A. J. T. Jull and W. E. Kieser and S.-H. Lee and L. Liong Wee Kwong and U. Morgenstern and {Y}oung-{H}yang {P}ark and Z. Top}, 
     960author={{P}. {P}. {P}ovinec and {R}. {B}reier and {L}. {C}oppola and {M}. {G}roening and {C}. {J}eandel and {A}. {J}. {T}. {J}ull and {W}. {E}. {K}ieser and {S}.-H. {L}ee and {L}. {L}iong {W}ee {K}wong and {U}. {M}orgenstern and {Y}oung-{H}yang {P}ark and {Z}. {T}op}, 
    963961loceanaffectation = {mnhn}, 
    964962loceanteam = {austral-boréal}, 
    965 title = {Tracing of water masses using a multi isotope approach in the southern Indian}, 
     963title = {{T}racing of water masses using a multi isotope approach in the southern {I}ndian}, 
    966964journal = {{E}arth and {P}lanetary {S}cience {L}etters}, 
    976   title = {Circulation and hydrography over the Kerguelen Plateau}, 
     974  title = {{C}irculation and hydrography over the {K}erguelen {P}lateau}, 
    977975  publisher = {{S}ociété d'{I}chtyologie}, 
    978976  year = {2011}, 
    990   author = {{Y}oung-{H}yang {P}ark and Jong-Hwan Yoon and Yong-Hoon Youn and {F}rédéric {V}ivier}, 
     988  author = {{Y}oung-{H}yang {P}ark and {J}ong-{H}wan {Y}oon and {Y}ong-{H}oon {Y}oun and {F}rédéric {V}ivier}, 
    991989loceanaffectation = {cnrs,mnhn}, 
    992990loceanteam = {austral-boréal,surf}, 
    993   title = {Recent warming in the western North Pacific in relation to rapid changes in the atmospheric circulation of the Siberian High and Aleutian Low systems}, 
     991  title = {{R}ecent warming in the western {N}orth {P}acific in relation to rapid changes in the atmospheric circulation of the {S}iberian {H}igh and {A}leutian {L}ow systems}, 
    994992  journal = {{J}ournal of {C}limate}, 
    995993  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    1005 author={Aurélie Spadone and {C}hristine {P}rovost}, 
     1003author={{A}urélie {S}padone and {C}hristine {P}rovost}, 
    10061004loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    10071005loceanteam = {austral-boréal}, 
    1009 title={Variations in the Malvinas Current volume transport since October 1992}, 
     1007title={{V}ariations in the {M}alvinas {C}urrent volume transport since {O}ctober 1992}, 
    10101008journal = {{J}ournal of {G}eophysical {R}esearch}, 
    10111009aerestype = {ACL}, 
    1020 author = {{M}artin {S}araceno and {C}hristine {P}rovost and Uriel Zajaczkovski}, 
     1018author = {{M}artin {S}araceno and {C}hristine {P}rovost and {U}riel {Z}ajaczkovski}, 
    10211019loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    10221020loceanteam = {austral-boréal}, 
    1024 title={Long-term variation in the anticyclonic ocean circulation over the Zapiola Rise as observed by satellite altimetry: Evidence of possible collapses}, 
     1022title={{L}ong-term variation in the anticyclonic ocean circulation over the {Z}apiola {R}ise as observed by satellite altimetry: {E}vidence of possible collapses}, 
    10251023journal = {{D}eep {S}ea {R}esearch {P}art {I}: {O}ceanographic {R}esearch {P}apers}, 
    10261024aerestype = {ACL}, 
    1035 author={Hanne Sagen and Stein Sandven and Agnieszka Beszczynska-Möller and Olaf Boebel and Timothy F. Duda and Lee Freitag and {J}ean-{C}laude {G}ascard and Alexander N. Gavrilov and Craig M. Lee and David K. Mellinger and Peter N. Mikhalevsky and Sue E. Moore and Andrey K. Morozov and Michel Rixen and Emmanuel Skarsoulis and Kathleen M. Stafford and Elling Tveit and Peter F. Worcester}, 
     1033author={{H}anne {S}agen and {S}tein {S}andven and {A}gnieszka {B}eszczynska-{M}öller and {O}laf {B}oebel and {T}imothy {F}. {D}uda and {L}ee {F}reitag and {J}ean-{C}laude {G}ascard and {A}lexander {N}. {G}avrilov and {C}raig {M}. {L}ee and {D}avid {K}. {M}ellinger and {P}eter {N}. {M}ikhalevsky and {S}ue {E}. {M}oore and {A}ndrey {K}. {M}orozov and {M}ichel {R}ixen and {E}mmanuel {S}karsoulis and {K}athleen {M}. {S}tafford and {E}lling {T}veit and {P}eter {F}. {W}orcester}, 
    10361034loceanaffectation = {upmc}, 
    10371035loceanteam = {austral-boréal}, 
    1038 title={Acoustic technologies for observing the interior of the Arctic Ocean}, 
     1036title={{A}coustic technologies for observing the interior of the {A}rctic {O}cean}, 
    10391037booktitle = {{P}roceedings of {O}ceanObs'09: {S}ustained {O}cean {O}bservations and {I}nformation for {S}ociety (Annex)}, 
    10401038year = {2010}, 
    1051 author={Alice Renault and {C}hristine {P}rovost and {N}athalie {S}ennéchael and {N}icolas {B}arré and {A}nnie {K}artavtseff}, 
     1049author={{A}lice {R}enault and {C}hristine {P}rovost and {N}athalie {S}ennéchael and {N}icolas {B}arré and {A}nnie {K}artavtseff}, 
    10521050loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    10531051loceanteam = {austral-boréal,ditm}, 
    1054 title={Two full-depth velocity sections in the Drake Passage in 2006-Transport estimates}, 
     1052title={{T}wo full-depth velocity sections in the {D}rake {P}assage in 2006-{T}ransport estimates}, 
    10551053journal = {{D}eep {S}ea {R}esearch {P}art {II}: {T}opical {S}tudies in {O}ceanography}, 
    10561054aerestype = {ACL}, 
    10681066loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    10691067loceanteam = {austral-boréal}, 
    1070 title={The Expedition of the Research Vessel "Polarstern" to the Antarctic in 2009 ({ANT-XXV/4})}, 
    1071 editor={Christine Provost}, 
    1072 note={Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung (Reports on Polar and Marine Research), Bremerhaven, Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, 616 , 81 p.}, 
     1068title={{T}he {E}xpedition of the {R}esearch {V}essel "Polarstern" to the {A}ntarctic in 2009 ({ANT-XXV/4})}, 
     1069editor={{C}hristine {P}rovost}, 
     1070note={{B}erichte zur {P}olar- und {M}eeresforschung (Reports on {P}olar and {M}arine {R}esearch), {B}remerhaven, {A}lfred {W}egener {I}nstitute for {P}olar and {M}arine {R}esearch, 616 , 81 p.}, 
    10741072comment = {20120510 : je ne sais pas dans quelle categorie classer cet ref}, 
    10821080loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    10831081loceanteam = {austral-boréal}, 
    1084 title={The expedition {ANT-XXIII/3} of the research vessel Polarstern in 2006}, 
    1085 editor={Christine Provost}, 
    1086 note={Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung (Reports on Polar and Marine Research), Bremerhaven, Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research 558 , 68 p.}, 
     1082title={{T}he expedition {ANT-XXIII/3} of the research vessel {P}olarstern in 2006}, 
     1083editor={{C}hristine {P}rovost}, 
     1084note={{B}erichte zur {P}olar- und {M}eeresforschung (Reports on {P}olar and {M}arine {R}esearch), {B}remerhaven, {A}lfred {W}egener {I}nstitute for {P}olar and {M}arine {R}esearch 558 , 68 p.}, 
    10881086comment = {20120510 : je ne sais pas dans quelle categorie classer cet ref}, 
    1094 author = {{C}hristine {P}rovost and {A}lice {R}enault and {N}icolas {B}arré and {N}athalie {S}ennéchael and {V}éronique {G}arçon and Joël Sudre and O. Huhn}, 
     1092author = {{C}hristine {P}rovost and {A}lice {R}enault and {N}icolas {B}arré and {N}athalie {S}ennéchael and {V}éronique {G}arçon and {J}oël {S}udre and {O}. {H}uhn}, 
    10951093loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    10961094loceanteam = {austral-boréal}, 
    1097 title={Two repeat crossings of Drake Passage in austral summer 2006: Short-term variations 
     1095title={{T}wo repeat crossings of {D}rake {P}assage in austral summer 2006: {S}hort-term variations 
    10981096and evidence for considerable ventilation of intermediate and deep waters}, 
    10991097journal = {{D}eep {S}ea {R}esearch {P}art {II}: {T}opical {S}tudies in {O}ceanography}, 
    1111 author={Andrey Proshutinsky and Klaus Dethloff and Ralf Doescher and {J}ean-{C}laude {G}ascard and Frank Kauker}, 
     1109author={{A}ndrey {P}roshutinsky and {K}laus {D}ethloff and {R}alf {D}oescher and {J}ean-{C}laude {G}ascard and {F}rank {K}auker}, 
    11121110loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    11131111loceanteam = {austral-boréal}, 
    1115 title={Toward Reducing Uncertainties in Arctic Climate Simulations}, 
     1113title={{T}oward {R}educing {U}ncertainties in {A}rctic {C}limate {S}imulations}, 
    11161114journal = {{EOS} {T}ransactions of the {A}merican {G}eophysical {U}nion}, 
