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  • branches/bibliolocean/data/biblioref.bib

    r275 r276  
    44@PREAMBLE{"Bibliographie du LOCEAN"} 
    5 @article{lafore:hal-00751448, 
     6loceanbibid = {01911}, 
     8hal_id = {hal-00023597}, 
     9title = {{La s{\'e}dimentation organo-min{\'e}rale marqueur des changements environnementaux et climatiques au Nord-Est du Br{\'e}sil (Lac Ca{\c c}o, Maranh{\\~a}o, Br{\'e}sil) durant les 21,000 ans Cal BP.}}, 
     10author = {Abdelfettah Sifeddine and Ana Luiza Spadano Albuquerque and Bruno Turcq and Jérémy Jacob and Mohammed Boussafir and Jean-Robert Disnar and Jorge Abrão}, 
     11abstract = {{Les r{\'e}sultats s{\'e}dimentologiques incluant la sismique r{\'e}flexion, la min{\'e}ralogie et la g{\'e}ochimie organique de deux carottes pr{\'e}lev{\'e}es respectivement au centre et sur la marge du lac Ca{\c c}o- (Maranh{\\~a}o,Br{\'e}sil) ont mit en {\'e}vidence des changement climatiques et environnementaux durant les 21 000 derni{\`e}res ann{\'e}es. En g{\'e}n{\'e}ral le Tardi glaciaire a {\'e}t{\'e} marqu{\'e} par trois phases d'augmentation du niveau du lac dat{\'e}es respectivement vers 17,400; 14,900 et 12,000 ans Cal B.P. accompagn{\'e}es chaque fois par des pics de Sid{\'e}rite. Le Dryas r{\'e}cent a {\'e}t{\'e} enregistr{\'e} au lac Ca{\c c}o par une diminution du niveau lacustre. Compar{\'e}s avec d'autres enregistrements pal{\'e}oclimatiques d'Am{\'e}rique du Sud, il appara{\^\i}t que le climat r{\'e}gional du lac Ca{\c c}o a {\'e}t{\'e} principalement contr{\^o}l{\'e} par des {\'e}v{\'e}nements globaux ainsi que par les interconnections entre les deux h{\'e}misph{\`e}res. L'Holoc{\`e}ne, a {\'e}t{\'e} marqu{\'e} entre 10,000 et 7,000 ans Cal B.P. par un arr{\^e}t de la s{\'e}dimentation dans la marge du lac (MA 97-3). La pr{\'e}sence de charbons de bois {\`a} partir 10,000 ans B.P., confirme l'existence de phases s{\`e}ches durant cette p{\'e}riode. A partir de 7,000 ans Cal B.P., le lac Ca{\c c}o enregistre une nouvelle phase de remise en eau.}}, 
     12language = {Anglais}, 
     13affiliation = {Departamento de Geoquimica, Universidade Federal Fluminense - DEPARTAMENTO DE GEOQUIMICA , Pal{\'e}o-environnements tropicaux et variabilit{\'e} climatique - PALEOTROPIQUE , Institut des Sciences de la Terre d'Orl{\'e}ans - ISTO}, 
     14booktitle = {{Association des S{\'e}dimentologistes Fran{\c c}ais}}, 
     15address = {Orl{\'e}ans, France}, 
     16year = {2001}, 
     20hal_id = {hal-00022464}, 
     21loceanbibid = {01910}, 
     23title = {{Enregistrement des variations pal{\'e}oenvironnementales durant le Quaternaire r{\'e}cent en domaine intertropical (Lac Ca{\c c}o, Br{\'e}sil) : Apports de la g{\'e}ochimie organique globale et mol{\'e}culaire.}}, 
     24author = {Jérémy Jacob and Jean-Robert Disnar and Mohammed Boussafir and Abdelfettah Sifeddine and Ana-Luiza Spadano Albuquerque and Bruno Turcq}, 
     25language = {Fran{\c c}ais}, 
     26affiliation = {Institut des Sciences de la Terre d'Orl{\'e}ans - ISTO , Departamento de Geoquimica, Universidade Federal Fluminense - DEPARTAMENTO DE GEOQUIMICA , Pal{\'e}o-environnements tropicaux et variabilit{\'e} climatique - PALEOTROPIQUE}, 
     27booktitle = {{Association des S{\'e}dimentologiqtes Fran{\c c}ais}}, 
     28address = {Orl{\'e}ans, France}, 
     29year = {2001}, 
     30pdf = {\_-\_Resume\_Lac\_Caco\_-\_ASF-Oral\_-\_Jacob\_et\_al\_2001.pdf}, 
     34hal_id = {hal-00022465}, 
     35loceanbibid = {01909}, 
     37title = {{Onocerane I witnesses to dry climatic phases at the end of Last Glacial Maximum and during the Younger Dryas in Northern Brazil.}}, 
     38author = {Jérémy Jacob and Jean-Robert Disnar and Mohammed Boussafir and Marie-Pierre Ledru and Abdelfettah Sifeddine and Ana Luiza Spadano Albuquerque and Bruno Turcq}, 
     39abstract = {{Onocerane-related compounds are very uncommon molecules that are seldom encountered in the plant kingdom and even more rarely in sediments. In living plants, onoceranoids have been isolated from taxa as diverse as ferns, club mosses and Fabaceae. In this latter, onocerin (onoceranediol) is supposed to render the roots water-impermeable and to allow the plants belonging to this genus to colonize water-depleted media. In sediments, onoceranes have been observed up to the Carboniferous but mainly in post-Cretaceous series always deposited in continental settings (lacustrine, intramontane basins, lagoonal or brackish contexts). We here report on the first occurrence of onocerane I in Late Pleistocene and Quaternary sediments, collected in a lake located almost under the Equator (Lagoa do Ca{\c c}o, NE Brazil). The comparison of onocerane I abundance with palynological results all through the last 20,000 years allow us to exclude ferns and club mosses as possible producers of onocerane in this setting. Onocerane I is only found in significant amounts in two distinct sedimentary intervals: the first, rapidly deposited at the end of Last Glacial Maximum (c.a. 21,000 cal yrs B.P.) and the second during the Younger Dryas (between 13,000 and 12,000 cal yrs B.P.) (figure 1). These two periods are both documented as having been dryer than those prevailing presently. Therefore, the presence of onocerane I in the sediments deposited during these two intervals testimonies to the development of plants adapted to water-deficient environments. No evidence of a possible precursor can be deciphered from palynological results, probably due to the poor conservation of the pollen of these plants.}}, 
     40language = {Anglais}, 
     41affiliation = {Institut des Sciences de la Terre d'Orl{\'e}ans - ISTO , Departamento Geologia Sedimentar e Ambiental - IRD/CNPQ , Departamento de Geoquimica, Universidade Federal Fluminense - DEPARTAMENTO DE GEOQUIMICA , Pal{\'e}o-environnements tropicaux et variabilit{\'e} climatique - PALEOTROPIQUE}, 
     42booktitle = {{21st International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry}}, 
     43address = {Kralow, Pologne}, 
     44year = {2003}, 
     45pdf = {\_Resume\_Onocerane\_-\_IMOG-Oral\_-\_Jacob\_et\_al\_2003.pdf}, 
     49hal_id = {hal-00085104}, 
     50loceanbibid = {01908}, 
     52url = {}, 
     53title = {{Distribution et {\'e}tat de pr{\'e}servation de la mati{\`e}re organique s{\'e}dimentaire des s{\'e}diments superficiels du Lac Ca{\c c}o (Maran{\\~a}o, Br{\'e}sil). Production/diagen{\`e}se organique pr{\'e}coce et remplissage s{\'e}dimentaire lacustre}}, 
     54author = {Mohammed Boussafir and Merouane Foudi and Jérémy Jacob and Jean-Robert Disnar and Abdelfettah Sifeddine and Ana Luiza Spadano Albuquerque}, 
     55abstract = {{Le Lac Ca{\c c}o est situ{\'e} au Nord-Est du Br{\'e}sil, dans l'Etat de Maranha{\\~o}, sous l'Equateur (2°58S 43°25 W), en bordure de la for{\^e}t amazonienne et {\`a} 80 km de la c{\^o}te Atlantique. Son altitude ne d{\'e}passe pas les 80m. Ce lac est largement influenc{\'e} par le climat intertropical humide (1500 {\`a} 1750mm/an), caract{\'e}ris{\'e} par une saison pluvieuse de 6 mois, de d{\'e}cembre jusqu'au mois de mai. La temp{\'e}rature annuelle moyenne est de 26°C. Sa situation {\`a} l'entr{\'e}e de le zone de convergence intertropicale lui conf{\`e}re une importance majeure dans les {\'e}tudes pal{\'e}oenvironnementales et pal{\'e}oclimatiques quaternaires du continent sud am{\'e}ricain. L'objectif principal de ce travail {\'e}tait d'{\'e}tudier la nature, l'{\'e}tat de pr{\'e}servation et les sources actuelles de la MO s{\'e}dimentaire d'un bassin lacustre {\'e}quatorial, par le moyen d'analyses globales en g{\'e}ochimie et p{\'e}trographie organiques.}}, 
     56language = {Anglais}, 
     57affiliation = {Institut des Sciences de la Terre d'Orl{\'e}ans - ISTO , Pal{\'e}o-environnements tropicaux et variabilit{\'e} climatique - PALEOTROPIQUE , Departamento de Geoquimica - DEPARTAMENTO DE GEOQUIMICA}, 
     58booktitle = {{Association des S{\'e}dimentologistes Fran{\c c}ais}}, 
     59address = {Bordeaux, France}, 
     60year = {2003}, 
     61pdf = {\_-\_Resume\_-ASF-poster\_-\_Boussafiretal2003.pdf}, 
     65hal_id = {hal-00089101}, 
     66loceanbibid = {01907}, 
     68title = {{Mg-Calcites and dolomite in the Brejo do Espinho lagoon, Rio de Janeiro.}}, 
     69author = {A.P.A. Anjos and Abdelfettah Sifeddine and S.R. Pachineelam and Christian Défarge and Bruno Turcq}, 
     70abstract = {{The aim of this research is to study the carbonate sedimentation in a hypersaline coastal (Brejo do Espinho) where dolomite precipitation can be expected. The study allowed to make a general characterization of the sediment and to identify different types of carbonate minerals by mineralogical studies and cryo-scanning electron-microscopy.}}, 
     71language = {Anglais}, 
     72affiliation = {Departamento de Geoquimica Universidade Federal Fluminense, Morro do Valonguinho - DEPARTAMENTO DE GEOQUIMICA , Pal{\'e}o-environnements tropicaux et variabilit{\'e} climatique - PALEOTROPIQUE , Institut des Sciences de la Terre d'Orl{\'e}ans - ISTO}, 
     73booktitle = {{3rd Latin American Congr. Sedimentology}}, 
     74address = {Bel{\'e}m, Br{\'e}sil}, 
     75year = {2003}, 
     76pdf = {}, 
     80hal_id = {hal-00023602}, 
     81loceanbibid = {01906}, 
     83title = {{Reconstruction of pAST climates from sedimentary biomarkers. Ancient molecules for past climate reconstructions: a large field of application for spectroscopic methods.}}, 
     84author = {Jérémy Jacob and Jean-Robert Disnar and Yongsong Huang and Mohammed Boussafir and  Abdelfettah Sifeddine and Ana Luiza Spadano Albuquerque and Bruno Turcq}, 
     85abstract = {{Although we have now a better picture of past climates, there are still numerous questions that remain unsolved. These uncertainties primarily arise from the possible human impact on climate dynamics, the need to assess feedbacks from the biosphere and to better understand and anticipate natural variability of climate (forcing mechanisms, time lags...). In order to record past climatic and environmental changes, numerous tools have been applied to multiple records. The direct interpretation of these data in terms of climatic parameters is sometimes questionable and strengthens the necessity for more accurate paleodata from sedimentary archives. Sedimentary organic matter is a renewing target for paleoclimate information because it derives from living organisms that are sensible to environmental changes and its complexity promises a virtually infinite source of information. In order to access this information at a molecular or isotopic level, the organic geochemist must now use a large panel of spectroscopic tools (GC-MS, HPLC-MS and GC-IRMS). I will here present some recent advances in the field of molecular and compound-specific isotopes applications to paleoclimate reconstructions. So as to estimate the impact of climatic changes on the ecosystems, paleoflora can be deciphered from the occurrence, in the sediments, of taxon-specific molecules. Similarly, the physico-chemical conditions that prevailed at time of deposition of the sediment are accessible by the study of diagenetic by-products, derived from the alteration of biomolecules. Other molecules are produced by organisms as a response to the variations of environmental/climatic parameters. Their identification and quantitation in sediments can be used as a proxy of these parameters. Finally, the recent development of compound-specific isotope techniques allows measuring the isotopic composition ($\Delta$D, $\Delta$13C, 15N...) of single molecules, therefore affording a better constrain on the significance of isotopic signatures.}}, 
     86language = {Anglais}, 
     87affiliation = {Institut des Sciences de la Terre d'Orl{\'e}ans - ISTO , Geology Department , Pal{\'e}o-environnements tropicaux et variabilit{\'e} climatique - PALEOTROPIQUE , Departamento de Geoquimica, Universidade Federal Fluminense - DEPARTAMENTO DE GEOQUIMICA}, 
     88booktitle = {{21{\`e}me Congr{\`e}s de la Soci{\'e}t{\'e} Fran{\c c}aise de Spectrom{\'e}trie de Masse}}, 
     89address = {Strasbourg, France}, 
     90year = {2004}, 
     94hal_id = {halshs-00660962}, 
     95loceanbibid = {01905}, 
     97title = {{Agricultura y medio natural en la cuenca del Titicaca : tres mil anos de relaciones}}, 
     98author = {Thérèse Bouysse-Cassagne and P. Morlon and Philippe Mourguiart and Denis Wirrmann}, 
     99keywords = {Exploitation agricole;histoire;utilisation du sol;Andes;Bolivie;P{\'e}rou;Lac Titicaca}, 
     100language = {Espagnol}, 
     101affiliation = {Centre de recherche et de documentation de l'Am{\'e}rique latine - CREDAL , Pal{\'e}o-environnements tropicaux et variabilit{\'e} climatique - PALEOTROPIQUE}, 
     102booktitle = {{Actas del septimo congreso internacional sobre cultivos andinos}}, 
     103publisher = {ORSTOM ; IBTA ; CRDI}, 
     104pages = {383-389}, 
     105address = {La Paz, Bolivie, L'{\'E}tat Plurinational De}, 
     106volume = {7}, 
     107editor = {Morales D., Vacher Jean (eds.)}, 
     108note = {Disponible en ligne sur :\_textes/divers09-11/38559.pdf}, 
     109audience = {internationale}, 
     110year = {1992}, 
     114hal_id = {insu-00196202}, 
     115loceanbibid = {01905}, 
     117title = {{Nouveaux marqueurs mol{\'e}culaires t{\'e}moins des successions v{\'e}g{\'e}tales en domaine tropical. Exemple du Lac Ca{\c c}{\'o} (Nord Est Br{\'e}sil) depuis le DMG.}}, 
     118author = {Jérémy Jacob and Jean-Robert Disnar and Mohammed Boussafir and Abdelfettah Sifeddine and Ana Luiza Spadano Albuquerque and Bruno Turcq}, 
     119abstract = {{La reconstitution des climats anciens n{\'e}cessite soit un acc{\`e}s direct aux param{\`e}tres qui les d{\'e}finissent (temp{\'e}rature, humidit{\'e}...) soit, de fa{\c c}on indirecte, aux environnements et {\'e}cosyst{\`e}mes qui se sont d{\'e}velopp{\'e}s sous ces climats. En domaine continental, ces {\'e}cosyst{\`e}mes sont principalement caract{\'e}ris{\'e}s par des associations v{\'e}g{\'e}tales que la palynologie et d'autres outils tels que les isotopes du carbone permettent en partie de reconstituer. Notre approche, compl{\'e}mentaire de la palynologie, est fond{\'e}e sur l'identification de biomarqueurs organiques, c'est-{\`a}-dire de mol{\'e}cules qui se sont pr{\'e}serv{\'e}es dans les s{\'e}diments et dont la structure permet d'{\'e}tablir une relation directe avec le groupe d'organismes les ayant produites, ce groupe {\'e}tant le plus restreint possible.}}, 
     120language = {Fran{\c c}ais}, 
     121affiliation = {Institut des Sciences de la Terre d'Orl{\'e}ans - ISTO , Pal{\'e}o-environnements tropicaux et variabilit{\'e} climatique - PALEOTROPIQUE , Departamento de Geoquimica - DEPARTAMENTO DE GEOQUIMICA}, 
     122booktitle = {{Association des S{\'e}dimentologistes Fran{\c c}ais}}, 
     123pages = {3 p.}, 
     124address = {Bordeaux, France}, 
     125editor = {ASF}, 
     126audience = {nationale}, 
     127year = {2003}, 
     128pdf = {\_et\_al\_-\_2003\_-\_ASF\_Bordeaux.pdf}, 
     129comment = {20121115 : doublon insu-00192589}, 
     133hal_id = {hal-00122515}, 
     134loceanbibid = {01904}, 
     136title = {{Sensibilite de la sedimentation organique aux variations climatiques du Tardi-Wuerm et de l'Holocene; le lac du Bouchet (Haute-Loire, France)}}, 
     137author = {Elisabeth Lallier-Vergès and Abdelfettah Sifeddine and Jacques Louis De Beaulieu and Maurice Reille and Nicolas Tribovillard and Philippe Bertrand and Thierry Mongenot and Nicolas Thouveny and Jean-Robert Disnar and Bernard Guillet}, 
     138abstract = {{Deux carottes de s{\'e}diments superficiels (2 {\`a} 3 m) pr{\'e}lev{\'e}es dans le lac du Bouchet (Haute Loire, France) ont {\'e}t{\'e} {\'e}tudi{\'e}es du point de vue de leur composition min{\'e}rale et organique. Les corr{\'e}lations {\'e}tablies {\`a} partir des donn{\'e}es concernant lamati{\`e}re organique ainsi que celles de la palynologie, ont permis de replacer les deux premiers m{\`e}tres de la s{\'e}rie s{\'e}dimentaire dans la logique climato-stratigraphique du passage Tardi-W{\"u}rm-Holoc{\`e}ne. Nous montrons ici que des variations climatiques de faible amplitude comme celles de l'Holoc{\`e}ne, engendrent des changements importants dans la nature, la quantit{\'e} et le mode de pr{\'e}servation des constituants organiques s{\'e}diment{\'e}s.}}, 
     139keywords = {Lac de maar, Lac du Bouchet, S{\'e}dimentation organo-min{\'e}rale, Palynofaci{\`e}s, Palynologie, Tardi-W{\"u}rm, Holoc{\`e}ne}, 
     140language = {Fran{\c c}ais}, 
     141affiliation = {Institut des Sciences de la Terre d'Orl{\'e}ans - ISTO , Pal{\'e}o-environnements tropicaux et variabilit{\'e} climatique - PALEOTROPIQUE , Laboratoire de chrono-{\'e}cologie - LCE , Institut M{\'e}diterran{\'e}en d'Ecologie et de Pal{\'e}o{\'e}cologie - IMEP , Processus et bilan des domaines s{\'e}dimentaires - PBDS , Environnements et Pal{\'e}oenvironnements OC{\'e}aniques - EPOC}, 
     142pages = {5, 661-673}, 
     143journal = {Bulletin de la Soci{\'e}t{\'e} G{\'e}ologique de France}, 
     144volume = {164}, 
     145audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     146year = {1993}, 
     147pdf = {}, 
     151hal_id = {hal-00122534}, 
     152loceanbibid = {01903}, 
     154title = {{A 36 ka environmental record in the southern tropics : Lake Tritrivakely (Madgascar) (Un enregistrement de l'environnement depuis 36 ka en zone tropicale sud : le lac Tritrivakely (Madagascar)).}}, 
     155author = {Françoise Gasse  and Elsa Cortijo and Jean-Robert Disnar and Luc Ferry and Elisabeth Gilbert and Catherine Kissel and Fatima Laggoun-Défarge and Elisabeth Lallier-Vergès and Jean-Claude Miskovsky and Bruno Ratsimbazafy and Flavien Ranaivo and Laurent Robinson and Piotr Tucholka and Jean-Luc Saos and Abdelfettah Sifeddine and Maurice Taieb and Elise Van Campo and David Williamson}, 
     156abstract = {{The upper 13 m of a 40 m-long sedimentary profile core taken in a crater lake on the Malagasy Plateau reveals 36,000 yrs of hydroclimatic evolution. A shallow lake occupies the core site from 35 to 19 ka BP under climatic conditions cooler than today. The water table is very low and biological productivity extremely reduced during the Last Glacial Maximum. A large warming was initiated at 14.5 ka BP. The modern bog establishes about 4 ka ago}}, 
     157keywords = {Malagasy Republic ; lake sediments ; cores ; drilling ; paleoenvironment ; paleoclimatology ; paleotemperature ; paleohydrology ; warming ; peat bogs ; tropical environment ; upper Quaternary ; absolute age ; C-14 ; stable isotopes ; C-13 ; Indian Ocean Islands}, 
     158language = {Anglais}, 
     159affiliation = {Centre europ{\'e}en de recherche et d'enseignement de g{\'e}osciences de l'environnement - CEREGE , CNRS - ORSTOM Pal{\'e}ohydrologie, Pal{\'e}oclimatique Continentales , Institut des Sciences de la Terre d'Orl{\'e}ans - ISTO , Laboratoire des sciences du climat et de l'environnement - LSCE , Pal{\'e}o-environnements tropicaux et variabilit{\'e} climatique - PALEOTROPIQUE}, 
     160pages = {1513-1519}, 
     161journal = {Comptes Rendus de l'Acad{\'e}mie des Sciences - Series IIA - Earth and Planetary Science}, 
     162volume = {318}, 
     163note = {GDR 970 : CNRS - ORSTOM Pal{\'e}ohydrologie, Pal{\'e}oclimatique Continentales}, 
     164audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     165year = {1994}, 
     166pdf = {}, 
     170hal_id = {hal-00068937}, 
     171loceanbibid = {01902}, 
     173url = {}, 
     174title = {{La s{\'e}dimentation organique lacustre en zone tropicale sud au cours des 36 O00 derni{\`e}res ann{\'e}es (Lac Tritrivakely, Madagascar).}}, 
     175author = {Abdelfettah Sifeddine and Fatima Laggoun-Défarge and Elisabeth Lallier-Vergès and Jean-Robert Disnar and David Williamson and Françoise Gasse and Elisabeth Gibert}, 
