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10/16/12 15:28:57 (12 years ago)

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1 edited


  • branches/bibliolocean/data/biblioref.bib

    r258 r259  
    44@PREAMBLE{"Bibliographie du LOCEAN"} 
    6 @article{BrajardSanterEtAl:RSE:2012inrevision, 
     7hal_id = {hal-00741769}, 
     8url = {}, 
     9title = {{H}ow large is large: estimating ecologically meaningful isotopic differences in observational studies of wild animals}, 
     10author = {Matthieu Authier and {A}nne-{C}écile {D}ragon and {Y}ves {C}herel and {C}hristophe {G}uinet}, 
     11loceanbibid = {01757}, 
     12  timestamp = {20121016}, 
     13  loceanteam = {phybiocar}, 
     14abstract = {{RATIONALE}: In ecological studies of wildlife movements and foraging, bio-logging and isotopic data are routinely collected and increasingly analyzed in tandem. Such analyses have two shortcomings: (1) small sample size linked with the number of telemetric tags that can be deployed, and (2) the observational nature of isotopic gradients. Wildlife ecologists are thus put in a statistical conundrum known as the small n, large p problem. METHODS: Using shrinkage regression, which directly addresses the issue of accurately estimating effects from sparse data, we studied what counts as a biologically meaningful isotopic difference (a prerequisite to delineate isoscapes) in the southern elephant seal (Mirounga leonina), a large and elusive marine predator. RESULTS: Seals foraging in Antarctic waters had a lower carbon isotopic value (by 2\%) than seals foraging either in the interfrontal zone or on the Kerguelen Plateau. The latter two foraging strategies were indistinguishable on the sole basis of d13C values with our data. CONCLUSIONS: Shrinkage regression is a conservative statistical technique that has wide applicability in isotopic ecology to help separate robust biological signals from noise}, 
     15language = {Anglais}, 
     16affiliation = {Centre d'{\'e}tudes biologiques de Chiz{\'e} - CEBC , Centre d'{\'e}cologie fonctionnelle et {\'e}volutive - CEFE , LOCEAN-UPMC}, 
     17pages = {2657-2664}, 
     18journal = {Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry}, 
     19volume = {26}, 
     20audience = {internationale}, 
     21doi = {10.1002/rcm.6389}, 
     22year = {2012}, 
    726author = {{J}ulien {B}rajard and R. Santer and {M}ichel {C}répon and {S}ylvie {T}hiria}, 
    827title={Atmospheric correction of MERIS data for case 2 waters using a neuro-variational inversion}, 
    19 @article{YahiCreponEtAl:AE:2012submitted, 
    2039author = {{H}ouda {Y}ahi and {M}ichel {C}répon and {A}lain {W}eill and A. Ung and {S}ylvie {T}hiria}, 
    2140title={Retrieval of PM10 concentration from an AOT passive remote-sensing station between 2003 and 2007 over northern France}, 
    32 @article{DioufNiangEtAl:RSE:2012submitted, 
    3352author={{D}oauda {D}iouf and Awa Niang and {J}ulien {B}rajard and {M}ichel {C}répon and {S}ylvie {T}hiria}, 
    3453title={Retrieving aerosol characteristics from satellite ocean color multi-spectral sensors using a neural-variational method}, 
    1587 @UNPUBLISHED{DemonteCotteEtAl:RSI:submitted, 
    15881607  author = {{S}ilvia {{D}e {M}onte} and {C}édric {C}otté and {F}rancesco {d'{O}vidio} and {M}arina {L}évy and {M}. {{L}e {C}orre} and {H}. {W}eimerskirch}, 
    15891608  title = {{F}regatebirds behavior at the (sub-)mesoscale ocean-atmosphere interface}, 
    1754 @UNPUBLISHED{EchevinAlbertEtAl:JGR:inrevision, 
    17551774  author = {{V}incent {E}chevin and {A}. {A}lbert and {M}arina {L}évy and {M}. {G}raco and {O}livier {A}umont and {G}. {G}arric}, 
    17561775  title = {{R}emotely-forced intraseasonal variability of the productivity of the {N}orthern {H}umboldt {S}ystem using a coupled physical-ecosystem model}, 
    1924 @UNPUBLISHED{GastineauDandreaEtAl:CD:2012inpress, 