    1126 author={Igor V. Polyakov and Leonid Timokhov and Igor Dmitrenko and Vladimir Ivanov and Harper Simmons and Agnieszka Beszczynska-Möller and Robert Dickson and Eberhard Fahrbach and Louis Fortier and {J}ean-{C}laude {G}ascard and Jens Hölemann and N. Penny Holliday and Edmond Hansen and Cecilie Mauritzen and Robert Pickart Ursula Schauer and Waldemar Walczowski and Michael Steele}, 
     1124author={{I}gor {V}. {P}olyakov and {L}eonid {T}imokhov and {I}gor {D}mitrenko and {V}ladimir {I}vanov and {H}arper {S}immons and {A}gnieszka {B}eszczynska-{M}öller and {R}obert {D}ickson and {E}berhard {F}ahrbach and {L}ouis {F}ortier and {J}ean-{C}laude {G}ascard and {J}ens {H}ölemann and {N}. {P}enny {H}olliday and {E}dmond {H}ansen and {C}ecilie {M}auritzen and {R}obert {P}ickart {U}rsula {S}chauer and {W}aldemar {W}alczowski and {M}ichael {S}teele}, 
    11271125loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    11281126loceanteam = {austral-boréal}, 
    1130 title={Observational program tracks Arctic Ocean transition to a warmer state}, 
     1128title={{O}bservational program tracks {A}rctic {O}cean transition to a warmer state}, 
    11311129journal = {{EOS} {T}ransactions of the {A}merican {G}eophysical {U}nion}, 
    11391137  loceanbibid={01580}, 
    11401138  timestamp={20120510}, 
    1141   author={Igor V. Polyakov and Vladimir A. Alexeev and Igor M. Ashik and Sheldon Bacon and Agnieszka Beszczynska-Möller and Eddy C. Carmack and Igor A. Dmitrenko and Louis Fortier and {J}ean-{C}laude {G}ascard and Edmond Hansen and Jens Hölemann and Vladimir V. Ivanov and Takashi Kikuchi and Sergey Kirillov and Yueng-Djern Lenn and Fiona A. McLaughlin and Jan Piechura and Irina Repina and Leonid A. Timokhov and Waldemar Walczowski and Rebecca Woodgate}, 
     1139  author={{I}gor {V}. {P}olyakov and {V}ladimir {A}. {A}lexeev and {I}gor {M}. {A}shik and {S}heldon {B}acon and {A}gnieszka {B}eszczynska-{M}öller and {E}ddy {C}. {C}armack and {I}gor {A}. {D}mitrenko and {L}ouis {F}ortier and {J}ean-{C}laude {G}ascard and {E}dmond {H}ansen and {J}ens {H}ölemann and {V}ladimir {V}. {I}vanov and {T}akashi {K}ikuchi and {S}ergey {K}irillov and {Y}ueng-{D}jern {L}enn and {F}iona {A}. {M}cLaughlin and {J}an {P}iechura and {I}rina {R}epina and {L}eonid {A}. {T}imokhov and {W}aldemar {W}alczowski and {R}ebecca {W}oodgate}, 
    11421140  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    11431141  loceanteam = {austral-boréal}, 
    11441142  year={2011}, 
    1145   title={Fate of Early 2000s Arctic Warm Water Pulse}, 
     1143  title={{F}ate of {E}arly 2000s {A}rctic {W}arm {W}ater {P}ulse}, 
    11461144  journal = {{B}ulletin of the {A}merican {M}eteorological {S}ociety}, 
    11471145  volume={92}, 
    11531151  loceanbibid={01579}, 
    11541152  timestamp={20120510}, 
    1155   author={Igor V. Polyakov and Leonid A. Timokhov and Vladimir A. Alexeev and Sheldon Bacon and Igor A. Dmitrenko and Louis Fortier and Ivan E. Frolov and {J}ean-{C}laude {G}ascard and Edmond Hansen and Vladimir V. Ivanov and Seymour Laxon and Cecilie Mauritzen and Don Perovich and Koji Shimada and Harper L. Simmons and Vladimir T. Sokolov and Michael Steele and and John Toole}, 
     1153  author={{I}gor {V}. {P}olyakov and {L}eonid {A}. {T}imokhov and {V}ladimir {A}. {A}lexeev and {S}heldon {B}acon and {I}gor {A}. {D}mitrenko and {L}ouis {F}ortier and {I}van {E}. {F}rolov and {J}ean-{C}laude {G}ascard and {E}dmond {H}ansen and {V}ladimir {V}. {I}vanov and {S}eymour {L}axon and {C}ecilie {M}auritzen and {D}on {P}erovich and {K}oji {S}himada and {H}arper {L}. {S}immons and {V}ladimir {T}. {S}okolov and {M}ichael {S}teele and and {J}ohn {T}oole}, 
    11561154  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    11571155  loceanteam = {austral-boréal}, 
    11581156  year={2010}, 
    1159   title={Arctic Ocean Warming Contributes to Reduced Polar Ice Cap}, 
     1157  title={{A}rctic {O}cean {W}arming {C}ontributes to {R}educed {P}olar {I}ce {C}ap}, 
    11601158  journal = {{J}ournal of {P}hysical {O}ceanography}, 
    11611159  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    11681166  loceanbibid={01578}, 
    11691167  timestamp={20120510}, 
    1170   title={Autonomous Platforms in the Arctic Observing Network}, 
    1171   author={Craig M. Lee and Humfrey Melling and Hajo Eicken and Peter Schlosser and {J}ean-{C}laude {G}ascard and Andrey Proshutinsky and Eberhard Fahrbach and Cecilie Mauritzen and James Morison and Igor Polykov}, 
     1168  title={{A}utonomous {P}latforms in the {A}rctic {O}bserving {N}etwork}, 
     1169  author={{C}raig {M}. {L}ee and {H}umfrey {M}elling and {H}ajo {E}icken and {P}eter {S}chlosser and {J}ean-{C}laude {G}ascard and {A}ndrey {P}roshutinsky and {E}berhard {F}ahrbach and {C}ecilie {M}auritzen and {J}ames {M}orison and {I}gor {P}olykov}, 
    11721170  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    11731171  loceanteam = {austral-boréal}, 
    11861184  url = {}, 
    11871185  title = {{Silicate determination in sea water : toward a reagentless electrochemical method}}, 
    1188   author = {Lacombe Marielle and {V}éronique {G}arçon and Maurice Comtat and Louise Oriol and Joël Sudre and Danièle Thouron and Nadine Le Bris and {C}hristine {P}rovost}, 
     1186  author = {{L}acombe {M}arielle and {V}éronique {G}arçon and {M}aurice {C}omtat and {L}ouise {O}riol and {J}oël {S}udre and {D}anièle {T}houron and {N}adine {L}e {B}ris and {C}hristine {P}rovost}, 
    11891187  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    11901188  loceanteam = {austral-boréal}, 
    1191   language = {Anglais}, 
    1192   affiliation = {Laboratoire d'{\'e}tudes en G{\'e}ophysique et oc{\'e}anographie spatiales - LEGOS}, 
     1189  language = {{A}nglais}, 
     1190  affiliation = {{L}aboratoire d'études en {G}éophysique et océanographie spatiales - LEGOS}, 
    11931191  pages = {489-497}, 
    11941192  journal = {{M}arine {C}hemistry}, 
    12031201  loceanbibid={01576}, 
    12041202  timestamp={20120510}, 
    1205   author ={S. Gerland and {J}ean-{C}laude {G}ascard and B. Ivanov and C.-P. Nielsen and F. Nilsen and O. Pavlova and E. Leu and V. Tverberg and S. Barrault}, 
     1203  author ={{S}. {G}erland and {J}ean-{C}laude {G}ascard and {B}. {I}vanov and {C}.-P. {N}ielsen and {F}. {N}ilsen and {O}. {P}avlova and {E}. {L}eu and {V}. {T}verberg and {S}. {B}arrault}, 
    12061204  loceanaffectation = {upmc}, 
    12071205  loceanteam = {austral-boréal}, 
    12081206  year={2008}, 
    1209   title={Fast ice evolution in Kongsfjorden compared with other Svalbard fjords}, 
    1210   booktitle={8th Ny-Ålesund seminar}, 
    1211   address={Cambridge, UK}, 
    1212   date={16-17 October 2007}, 
    1213   note={Polarnet Technical Report - PTR}, 
     1207  title={{F}ast ice evolution in {K}ongsfjorden compared with other {S}valbard fjords}, 
     1208  booktitle={8th {N}y-Ålesund seminar}, 
     1209  address={{C}ambridge, UK}, 
     1210  date={16-17 {O}ctober 2007}, 
     1211  note={{P}olarnet {T}echnical {R}eport - PTR}, 
    12141212  pages={44-46}, 
    12181216  loceanbibid={01575}, 
    12191217  timestamp={20120510}, 
    1220   title={Exploring Arctic Transpolar Drift During Dramatic Sea Ice Retreat}, 
     1218  title={{E}xploring {A}rctic {T}ranspolar {D}rift {D}uring {D}ramatic {S}ea {I}ce {R}etreat}, 
    12211219  volume={89}, 
    12221220  url={}, 
    12231221  number={3}, 
    12241222  journal = {{EOS} {T}ransactions of the {A}merican {G}eophysical {U}nion}, 
    1225   author={{J}ean-{C}laude {G}ascard and {J}ean {F}esty and {H}ervé {{L}e {G}off} and {M}atthieu {W}eber and Burghard Bruemmer and Michael Offermann and Martin Doble and Peter Wadhams and René Forsberg and Susan Hanson and Henriette Skourup and Sebastian Gerland and Marcel Nicolaus and Jean-Philippe Metaxian and Jacques Grangeon and Jari Haapala and Eero Rinne and Christian Haas and Georg Heygster and Erko Jakobson and Timo Palo and Jeremy Wilkinson and Lars Kaleschke and Kerry Claffey and Bruce Elder and Jan Bottenheim}, 
     1223  author={{J}ean-{C}laude {G}ascard and {J}ean {F}esty and {H}ervé {{L}e {G}off} and {M}atthieu {W}eber and {B}urghard {B}ruemmer and {M}ichael {O}ffermann and {M}artin {D}oble and {P}eter {W}adhams and {R}ené {F}orsberg and {S}usan {H}anson and {H}enriette {S}kourup and {S}ebastian {G}erland and {M}arcel {N}icolaus and {J}ean-{P}hilippe {M}etaxian and {J}acques {G}rangeon and {J}ari {H}aapala and {E}ero {R}inne and {C}hristian {H}aas and {G}eorg {H}eygster and {E}rko {J}akobson and {T}imo {P}alo and {J}eremy {W}ilkinson and {L}ars {K}aleschke and {K}erry {C}laffey and {B}ruce {E}lder and {J}an {B}ottenheim}, 