     176abstract = {{L'{\'e}tude p{\'e}trographique (palynofaci{\`e}s) et g{\'e}ochimique (pyrolyse Rock Eval) de la mati{\`e}re organique s{\'e}dimentaire d'une carotte pr{\'e}lev{\'e}e dans un lac de crat{\`e}re de Madagascar r{\'e}v{\`e}le une s{\'e}dimentation organique de type tourbeux avant 36 ka, entre ca 28 et 15 ka et entre 6 et O ka, mise en place au cours de p{\'e}riodes d'ass{\'e}chement. Entre ca 36 et 28 ka, elle se caract{\'e}rise par une s{\'e}dimentation lacustre (phytoplancton dominant) et des migrations de v{\'e}g{\'e}tation du bassin versant vers le lac luim{\^e}me. Des apports de mati{\`e}re organique allochtone t{\'e}moignent de I'{\'e}tablissement d'un couvert v{\'e}g{\'e}tal sur le bassin versant et du lessivage de sols, lors des p{\'e}riodes humides. Les variations d'\&cosyst{\`e}mes et de peuplement sont {\`a} mettre en relation avec I'{\'e}volution du r{\'e}gime hydroclimatique depuis 36 ka, en termes de p{\'e}riodes s{\`e}ches et humides. Petrographic (palynofacies) and geochemical (Rock Eva1 pyrolysis) studies of sedimentary organic matter of a core from a crater lake in Madagascar show a peaty sedimentation before 36 ky and between ca 28 and 15 ky, and between 6 and O ky. Between 36 and 28 ky, the organic sedimentation is characterized by an alternance between phytoplanktonic sedimentation and migrations of vegetation from the basin slope to the lake itself. Contributions of oxidized allochthonous organic matter prove also the presence of vegetation on the surrounding basin and soil leaching. The variation of the ecosystems and their development reveal the hydroclimatic changes during the last 36 kyrs, in terms of arid and humid periods.}}, 
     177keywords = {Lac Tritrivakely, Palynofaci{\`e}s, G{\'e}ochimie organique, Quaternaire sup{\'e}rieur, Pal{\'e}oenvironnements, Madagascar. Lake Tritrivakely, Palynofacies, Organic geochemistry, Late Quaternary, Palaeoenv' o ments, Madagascar.}, 
     178language = {Anglais}, 
     179affiliation = {Pal{\'e}o-environnements tropicaux et variabilit{\'e} climatique - PALEOTROPIQUE , Institut des Sciences de la Terre d'Orl{\'e}ans - ISTO , Centre europ{\'e}en de recherche et d'enseignement de g{\'e}osciences de l'environnement - CEREGE , Interactions et dynamique des environnements de surface - IDES}, 
     180pages = {385-391}, 
     181journal = {Comptes Rendus de l'Acad{\'e}mie des Sciences - Series IIA - Earth and Planetary Science}, 
     182volume = {321}, 
     183year = {1995}, 
     184pdf = {}, 
     188hal_id = {hal-00122514}, 
     189loceanbibid = {01901}, 
     191title = {{Lacustrine organic fluxes and palaeoclimatic variations during the last 15 ka: Lac du bouchet (Massif Central, France)}}, 
     192author = {Abdelfettah Sifeddine and Philippe Bertrand and Elisabeth Lallier-Vergès and A.J. Patience}, 
     193abstract = {{To assess the influence of climatic changes on organic lacustrine sedimentation, two cores recovered from the centre of the Lac du Bouchet were studied by petrographical (palynofacies) and geochemical methods. Only core LDB H was used for estimation of the organic fluxes. The variation of these fluxes with climo-stratigraphic periods showed: low organic fluxes during the Lateglacial, an increase at the beginning of the Holocene, a minimum at the end of the Atlantic period resulting from the climatic cooling, and a maximum at the end of the Sub-Boreal related to the installation of the present climatic conditions.}}, 
     194language = {Anglais}, 
     195affiliation = {Pal{\'e}o-environnements tropicaux et variabilit{\'e} climatique - PALEOTROPIQUE , Environnements et Pal{\'e}oenvironnements OC{\'e}aniques - EPOC , Institut des Sciences de la Terre d'Orl{\'e}ans - ISTO}, 
     196pages = {203-211}, 
     197journal = {Quaternary Science Reviews}, 
     198volume = {15}, 
     199audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     200doi = {10.1016/0277-3791(95)00078-X}, 
     201year = {1996}, 
     202pdf = {}, 
     206hal_id = {hal-00142422}, 
     207loceanbibid = {01900}, 
     209title = {{Etude de la sedimentation lacustre d'un site de foret d'altitude des Andes centrales (Bolivie); implications paleoclimatiques}}, 
     210author = {Abdelfettah Sifeddine and Jacques Bertaux and Philippe Mourguiart and Louis Martin and Jean-Robert Disnar and Fatima Laggoun-Défarge and Jaime Argollo}, 
     211abstract = {{A sedimentological study of a 755 cm length core sampled in the middle of a marshy depression surrounded by a cloud forest in the central Andes reveals that this site has recorded important environmental variations during the last 50000 years. For the most part (625 cm) the core is composed of detrital rich sediments deposited during the Upper Pleistocene. The highest amount of detrital influx underlines the Last Glacial Maximum which ranges from ca 29,000 14 C yr B.P. to ca 16,000 14 C yr B.P. (ca 18,500 cal yr B.P.), between two relatively humid phases. The sedimentation of the present Interglacial, starting at ca 12,500 14 C yr B.P. (14,500 cal yr B.P.), is mainly organic, as a consequence of the great development of soils and the forest vegetal cover all over the catchment area. The maximum extension of this vegetal cover ranging from 12,500 to ca 10,500 14 C yr B.P. (14,500 and 12,400 cal yr B.P.) is followed from 10,500 to 8,000 14 C yr B.P. (12,400 and 8,800 cal yr B.P.) by a drier period as revealed by the occurrence of micro-charcoals in the sediment. Between ca 8,000 and 4,000 14 C yr B.P. (8,800 and 4,500 cal yr B.P.), the sharp increase of micro-charcoals content, likely related to palaeofires, underlines an intensification of this dry trend.}}, 
     212language = {Anglais}, 
     213affiliation = {Pal{\'e}o-environnements tropicaux et variabilit{\'e} climatique - PALEOTROPIQUE , Institut des Sciences de la Terre d'Orl{\'e}ans - ISTO}, 
     214pages = {395-402}, 
     215journal = {Bulletin de la Soci{\'e}t{\'e} G{\'e}ologique de France}, 
     216volume = {169}, 
     217number = {3}, 
     218audience = {internationale}, 
     219year = {1998}, 
     223hal_id = {hal-00022457}, 
     224loceanbibid = {01899}, 
     226title = {{Onocerane testifies to dry climatic events during the Quaternary in the Tropics.}}, 
     227author = {Jérémy Jacob and Jean-Robert Disnar and Mohammed Boussafir and Marie-Pierre Ledru and Ana Luiza Spadano Albuquerque and Abdelfettah Sifeddine and Bruno Turcq}, 
     228abstract = {{An unusual molecular fossil (onocerane I) has been detected for the first time in Quaternary lacustrine sediments (Lagoa do Ca{\c c}{\'o}, NE Brazil). This molecule was initially thought to attest to the former presence of ferns or club mosses. According to possible plant precursors of onocerane-related molecules recorded in the literature and by comparison with palynological results and palaeoclimatic data, we here provide evidence that club mosses and ferns cannot account as sources of onocerane I in this setting. Onocerane I is abundant in the lipid extracts of sediments deposited during the two driest periods recorded in Northern Brazil (Last Glacial Maximum and Younger Dryas). This molecule is therefore suspected to be diagnostic of the development of plants adapted to dry or semi-arid conditions in this region.}}, 
     229language = {Anglais}, 
     230affiliation = {Institut des Sciences de la Terre d'Orl{\'e}ans - ISTO , Universidade de Sao Paulo, Departamento Geologia Sedimentar e Ambiental - IRD/CNPQ , Departamento de Geoquimica - DEPARTAMENTO DE GEOQUIMICA , Departamento de Geoquimica, Universidade Federal Fluminense - IRD/CNPQ , Pal{\'e}o-environnements tropicaux et variabilit{\'e} climatique - PALEOTROPIQUE}, 
     231pages = {289-297}, 
     232journal = {Organic Geochemistry}, 
     233volume = {35}, 
     234doi = {10.1016/j.orggeochem.2003.11.005}, 
     235year = {2004}, 
     236pdf = {\_Onocerane\_-\_Pub-OG\_-\_Jacob\_et\_al\_2004.pdf}, 
     240hal_id = {hal-00022458}, 
     241loceanbibid = {01898}, 
     243title = {{Major environmental changes recorded by lacustrine sedimentary organic matter since the Last Glacial Maximum near the Equator (Lagoa do Ca{\c c}{\'o}, NE Brazil).}}, 
     244author = {Jérémy Jacob and Jean-Robert Disnar and Mohammed Boussafir and Abdelfettah Sifeddine and Bruno Turcq and Ana Luiza Spadano Albuquerque}, 
     245abstract = {{Sediment samples collected along a 6-m core, drilled in the deepest part of the Lagoa do Ca{\c c}{\'o} (NE Brazil), have been investigated in order to determine source(s) and degradation conditions of the organic matter (OM) with special emphasis on paleoenvironmental implications. Bulk organic geochemistry (Rock-Eval pyrolysis, C/N determination, $\delta$13C and $\delta$15N measurement) and petrography combined with sedimentological evidence and radiocarbon dates allowed to identify four major intervals documenting major environmental changes that occurred during the last 20,000 years. The first interval, dating back to the end of the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), contains well-preserved OM derived from higher plants. This material was most probably produced in an ephemeral palustrine system and rapidly buried by sands. This level is thought to have been deposited under relatively arid climate conditions associated with strong but episodic rainfalls. Between 19,240 and 17,250 Cal years BP, the climate appears to have been more humid and seasonality more pronounced as suggested by the presence of a permanent lake. After a drastic environmental change dating back to 17,250 Cal years BP, the sediment became truly lacustrine with restricted mineral input and highly degraded higher plant-derived organic matter. After that, a stepwise improvement in the preservation of OM occurred, as revealed by several pronounced shifts in the Rock-Eval TpS2 signal. These changes could document abrupt climatically driven changes during the Late Glacial. Finally, around 5610 Cal years BP, environmental conditions, approaching those prevailing today were established. Minor climatic changes during the Holocene were probably buffered by a high water table which might explain the lack of paleoenvironmental fluctuations.}}, 
     246keywords = {Brazil; Lacustrine organic matter; Paleoenvironments; Paleoclimate; Rock-Eval; Organic petrography}, 
     247language = {Anglais}, 
     248affiliation = {Institut des Sciences de la Terre d'Orl{\'e}ans - ISTO , Departamento de Geoquimica Universidade Federal Fluminense, Morro do Valonguinho - DEPARTAMENTO DE GEOQUIMICA , Pal{\'e}o-environnements tropicaux et variabilit{\'e} climatique - PALEOTROPIQUE}, 
     249pages = {183-197}, 
     250journal = {Palaeogeography, Palaeclimatology, Palaeoecology}, 
     251volume = {205}, 
     252doi = {10.1016/j.palaeo.2003.12.005}, 
     253year = {2004}, 
     254pdf = {\_Lac\_Caco\_-\_Pub-Pal\_3\_-\_Jacob\_et\_al\_2004.pdf}, 
     258hal_id = {hal-00419178}, 
     259loceanbibid = {01897}, 
     261title = {{Quantitative reconstructions of hydrological conditions in Africa 6000 years ago: model-data comparison}}, 
     262author = {Odile Peyron and Dominique Jolly and Pascale Braconnot and Raymonde Bonnefille and Joel Guiot and Denis Wirrmann and Françoise Chalie}, 
     263language = {Anglais}, 
     264affiliation = {Laboratoire Chrono-environnement , Institut des Sciences de l'Evolution - Montpellier - ISEM , Laboratoire des sciences du climat et de l'environnement - LSCE , Centre europ{\'e}en de recherche et d'enseignement de g{\'e}osciences de l'environnement - CEREGE , Pal{\'e}o-environnements tropicaux et variabilit{\'e} climatique - PALEOTROPIQUE}, 
     265pages = {D24110}, 
     266journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research}, 
     267volume = {111}, 
     268audience = {internationale}, 
     269collaboration = {Projet europeen PMIP1}, 
     270doi = {10.1029/2006JD007396}, 
     271year = {2006}, 
     275hal_id = {hal-00414383}, 
     276loceanbibid = {01896}, 
     278url = {}, 
     279title = {{A rapid calibration procedures for mollusc and coral proxies based on recognition of the environment recording unit}}, 
     280author = {J.P. Cuif and Y. Dauphin and  N. Guzman and C. E. Lazareth and Luc Ortlieb}, 
     281abstract = {{RSTGV-A-148 \& oral presentation}}, 
     282language = {Anglais}, 
     283affiliation = {Interactions et dynamique des environnements de surface - IDES}, 
     284booktitle = {{RST}}, 
     285address = {Strasbourg, France}, 
     286year = {2004}, 
     290hal_id = {hal-00408394}, 
     291loceanbibid = {01895}, 
     293title = {{A 4D approach to unravel the impacts of geodynamics, climate and human activities on biogeochemical cycles, hydrological thresholds, and ecosystems: the Rungwe Environmental Science Observatory Network (Tanzania)}}, 
     294author = {D. Williamson and L. Bergonzini and M. Delalande and C. Quantin and D. Majule and A. Delvaux and D. Mbede and P. Barker and L. Bremond and J. Limyu and F. Magongo and E. Mathé and P.Z. Yanda and F. Chalie and J. Guiot and Luc Ortlieb and P. Valimba and A. Vincens and The Reson Team Members (rungwe Environmental Science Observatory Network (reson)) and W. Abdalla}, 
     295language = {Anglais}, 
     296affiliation = {Interactions et dynamique des environnements de surface - IDES}, 
     297booktitle = {{EGU}}, 
     298address = {vienne, Autriche}, 
     299year = {2008}, 
     300month = apr, 
     304hal_id = {hal-00411021}, 
     305loceanbibid = {01894}, 
     307title = {{The BIOCALC Project : an European collaborative program aiming at precising the environment recording mechanism in calcareous biominerals through an analysis of the organic/mineral interactions during the biomineralization process}}, 
     308author = {J.P. Cuif and J. Bijma and M. Cusack and Y. Dauphin and J. Doucet and A. Juillet-Leclerc and A. Meibom and L. Mercury and Luc Ortlieb}, 
     309language = {Anglais}, 
     310affiliation = {Interactions et dynamique des environnements de surface - IDES , Pal{\'e}o-environnements tropicaux et variabilit{\'e} climatique - PALEOTROPIQUE}, 
     311booktitle = {{Geophysical Research Abstracts}}, 
     312pages = {1607-7962}, 
     313address = {Vienne, Autriche}, 
     314volume = {8}, 
     315number = {09404}, 
     316audience = {internationale}, 
     317year = {2006}, 
     321hal_id = {hal-00411022}, 
     322loceanbibid = {01893}, 
     324title = {{BioCalc : une recherche sur les origines de "l'effet vital" au cours de l'enregistrement des param{\`e}tres environnementaux par les biocristaux calcaires (programme ESF EuroCores EuroMinSci)}}, 
     325author = {J.P. Cuif and J. Bijma and M. Cusack and Y. Dauphin and J. Doucet and A. Juillet-Leclerc and A. Meibom and L. Mercury and Luc Ortlieb}, 
     326language = {Fran{\c c}ais}, 
     327affiliation = {Interactions et dynamique des environnements de surface - IDES , Pal{\'e}o-environnements tropicaux et variabilit{\'e} climatique - PALEOTROPIQUE}, 
     328booktitle = {{Biomin{\'e}ralisation 2006}}, 
     329pages = {16}, 
     330address = {Nancy, France}, 
     331audience = {internationale}, 
     332year = {2006}, 
     336hal_id = {hal-00376538}, 
     337loceanbibid = {01892}, 
     339title = {{Subdaily growth patterns and organo-mineral nanostructure of the growth layers in the calcitic prisms of the shell of Concholepas concholepas Brugui{\`e}re, 1789 (Gastropoda, Muricidae).}}, 
     340author = {N. Guzman and A.D. Ball and J.P. Cuif and Y. Dauphin and A. Denis and L. Ortlieb}, 
     341language = {Anglais}, 
     342affiliation = {Interactions et dynamique des environnements de surface - IDES}, 
     343pages = {397-403}, 
     344journal = {Microscopy and Microanalysis}, 
     345volume = {13}, 
     346number = {5}, 
     347audience = {internationale}, 
     348year = {2007}, 
     352hal_id = {hal-00203707}, 
     353loceanbibid = {01891}, 
     355title = {{Sensitivity study of the DMS atmospheric concentrations and the sulfate aerosol indirect radiative forcing to the DMS source representation}}, 
     356author = {O. Boucher and Olivier Aumont and S. Belviso and Emmanuel Cosme and C. Moulin and M. Pham}, 
     357language = {Anglais}, 
     358affiliation = {Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC , Laboratoire des sciences du climat et de l'environnement - LSCE , Laboratoire des {\'e}coulements g{\'e}ophysiques et industriels - LEGI}, 
     359booktitle = {{XXVIIth General Assembly of the European Geophysical Society (EGS)}}, 
     360address = {Nice, France}, 
     361note = {Poster}, 
     362year = {2002}, 
     366hal_id = {hal-00252115}, 
     367loceanbibid = {01890}, 
     369title = {{DRAKKAR : La circulation oc{\'e}anique de l'Atlantique Nord et des Mers Nordiques : variabilit{\'e}, processus, et interactions avec l'oc{\'e}an global}}, 
     370author = {Th. Penduff and B. Barnier and Anne-Marie Tréguier and Gurvan Madec}, 
     371language = {Fran{\c c}ais}, 
     372affiliation = {Laboratoire des {\'e}coulements g{\'e}ophysiques et industriels - LEGI , Laboratoire de physique des oc{\'e}ans - LPO , Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
     373booktitle = {{Journ{\'e}es d'{\'e}valuation du PATOM}}, 
     374address = {Bordeaux, France}, 
     375year = {2005}, 
     376month = sep, 
     380hal_id = {hal-00229821}, 
     381loceanbibid = {01889}, 
     383title = {{The modelling component of ocean forecasting}}, 
     384author = {E. Chassignet and M. Bell and P. Brasseur and G. Evensen and S. Griffies and H. Hulburt and C. Le Provost and Gurvan Madec and J. Mcclean and J. Verron and A. Wallcraft}, 
     385language = {Anglais}, 
     386affiliation = {Laboratoire des {\'e}coulements g{\'e}ophysiques et industriels - LEGI , Laboratoire d'{\'e}tudes en G{\'e}ophysique et oc{\'e}anographie spatiales - LEGOS , Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
     387booktitle = {{The proceeding of the the international symposium "En route to GODAE"}}, 
     388pages = {41}, 
     389address = {France}, 
     390audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     391year = {2002}, 
     395hal_id = {hal-00252017}, 
     396loceanbibid = {01888}, 
     398title = {{Temporal and Spatial Structure of the Eddy Flow in the Atlantic Ocean Between 1980 and 2000: Validation of the 1/6° CLIPPER Model Simulation Versus the WOCE Current Meter Database}}, 
     399author = {B. Barnier and Th. Penduff and C. Le Delliou and Jean-Marc Molines and Anne-Marie Tréguier and Gurvan Madec and C. Le Provost}, 
     400language = {Anglais}, 
     401affiliation = {Laboratoire des {\'e}coulements g{\'e}ophysiques et industriels - LEGI , Laboratoire de physique des oc{\'e}ans - LPO , Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC , Laboratoire d'{\'e}tudes en G{\'e}ophysique et oc{\'e}anographie spatiales - LEGOS}, 
     402booktitle = {{The proceeding of the European Geophysical Society}}, 
     403publisher = {ISSN : 1029-7006. Edited by EGS}, 
     404pages = {1 page}, 
     405address = {Nice, France}, 
     406audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     407year = {2003}, 
     411hal_id = {hal-00252070}, 
     412loceanbibid = {01887}, 
     414title = {{DRAKKAR: Realistic ice-ocean models to support space oceanography}}, 
     415author = {Th. Penduff and B. Barnier and Anne-Marie Tréguier and C. B{\"o}ning and Gurvan Madec and S. Gulev}, 
     416language = {Anglais}, 
     417affiliation = {Laboratoire des {\'e}coulements g{\'e}ophysiques et industriels - LEGI , Laboratoire de physique des oc{\'e}ans - LPO , Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
     418booktitle = {{The proceeding of the Ocean Surface Topography Science Team Meeting}}, 
     419pages = {1 page}, 
     420address = {St Petersburg - Florida, {\'E}tats-Unis}, 
     421audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     422year = {2004}, 
     426hal_id = {hal-00252101}, 
     427loceanbibid = {01886}, 
     429title = {{Internal and forced variability along a section between Greenland and Portugal in the Clipper Atlantic model}}, 
     430author = {Anne-Marie Tréguier and B. Barnier and C. Gourcuff and P. Lherminier and Gurvan Madec and H. Mercier and Th. Penduff and L. Czeschel and C. Boening}, 
     431language = {Anglais}, 
     432affiliation = {Laboratoire de physique des oc{\'e}ans - LPO , Laboratoire des {\'e}coulements g{\'e}ophysiques et industriels - LEGI , Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
     433booktitle = {{The proceeding of the Rapid Climate Change International Science Conference}}, 
     434pages = {1 page}, 
     435address = {Birmingham, Royaume-Uni}, 
     436audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     437year = {2006}, 
     441hal_id = {hal-00267025}, 
     442loceanbibid = {01885}, 
     444title = {{Influence of numerical schemes on current-topography interactions in 1/4° global ocean simulations}}, 
     445  author = {{T}hierry {P}enduff and {J}ulien {{L}e {S}ommer} and {B}ernard {B}arnier and {A}nne-{M}arie {T}réguier and {J}ean-{M}arc {M}olines and {G}urvan {M}adec}, 
     446language = {Anglais}, 
     447affiliation = {Laboratoire des {\'e}coulements g{\'e}ophysiques et industriels - LEGI , Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
     448booktitle = {{Proc. Workshop on Numerical Methods in Ocean Models}}, 
