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    r276 r277  
    88hal_id = {hal-00023597}, 
    9 title = {{La s{\'e}dimentation organo-min{\'e}rale marqueur des changements environnementaux et climatiques au Nord-Est du Br{\'e}sil (Lac Ca{\c c}o, Maranh{\\~a}o, Br{\'e}sil) durant les 21,000 ans Cal BP.}}, 
    10 author = {Abdelfettah Sifeddine and Ana Luiza Spadano Albuquerque and Bruno Turcq and Jérémy Jacob and Mohammed Boussafir and Jean-Robert Disnar and Jorge Abrão}, 
    11 abstract = {{Les r{\'e}sultats s{\'e}dimentologiques incluant la sismique r{\'e}flexion, la min{\'e}ralogie et la g{\'e}ochimie organique de deux carottes pr{\'e}lev{\'e}es respectivement au centre et sur la marge du lac Ca{\c c}o- (Maranh{\\~a}o,Br{\'e}sil) ont mit en {\'e}vidence des changement climatiques et environnementaux durant les 21 000 derni{\`e}res ann{\'e}es. En g{\'e}n{\'e}ral le Tardi glaciaire a {\'e}t{\'e} marqu{\'e} par trois phases d'augmentation du niveau du lac dat{\'e}es respectivement vers 17,400; 14,900 et 12,000 ans Cal B.P. accompagn{\'e}es chaque fois par des pics de Sid{\'e}rite. Le Dryas r{\'e}cent a {\'e}t{\'e} enregistr{\'e} au lac Ca{\c c}o par une diminution du niveau lacustre. Compar{\'e}s avec d'autres enregistrements pal{\'e}oclimatiques d'Am{\'e}rique du Sud, il appara{\^\i}t que le climat r{\'e}gional du lac Ca{\c c}o a {\'e}t{\'e} principalement contr{\^o}l{\'e} par des {\'e}v{\'e}nements globaux ainsi que par les interconnections entre les deux h{\'e}misph{\`e}res. L'Holoc{\`e}ne, a {\'e}t{\'e} marqu{\'e} entre 10,000 et 7,000 ans Cal B.P. par un arr{\^e}t de la s{\'e}dimentation dans la marge du lac (MA 97-3). La pr{\'e}sence de charbons de bois {\`a} partir 10,000 ans B.P., confirme l'existence de phases s{\`e}ches durant cette p{\'e}riode. A partir de 7,000 ans Cal B.P., le lac Ca{\c c}o enregistre une nouvelle phase de remise en eau.}}, 
    12 language = {Anglais}, 
    13 affiliation = {Departamento de Geoquimica, Universidade Federal Fluminense - DEPARTAMENTO DE GEOQUIMICA , Pal{\'e}o-environnements tropicaux et variabilit{\'e} climatique - PALEOTROPIQUE , Institut des Sciences de la Terre d'Orl{\'e}ans - ISTO}, 
    14 booktitle = {{Association des S{\'e}dimentologistes Fran{\c c}ais}}, 
    15 address = {Orl{\'e}ans, France}, 
     9title = {{La sédimentation organo-minérale marqueur des changements environnementaux et climatiques au {N}ord-{E}st du {B}résil (Lac {C}aço, {M}aranhão, {B}résil) durant les 21,000 ans {C}al BP.}}, 
     10author = {{A}bdelfettah {S}ifeddine and {A}na {L}uiza {S}padano {A}lbuquerque and {B}runo {T}urcq and {J}érémy {J}acob and {M}ohammed {B}oussafir and {J}ean-{R}obert {D}isnar and {J}orge {A}brão}, 
     11abstract = {{Les résultats sédimentologiques incluant la sismique réflexion, la minéralogie et la géochimie organique de deux carottes prélevées respectivement au centre et sur la marge du lac {C}aço- (Maranhão,Brésil) ont mit en évidence des changement climatiques et environnementaux durant les 21 000 dernières années. {E}n général le {T}ardi glaciaire a été marqué par trois phases d'augmentation du niveau du lac datées respectivement vers 17,400; 14,900 et 12,000 ans {C}al B.P. accompagnées chaque fois par des pics de {S}idérite. {L}e {D}ryas récent a été enregistré au lac {C}aço par une diminution du niveau lacustre. {C}omparés avec d'autres enregistrements paléoclimatiques d'{A}mérique du {S}ud, il apparaît que le climat régional du lac {C}aço a été principalement contrôlé par des événements globaux ainsi que par les interconnections entre les deux hémisphères. L'{H}olocène, a été marqué entre 10,000 et 7,000 ans {C}al B.P. par un arrêt de la sédimentation dans la marge du lac (MA 97-3). {L}a présence de charbons de bois à partir 10,000 ans B.P., confirme l'existence de phases sèches durant cette période. A partir de 7,000 ans {C}al B.P., le lac {C}aço enregistre une nouvelle phase de remise en eau.}}, 
     12language = {{A}nglais}, 
     13affiliation = {{D}epartamento de {G}eoquimica, {U}niversidade {F}ederal {F}luminense - DEPARTAMENTO DE GEOQUIMICA , {P}aléo-environnements tropicaux et variabilité climatique - PALEOTROPIQUE , {I}nstitut des {S}ciences de la {T}erre d'{O}rléans - ISTO}, 
     14booktitle = {{Association des {S}édimentologistes {F}rançais}}, 
     15address = {{O}rléans, {F}rance}, 
    1616year = {2001}, 
    2121loceanbibid = {01910}, 
    23 title = {{Enregistrement des variations pal{\'e}oenvironnementales durant le Quaternaire r{\'e}cent en domaine intertropical (Lac Ca{\c c}o, Br{\'e}sil) : Apports de la g{\'e}ochimie organique globale et mol{\'e}culaire.}}, 
    24 author = {Jérémy Jacob and Jean-Robert Disnar and Mohammed Boussafir and Abdelfettah Sifeddine and Ana-Luiza Spadano Albuquerque and Bruno Turcq}, 
    25 language = {Fran{\c c}ais}, 
    26 affiliation = {Institut des Sciences de la Terre d'Orl{\'e}ans - ISTO , Departamento de Geoquimica, Universidade Federal Fluminense - DEPARTAMENTO DE GEOQUIMICA , Pal{\'e}o-environnements tropicaux et variabilit{\'e} climatique - PALEOTROPIQUE}, 
    27 booktitle = {{Association des S{\'e}dimentologiqtes Fran{\c c}ais}}, 
    28 address = {Orl{\'e}ans, France}, 
     23title = {{Enregistrement des variations paléoenvironnementales durant le {Q}uaternaire récent en domaine intertropical (Lac {C}aço, {B}résil) : {A}pports de la géochimie organique globale et moléculaire.}}, 
     24author = {{J}érémy {J}acob and {J}ean-{R}obert {D}isnar and {M}ohammed {B}oussafir and {A}bdelfettah {S}ifeddine and {A}na-{L}uiza {S}padano {A}lbuquerque and {B}runo {T}urcq}, 
     25language = {{F}rançais}, 
     26affiliation = {{I}nstitut des {S}ciences de la {T}erre d'{O}rléans - ISTO , {D}epartamento de {G}eoquimica, {U}niversidade {F}ederal {F}luminense - DEPARTAMENTO DE GEOQUIMICA , {P}aléo-environnements tropicaux et variabilité climatique - PALEOTROPIQUE}, 
     27booktitle = {{Association des {S}édimentologiqtes {F}rançais}}, 
     28address = {{O}rléans, {F}rance}, 
    2929year = {2001}, 
    3030pdf = {\_-\_Resume\_Lac\_Caco\_-\_ASF-Oral\_-\_Jacob\_et\_al\_2001.pdf}, 
    3535loceanbibid = {01909}, 
    37 title = {{Onocerane I witnesses to dry climatic phases at the end of Last Glacial Maximum and during the Younger Dryas in Northern Brazil.}}, 
    38 author = {Jérémy Jacob and Jean-Robert Disnar and Mohammed Boussafir and Marie-Pierre Ledru and Abdelfettah Sifeddine and Ana Luiza Spadano Albuquerque and Bruno Turcq}, 
    39 abstract = {{Onocerane-related compounds are very uncommon molecules that are seldom encountered in the plant kingdom and even more rarely in sediments. In living plants, onoceranoids have been isolated from taxa as diverse as ferns, club mosses and Fabaceae. In this latter, onocerin (onoceranediol) is supposed to render the roots water-impermeable and to allow the plants belonging to this genus to colonize water-depleted media. In sediments, onoceranes have been observed up to the Carboniferous but mainly in post-Cretaceous series always deposited in continental settings (lacustrine, intramontane basins, lagoonal or brackish contexts). We here report on the first occurrence of onocerane I in Late Pleistocene and Quaternary sediments, collected in a lake located almost under the Equator (Lagoa do Ca{\c c}o, NE Brazil). The comparison of onocerane I abundance with palynological results all through the last 20,000 years allow us to exclude ferns and club mosses as possible producers of onocerane in this setting. Onocerane I is only found in significant amounts in two distinct sedimentary intervals: the first, rapidly deposited at the end of Last Glacial Maximum (c.a. 21,000 cal yrs B.P.) and the second during the Younger Dryas (between 13,000 and 12,000 cal yrs B.P.) (figure 1). These two periods are both documented as having been dryer than those prevailing presently. Therefore, the presence of onocerane I in the sediments deposited during these two intervals testimonies to the development of plants adapted to water-deficient environments. No evidence of a possible precursor can be deciphered from palynological results, probably due to the poor conservation of the pollen of these plants.}}, 
    40 language = {Anglais}, 
    41 affiliation = {Institut des Sciences de la Terre d'Orl{\'e}ans - ISTO , Departamento Geologia Sedimentar e Ambiental - IRD/CNPQ , Departamento de Geoquimica, Universidade Federal Fluminense - DEPARTAMENTO DE GEOQUIMICA , Pal{\'e}o-environnements tropicaux et variabilit{\'e} climatique - PALEOTROPIQUE}, 
    42 booktitle = {{21st International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry}}, 
    43 address = {Kralow, Pologne}, 
     37title = {{Onocerane I witnesses to dry climatic phases at the end of {L}ast {G}lacial {M}aximum and during the {Y}ounger {D}ryas in {N}orthern {B}razil.}}, 
     38author = {{J}érémy {J}acob and {J}ean-{R}obert {D}isnar and {M}ohammed {B}oussafir and {M}arie-{P}ierre {L}edru and {A}bdelfettah {S}ifeddine and {A}na {L}uiza {S}padano {A}lbuquerque and {B}runo {T}urcq}, 
     39abstract = {{Onocerane-related compounds are very uncommon molecules that are seldom encountered in the plant kingdom and even more rarely in sediments. {I}n living plants, onoceranoids have been isolated from taxa as diverse as ferns, club mosses and {F}abaceae. {I}n this latter, onocerin (onoceranediol) is supposed to render the roots water-impermeable and to allow the plants belonging to this genus to colonize water-depleted media. {I}n sediments, onoceranes have been observed up to the {C}arboniferous but mainly in post-{C}retaceous series always deposited in continental settings (lacustrine, intramontane basins, lagoonal or brackish contexts). {W}e here report on the first occurrence of onocerane I in {L}ate {P}leistocene and {Q}uaternary sediments, collected in a lake located almost under the {E}quator (Lagoa do {C}aço, NE {B}razil). {T}he comparison of onocerane I abundance with palynological results all through the last 20,000 years allow us to exclude ferns and club mosses as possible producers of onocerane in this setting. {O}nocerane I is only found in significant amounts in two distinct sedimentary intervals: the first, rapidly deposited at the end of {L}ast {G}lacial {M}aximum (c.a. 21,000 cal yrs B.P.) and the second during the {Y}ounger {D}ryas (between 13,000 and 12,000 cal yrs B.P.) (figure 1). {T}hese two periods are both documented as having been dryer than those prevailing presently. {T}herefore, the presence of onocerane I in the sediments deposited during these two intervals testimonies to the development of plants adapted to water-deficient environments. {N}o evidence of a possible precursor can be deciphered from palynological results, probably due to the poor conservation of the pollen of these plants.}}, 