    12261224  loceanaffectation = {upmc,cnrs}, 
    12271225  loceanteam = {austral-boréal,ditm}, 
    12341232  timestamp={20120510}, 
    12351233  isbn={978-1-4020-6773-0}, 
    1236   booktitle={Arctic-Subarctic Ocean Fluxes}, 
    1237   editor={Dickson, Robert R. and Meincke, Jens and Rhines, Peter}, 
     1234  booktitle={{A}rctic-{S}ubarctic {O}cean {F}luxes}, 
     1235  editor={{D}ickson, {R}obert {R}. and {M}eincke, {J}ens and {R}hines, {P}eter}, 
    12381236  doi={10.1007/978-1-4020-6774-7_7}, 
    1239   title={Climatic Importance of Large-Scale and Mesoscale Circulation in the Lofoten Basin Deduced from Lagrangian Observations}, 
     1237  title={{C}limatic {I}mportance of {L}arge-{S}cale and {M}esoscale {C}irculation in the {L}ofoten {B}asin {D}educed from {L}agrangian {O}bservations}, 
    12401238  url={}, 
    1241   publisher={Springer Netherlands}, 
    1242   author={{J}ean-{C}laude {G}ascard and {Kjell Arne} Mork}, 
     1239  publisher={{S}pringer {N}etherlands}, 
     1240  author={{J}ean-{C}laude {G}ascard and {Kjell {A}rne} {M}ork}, 
    12431241  loceanaffectation = {upmc}, 
    12441242  loceanteam = {austral-boréal}, 
    12501248  loceanbibid={01573}, 
    12511249  timestamp={20120510}, 
    1252   title={Circulation in the Ona Basin, southern Drake Passage}, 
     1250  title={{C}irculation in the {O}na {B}asin, southern {D}rake {P}assage}, 
    12531251  volume={113}, 
    12541252  url={}, 
    12571255  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    12581256  publisher={AMER GEOPHYSICAL UNION}, 
    1259   author={{N}icolas {B}arré and {C}hristine {P}rovost and {N}athalie {S}ennéchael and Lee {Jae Hak}}, 
     1257  author={{N}icolas {B}arré and {C}hristine {P}rovost and {N}athalie {S}ennéchael and {L}ee {Jae {H}ak}}, 
    12601258  loceanaffectation = {cnrs,mnhn}, 
    12611259  loceanteam = {austral-boréal,ditm}, 
    12691267  loceanbibid={01572}, 
    12701268  timestamp={20120510}, 
    1271   title = {Fronts, meanders and eddies in Drake Passage during the {ANT-XXIII/3} cruise in January-February 2006: A satellite perspective}, 
     1269  title = {{F}ronts, meanders and eddies in {D}rake {P}assage during the {ANT-XXIII/3} cruise in {J}anuary-{F}ebruary 2006: A satellite perspective}, 
    12721270  journal = {{D}eep {S}ea {R}esearch {P}art {II}: {T}opical {S}tudies in {O}ceanography}, 
    12731271  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    12821280  loceanaffectation = {cnrs,mnhn}, 
    12831281  loceanteam = {austral-boréal,ditm}, 
    1284   keywords = {Drake Passage}, 
    1285   keywords = {{ACC} (Antarctic Circumpolar Current)}, 
    1286   keywords = {Fronts}, 
    1287   keywords = {Eddies}, 
    1288   keywords = {Trends}, 
    1289   keywords = {Altimetry} 
     1282  keywords = {{D}rake {P}assage}, 
     1283  keywords = {{ACC} (Antarctic {C}ircumpolar {C}urrent)}, 
     1284  keywords = {{F}ronts}, 
     1285  keywords = {{E}ddies}, 
     1286  keywords = {{T}rends}, 
     1287  keywords = {{A}ltimetry} 
    12931291  loceanbibid={01571}, 
    12941292  timestamp={20120510}, 
    1295   title = {Seasonal dynamics of air-sea {CO$_{2}$} fluxes in the inner and outer Loire estuary (NW Europe)}, 
     1293  title = {{S}easonal dynamics of air-sea {CO$_{2}$} fluxes in the inner and outer {L}oire estuary (NW {E}urope)}, 
    12961294  journal = {{E}stuarine, {C}oastal and {S}helf {S}cience}, 
    12971295  volume = {100}, 
    13021300  doi = {10.1016/j.ecss.2011.05.015}, 
    13031301  url = {}, 
    1304   author = {Y. Bozec and T. Cariou and E. Macé and P. Morin and {D}oris {T}huillier and M. Vernet}, 
     1302  author = {{Y}. {B}ozec and {T}. {C}ariou and {E}. {M}acé and {P}. {M}orin and {D}oris {T}huillier and {M}. {V}ernet}, 
    13051303  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    13061304  loceanteam = {snapo}, 
    13081306  keywords = {plumes}, 
    13091307  keywords = {air-sea {CO$_{2}$} exchange}, 
    1310   keywords = {seasonal Carbon cycle}, 
     1308  keywords = {seasonal {C}arbon cycle}, 
    13111309  keywords = {coastal ecosystems}, 
    13121310  keywords = {(46.5-48°N, 1.5-5°W)} 
    13161314  loceanbibid={01570}, 
    13171315  timestamp={20120510}, 
    1318   author = {{V}alentina {F}lores-{A}queveque and {S}téphane {C}. {A}lfaro and {S}andrine {C}aquineau and Gilles Foret and and {G}abriel {V}argas and {J}ose {A}. {R}utllant}, 
     1316  author = {{V}alentina {F}lores-{A}queveque and {S}téphane {C}. {A}lfaro and {S}andrine {C}aquineau and {G}illes {F}oret and and {G}abriel {V}argas and {J}ose {A}. {R}utllant}, 
    13191317  loceanaffectation = {ird}, 
    13201318  loceanteam = {paleoproxus}, 
    1321   title = {Inter-annual variability of southerly winds in a coastal area of the Atacama Desert: implications for the export of aeolian sediments to the adjacent marine environment}, 
     1319  title = {{I}nter-annual variability of southerly winds in a coastal area of the {A}tacama {D}esert: implications for the export of aeolian sediments to the adjacent marine environment}, 
    13221320  journal = {{S}edimentology}, 
    13231321  volume = {59}, 
    13241322  number = {3}, 
    1325   publisher = {Blackwell Publishing Ltd}, 
     1323  publisher = {{B}lackwell {P}ublishing {L}td}, 
    13261324  issn = {1365-3091}, 
    13271325  doi = {10.1111/j.1365-3091.2011.01288.x}, 
    13281326  pages = {990-1000}, 
    1329   keywords = {Atacama Desert, dust transport and deposition, wind erosion, wind variability}, 
     1327  keywords = {{A}tacama {D}esert, dust transport and deposition, wind erosion, wind variability}, 
    13301328  year = {2012}, 
    13361334  hal_id = {hal-00547738}, 
    13371335  url = {}, 
    1338   title = {{Estimation de l'extension spatiale et de la variabilit{\'e} temporelle des zones inond{\'e}es dans les Llanos de Moxos (Amazonie bolivienne)}}, 
    1339   author = {Paul Passy and Jean-Michel Martinez and {J}osyane {R}onchail}, 
     1336  title = {{Estimation de l'extension spatiale et de la variabilité temporelle des zones inondées dans les {L}lanos de {M}oxos (Amazonie bolivienne)}}, 
     1337  author = {{P}aul {P}assy and {J}ean-{M}ichel {M}artinez and {J}osyane {R}onchail}, 
    13401338  loceanaffectation = {ird}, 
    13411339  loceanteam = {varclim}, 
    1342   abstract = {Variational data assimilation consists in estimating control parameters of a numerical model in order to minimize the misfit between the forecast values and the actual observations. The {YAO} framework is a code generator that facilitates, especially for the adjoint model, the writing and the generation of a variational data assimilation program for a given numerical application. In this paper we present how the modular graph specific to {YAO} enables the automatic and efficient parallelization of the generated code with {OpenMP} on shared memory architectures. Thanks to this modular graph we are also able to completely avoid the data race conditions (write/write conflicts). Performance tests with actual applications demonstrates good speedups on a multicore {CPU}.}, 
    1343   abstract = {{Les Llanos de Moxos sont une vaste zone d'inondation situ{\'e}es dans le sud du bassin amazonien et dans le nord de la Bolivie. Les inondations y ont une extension variable au cours de l'ann{\'e}e, li{\'e}e au r{\'e}gime tropical de la pluie ; ils s'ass{\`e}chent en partie en hiver austral et peuvent atteindre des surfaces consid{\'e}rables, {\`a} la fin de la saison des pluies, mettant en p{\'e}ril, certaines ann{\'e}es, les populations urbaine et rurale, leurs cultures et leurs troupeaux (Ronchail et al.). Cette zone d'inondation pr{\'e}sente des dynamiques spatiale et temporelle complexes qui sont encore tr{\`e}s peu {\'e}tudi{\'e}es. En effet, son extension est pour partie li{\'e}e {\`a} la pluie et {\`a} la nappe phr{\'e}atique et pour partie au d{\'e}bordement des rivi{\`e}res (Hamilton et al). Dans un premier temps, les extensions des inondations ont {\'e}t{\'e} estim{\'e}es dans deux bassins principaux des Llanos de Mojos, ceux du Mamor{\'e} et du Guapor{\'e}, tous les 8 jours {\`a} partir de la classification automatis{\'e}e de 668 images MODIS pendant la p{\'e}riode 2000 -2008. Cette {\'e}tude confirme que, dans un contexte de savane non couvrante et malgr{\'e} un certain nombre de limites, les donn{\'e}es MODIS sont pertinentes pour la d{\'e}tection des inondations et l'{\'e}tude de leurs dynamiques temporelles (Fig. 1). Une s{\'e}rie d'images radar, issues du capteur ALOS/PALSAR en bande L confirment nos r{\'e}sultats obtenus {\`a} partir des images MODIS.}}, 