     449pages = {pas pr{\'e}cise}, 
     450address = {bergen, Norv{\`e}ge}, 
     451audience = {internationale}, 
     452year = {2007}, 
     456hal_id = {hal-00331127}, 
     457loceanbibid = {01884}, 
     459title = {{Interannual-to-decadal variability of North Atlantic air-sea CO2 fluxes}}, 
     460author = {S. Raynaud and Olivier Aumont and K. B. Rodgers and P. Yiou and J. C. Orr}, 
     461abstract = {{The magnitude of the interannual variability of North Atlantic air-sea CO2 fluxes remains uncertain. Fluxes inferred from atmospheric inversions have large variability, whereas those simulated by ocean models have small variability. Part of the difference is that unlike typical atmospheric inversions, ocean models come with spatial resolution at the sub-basin scale. Here we explore sub-basin-scale spatiotemporal variability in the North Atlantic in one ocean model in order to better understand why the the North Atlantic basin may well contribute very little to the global variability of air-sea CO2 flux. We made two simulations with a biogeochemical model coupled to a global ocean general circulation model (OGCM), which itself was forced by 55-year NCEP reanalysis fields. In the first simulation, atmospheric CO2 was maintained at the preindustrial level (278 ppmv); in the second simulation, atmospheric CO2 followed the observed increase. Simulated air-sea CO2 fluxes and associated variables were analysed with a statistical tool known as multichannel singular spectrum analysis (MSSA). We found that the subtropical gyre is not the largest contributor to the overall, basin-wide variability, in contrast to previous suggestions. The subpolar gyre and the inter-gyre region (the transition area between subpolar and subtropical gyres) also contribute with multipolar anomalies at multiple frequencies: these tend to cancel one another in terms of the basin-wide air-sea CO2 flux. We found a strong correlation between the air-sea CO2 fluxes and the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), but only if one takes into account time lags as does MSSA (maximum r=0.64 for lags between 1 and 3 years). The contribution of anthropogenic CO2 to total variability was negligible at interannual time scales, whereas at the decadal (13-year) time scale, it increased variability by 30\%.}}, 
     462language = {Anglais}, 
     463affiliation = {Laboratoire des sciences du climat et de l'environnement - LSCE , Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
     464pages = {437-472}, 
     465journal = {Ocean Science Discussions}, 
     466volume = {2}, 
     467number = {4}, 
     468audience = {internationale}, 
     469year = {2005}, 
     470month = aug, 
     471pdf = {}, 
     475hal_id = {hal-00101488}, 
     476loceanbibid = {01883}, 
     478title = {{In situ building of dunes since the Sub Boreal (3600 BP): evidence of chronological continuity on the northern coast of Brittany. An example in Anse du Verger (Ille-et-Vilaine)}}, 
     479author = {Hervé Regnauld and Jean-François Saliège and Jérôme Fournier and Jean-Yves Cocaign}, 
     480abstract = {{A series of storms, from 1990 to 1995, has revealed new cross-sections on the Northern Coast of Brittany, more specifically close to St-Malo, in the Anse du Verger (Verger cove). They have also allowed the effects of storms surges on coastal features to be followed. An anthropogenic shell layer, discovered in a dune and dated from 3640 (conventional BP) is covered by a storms surge deposit, dated from 2460, conventional BP. A comparison between present and sub-boreal surges is attempted. Then a chronology for dune building is proposed, in relation with sea level rise and surges. The possibility of an accumulation feature rising itself instead of retreating before an increasing sea level is proposed.}}, 
     481keywords = {Storm surge ; Shell deposits ; Holocene dunes ; Sea level}, 
     482language = {Fran{\c c}ais}, 
     483affiliation = {Littoral, Environnement, T{\'e}l{\'e}d{\'e}tection, G{\'e}omatique - LETG - Costel , Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC , Civilisations atlantiques \& Arch{\'e}osciences - C2A}, 
     484pages = {303-310}, 
     485journal = {Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences. Serie II, Sciences de la Terre et des planetes}, 
     486volume = {321}, 
     487year = {1995}, 
     491hal_id = {hal-00124671}, 
     492loceanbibid = {01882}, 
     494title = {{A four-dimensional mesoscale map of the spring bloom in the northeast Atlantic (POMME experiment): Results of a prognostic model}}, 
     495author = {Marina Lévy and M. Gavart and Laurent Mémery and Guy Caniaux and A. Paci}, 
     496language = {Anglais}, 
     497affiliation = {Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC , Service Hydrographique et Oc{\'e}anographique de la Marine - SHOM , Laboratoire des Sciences de l'Environnement Marin - LEMAR , Groupe d'{\'e}tude de l'atmosph{\`e}re m{\'e}t{\'e}orologique - CNRM-GAME}, 
     498pages = {C07S21}, 
     499journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research}, 
     500volume = {110}, 
     501audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     502doi = {10.1029/2004JC002588}, 
     503year = {2005}, 
     507hal_id = {hal-00124846}, 
     508loceanbibid = {01881}, 
     510title = {{On the relationship between satellite-retrieved surface temperature fronts and chlorophyll a in the western South Atlantic}}, 
     511author = {Martin Saraceno and Christine Provost and Alberto R. Piola}, 
     512language = {Anglais}, 
     513affiliation = {Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC , Departamento de Oceanograf{\'\i}a , Departamento de Ciencias de la Atm{\'o}sfera y los Oc{\'e}anos, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales}, 
     514pages = {C11016}, 
     515journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research}, 
     516volume = {110}, 
     517audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     518doi = {10.1029/2004JC002736}, 
     519year = {2005}, 
     523hal_id = {hal-00125066}, 
     524loceanbibid = {01880}, 
     526title = {{Mesoscale variability of sea surface pCO2: What does it respond to?}}, 
     527author = {A. Mahadevan and Marina Lévy and Laurent Mémery}, 
     528language = {Anglais}, 
     529affiliation = {Department of Earth Sciences , Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
     530pages = {GB1017}, 
     531journal = {Global Biogeochemical Cycles}, 
     532volume = {18}, 
     533audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     534doi = {10.1029/2003GB002102}, 
     535year = {2004}, 
     539hal_id = {ird-00145342}, 
     540loceanbibid = {01879}, 
     542title = {{Distributions of oxygen and carbon stable isotopes and CFC-12 in the water masses of the Southern Ocean at 30°E from South Africa to Antarctica: results of the CIVA1 cruise}}, 
     543author = {Anne-Sophie Archambeau and Catherine Pierre and Alain Poisson and Bernard Schauer}, 
     544abstract = {{This study presents oceanic distributions of stable isotopes ($\delta$18O of water and $\delta$13C of $\Sigma$CO2) and CFC-12 from samples collected during the CIVA1 cruise (February/March 1993), across the Southern Ocean, along a meridian section at 30°E, from South Africa (44°S) to Antarctica (70°S). The isotopic measurements show important variations between the subantarctic surface waters with low $\delta$18O--high $\delta$13C values and the antarctic surface waters with very low $\delta$18O--low $\delta$13C values. The surface distributions of $\delta$13C values follow the major frontal oceanic structures; the vertical distribution shows the progressive upwelling from the subantarctic zone to the antarctic divergence of 13C-depleted CO2 derived from remineralization of organic matter. Along the Antarctic continental shelf, between 2500 and 4000 m, a core of water with $\delta$18O values close to --0.1 is associated with a relative maximum in CFC-12 concentration, although this core is not detected by its temperature and salinity parameters. This water mass, which corresponds to recently formed deep water, may originate from the eastward extension of the Weddell gyre or from bottom waters coming from the East and formed near Prydz Bay.}}, 
     545keywords = {Stable isotopes; 18O; 13C; CFC-12; Austral Ocean}, 
     546language = {Anglais}, 
     547affiliation = {Laboratoire de Physique et Chimie Marines - LPCM , Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
     548pages = {25-38}, 
     549journal = {Journal of Marine Systems}, 
     550volume = {17}, 
     551number = {1-4}, 
     552audience = {internationale}, 
     553collaboration = {WOCE, CIVA}, 
     554doi = {10.1016/S0924-7963(98)00027-X}, 
     555year = {1998}, 
     556pdf = {\_JMS.pdf}, 
     560hal_id = {hal-00155516}, 
     561loceanbibid = {01878}, 
     563title = {{L'{\'e}pid{\'e}mie de m{\'e}ningite au Mali et la circulation atmosph{\'e}rique en Afrique de l'Ouest}}, 
     564author = {Benjamin Sultan and K. Labadi and G. Beltrando and Serge Janicot}, 
     565language = {Fran{\c c}ais}, 
     566affiliation = {Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
     567pages = {23-34}, 
     568journal = {Environnement, Risques et Sant{\'e}}, 
     569volume = {3}, 
     570number = {1}, 
     571audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     572year = {2004}, 
     576hal_id = {hal-00269118}, 
     577loceanbibid = {01877}, 
     579title = {{Extended deep equatorial layering as a possible imprint of inertial instability.}}, 
     580author = {M. D'Orgeville and B. L. Hua and R. Schopp and L. Bunge}, 
     581abstract = {{The deep equatorial track of the world ocean is subject to intense zonal flow fields that still remain to be better understood. Inertial instability has been invoked to explain some of its features. Here we present possible in situ imprints of such a mechanism in the equatorial Atlantic Ocean below the thermocline. We analyse the observed pattern of homogeneous density layers of 50--100 m vertical scale, which are characterized by a large meridional coherency up to 2° of latitude, a concentration in the vicinity of the equator and foremost a vertical localization within regions of well-mixed angular momentum (westward jets). These distinctive properties suggest inertial instability to be a plausible mechanism for this extended layering. Numerical simulations forced by a time-oscillating shear reproduce the observed density layering characteristics. The prescription of deep jets in the background flow controls the vertical localization of the layering inside westward jets.}}, 
     582language = {Anglais}, 
     583affiliation = {Laboratoire de physique des oc{\'e}ans - LPO , Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
     584pages = {L22303}, 
     585journal = {Geophysical Research Letters}, 
     586volume = {31}, 
     587audience = {internationale}, 
     588doi = {10.1029/2004GL020845}, 
     589year = {2004}, 
     593hal_id = {hal-00089023}, 
     594loceanbibid = {01876}, 
     596title = {{Organic-rich sediments in ventilated deep-sea environments: Relationship to climate, sea level, and trophic changes}}, 
     597author = {Philippe Bertrand and T. F. Pedersen and R. Schneider and G. Shimmield and  Elisabeth Lallier-Vergès and Jean-Robert Disnar and D. Massias and J. Villanueva and Nicolas Tribovillard and Alain-Yves Huc and X. Giraud and Catherine Pierre and M.T. Vénec-Peyré}, 
     598abstract = {{Sediments on the Namibian Margin in the SE Atlantic between water depths of $\sim$1000 and $\sim$3600 m are highly enriched in hydrocarbon-prone organic matter. Such sedimentation has occurred for more than 2 million years and is geographically distributed over hundreds of kilometers along the margin, so that the sediments of this region contain a huge concentrated stock of organic carbon. It is shown here that most of the variability in organic content is due to relative dilution by buried carbonates. This reflects both export productivity and diagenetic dissolution, not differences in either water column or bottom water anoxia and related enhanced preservation of organic matter. These observations offer a new mechanism for the formation of potential source rocks in a well-ventilated open ocean, in this case the South Atlantic. The organic richness is discussed in terms of a suite of probable controls including local wind-driven productivity (upwelling), trophic conditions, transfer efficiency, diagenetic processes, and climate-related sea level and deep circulation. The probability of past occurrences of such organic-rich facies in equivalent oceanographic settings at the edge of large oceanic basins should be carefully considered in deep offshore exploration.}}, 
     599language = {Anglais}, 
     600affiliation = {Environnements et Pal{\'e}oenvironnements OC{\'e}aniques - EPOC , Oceanography, Earth and Ocean Sciences , Fachbereicht Geowissenschaften, Universit{\"a}t Bremen , Dunstaffnage Marine Laboratory , Institut des Sciences de la Terre d'Orl{\'e}ans - ISTO , Processus et bilan des domaines s{\'e}dimentaires - PBDS , IFP Energies Nouvelles - IFPEN , Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC , Laboratoire de min{\'e}ralogie du Mus{\'e}um National d'Histoire Naturelle - LMMNHN}, 
     601pages = {C2, 3045}, 
     602journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research}, 
     603volume = {108}, 
     604audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     605doi = {10.1029/2000JC000327}, 
     606year = {2003}, 
     607pdf = {}, 
     611hal_id = {tel-00011425}, 
     612loceanbibid = {01875}, 
     614title = {{M{\'e}moire de Titres et Travaux}}, 
     615author = {Nicolas Dégallier}, 
     616abstract = {{A synthesis of all results of researches done by the author on arboviruses cycles and bioecology of their vectors in French Guiana, Central African Republic and Brazil, from 1975 to 1996. Emphasis is put on the ecoepidemiology of yellow fever and dengue viruses. Studies are also reported on the impacts of environmental changes on the transmission of arboviruses in Brazilian Amazonia.An exhaustive list of publications and communications of the author is presented.}}, 
     617keywords = {arbovirus;vecteurs;tiques;moustiques;Culicidae;afrotropical;n{\'e}otropical;{\'e}pid{\'e}miologie;bio{\'e}cologie;environnement}, 
     618language = {Fran{\c c}ais}, 
     619affiliation = {Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN}, 
     620school = {Universit{\'e} Paris Sud - Paris XI}, 
     621  type = {{H}abilitation à {D}iriger des {R}echerches}, 
     622year = {1996}, 
     623month = sep, 
     624pdf = {\_9\_96.pdf}, 
     628hal_id = {tel-00735618}, 
     629loceanbibid = {01874}, 
     631  type = {{T}hèse de doctorat}, 
     632  directeur_de_these = {{S}erge {J}anicot}, 
     633title = {{Analyse du m{\'e}canisme de la mise en place de la mousson Africaine: dynamique r{\'e}gionale ou for{\c c}age de grande {\'e}chelle?}}, 
     634author = {Emmanouil Flaounas}, 
     635abstract = {{La saison des pluies en Afrique de l'Ouest est primordiale pour les populations locales. La mise en place de la mousson (MAO) se produit fin juin et correspond {\`a} un affaiblissement global de la convection sur la r{\'e}gion puis une transition brutale des pr{\'e}cipitations de la c{\^o}te de Guin{\'e}e vers le Sahel. C'est le m{\'e}canisme responsable de ce " saut " qui est {\'e}tudi{\'e} ici {\`a} partir d'exp{\'e}riences num{\'e}riques. La capacit{\'e} du mod{\`e}le {\`a} aire limit{\'e}e WRF {\`a} reproduire la circulation de la MAO en 2006 a d'abord {\'e}t{\'e} {\'e}valu{\'e}e. Diff{\'e}rentes param{\'e}trisations de la convection et de la couche limite ont {\'e}t{\'e} test{\'e}es et leur impact sur les simulations analys{\'e}. Des tests de sensibilit{\'e} ont ensuite {\'e}t{\'e} effectu{\'e}s pour {\'e}valuer le r{\^o}le de la d{\'e}pression thermique saharienne et de la SST (m{\'e}canismes propos{\'e}s dans d'autres {\'e}tudes) sur la mise en place de la MAO. Les r{\'e}sultats montrent que la phase de transition d{\'e}pend plus fortement de la dynamique de grande {\'e}chelle que des {\'e}l{\'e}ments r{\'e}gionaux. Plus pr{\'e}cis{\'e}ment, la mise en place de la mousson Indienne lib{\`e}re une onde de Rossby qui se propage vers l'ouest, arrive au dessus de l'Afrique du Nord en favorisant les intrusions de masses d'air sec au dessus de l'Afrique de l'Ouest qui inhibent la convection. En parall{\`e}le, le gradient m{\'e}ridien de pression de surface est renforc{\'e} et la MAO s'intensifie en advectant de l'humidit{\'e} au dessus du Sahel. Une fois l'onde {\'e}vacu{\'e}e, la convection se r{\'e}organise au dessus du Sahel o{\`u} les conditions thermodynamiques sont favorables. L'utilisation de simulations globales avec LMDz a confirm{\'e} le r{\^o}le de la mousson indienne sur toute la p{\'e}riode 1989-2008 avec cependant des ann{\'e}es plus ou moins marqu{\'e}es.}}, 
     636keywords = {Mousson Africaine, mise en place}, 
     637language = {Fran{\c c}ais}, 
     638affiliation = {Laboratoire Atmosph{\`e}res, Milieux, Observations Spatiales - LATMOS , Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN}, 
     639school = {Universit{\'e} Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris VI}, 
     640type = {THESE}, 
     641collaboration = {AMMA}, 
     642year = {2010}, 
     643month = oct, 
     644pdf = {}, 
     648hal_id = {ird-00128535}, 
     649loceanbibid = {01873}, 
     651title = {{La dengue et ses vecteurs au Br{\'e}sil}}, 
     652author = {Nicolas Dégallier and Amélia P.A. Travassos Da Rosa and Pedro F. C. Vasconcelos and Luiz Tadeu Moraes Figueiredo and Jorge F. S. Travassos Da Rosa and Sueli G. Rodrigues and Elisabeth S. Travassos Da Rosa}, 
     653abstract = {{L'histoire de la Dengue au Br{\'e}sil est survol{\'e}e depuis les premi{\`e}res relations d'{\'e}pid{\'e}mies au 19e si{\`e}cle jusqu'aux grands {\'e}pisodes de la derni{\`e}re d{\'e}cennie. Les s{\'e}rotypes DEN 1 and DEN 4 ont {\'e}t{\'e} isol{\'e}s pour la premi{\`e}re fois au Br{\'e}sil en 1982, au cours d'une {\'e}pid{\'e}mie {\`a} Boa Vista, Roraima. En 1986, le virus DEN 1 fut le responsable d'{\'e}pid{\'e}mies {\`a} Rio de Janeiro et dans le Nordeste du Br{\'e}sil. A partir de 1990, le virus DEN 2 {\'e}tait pr{\'e}sent {\'e}galement dans l'int{\'e}rieur du pays et en Amazonie. A Rio de Janeiro (1990-91) et dans l'Etat du Ceara (1994) o{\`u} les deux s{\'e}rotypes DEN 1 et DEN 2 circulaient en m{\^e}me temps, plusieurs cas de DHS/DSS ont {\'e}t{\'e} signal{\'e}s. Environ 500000 cas de Dengue ont {\'e}t{\'e} notifi{\'e}s de 1982 {\`a} 1994. Aedes aegypti est le seul vecteur urbain {\`a} partir duquel 4 souches de DEN 4, 7 souches de DEN 1 et 16 souches de DEN 2 ont {\'e}t{\'e} isol{\'e}es. La transmission transovarienne ne semble pas avoir lieu chez cette esp{\`e}ce au Br{\'e}sil.}}, 
     654keywords = {Dengue 1; Dengue 2; Dengue 4; Aedes aegypti; Aedes albopictus; Br{\'e}sil; histoire; epid{\'e}miologie}, 
     655language = {Fran{\c c}ais}, 
     656affiliation = {Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN , Laboratorio de Arbovirus , Unit{\'e} de recherches en virologie , Institut Evandro Chagas-FNS}, 
     657pages = {128-136}, 
     658journal = {Bulletin de la Soci{\'e}t{\'e} de pathologie exotique (1990)}, 
     659volume = {89}, 
     660audience = {internationale}, 
     661year = {1996}, 
     662pdf = {}, 
     666hal_id = {hal-00330335}, 
     667loceanbibid = {01872}, 
     669title = {{Ocean biogeochemistry exhibits contrasting responses to a large scale reduction in dust deposition}}, 
     670author = {A. Tagliabue and Laurent Bopp and Olivier Aumont}, 
     671abstract = {{Dust deposition of iron is thought to be an important control on ocean biogeochemistry and air-sea CO2 exchange. In this study, we examine the impact of a large scale, yet climatically realistic, reduction in the aeolian Fe input during a 240 year transient simulation. In contrast to previous studies, we find that the ocean biogeochemical cycles of carbon and nitrogen are relatively insensitive (globally) to a 60\% reduction in Fe input from dust. Net primary productivity (NPP) is reduced in the Fe limited regions, but the excess macronutrients that result are able to fuel additional NPP elsewhere. Overall, NPP and air-sea CO2 exchange are only reduced by around 3\% between 1860 and 2100. While the nitrogen cycle is perturbed more significantly (by \~15\%), reduced N2 fixation is balanced by a concomitant decline in denitrification. Feedbacks between N2 fixation and denitrification are controlled by variability in surface utilization of inorganic nitrogen and subsurface oxygen consumption, as well as the direct influence of Fe on N2 fixation. Overall, there is relatively little impact of reduced aeolian Fe input (}}, 