     40language = {{A}nglais}, 
     41affiliation = {{I}nstitut des {S}ciences de la {T}erre d'{O}rléans - ISTO , {D}epartamento {G}eologia {S}edimentar e {A}mbiental - IRD/CNPQ , {D}epartamento de {G}eoquimica, {U}niversidade {F}ederal {F}luminense - DEPARTAMENTO DE GEOQUIMICA , {P}aléo-environnements tropicaux et variabilité climatique - PALEOTROPIQUE}, 
     42booktitle = {{21st {I}nternational {M}eeting on {O}rganic {G}eochemistry}}, 
     43address = {{K}ralow, {P}ologne}, 
    4444year = {2003}, 
    4545pdf = {\_Resume\_Onocerane\_-\_IMOG-Oral\_-\_Jacob\_et\_al\_2003.pdf}, 
    5252url = {}, 
    53 title = {{Distribution et {\'e}tat de pr{\'e}servation de la mati{\`e}re organique s{\'e}dimentaire des s{\'e}diments superficiels du Lac Ca{\c c}o (Maran{\\~a}o, Br{\'e}sil). Production/diagen{\`e}se organique pr{\'e}coce et remplissage s{\'e}dimentaire lacustre}}, 
    54 author = {Mohammed Boussafir and Merouane Foudi and Jérémy Jacob and Jean-Robert Disnar and Abdelfettah Sifeddine and Ana Luiza Spadano Albuquerque}, 
    55 abstract = {{Le Lac Ca{\c c}o est situ{\'e} au Nord-Est du Br{\'e}sil, dans l'Etat de Maranha{\\~o}, sous l'Equateur (2°58S 43°25 W), en bordure de la for{\^e}t amazonienne et {\`a} 80 km de la c{\^o}te Atlantique. Son altitude ne d{\'e}passe pas les 80m. Ce lac est largement influenc{\'e} par le climat intertropical humide (1500 {\`a} 1750mm/an), caract{\'e}ris{\'e} par une saison pluvieuse de 6 mois, de d{\'e}cembre jusqu'au mois de mai. La temp{\'e}rature annuelle moyenne est de 26°C. Sa situation {\`a} l'entr{\'e}e de le zone de convergence intertropicale lui conf{\`e}re une importance majeure dans les {\'e}tudes pal{\'e}oenvironnementales et pal{\'e}oclimatiques quaternaires du continent sud am{\'e}ricain. L'objectif principal de ce travail {\'e}tait d'{\'e}tudier la nature, l'{\'e}tat de pr{\'e}servation et les sources actuelles de la MO s{\'e}dimentaire d'un bassin lacustre {\'e}quatorial, par le moyen d'analyses globales en g{\'e}ochimie et p{\'e}trographie organiques.}}, 
    56 language = {Anglais}, 
    57 affiliation = {Institut des Sciences de la Terre d'Orl{\'e}ans - ISTO , Pal{\'e}o-environnements tropicaux et variabilit{\'e} climatique - PALEOTROPIQUE , Departamento de Geoquimica - DEPARTAMENTO DE GEOQUIMICA}, 
    58 booktitle = {{Association des S{\'e}dimentologistes Fran{\c c}ais}}, 
    59 address = {Bordeaux, France}, 
     53title = {{Distribution et état de préservation de la matière organique sédimentaire des sédiments superficiels du {L}ac {C}aço (Maranhaão, {B}résil). {P}roduction/diagenèse organique précoce et remplissage sédimentaire lacustre}}, 
     54author = {{M}ohammed {B}oussafir and {M}erouane {F}oudi and {J}érémy {J}acob and {J}ean-{R}obert {D}isnar and {A}bdelfettah {S}ifeddine and {A}na {L}uiza {S}padano {A}lbuquerque}, 
     55abstract = {{Le {L}ac {C}aço est situé au {N}ord-{E}st du {B}résil, dans l'{E}tat de {M}aranhaõ}, sous l'{E}quateur (2°58S 43°25 W), en bordure de la forêt amazonienne et à 80 km de la côte {A}tlantique. {S}on altitude ne dépasse pas les 80m. {C}e lac est largement influencé par le climat intertropical humide (1500 à 1750mm/an), caractérisé par une saison pluvieuse de 6 mois, de décembre jusqu'au mois de mai. {L}a température annuelle moyenne est de 26°C. {S}a situation à l'entrée de le zone de convergence intertropicale lui confère une importance majeure dans les études paléoenvironnementales et paléoclimatiques quaternaires du continent sud américain. L'objectif principal de ce travail était d'étudier la nature, l'état de préservation et les sources actuelles de la MO sédimentaire d'un bassin lacustre équatorial, par le moyen d'analyses globales en géochimie et pétrographie organiques.}}, 
     56language = {{A}nglais}, 
     57affiliation = {{I}nstitut des {S}ciences de la {T}erre d'{O}rléans - ISTO , {P}aléo-environnements tropicaux et variabilité climatique - PALEOTROPIQUE , {D}epartamento de {G}eoquimica - DEPARTAMENTO DE GEOQUIMICA}, 
     58booktitle = {{Association des {S}édimentologistes {F}rançais}}, 
     59address = {{B}ordeaux, {F}rance}, 
    6060year = {2003}, 
    6161pdf = {\_-\_Resume\_-ASF-poster\_-\_Boussafiretal2003.pdf}, 
    6666loceanbibid = {01907}, 
    68 title = {{Mg-Calcites and dolomite in the Brejo do Espinho lagoon, Rio de Janeiro.}}, 
    69 author = {A.P.A. Anjos and Abdelfettah Sifeddine and S.R. Pachineelam and Christian Défarge and Bruno Turcq}, 
    70 abstract = {{The aim of this research is to study the carbonate sedimentation in a hypersaline coastal (Brejo do Espinho) where dolomite precipitation can be expected. The study allowed to make a general characterization of the sediment and to identify different types of carbonate minerals by mineralogical studies and cryo-scanning electron-microscopy.}}, 
    71 language = {Anglais}, 
    72 affiliation = {Departamento de Geoquimica Universidade Federal Fluminense, Morro do Valonguinho - DEPARTAMENTO DE GEOQUIMICA , Pal{\'e}o-environnements tropicaux et variabilit{\'e} climatique - PALEOTROPIQUE , Institut des Sciences de la Terre d'Orl{\'e}ans - ISTO}, 
    73 booktitle = {{3rd Latin American Congr. Sedimentology}}, 
    74 address = {Bel{\'e}m, Br{\'e}sil}, 
     68title = {{Mg-{C}alcites and dolomite in the {B}rejo do {E}spinho lagoon, {R}io de {J}aneiro.}}, 
     69author = {A.P.A. {A}njos and {A}bdelfettah {S}ifeddine and S.R. {P}achineelam and {C}hristian {D}éfarge and {B}runo {T}urcq}, 
     70abstract = {{The aim of this research is to study the carbonate sedimentation in a hypersaline coastal (Brejo do {E}spinho) where dolomite precipitation can be expected. {T}he study allowed to make a general characterization of the sediment and to identify different types of carbonate minerals by mineralogical studies and cryo-scanning electron-microscopy.}}, 
     71language = {{A}nglais}, 
     72affiliation = {{D}epartamento de {G}eoquimica {U}niversidade {F}ederal {F}luminense, {M}orro do {V}alonguinho - DEPARTAMENTO DE GEOQUIMICA , {P}aléo-environnements tropicaux et variabilité climatique - PALEOTROPIQUE , {I}nstitut des {S}ciences de la {T}erre d'{O}rléans - ISTO}, 
     73booktitle = {{3rd {L}atin {A}merican {C}ongr. {S}edimentology}}, 
     74address = {{B}elém, {B}résil}, 
    7575year = {2003}, 
    7676pdf = {}, 
    8181loceanbibid = {01906}, 
    83 title = {{Reconstruction of pAST climates from sedimentary biomarkers. Ancient molecules for past climate reconstructions: a large field of application for spectroscopic methods.}}, 
    84 author = {Jérémy Jacob and Jean-Robert Disnar and Yongsong Huang and Mohammed Boussafir and  Abdelfettah Sifeddine and Ana Luiza Spadano Albuquerque and Bruno Turcq}, 
    85 abstract = {{Although we have now a better picture of past climates, there are still numerous questions that remain unsolved. These uncertainties primarily arise from the possible human impact on climate dynamics, the need to assess feedbacks from the biosphere and to better understand and anticipate natural variability of climate (forcing mechanisms, time lags...). In order to record past climatic and environmental changes, numerous tools have been applied to multiple records. The direct interpretation of these data in terms of climatic parameters is sometimes questionable and strengthens the necessity for more accurate paleodata from sedimentary archives. Sedimentary organic matter is a renewing target for paleoclimate information because it derives from living organisms that are sensible to environmental changes and its complexity promises a virtually infinite source of information. In order to access this information at a molecular or isotopic level, the organic geochemist must now use a large panel of spectroscopic tools (GC-MS, HPLC-MS and GC-IRMS). I will here present some recent advances in the field of molecular and compound-specific isotopes applications to paleoclimate reconstructions. So as to estimate the impact of climatic changes on the ecosystems, paleoflora can be deciphered from the occurrence, in the sediments, of taxon-specific molecules. Similarly, the physico-chemical conditions that prevailed at time of deposition of the sediment are accessible by the study of diagenetic by-products, derived from the alteration of biomolecules. Other molecules are produced by organisms as a response to the variations of environmental/climatic parameters. Their identification and quantitation in sediments can be used as a proxy of these parameters. Finally, the recent development of compound-specific isotope techniques allows measuring the isotopic composition ($\Delta$D, $\Delta$13C, 15N...) of single molecules, therefore affording a better constrain on the significance of isotopic signatures.}}, 
    86 language = {Anglais}, 
    87 affiliation = {Institut des Sciences de la Terre d'Orl{\'e}ans - ISTO , Geology Department , Pal{\'e}o-environnements tropicaux et variabilit{\'e} climatique - PALEOTROPIQUE , Departamento de Geoquimica, Universidade Federal Fluminense - DEPARTAMENTO DE GEOQUIMICA}, 