    1344   language = {Fran{\c c}ais}, 
    1345   affiliation = {Structure et fonctionnement des syst{\`e}mes hydriques continentaux - SISYPHE , IRD Br{\'e}sil , Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN}, 
    1346   booktitle = {{LES SATELLITES GRAND CHAMP pour le suivi de l'environnement, des ressources naturelles et des risques, Clermont-Ferrand : France (2010)}}, 
    1347   address = {Clermont-Ferrand, France}, 
     1340  abstract = {{V}ariational data assimilation consists in estimating control parameters of a numerical model in order to minimize the misfit between the forecast values and the actual observations. {T}he {YAO} framework is a code generator that facilitates, especially for the adjoint model, the writing and the generation of a variational data assimilation program for a given numerical application. {I}n this paper we present how the modular graph specific to {YAO} enables the automatic and efficient parallelization of the generated code with {OpenMP} on shared memory architectures. {T}hanks to this modular graph we are also able to completely avoid the data race conditions (write/write conflicts). {P}erformance tests with actual applications demonstrates good speedups on a multicore {CPU}.}, 
     1341  abstract = {{Les {L}lanos de {M}oxos sont une vaste zone d'inondation situées dans le sud du bassin amazonien et dans le nord de la {B}olivie. {L}es inondations y ont une extension variable au cours de l'année, liée au régime tropical de la pluie ; ils s'assèchent en partie en hiver austral et peuvent atteindre des surfaces considérables, à la fin de la saison des pluies, mettant en péril, certaines années, les populations urbaine et rurale, leurs cultures et leurs troupeaux (Ronchail et al.). {C}ette zone d'inondation présente des dynamiques spatiale et temporelle complexes qui sont encore très peu étudiées. {E}n effet, son extension est pour partie liée à la pluie et à la nappe phréatique et pour partie au débordement des rivières (Hamilton et al). {D}ans un premier temps, les extensions des inondations ont été estimées dans deux bassins principaux des {L}lanos de {M}ojos, ceux du {M}amoré et du {G}uaporé, tous les 8 jours à partir de la classification automatisée de 668 images MODIS pendant la période 2000 -2008. {C}ette étude confirme que, dans un contexte de savane non couvrante et malgré un certain nombre de limites, les données MODIS sont pertinentes pour la détection des inondations et l'étude de leurs dynamiques temporelles (Fig. 1). {U}ne série d'images radar, issues du capteur ALOS/PALSAR en bande L confirment nos résultats obtenus à partir des images MODIS.}}, 
     1342  language = {{F}rançais}, 
     1343  affiliation = {{S}tructure et fonctionnement des systèmes hydriques continentaux - SISYPHE , IRD {B}résil , {L}aboratoire d'{O}céanographie et du {C}limat : {E}xpérimentations et {A}pproches {N}umériques - LOCEAN}, 
     1344  booktitle = {{LES SATELLITES GRAND CHAMP pour le suivi de l'environnement, des ressources naturelles et des risques, {C}lermont-{F}errand : {F}rance (2010)}}, 
     1345  address = {{C}lermont-{F}errand, {F}rance}, 
    13481346  year = {2010}, 
    13491347  month = jan, 
    13601358  loceanaffectation = {uvsq}, 
    13611359  loceanteam = {mmsa}, 
    1362   abstract = {Variational data assimilation consists in estimating control parameters of a numerical model in order to minimize the misfit between the forecast values and the actual observations. The {YAO} framework is a code generator that facilitates, especially for the adjoint model, the writing and the generation of a variational data assimilation program for a given numerical application. In this paper we present how the modular graph specific to {YAO} enables the automatic and efficient parallelization of the generated code with {OpenMP} on shared memory architectures. Thanks to this modular graph we are also able to completely avoid the data race conditions (write/write conflicts). Performance tests with actual applications demonstrates good speedups on a multicore {CPU}.}, 
    1363   keywords = {data assimilation; automatic parallelization; shared memory architectures; OpenMP; dependence graph; numerical model; adjoint model}, 
    1364   language = {Anglais}, 
    1365   affiliation = {Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN , Centre d'Etude et De Recherche en Informatique du Cnam - CEDRIC , Laboratoire d'Informatique de Paris 6 - LIP6}, 
     1360  abstract = {{V}ariational data assimilation consists in estimating control parameters of a numerical model in order to minimize the misfit between the forecast values and the actual observations. {T}he {YAO} framework is a code generator that facilitates, especially for the adjoint model, the writing and the generation of a variational data assimilation program for a given numerical application. {I}n this paper we present how the modular graph specific to {YAO} enables the automatic and efficient parallelization of the generated code with {OpenMP} on shared memory architectures. {T}hanks to this modular graph we are also able to completely avoid the data race conditions (write/write conflicts). {P}erformance tests with actual applications demonstrates good speedups on a multicore {CPU}.}, 
     1361  keywords = {data assimilation; automatic parallelization; shared memory architectures; {OpenMP}; dependence graph; numerical model; adjoint model}, 
     1362  language = {{A}nglais}, 
     1363  affiliation = {{L}aboratoire d'{O}céanographie et du {C}limat : {E}xpérimentations et {A}pproches {N}umériques - LOCEAN , {C}entre d'{E}tude et {D}e {R}echerche en {I}nformatique du {C}nam - CEDRIC , {L}aboratoire d'{I}nformatique de {P}aris 6 - LIP6}, 
    13661364  note = {9 pages EMERGENCE-UPMC-2010}, 
    13671365  collaboration = {EMERGENCE-UPMC-2010}, 
    13751373  loceanbibid={01567}, 
    13761374  timestamp={20120419}, 
    1377   author = {{J}eronimo {A}lencar and Hélcio R. {G}il-Santana and Renata de Freitas Nunes de {O}liveira and {N}icolas {D}égallier and Anthony Érico {G}uimarães}, 
     1375  author = {{J}eronimo {A}lencar and {H}élcio {R}. {G}il-{S}antana and {R}enata de {F}reitas {N}unes de {O}liveira and {N}icolas {D}égallier and {A}nthony Érico {G}uimarães}, 
    13781376  title = {{N}atural breeding sites for {H}aemagogus mosquitoes (Diptera, {C}ulicidae) in {B}razil}, 
    13791377  journal = {{E}ntomological {N}ews}, 
    13911389  loceanbibid={01565}, 
    13921390  timestamp={20120419}, 
    1393   author = {{S}.-{D}. {A}yata and {M}arina {L}évy and {O}livier {A}umont and {A}. {S}ciandra and {J}. {S}ainte-Marie and {A}. {T}agliabue and {O}. {B}ernard}, 
     1391  author = {{S}.-{D}. {A}yata and {M}arina {L}évy and {O}livier {A}umont and {A}. {S}ciandra and {J}. {S}ainte-{M}arie and {A}. {T}agliabue and {O}. {B}ernard}, 
    13941392  title = {{P}hytoplankton growth formulation in marine ecosystem models: should we take into account photo-adaptation and variable stochiometry in oligotrophic areas?}, 
    13951393  note = {submitted}, 
    14041402  loceanbibid={01564}, 
    14051403  timestamp={20120419}, 
    1406   author = {{A}lexis {B}erg and {N}. de {N}oblet-Ducoudré and {B}enjamin {S}ultan and {M}atthieu {L}engaigne and {M}. {G}uimberteau}, 
     1404  author = {{A}lexis {B}erg and {N}. de {N}oblet-{D}ucoudré and {B}enjamin {S}ultan and {M}atthieu {L}engaigne and {M}. {G}uimberteau}, 
    14071405  title = {{P}rojections of climate change impacts on potential crop productivity over tropical regions}, 
    14081406  year= {2012, accepted}, 
    14291427  timestamp={20120419}, 
    14301428  author = {{H}ugo {B}ellenger and {J}ean-{Ph}ilippe {D}uvel}, 
    1431   title = {{T}he {E}vent-to-event variability of the boreal winter MJO}, 
     1429  title = {{T}he {E}vent-to-event variability of the boreal winter {MJO}}, 
    14321430  note = {in revision}, 
    14331431  format = {in revision}, 
    15031501  loceanbibid={01555}, 
    15041502  timestamp={20120419}, 