     672language = {Anglais}, 
     673affiliation = {Laboratoire des sciences du climat et de l'environnement - LSCE , Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN}, 
     674pages = {11-24}, 
     675journal = {Biogeosciences}, 
     676volume = {5}, 
     677number = {1}, 
     678audience = {internationale}, 
     679year = {2008}, 
     680month = jan, 
     681pdf = {}, 
     682comment = {20121114 : possible doublon avec hal-00330255}, 
     686hal_id = {hal-00423477}, 
     687loceanbibid = {01871}, 
     689title = {{Why climate sensitivity may not be so unpredictable ?}}, 
     690author = {Alexis Hannart and Jean-Louis Dufresne and Philipe Naveau}, 
     691abstract = {{Different explanations have been proposed as to why the range of climate sensitivity predicted by GCMs have not lessened substantially in the last decades, and subsequently if it can be reduced. One such study (\textit{Why is climate sensitivity so unpredictable?}, \cite{RB07}) adressed these questions using rather simple theoretical considerations and reached the conclusion that reducing uncertainties on climate feedbacks and underlying climate processes will not yield a large reduction in the envelope of climate sensitivity. In this letter, we revisit the premises of this conclusion. We show that it results from a mathematical artefact caused by peculiar definitions of uncertainty used by these authors. Applying standard concepts and definitions of descriptive statistics to the exact same framework of analysis as Roe and Baker, we show that within this simple framework, reducing inter-model spread on feedbacks does in fact induce a reduction of uncertainty on climate sensitivity, almost proportionally. Therefore, following Roe and Baker assumptions, climate sensitivity is actually not so unpredictable. \%We then briefly focus on ongoing advances in cloud physics that may narrow the spread on feedbacks, thus reducing the uncertainty on climate sensitivity.}}, 
     692language = {Anglais}, 
     693affiliation = {Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN , Laboratoire de M{\'e}t{\'e}orologie Dynamique - LMD , Laboratoire des sciences du climat et de l'environnement - LSCE}, 
     694pages = {L16707}, 
     695journal = {Geophysical Research Letters}, 
     696volume = {36}, 
     697audience = {internationale}, 
     698doi = {10.1029/2009GL039640}, 
     699year = {2009}, 
     700month = aug, 
     704hal_id = {hal-00158792}, 
     705loceanbibid = {01870}, 
     707title = {{Arboviroses {\'e}mergentes au Br{\'e}sil}}, 
     708author = {Nicolas Dégallier and A. P. De Andrade Travassos Da Rosa and P. De Tarso Ribeiro Vilarinhos}, 
     709language = {Fran{\c c}ais}, 
     710affiliation = {Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN}, 
     711booktitle = {{Recherches de l'IRD au Br{\'e}sil depuis 1998}}, 
     712publisher = {Charbel Gr{\'a}fica Editora, Bras{\'\i}lia, Br{\'e}sil}, 
     713pages = {102-104}, 
     714editor = {P. Sabat{\'e} \& C.Boutrolle}, 
     715year = {2006}, 
     716comment = {20121114 : ++ compléter prénom  et diacritique dans nom dans hal}, 
     720hal_id = {hal-00158828}, 
     721loceanbibid = {01869}, 
     723title = {{Col{\'e}opt{\`e}res histeridae de Guyane fran{\c c}aise...}}, 
     724author = {Nicolas D{\'e}gallier}, 
     725language = {Anglais}, 
     726affiliation = {Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN}, 
     727booktitle = {{Insectes de Guyane : beaut{\'e} et diversit{\'e}}}, 
     728publisher = {SEPANGUY}, 
     729pages = {67-74}, 
     730editor = {Suzanon C.}, 
     731year = {2004}, 
     735hal_id = {hal-00164901}, 
     736loceanbibid = {01868}, 
     738title = {{Distribution of larval Krefftichthys anderssoni (Myctophidae, Pisces) at the Kerguelen Archipelago (Southern Indian Ocean) modelled using GIS and habitat suitability}}, 
     739author = {P. Koubbi and G. Duhamel and X. Harlay and P.D. Eastwood and I. Durand and Y.-H. Park}, 
     740language = {Anglais}, 
     741affiliation = {Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN}, 
     742booktitle = {{Antarctic biology in a global context}}, 
     743publisher = {Backhuys Publishers, Leiden}, 
     744pages = {215-223}, 
     745editor = {A.H.L. Huiskes and  W.W.C.  Gieskes and J. Rozema and R.M.L. Schornoa and S.M. van der Vies and W.J Wolf}, 
     746series = {ISBN 90 5782 0879 X}, 
     747year = {2003}, 
     748comment = {20121114 : ++ compléter prénom dans hal}, 
     752hal_id = {hal-00122471}, 
     753loceanbibid = {01867}, 
     755title = {{Response of diatoms distribution to global warming and potential implications: A global model study}}, 
     756author = {Laurent Bopp and Olivier Aumont and Patricia Cadule and S. Alvain and M. Gehlen}, 
     757language = {Anglais}, 
     758affiliation = {Laboratoire des sciences du climat et de l'environnement - LSCE , Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN , Institut Pierre-Simon-Laplace - IPSL}, 
     759pages = {doi:10.1029/2005GL023653}, 
     760journal = {Geophysical Research Letters}, 
     761volume = {32}, 
     762audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     763year = {2005}, 
     767hal_id = {hal-00122845}, 
     768loceanbibid = {01866}, 
     770title = {{On the origin of the 100-kyr cycle in the astronomical forcing}}, 
     771author = {André Berger and Marie-France Loutre and Jean-Luc Mélice}, 
     772language = {Anglais}, 
     773affiliation = {Institut d'Astronomie et de G{\'e}ophysique G. Lema{\^\i}tre - UCL-ASTR , Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN , Oceanography Department - UCT-OD}, 
     774pages = {doi:10.1029/2005PA001173}, 
     775journal = {PALEOCEANOGRAPHY}, 
     776volume = {20}, 
     777audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     778doi = {10.1029/2005PA001173}, 
     779year = {2005}, 
     783hal_id = {hal-00123766}, 
     784loceanbibid = {01865}, 
     786title = {{Role of cyanobacteria in the biodegradation of crude oil by a tropical cyanobacterial mat}}, 
     787author = {F. Chaillan and M. Gugger and Alain Saliot and A. Couté and J. Oudot}, 
     788language = {Anglais}, 
     789affiliation = {Ecosyst{\`e}mes et Interactions Toxiques , Laboratoire de biog{\'e}ochimie et chimie marines - LBCM}, 
     790pages = {1574-1582}, 
     791journal = {Chemosphere}, 
     792volume = {62}, 
     793audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     794doi = {10.1016/j.chemosphere.2005.06.050}, 
     795year = {2006}, 
     796comment = {20121114 : ++ compléter prénom dans hal}, 
     800hal_id = {hal-00123787}, 
     801loceanbibid = {01864}, 
     803title = {{Escutar o r{\'a}dio aumenta o risco de ser picado por mosquitos?}}, 
     804author = {Nicolas Degallier and Hamilton Antonio De Oliveira Monteiro and Francisco Corrêa Castro and Orlando Vaz Da Silva and Hélio Augusto Cardoso Saraiva and Roberto Carlos Feitosa Brandão and Miguel Moyses Alvão}, 
     805language = {Portugais}, 
     806affiliation = {Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC , Laborat{\'o}rio de Arbov{\'\i}rus - LA}, 
     807pages = {685-686}, 
     808journal = {Revista de Sa{\'u}de P{\'u}blica}, 
     809volume = {39}, 
     810audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     811doi = {10.1590/S0034-89102005000400026}, 
     812year = {2005}, 
     813comment = {20121114 : ++ compléter diacritique dans nom dans hal}, 
     817hal_id = {hal-00124425}, 
     818loceanbibid = {01863}, 
     820title = {{Variability of the throughflow at its exit in the Indian Ocean}}, 
     821author = {Michèle Fieux and Robert Molcard and R. Morrow and Annie Kartavtseff and A. G. Ilahude}, 
     822language = {Anglais}, 
     823affiliation = {Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC , Laboratoire d'{\'e}tudes en G{\'e}ophysique et oc{\'e}anographie spatiales - LEGOS , Puslitbang Oseanologi - PO}, 
     824pages = {L14616}, 
     825journal = {Geophysical Research Letters}, 
     826volume = {32}, 
     827audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     828doi = {10.1029/2005GL022836}, 
     829year = {2005}, 
     830comment = {20121114 : ++ compléter prénom dans hal}, 
     834hal_id = {hal-00124437}, 
     835loceanbibid = {01862}, 
     837title = {{Internal gravity waves in a dipolar wind: a wave--vortex interaction experiment in a stratified fluid}}, 
     838author = {Ramiro Godoy-Diana and Jean-Marc Chomaz and Claire Donnadieu}, 
     839language = {Anglais}, 
     840affiliation = {Laboratoire d'hydrodynamique - LadHyX , Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN}, 
     841pages = {281-308}, 
     842journal = {Journal of Fluid Mechanics}, 
     843volume = {548}, 
     844audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     845doi = {10.1017/S0022112005007536}, 
     846year = {2006}, 
     850hal_id = {hal-00124655}, 
     851loceanbibid = {01861}, 
     853title = {{Ecosystem dynamics based on plankton functional types for global ocean biogeochemistry models}}, 
     854author = {Corinne Le Quéré and Sandy P. Harrison and I. Colin Prentice and Erik T. Buitenhuis and Olivier Aumont and Laurent Bopp and Hervé Claustre and Leticia Cotrim Da Cunha and Richard Geider and Xavier Giraud and Christine Klaas and Karen E. Kohfeld and Louis Legendre and Manfredi Manizza and Trevor Platt and Richard B. Rivkin and Shubha Sathyendranath and Julia Uitz and Andy J. Watson and Dieter Wolf-Gladrow}, 
     855language = {Anglais}, 
     856affiliation = {Max-Planck-Institut f{\"u}r Biogeochemie Jena (MPI BGC) - MPI BGC , Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC , Laboratoire des sciences du climat et de l'environnement - LSCE , Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie de Villefranche - LOV , Department of Biological Sciences - BS , School of Geographical Sciences , Department of Oceanography - DO , Ocean Sciences Centre - OSC}, 
     857pages = {2016-2040}, 
     858journal = {Global Change Biology}, 
     859volume = {11(11)}, 
     860note = {article de base pour un mod{\`e}le avec bact{\'e}ries, picoautotrophes, fixateurs d'azote, de calcaire, diatom{\'e}es, producteurs de DMS, divers phyto, micro, meso et macroplancton}, 
     861audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     862doi = {10.1111/j.1365-2486.2005.1004.x}, 
     863year = {2005}, 
     867hal_id = {hal-00124766}, 
     868loceanbibid = {01860}, 
     870title = {{Alkenone and coccolith records of the mid-Pleistocene in the south-east Atlantic: Implications for the Uk'37 index and South African climate}}, 
     871author = {Erin L. McClymont and Antoni Rosell-Melé and Jacques Giraudeau and Catherine Pierre and Jerry M. Lloyd}, 
     872language = {Anglais}, 
     873affiliation = {Department of Geography , ICREA and ICTA , Environnements et Pal{\'e}oenvironnements OC{\'e}aniques - EPOC , Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
     874pages = {1559-1572}, 
     875journal = {Quaternary Science Reviews}, 
     876volume = {24(14-15)}, 
     877audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     878doi = {10.1016/j.quascirev.2004.06.024}, 
     879year = {2005}, 
     880comment = {20121104 : corriger volume dans hal, corriger espece chimique hal et jabref}, 
     884hal_id = {hal-00124767}, 
     885loceanbibid = {01859}, 
     887title = {{Polar lipid biomarkers of free-living bacteria from oligotrophic marine waters}}, 
     888author = {Laurence Méjanelle and Jeanne Laureillard and Fereidoun Rassoulzadegan}, 
     889language = {Anglais}, 
     890affiliation = {Laboratoire de biog{\'e}ochimie et chimie marines - LBCM , Observatoire oc{\'e}anologique de Villefranche-sur-mer - OOVM}, 
     891pages = {365-383}, 
     892journal = {Biogeochemistry}, 
     893volume = {72(3)}, 
     894audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     895doi = {10.1007/s10533-004-0374-9}, 
     896year = {2005}, 
     897comment = {20121104 : corriger volume dans hal}, 
     901hal_id = {hal-00124773}, 
     902loceanbibid = {01858}, 
     904title = {{Evidence for the Antarctic circumpolar wave in the sub-Antarctic during the past 50 years}}, 
     905author = {Jean-Luc Mélice and J.R.E. Lutjeharms and H. Goosse and T. Fichefet and C. J. C. Reason}, 
     906language = {Anglais}, 
     907affiliation = {Department of Oceanography , Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN , Institut d'Astronomie et de G{\'e}ophysique G. Lema{\^\i}tre}, 
     908pages = {L14614}, 
     909journal = {Geophysical Research Letters}, 
     910volume = {32}, 
     911audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     912doi = {10.1029/2005GL023361}, 
     913year = {2005}, 
     914comment = {20121114 : ++ compléter prénom dans hal}, 
     918hal_id = {hal-00124794}, 
     919loceanbibid = {01857}, 
     921title = {{Diversity of Bacteria and Archaea associated with a carbonate-rich metalliferous sediment sample from the Rainbow vent field on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge}}, 
     922author = {Olivier Nercessian and Yves Fouquet and Catherine Pierre and Daniel Prieur and Christian Jeanthon}, 
     923language = {Anglais}, 
     924affiliation = {Laboratoire des Sciences de l'Environnement Marin - LEMAR , D{\'e}partement G{\'e}osciences Marines , Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
     925pages = {698-714}, 
     926journal = {Environmental microbiology}, 
     927volume = {7(5)}, 
     928audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     929doi = {10.1111/j.1462-2920.2005.00744.x}, 
     930year = {2005}, 
     934hal_id = {hal-00124807}, 
     935loceanbibid = {01856}, 
     937title = {{Anthropogenic ocean acidification over the twenty-first century and its impact on calcifying organisms}}, 
     938author = {James C. Orr and Victoria J. Fabry and Olivier Aumont and  Laurent Bopp and Scott C. Doney and Richard A. Feely and Anand Gnanadesikan and Nicolas Gruber and Akio Ishida and Fortunat Joos and Robert M. Key and Keith Lindsay and Ernst Maier-Reimer and Richard J. Matear and Patrick Monfray and Anne Mouchet and Raymond G. Najjar and Gian-Kasper Plattner and Keith B. Rodgers and Christopher L. Sabine and Jorge L. Sarmiento and Reiner Schlitzer and Richard D. Slater and Ian J. Totterdell and Marie-France Weirig and Yasuhiro Yamanaka and Andrew Yool}, 
     939language = {Anglais}, 
     940affiliation = {Laboratoire des sciences du climat et de l'environnement - LSCE , Department of Biological Sciences , Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN , Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution , Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory , Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory , Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics [Los Angeles] - IGPP , Frontier Research Center for Global Change , Climate and Environmental Physics, Physics Institute , Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (AOS) Program , National Center for Atmospheric Research - NCAR , Max Planck Institut f{\"u}r Meteorologie , Marine Research and Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems CRC , Astrophysics and Geophysics Institute , Department of Meteorology, Pennsylvania State University , Department of Bentho-pelagic processes , National Oceanography Centre Southampton}, 
     941pages = {681-686}, 
     942journal = {Nature}, 
     943volume = {437}, 
     944audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     945doi = {10.1038/nature04095}, 
     946year = {2005}, 
     950hal_id = {hal-00124834}, 
     951loceanbibid = {01855}, 
     953title = {{Climate variability at Marion Island, Southern Ocean, since 1960}}, 
     954author = {Mathieu Rouault and Jean-Luc Mélice and Chris J. C. Reason and Johann R. E. Lutjeharms}, 
     955language = {Anglais}, 
     956affiliation = {Department of Oceanography , Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
     957pages = {C05007}, 
     958journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research}, 
     959volume = {110}, 
     960audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     961doi = {10.1029/2004JC002492}, 
     962year = {2005}, 
     966hal_id = {hal-00124994}, 
     967loceanbibid = {01854}, 
     969title = {{Causes of large-scale sea level variations in the Southern Ocean: Analyses of sea level and a barotropic model}}, 
     970author = {Frédéric Vivier and Kathryn A. Kelly and Migel Harismendy}, 
     971language = {Anglais}, 
     972affiliation = {Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
     973pages = {C09014}, 
     974journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research}, 
     975volume = {110}, 
     976audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     977doi = {10.1029/2004JC002773}, 
     978year = {2005}, 
     982hal_id = {hal-00125021}, 
     983loceanbibid = {01853}, 
     985title = {{Adjustment of near-equatorial wind stress with four-dimensional variational data assimilation in a model of the Pacific Ocean}}, 
     986author = {Femke C. Vossepoel and Anthony T. Weaver and Jérôme Vialard and Pascale Delecluse}, 
     987language = {Anglais}, 
     988affiliation = {Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC , Centre Europ{\'e}en de Recherche et de Formation Avanc{\'e}e en Calcul Scientifique - CERFACS}, 
     989pages = {2070-2083}, 
     990journal = {Monthly Weather Review}, 
     991volume = {132(8)}, 
     992audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     993doi = {10.1175/1520-0493}, 
     994year = {2004}, 
     998hal_id = {hal-00138103}, 
     999loceanbibid = {01852}, 
     1001title = {{Globalizing results from ocean in situ iron fertilization studies}}, 
     1002author = {Olivier Aumont and Laurent Bopp}, 
     1003language = {Anglais}, 
     1004affiliation = {Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN , Laboratoire des sciences du climat et de l'environnement - LSCE}, 
     1005pages = {GB2017}, 
     1006journal = {Global Biogeochem. Cycles}, 
     1007volume = {20(2)}, 
     1008note = {}, 
     1009audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1010doi = {10.1029/2005GB002591}, 
     1011year = {2006}, 
     1015hal_id = {hal-00138392}, 
     1016loceanbibid = {01851}, 
     1018title = {{Biogeochemical fluxes through mesozooplankton}}, 
     1019author = {E. Buitenhuis and C. Le Quéré and Olivier Aumont and  G. Beaugrand and A. Bunker and A. Hirst and T. Ikeda and T. O'Brien and S. Piontkovski and D. Straile}, 
     1020language = {Anglais}, 
     1021affiliation = {Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry , Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC , Sir Alister Hardy Foundation for Ocean Science - SAHFOS , Heriot-Watt University , British Antarctic Survey - BAS , Plankton Laboratory, Graduate School of Fisheries Sciences, , National Marine Fisheries Service , Marine Sciences Research Center , Limnological Institute}, 
     1022pages = {GB2003}, 
     1023journal = {Global Biogeochemical Cycles}, 
     1024volume = {20}, 
     1025note = {}, 
     1026audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1027doi = {10.1029/2005GB002511}, 
     1028year = {2006}, 
     1032hal_id = {hal-00153636}, 
     1033loceanbibid = {01850}, 
     1035title = {{Impact of sub-mesoscale physics on production and subduction of phytoplankton in an oligotrophic regime}}, 
     1036author = {Marina Lévy and Patrice Klein and Anne-Marie Tréguier}, 
     1037language = {Anglais}, 
     1038affiliation = {Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
     1039pages = {535-565}, 
     1040journal = {J. Mar. Res}, 
     1041volume = {59}, 
     1042number = {4}, 
     1043audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1044year = {2001}, 
     1045comment = {20121114 : ++ compléter prénom dans hal}, 
     1046comment = {20121114 : doublon hal-00270195}, 
     1050hal_id = {hal-00153678}, 
     1051loceanbibid = {01849}, 
     1053title = {{Mesoscale variability of phytoplankton and of new production : Impact of the large scale nutrient distribution}}, 
     1054author = {Marina Lévy}, 
     1055language = {Anglais}, 
     1056affiliation = {Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN}, 
     1057pages = {3358}, 