    88 booktitle = {{21{\`e}me Congr{\`e}s de la Soci{\'e}t{\'e} Fran{\c c}aise de Spectrom{\'e}trie de Masse}}, 
    89 address = {Strasbourg, France}, 
     83title = {{Reconstruction of pAST climates from sedimentary biomarkers. {A}ncient molecules for past climate reconstructions: a large field of application for spectroscopic methods.}}, 
     84author = {{J}érémy {J}acob and {J}ean-{R}obert {D}isnar and {Y}ongsong {H}uang and {M}ohammed {B}oussafir and  {A}bdelfettah {S}ifeddine and {A}na {L}uiza {S}padano {A}lbuquerque and {B}runo {T}urcq}, 
     85abstract = {{Although we have now a better picture of past climates, there are still numerous questions that remain unsolved. {T}hese uncertainties primarily arise from the possible human impact on climate dynamics, the need to assess feedbacks from the biosphere and to better understand and anticipate natural variability of climate (forcing mechanisms, time lags...). {I}n order to record past climatic and environmental changes, numerous tools have been applied to multiple records. {T}he direct interpretation of these data in terms of climatic parameters is sometimes questionable and strengthens the necessity for more accurate paleodata from sedimentary archives. {S}edimentary organic matter is a renewing target for paleoclimate information because it derives from living organisms that are sensible to environmental changes and its complexity promises a virtually infinite source of information. {I}n order to access this information at a molecular or isotopic level, the organic geochemist must now use a large panel of spectroscopic tools (GC-MS, HPLC-MS and GC-IRMS). I will here present some recent advances in the field of molecular and compound-specific isotopes applications to paleoclimate reconstructions. {S}o as to estimate the impact of climatic changes on the ecosystems, paleoflora can be deciphered from the occurrence, in the sediments, of taxon-specific molecules. {S}imilarly, the physico-chemical conditions that prevailed at time of deposition of the sediment are accessible by the study of diagenetic by-products, derived from the alteration of biomolecules. {O}ther molecules are produced by organisms as a response to the variations of environmental/climatic parameters. {T}heir identification and quantitation in sediments can be used as a proxy of these parameters. {F}inally, the recent development of compound-specific isotope techniques allows measuring the isotopic composition ($\Delta$D, $\Delta$13C, 15N...) of single molecules, therefore affording a better constrain on the significance of isotopic signatures.}}, 
     86language = {{A}nglais}, 
     87affiliation = {{I}nstitut des {S}ciences de la {T}erre d'{O}rléans - ISTO , {G}eology {D}epartment , {P}aléo-environnements tropicaux et variabilité climatique - PALEOTROPIQUE , {D}epartamento de {G}eoquimica, {U}niversidade {F}ederal {F}luminense - DEPARTAMENTO DE GEOQUIMICA}, 
     88booktitle = {{21ème {C}ongrès de la {S}ociété {F}rançaise de {S}pectrométrie de {M}asse}}, 
     89address = {{S}trasbourg, {F}rance}, 
    9090year = {2004}, 
    9595loceanbibid = {01905}, 
    97 title = {{Agricultura y medio natural en la cuenca del Titicaca : tres mil anos de relaciones}}, 
    98 author = {Thérèse Bouysse-Cassagne and P. Morlon and Philippe Mourguiart and Denis Wirrmann}, 
    99 keywords = {Exploitation agricole;histoire;utilisation du sol;Andes;Bolivie;P{\'e}rou;Lac Titicaca}, 
    100 language = {Espagnol}, 
    101 affiliation = {Centre de recherche et de documentation de l'Am{\'e}rique latine - CREDAL , Pal{\'e}o-environnements tropicaux et variabilit{\'e} climatique - PALEOTROPIQUE}, 
     97title = {{Agricultura y medio natural en la cuenca del {T}iticaca : tres mil anos de relaciones}}, 
     98author = {{T}hérèse {B}ouysse-{C}assagne and P. {M}orlon and {P}hilippe {M}ourguiart and {D}enis {W}irrmann}, 
     99keywords = {{E}xploitation agricole;histoire;utilisation du sol;Andes;Bolivie;Pérou;Lac {T}iticaca}, 
     100language = {{E}spagnol}, 
     101affiliation = {{C}entre de recherche et de documentation de l'{A}mérique latine - CREDAL , {P}aléo-environnements tropicaux et variabilité climatique - PALEOTROPIQUE}, 
    102102booktitle = {{Actas del septimo congreso internacional sobre cultivos andinos}}, 
    103103publisher = {ORSTOM ; IBTA ; CRDI}, 
    104104pages = {383-389}, 
    105 address = {La Paz, Bolivie, L'{\'E}tat Plurinational De}, 
     105address = {{L}a {P}az, {B}olivie, L'État {P}lurinational {D}e}, 
    106106volume = {7}, 
    107 editor = {Morales D., Vacher Jean (eds.)}, 
    108 note = {Disponible en ligne sur :\_textes/divers09-11/38559.pdf}, 
     107editor = {{M}orales D., {V}acher {J}ean (eds.)}, 
     108note = {{D}isponible en ligne sur :\_textes/divers09-11/38559.pdf}, 
    109109audience = {internationale}, 
    110110year = {1992}, 
    115115loceanbibid = {01905}, 
    117 title = {{Nouveaux marqueurs mol{\'e}culaires t{\'e}moins des successions v{\'e}g{\'e}tales en domaine tropical. Exemple du Lac Ca{\c c}{\'o} (Nord Est Br{\'e}sil) depuis le DMG.}}, 
    118 author = {Jérémy Jacob and Jean-Robert Disnar and Mohammed Boussafir and Abdelfettah Sifeddine and Ana Luiza Spadano Albuquerque and Bruno Turcq}, 
    119 abstract = {{La reconstitution des climats anciens n{\'e}cessite soit un acc{\`e}s direct aux param{\`e}tres qui les d{\'e}finissent (temp{\'e}rature, humidit{\'e}...) soit, de fa{\c c}on indirecte, aux environnements et {\'e}cosyst{\`e}mes qui se sont d{\'e}velopp{\'e}s sous ces climats. En domaine continental, ces {\'e}cosyst{\`e}mes sont principalement caract{\'e}ris{\'e}s par des associations v{\'e}g{\'e}tales que la palynologie et d'autres outils tels que les isotopes du carbone permettent en partie de reconstituer. Notre approche, compl{\'e}mentaire de la palynologie, est fond{\'e}e sur l'identification de biomarqueurs organiques, c'est-{\`a}-dire de mol{\'e}cules qui se sont pr{\'e}serv{\'e}es dans les s{\'e}diments et dont la structure permet d'{\'e}tablir une relation directe avec le groupe d'organismes les ayant produites, ce groupe {\'e}tant le plus restreint possible.}}, 
    120 language = {Fran{\c c}ais}, 
    121 affiliation = {Institut des Sciences de la Terre d'Orl{\'e}ans - ISTO , Pal{\'e}o-environnements tropicaux et variabilit{\'e} climatique - PALEOTROPIQUE , Departamento de Geoquimica - DEPARTAMENTO DE GEOQUIMICA}, 
    122 booktitle = {{Association des S{\'e}dimentologistes Fran{\c c}ais}}, 
     117title = {{Nouveaux marqueurs moléculaires témoins des successions végétales en domaine tropical. {E}xemple du {L}ac {C}açó (Nord {E}st {B}résil) depuis le DMG.}}, 
     118author = {{J}érémy {J}acob and {J}ean-{R}obert {D}isnar and {M}ohammed {B}oussafir and {A}bdelfettah {S}ifeddine and {A}na {L}uiza {S}padano {A}lbuquerque and {B}runo {T}urcq}, 
     119abstract = {{La reconstitution des climats anciens nécessite soit un accès direct aux paramètres qui les définissent (température, humidité...) soit, de façon indirecte, aux environnements et écosystèmes qui se sont développés sous ces climats. {E}n domaine continental, ces écosystèmes sont principalement caractérisés par des associations végétales que la palynologie et d'autres outils tels que les isotopes du carbone permettent en partie de reconstituer. {N}otre approche, complémentaire de la palynologie, est fondée sur l'identification de biomarqueurs organiques, c'est-à-dire de molécules qui se sont préservées dans les sédiments et dont la structure permet d'établir une relation directe avec le groupe d'organismes les ayant produites, ce groupe étant le plus restreint possible.}}, 
     120language = {{F}rançais}, 
     121affiliation = {{I}nstitut des {S}ciences de la {T}erre d'{O}rléans - ISTO , {P}aléo-environnements tropicaux et variabilité climatique - PALEOTROPIQUE , {D}epartamento de {G}eoquimica - DEPARTAMENTO DE GEOQUIMICA}, 
     122booktitle = {{Association des {S}édimentologistes {F}rançais}}, 
    123123pages = {3 p.}, 
    124 address = {Bordeaux, France}, 
     124address = {{B}ordeaux, {F}rance}, 
    125125editor = {ASF}, 
    126126audience = {nationale}, 
    134134loceanbibid = {01904}, 
    136 title = {{Sensibilite de la sedimentation organique aux variations climatiques du Tardi-Wuerm et de l'Holocene; le lac du Bouchet (Haute-Loire, France)}}, 
    137 author = {Elisabeth Lallier-Vergès and Abdelfettah Sifeddine and Jacques Louis De Beaulieu and Maurice Reille and Nicolas Tribovillard and Philippe Bertrand and Thierry Mongenot and Nicolas Thouveny and Jean-Robert Disnar and Bernard Guillet}, 
    138 abstract = {{Deux carottes de s{\'e}diments superficiels (2 {\`a} 3 m) pr{\'e}lev{\'e}es dans le lac du Bouchet (Haute Loire, France) ont {\'e}t{\'e} {\'e}tudi{\'e}es du point de vue de leur composition min{\'e}rale et organique. Les corr{\'e}lations {\'e}tablies {\`a} partir des donn{\'e}es concernant lamati{\`e}re organique ainsi que celles de la palynologie, ont permis de replacer les deux premiers m{\`e}tres de la s{\'e}rie s{\'e}dimentaire dans la logique climato-stratigraphique du passage Tardi-W{\"u}rm-Holoc{\`e}ne. Nous montrons ici que des variations climatiques de faible amplitude comme celles de l'Holoc{\`e}ne, engendrent des changements importants dans la nature, la quantit{\'e} et le mode de pr{\'e}servation des constituants organiques s{\'e}diment{\'e}s.}}, 
    139 keywords = {Lac de maar, Lac du Bouchet, S{\'e}dimentation organo-min{\'e}rale, Palynofaci{\`e}s, Palynologie, Tardi-W{\"u}rm, Holoc{\`e}ne}, 
    140 language = {Fran{\c c}ais}, 
    141 affiliation = {Institut des Sciences de la Terre d'Orl{\'e}ans - ISTO , Pal{\'e}o-environnements tropicaux et variabilit{\'e} climatique - PALEOTROPIQUE , Laboratoire de chrono-{\'e}cologie - LCE , Institut M{\'e}diterran{\'e}en d'Ecologie et de Pal{\'e}o{\'e}cologie - IMEP , Processus et bilan des domaines s{\'e}dimentaires - PBDS , Environnements et Pal{\'e}oenvironnements OC{\'e}aniques - EPOC}, 