    1505   author = {{C}.-{A}. {B}ost and {K}. {D}elord and {C}. {B}arbraud and {C}édric {C}otté and {C}. {P}eron and {H}. {W}eimerskirch}, 
     1503  author = {{C}harles-{A}ndré {B}ost and {K}. {D}elord and {C}. {B}arbraud and {C}édric {C}otté and {C}. {P}eron and {H}. {W}eimerskirch}, 
    15061504  title = {{T}he {K}ing {P}enguin: {L}ife {H}istory, current status and priority conservation action}, 
    15071505  note = {{E}ds. dee {B}oersma {P}. \& {B}orboroglu {P}.{G}.}, 
    15371535  loceanbibid={01551}, 
    15381536  timestamp={20120419}, 
    1539   author = {{C}édric {C}otté and {K}. {D}elord and {P}. {P}éron and {C}.-{A}. {B}ost and {G}. {D}uhamel and {P}. {P}ruvost and {N}. {G}asco and {A}. {M}artin and {H}. {W}eimerskirch}, 
     1537  author = {{C}édric {C}otté and {K}. {D}elord and {P}. {P}éron and {C}harles-{A}ndré {B}ost and {G}. {D}uhamel and {P}. {P}ruvost and {N}. {G}asco and {A}. {M}artin and {H}. {W}eimerskirch}, 
    15401538  title = {{I}nteractions between seabirds and fisheries in the {F}rench {EEZs}: {I}mplications for conservation and management}, 
    15411539  format = {in press}, 
    16151613  loceanbibid={01544}, 
    16161614  timestamp={20120419}, 
    1617   author = {{A}nne-{C}écile {D}ragon and {S}. {M}archand and {M}. {A}uthier and {C}édric {C}otté and {S}. {B}lain and {C}hristophe {G}uinet}, 
     1615  author = {{A}nne-{C}écile {D}ragon and {S}téphane {M}archand and {M}. {A}uthier and {C}édric {C}otté and {S}. {B}lain and {C}hristophe {G}uinet}, 
    16181616  title = {{I}nsights into the spatio-temporal distribution of productivity in the {I}ndian {S}outhern {O}cean provided by satellital observations}, 
    16191617  format = {in press}, 
    17461744  loceanbibid={01532}, 
    17471745  timestamp={20120419}, 
    1748   author = {{S}. {G}allon and {F}. {B}ailleul and {J}ean-{B}enoît {C}harrassin and {C}hristophe {G}uinet and {C}.-{A}. {B}ost and {Y}. {H}andrich and {M}. {H}indell}, 
     1746  author = {{S}. {G}allon and {F}. {B}ailleul and {J}ean-{B}enoît {C}harrassin and {C}hristophe {G}uinet and {C}harles-{A}ndré {B}ost and {Y}. {H}andrich and {M}. {H}indell}, 
    17491747  title = {{F}ine scale interactions between {S}outhern elephant seals and their prey assessed by acceleration data loggers}, 
    17501748  format = {submitted}, 
    21062104  timestamp={20120419}, 
    21072105  author = {{E}lsa {M}ohino and {S}erge {J}anicot and {H}. {D}ouville and {L}aurent {L}i}, 
    2108   title = {{I}mpact of summer MJO on {W}est {A}frica using nudged climate simulations}, 
     2106  title = {{I}mpact of summer {MJO} on {W}est {A}frica using nudged climate simulations}, 
    21092107  doi = {10.1007/s00382-011-1206-y}, 
    21102108  format = {on line}, 
    23352333  loceanbibid={01482}, 
    23362334  timestamp={20120419}, 
    2337   author = {{P}. {Y}iou and {J}. {S}ervonnat and {M}. {Y}oshimori and {D}idier {S}wingedouw and {M}yriam {K}hodri and {M}. {A}be-Ouchi}, 
     2335  author = {{P}. {Y}iou and {J}. {S}ervonnat and {M}. {Y}oshimori and {D}idier {S}wingedouw and {M}yriam {K}hodri and {M}. {A}be-{O}uchi}, 
    23382336  title = {{S}tability of weather regimes during the last millennium from climate simulations}, 
    23392337  note = {in revision}, 
    24062404  loceanbibid={01477}, 
    24072405  timestamp={20120419}, 
    2408   author = {{M}. {B}audrand and {G}iovanni {A}loisi and {C}. {L}écuyer and {F}. {M}artineau and {F}. {F}ourel and {G}. {E}scarguel and {M}.-{M}. {B}lanc-Valleron and {J}.-{M}. {R}ouchy and {V}. {G}rossi}, 
     2406  author = {{M}. {B}audrand and {G}iovanni {A}loisi and {C}. {L}écuyer and {F}. {M}artineau and {F}. {F}ourel and {G}. {E}scarguel and {M}.-{M}. {B}lanc-{V}alleron and {J}.-{M}. {R}ouchy and {V}. {G}rossi}, 
    24092407  title = {{S}emi-automatic determination of the carbon and oxygen stable isotope compositions of calcite and dolomite in natural mixtures}, 
    24102408  journal = {{A}pplied {G}eochemistry}, 
    24972495  loceanbibid={01471}, 
    24982496  timestamp={20120419}, 
    2499   author = {{E}lodie {D}escloux and {M}organ {M}angeas and {C}hristophe {E}. {M}enkès and {M}atthieu {L}engaigne and {M}agali {T}euralai and {A}nne-CLaire {L}eroy and {T}ermai {T}ehei and {L}aurent {G}uillaumot and {A}nn-Claire {G}ourinat and {J}ustus {B}enzler and {A}nne {P}fannstiel and {J}ean-Paul {G}rangeon and {N}icolas {D}égallier and {X}avier de {L}amballerie}, 
     2497  author = {{E}lodie {D}escloux and {M}organ {M}angeas and {C}hristophe {E}. {M}enkès and {M}atthieu {L}engaigne and {M}agali {T}euralai and {A}nne-CLaire {L}eroy and {T}ermai {T}ehei and {L}aurent {G}uillaumot and {A}nn-{C}laire {G}ourinat and {J}ustus {B}enzler and {A}nne {P}fannstiel and {J}ean-{P}aul {G}rangeon and {N}icolas {D}égallier and {X}avier de {L}amballerie}, 
    25002498  title = {{C}limate-based models for understanding and forecasting dengue epidemics}, 
    25012499  journal = {{PLoS} {N}eglected {T}ropical {D}iseases}, 
    25142512  loceanbibid={01470}, 
    25152513  timestamp={20120419}, 
    2516   author = {{G}uillaume {G}astineau and {F}. D'Andrea and {C}laude {F}rankignoul}, 
     2514  author = {{G}uillaume {G}astineau and {F}. D'{A}ndrea and {C}laude {F}rankignoul}, 
    25172515  title = {{A}tmospheric response to the {N}orth {A}tlantic ocean variability on seasonal to decadal time scales in IPSL-CM5}, 
    25182516  year = {2012}, 
    25992597  year = {2012}, 
    26002598  format = {soumis}, 
    2601   journal = {{L}es cahiers d'Outer-Mer}, 
     2599  journal = {{L}es cahiers d'{O}uter-{M}er}, 
    26022600  loceanaffectation = {ird}, 
    26032601  loceanteam = {varclim}, 
    26082606  loceanbibid={01463}, 
    26092607  timestamp={20120419}, 
    2610   author = {{M}. {K}ageyama and {P}ascale {B}raconnot and {L}aurent {B}opp and {A}. {C}aubel and {M}arie-Alice {F}oujols and {É}ric {G}uilyardi and {M}yriam {K}hodri and {J}. {L}loyd and {F}. {L}ombard and {V}. {M}ariotti and {O}. {M}arti and {T}. {R}oy and {M}.-{N}. {W}oillez}, 
    2611   title = {{M}id-Holocene and {L}ast {G}lacial {M}aximum climate simulations with the {IPSL} model: new features with the {IPSL} {CM-5A} version}, 
     2608  author = {{M}. {K}ageyama and {P}ascale {B}raconnot and {L}aurent {B}opp and {A}. {C}aubel and {M}arie-{A}lice {F}oujols and {É}ric {G}uilyardi and {M}yriam {K}hodri and {J}. {L}loyd and {F}. {L}ombard and {V}. {M}ariotti and {O}. {M}arti and {T}. {R}oy and {M}.-{N}. {W}oillez}, 
     2609  title = {{M}id-{H}olocene and {L}ast {G}lacial {M}aximum climate simulations with the {IPSL} model: new features with the {IPSL} {CM-5A} version}, 
    26122610  note = {in revision}, 
    26132611  year = {2012}, 
    26392637  timestamp={20120419}, 
    26402638  author = {{Y}ves {K}. {K}ouadio and {J}acques {S}ervain and {L}uiz {A}. {T}. {M}achado and {C}. {A}. {D}. {L}entini}, 
    2641   title = {{R}elationships between large-scale {O}cean-Atmosphere conditions and heavy rainfall episodes in the eastern {N}ortheast {B}razil}, 
     2639  title = {{R}elationships between large-scale {O}cean-{A}tmosphere conditions and heavy rainfall episodes in the eastern {N}ortheast {B}razil}, 
    26422640  note = {submitted}, 
    26432641  year = {2012}, 
    28112809  loceanbibid={01450}, 
    28122810  timestamp={20120419}, 
    2813   author = {{P}. {O}rtega and {M}. {M}ontoya and {F}. {G}onzález-Rouco and {J}uliette {M}ignot and {S}. {L}egutke}, 
     2811  author = {{P}. {O}rtega and {M}. {M}ontoya and {F}. {G}onzález-{R}ouco and {J}uliette {M}ignot and {S}. {L}egutke}, 
    28142812  title = {{V}ariability of the {A}tlantic meridional overturning circulation in the last millennium and two {IPCC} scenarios}, 
    28152813  year = {2012}, 
    28892887  editor = {{K}azuyoshi {O}ouchi and {H}ironori {F}udeyasu, eds.}, 
    28902888  author = {{W}. {S}asaki and {J}ing-{J}ia {L}uo and {S}ébastien {M}asson}, 
    2891   booktitle = {{A} {H}igh-Resolution {A}tmosphere-Ocean {C}oupled {G}eneral {C}irculation {M}odel 
     2889  booktitle = {{A} {H}igh-{R}esolution {A}tmosphere-{O}cean {C}oupled {G}eneral {C}irculation {M}odel 
    28922890. {C}yclones: {F}ormation, {T}riggers and {C}ontrol}, 
    28932891  chaper = {9}, 
    30643062        Environnement et {S}ociétés - LIENSs}, 
    30653063  audience = {internationale}, 
    3066   language = {Anglais}, 
     3064  language = {{A}nglais}, 
    30673065  loceanteam = {phybiocar,surf}, 
    30683066  url = {} 
    37813779  loceanbibid={01400}, 