     1058journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research}, 
     1059volume = {108}, 
     1060number = {C11}, 
     1061note = {}, 
     1062audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1063doi = {10.1029/2002JC001577}, 
     1064year = {2003}, 
     1065comment = {20121114 : ++ compléter prénom dans hal}, 
     1069hal_id = {hal-00153839}, 
     1070loceanbibid = {01848}, 
     1072title = {{Comparing the results of a 4D-variational assimilation of satellite and in situ data with WOCE CITHER hydrographic measurements in the tropical Atlantic}}, 
     1073author = {E. Greiner and Sabine Arnault}, 
     1074language = {Anglais}, 
     1075affiliation = {Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
     1076pages = {1-68}, 
     1077journal = {Progress In Oceanography}, 
     1078volume = {47}, 
     1079number = {1}, 
     1080audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1081doi = {10.1016/S0079-6611(00)00031-8}, 
     1082year = {2000}, 
     1083comment = {20121114 : ++ compléter prénom dans hal}, 
     1087hal_id = {hal-00153840}, 
     1088loceanbibid = {01847}, 
     1090title = {{Twelve monthly experiments of 4D-variational assimilation in the tropical Atlantic during 1987. Part 1: Method and statistical results}}, 
     1091author = {E. Greiner and Sabine Arnault and A. Morlière}, 
     1092language = {Anglais}, 
     1093affiliation = {Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
     1094pages = {141-202}, 
     1095journal = {Prog. Oceanogr.}, 
     1096volume = {41}, 
     1097number = {2}, 
     1098audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1099doi = {10.1016/S0079-6611(98)00016-0}, 
     1100year = {1998}, 
     1101comment = {20121114 : ++ compléter prénom dans hal}, 
     1105hal_id = {hal-00153843}, 
     1106loceanbibid = {01846}, 
     1108title = {{Twelve monthly experiments of 4D-variational assimilation in the tropical Atlantic during 1987. Part 2: Oceanographic interpretation}}, 
     1109author = {E. Greiner and Sabine Arnault and A. Morlière}, 
     1110language = {Anglais}, 
     1111affiliation = {Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
     1112pages = {203-247}, 
     1113journal = {Prog. Oceanogr.}, 
     1114volume = {41}, 
     1115number = {2}, 
     1116audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1117doi = {10.1016/S0079-6611(98)00017-2}, 
     1118year = {1998}, 
     1119comment = {20121114 : ++ compléter prénom dans hal}, 
     1123hal_id = {hal-00153845}, 
     1124loceanbibid = {01845}, 
     1126title = {{Low-frequency variability of the tropical Atlantic surface topography: altimetry and model comparison,}}, 
     1127author = {Sabine Arnault and A. Morlière and J. Merle and Y. Ménard}, 
     1128language = {Anglais}, 
     1129affiliation = {Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
     1130pages = {14259-14288}, 
     1131journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research}, 
     1132volume = {97}, 
     1133number = {C9}, 
     1134audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1135doi = {10.1029/92JC00818}, 
     1136year = {1992}, 
     1137comment = {20121114 : ++ compléter prénom dans hal}, 
     1141hal_id = {hal-00153853}, 
     1142loceanbibid = {01844}, 
     1144title = {{Projection of future climate change conditions using IPCC simulations, neural networks and Bayesian statistics. Part 1: Temperature mean state and seasonal cycle in South America}}, 
     1145author = {Jean-Philippe Boulanger and F. Martinez and E. C. Segura}, 
     1146language = {Anglais}, 
     1147affiliation = {Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN}, 
     1148pages = {233-259}, 
     1149journal = {Climate Dynamics}, 
     1150volume = {27}, 
     1151number = {2-3}, 
     1152audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1153doi = {10.1007/s00382-006-0134-8}, 
     1154year = {2006}, 
     1155comment = {20121114 : ++ compléter prénom dans hal}, 
     1159hal_id = {hal-00153858}, 
     1160loceanbibid = {01843}, 
     1162title = {{Projection of future climate change conditions using IPCC simulations, neural networks and Bayesian statistics. Part 2: Precipitation mean state and seasonal cycle in South America}}, 
     1163author = {Jean-Philippe Boulanger and F. Martinez and E. C. Segura}, 
     1164language = {Anglais}, 
     1165affiliation = {Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN}, 
     1166pages = {255-271}, 
     1167journal = {Climate Dynamics}, 
     1168volume = {28}, 
     1169number = {2-3}, 
     1170audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1171doi = {10.1007/s00382-006-0182-0}, 
     1172year = {2006}, 
     1173comment = {20121114 : ++ compléter prénom dans hal}, 
     1177hal_id = {hal-00153883}, 
     1178loceanbibid = {01842}, 
     1180title = {{Long Equatorial Waves in a High-Resolution OGCM Simulation of the Tropical Pacific Ocean during the 1985-94 TOGA Period}}, 
     1181author = {Jean-Philippe Boulanger and Pascale Delecluse and C. Maes and Claire Lévy}, 
     1182language = {Anglais}, 
     1183affiliation = {Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
     1184pages = {972-984}, 
     1185journal = {Mon. Wea. Rev.}, 
     1186volume = {125}, 
     1187number = {5}, 
     1188audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1189doi = {10.1175/1520-0493(1997)1252.0.CO;2}, 
     1190year = {1997}, 
     1191comment = {20121114 : ++ compléter prénom dans hal}, 
     1195hal_id = {hal-00153943}, 
     1196loceanbibid = {01841}, 
     1198title = {{Yucatan Channel flow: Observations versus CLIPPER ATL6 and MERCATOR PAM models}}, 
     1199author = {J. Candela and S. Tanahara and Michel Crépon and B. Barnier and J. Sheinbaum}, 
     1200language = {Anglais}, 
     1201affiliation = {Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
     1202pages = {3385}, 
     1203journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research}, 
     1204volume = {108}, 
     1205number = {C12}, 
     1206audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1207doi = {10.1029/2003JC001961}, 
     1208year = {2003}, 
     1209comment = {20121114 : ++ compléter prénom dans hal, à donner à carlos}, 
     1213hal_id = {hal-00153956}, 
     1214loceanbibid = {01840}, 
     1216title = {{A three-dimensional numerical study of deep water formation in the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea}}, 
     1217author = {Gurvan Madec and M. Chartier and Pascale Delécluse and Michel Cr{\'e}pon}, 
     1218language = {Anglais}, 
     1219affiliation = {Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
     1220pages = {1349-1371}, 
     1221journal = {J. Phys. Oceanogr.}, 
     1222volume = {21}, 
     1223number = {9}, 
     1224audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1225doi = {10.1175/1520-0485(1991)0212.0.CO;2}, 
     1226year = {1991}, 
     1227comment = {20121114 : ++ compléter prénom dans hal, à donner à carlos}, 
     1231hal_id = {hal-00154009}, 
     1232loceanbibid = {01839}, 
     1234title = {{An intercomparison between four tropical ocean models : Thermocline variability}}, 
     1235author = {Claude Frankignoul Sylvie Février and Nathalie Sennéchael and K. Verbeek and Pascale Braconnot}, 
     1236language = {Anglais}, 
     1237affiliation = {Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
     1238pages = {351-364}, 
     1239journal = {Tellus Series A : Dynamic meteorology and oceanography}, 
     1240volume = {47}, 
     1241number = {3}, 
     1242audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1243doi = {10.1034/j.1600-0870.1995.t01-2-00005.x}, 
     1244year = {1995}, 
     1245comment = {20121114 : ++ compléter prénom dans hal}, 
     1249hal_id = {hal-00154013}, 
     1250loceanbibid = {01838}, 
     1252title = {{On the ability of the LODYC GCM to simulate the thermocline depth in the equatorial Atlantic}}, 
     1253author = {Pascale Braconnot and Claude Frankignoul}, 
     1254language = {Anglais}, 
     1255affiliation = {Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
     1256pages = {221-234}, 
     1257journal = {Climate Dynamics}, 
     1258volume = {9}, 
     1259number = {4-5}, 
     1260audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1261doi = {10.1007/s003820050021}, 
     1262year = {1994}, 
     1263comment = {20121114 : ++ compléter prénom dans hal}, 
     1267hal_id = {hal-00154015}, 
     1268loceanbibid = {01837}, 
     1270title = {{Testing, Model Simulations of the Thermocline Depth Variability in the Tropical Atlantic from 1982 through 1984}}, 
     1271author = {Pascale Braconnot and Claude Frankignoul}, 
     1272language = {Anglais}, 
     1273affiliation = {Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
     1274pages = {626-647}, 
     1275journal = {J. Phys. Oceanogr.}, 
     1276volume = {23}, 
     1277number = {4}, 
     1278audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1279doi = {10.1175/1520-0485(1993)0232.0.CO;2}, 
     1280year = {1993}, 
     1281comment = {20121114 : ++ compléter prénom dans hal}, 
     1285hal_id = {hal-00154215}, 
     1286loceanbibid = {01836}, 
     1288title = {{Distributed Ocean-Atmosphere Modeling and Sensitivity to the Coupling Flux Precision: The CATHODe Project}}, 
     1289author = {C. Cassou and  P. Noyret and E. Sevault and O. Thual and L. Terray and D. Beaucourt and M. Imbard}, 
     1290language = {Anglais}, 
     1291affiliation = {Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
     1292pages = {1035-1053}, 
     1293journal = {Mon. Wea. Rev.}, 
     1294volume = {126}, 
     1295number = {4}, 
     1296audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1297doi = {10.1175/1520-0493(1998)1262.0.CO;2}, 
     1298year = {1998}, 
     1302hal_id = {hal-00154217}, 
     1303loceanbibid = {01835}, 
     1305title = {{OPA 8.1 Ocean General Circulation Model reference manual}}, 
     1306author = {Gurvan Madec and Pascale Delécluse and M. Imbard and Claire Lévy}, 
     1307language = {Anglais}, 
     1308affiliation = {Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
     1309pages = {91p}, 
     1310journal = {Note du Pole de Mod{\'e}lisation, Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace}, 
     1311volume = {11}, 
     1312audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1313year = {1998}, 
     1314comment = {20121114 : ++ compléter prénom dans hal}, 
     1318hal_id = {hal-00154252}, 
     1319loceanbibid = {01834}, 
     1321title = {{Simulation of the nitrate seasonal cycle in the equatorial Atlantic Ocean during 1983 and 1984}}, 
     1322author = {H. Loukos and Laurent Mémery}, 
     1323language = {Anglais}, 
     1324affiliation = {Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
     1325pages = {15549-15573}, 
     1326journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research}, 
     1327volume = {104}, 
     1328number = {C7}, 
     1329audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1330doi = {10.1029/1999JC900084}, 
     1331year = {1999}, 
     1335hal_id = {hal-00154253}, 
     1336loceanbibid = {01833}, 
     1338title = {{Sensibility study of an Oceanic General Circulation Model forced by satellite wind-stress fields}}, 
     1339author = {N. Grima and A. Bentamy and K. Katsaros and Y. Quilfen and P. Delecluse and C. Lévy}, 
     1340language = {Anglais}, 
     1341affiliation = {Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
     1342pages = {7967-7989}, 
     1343journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research}, 
     1344volume = {104}, 
     1345number = {C4}, 
     1346audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1347doi = {10.1029/1999JC900007}, 
     1348year = {1999}, 
     1349comment = {20121114 : ++ compléter prénom dans hal}, 
     1353hal_id = {hal-00154256}, 
     1354loceanbibid = {01832}, 
     1356title = {{Climatology and interannual variability simulated by the ARPEGE-OPA coupled model}}, 
     1357author = {L. Terray and O. Thual and S. Belamari and M. Déqué and P. Din and P. Delecluse and C. Lévy}, 
     1358language = {Anglais}, 
     1359affiliation = {Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
     1360pages = {487-505}, 
     1361journal = {Climate Dynamics}, 
     1362volume = {11}, 
     1363number = {8}, 
     1364audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1365doi = {10.1007/BF00207197}, 
     1366year = {1995}, 
     1367comment = {20121114 : ++ compléter prénom dans hal}, 
     1371hal_id = {hal-00154569}, 
     1372loceanbibid = {01832}, 
     1374title = {{Will marine dimethylsulfide emissions amplify or alleviate global warming? A model study}}, 
     1375author = {Laurent Bopp and O. Boucher and Olivier Aumont and S. Belviso and J.-L. Dufresneand M. Pham and P. Monfray}, 
     1376language = {Anglais}, 
     1377affiliation = {Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC , Service d'a{\'e}ronomie - SA}, 
     1378pages = {826-835}, 
     1379journal = {Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences}, 
     1380volume = {61}, 
     1381number = {5}, 
     1382audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1383doi = {10.1139/F04-045}, 
     1384year = {2004}, 
     1388hal_id = {hal-00154578}, 
     1389loceanbibid = {01831}, 
     1391title = {{Sensitivity study of dimethylsulphide (DMS) atmospheric concentrations and sulphate aerosol indirect radiative forcing to the DMS source representation and oxidation}}, 
     1392author = {O. Boucher and C. Moulin and S. Belviso and Olivier Aumont and Laurent Bopp and E. Cosme and R. Von Kuhlmann and M. G. Lawrence and M. Pham and M. S. Reddy and J. Sciare and C. Venkataraman}, 
     1393language = {Anglais}, 
     1394affiliation = {Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC , Service d'a{\'e}ronomie - SA}, 
     1395pages = {1181-1216}, 
     1396journal = {Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions}, 
     1397volume = {2}, 
     1398audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1399year = {2002}, 
     1400comment = {20121114 : doublon hal-00203649}, 
     1404hal_id = {hal-00155051}, 
     1405loceanbibid = {01830}, 
     1407title = {{Correction to "A global diagnostic of interior ocean ventilation"}}, 
     1408  author = {{B}runo {B}lanke and {S}abrina {S}peich and {G}urvan {M}adec and {R}. {M}augé}, 
     1409language = {Anglais}, 
     1410affiliation = {Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
     1411pages = {1625}, 
     1412journal = {Geophysical Research Letters}, 
     1413volume = {29}, 
     1414number = {13}, 
     1415audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1416doi = {10.1029/2002GL015635}, 
     1417year = {2002}, 
     1418comment = {20121114 : ++ compléter prénom dans hal}, 
     1422hal_id = {hal-00155559}, 
     1423loceanbibid = {01829}, 
     1425title = {{Observed precipitation in the Paran{\'a}-Plata hydrological basin: long-term trends, extreme conditions and ENSO teleconnections}}, 
     1426author = {J.-P. Boulanger and J. Leloup and O. Panalba and M. Rusticucci and F. Lafon and W. Vargas}, 
     1427language = {Anglais}, 
     1428affiliation = {Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN}, 
     1429pages = {393-413}, 
     1430journal = {Climate Dynamics}, 
     1431volume = {24}, 
     1432number = {4}, 
     1433audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1434doi = {10.1007/s00382-004-0514-x}, 
     1435year = {2005}, 
     1436comment = {20121114 : ++ compléter prénom dans hal}, 
     1440hal_id = {hal-00155761}, 
     1441loceanbibid = {01828}, 
     1443title = {{Analysis of a potential "solar radiation dose--dimethylsulfide--cloud condensation nuclei" link from globally mapped seasonal correlations}}, 
     1444author = {S. M. Vallina and R. Simó and S. Gassó and Clément De Boyer-Montégut and E. Del Río and E. Jurado and J. Dachs}, 
     1445language = {Anglais}, 
     1446affiliation = {Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN}, 
     1447pages = {GB2004}, 
     1448journal = {Global Biogeochem. Cycles}, 
     1449volume = {21}, 
     1450audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1451doi = {10.1029/2006GB002787}, 
     1452year = {2007}, 
     1453comment = {20121114 : ++ compléter prénom dans hal}, 
     1457hal_id = {hal-00158155}, 
     1458loceanbibid = {01828}, 
     1460title = {{Du temps qui passe au temps qu'il fera}}, 
     1461author = {Maxence Revault D'Allonnes}, 
     1462language = {Fran{\c c}ais}, 
     1463affiliation = {Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN}, 
     1464pages = {25-26}, 
     1465journal = {GEOCHRONIQUES}, 
     1466volume = {98}, 
     1467audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1468year = {2006}, 
     1469comment = {20121114 : ++ compléter prénom dans hal}, 
     1473hal_id = {hal-00158726}, 
     1474loceanbibid = {01827}, 
     1476title = {{Effects of climate and different management strategies on Aedes aegypti breeding sites: a longitudinal survey in Brasilia (DF, Brazil)}}, 
     1477author = {Charly Favier and Nicolas Dégallier and Paulo De Tarso Ribeiro Vilarinhos and Maria Do Socorro Laurentino De Carvalho and Maria Amelia Cavalcanti Yoshizawa and Monique Britto Knox}, 
     1478language = {Anglais}, 
     1479affiliation = {Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN}, 
     1480pages = {1104-1118}, 
     1481journal = {Tropical Medicine \& International Health}, 
     1482volume = {11}, 
     1483number = {7}, 
     1484audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1485doi = {10.1111/j.1365-3156.2006.01653.x}, 
     1486year = {2006}, 
     1487comment = {20121114 : ++ compléter diacritique dans nom dans hal}, 
     1491hal_id = {hal-00158740}, 
     1492loceanbibid = {01826}, 
     1494title = {{Susceptibility of Aedes aegypti larvae to the insecticide temephos in the Federal District, Brazil}}, 
     1495author = {Maria Do Socorro Laurentino De Carvalho and Eloísa Dutra Caldas and Nicolas Dégallier and Paulo De Tarso Ribeiro Vilarinhos and Luís César Kenupp Rodrigues De Souza and Maria Amélia Cavalcanti Yoshizawa and Monique Britto Knox and Cristiane De Oliveira}, 
     1496language = {Anglais}, 
     1497affiliation = {Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN}, 
     1498pages = {623-629}, 
     1499journal = {Rev. Sa{\'u}de p{\'u}b.}, 
     1500volume = {38}, 
     1501number = {5}, 
     1502note = {\_arttext\&pid=S0034-89102004000500002\&lng=en\&nrm=iso}, 
     1503audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1504year = {2004}, 
     1508hal_id = {hal-00158745}, 
     1509loceanbibid = {01825}, 
     1511title = {{Etude par pi{\`e}geage lumineux de l'abondance saisonni{\`e}re d'insectes forestiers en Guyane fran{\c c}aise}}, 
     1512author = {Nicolas Dégallier and P. Charles-Dominique and H. Gérard}, 
     1513language = {Fran{\c c}ais}, 
     1514affiliation = {Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN}, 
     1515pages = {473-484}, 
     1516journal = {Bull. Soc. ent. Fr.}, 
     1517volume = {109}, 
     1518number = {5}, 
     1519audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1520year = {2004}, 
     1521comment = {20121114 : ++ compléter diacritique dans nom dans hal}, 
     1525hal_id = {hal-00158795}, 
     1526loceanbibid = {01824}, 
     1528title = {{Larvicidal activity of some Cerrado plant extracts against Aedes aegypti}}, 
     1529author = {A. M. S. Rodrigues and J. E. De Paula and Nicolas Degallier and Jean-François Molez and L. S. Espindola}, 
     1530language = {Anglais}, 
     1531affiliation = {Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN}, 
     1532pages = {314-317}, 
     1533journal = {Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association, 2006, 22 (2), p. 314-317.}, 
     1534volume = {22}, 
     1535number = {2}, 
     1536audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1537doi = {10.2987/8756-971X(2006)22[314:LAOSCP]2.0.CO;2}, 
     1538year = {2006}, 
     1539comment = {20121114 : ++ compléter diacritique dans nom dans hal, corriger journal}, 
     1543hal_id = {hal-00158797}, 
     1544loceanbibid = {01823}, 
     1546title = {{Apparition des premiers cas autochtones caus{\'e}s par le s{\'e}rotype Dengue-3 dans le District f{\'e}d{\'e}ral, Br{\'e}sil}}, 
     1547author = {J.M.S. Teixeira and  A.J.M. Chaib and H.P. Silva and J.L. Souza and Jean-François Molez and Nicolas Dégallier}, 
     1548language = {Anglais}, 
     1549affiliation = {Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN}, 