     136title = {{Sensibilite de la sedimentation organique aux variations climatiques du {T}ardi-{W}uerm et de l'{H}olocene; le lac du {B}ouchet (Haute-{L}oire, {F}rance)}}, 
     137author = {{E}lisabeth {L}allier-{V}ergès and {A}bdelfettah {S}ifeddine and {J}acques {L}ouis {D}e {B}eaulieu and {M}aurice {R}eille and {N}icolas {T}ribovillard and {P}hilippe {B}ertrand and {T}hierry {M}ongenot and {N}icolas {T}houveny and {J}ean-{R}obert {D}isnar and {B}ernard {G}uillet}, 
     138abstract = {{Deux carottes de sédiments superficiels (2 à 3 m) prélevées dans le lac du {B}ouchet (Haute {L}oire, {F}rance) ont été étudiées du point de vue de leur composition minérale et organique. {L}es corrélations établies à partir des données concernant lamatière organique ainsi que celles de la palynologie, ont permis de replacer les deux premiers mètres de la série sédimentaire dans la logique climato-stratigraphique du passage {T}ardi-{W}ürm-{H}olocène. {N}ous montrons ici que des variations climatiques de faible amplitude comme celles de l'{H}olocène, engendrent des changements importants dans la nature, la quantité et le mode de préservation des constituants organiques sédimentés.}}, 
     139keywords = {{L}ac de maar, {L}ac du {B}ouchet, {S}édimentation organo-minérale, {P}alynofaciès, {P}alynologie, {T}ardi-{W}ürm, {H}olocène}, 
     140language = {{F}rançais}, 
     141affiliation = {{I}nstitut des {S}ciences de la {T}erre d'{O}rléans - ISTO , {P}aléo-environnements tropicaux et variabilité climatique - PALEOTROPIQUE , {L}aboratoire de chrono-écologie - LCE , {I}nstitut {M}éditerranéen d'{E}cologie et de {P}aléoécologie - IMEP , {P}rocessus et bilan des domaines sédimentaires - PBDS , {E}nvironnements et {P}aléoenvironnements OCéaniques - EPOC}, 
    142142pages = {5, 661-673}, 
    143 journal = {Bulletin de la Soci{\'e}t{\'e} G{\'e}ologique de France}, 
     143journal = {{B}ulletin de la {S}ociété {G}éologique de {F}rance}, 
    144144volume = {164}, 
    145 audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     145audience = {non spécifiée}, 
    146146year = {1993}, 
    147147pdf = {}, 
    152152loceanbibid = {01903}, 
    154 title = {{A 36 ka environmental record in the southern tropics : Lake Tritrivakely (Madgascar) (Un enregistrement de l'environnement depuis 36 ka en zone tropicale sud : le lac Tritrivakely (Madagascar)).}}, 
    155 author = {Françoise Gasse  and Elsa Cortijo and Jean-Robert Disnar and Luc Ferry and Elisabeth Gilbert and Catherine Kissel and Fatima Laggoun-Défarge and Elisabeth Lallier-Vergès and Jean-Claude Miskovsky and Bruno Ratsimbazafy and Flavien Ranaivo and Laurent Robinson and Piotr Tucholka and Jean-Luc Saos and Abdelfettah Sifeddine and Maurice Taieb and Elise Van Campo and David Williamson}, 
    156 abstract = {{The upper 13 m of a 40 m-long sedimentary profile core taken in a crater lake on the Malagasy Plateau reveals 36,000 yrs of hydroclimatic evolution. A shallow lake occupies the core site from 35 to 19 ka BP under climatic conditions cooler than today. The water table is very low and biological productivity extremely reduced during the Last Glacial Maximum. A large warming was initiated at 14.5 ka BP. The modern bog establishes about 4 ka ago}}, 
    157 keywords = {Malagasy Republic ; lake sediments ; cores ; drilling ; paleoenvironment ; paleoclimatology ; paleotemperature ; paleohydrology ; warming ; peat bogs ; tropical environment ; upper Quaternary ; absolute age ; C-14 ; stable isotopes ; C-13 ; Indian Ocean Islands}, 
    158 language = {Anglais}, 
    159 affiliation = {Centre europ{\'e}en de recherche et d'enseignement de g{\'e}osciences de l'environnement - CEREGE , CNRS - ORSTOM Pal{\'e}ohydrologie, Pal{\'e}oclimatique Continentales , Institut des Sciences de la Terre d'Orl{\'e}ans - ISTO , Laboratoire des sciences du climat et de l'environnement - LSCE , Pal{\'e}o-environnements tropicaux et variabilit{\'e} climatique - PALEOTROPIQUE}, 
     154title = {{A 36 ka environmental record in the southern tropics : {L}ake {T}ritrivakely (Madgascar) (Un enregistrement de l'environnement depuis 36 ka en zone tropicale sud : le lac {T}ritrivakely (Madagascar)).}}, 
     155author = {{F}rançoise {G}asse  and {E}lsa {C}ortijo and {J}ean-{R}obert {D}isnar and {L}uc {F}erry and {E}lisabeth {G}ilbert and {C}atherine {K}issel and {F}atima {L}aggoun-{D}éfarge and {E}lisabeth {L}allier-{V}ergès and {J}ean-{C}laude {M}iskovsky and {B}runo {R}atsimbazafy and {F}lavien {R}anaivo and {L}aurent {R}obinson and {P}iotr {T}ucholka and {J}ean-{L}uc {S}aos and {A}bdelfettah {S}ifeddine and {M}aurice {T}aieb and {E}lise {V}an {C}ampo and {D}avid {W}illiamson}, 
     156abstract = {{The upper 13 m of a 40 m-long sedimentary profile core taken in a crater lake on the {M}alagasy {P}lateau reveals 36,000 yrs of hydroclimatic evolution. A shallow lake occupies the core site from 35 to 19 ka BP under climatic conditions cooler than today. {T}he water table is very low and biological productivity extremely reduced during the {L}ast {G}lacial {M}aximum. A large warming was initiated at 14.5 ka BP. {T}he modern bog establishes about 4 ka ago}}, 
     157keywords = {{M}alagasy {R}epublic ; lake sediments ; cores ; drilling ; paleoenvironment ; paleoclimatology ; paleotemperature ; paleohydrology ; warming ; peat bogs ; tropical environment ; upper {Q}uaternary ; absolute age ; C-14 ; stable isotopes ; C-13 ; {I}ndian {O}cean {I}slands}, 
     158language = {{A}nglais}, 
     159affiliation = {{C}entre européen de recherche et d'enseignement de géosciences de l'environnement - CEREGE , CNRS - ORSTOM {P}aléohydrologie, {P}aléoclimatique {C}ontinentales , {I}nstitut des {S}ciences de la {T}erre d'{O}rléans - ISTO , {L}aboratoire des sciences du climat et de l'environnement - LSCE , {P}aléo-environnements tropicaux et variabilité climatique - PALEOTROPIQUE}, 
    160160pages = {1513-1519}, 
    161 journal = {Comptes Rendus de l'Acad{\'e}mie des Sciences - Series IIA - Earth and Planetary Science}, 
     161journal = {{C}omptes {R}endus de l'{A}cadémie des {S}ciences - {S}eries IIA - {E}arth and {P}lanetary {S}cience}, 
    162162volume = {318}, 
    163 note = {GDR 970 : CNRS - ORSTOM Pal{\'e}ohydrologie, Pal{\'e}oclimatique Continentales}, 
    164 audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     163note = {GDR 970 : CNRS - ORSTOM {P}aléohydrologie, {P}aléoclimatique {C}ontinentales}, 
     164audience = {non spécifiée}, 
    165165year = {1994}, 
    166166pdf = {}, 
    169 @article{SifeddineLaggoun-DefargeEtAl:AS:1995, 
    170170hal_id = {hal-00068937}, 
    171171loceanbibid = {01902}, 
    173173url = {}, 
    174 title = {{La s{\'e}dimentation organique lacustre en zone tropicale sud au cours des 36 O00 derni{\`e}res ann{\'e}es (Lac Tritrivakely, Madagascar).}}, 
    175 author = {Abdelfettah Sifeddine and Fatima Laggoun-Défarge and Elisabeth Lallier-Vergès and Jean-Robert Disnar and David Williamson and Françoise Gasse and Elisabeth Gibert}, 
    176 abstract = {{L'{\'e}tude p{\'e}trographique (palynofaci{\`e}s) et g{\'e}ochimique (pyrolyse Rock Eval) de la mati{\`e}re organique s{\'e}dimentaire d'une carotte pr{\'e}lev{\'e}e dans un lac de crat{\`e}re de Madagascar r{\'e}v{\`e}le une s{\'e}dimentation organique de type tourbeux avant 36 ka, entre ca 28 et 15 ka et entre 6 et O ka, mise en place au cours de p{\'e}riodes d'ass{\'e}chement. Entre ca 36 et 28 ka, elle se caract{\'e}rise par une s{\'e}dimentation lacustre (phytoplancton dominant) et des migrations de v{\'e}g{\'e}tation du bassin versant vers le lac luim{\^e}me. Des apports de mati{\`e}re organique allochtone t{\'e}moignent de I'{\'e}tablissement d'un couvert v{\'e}g{\'e}tal sur le bassin versant et du lessivage de sols, lors des p{\'e}riodes humides. Les variations d'\&cosyst{\`e}mes et de peuplement sont {\`a} mettre en relation avec I'{\'e}volution du r{\'e}gime hydroclimatique depuis 36 ka, en termes de p{\'e}riodes s{\`e}ches et humides. Petrographic (palynofacies) and geochemical (Rock Eva1 pyrolysis) studies of sedimentary organic matter of a core from a crater lake in Madagascar show a peaty sedimentation before 36 ky and between ca 28 and 15 ky, and between 6 and O ky. Between 36 and 28 ky, the organic sedimentation is characterized by an alternance between phytoplanktonic sedimentation and migrations of vegetation from the basin slope to the lake itself. Contributions of oxidized allochthonous organic matter prove also the presence of vegetation on the surrounding basin and soil leaching. The variation of the ecosystems and their development reveal the hydroclimatic changes during the last 36 kyrs, in terms of arid and humid periods.}}, 
    177 keywords = {Lac Tritrivakely, Palynofaci{\`e}s, G{\'e}ochimie organique, Quaternaire sup{\'e}rieur, Pal{\'e}oenvironnements, Madagascar. Lake Tritrivakely, Palynofacies, Organic geochemistry, Late Quaternary, Palaeoenv' o ments, Madagascar.}, 
    178 language = {Anglais}, 
    179 affiliation = {Pal{\'e}o-environnements tropicaux et variabilit{\'e} climatique - PALEOTROPIQUE , Institut des Sciences de la Terre d'Orl{\'e}ans - ISTO , Centre europ{\'e}en de recherche et d'enseignement de g{\'e}osciences de l'environnement - CEREGE , Interactions et dynamique des environnements de surface - IDES}, 
     174title = {{L}a sédimentation organique lacustre en zone tropicale sud au cours des 36 O00 dernières années (Lac {T}ritrivakely, {M}adagascar)}, 
     175author = {{A}bdelfettah {S}ifeddine and {F}atima {L}aggoun-{D}éfarge and {E}lisabeth {L}allier-{V}ergès and {J}ean-{R}obert {D}isnar and {D}avid {W}illiamson and {F}rançoise {G}asse and {E}lisabeth {G}ibert}, 
