Changeset 268 for branches

11/08/12 10:41:08 (12 years ago)

new ref and update with hal inputs

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  • branches/bibliolocean/data/biblioref.bib

    r267 r268  
    44@PREAMBLE{"Bibliographie du LOCEAN"} 
     7hal_id = {hal-00322508}, 
     8loceanbibid = {01787}, 
     9loceanaffectation = {ird}, 
     10timestamp = {20121108}, 
     11title = {{Suivi de la saison des pluies 1999-2000 au Mato Grosso (Br{\'e}sil) par imagerie infrarouge GOES}}, 
     12author = {Vincent Dubreuil and Anne Jallet and Virginie Jumeau and {J}osyane Ronchail}, 
     13language = {Fran{\c c}ais}, 
     14affiliation = {Littoral, Environnement, T{\'e}l{\'e}d{\'e}tection, G{\'e}omatique - LETG - Costel , Institut de recherche pour le d{\'e}veloppement - IRD , Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC , Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN}, 
     15booktitle = {{Actes du 16e Colloque de l'Association Internationale de Climatologie}}, 
     16pages = {93-96}, 
     17address = {Varsovie, Pologne}, 
     18audience = {internationale}, 
     19year = {2003}, 
     23hal_id = {hal-00325278}, 
     24loceanbibid = {01786}, 
     25loceanaffectation = {ird}, 
     26loceanteam = {varclim}, 
     27timestamp = {20121108}, 
     28title = {{Potentialit{\'e}s des donn{\'e}es TRMM pour la spatialisation des pr{\'e}cipitations des pr{\'e}cipitations au Mato Grosso, Br{\'e}sil}}, 
     29author = {Vincent Dubreuil and {J}osyane {R}onchail and Damien Arvor}, 
     30abstract = {{The data provided by the algorithm 3B43 combining syntheses of microwaves images TRMM and ground data are, at the present time, one of the best product available to this space resolution for the rainfall cartography. For this study, these data were initially compared with the measurements made for 9 stations distributed on all Mato Grosso: the correlations between data TRMM and these stations vary from 0,84 (Pontes E Lacerda) to 0,94 (Xavantina) and show that TRMM data reproduce correctly the seasonal modes. TRMM Synthesis also allow to produce annual average maps of frequency of the dry months and a classification of the seasonal modes obtained after an analysis in principal components on the whole of the series.}}, 
     31keywords = {Pr{\'e}cipitations ; t{\'e}l{\'e}d{\'e}tection ; Amazonie ; ressource en eau}, 
     32language = {Fran{\c c}ais}, 
     33affiliation = {Littoral, Environnement, T{\'e}l{\'e}d{\'e}tection, G{\'e}omatique - LETG - Costel , Institut de recherche pour le d{\'e}veloppement - IRD , Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC , Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN}, 
     34booktitle = {{Actes du XXe Colloque de l'Association Internationale de Climatologie}}, 
     35publisher = {AIC, Universit{\'e} de Tunis}, 
     36pages = {210-215}, 
     37address = {Carthage, Tunisie}, 
     38editor = {H.Ben Boubaker}, 
     39audience = {internationale}, 
     40year = {2007}, 
     44hal_id = {hal-00359040}, 
     45loceanbibid = {01785}, 
     46loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
     47loceanteam = {phybiocar}, 
     48timestamp = {20121108}, 
     49title = {{Implementation of an assimilative physical-biogeochemical coupled system}}, 
     50author = {P. Brasseur and D. Beal and J.M. Brankart and Y. Ourmières and A. El Moussaoui and {M}arina {L}évy and C. Moulin and P. Monfray}, 
     51language = {Anglais}, 
     52affiliation = {Laboratoire des {\'e}coulements g{\'e}ophysiques et industriels - LEGI , Laboratoire de sondages {\'e}lectromagn{\'e}tiques de l'environnement terrestre - LSEET , Laboratoire d'{\'e}tudes en G{\'e}ophysique et oc{\'e}anographie spatiales - LEGOS , Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN , Laboratoire des sciences du climat et de l'environnement - LSCE}, 
     53booktitle = {{4th MERSEA annual meeting}}, 
     54address = {Paris, France}, 
     55year = {2008}, 
     59hal_id = {hal-00405773}, 
     60loceanbibid = {01784}, 
     61loceanaffectation = {mnhn}, 
     62loceanteam = {austral-boréal}, 
     63timestamp = {20121108}, 
     64title = {{Pros and cons of using seabirds as ecological indicators}}, 
     65author = {{J}oël {M}. {D}urant and D.O. and Hjermann and M. Frederiksen and {J}ean-{B}enoît {C}harrassin and {Y}von {{L}e {M}aho}and P. S. Sabarros and R.J.M. Crawford and N. Chr. Stenseth}, 