     1550pages = {85-89}, 
     1551journal = {Bulletin de la Soci{\'e}t{\'e} de Pathologie Exotique}, 
     1552volume = {99}, 
     1553number = {2}, 
     1554audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1555year = {2006}, 
     1559hal_id = {hal-00158803}, 
     1560loceanbibid = {01822}, 
     1562title = {{An indirect estimation of the developmental time of Haemagogus janthinomys (Diptera : Culicidae), the main vector of yellow fever in South America}}, 
     1563author = {Nicolas Dégallier and H.A. De Oliveira Monteiro and F.C. Castro and O.V. Da Silva and G.C. Sa Filho and Eric Elguero}, 
     1564language = {Anglais}, 
     1565affiliation = {Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN}, 
     1566pages = {117-122}, 
     1567journal = {Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment}, 
     1568volume = {41}, 
     1569number = {2}, 
     1570audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1571doi = {10.1080/01650520500398662}, 
     1572year = {2006}, 
     1576hal_id = {hal-00158805}, 
     1577loceanbibid = {01821}, 
     1579title = {{Scanning electron Microscopy study of the egg of Haemagogus (Haemagogus) capricornii Lutz, 1904 (Diptera : Culicidae)}}, 
     1580author = {J. Alencar and A. E. Guimaraes and R. P. Mello and C. M. Lopes and Nicolas Dégallier and J. R. Santos Mallet}, 
     1581language = {Anglais}, 
     1582affiliation = {Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN}, 
     1583pages = {1-6}, 
     1584journal = {Journal of Medical Entomology}, 
     1585volume = {42}, 
     1586number = {1}, 
     1587audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1588doi = {10.1603/0022-2585(2005)042[0001:SEMSOT]2.0.CO;2}, 
     1589year = {2005}, 
     1590comment = {20121114 : ++ compléter prénom  et diacritique dans nom dans hal}, 
     1594hal_id = {hal-00158816}, 
     1595loceanbibid = {01820}, 
     1597title = {{Plastysoma directum Lewis, 1885, esp{\`e}ce rescap{\'e}e de l'oubli (Coleoptera, Histeridae, Histerinae, Platysomatini)}}, 
     1598author = {Nicolas Dégallier and Y. Gomy and M. Brendell}, 
     1599language = {Anglais}, 
     1600affiliation = {Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN}, 
     1601pages = {180-182}, 
     1602journal = {Nouvelle Revue d'Entomologie}, 
     1603volume = {22}, 
     1604number = {2}, 
     1605audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1606year = {2005}, 
     1610hal_id = {hal-00158819}, 
     1611loceanbibid = {01819}, 
     1613title = {{Notes taxonomiques sur les Chlamydopsinae et descriptions d'esp{\`e}ces nouvelles : 1. Genres Ceratohister Reichensperger, Eucurtiopsis Silvestri et Orectoscelis Lewis (Coleoptera, Histeridae)}}, 
     1614author = {Nicolas D{\'e}gallier and M.S. Casterino}, 
     1615language = {Anglais}, 
     1616affiliation = {Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN}, 
     1617pages = {299-326}, 
     1618journal = {Bulletin de la Soci{\'e}t{\'e} Entomologique de France}, 
     1619volume = {110}, 
     1620number = {3}, 
     1621audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1622year = {2005}, 
     1626hal_id = {hal-00158823}, 
     1627loceanbibid = {01818}, 
     1629title = {{Notes taxonomiques sur les Chlamydopsinae et descriptions d'esp{\`e}ces nouvelles : 2. Genre Pheidoliphila Lea (Coleoptera, Histeridae)}}, 
     1630author = {Nicolas D{\'e}gallier and M.S. Casterino}, 
     1631language = {Anglais}, 
     1632affiliation = {Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN}, 
     1633pages = {463-494}, 
     1634journal = {Bulletin de la Soci{\'e}t{\'e} Entomologique de France}, 
     1635volume = {110}, 
     1636number = {4-5}, 
     1637audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1638year = {2005}, 
     1642hal_id = {hal-00158825}, 
     1643loceanbibid = {01817}, 
     1645title = {{Coleoptera histeridae de Guyane fran{\c c}aise : 4. Myrm{\'e}cophiles et termitophiles de la sous-famille des hetaeriinae : notes techniques, faunistiques et taxonomiques}}, 
     1646author = {Nicolas D{\'e}gallier}, 
     1647language = {Anglais}, 
     1648affiliation = {Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN}, 
     1649pages = {293-316}, 
     1650journal = {Bulletin de la Soci{\'e}t{\'e} Entomologique de France}, 
     1651volume = {109}, 
     1652number = {3}, 
     1653audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1654year = {2004}, 
     1658hal_id = {hal-00161317}, 
     1659loceanbibid = {01816}, 
     1661title = {{Wind speed effect on L-band brightness temperature inferred from EuroSTARRS and WISE 2001 field experiments}}, 
     1662author = {J. Etcheto and E. Dinnat and Jacquelin Boutin and A. Camps and J. Miller and S. Contardo and J. Wesson and J. Font and D. Long}, 
     1663language = {Anglais}, 
     1664affiliation = {Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
     1665pages = {2206-2214}, 
     1666journal = {IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing}, 
     1667volume = {42}, 
     1668audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1669doi = {10.1109/TGRS.2004.834644}, 
     1670year = {2004}, 
     1671comment = {20121114 : ++ compléter prénom dans hal}, 
     1675hal_id = {hal-00162033}, 
     1676loceanbibid = {01815}, 
     1678title = {{Wavelet ridge diagnosis of time-varying elliptical signals with application to an oceanic eddy}}, 
     1679author = {J. M. Lilly and Jean-Claude Gascard}, 
     1680abstract = {{A method for diagnosing the physical properties of a time-varying ellipse is presented. This essentially involves extending the notion of instantaneous frequency to the bivariate case. New complications, and possibilities, arise from the fact that there are several meaningful forms in which a time-varying ellipse may be represented. A perturbation analysis valid for the near-circular case clarifies these issues. Diagnosis of the ellipse properties may then be performed using wavelet ridge analysis, and slowly-varying changes in the ellipse structure may be decoupled from the fast orbital motion through the use of elliptic integrals, without the need for additional explicit filtering. The theory is presented in parallel with an application to a position time series of a drifting subsurface float trapped in an oceanic eddy.}}, 
     1681language = {Anglais}, 
     1682affiliation = {Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN}, 
     1683pages = {467-483}, 
     1684journal = {Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics}, 
     1685volume = {13}, 
     1686number = {5}, 
     1687note = {}, 
     1688audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1689year = {2006}, 
     1690comment = {20121114 : ++ compléter prénom dans hal}, 
     1694hal_id = {hal-00164905}, 
     1695loceanbibid = {01814}, 
     1697title = {{On the deep water circulation of the eastern South Atlantic Ocean}}, 
     1698author = {M. Arhan and H. Mercier and Y.-H. Park}, 
     1699language = {Anglais}, 
     1700affiliation = {Laboratoire de physique des oc{\'e}ans - LPO , Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN}, 
     1701pages = {889-916(28)}, 
     1702journal = {Deep Sea Research Part I Oceanographic Research Papers}, 
     1703volume = {50}, 
     1704number = {7}, 
     1705audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1706doi = {10.1016/S0967-0637(03)00072-4}, 
     1707year = {2003}, 
     1708comment = {20121114 : ++ compléter prénom de park dans hal}, 
     1712hal_id = {hal-00164911}, 
     1713loceanbibid = {01813}, 
     1715title = {{Re-evaluation of the systematics of two deep-sea species of Thalassometra (Echinomermata: Crinoidea) and its biogeographical implications}}, 
     1716author = {M. Eléaume and  N. Améziane and Y.-H. Park}, 
     1717abstract = {{Biogeography of deep-sea comatulid crinoids is poorly understood owing partly to the lack of detailed taxonomic studies. Recent cruises off Peru dredged up two new, well-preserved specimens of Thalassometra bispinosa, a deep-sea comatulid species which was heretofore only known from the Southern Ocean. These new records enabled re-evaluation of intra-specific variation for both quantitative and qualitative morphological characters. We thus provide a new description of the species, including these new specimens, and discuss the affinities with closely related species. As a consequence, we re-evaluate the systematic position of material previously assigned to T. bispinosa dredged from the Campbell Plateau, Southern Ocean. Discrete morphological characters, measurements and SEM photographs justify reassignment of these specimens to Thalassometra villosa. This species, another poorly known deep-sea comatulid crinoid previously known only from the Aleutian Islands in the North Pacific, is also redescribed. The biogeography of these two deep-sea comatulid species is discussed and hypotheses of their geographical distribution are proposed.}}, 
     1718language = {Anglais}, 
     1719affiliation = {Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN}, 
     1720pages = {1949-1968}, 
     1721journal = {Journal of Natural History}, 
     1722volume = {38}, 
     1723number = {15}, 
     1724audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1725doi = {10.1080/0022290310001613566}, 
     1726year = {2004}, 
     1727comment = {20121114 : ++ compléter prénom de park dans hal}, 
    61731hal_id = {hal-00751448}, 
    71732loceanbibid = {01812}, 
    1151840loceanbibid = {01806}, 
    117 url = {}, 
    1181842title = {{On the connection between the 1984 Atlantic warm event the 1982-1983 ENSO}}, 
    119 author = {Pascale Delecluse and Jacques Servain and Claire L{\'e}vy and K. Arpe, and L. Bengtsson}, 
     1843author = {Pascale Delecluse and Jacques Servain and Claire L{\'e}vy and K. Arpe and L. Bengtsson}, 
    1201844language = {Anglais}, 
    1211845affiliation = {Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
    180 @article{AloisiBouloubassiEtAl:EPSL:2002 
    1811905hal_id = {hal-00170824}, 
    1821906loceanbibid = {01802}, 
    1911915audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
    1921916year = {2002}, 
     1917comment = {20121114 : doublon hal-00170824}, 
    1991924title = {{Hydrology and circulation in the Strait of Hormuz and the Gulf of Oman-Results from the GOGP99 Experiment: 2. Gulf of Oman.}}, 
    2001925author = {{S}téphane {P}ous and X. Carton and P. Lazure}, 
    201 abstract = {{Hydrological, ADCP, and drifting buoy data obtained during the GOGP99 Experiment in October and early November 1999 are analyzed to describe the Persian Gulf Water (PGW) core and the regional circulation in the Gulf of Oman. The warm and salty PGW core flows out of the Strait of Hormuz heading southeastward unto (25\degre20#N, 57\degreE), approximately. From there, it cascades down the continental slope, veers southwestward, and joins the Omani coast near (24\degre50#N, 56\degre50#E) to form a slope current. This PGW current has then thermohaline maxima on isopycnal $\sigma$0 = 26.5, near 220 m depth. Its thermohaline characteristics decrease along its progression to Ra's al Hadd (and then offshore into the Arabian Sea) but maintain a sharp contrast with surrounding waters. Outflow variability at the Strait of Hormuz can be related to downstream fluctuations of the thermohaline maxima in the PGW core at gulf scale and over a 2- to 3-week period. Moreover, several mechanisms (baroclinic instability, flow intermittency, cape effects) are examined to explain the widening of this PGW core upstream and downstream of Ra's al Hamra. In the eastern part of the Gulf of Oman, the regional circulation is a cyclonic gyre. The circulation in the western part of the Gulf is more complex, with the outflow of PGW and southeastward currents in the upper 250 m near the Omani coast, and a recirculation of upwelled waters near Ra's Jagin (on the Iranian coast). The large cyclonic gyre occupies at least the upper 300 m of the water column and undergoes little variation over a month. The PGW outflow in the northern Arabian Sea is southward and located 50--100 km from the coast. It borders a shallower northward current located offshore.}}, 
     1926abstract = {{Hydrological, ADCP, and drifting buoy data obtained during the GOGP99 Experiment in October and early November 1999 are analyzed to describe the Persian Gulf Water (PGW) core and the regional circulation in the Gulf of Oman. The warm and salty PGW core flows out of the Strait of Hormuz heading southeastward unto (25°20#N, 57°E), approximately. From there, it cascades down the continental slope, veers southwestward, and joins the Omani coast near (24°50#N, 56°50#E) to form a slope current. This PGW current has then thermohaline maxima on isopycnal $\sigma$0 = 26.5, near 220 m depth. Its thermohaline characteristics decrease along its progression to Ra's al Hadd (and then offshore into the Arabian Sea) but maintain a sharp contrast with surrounding waters. Outflow variability at the Strait of Hormuz can be related to downstream fluctuations of the thermohaline maxima in the PGW core at gulf scale and over a 2- to 3-week period. Moreover, several mechanisms (baroclinic instability, flow intermittency, cape effects) are examined to explain the widening of this PGW core upstream and downstream of Ra's al Hamra. In the eastern part of the Gulf of Oman, the regional circulation is a cyclonic gyre. The circulation in the western part of the Gulf is more complex, with the outflow of PGW and southeastward currents in the upper 250 m near the Omani coast, and a recirculation of upwelled waters near Ra's Jagin (on the Iranian coast). The large cyclonic gyre occupies at least the upper 300 m of the water column and undergoes little variation over a month. The PGW outflow in the northern Arabian Sea is southward and located 50--100 km from the coast. It borders a shallower northward current located offshore.}}, 
    2021927keywords = {Gulf of Oman; regional circulation; Persian Gulf Water outflow.}, 
    2031928language = {Anglais}, 
    2661991timestamp = {20121109}, 
    268 title = {{Mean circulations and variability between 1958 and 2004 as simulated by the DAKKAR eddy permitting 1/4\degre global ocean/sea ice model driven by CORE or ERA40 atmospheric forcing}}, 
    269 author = {{B}ernard {B}arnier and  {T}hierry {P}enduff and {J}ean-{M}arc {M}olines and {A}nne-{M}arie {T}réguier and Arne Biastoch and {G}urvan {M}adec and Claus Böning, Claus}, 
     1993title = {{Mean circulations and variability between 1958 and 2004 as simulated by the DAKKAR eddy permitting 1\/4° global ocean/sea ice model driven by CORE or ERA40 atmospheric forcing}}, 
     1994author = {{B}ernard {B}arnier and  {T}hierry {P}enduff and {J}ean-{M}arc {M}olines and {A}nne-{M}arie {T}réguier and Arne Biastoch and {G}urvan {M}adec and Claus Böning}, 
    2701995language = {Anglais}, 
    2711996affiliation = {Laboratoire des {\'e}coulements g{\'e}ophysiques et industriels - LEGI , IfM-GEOMAR , Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
    2832008timestamp = {20121108}, 
    2842009title = {{Validation of Sea Level Data in the East Asian Marginal Seas: Comparison between TOPEX/POSEIDON Altimeter and In-Situ Tide Gauges}}, 
    285 author = {Y.-H. Youn and I. S. Oh and K.-H. Kim and {Y}oung-{H}yang {P}ark and J. W. Kim} 
     2010author = {Y.-H. Youn and I. S. Oh and K.-H. Kim and {Y}oung-{H}yang {P}ark and J. W. Kim}, 
    2862011abstract = {{In an effort to assess the reliability of satellite altimeter systems, the authors conduct a comparative analysis of sea level data that were collected from the TOPEX/POSEIDON (T/P) altimeter and 10 tide gauges (TG) near the satellite passing ground tracks. The analysis is made using datasets collected from marginal sea regions surrounding the Korean Peninsula at T/P cycles of 2 to 230, which correspond to October 1992 to December 1998. Proper treatment of tidal errors is a very critical step in data processing because the study area has very strong tide. When the T/P data are processed, the procedures of Park and Gamberoni (1995) are adapted to reduce errors associated with the tide. When the T/P data are processed in this way, the alias periods of M2, S2, and K1 constituents are found to be 62.1, 58.7, and 173 days repectively. The compatibility of the T/P and TG datasets are examined at various filtering periods. The results indicate that the low-frequency signals of the T/P data can be interpreted more safely with longer filtering periods (such as up to the maximum selected value of 200 days). When RMS errors for the 200-day low-pass filter period are compared with all 10 tidal stations, the values span the range of 2.8 to 6.7 cm. The results of a correlation analysis for this filtering period also show a strong agreement between the T/P and TG datasets across all stations investigated (e.g., p-values consistently less than 0.001). Hence according to the analysis, the conclusion is made that the analysis of surface sea level using satellite altimeter data can be made safely with reasonably extended filtering periods such as 200 days.}}, 
    2872012language = {Anglais}, 
    3182043timestamp = {20121108}, 
    3192044title = {{Nutrients and carbon budgets for the gulf of Lions during the MOGLI cruises}}, 
    320 author = {Xavier Durrieu De Madron and L. Denis and Frederic Diaz and Nicole Garcia and Cécile Guieu and C. Grenz and Marie-Dominique Loÿe-Pilota and W. Ludwig and Thierry Moutin and Patrick Raimbault and Céline Ridame} 
     2045author = {Xavier Durrieu De Madron and L. Denis and Frederic Diaz and Nicole Garcia and Cécile Guieu and C. Grenz and Marie-Dominique Loÿe-Pilota and W. Ludwig and Thierry Moutin and Patrick Raimbault and Céline Ridame}, 
    3212046language = {Anglais}, 
    3222047affiliation = {Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie et de biog{\'e}ochimie - LOB , Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie de Villefranche - LOV , Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN}, 
    3552080title = {{Centennial to millennial-scale variability of the Indian monsoon during the early Holocene from a sediment, pollen and isotope record from the desert of Yemen}}, 
    3562081author = {{A}nne-{M}arie {L}ézine and J.-J. Tiercelin and C. Robert and {J}ean-{F}rançois {S}aliège and S. Cleuziou and M.-L. Inizan and F. Braemer}, 
    357 abstract = {{Lacustrine deposits of al-Hawa (15\degre52#N, 46\degre53#E, 710 m above sea level) document the climatic and environmental history of the inland desert of Yemen during the early to mid-Holocene. A freshwater lake expanded in one of the most arid areas of the world in response to increased Indian monsoon fluxes from 12,000 to 7500 cal B.P. Three dry intervals punctuated the lacustrine phase recording episodes of weaker summer monsoon activity over Arabia. Dry intervals were coeval with cold periods recorded in the North Atlantic, confirming the links between the Indian monsoon and the North Atlantic systems during the Holocene. We demonstrate that the regional vegetation remained of semi-arid character throughout the lacustrine period.}}, 
     2082abstract = {{Lacustrine deposits of al-Hawa (15°52#N, 46°53#E, 710 m above sea level) document the climatic and environmental history of the inland desert of Yemen during the early to mid-Holocene. A freshwater lake expanded in one of the most arid areas of the world in response to increased Indian monsoon fluxes from 12,000 to 7500 cal B.P. Three dry intervals punctuated the lacustrine phase recording episodes of weaker summer monsoon activity over Arabia. Dry intervals were coeval with cold periods recorded in the North Atlantic, confirming the links between the Indian monsoon and the North Atlantic systems during the Holocene. We demonstrate that the regional vegetation remained of semi-arid character throughout the lacustrine period.}}, 
    3582083keywords = {Pollen; Oxygen isotopes; Clay mineralogy; Paleolake; Yemen; Holocene}, 
    3592084language = {Anglais}, 
    371 @inproceedings{ZineBoutinEtAl:IGARSS:2007, 
    3722097hal_id = {hal-00192098}, 
    3732098loceanbibid = {01791}, 
    3772102title = {{Overview of the SMOS Sea Surface Salinity Prototype Processor}}, 
    378 author = {Zine J. Boutin, S. and Font C. Gabarr{\'o} M. Talone, J. and Reul J. Tenerelli, N. and Waldteufel, P. and Petitcolin J.-L. Vergely, F.}, 
    379   author = {{S}onia {Z}ine and {J}acqueline {B}outin and {J}. {F}ont and {C}. {G}abarro and {M}. {T}alone and {N}. {R}eul and {J}. {T}enerelli and {Ph}ilippe {W}aldteufel and and {F}. {P}etitcolin and {J}ean-{L}uc {V}ergely}, 