     176abstract = {{L'étude pétrographique (palynofaciès) et géochimique (pyrolyse {R}ock {E}val) de la matière organique sédimentaire d'une carotte prélevée dans un lac de cratère de {M}adagascar révèle une sédimentation organique de type tourbeux avant 36 ka, entre ca 28 et 15 ka et entre 6 et O ka, mise en place au cours de périodes d'asséchement. {E}ntre ca 36 et 28 ka, elle se caractérise par une sédimentation lacustre (phytoplancton dominant) et des migrations de végétation du bassin versant vers le lac luimême. {D}es apports de matière organique allochtone témoignent de I'établissement d'un couvert végétal sur le bassin versant et du lessivage de sols, lors des périodes humides. {L}es variations d'\&cosystèmes et de peuplement sont à mettre en relation avec I'évolution du régime hydroclimatique depuis 36 ka, en termes de périodes sèches et humides. {P}etrographic (palynofacies) and geochemical (Rock {E}va1 pyrolysis) studies of sedimentary organic matter of a core from a crater lake in {M}adagascar show a peaty sedimentation before 36 ky and between ca 28 and 15 ky, and between 6 and O ky. {B}etween 36 and 28 ky, the organic sedimentation is characterized by an alternance between phytoplanktonic sedimentation and migrations of vegetation from the basin slope to the lake itself. {C}ontributions of oxidized allochthonous organic matter prove also the presence of vegetation on the surrounding basin and soil leaching. {T}he variation of the ecosystems and their development reveal the hydroclimatic changes during the last 36 kyrs, in terms of arid and humid periods.}}, 
     177keywords = {{L}ac {T}ritrivakely, {P}alynofaciès, {G}éochimie organique, {Q}uaternaire supérieur, {P}aléoenvironnements, {M}adagascar. {L}ake {T}ritrivakely, {P}alynofacies, {O}rganic geochemistry, {L}ate {Q}uaternary, {P}alaeoenv' o ments, {M}adagascar.}, 
     178language = {{A}nglais}, 
     179affiliation = {{P}aléo-environnements tropicaux et variabilité climatique - PALEOTROPIQUE , {I}nstitut des {S}ciences de la {T}erre d'{O}rléans - ISTO , {C}entre européen de recherche et d'enseignement de géosciences de l'environnement - CEREGE , {I}nteractions et dynamique des environnements de surface - IDES}, 
    180180pages = {385-391}, 
    181 journal = {Comptes Rendus de l'Acad{\'e}mie des Sciences - Series IIA - Earth and Planetary Science}, 
     181journal = {{C}omptes {R}endus de l'{A}cadémie des {S}ciences - {S}eries IIA - {E}arth and {P}lanetary {S}cience}, 
    182182volume = {321}, 
    183183year = {1995}, 
    189189loceanbibid = {01901}, 
    191 title = {{Lacustrine organic fluxes and palaeoclimatic variations during the last 15 ka: Lac du bouchet (Massif Central, France)}}, 
    192 author = {Abdelfettah Sifeddine and Philippe Bertrand and Elisabeth Lallier-Vergès and A.J. Patience}, 
    193 abstract = {{To assess the influence of climatic changes on organic lacustrine sedimentation, two cores recovered from the centre of the Lac du Bouchet were studied by petrographical (palynofacies) and geochemical methods. Only core LDB H was used for estimation of the organic fluxes. The variation of these fluxes with climo-stratigraphic periods showed: low organic fluxes during the Lateglacial, an increase at the beginning of the Holocene, a minimum at the end of the Atlantic period resulting from the climatic cooling, and a maximum at the end of the Sub-Boreal related to the installation of the present climatic conditions.}}, 
    194 language = {Anglais}, 
    195 affiliation = {Pal{\'e}o-environnements tropicaux et variabilit{\'e} climatique - PALEOTROPIQUE , Environnements et Pal{\'e}oenvironnements OC{\'e}aniques - EPOC , Institut des Sciences de la Terre d'Orl{\'e}ans - ISTO}, 
     191title = {{Lacustrine organic fluxes and palaeoclimatic variations during the last 15 ka: {L}ac du bouchet (Massif {C}entral, {F}rance)}}, 
     192author = {{A}bdelfettah {S}ifeddine and {P}hilippe {B}ertrand and {E}lisabeth {L}allier-{V}ergès and A.J. {P}atience}, 
     193abstract = {{To assess the influence of climatic changes on organic lacustrine sedimentation, two cores recovered from the centre of the {L}ac du {B}ouchet were studied by petrographical (palynofacies) and geochemical methods. {O}nly core LDB H was used for estimation of the organic fluxes. {T}he variation of these fluxes with climo-stratigraphic periods showed: low organic fluxes during the {L}ateglacial, an increase at the beginning of the {H}olocene, a minimum at the end of the {A}tlantic period resulting from the climatic cooling, and a maximum at the end of the {S}ub-{B}oreal related to the installation of the present climatic conditions.}}, 
     194language = {{A}nglais}, 
     195affiliation = {{P}aléo-environnements tropicaux et variabilité climatique - PALEOTROPIQUE , {E}nvironnements et {P}aléoenvironnements OCéaniques - EPOC , {I}nstitut des {S}ciences de la {T}erre d'{O}rléans - ISTO}, 
    196196pages = {203-211}, 
    197 journal = {Quaternary Science Reviews}, 
     197journal = {{Q}uaternary {S}cience {R}eviews}, 
    198198volume = {15}, 
    199 audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     199audience = {non spécifiée}, 
    200200doi = {10.1016/0277-3791(95)00078-X}, 
    201201year = {1996}, 
    207207loceanbibid = {01900}, 
    209 title = {{Etude de la sedimentation lacustre d'un site de foret d'altitude des Andes centrales (Bolivie); implications paleoclimatiques}}, 
    210 author = {Abdelfettah Sifeddine and Jacques Bertaux and Philippe Mourguiart and Louis Martin and Jean-Robert Disnar and Fatima Laggoun-Défarge and Jaime Argollo}, 
    211 abstract = {{A sedimentological study of a 755 cm length core sampled in the middle of a marshy depression surrounded by a cloud forest in the central Andes reveals that this site has recorded important environmental variations during the last 50000 years. For the most part (625 cm) the core is composed of detrital rich sediments deposited during the Upper Pleistocene. The highest amount of detrital influx underlines the Last Glacial Maximum which ranges from ca 29,000 14 C yr B.P. to ca 16,000 14 C yr B.P. (ca 18,500 cal yr B.P.), between two relatively humid phases. The sedimentation of the present Interglacial, starting at ca 12,500 14 C yr B.P. (14,500 cal yr B.P.), is mainly organic, as a consequence of the great development of soils and the forest vegetal cover all over the catchment area. The maximum extension of this vegetal cover ranging from 12,500 to ca 10,500 14 C yr B.P. (14,500 and 12,400 cal yr B.P.) is followed from 10,500 to 8,000 14 C yr B.P. (12,400 and 8,800 cal yr B.P.) by a drier period as revealed by the occurrence of micro-charcoals in the sediment. Between ca 8,000 and 4,000 14 C yr B.P. (8,800 and 4,500 cal yr B.P.), the sharp increase of micro-charcoals content, likely related to palaeofires, underlines an intensification of this dry trend.}}, 
    212 language = {Anglais}, 
    213 affiliation = {Pal{\'e}o-environnements tropicaux et variabilit{\'e} climatique - PALEOTROPIQUE , Institut des Sciences de la Terre d'Orl{\'e}ans - ISTO}, 
     209title = {{Etude de la sedimentation lacustre d'un site de foret d'altitude des {A}ndes centrales (Bolivie); implications paleoclimatiques}}, 
     210author = {{A}bdelfettah {S}ifeddine and {J}acques {B}ertaux and {P}hilippe {M}ourguiart and {L}ouis {M}artin and {J}ean-{R}obert {D}isnar and {F}atima {L}aggoun-{D}éfarge and {J}aime {A}rgollo}, 
     211abstract = {{A sedimentological study of a 755 cm length core sampled in the middle of a marshy depression surrounded by a cloud forest in the central {A}ndes reveals that this site has recorded important environmental variations during the last 50000 years. {F}or the most part (625 cm) the core is composed of detrital rich sediments deposited during the {U}pper {P}leistocene. {T}he highest amount of detrital influx underlines the {L}ast {G}lacial {M}aximum which ranges from ca 29,000 14 C yr B.P. to ca 16,000 14 C yr B.P. (ca 18,500 cal yr B.P.), between two relatively humid phases. {T}he sedimentation of the present {I}nterglacial, starting at ca 12,500 14 C yr B.P. (14,500 cal yr B.P.), is mainly organic, as a consequence of the great development of soils and the forest vegetal cover all over the catchment area. {T}he maximum extension of this vegetal cover ranging from 12,500 to ca 10,500 14 C yr B.P. (14,500 and 12,400 cal yr B.P.) is followed from 10,500 to 8,000 14 C yr B.P. (12,400 and 8,800 cal yr B.P.) by a drier period as revealed by the occurrence of micro-charcoals in the sediment. {B}etween ca 8,000 and 4,000 14 C yr B.P. (8,800 and 4,500 cal yr B.P.), the sharp increase of micro-charcoals content, likely related to palaeofires, underlines an intensification of this dry trend.}}, 
     212language = {{A}nglais}, 
     213affiliation = {{P}aléo-environnements tropicaux et variabilité climatique - PALEOTROPIQUE , {I}nstitut des {S}ciences de la {T}erre d'{O}rléans - ISTO}, 
    214214pages = {395-402}, 
    215 journal = {Bulletin de la Soci{\'e}t{\'e} G{\'e}ologique de France}, 
     215journal = {{B}ulletin de la {S}ociété {G}éologique de {F}rance}, 
    216216volume = {169}, 
    217217number = {3}, 
    224224loceanbibid = {01899}, 
    226 title = {{Onocerane testifies to dry climatic events during the Quaternary in the Tropics.}}, 
    227 author = {Jérémy Jacob and Jean-Robert Disnar and Mohammed Boussafir and Marie-Pierre Ledru and Ana Luiza Spadano Albuquerque and Abdelfettah Sifeddine and Bruno Turcq}, 
    228 abstract = {{An unusual molecular fossil (onocerane I) has been detected for the first time in Quaternary lacustrine sediments (Lagoa do Ca{\c c}{\'o}, NE Brazil). This molecule was initially thought to attest to the former presence of ferns or club mosses. According to possible plant precursors of onocerane-related molecules recorded in the literature and by comparison with palynological results and palaeoclimatic data, we here provide evidence that club mosses and ferns cannot account as sources of onocerane I in this setting. Onocerane I is abundant in the lipid extracts of sediments deposited during the two driest periods recorded in Northern Brazil (Last Glacial Maximum and Younger Dryas). This molecule is therefore suspected to be diagnostic of the development of plants adapted to dry or semi-arid conditions in this region.}}, 