    37823780  timestamp={20120419}, 
    3783   author = {{K}. {C}opard and {C}. {C}olin and {N}. {F}rank and {C}. {J}eandel and {J}.{C}. {M}ontero-Serrano and {G}illes {R}everdin and {B}. {F}erron}, 
     3781  author = {{K}. {C}opard and {C}. {C}olin and {N}. {F}rank and {C}. {J}eandel and {J}.{C}. {M}ontero-{S}errano and {G}illes {R}everdin and {B}. {F}erron}, 
    37843782  title = {{N}d isotopic composition of water masses and dilution of the {M}editerranean outflow along south-west {E}uropean margin}, 
    37853783  journal = {{G}eochemistry {G}eophysics {G}eosystems}, 
    37973795  loceanbibid={01399}, 
    37983796  timestamp={20120419}, 
    3799   author = {{A}ntoine {C}remière and {C}atherine {P}ierre and {G}iovanni {A}loisi and {M}.-{M}. {B}lanc-Valleron and {P}. {H}enry and {T}. {Z}itter and {N}. {C}agatay}, 
     3797  author = {{A}ntoine {C}remière and {C}atherine {P}ierre and {G}iovanni {A}loisi and {M}.-{M}. {B}lanc-{V}alleron and {P}. {H}enry and {T}. {Z}itter and {N}. {C}agatay}, 
    38003798  title = {{A}uthigenic carbonates related to thermogenic gas hydrates in the {S}ea of {M}armara (Turkey)}, 
    38013799  booktitle = {{I}nternational {C}onference on {G}as {H}ydrates (ICGH 2011)}, 
    47234721  loceanbibid={01352}, 
    47244722  timestamp={20120419}, 
    4725   author = {{S}. {G}allon and {J}ean-{B}enoît {C}harrassin and {C}hristophe {G}uinet and {F}. {B}ailleul and {C}.-{A}. {B}ost and {M}. {H}indell}, 
     4723  author = {{S}. {G}allon and {J}ean-{B}enoît {C}harrassin and {C}hristophe {G}uinet and {F}. {B}ailleul and {C}harles-{A}ndré {B}ost and {M}. {H}indell}, 
    47264724  title = {{F}ine scale interactions between {S}outhern elephant seals and their prey assessed by acceleration data loggers}, 
    47274725  booktitle = {{F}ourth {I}nternational {S}cience {S}ymposium on {B}io-logging}, 
    47384736  timestamp={20120419}, 
    47394737  author = {{G}uillaume {G}astineau and {L}aurent {L}i and {H}ervé {Le {T}reut}}, 
    4740   title = {{S}ome {A}tmospheric {P}rocesses {G}overning the {L}arge-Scale {T}ropical {C}irculation in {I}dealized {A}quaplanet {S}imulations}, 
     4738  title = {{S}ome {A}tmospheric {P}rocesses {G}overning the {L}arge-{S}cale {T}ropical {C}irculation in {I}dealized {A}quaplanet {S}imulations}, 
    47414739  journal = {{J}ournal of the {A}tmospheric {S}ciences}, 
    47424740  year = {2011}, 
    48844882  aeresteam = {varclim}, 
    48854883  aerestype = {C-INV}, 
    4886   date = {Mai 2011}, 
     4884  date = {mai 2011}, 
    48874885  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    48884886  loceanteam = {varclim} 
    48994897  aeresteam = {varclim}, 
    49004898  aerestype = {C-INV}, 
    4901   date = {Sept 2011}, 
     4899  date = {sept 2011}, 
    49024900  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    49034901  loceanteam = {varclim} 
    50495047  loceanbibid={01337}, 
    50505048  timestamp={20120419}, 
    5051   author = {{M}. {H}indell and {C}.-{A}. {B}ost and {J}ean-{B}enoît {C}harrassin and {N}. {G}ales and {S}. {G}oldsworthy and {M}.-{A}. {L}ea and {M}. O'{T}oole and {C}hristophe {G}uinet}, 
     5049  author = {{M}. {H}indell and {C}harles-{A}ndré {B}ost and {J}ean-{B}enoît {C}harrassin and {N}. {G}ales and {S}. {G}oldsworthy and {M}.-{A}. {L}ea and {M}. O'{T}oole and {C}hristophe {G}uinet}, 
    50525050  title = {{F}oraging habitats of top predators, and areas of ecological significance on the {K}erguelen plateau}, 
    50535051  booktitle = {{F}ourth {I}nternational {S}cience {S}ymposium on {B}io-logging}, 
    50645062  pages = {203-215}, 
    50655063  title = {{F}oraging habitats of top predators, and areas of ecological significance on the {K}erguelen plateau}, 
    5066   publisher = {{S}ociété d'Ichtyologie}, 
     5064  publisher = {{S}ociété d'{I}chtyologie}, 
    50675065  year = {2011}, 
    50685066  editor = {{D}uhamel {G}. \& {W}elsford {D}. {E}ds}, 
    5069   author = {{M}. {H}indell and {M}.-{A}. {L}ea and {C}.-{A}. {B}ost and {J}ean-{B}enoît {C}harrassin and {N}. {G}ales and {S}. {G}oldsworthy and {B}. {P}age and {G}. {R}obertson and {B}. {W}ienecke and {M}. O'{T}oole and {C}hristophe {G}uinet}, 
     5067  author = {{M}. {H}indell and {M}.-{A}. {L}ea and {C}harles-{A}ndré {B}ost and {J}ean-{B}enoît {C}harrassin and {N}. {G}ales and {S}. {G}oldsworthy and {B}. {P}age and {G}. {R}obertson and {B}. {W}ienecke and {M}. O'{T}oole and {C}hristophe {G}uinet}, 
    50705068  booktitle = {{T}he {K}erguelen {P}lateau: {M}arine {E}cosystem and {F}isheries}, 
    50715069  loceanaffectation = {mnhn}, 
    54925490  year = {2011}, 
    54935491  editor = {eds. {C}atherine {J}eandel et {R}émy {M}osseri}, 
    5494   author = {{M}yriam {K}hodri and {D}. {Salas y {M}élia} and {J}ean-Louis {D}ufresne}, 
     5492  author = {{M}yriam {K}hodri and {D}. {Salas y {M}élia} and {J}ean-{L}ouis {D}ufresne}, 
    54955493  note = {{O}uvrage collectif}, 
    54965494  aeresteam = {varclim}, 
    55965594  doi = {10.1016/j.polar.2011.04.008}, 
    55975595  issn = {1873-9652}, 
    5598   keywords = {Antarctica}, 
     5596  keywords = {{A}ntarctica}, 
    55995597  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    56005598  loceanteam = {surf}, 
    63416339  aeresteam = {varclim}, 
    63426340  aerestype = {C-INV}, 
    6343   date = {June 2011}, 
     6341  date = {{J}une 2011}, 
    63446342  loceanaffectation = {ird}, 
    63456343  loceanteam = {varclim} 
    64976495  pages = {B09401}, 
    64986496  note = {4p.}, 
    6499   affiliation = {{M}orphodynamique continentale et côtière - MCC , {L}aboratoire d'Océanographie 
     6497  affiliation = {{M}orphodynamique continentale et côtière - MCC , {L}aboratoire d'{O}céanographie 
    65006498        et du {C}limat : {E}xpérimentations et {A}pproches {N}umériques - LOCEAN 
    65016499        , {B}urke {M}useum of {N}atural {H}istory and {C}ulture , {A}pplied {G}eoscience 
    65056503  doi = {10.1029/2011JB008321}, 
    65066504  keywords = {{E}l {N}iño, coseismic, marine terrace, northwestern {P}eru, tectonic, uplift}, 
    6507   language = {Anglais}, 
     6505  language = {{A}nglais}, 
    65086506  loceanaffectation = {ird}, 
    65096507  loceanteam = {paleoproxus}, 
    66066604  year = {2011}, 
    66076605  type = {{T}hèse de doctorat}, 
    6608   directeur_de_these = {{C}. {P}rovost +Y.-{H}. {P}ark}, 
     6606  directeur_de_these = {{C}hristine {P}rovost + {Y}.-{H}. {P}ark}, 
    66096607  financement = {MRT}, 
    66106608  locean_dea = {M2 (Ing ENSTA)}, 
    66686666  timestamp={20120419}, 
    66696667  author = {{G}illes {R}everdin and {S}imon {M}orisset and {J}acqueline {B}outin and {N}icolas {M}artin}, 
    6670   title = {Rain-induced variability of near-surface T and S from drifter data}, 
     6668  title = {{R}ain-induced variability of near-surface T and S from drifter data}, 
    66716669  journal = {{J}ournal of {G}eophysical {R}esearch}, 
    66726670  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    66826680  loceanbibid={01259}, 
    66836681  timestamp={20120419}, 
    6684   author = {{C}éline {R}idame and {M}. {{L}e {M}oal} and {C}écile {G}uieu and {E}. {T}ernon and {I}. {C}. {B}iegala and {S}téphane {{L}'{H}elguen} and {M}. {P}ujo-Pay}, 
     6682  author = {{C}éline {R}idame and {M}. {{L}e {M}oal} and {C}écile {G}uieu and {E}. {T}ernon and {I}. {C}. {B}iegala and {S}téphane {{L}'{H}elguen} and {M}. {P}ujo-{P}ay}, 
    66856683  title = {{N}utrient control of {N$_{2}$} fixation in the oligotrophic {M}editerranean {S}ea and the impact of {S}aharan dust events}, 
    66866684  journal = {{B}iogeosciences}, 
    89058903  aeresteam = {varclim}, 
    89068904  aerestype = {C-INV}, 
    8907   date = {May 2010}, 
     8905  date = {{M}ay 2010}, 
    89088906  loceanaffectation = {upmc}, 
    89098907  loceanteam = {varclim} 
    91629160  aeresteam = {varclim}, 
    91639161  aerestype = {C-INV}, 
    9164   date = {January 2010}, 
     9162  date = {{J}anuary 2010}, 
    91659163  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    91669164  loceanteam = {varclim} 
    92229220  loceanbibid={01133}, 
    92239221  timestamp={20120419}, 
    9224   author = {{M}. {H}indell and {C}.-{A}. {B}ost and {J}ean-{B}enoît {C}harrassin and {N}. {G}ales and {S}. {G}oldsworthy and {M}.-{A}. {L}ea and {M}. O'{T}oole and {C}hristophe {G}uinet}, 