     2103  author = {{S}onia {Z}ine and {J}acqueline {B}outin and {J}. {F}ont and {C}. {G}abarro and {M}. {T}alone and {N}. {R}eul and {J}. {T}enerelli and {Ph}ilippe {W}aldteufel and {F}. {P}etitcolin and {J}ean-{L}uc {V}ergely}, 
    3802104collaboration = {SMOS Collaboration(s)}, 
    3812105abstract = {{The Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) mission (launch scheduled for 2008) aims at obtaining global maps of soil moisture and sea surface salinity (SSS). It uses an L-band (1.4 GHz) microwave interferometric radiometer to obtain brightness temperatures (Tb) at the Earth surface at horizontal and vertical polarizations. They will be used to retrieve both geophysical variables, following specifically designed algorithms that will be applied when the satellite field-of-view is covering land or ocean surfaces respectively. The retrieval of salinity is a complex process that requires the knowledge of environmental information and an accurate processing of the radiometer measurements, because of the narrow range of ocean Tb and the strong impact on the measures of geophysical parameters (such as sea state). Here we present the baseline approach chosen to retrieve sea surface salinity from SMOS data, as developed and implemented by the joint team of scientists and engineers responsible for the SMOS Salinity Level 2 Prototype Processor. We present academic tests conducted over homogeneous scenes with the prototype. In these configurations, external perturbation sources (sky radiation, sun glint, ...) are not taken into account. Roughness is the main sea surface signal disturbing SSS retrieval. In dual pol, wind speed biases are better corrected at the center of the swath than at the edge.}}, 
    3922116month = jul, 
    3932117comment = {20121108 : ++ embrouille prenom mon separatuer dans hal}, 
    394 } 
    396 @article{GerkemaStaquetEtAl:OM:2006, 
    397 hal_id = {hal-00264652}, 
    398 loceanbibid = {01790}, 
    399 timestamp = {20121108}, 
    400 title = {{Nonlinear effects in internal tide beams and mixing}}, 
    401 author = {{T}heo {G}erkema and {C}hantal {S}taquet and {P}ascale {B}ouruet-{A}ubertot}, 
    402 language = {Anglais}, 
    403 affiliation = {Laboratoire des {\'e}coulements g{\'e}ophysiques et industriels - LEGI , Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN , Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
    404 pages = {302-318}, 
    405 journal = {Ocean Modelling}, 
    406 volume = {12}, 
    407 number = {3-4}, 
    408 audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
    409 year = {2006}, 
    5242232timestamp = {20121107}, 
    5252233title = {{Les a{\'e}rosols d{\'e}sertiques, un facteur potentiel des {\'e}pid{\'e}mies de m{\'e}ningite en Afrique de l'Ouest}}, 
    526   author = {{N}adège {M}artiny and {I}sabelle {C}hiapello and {B}enjamin {S}ultan and and {B}ernard {F}ontaine}, 
     2234  author = {{N}adège {M}artiny and {I}sabelle {C}hiapello and {B}enjamin {S}ultan and {B}ernard {F}ontaine}, 
    5272235language = {Fran{\c c}ais}, 
    5282236affiliation = {Centre de Recherches de Climatologie - CRC , Laboratoire d'optique atmosph{\`e}rique - LOA , Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN}, 
    5422250timestamp = {20121107}, 
    5432251title = {{Analysis of the relationships between climate/aerosols and meningitis epidemics in Western Africa}}, 
    544   author = {{N}adège {M}artiny and {I}sabelle {C}hiapello and {B}enjamin {S}ultan and and {B}ernard {F}ontaine}, 
     2252  author = {{N}adège {M}artiny and {I}sabelle {C}hiapello and {B}enjamin {S}ultan and {B}ernard {F}ontaine}, 
    5452253language = {Anglais}, 
    5462254affiliation = {Centre de Recherches de Climatologie - CRC , Laboratoire d'optique atmosph{\`e}rique - LOA , Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN}, 
    6142322title = {Interpretation of CAROLS L-Band measurements in the Gulf of Biscaye}, 
    6152323author = {{A}drien {M}artin and {J}acqueline {B}outin and Danièle Hauser and {G}illes {R}everdin and {M}ickael {P}ardé and {M}ehrez {Z}ribi and {P}. {F}anise and {J}. {T}enerelli and {N}. {R}eul}, 
    616 abstract = {{The L-band Cooperative Airborne Radiometer for Ocean and Land Studies (CAROLS) radiometer (Zribi et al., IGARSS 2008) flew seven times over the Gulf of Biscay between May 04 and May 26, 2009 around 20UTC. These flights followed two airborne campaigns with the same instrument in September 2007 and November 2008. Brightness temperatures (Tb) of the surface were measured by one antenna looking at 33\degre on the right hand side of the aircraft and optionally by a nadir antenna. The nadir antenna is sometimes exchanged with the radar scatterometer STORM in order to get a measurement of surface roughness, related to wind, coincident in space and time with the radiometric measurement. Measurements are compared with simulations conducted with the Terrestrial Radiometry Analysis Package (TRAP) (Tenerelli et al., 2008) software run for CAROLS geometry and different observed geophysical conditions. Concomitant ship campaign and drifter deployments provide in situ ground truths for sea surface salinity and temperature. Wind speed and direction are either estimated from the QSCAT scatterometer or from the STORM scatterometer and complemented with in situ observation TRAP uses the physical modeling of atmospheric radiative transfer, sea surface emissivity and galactic glint foreseen for the processing of the Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity satellite data. The circle flights and wing-wags movements of the CAROLS aircraft (The French research ATR42 aircraft) allow to explore a wide range of incidence angles (from 0\degre to about 60\degre) and of galactic signals reflected by the sea surface. Previous flights in 2008 and 2009 have demonstrated that on a whole, simulated and observed variations of Tb with incidence angle are very consistent, demonstrating a good sensitivity of CAROLS instrument. In this presentation we will focus on the correlation between L-band radiometer measurements and scatterometer measurements, especially in a case of strong spatial gradient of wind speed (1 to 10m/s) observed in 2007 and on the signature of coastal salinity gradients on the L-band radiometer observed in 2009 during which we observed SSS variations between roughly 32 and 35.6 pss. New CAROLS flights in the Gulf of Biscay are foreseen in April and May 2010 under the track of the SMOS satellite.}}, 
     2324abstract = {{The L-band Cooperative Airborne Radiometer for Ocean and Land Studies (CAROLS) radiometer (Zribi et al., IGARSS 2008) flew seven times over the Gulf of Biscay between May 04 and May 26, 2009 around 20UTC. These flights followed two airborne campaigns with the same instrument in September 2007 and November 2008. Brightness temperatures (Tb) of the surface were measured by one antenna looking at 33° on the right hand side of the aircraft and optionally by a nadir antenna. The nadir antenna is sometimes exchanged with the radar scatterometer STORM in order to get a measurement of surface roughness, related to wind, coincident in space and time with the radiometric measurement. Measurements are compared with simulations conducted with the Terrestrial Radiometry Analysis Package (TRAP) (Tenerelli et al., 2008) software run for CAROLS geometry and different observed geophysical conditions. Concomitant ship campaign and drifter deployments provide in situ ground truths for sea surface salinity and temperature. Wind speed and direction are either estimated from the QSCAT scatterometer or from the STORM scatterometer and complemented with in situ observation TRAP uses the physical modeling of atmospheric radiative transfer, sea surface emissivity and galactic glint foreseen for the processing of the Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity satellite data. The circle flights and wing-wags movements of the CAROLS aircraft (The French research ATR42 aircraft) allow to explore a wide range of incidence angles (from 0° to about 60°) and of galactic signals reflected by the sea surface. Previous flights in 2008 and 2009 have demonstrated that on a whole, simulated and observed variations of Tb with incidence angle are very consistent, demonstrating a good sensitivity of CAROLS instrument. In this presentation we will focus on the correlation between L-band radiometer measurements and scatterometer measurements, especially in a case of strong spatial gradient of wind speed (1 to 10m/s) observed in 2007 and on the signature of coastal salinity gradients on the L-band radiometer observed in 2009 during which we observed SSS variations between roughly 32 and 35.6 pss. New CAROLS flights in the Gulf of Biscay are foreseen in April and May 2010 under the track of the SMOS satellite.}}, 
    6172325language = {Anglais}, 
    6182326affiliation = {Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN , Laboratoire Atmosph{\`e}res, Milieux, Observations Spatiales - LATMOS , Institut Pierre-Simon-Laplace - IPSL , Centre d'{\'e}tudes spatiales de la biosph{\`e}re - CESBIO , CLS Brest , Institut Fran{\c c}ais de Recherche et d'Exploitation de la Mer - IFREMER}, 
    6412349year = {2005}, 
    6422350month = may, 
    643 comment = {20121108 : doublons avec une de mes entrees hal-00164942}, 
     2351comment = {20121108 : doublons avec une de mes entrees hal-00164942 et hal-00155450}, 
    7672475timestamp = {20121107}, 
    7682476title = {{SMOS First Results Successes and Issues: Towards Global Soil Moisture and Sea Sea Salinity Maps}}, 
    769   author = {{Y}ann {H}. {K}err and {Ph}ilippe {W}aldteufel and {F}. {C}abot and P. Richaume and A. Mahmoodi and Steven Delwart and {J}ean-{P}ierre {W}igneron and and {S}. {M}ecklenburg and {N}icolas {R}eul and {J}acqueline {B}outin}, 
     2477  author = {{Y}ann {H}. {K}err and {Ph}ilippe {W}aldteufel and {F}. {C}abot and P. Richaume and A. Mahmoodi and Steven Delwart and {J}ean-{P}ierre {W}igneron and {S}. {M}ecklenburg and {N}icolas {R}eul and {J}acqueline {B}outin}, 
    7702478abstract = {{SMOS, a L Band radiometer using aperture synthesis to achieve a good spatial resolution, was successfully launched on November 2, 2009. It was developed and made under the leadership of the European Space Agency (ESA) as an Earth Explorer Opportunity mission. It is a joint program with the Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES) in France and the Centro para el Desarrollo Teccnologico Industrial (CDTI) in Spain. SMOS carries a single payload, an L band 2D interferometric, radiometer in the 1400-1427 MHz h protected band. This wavelength penetrates well through the vegetation and the atmosphere is almost transparent enabling to infer both soil moisture and vegetation water content over land and sea surface salinity over the oceans. SMOS achieves an unprecedented spatial resolution of 50 km at L-band maximum (43 km on average) with multi angular-dual polarized (or fully polarized) brightness temperatures over the globe and with a revisit time smaller than 3 days. SMOS as been now acquiring data for over one year after the end of the commissioning phase. The data quality exceeds what was expected, showing very good sensitivity and stability. The data is however very much impaired by man made emission in the protected band, leading to degraded measurements in several areas including parts of Europe and of China. However, many different international teams are now addressing cal val activities in various parts of the world, with notably large field campaigns either on the long time scale or over specific targets to address the specific issues. These campaigns take place in various parts of the world, in different environments from the Antarctic plateau to the deserts, from rain forests to deep oceans. Actually SMOS is a new sensor making new measurements paving the way to new applications. However it also requires a very fine analysis of the data so as to validate both the approach and the retrieval quality, as well as for monitoring the evolution of the sensor. To achieve such goals it is very important to link efficiently ground measurement to satellite measurements through field campaigns and related airborne acquisitions as well as with other existing sensors. This paper thus gives an overview of the science goals of the SMOS mission, a description of the main mission elements, and a foretaste of the first results including performances at brightness temperature as well as at geophysical parameters. It will include how the grond campaigns were elaborated to address the main cal Val activities accounting for SMOS specificities, in what context they were organized as well as the most significant results.}}, 
    7712479language = {Anglais}, 
    9512659loceanbibid = {01758}, 
    9522660timestamp = {20121106}, 
    953 hal_id = {hal-00748841}, 
    9542661title = {Weighted Hierarchical Mixed Topological Map: une m{\'e}thode de classification hi{\'e}rarchique {\`a} deux niveaux}, 
    9552662author = {Mory Ouattara and Nd{\`e}ye Niang and {S}ylvie {T}hiria and Corinne Mandin and {F}ouad {B}adran}, 
    9632670audience = {nationale}, 
    9642671year = {2012}, 
    965 month = Jan, 
     2672month = jan, 
    9662673hal_id = {hal-00748841}, 
    13223029aeresteam = {paleoproxus}, 
    13233030timestamp = {20120912}, 
    1324 author = {{R}enata {Z}ocatelli and {B}runo {T}urcq and {M}ohammed {B}oussafir and {R}.C. {C}ordeiro and {J}ean-{R}obert {D}isnar and {R}.L. {C}osta and {A}bdelfettah {S}ifeddine and {A}na {L}uiza {S}padano {A}lbuquerque and {M}.C. {B}ernardes and and {J}érémy {J}acob}, 
    1325 abstract = {{N}ortheast {B}razil represents a key area in terms of {H}olocene environmental changes in {S}outh {A}merica due to its distinct semi-arid climate at near equatorial latitudes as well as to a wetter {E}arly and {M}iddle {H}olocene paleoclimate in comparison with other {S}outh {A}merica regions, which also experienced a reduced monsoon at that time. {W}e studied the lacustrine sediments of {L}ake {B}oqueirão, which is located at 5\degreS latitude on the {B}razilian {A}tlantic coast; it is directly influenced by displacement of the {I}ntertropical {C}onvergence {Z}one (ITCZ). A short (1 m) core "Boqc0701" was collected at a 7.5 m water depth during a seismic survey. {O}rganic matter (OM) geochemical [Rock {E}val {T}otal {O}rganic {C}arbon (TOC), {H}ydrogen {I}ndex (HI), {O}xygen {I}ndex (OI)] and petrographical studies allowed us to distinguish five sedimentary intervals during the last 3 kyrs. {P}hase E (3000 to 2050 cal yr BP) presents the largest TOC, HI and OI fluctuations in the entire core. {T}he most probable cause of these variations is a great instability in the lake level during this period. {P}hase D (2050 to 1830 cal yr BP) is marked by an increase in sedimentation rate and a higher contribution from a well-preserved OM with an algal origin; this was interpreted as a higher and more stable lake level. {D}uring phase C (1830 to 1550 cal yrs BP), low HI and high OI indicate the input of more oxidized, degraded and detrital OM, reflecting a lower lake level. {I}n phase B (1550 to 1470 cal yr BP), the OM quality and quantity (HI and TOC) indicate an algal contribution. {D}uring phase A (1470 to 570 cal yr BP), the high stability of the proxies may be due to a deep environment where OM fluctuations are strongly buffered. {T}hese changes in lake level can be compared with other tropical {S}outh {A}merica high resolution records. A correspondence seems to exist between phases of low ENSO, cool {N}orth {A}tlantic {O}cean and {B}oqueirão wet phases. {W}e did not encounter this same pattern during the last 1050 yaers, during which the 1050-570 cal yrs BP interval was generally wet (although probable fluctuations are buffered in our proxies) while the {N}orth {A}tlantic was warm (Mann et al., 2009). A prolonged dryness occurred in {L}ake {B}oqueirão from 570 cal yrs BP until recent decades. {T}his phase corresponds to the {L}ittle {I}ce {A}ge characterized by a cooler {N}orth {A}tlantic {O}cean (Mann et al., 2009). {T}hese data indicate that the teleconnection pattern between the tropical {A}tlantic, ENSO and {N}ortheast {B}razil rainfalls has changed in the past.}, 
     3031author = {{R}enata {Z}ocatelli and {B}runo {T}urcq and {M}ohammed {B}oussafir and {R}.C. {C}ordeiro and {J}ean-{R}obert {D}isnar and {R}.L. {C}osta and {A}bdelfettah {S}ifeddine and {A}na {L}uiza {S}padano {A}lbuquerque and {M}.C. {B}ernardes and {J}érémy {J}acob}, 
     3032abstract = {{N}ortheast {B}razil represents a key area in terms of {H}olocene environmental changes in {S}outh {A}merica due to its distinct semi-arid climate at near equatorial latitudes as well as to a wetter {E}arly and {M}iddle {H}olocene paleoclimate in comparison with other {S}outh {A}merica regions, which also experienced a reduced monsoon at that time. {W}e studied the lacustrine sediments of {L}ake {B}oqueirão, which is located at 5°S latitude on the {B}razilian {A}tlantic coast; it is directly influenced by displacement of the {I}ntertropical {C}onvergence {Z}one (ITCZ). A short (1 m) core "Boqc0701" was collected at a 7.5 m water depth during a seismic survey. {O}rganic matter (OM) geochemical [Rock {E}val {T}otal {O}rganic {C}arbon (TOC), {H}ydrogen {I}ndex (HI), {O}xygen {I}ndex (OI)] and petrographical studies allowed us to distinguish five sedimentary intervals during the last 3 kyrs. {P}hase E (3000 to 2050 cal yr BP) presents the largest TOC, HI and OI fluctuations in the entire core. {T}he most probable cause of these variations is a great instability in the lake level during this period. {P}hase D (2050 to 1830 cal yr BP) is marked by an increase in sedimentation rate and a higher contribution from a well-preserved OM with an algal origin; this was interpreted as a higher and more stable lake level. {D}uring phase C (1830 to 1550 cal yrs BP), low HI and high OI indicate the input of more oxidized, degraded and detrital OM, reflecting a lower lake level. {I}n phase B (1550 to 1470 cal yr BP), the OM quality and quantity (HI and TOC) indicate an algal contribution. {D}uring phase A (1470 to 570 cal yr BP), the high stability of the proxies may be due to a deep environment where OM fluctuations are strongly buffered. {T}hese changes in lake level can be compared with other tropical {S}outh {A}merica high resolution records. A correspondence seems to exist between phases of low ENSO, cool {N}orth {A}tlantic {O}cean and {B}oqueirão wet phases. {W}e did not encounter this same pattern during the last 1050 yaers, during which the 1050-570 cal yrs BP interval was generally wet (although probable fluctuations are buffered in our proxies) while the {N}orth {A}tlantic was warm (Mann et al., 2009). A prolonged dryness occurred in {L}ake {B}oqueirão from 570 cal yrs BP until recent decades. {T}his phase corresponds to the {L}ittle {I}ce {A}ge characterized by a cooler {N}orth {A}tlantic {O}cean (Mann et al., 2009). {T}hese data indicate that the teleconnection pattern between the tropical {A}tlantic, ENSO and {N}ortheast {B}razil rainfalls has changed in the past.}, 
    13263033keywords = {{R}ock-{E}val, organic petrography, macrophytes, algal, intertropical convergence.}, 
    13273034language = {Anglais}, 
    13343041doi = {10.1016/j.palaeo.2012.08.021}, 
    13353042year = {2012}, 
    1336 hal_id = {insu-00730933}, 
    2245 author = {{J}acqueline {C}odron and {D}aryl {C}odron and {M}att {S}ponheimer and {K}evin {K}irkman and {K}evin {J}. {D}uffy and {E}rich {J}. {R}aubenheimer and {J}ean-{L}uc {M}élice {R}ina {G}rant and {M}arcus {C}lauss and and {J}ulia {A}. {L}ee-{T}horp}, 
     3951author = {{J}acqueline {C}odron and {D}aryl {C}odron and {M}att {S}ponheimer and {K}evin {K}irkman and {K}evin {J}. {D}uffy and {E}rich {J}. {R}aubenheimer and {J}ean-{L}uc {M}élice {R}ina {G}rant and {M}arcus {C}lauss and {J}ulia {A}. {L}ee-{T}horp}, 
    22463952title = {{S}table isotope series from elephant ivory reveal lifetime histories of a true dietary generalist}, 
    22473953journal = {{P}roceedings of the {R}oyal {S}ociety B: {B}iological {S}ciences}, 
    24554161  audience = {internationale}, 
    24564162  doi = {10.1016/j.orggeochem.2012.03.013}, 
    2457   hal_id = {insu-00686432}, 
    24584163  loceanaffectation = {ird}, 
    24594164  loceanbibid = {01481}, 
    2862   author = {{V}alentina {F}lores-{A}queveque and {S}téphane {C}. {A}lfaro and {S}andrine {C}aquineau and {G}illes {F}oret and and {G}abriel {V}argas and {J}ose {A}. {R}utllant}, 