    229 language = {Anglais}, 
    230 affiliation = {Institut des Sciences de la Terre d'Orl{\'e}ans - ISTO , Universidade de Sao Paulo, Departamento Geologia Sedimentar e Ambiental - IRD/CNPQ , Departamento de Geoquimica - DEPARTAMENTO DE GEOQUIMICA , Departamento de Geoquimica, Universidade Federal Fluminense - IRD/CNPQ , Pal{\'e}o-environnements tropicaux et variabilit{\'e} climatique - PALEOTROPIQUE}, 
     226title = {{Onocerane testifies to dry climatic events during the {Q}uaternary in the {T}ropics.}}, 
     227author = {{J}érémy {J}acob and {J}ean-{R}obert {D}isnar and {M}ohammed {B}oussafir and {M}arie-{P}ierre {L}edru and {A}na {L}uiza {S}padano {A}lbuquerque and {A}bdelfettah {S}ifeddine and {B}runo {T}urcq}, 
     228abstract = {{An unusual molecular fossil (onocerane I) has been detected for the first time in {Q}uaternary lacustrine sediments (Lagoa do {C}açó, NE {B}razil). {T}his molecule was initially thought to attest to the former presence of ferns or club mosses. {A}ccording to possible plant precursors of onocerane-related molecules recorded in the literature and by comparison with palynological results and palaeoclimatic data, we here provide evidence that club mosses and ferns cannot account as sources of onocerane I in this setting. {O}nocerane I is abundant in the lipid extracts of sediments deposited during the two driest periods recorded in {N}orthern {B}razil (Last {G}lacial {M}aximum and {Y}ounger {D}ryas). {T}his molecule is therefore suspected to be diagnostic of the development of plants adapted to dry or semi-arid conditions in this region.}}, 
     229language = {{A}nglais}, 
     230affiliation = {{I}nstitut des {S}ciences de la {T}erre d'{O}rléans - ISTO , {U}niversidade de {S}ao {P}aulo, {D}epartamento {G}eologia {S}edimentar e {A}mbiental - IRD/CNPQ , {D}epartamento de {G}eoquimica - DEPARTAMENTO DE GEOQUIMICA , {D}epartamento de {G}eoquimica, {U}niversidade {F}ederal {F}luminense - IRD/CNPQ , {P}aléo-environnements tropicaux et variabilité climatique - PALEOTROPIQUE}, 
    231231pages = {289-297}, 
    232 journal = {Organic Geochemistry}, 
     232journal = {{O}rganic {G}eochemistry}, 
    233233volume = {35}, 
    234234doi = {10.1016/j.orggeochem.2003.11.005}, 
    241241loceanbibid = {01898}, 
    243 title = {{Major environmental changes recorded by lacustrine sedimentary organic matter since the Last Glacial Maximum near the Equator (Lagoa do Ca{\c c}{\'o}, NE Brazil).}}, 
    244 author = {Jérémy Jacob and Jean-Robert Disnar and Mohammed Boussafir and Abdelfettah Sifeddine and Bruno Turcq and Ana Luiza Spadano Albuquerque}, 
    245 abstract = {{Sediment samples collected along a 6-m core, drilled in the deepest part of the Lagoa do Ca{\c c}{\'o} (NE Brazil), have been investigated in order to determine source(s) and degradation conditions of the organic matter (OM) with special emphasis on paleoenvironmental implications. Bulk organic geochemistry (Rock-Eval pyrolysis, C/N determination, $\delta$13C and $\delta$15N measurement) and petrography combined with sedimentological evidence and radiocarbon dates allowed to identify four major intervals documenting major environmental changes that occurred during the last 20,000 years. The first interval, dating back to the end of the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), contains well-preserved OM derived from higher plants. This material was most probably produced in an ephemeral palustrine system and rapidly buried by sands. This level is thought to have been deposited under relatively arid climate conditions associated with strong but episodic rainfalls. Between 19,240 and 17,250 Cal years BP, the climate appears to have been more humid and seasonality more pronounced as suggested by the presence of a permanent lake. After a drastic environmental change dating back to 17,250 Cal years BP, the sediment became truly lacustrine with restricted mineral input and highly degraded higher plant-derived organic matter. After that, a stepwise improvement in the preservation of OM occurred, as revealed by several pronounced shifts in the Rock-Eval TpS2 signal. These changes could document abrupt climatically driven changes during the Late Glacial. Finally, around 5610 Cal years BP, environmental conditions, approaching those prevailing today were established. Minor climatic changes during the Holocene were probably buffered by a high water table which might explain the lack of paleoenvironmental fluctuations.}}, 
    246 keywords = {Brazil; Lacustrine organic matter; Paleoenvironments; Paleoclimate; Rock-Eval; Organic petrography}, 
    247 language = {Anglais}, 
    248 affiliation = {Institut des Sciences de la Terre d'Orl{\'e}ans - ISTO , Departamento de Geoquimica Universidade Federal Fluminense, Morro do Valonguinho - DEPARTAMENTO DE GEOQUIMICA , Pal{\'e}o-environnements tropicaux et variabilit{\'e} climatique - PALEOTROPIQUE}, 
     243title = {{Major environmental changes recorded by lacustrine sedimentary organic matter since the {L}ast {G}lacial {M}aximum near the {E}quator (Lagoa do {C}açó, NE {B}razil).}}, 
     244author = {{J}érémy {J}acob and {J}ean-{R}obert {D}isnar and {M}ohammed {B}oussafir and {A}bdelfettah {S}ifeddine and {B}runo {T}urcq and {A}na {L}uiza {S}padano {A}lbuquerque}, 
     245abstract = {{Sediment samples collected along a 6-m core, drilled in the deepest part of the {L}agoa do {C}açó (NE {B}razil), have been investigated in order to determine source(s) and degradation conditions of the organic matter (OM) with special emphasis on paleoenvironmental implications. {B}ulk organic geochemistry (Rock-{E}val pyrolysis, C/N determination, $\delta$13C and $\delta$15N measurement) and petrography combined with sedimentological evidence and radiocarbon dates allowed to identify four major intervals documenting major environmental changes that occurred during the last 20,000 years. {T}he first interval, dating back to the end of the {L}ast {G}lacial {M}aximum (LGM), contains well-preserved OM derived from higher plants. {T}his material was most probably produced in an ephemeral palustrine system and rapidly buried by sands. {T}his level is thought to have been deposited under relatively arid climate conditions associated with strong but episodic rainfalls. {B}etween 19,240 and 17,250 {C}al years BP, the climate appears to have been more humid and seasonality more pronounced as suggested by the presence of a permanent lake. {A}fter a drastic environmental change dating back to 17,250 {C}al years BP, the sediment became truly lacustrine with restricted mineral input and highly degraded higher plant-derived organic matter. {A}fter that, a stepwise improvement in the preservation of OM occurred, as revealed by several pronounced shifts in the {R}ock-{E}val {T}pS2 signal. {T}hese changes could document abrupt climatically driven changes during the {L}ate {G}lacial. {F}inally, around 5610 {C}al years BP, environmental conditions, approaching those prevailing today were established. {M}inor climatic changes during the {H}olocene were probably buffered by a high water table which might explain the lack of paleoenvironmental fluctuations.}}, 
     246keywords = {{B}razil; {L}acustrine organic matter; {P}aleoenvironments; {P}aleoclimate; {R}ock-{E}val; {O}rganic petrography}, 
     247language = {{A}nglais}, 
     248affiliation = {{I}nstitut des {S}ciences de la {T}erre d'{O}rléans - ISTO , {D}epartamento de {G}eoquimica {U}niversidade {F}ederal {F}luminense, {M}orro do {V}alonguinho - DEPARTAMENTO DE GEOQUIMICA , {P}aléo-environnements tropicaux et variabilité climatique - PALEOTROPIQUE}, 
    249249pages = {183-197}, 
    250 journal = {Palaeogeography, Palaeclimatology, Palaeoecology}, 
     250journal = {{P}alaeogeography, {P}alaeclimatology, {P}alaeoecology}, 
    251251volume = {205}, 
    252252doi = {10.1016/j.palaeo.2003.12.005}, 
    259259loceanbibid = {01897}, 
    261 title = {{Quantitative reconstructions of hydrological conditions in Africa 6000 years ago: model-data comparison}}, 
    262 author = {Odile Peyron and Dominique Jolly and Pascale Braconnot and Raymonde Bonnefille and Joel Guiot and Denis Wirrmann and Françoise Chalie}, 
    263 language = {Anglais}, 
    264 affiliation = {Laboratoire Chrono-environnement , Institut des Sciences de l'Evolution - Montpellier - ISEM , Laboratoire des sciences du climat et de l'environnement - LSCE , Centre europ{\'e}en de recherche et d'enseignement de g{\'e}osciences de l'environnement - CEREGE , Pal{\'e}o-environnements tropicaux et variabilit{\'e} climatique - PALEOTROPIQUE}, 
     261title = {{Quantitative reconstructions of hydrological conditions in {A}frica 6000 years ago: model-data comparison}}, 
     262author = {{O}dile {P}eyron and {D}ominique {J}olly and {P}ascale {B}raconnot and {R}aymonde {B}onnefille and {J}oel {G}uiot and {D}enis {W}irrmann and {F}rançoise {C}halie}, 
     263language = {{A}nglais}, 
     264affiliation = {{L}aboratoire {C}hrono-environnement , {I}nstitut des {S}ciences de l'{E}volution - {M}ontpellier - ISEM , {L}aboratoire des sciences du climat et de l'environnement - LSCE , {C}entre européen de recherche et d'enseignement de géosciences de l'environnement - CEREGE , {P}aléo-environnements tropicaux et variabilité climatique - PALEOTROPIQUE}, 
    265265pages = {D24110}, 
    266 journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research}, 
     266journal = {{J}ournal of {G}eophysical {R}esearch}, 
    267267volume = {111}, 
    268268audience = {internationale}, 
    269 collaboration = {Projet europeen PMIP1}, 
     269collaboration = {{P}rojet europeen PMIP1}, 
    270270doi = {10.1029/2006JD007396}, 
    271271year = {2006}, 