     9222  author = {{M}. {H}indell and {C}harles-{A}ndré {B}ost and {J}ean-{B}enoît {C}harrassin and {N}. {G}ales and {S}. {G}oldsworthy and {M}.-{A}. {L}ea and {M}. O'{T}oole and {C}hristophe {G}uinet}, 
    92259223  title = {{F}oraging habitats of top predators, and areas of ecological significance on the {K}erguelen plateau}, 
    92269224  booktitle = {{SCAR} {XXXI} \& {O}pen {S}cience {C}onference}, 
    92349232  loceanbibid={01132}, 
    92359233  timestamp={20120419}, 
    9236   author = {{M}. {H}indell and {N}. {G}ales and {M}.-{A}. {L}ea and {S}. {G}oldsworthy and {C}.-{A}. {B}ost and {C}hristophe {G}uinet and {J}ean-{B}enoît {C}harrassin}, 
     9234  author = {{M}. {H}indell and {N}. {G}ales and {M}.-{A}. {L}ea and {S}. {G}oldsworthy and {C}harles-{A}ndré {B}ost and {C}hristophe {G}uinet and {J}ean-{B}enoît {C}harrassin}, 
    92379235  title = {{F}oraging habitats of top predators, and areas of ecological significance on the {K}erguelen {P}lateau}, 
    92389236  booktitle = {{F}irst international {S}cience {S}ymposium on the {K}erguelen {P}lateau}, 
    92659263  timestamp={20120419}, 
    92669264  pages = {33-53}, 
    9267   title = {{L}'Arctique au coeur de la variabilité du climat global}, 
    9268   publisher = {{P}resses de l'Université du {Q}uébec, {Q}uébec, {C}anada}, 
     9265  title = {{L}'{A}rctique au coeur de la variabilité du climat global}, 
     9266  publisher = {{P}resses de l'{U}niversité du {Q}uébec, {Q}uébec, {C}anada}, 
    92699267  year = {2010}, 
    92709268  editor = {{F}. {L}asserre, ed.}, 
    93549352  timestamp={20120419}, 
    93559353  author = {{T}akeshi {I}zumo and {S}ébastien {M}asson and {J}érôme {V}ialard and {G}urvan {M}adec and {C}lément de {B}oyer {M}ontégut and {S}wadhin {K}. {B}ehera and {J}ing-{J}ia {L}uo and {K}. {T}akahashi and {T}oshio {Y}amagata}, 
    9356   title = {Low and high frequency Madden-Julian oscillations in austral summer: interannual variations}, 
     9354  title = {{L}ow and high frequency {M}adden-{J}ulian oscillations in austral summer: interannual variations}, 
    93579355  journal = {{C}limate {D}ynamics}, 
    93589356  year = {2010}, 
    95429540  loceanaffectation = {ird}, 
    95439541  loceanteam = {varclim}, 
    9544   url = {{J}ournee-sur-les-relations-Soleil-Terre} 
     9542  url = {{J}ournee-sur-les-relations-{S}oleil-{T}erre} 
    1057210570  year = {2010}, 
    1057310571  type = {{T}hèse de doctorat}, 
    10574   directeur_de_these = {{Y}.-{H}. {P}ark}, 
     10572  directeur_de_these = {{Y}oung-{H}yang {P}ark}, 
    1057510573  financement = {MRT}, 
    1057610574  locean_dea = {M2 OASC}, 
    1088010878  timestamp={20120419}, 
    1088110879  author = {{J}érome {S}irven and {S}abine {F}évrier and {Ch}ristophe {H}erbaut}, 
    10882   title = {{A {T}wo-Gyre {O}cean {M}odel {B}ased on {S}imilarity {S}olutions}}, 
     10880  title = {{A {T}wo-{G}yre {O}cean {M}odel {B}ased on {S}imilarity {S}olutions}}, 
    1088310881  journal = {{J}ournal of {P}hysical {O}ceanography}, 
    1088410882  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    1090510903  aeresteam = {varclim}, 
    1090610904  aerestype = {PV}, 
    10907   date = {Jan-Fev-Mar 2010}, 
     10905  date = {jan-fev-mar 2010}, 
    1090810906  loceanaffectation = {ird}, 
    1090910907  loceanteam = {varclim} 
    1091510913  author = {{B}enjamin {S}ultan}, 
    1091610914  title = {{Q}u'est-ce que la mousson ?}, 
    10917   journal = {Wapiti}, 
     10915  journal = {{W}apiti}, 
    1091810916  year = {2010}, 
    1091910917  volume = {285}, 
    1099010988  loceanbibid={01044}, 
    1099110989  timestamp={20120419}, 
    10992   author = {{M}. {T}roin and {M}. {V}rac and {M}yriam {K}hodri and {C}. {V}allet-Coulomb and {E}. {P}iovano and {F}. {S}ylvestre}, 
     10990  author = {{M}. {T}roin and {M}. {V}rac and {M}yriam {K}hodri and {C}. {V}allet-{C}oulomb and {E}. {P}iovano and {F}. {S}ylvestre}, 
    1099310991  title = {{C}oupling statistically downscaled GCM outputs with a basin-lake hydrological model in subtropical {S}outh {A}merica: evaluation of the influence of large-scale precipitation changes on regional hydroclimate variability}, 
    1099410992  journal = {{H}ydrology and {E}arth {S}ystem {S}ciences {D}iscussions}, 
    1204212040  title = {{M}odes de variabilité et changement climatique - synthèse du 4e rapport d'évaluation du GIEC}, 
    1204312041  year = {2009}, 
    12044   editor = {{P}. {B}raconnot, {J}ean-Louis {D}ufresne, {D}. {S}alas et {L}. {T}erray {E}ds.}, 
     12042  editor = {{P}. {B}raconnot, {J}ean-{L}ouis {D}ufresne, {D}. {S}alas et {L}. {T}erray {E}ds.}, 
    1204512043  author = {{C}hristophe {C}assou and {É}ric {G}uilyardi}, 
    1204612044  aeresteam = {varclim}, 
    1257312571  aeresteam = {varclim}, 
    1257412572  aerestype = {C-INV}, 
    12575   date = {January 2009}, 
     12573  date = {{J}anuary 2009}, 
    1257612574  loceanaffectation = {upmc}, 
    1257712575  loceanteam = {varclim} 
    1272012718  timestamp={20120419}, 
    1272112719  author = {{É}ric {G}uilyardi}, 
    12722   title = {{U}nderstanding {E}l {N}iño in {O}cean-Atmosphere {G}eneral {C}irculation {M}odels: progress and challenges}, 
     12720  title = {{U}nderstanding {E}l {N}iño in {O}cean-{A}tmosphere {G}eneral {C}irculation {M}odels: progress and challenges}, 
    1272312721  booktitle = {WMO/WCRP {I}nternational {E}l {N}iño \& {C}limate {C}hange {W}orkshop, {G}reenhouse 
    1272412722        2009}, 
    1272712725  aeresteam = {varclim}, 
    1272812726  aerestype = {C-INV}, 
    12729   date = {March 2009}, 
     12727  date = {{M}arch 2009}, 
    1273012728  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    1273112729  loceanteam = {varclim} 
    1328913287  year = {2009}, 
    1329013288  address = {{D}akar, {S}énégal}, 
    13291   note = {Invited talk}, 
     13289  note = {{I}nvited talk}, 
    1329213290  aeresteam = {varclim}, 
    1329313291  aerestype = {C-INV}, 
    1336913367  year = {2009}, 
    1337013368  type = {{T}hèse de doctorat}, 
    13371   directeur_de_these = {{Y}.-{H}. {P}ark}, 
     13369  directeur_de_these = {{Y}oung-{H}yang {P}ark}, 
    1337213370  financement = {UNESCO}, 
    1337313371  locean_dea = {U. {S}éoul, {C}orée}, 
    1420714205  audience = {internationale}, 
    1420814206  book-group-author = {{IEEE}}, 
    14209   comment = {20120209 : ++ je ne sais pas comment jabref gère {B}ook-Group-Author}, 
     14207  comment = {20120209 : ++ je ne sais pas comment jabref gère Book-Group-Author}, 
    1421014208  isbn = {{978-1-4244-3549-4}}, 
    1421114209  issn = {{1098-7576}}, 
    1457314571  timestamp={20120419}, 
    1457414572  author = {{A}lain {S}aliot}, 
    14575   title = {Sources markers in aerosols, oceanic particles and sediments}, 
     14573  title = {{S}ources markers in aerosols, oceanic particles and sediments}, 
    1457614574  journal = {{E}ur. {P}hys. {J}. {C}onferences}, 
    1457714575  year = {2009}, 
    1458814586  timestamp={20120419}, 
    1458914587  author = {{S}. {S}awadogo and {J}ulien {B}rajard and {A}wa {N}iang and {C}yril {L}athuilière and {M}ichel {C}répon and {S}yvlie {T}hiria}, 
    14590   title = {Analysis of the {S}enegalo-{M}auritanian {U}pwelling by processing satellite remote sensing observations with topological maps}, 
     14588  title = {{A}nalysis of the {S}enegalo-{M}auritanian {U}pwelling by processing satellite remote sensing observations with topological maps}, 
    1459214590        1- 6}}, 
    1492514923  timestamp={20120419}, 
    1492614924  author = {{B}enjamin {S}ultan}, 
    14927   title = {La mousson africaine mobilise}, 
     14925  title = {{L}a mousson africaine mobilise}, 
    1492814926  journal = {{S}ciences au {S}ud}, 
    1492914927  year = {2009}, 
    1493214930  aeresteam = {varclim}, 
    1493314931  aerestype = {PV}, 
    14934   date = {Nov-Dec 2009}, 
     14932  date = {nov-dec 2009}, 
    1493514933  loceanaffectation = {ird}, 
    1493614934  loceanteam = {varclim} 
    1509915097  timestamp={20120419}, 
    1510015098  author = {{P}ascal {T}erray}, 
    15101   title = {Observed relationships between the southern {I}ndian and {A}tlantic {O}ceans and the {M}onsoon-{ENSO} system}, 
     15099  title = {{O}bserved relationships between the southern {I}ndian and {A}tlantic {O}ceans and the {M}onsoon-{ENSO} system}, 
    1510215100  booktitle = {AOGS 2009, {M}onsoon and {M}idlatitude {T}eleconnections {S}ession (AS13)}, 
    1510315101  year = {2009}, 