    19251944  author = {{G}uillaume {G}astineau and {F}. D'{A}ndrea and {C}laude {F}rankignoul}, 
    19261945  title = {{A}tmospheric response to the {N}orth {A}tlantic ocean variability on seasonal to decadal time scales in IPSL-CM5}, 
    1927   note = {in press}, 
     1946  note = {on line}, 
    19281947  year = {2012}, 
    19291948  aeresteam = {varclim}, 
    19301949  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    1931   format = {in press}, 
     1950  format = {on line}, 
    19321951  journal = {{C}limate {D}ynamics}, 
     1952  doi={10.1007/s00382-012-1333-0}, 
    19331953  loceanaffectation = {upmc}, 
    19341954  loceanbibid = {01470}, 
    2015 @UNPUBLISHED{HeerahAndrewsgoffEtAl:DSR:2011inpress, 
    20162036  author = {{K}. {H}eerah and {V}. {A}ndrews-{G}off and {G}. {W}illiams and {E}mmanuelle {S}ultan and {M}. {H}indell and {J}ean-{B}enoît {C}harrassin}, 
    20172037  title = {{E}cology of {W}eddell seals during winter: influence of environmental parameters on their foraging behaviour}, 
    2018   note = {in press}, 
     2038  note = {on line}, 
    20192039  year = {2012}, 
    20202040  aeresteam = {phybiocar}, 
    20212041  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    2022   format = {in press}, 
     2042  format = {on line}, 
    20232043  journal = {{D}eep-{S}ea {R}esearch {P}art {II}}, 
     2044  doi={10.1016/j.dsr2.2012.08.025}, 
    20242045  loceanaffectation = {mnhn}, 
    20252046  loceanbibid = {01466}, 
    2031 @UNPUBLISHED{HerbautHoussaisEtAl:JGR:2012inpress, 
    2032   author = {{C}hristophe {H}erbaut and {M}arie-{N}oëlle {H}oussais and {M}. {K}archer and {F}. {K}auker and {C}. {L}ique and {A}. {N}guyen and {P}. {P}emberton and {D}. {W}orthen and {J}. {Z}hang}, 
     2053  author = {A. Jahn and Y. Aksenov and B. A. de Cuevas and L. {de Steur} and S. Häkkinen and E. Hansen and {C}hristophe {H}erbaut and {M}arie-{N}oëlle {H}oussais and {M}. {K}archer and {F}. {K}auker and {C}. {L}ique and {A}. {N}guyen and {P}. {P}emberton and {D}. {W}orthen and {J}. {Z}hang}, 
    20332054  title = {{A}rctic {O}cean freshwater budget - {H}ow robust are model simulations?}, 
    2034   note = {in press}, 
    20352055  year = {2012}, 
    20362056  aeresteam = {varclim}, 
    20372057  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    2038   format = {in press}, 
     2058  volume={117}, 
     2059  pages={C00D16}, 
     2060  doi={10.1029/2012JC007907}, 
    20392061  journal = {{J}ournal of {G}eophysical {R}esearch}, 
    20402062  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    2228 @UNPUBLISHED{LavaysseVracEtAl:NHESS:2012accepted, 
    22292251  author = {{C}. {L}avaysse and {M}. {V}rac and {P}. {D}robinski and {M}atthieu {L}engaigne and {T}. {V}ischel}, 
    22302252  title = {{S}tatistical downscaling of {F}rench {M}editerranean climate : assessment for present and projection in an anthropogenic scenario}, 
    2231   note = {accepted}, 
    22322253  year = {2012}, 
    2233   format = {accepted}, 
    22342254  journal = {{N}at. {H}azards {E}arth {S}yst. {S}ci}, 
     2255  volume={12}, 
     2256  numbner={3}, 
     2257  pages={651-670}, 
     2258  doi={10.5194/nhess-12-651-2012}, 
    22352259  loceanaffectation = {ird}, 
    22362260  loceanbibid = {01520}, 
    24272451  author = {{J}. {A}. {M}arengo and L. M. Alves and {J}osyane {R}onchail and {J}. {B}aez}, 
    2428   title = {{C}hapter 7-2 {R}egional {C}limate, d. {S}outh {A}merica, 2) {T}ropical {S}outh {A}merica {E}ast of the {A}ndes in "State of the {C}limate in 2011}, 
     2452  title = {{C}hapter 7-2 {R}egional {C}limate, d. {S}outh {A}merica, 2) {T}ropical {S}outh {A}merica {E}ast of the {A}ndes in "State of the {C}limate in 2011"}, 
    24292453  note = {submitted}, 
    24302454  year = {2012}, 
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