    278278url = {}, 
    279279title = {{A rapid calibration procedures for mollusc and coral proxies based on recognition of the environment recording unit}}, 
    280 author = {J.P. Cuif and Y. Dauphin and  N. Guzman and C. E. Lazareth and Luc Ortlieb}, 
     280author = {J.P. {C}uif and Y. {D}auphin and  N. {G}uzman and C. E. {L}azareth and {L}uc {O}rtlieb}, 
    281281abstract = {{RSTGV-A-148 \& oral presentation}}, 
    282 language = {Anglais}, 
    283 affiliation = {Interactions et dynamique des environnements de surface - IDES}, 
     282language = {{A}nglais}, 
     283affiliation = {{I}nteractions et dynamique des environnements de surface - IDES}, 
    284284booktitle = {{RST}}, 
    285 address = {Strasbourg, France}, 
     285address = {{S}trasbourg, {F}rance}, 
    286286year = {2004}, 
    291291loceanbibid = {01895}, 
    293 title = {{A 4D approach to unravel the impacts of geodynamics, climate and human activities on biogeochemical cycles, hydrological thresholds, and ecosystems: the Rungwe Environmental Science Observatory Network (Tanzania)}}, 
    294 author = {D. Williamson and L. Bergonzini and M. Delalande and C. Quantin and D. Majule and A. Delvaux and D. Mbede and P. Barker and L. Bremond and J. Limyu and F. Magongo and E. Mathé and P.Z. Yanda and F. Chalie and J. Guiot and Luc Ortlieb and P. Valimba and A. Vincens and The Reson Team Members (rungwe Environmental Science Observatory Network (reson)) and W. Abdalla}, 
    295 language = {Anglais}, 
    296 affiliation = {Interactions et dynamique des environnements de surface - IDES}, 
     293title = {{A 4D approach to unravel the impacts of geodynamics, climate and human activities on biogeochemical cycles, hydrological thresholds, and ecosystems: the {R}ungwe {E}nvironmental {S}cience {O}bservatory {N}etwork (Tanzania)}}, 
     294author = {{D}. {W}illiamson and L. {B}ergonzini and M. {D}elalande and C. {Q}uantin and D. {M}ajule and A. {D}elvaux and D. {M}bede and P. {B}arker and L. {B}remond and J. {L}imyu and F. {M}agongo and E. {M}athé and P.Z. {Y}anda and F. {C}halie and J. {G}uiot and {L}uc {O}rtlieb and P. {V}alimba and A. {V}incens and {T}he {R}eson {T}eam {M}embers (rungwe {E}nvironmental {S}cience {O}bservatory {N}etwork (reson)) and W. {A}bdalla}, 
     295language = {{A}nglais}, 
     296affiliation = {{I}nteractions et dynamique des environnements de surface - IDES}, 
    297297booktitle = {{EGU}}, 
    298 address = {vienne, Autriche}, 
     298address = {vienne, {A}utriche}, 
    299299year = {2008}, 
    300300month = apr, 
    305305loceanbibid = {01894}, 
    307 title = {{The BIOCALC Project : an European collaborative program aiming at precising the environment recording mechanism in calcareous biominerals through an analysis of the organic/mineral interactions during the biomineralization process}}, 
    308 author = {J.P. Cuif and J. Bijma and M. Cusack and Y. Dauphin and J. Doucet and A. Juillet-Leclerc and A. Meibom and L. Mercury and Luc Ortlieb}, 
    309 language = {Anglais}, 
    310 affiliation = {Interactions et dynamique des environnements de surface - IDES , Pal{\'e}o-environnements tropicaux et variabilit{\'e} climatique - PALEOTROPIQUE}, 
    311 booktitle = {{Geophysical Research Abstracts}}, 
     307title = {{The BIOCALC {P}roject : an {E}uropean collaborative program aiming at precising the environment recording mechanism in calcareous biominerals through an analysis of the organic/mineral interactions during the biomineralization process}}, 
     308author = {{J}.P. {C}uif and J. {B}ijma and M. {C}usack and Y. {D}auphin and J. {D}oucet and A. {J}uillet-{L}eclerc and A. {M}eibom and L. {M}ercury and {L}uc {O}rtlieb}, 
     309language = {{A}nglais}, 
     310affiliation = {{I}nteractions et dynamique des environnements de surface - IDES , {P}aléo-environnements tropicaux et variabilité climatique - PALEOTROPIQUE}, 
     311booktitle = {{Geophysical {R}esearch {A}bstracts}}, 
    312312pages = {1607-7962}, 
    313 address = {Vienne, Autriche}, 
     313address = {{V}ienne, {A}utriche}, 
    314314volume = {8}, 
    315315number = {09404}, 
    322322loceanbibid = {01893}, 
    324 title = {{BioCalc : une recherche sur les origines de "l'effet vital" au cours de l'enregistrement des param{\`e}tres environnementaux par les biocristaux calcaires (programme ESF EuroCores EuroMinSci)}}, 
    325 author = {J.P. Cuif and J. Bijma and M. Cusack and Y. Dauphin and J. Doucet and A. Juillet-Leclerc and A. Meibom and L. Mercury and Luc Ortlieb}, 
    326 language = {Fran{\c c}ais}, 
    327 affiliation = {Interactions et dynamique des environnements de surface - IDES , Pal{\'e}o-environnements tropicaux et variabilit{\'e} climatique - PALEOTROPIQUE}, 
    328 booktitle = {{Biomin{\'e}ralisation 2006}}, 
     324title = {{BioCalc : une recherche sur les origines de "l'effet vital" au cours de l'enregistrement des paramètres environnementaux par les biocristaux calcaires (programme ESF {E}uroCores {E}uroMinSci)}}, 
     325author = {{J}.P. {C}uif and J. {B}ijma and M. {C}usack and Y. {D}auphin and J. {D}oucet and A. {J}uillet-{L}eclerc and A. {M}eibom and L. {M}ercury and {L}uc {O}rtlieb}, 
     326language = {{F}rançais}, 
     327affiliation = {{I}nteractions et dynamique des environnements de surface - IDES , {P}aléo-environnements tropicaux et variabilité climatique - PALEOTROPIQUE}, 
     328booktitle = {{Biominéralisation 2006}}, 
    329329pages = {16}, 
    330 address = {Nancy, France}, 
     330address = {{N}ancy, {F}rance}, 
    331331audience = {internationale}, 
    332332year = {2006}, 
    337337loceanbibid = {01892}, 
    339 title = {{Subdaily growth patterns and organo-mineral nanostructure of the growth layers in the calcitic prisms of the shell of Concholepas concholepas Brugui{\`e}re, 1789 (Gastropoda, Muricidae).}}, 
    340 author = {N. Guzman and A.D. Ball and J.P. Cuif and Y. Dauphin and A. Denis and L. Ortlieb}, 
    341 language = {Anglais}, 
    342 affiliation = {Interactions et dynamique des environnements de surface - IDES}, 
     339title = {{Subdaily growth patterns and organo-mineral nanostructure of the growth layers in the calcitic prisms of the shell of {C}oncholepas concholepas {B}ruguière, 1789 (Gastropoda, {M}uricidae).}}, 
     340author = {{N}. {G}uzman and A.D. {B}all and J.P. {C}uif and Y. {D}auphin and A. {D}enis and L. {O}rtlieb}, 
     341language = {{A}nglais}, 
     342affiliation = {{I}nteractions et dynamique des environnements de surface - IDES}, 
    343343pages = {397-403}, 
    344 journal = {Microscopy and Microanalysis}, 
     344journal = {{M}icroscopy and {M}icroanalysis}, 
    345345volume = {13}, 
    346346number = {5}, 
    355355title = {{Sensitivity study of the DMS atmospheric concentrations and the sulfate aerosol indirect radiative forcing to the DMS source representation}}, 
    356 author = {O. Boucher and Olivier Aumont and S. Belviso and Emmanuel Cosme and C. Moulin and M. Pham}, 
    357 language = {Anglais}, 
    358 affiliation = {Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC , Laboratoire des sciences du climat et de l'environnement - LSCE , Laboratoire des {\'e}coulements g{\'e}ophysiques et industriels - LEGI}, 
    359 booktitle = {{XXVIIth General Assembly of the European Geophysical Society (EGS)}}, 
    360 address = {Nice, France}, 
    361 note = {Poster}, 
     356author = {{O}. {B}oucher and {O}livier {A}umont and S. {B}elviso and {E}mmanuel {C}osme and C. {M}oulin and M. {P}ham}, 
     357language = {{A}nglais}, 
     358affiliation = {{L}aboratoire d'océanographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC , {L}aboratoire des sciences du climat et de l'environnement - LSCE , {L}aboratoire des écoulements géophysiques et industriels - LEGI}, 
     359booktitle = {{XXVIIth {G}eneral {A}ssembly of the {E}uropean {G}eophysical {S}ociety (EGS)}}, 
     360address = {{N}ice, {F}rance}, 
     361note = {{P}oster}, 
    362362year = {2002}, 
    367367loceanbibid = {01890}, 
    369 title = {{DRAKKAR : La circulation oc{\'e}anique de l'Atlantique Nord et des Mers Nordiques : variabilit{\'e}, processus, et interactions avec l'oc{\'e}an global}}, 
    370 author = {Th. Penduff and B. Barnier and Anne-Marie Tréguier and Gurvan Madec}, 
    371 language = {Fran{\c c}ais}, 
    372 affiliation = {Laboratoire des {\'e}coulements g{\'e}ophysiques et industriels - LEGI , Laboratoire de physique des oc{\'e}ans - LPO , Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
    373 booktitle = {{Journ{\'e}es d'{\'e}valuation du PATOM}}, 
    374 address = {Bordeaux, France}, 
     369title = {{DRAKKAR : {L}a circulation océanique de l'{A}tlantique {N}ord et des {M}ers {N}ordiques : variabilité, processus, et interactions avec l'océan global}}, 
     370author = {{T}h. {P}enduff and B. {B}arnier and {A}nne-{M}arie {T}réguier and {G}urvan {M}adec}, 
     371language = {{F}rançais}, 
     372affiliation = {{L}aboratoire des écoulements géophysiques et industriels - LEGI , {L}aboratoire de physique des océans - LPO , {L}aboratoire d'océanographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
     373booktitle = {{Journées d'évaluation du PATOM}}, 
     374address = {{B}ordeaux, {F}rance}, 
    375375year = {2005}, 
    376376month = sep, 
    383383title = {{The modelling component of ocean forecasting}}, 
    384 author = {E. Chassignet and M. Bell and P. Brasseur and G. Evensen and S. Griffies and H. Hulburt and C. Le Provost and Gurvan Madec and J. Mcclean and J. Verron and A. Wallcraft}, 
    385 language = {Anglais}, 
    386 affiliation = {Laboratoire des {\'e}coulements g{\'e}ophysiques et industriels - LEGI , Laboratoire d'{\'e}tudes en G{\'e}ophysique et oc{\'e}anographie spatiales - LEGOS , Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
     384author = {{E}. {C}hassignet and M. {B}ell and P. {B}rasseur and G. {E}vensen and S. {G}riffies and H. {H}ulburt and C. {L}e {P}rovost and {G}urvan {M}adec and J. {M}cclean and J. {V}erron and A. {W}allcraft}, 