     4567  author = {{V}alentina {F}lores-{A}queveque and {S}téphane {C}. {A}lfaro and {S}andrine {C}aquineau and {G}illes {F}oret and {G}abriel {V}argas and {J}ose {A}. {R}utllant}, 
    28634568  title = {{I}nter-annual variability of southerly winds in a coastal area of the {A}tacama {D}esert: implications for the export of aeolian sediments to the adjacent marine environment}, 
    28644569  journal = {{S}edimentology}, 
    47736478  doi = {10.1016/j.marchem.2011.03.003}, 
    47746479  keywords = {{H}igh-frequency sensors; {A}ir-sea {CO$_{2}$} exchange; {D}aily to 
    4775         inter-annual scale; {C}arbon cycle; {C}oastal ecosystems; (47-49\degreN 
    4776         4-5.5\degreW)}, 
     6480        inter-annual scale; {C}arbon cycle; {C}oastal ecosystems; (47-49°N 
     6481        4-5.5°W)}, 
    47776482  language = {{A}nglais}, 
    47786483  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    63038008        of the equatorial cold tongue. {U}nderstanding and quantifying the 
    63048009        various EUC origins is therefore of prime importance. {F}or this 
    6305         purpose, a high-resolution (1/4\degre) interannual oceanic simulation 
    6306         was analyzed from the western tropical {P}acific boundaries to 140\degreW, 
     8010        purpose, a high-resolution (1/4°) interannual oceanic simulation 
     8011        was analyzed from the western tropical {P}acific boundaries to 140°W, 
    63078012        using a {L}agrangian framework. {W}aters from the {L}ow-{L}atitude 
    63088013        {W}estern {B}oundary {C}urrents (LLWBCs) transiting from {V}itiaz 
    63108015        the {M}indanao {C}urrent were identified as the principal sources 
    63118016        to the EUC. {W}aters conveyed by the interior ocean off equator are 
    6312         negligible till 180\degreE. {T}he LLWBCs' waters represent 87\% of 
    6313         the EUC transport at 156\degreE out of which the {N}ew {G}uinea {C}oastal 
     8017        negligible till 180°E. {T}he LLWBCs' waters represent 87\% of 
     8018        the EUC transport at 156°E out of which the {N}ew {G}uinea {C}oastal 
    63148019        {U}ndercurrent (NGCU) is as large as 47\%. {T}he EUC meridional distribution 
    63158020        suggests that the waters originating from {S}olomon {S}trait and 
    68258530        occurred over the twentieth century. A glacier-climate model indicates 
    68268531        that, relative to modern climate, annual mean temperature for the 
    6827         {T}elata glacier region was -3.3 $\pm$ 0.8 \degreC cooler at 11 kyr 
    6828         ago and remained -2.1 $\pm$ 0.8 \degreC cooler until the end of the 
     8532        {T}elata glacier region was -3.3 $\pm$ 0.8 °C cooler at 11 kyr 
     8533        ago and remained -2.1 $\pm$ 0.8 °C cooler until the end of the 
    68298534        {L}ittle {I}ce {A}ge. {W}e suggest that long-term warming of the 
    68308535        eastern tropical {P}acific and increased atmospheric temperature 
    924910954        the lower limit of the SPDW in the {O}na {B}asin. {A}n enhanced $\delta$3He 
    925010955        signature is confined to the north of the {P}olar {F}ront between 
    9251         55.5\degreS and 56.5\degreS in the 1500-2200 m depth range. {I}t 
     10956        55.5°S and 56.5°S in the 1500-2200 m depth range. {I}t 
    925210957        clearly indicates the signature of the core of the {S}outheast {P}acific 
    925310958        {D}eep {S}lope {W}ater. {T}he entry pathway in the ACC of the SPDSW 
    993511640  aeresteam = {surf}, 
    993611641  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    9937   comment = {20110125 : doublon hal}, 
     11642  comment = {20110125 : doublon hal ird-00555461}, 
    993811643  doi = {10.3390/s110100719}, 
    993911644  issn = {1424-8220}, 
    10394   author = {{S}imon {T}. {B}elt and {L}indsay {L}. {V}are and and {G}uillaume {M}assé and {H}ayley {R}. {M}anners and {J}ohn {C}. {P}rice and {S}uzanne {E}. {M}acLachlan and {J}ohn {T}. {A}ndrews and {S}abine {S}chmidt}, 
     12099  author = {{S}imon {T}. {B}elt and {L}indsay {L}. {V}are and {G}uillaume {M}assé and {H}ayley {R}. {M}anners and {J}ohn {C}. {P}rice and {S}uzanne {E}. {M}acLachlan and {J}ohn {T}. {A}ndrews and {S}abine {S}chmidt}, 
    1039512100  title = {{S}triking similarities in temporal changes to spring sea ice occurrence across the central {C}anadian {A}rctic {A}rchipelago over the last 7000 years}, 
    1039612101  journal = {{Q}uaternary {S}cience {R}eviews}, 
    1343715142        - SISYPHE , IRD {B}résil , {L}aboratoire d'{O}céanographie et du 
    1343815143        {C}limat : {E}xpérimentations et {A}pproches {N}umériques - LOCEAN}, 
    13439   hal_id = {hal-00547738}, 
    1344015144  language = {{F}rançais}, 
    1344115145  loceanaffectation = {ird}, 
    13467   author = {{I}gor {V}. {P}olyakov and {L}eonid {A}. {T}imokhov and {V}ladimir {A}. {A}lexeev and {S}heldon {B}acon and {I}gor {A}. {D}mitrenko and {L}ouis {F}ortier and {I}van {E}. {F}rolov and {J}ean-{C}laude {G}ascard and {E}dmond {H}ansen and {V}ladimir {V}. {I}vanov and {S}eymour {L}axon and {C}ecilie {M}auritzen and {D}on {P}erovich and {K}oji {S}himada and {H}arper {L}. {S}immons and {V}ladimir {T}. {S}okolov and {M}ichael {S}teele and and {J}ohn {T}oole}, 
     15171  author = {{I}gor {V}. {P}olyakov and {L}eonid {A}. {T}imokhov and {V}ladimir {A}. {A}lexeev and {S}heldon {B}acon and {I}gor {A}. {D}mitrenko and {L}ouis {F}ortier and {I}van {E}. {F}rolov and {J}ean-{C}laude {G}ascard and {E}dmond {H}ansen and {V}ladimir {V}. {I}vanov and {S}eymour {L}axon and {C}ecilie {M}auritzen and {D}on {P}erovich and {K}oji {S}himada and {H}arper {L}. {S}immons and {V}ladimir {T}. {S}okolov and {M}ichael {S}teele and {J}ohn {T}oole}, 
    1346815172  title = {{A}rctic {O}cean {W}arming {C}ontributes to {R}educed {P}olar {I}ce {C}ap}, 
    1346915173  journal = {{J}ournal of {P}hysical {O}ceanography}, 
    1622617930        {P}aris {S}ud - {P}aris {XI}}, 
    1622717931  audience = {internationale}, 
    16228   comment = {20091203 doublon}, 
     17932  comment = {20091203 doublon insu-00407825}, 
    1622917933  language = {{A}nglais}, 
    1623017934  loceanaffectation = {ird}, 
    1666218366  timestamp = {20120419}, 
    1666318367  hal_id={hal-00385197}, 
    16664   comment = {20121109 : ++ doublon hal-0266968}, 
     18368  comment = {20121114 : doublon hal-00266969}, 
    1986021564  timestamp = {20120419}, 
    1986121565  hal_id={hal-0033033}, 
     21566  comment = {20121104 : doublon hal-00330339}, 
    1986221567  doi={10.5194/bg-5-141-2008}, 
    2055222257  loceanteam = {varclim}, 
    2055322258  timestamp = {20120419}, 
    20554   url = {} 
     22259  url = {}, 
    2055522260  hal_id={hal-00409293}, 
    2086622571  loceanbibid = {00742}, 
    2086722572  loceanteam = {paléotropique,paleoproxus}, 
     22573  hal_id = {ird-00367325}, 
    2086822574  aeresteam = {paleoproxus}, 
    2086922575  timestamp = {20120419}, 
    20870   url = {} 
    2152323228  aeresteam = {paleoproxus}, 
    2152423229  timestamp = {20120419}, 
    21525   url = {} 
     23230  url = {}, 
     23231  hal_id={insu-00338953}, 
    25805   author = {{W}ilbert {W}eijer and {F}rédéric {V}ivier and and {S}arah {G}ille and {H}. {D}ijkstra}, 
     27511  author = {{W}ilbert {W}eijer and {F}rédéric {V}ivier and {S}arah {G}ille and {H}. {D}ijkstra}, 
    2580627512  title = {{M}ultiple oscillatory modes of the {A}rgentine {B}asin. {P}art I: {S}tatistical analyses}, 
    2580727513  journal = {{J}ournal of {P}hysical {O}ceanography}, 
    2600127707  loceanteam = {nemo}, 
    2600227708  timestamp = {20120419}, 
     27709  hal_id={hal-00138383}, 
     27710  comment = {20121114 : inverser prénom nom premier auteur dans HAL}, 
    2630828016  timestamp = {20120419}, 
    2630928017  url = {}, 
     28018  hal_id={hal-00123565}, 
    2670228411  timestamp = {20120419}, 
    2670328412  hal_id={hal-00124432}, 
     28413  comment ={20121115 : doublon hal-00264652}, 
    2724328953        {S}upérieure de {T}echniques {A}vancées, {P}aris - {ENSTA} - {É}cole 
    2724428954        {N}ationale {S}upérieure de {T}echniques {A}vancées, {P}aris}, 
    27245   comment = {20091204 doublon}, 
     28955  comment = {20091204 doublon hal-00149489}, 
    2724628956  language = {{A}nglais}, 
    2724728957  loceanaffectation = {upmc}, 
    2759829308  aeresteam = {paleoproxus}, 
    2759929309  timestamp = {20120419}, 
     29310  hal_id={hal-00407619}, 
    2761429325  loceanteam = {paléotropique}, 
    2761529326  timestamp = {20120419}, 
     29327  hal_id={hal-00407620}, 
    2776529477  timestamp = {20120419}, 
    2776629478  hal_id={hal-00159796}, 
     29479  comment ={20121114 : doublon de insu-00385883}, 
    2786429577  loceanteam = {austral-boréal}, 
    2786529578  timestamp = {20120419}, 
     29579  hal_id={hal-00124842}, 
    2790729621  loceanbibid = {00426}, 
    2790829622  timestamp = {20120419}, 
    27909   url = {} 
     29623  url = {}, 
     29624  hal_id={hal-00124852}, 
    2806229777  loceanteam = {surf,varclim}, 
    2806329778  timestamp = {20120419}, 
     29779  hal_id={hal-00331140}, 
     29780  comment =  {20121115 : doublon hal-00331122 pas exactement ni le même titre ni le même journal}, 
    2819829915  loceanbibid = {00411}, 
    2819929916  timestamp = {20120419}, 
     29917  hal_id={hal-00122653}, 
    2845330171  nationality = {F}, 
    2845430172  timestamp = {20120419}, 
    2849230211  loceanteam = {surf}, 
    2849330212  timestamp = {20120419}, 
     30213  hal_id={hal-00145753}, 
    2861630336  author = {{L}uciana {C}ontador}, 
    28617   title = {{I}ntéractions entre polluants et micro-organisme à l'interface {A}ir-{M}er}, 
     30337  title = {Étude de la structure chimique et microbiologique de linterface air-mer en Baie de Guanabara (Brésil)}, 
    2861830338  year = {2005}, 
    2861930339  type = {{T}hèse de doctorat}, 
    28620   directeur_de_these = {A. {S}aliot}, 
     30340  directeur_de_these = {{A}lain {S}aliot}, 
    2862130341  financement = {CAPES}, 
    2862230342  locean_dea = {{B}résil}, 
    2862630346  nationality = {{B}résilienne}, 
    2862730347  timestamp = {20120419}, 
     30348  hal_id={tel-00122547}, 
    2891930640  loceanbibid = {00377}, 
    2892030641  timestamp = {20120419}, 
     30642  hal_id = {hal-00124082}, 
    2929931021  loceanteam = {prodyam}, 
    2930031022  timestamp = {20120419}, 
     31023  hal_id={hal-00124609}, 
    2945031173  loceanteam = {paléotropique}, 
    2945131174  timestamp = {20120419}, 
     31175  hal_id={hal-00413505}, 
    2956631290  loceanteam = {varclim}, 
    2956731291  timestamp = {20120419}, 
     31292  hal_id={hal-00124686}, 
    2960031325        - {U}niversity of {S}outhampton}, 
    2960131326  audience = {non spécifiée}, 
    29602   comment = {20120521 : mauvais doi dans HAL}, 
    2960331327  doi = {10.1029/2004JC002771}, 
    2960431328  language = {{A}nglais}, 
    2960731331  loceanteam = {surf}, 
    2960831332  timestamp = {20120419}, 
    29609   hal_id={hal-00124777}, 
    3001931742  loceanteam = {surf,phybiocar}, 
    3002031743  timestamp = {20120419}, 
    30021   url = {} 
     31744  url = {}, 
     31745  hal_id={hal-00124824}, 
     31746  comment = {20121114 : compléter prénom dans hal}, 
    3005931784  loceanbibid = {00325}, 
    3006031785  timestamp = {20120419}, 
     31786  hal_id={hal-00124827}, 
     31787  comment = {20121114 : compléter prénom dans hal}, 
    3009131818  loceanteam = {surf}, 
    3009231819  timestamp = {20120419}, 
    30093   url = {} 
     31820  url = {}, 
    3017831906  timestamp = {20120419}, 
    3017931907  hal_id={hal-00162245}, 
     31908  comment = {2012115 : doublon hal-155514 avec année 2005}, 
    3029832027  loceanteam = {surf}, 
    3029932028  timestamp = {20120419}, 
     32029  hal_id={hal-00124963}, 
    3033132061  loceanbibid = {00314}, 
    3033232062  timestamp = {20120419}, 
     32063  hal_id={hal-00124968}, 
    3042532156  timestamp = {20120419}, 
    3042632157  hal_id={hal-00161675}, 
    30427   comment ={20121112 : doublon hal-124984}, 
     32158  comment ={20121112 : doublon hal-00124984}, 
    3044132172  loceanbibid = {00309}, 
    3044232173  timestamp = {20120419}, 
     32174  hal_id={hal-00124986} 
    3044632178  author = {{C}laire {T}reignier}, 
    30447   title = {{T}raceurs lipidiques et messages sédimentaires en {M}er {M}éditerrannée}, 
     32179  title = {Apports en matière organique marine et terrigène sur la marge équatoriale ouest africaine : rôle joué par le canyon sous-marin du Zaïre. Approche par les biomarqueurs lipidiques}, 
    3044832180  school = {{U}niversité de {P}aris {VI}}, 
    3044932181  year = {2005}, 
    3045832190  nationality = {F}, 
    3045932191  timestamp = {20120419}, 
     32192  hal_id={tel-00103360}, 
    3061232345  loceanbibid = {00302}, 
    3061332346  timestamp = {20120419}, 
     32347  hal_id={hal-00124999}, 
    3065932393  timestamp = {20120419}, 
    3066032394  hal_id={hal-00186812}, 
     32395  comment = {20121114 : doublon hal-00155452}, 
    3068332418  loceanteam = {phybiocar}, 
    3068432419  timestamp = {20120419}, 
    30685   url = {} 
     32420  url = {}, 
    3068632421  hal_id = {hal-00158988}, 
    3068732422comment = {20121112 : mauvais titre dans hal}, 
    3074332478  hal_id={hal-00260759}, 
    3074432479  doi={10.1016/j.dsr2.2004.09.007}, 
     32480  comment = {20121114 : doublons avec hal-00161300}, 
    3077432510  author = {{J}acqueline {B}outin and {Ph}ilippe {W}aldteufel and {N}icolas {M}artin and {G}érard {C}audal and {E}mmanuel {D}innat}, 
    30775   title = {{U}ncertainties on surface salinity retrieved from {SMOS} measurements over global ocean}, 
     32511  title = {Surface Salinity Retrieved from SMOS Measurements over the Global Ocean: Imprecisions Due to Sea Surface Roughness and Temperature Uncertainties}, 
    3077632512  journal = {{J}ournal of {A}tmospheric and {O}ceanic {T}echnology}, 
    3077732513  year = {2004}, 
    3080032536  hal_id={hal-00146339}, 
    3080132537  doi={10.1175/1520-0426(2004)021<1432:SSRFSM>2.0.CO;2}, 
     32538  comment = {20121114 : doublon de hal-00161716 mais mauvais titre dans cet id}, 
     32539  comment = {20121115 : doublon de hal-00145583 mais mauvais titre et mauvaise liste d'auteurs dans cet id}, 
    3081332551  loceanbibid = {00293}, 
    3081432552  timestamp = {20120419}, 
     32553  hal_id={hal-00125198}, 
    3083032569  loceanbibid = {00292}, 
    3083132570  timestamp = {20120419}, 
     32571  hal_id={hal-00123569}, 
    3089532635  timestamp = {20120419}, 
    3089632636  hal_id={hal-00186827}, 
     32637  comment = {20121114 : doublon hal-00164927 et hal-00155448}, 
    3099132732  loceanbibid = {00284}, 
    3099232733  timestamp = {20120419}, 
     32734  hal_id=hal-00125030}, 
     32735  comment = {20121114 : complérter prénom dans hal}, 
    3100832751  loceanbibid = {00283}, 
    3100932752  timestamp = {20120419}, 
     32753  hal_id={hal-00154585}, 
    3103032774  timestamp = {20120419}, 
    3103132775  hal_id={hal-00155078}, 
     32776  comment = {20121114 : doublon avec hal-00125026}, 
    3105332798  loceanbibid = {00281}, 
    3105432799  timestamp = {20120419}, 
    31055   url = {} 
     32800  hal_id={inria-00122558}, 
     32801  comment = {20121115 : doublon hal-00331073}, 
    3138233128  loceanteam = {surf}, 
    3138333129  timestamp = {20120419}, 
     33130  hal_id={hal-00125187}, 
    3159133338  timestamp = {20120419}, 
    3159233339  hal_id={hal-00187100}, 
    31593 } 
     33340  comment = {20121114 : doublon avec hal-00164929/}, 
    3167133420  timestamp = {20120419}, 
    3167233421  hal_id={hal-00155079}, 
     33422  comment = {20121114 : doublon avec hal-00125023}, 
    3181733567  timestamp = {20120419}, 
    3181833568  hal_id={hal-00165113}, 
     33569  comment = {20121114 : doublon avec hal-00125014}, 
    3188233633  hal_id={hal-00328333}, 
    3188333634  doi={10.5194/acp-3-49-2003}, 
     33635  comment = {20121115 : possible doublon hal-00327795}, 
    32012 @ARTICLE{EchevinMortierEtAl:JPO:2003, 
    32013   author = {{V}incent {E}chevin and {L}aurent {M}ortier and {M}ichel {C}répon}, 
     33765  author = {{V}incent {E}chevin and {M}ichel {C}répon and {L}aurent {M}ortier}, 
    3201433766  title = {{I}nteraction of a coastal current with a shelf topography, application to the {G}ulf of {L}ions shelf}, 
    3201533767  journal = {{J}ournal of {P}hysical {O}ceanography}, 
    3202133773  loceanbibid = {00233}, 
    3202233774  timestamp = {20120419}, 
     33775  hal_id = {hal-00153947}, 
     33776comment = {20121115 : mauvais ordre auteurs dans hal hal-00153947  Laurent Mortier <>}, 
    3204133795  loceanbibid = {00232}, 
    3204233796  timestamp = {20120419}, 
     33797  hal_id={hal-00153625}, 
     33798  comment = {20121114 : doublon hal-00230148}, 
    3207733833  timestamp = {20120419}, 
    3207833834  doi={10.4401/ag-3390}, 
     33835  hal_id={hal-00153995}, 
    3211733874  loceanbibid = {00228}, 
    3211833875  timestamp = {20120419}, 
     33876  hal_id={hal-00153861}, 
    3220233960  loceanteam = {surf}, 
    3220333961  timestamp = {20120419}, 
     33962  hal_id={hal-00153997}, 
    3230734066  loceanbibid = {00217}, 
    3230834067  timestamp = {20120419}, 
     34068  hal_id={hal-00154589}, 
    3234634106  timestamp = {20120419}, 
    3234734107  doi={10.1175/1520-0442(2003)016<3389:TWAMDP>2.0.CO;2}, 
     34108  hal_id={hal-00155511}, 
    3242634187  loceanbibid = {00209}, 
    3242734188  timestamp = {20120419}, 
     34189  hal_id={hal-00155070}, 
     34190  comment = {20121114 : ++ compléter prénom dans hal}, 
     34191  comment = {20121114 : mauvaise liste auteur dans doublon hal-00270746 de Francoise Cudennec <>}, 
    3245434218  loceanbibid = {00207}, 
    3245534219  timestamp = {20120419}, 
     34220  hal_id={hal-00154548}, 
     34221  comment = {20121114 : compléter prénom dans HAL}, 
    3276034526  loceanteam = {surf}, 
    3276134527  timestamp = {20120419}, 
     34528  hal_id={hal-00154001}, 
    3284634613  loceanbibid = {00183}, 
    3284734614  timestamp = {20120419}, 
     34615  hal_id={hal-00153870}, 
    3292734695  loceanteam = {surf,phybiocar}, 
    3292834696  timestamp = {20120419}, 
     34697  hal_id={hal-00153683}, 
     34698  comment = {20121114 : compléter prénom dans hal}, 
    3318934959  loceanbibid = {00162}, 
    3319034960  timestamp = {20120419}, 
     34961  hal_id={hal-00155053}, 
     34962  comment = {20121114 : compléter prenom dans hal}, 
    3345935231  loceanbibid = {00146}, 
    3346035232  timestamp = {20120419}, 
     35233  hal_id={hal-00153627}, 
     35234  comment = {20121114 : compléter prénom dans HAL}, 
    3357435348  loceanbibid = {00138}, 
    3357535349  timestamp = {20120419}, 
     35350  hal_id={hal-00155056}, 
     35351  comment = {20121114 : ++ compléter prenom dans hal}, 
    3360235378  hal_id={hal-0026460}, 
    3360335379  doi={10.1016/S0377-0265(01)00062-8}, 
     35380  comment = {20121114 : doublon avec hal-00264603}, 
    3365035427  timestamp = {20120419}, 
    3365135428  hal_id={hal-00183066}, 
     35429  comment = {20121114 : doublon avec hal-00154211}, 
    3370035478  loceanbibid = {00131}, 
    3370135479  timestamp = {20120419}, 
     35480  hal_id={hal-00154041}, 
    3382935608  loceanbibid = {00122}, 
    3383035609  timestamp = {20120419}, 
     35610  hal_id={hal-00154005}, 
    3394335723  loceanbibid = {00116}, 
    3394435724  timestamp = {20120419}, 
     35725  hal_id = {hal-00153642}, 
     35726  comment = {20121114 : compléter prénom et doi dans hal}, 
    3400135783  loceanbibid = {00112}, 
    3400235784  timestamp = {20120419}, 
     35785  hal_id={hal-00154045}, 
    3425636039  loceanteam = {surf}, 
    3425736040  timestamp = {20120419}, 
     36041  hal_id={hal-00154240}, 
    3427836062  loceanteam = {surf}, 
    3427936063  timestamp = {20120419}, 
     36064  hal_id={hal-00154245}, 
    3487936664  loceanbibid = {00059}, 
    3488036665  timestamp = {20120419}, 
     36666  hal_id={hal-00153952}, 
     36667  comment = {20121124 : corriger liste des auteurs dans HAL}, 
    3489136678  loceanbibid = {00058}, 
    3489236679  timestamp = {20120419}, 
     36680  hal_id={hal-00154220}, 
    3498636774  timestamp = {20120419}, 
    3498736775  doi={<0320:ASOCPS>2.0.CO;2}, 
     36776  hal_id={hal-00153953}, 
     36777  comment = {20121114 : compléter prénom dans hal}, 
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