     66abstract = {{Climate change and overfishing are increasingly causing unanticipated changes in marine ecosystems (e.g. shifts in species dominance). In order to understand and anticipate these changes, there is a crucial need for indicators that summarise large quantities of information into a few relevant and accessible signals. Seabirds have been suggested as good candidates for ecological indicators of the marine environment; however, few studies have critically evaluated their value as such. We review the role of seabirds as ecological indicators, and discuss their limitations and drawbacks, as compared to other types of indicators. In addition, we highlight the statistical consequences of inverse inference when using seabird data as indicators. We discuss the use of integrated indices and the use of seabirds as autonomous samplers of the marine environment. Finally, we highlight the necessary steps preceding the use of seabirds as indicators. We conclude that, in order to use seabird time series properly, the use of recent advances both in statistics and in remote sensing is a way to move forward. This, along with the assessment of their usefulness, should enable us to use seabird indicators appropriately for managing urgent conservation problems.}}, 
     67keywords = {Food chain;Oceanography;Statistics;Conservation;Ecosystem-based management;Telemetry}, 
     68language = {Anglais}, 
     69affiliation = {Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis - CEES , National Environmental Research Institute , Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN , D{\'e}partement Ecologie, Physiologie et Ethologie - DEPE-IPHC , Animal Demography Unit}, 
     70pages = {115-129}, 
     71journal = {Climate Research}, 
     72volume = {39}, 
     73audience = {internationale}, 
     74doi = {10.3354/cr00798}, 
     75year = {2009}, 
    1500615078  timestamp = {20120419}, 
    1500715079  url = {}, 
     15080  hal_id = {hal-00406910}, 
    15896 @ARTICLE{JanicotMounierEtAl:JC:2009, 
    1589715970  author = {{S}erge {J}anicot and {B}enjamin {S}ultan and {F}lore {M}ounier and {N}icholas {M}. {J}. {H}all and {S}téphanie {L}eroux and {G}eorge {N}. {K}iladis}, 
    1589815971  title = {{D}ynamics of the {W}est {A}frican {M}onsoon. {P}art {IV}: {A}nalysis of 25-90-{D}ay {V}ariability of {C}onvection and the {R}ole of the {I}ndian {M}onsoon}, 
    1592415997  timestamp = {20120419}, 
    1592515998  hal_id={hal-00406925}, 
     15999  comment = {20121108 : ++ doublons hal-388720}, 
    1726017334  loceanteam = {varclim}, 
    1726117335  timestamp = {20120419}, 
    17262   url = {} 
     17336  url = {}, 
     17337  hal_id = {hal-00350964}, 
    1890718982  author = {{D}. {A}rvor and {V}. {D}ubreuil and {J}osyane {R}onchail and {M}. {M}eirelles}, 
    18908   title = {{A}pport des données TRMM 3B42 à l'étude des précipitations au {M}ato {G}rosso}, 
     18983  title = {{A}pport des données {TRMM} {3B42} à l'étude des précipitations au {M}ato {G}rosso}, 
    1890918984  journal = {{C}limatologie}, 
    1891018985  year = {2008}, 
    1891618991  loceanteam = {varclim}, 
    1891718992  timestamp = {20120419}, 
     18993  hal_id = {halshs-00352833}, 
    1956119637  aeresteam = {austral-boréal}, 
    1956219638  timestamp = {20120419}, 
     19639  hal_id = {hal-00400037}, 
    1965619733  loceanteam = {varclim}, 
    1965719734  timestamp = {20120419}, 
    19658   url = {}, 
     19735  hal_id = {ird-00394813}, 
     19736  comment = {20121108 : doublon hal-00325738}, 
    1965919737  doi={10.7202/017931ar} 
    2039220470        {P}ascal - {C}lermont-{F}errand {II}}, 
    2039320471  audience = {internationale}, 
    20394   comment = {url =}, 
     20472  hal_id = {ujm-00365377}, 
    2039520473  doi = {10.1364/JOSAA.25.001661}, 
    2039620474  language = {{A}nglais}, 
    2201322091  loceanteam = {varclim}, 
    2201422092  timestamp = {20120419}, 
    22015   url = {} 
     22093  url = {}, 
     22094  hal_id = {hal-00400418}, 
    2282622905  loceanteam = {austral-boréal,ditm}, 
    2282722906  aeresteam = {austral-boréal}, 
     22907  hal_id={00400037}, 
    2282822908  publisher = {AGU}, 
    2282922909  timestamp = {20120516}, 
    2432524405  loceanteam = {dycos, phybiocar}, 
    2432624406  timestamp = {20120419}, 
     24407  hal_id = {hal-00406743}, 
     24408  comment ={20121108 : ++mauvais titre dans hal, mauvaise affectation ML}, 
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