    15104   address = {Singapour}, 
    15105   note = {Invited talk, AS13-A019}, 
     15102  address = {{S}ingapour}, 
     15103  note = {{I}nvited talk, AS13-A019}, 
    1510615104  aeresteam = {varclim}, 
    1510715105  aerestype = {C-INV}, 
    1519815196  loceanbibid={00830}, 
    1519915197  timestamp={20120419}, 
    15200   author = {Lindsay {L}. {V}are and {G}uillaume {M}assé and {T}homas {R}. {G}regory and {C}hristopher {W}. {S}mart and {S}imon {T}. {B}elt}, 
    15201   title = {Sea ice variations in the central {C}anadian {A}rctic {A}rchipelago during the {H}olocene}, 
     15198  author = {{L}indsay {L}. {V}are and {G}uillaume {M}assé and {T}homas {R}. {G}regory and {C}hristopher {W}. {S}mart and {S}imon {T}. {B}elt}, 
     15199  title = {{S}ea ice variations in the central {C}anadian {A}rctic {A}rchipelago during the {H}olocene}, 
    1520215200  journal = {{Q}uaternary {S}cience {R}eviews}, 
    1520315201  year = {2009}, 
    1538415382  timestamp={20120419}, 
    1538515383  author = {{F}rédéric {V}ivier and {D}. {I}udicone and {F}. {B}usdraghi and {Y}oung-{H}yang {P}ark}, 
    15386   title = {Dynamics of sea-surface temperature anomalies in the {S}outhern {O}cean diagnosed from a {2D} mixed-layer model}, 
     15384  title = {{D}ynamics of sea-surface temperature anomalies in the {S}outhern {O}cean diagnosed from a {2D} mixed-layer model}, 
    1538715385  journal = {{C}limate {D}ynamics}, 
    1538815386  year = {2009}, 
    1543115429  loceanbibid={00819}, 
    1543215430  timestamp={20120419}, 
    15433   author = {Wilbert {W}eijer and {S}arah {T}. {G}ille and {F}rédéric {V}ivier}, 
    15434   title = {Modal decay in the {A}ustralia-Antarctic {B}asin}, 
     15431  author = {{W}ilbert {W}eijer and {S}arah {T}. {G}ille and {F}rédéric {V}ivier}, 
     15432  title = {{M}odal decay in the {A}ustralia-{A}ntarctic {B}asin}, 
    1543515433  journal = {{J}ournal of {P}hysical {O}ceanography}, 
    1543615434  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    1546515463  pages = {385-408}, 
    1546615464  title = {{B}asin-wide modification of dynamical and biogeochemical processes by the {I}ndian {O}cean {D}ipole}, 
    15467   publisher = {American {G}eophysical {U}nion, {W}ashington, {D}. {C}.}, 
     15465  publisher = {{A}merican {G}eophysical {U}nion, {W}ashington, {D}. {C}.}, 
    1546815466  year = {2009}, 
    1546915467  editor = {J. {D}. {W}iggert and {R}.{R}. {H}ood and {S}.{W}.{A}. {N}aqvi and {S}.{L}. {S}mith and {K}.{H}. 
    1572015718  loceanbibid={00801}, 
    1572115719  timestamp={20120419}, 
    15722   author = {Simon {T}. {B}elt and {G}uillaume {M}assé and {L}indsay {L}. {V}are and {S}teven {J}. {R}owland and {M}ichel {P}oulin and {M}arie-Alexandrine {S}icre and {M}akoto {S}ampei and {L}ouis {F}ortier}, 
    15723   title = {Distinctive $^{13}{C}$ isotopic signature distinguishes a novel sea ice biomarker in {A}rctic sediments and sediment traps}, 
     15720  author = {{S}imon {T}. {B}elt and {G}uillaume {M}assé and {L}indsay {L}. {V}are and {S}teven {J}. {R}owland and {M}ichel {P}oulin and {M}arie-{A}lexandrine {S}icre and {M}akoto {S}ampei and {L}ouis {F}ortier}, 
     15721  title = {{D}istinctive $^{13}{C}$ isotopic signature distinguishes a novel sea ice biomarker in {A}rctic sediments and sediment traps}, 
    1572415722  journal = {{M}arine {C}hemistry}, 
    1572515723  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    1625416252        {G}eophys. {R}es. {L}ett, 35, L20604, doi:10.1029/2008GL035179.}}, 
    1625516253  article-number = {L20604}, 
    16256   comment = {20120209 : ++ je ne sais pas si jabref exploite {A}rticle-Number}, 
     16254  comment = {20120209 : ++ je ne sais pas si jabref exploite Article-Number}, 
    1625716255  doi = {10.1029/2008GL035179}, 
    1625816256  issn = {{0094-8276}}, 
    1662516623  loceanbibid={00758}, 
    1662616624  timestamp={20120419}, 
    16627   author = {Margaret {D}avey and {G}len {A}. {T}arran and {M}atthew {M}. {M}ills and {C}éline {R}idame and {R}ichard {J}. {G}eider and {J}ulie {L}aRoche}, 
    16628   title = {Nutrient limitation of picophytoplankton photosynthesis and growth in the tropical {N}orth {A}tlantic}, 
     16625  author = {{M}argaret {D}avey and {G}len {A}. {T}arran and {M}atthew {M}. {M}ills and {C}éline {R}idame and {R}ichard {J}. {G}eider and {J}ulie {L}aRoche}, 
     16626  title = {{N}utrient limitation of picophytoplankton photosynthesis and growth in the tropical {N}orth {A}tlantic}, 
    1662916627  journal = {{L}imnology and {O}ceanography}, 
    1663016628  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    1684516843  loceanbibid={00747}, 
    1684616844  timestamp={20120419}, 
    16847   author = {D. {F}erreira and {N}. {T}ousset and {C}éline {R}idame and {M}.-{H}. {T}usseau-Vuillemin}, 
    16848   title = {More than inorganic copper is bioavailable to aquatic mosses at environmentally relevant concentrations}, 
    16849   journal = {Environmental {T}oxicology and {C}hemistry}, 
     16845  author = {D. {F}erreira and {N}. {T}ousset and {C}éline {R}idame and {M}.-{H}. {T}usseau-{V}uillemin}, 
     16846  title = {{M}ore than inorganic copper is bioavailable to aquatic mosses at environmentally relevant concentrations}, 
     16847  journal = {{E}nvironmental {T}oxicology and {C}hemistry}, 
    1685016848  year = {2008}, 
    1685116849  volume = {27}, 
    1685316851  month = {10/2008}, 
    1685416852  doi = {10.1897/07-249.1}, 
    16855   keywords = {Aquatic mosses, {D}iffusion gradient/thin films, {B}ioaccumulation kinetics, 
     16853  keywords = {{A}quatic mosses, {D}iffusion gradient/thin films, {B}ioaccumulation kinetics, 
    1685616854        Lability, {C}opper}, 
    1685716855  loceanaffectation = {upmc}, 
    1713417132  timestamp={20120419}, 
    1713517133  author = {{É}ric {G}uilyardi}, 
    17136   title = {Océans et climat: quel avenir ?}, 
    17137   booktitle = {Les {P}etites {P}ommes du savoir}, 
    17138   publisher = {Ed. {L}e {P}ommier}, 
     17134  title = {{O}céans et climat: quel avenir ?}, 
     17135  booktitle = {{L}es {P}etites {P}ommes du savoir}, 
     17136  publisher = {{E}d. {L}e {P}ommier}, 
    1713917137  year = {2008}, 
    1714017138  volume = {102}, 
    1721317211  timestamp={20120419}, 
    1721417212  author = {{M}arie-{N}oëlle {H}oussais}, 
    17215   title = {Les glaces de mer}, 
     17213  title = {{L}es glaces de mer}, 
    1721617214  journal = {{M}aths {N}ature {E}xpress}, 
    1721717215  year = {2008}, 
    1780717805  loceanbibid={00700}, 
    1780817806  timestamp={20120419}, 
    17809   author = {{G}uillaume {M}assé and {S}teven {J}. {R}owland and {M}arie-Alexandrine {S}icreand {J}eremy {J}acob and {E}ystein {J}ansen and {S}imon {T}. {B}elt}, 
    17810   title = {Abrupt climate changes for {I}celand during the last millennium: {E}vidence from high resolution sea ice reconstructions}, 
     17807  author = {{G}uillaume {M}assé and {S}teven {J}. {R}owland and {M}arie-{A}lexandrine {S}icre and {J}eremy {J}acob and {E}ystein {J}ansen and {S}imon {T}. {B}elt}, 
     17808  title = {{A}brupt climate changes for {I}celand during the last millennium: {E}vidence from high resolution sea ice reconstructions}, 
    1781117809  journal = {{E}arth and {P}lanetary {S}cience {L}etters}, 
    1781217810  year = {2008}, 
    1855818556  loceanbibid={00664}, 
    1855918557  timestamp={20120419}, 
    18560   author = {Tomoki {T}ozuka and {J}ing-{J}ia {L}uo and {S}ébastien {M}asson and {T}oshio {Y}amagata}, 
    18561   title = {Tropical {I}ndian {O}cean variability revealed by self-organizing maps}, 
     18558  author = {{T}omoki {T}ozuka and {J}ing-{J}ia {L}uo and {S}ébastien {M}asson and {T}oshio {Y}amagata}, 
     18559  title = {{T}ropical {I}ndian {O}cean variability revealed by self-organizing maps}, 
    1856218560  journal = {{C}limate {D}ynamics}, 
    1856318561  year = {2008}, 
    1966019658  timestamp={20120419}, 
    1966119659  author = {{O}laf {D}uteil}, 
    19662   title = {Intéraction entre production primaire et dynamique dans le système d'{U}pwellig de l'{A}tlantique {T}ropical {N}ord {E}st}, 
     19660  title = {{I}ntéraction entre production primaire et dynamique dans le système d'{U}pwellig de l'{A}tlantique {T}ropical {N}ord {E}st}, 
    1966319661  school = {{U}niversité de {P}aris {VI}}, 
    1966419662  year = {2007}, 
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