     385language = {{A}nglais}, 
     386affiliation = {{L}aboratoire des écoulements géophysiques et industriels - LEGI , {L}aboratoire d'études en {G}éophysique et océanographie spatiales - LEGOS , {L}aboratoire d'océanographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
    387387booktitle = {{The proceeding of the the international symposium "En route to GODAE"}}, 
    388388pages = {41}, 
    389 address = {France}, 
    390 audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     389address = {{F}rance}, 
     390audience = {non spécifiée}, 
    391391year = {2002}, 
    396396loceanbibid = {01888}, 
    398 title = {{Temporal and Spatial Structure of the Eddy Flow in the Atlantic Ocean Between 1980 and 2000: Validation of the 1/6° CLIPPER Model Simulation Versus the WOCE Current Meter Database}}, 
    399 author = {B. Barnier and Th. Penduff and C. Le Delliou and Jean-Marc Molines and Anne-Marie Tréguier and Gurvan Madec and C. Le Provost}, 
    400 language = {Anglais}, 
    401 affiliation = {Laboratoire des {\'e}coulements g{\'e}ophysiques et industriels - LEGI , Laboratoire de physique des oc{\'e}ans - LPO , Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC , Laboratoire d'{\'e}tudes en G{\'e}ophysique et oc{\'e}anographie spatiales - LEGOS}, 
    402 booktitle = {{The proceeding of the European Geophysical Society}}, 
    403 publisher = {ISSN : 1029-7006. Edited by EGS}, 
     398title = {{Temporal and {S}patial {S}tructure of the {E}ddy {F}low in the {A}tlantic {O}cean {B}etween 1980 and 2000: {V}alidation of the 1/6° CLIPPER {M}odel {S}imulation {V}ersus the WOCE {C}urrent {M}eter {D}atabase}}, 
     399author = {{B}. {B}arnier and {T}h. {P}enduff and C. {L}e {D}elliou and {J}ean-{M}arc {M}olines and {A}nne-{M}arie {T}réguier and {G}urvan {M}adec and C. {L}e {P}rovost}, 
     400language = {{A}nglais}, 
     401affiliation = {{L}aboratoire des écoulements géophysiques et industriels - LEGI , {L}aboratoire de physique des océans - LPO , {L}aboratoire d'océanographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC , {L}aboratoire d'études en {G}éophysique et océanographie spatiales - LEGOS}, 
     402booktitle = {{The proceeding of the {E}uropean {G}eophysical {S}ociety}}, 
     403publisher = {ISSN : 1029-7006. {E}dited by EGS}, 
    404404pages = {1 page}, 
    405 address = {Nice, France}, 
    406 audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     405address = {{N}ice, {F}rance}, 
     406audience = {non spécifiée}, 
    407407year = {2003}, 
    412412loceanbibid = {01887}, 
    414 title = {{DRAKKAR: Realistic ice-ocean models to support space oceanography}}, 
    415 author = {Th. Penduff and B. Barnier and Anne-Marie Tréguier and C. B{\"o}ning and Gurvan Madec and S. Gulev}, 
    416 language = {Anglais}, 
    417 affiliation = {Laboratoire des {\'e}coulements g{\'e}ophysiques et industriels - LEGI , Laboratoire de physique des oc{\'e}ans - LPO , Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
    418 booktitle = {{The proceeding of the Ocean Surface Topography Science Team Meeting}}, 
     414title = {{DRAKKAR: {R}ealistic ice-ocean models to support space oceanography}}, 
     415author = {{T}h. {P}enduff and B. {B}arnier and {A}nne-{M}arie {T}réguier and C. {B}öning and {G}urvan {M}adec and S. {G}ulev}, 
     416language = {{A}nglais}, 
     417affiliation = {{L}aboratoire des écoulements géophysiques et industriels - LEGI , {L}aboratoire de physique des océans - LPO , {L}aboratoire d'océanographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
     418booktitle = {{The proceeding of the {O}cean {S}urface {T}opography {S}cience {T}eam {M}eeting}}, 
    419419pages = {1 page}, 
    420 address = {St Petersburg - Florida, {\'E}tats-Unis}, 
    421 audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     420address = {{S}t {P}etersburg - {F}lorida, {É}tats-{U}nis}, 
    422421year = {2004}, 
    426424hal_id = {hal-00252101}, 
    427425loceanbibid = {01886}, 
    429 title = {{Internal and forced variability along a section between Greenland and Portugal in the Clipper Atlantic model}}, 
    430 author = {Anne-Marie Tréguier and B. Barnier and C. Gourcuff and P. Lherminier and Gurvan Madec and H. Mercier and Th. Penduff and L. Czeschel and C. Boening}, 
    431 language = {Anglais}, 
    432 affiliation = {Laboratoire de physique des oc{\'e}ans - LPO , Laboratoire des {\'e}coulements g{\'e}ophysiques et industriels - LEGI , Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
    433 booktitle = {{The proceeding of the Rapid Climate Change International Science Conference}}, 
     427title = {{Internal and forced variability along a section between {G}reenland and {P}ortugal in the {C}lipper {A}tlantic model}}, 
     428author = {{A}nne-{M}arie {T}réguier and B. {B}arnier and C. {G}ourcuff and P. {L}herminier and {G}urvan {M}adec and H. {M}ercier and {T}h. {P}enduff and L. {C}zeschel and C. {B}oening}, 
     429language = {{A}nglais}, 
     430affiliation = {{L}aboratoire de physique des océans - LPO , {L}aboratoire des écoulements géophysiques et industriels - LEGI , {L}aboratoire d'océanographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
     431booktitle = {{The proceeding of the {R}apid {C}limate {C}hange {I}nternational {S}cience {C}onference}}, 
    434432pages = {1 page}, 
    435 address = {Birmingham, Royaume-Uni}, 
    436 audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     433address = {{B}irmingham, {R}oyaume-{U}ni}, 
     434audience = {non spécifiée}, 
    437435year = {2006}, 
    444442title = {{Influence of numerical schemes on current-topography interactions in 1/4° global ocean simulations}}, 
    445443  author = {{T}hierry {P}enduff and {J}ulien {{L}e {S}ommer} and {B}ernard {B}arnier and {A}nne-{M}arie {T}réguier and {J}ean-{M}arc {M}olines and {G}urvan {M}adec}, 
    446 language = {Anglais}, 
    447 affiliation = {Laboratoire des {\'e}coulements g{\'e}ophysiques et industriels - LEGI , Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
    448 booktitle = {{Proc. Workshop on Numerical Methods in Ocean Models}}, 
    449 pages = {pas pr{\'e}cise}, 
    450 address = {bergen, Norv{\`e}ge}, 
     444language = {{A}nglais}, 
     445affiliation = {{L}aboratoire des écoulements géophysiques et industriels - LEGI , {L}aboratoire d'océanographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
     446booktitle = {{Proc. {W}orkshop on {N}umerical {M}ethods in {O}cean {M}odels}}, 
     447pages = {pas précise}, 
     448address = {bergen, {N}orvège}, 
    451449audience = {internationale}, 
    452450year = {2007}, 
    457455loceanbibid = {01884}, 
    459 title = {{Interannual-to-decadal variability of North Atlantic air-sea CO2 fluxes}}, 
    460 author = {S. Raynaud and Olivier Aumont and K. B. Rodgers and P. Yiou and J. C. Orr}, 
    461 abstract = {{The magnitude of the interannual variability of North Atlantic air-sea CO2 fluxes remains uncertain. Fluxes inferred from atmospheric inversions have large variability, whereas those simulated by ocean models have small variability. Part of the difference is that unlike typical atmospheric inversions, ocean models come with spatial resolution at the sub-basin scale. Here we explore sub-basin-scale spatiotemporal variability in the North Atlantic in one ocean model in order to better understand why the the North Atlantic basin may well contribute very little to the global variability of air-sea CO2 flux. We made two simulations with a biogeochemical model coupled to a global ocean general circulation model (OGCM), which itself was forced by 55-year NCEP reanalysis fields. In the first simulation, atmospheric CO2 was maintained at the preindustrial level (278 ppmv); in the second simulation, atmospheric CO2 followed the observed increase. Simulated air-sea CO2 fluxes and associated variables were analysed with a statistical tool known as multichannel singular spectrum analysis (MSSA). We found that the subtropical gyre is not the largest contributor to the overall, basin-wide variability, in contrast to previous suggestions. The subpolar gyre and the inter-gyre region (the transition area between subpolar and subtropical gyres) also contribute with multipolar anomalies at multiple frequencies: these tend to cancel one another in terms of the basin-wide air-sea CO2 flux. We found a strong correlation between the air-sea CO2 fluxes and the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), but only if one takes into account time lags as does MSSA (maximum r=0.64 for lags between 1 and 3 years). The contribution of anthropogenic CO2 to total variability was negligible at interannual time scales, whereas at the decadal (13-year) time scale, it increased variability by 30\%.}}, 
    462 language = {Anglais}, 
    463 affiliation = {Laboratoire des sciences du climat et de l'environnement - LSCE , Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
     457title = {{Interannual-to-decadal variability of {N}orth {A}tlantic air-sea CO2 fluxes}}, 
     458author = {{S}. {R}aynaud and {O}livier {A}umont and K. B. {R}odgers and P. {Y}iou and J. C. {O}rr}, 
     459abstract = {{The magnitude of the interannual variability of {N}orth {A}tlantic air-sea CO2 fluxes remains uncertain. {F}luxes inferred from atmospheric inversions have large variability, whereas those simulated by ocean models have small variability. {P}art of the difference is that unlike typical atmospheric inversions, ocean models come with spatial resolution at the sub-basin scale. {H}ere we explore sub-basin-scale spatiotemporal variability in the {N}orth {A}tlantic in one ocean model in order to better understand why the the {N}orth {A}tlantic basin may well contribute very little to the global variability of air-sea CO2 flux. {W}e made two simulations with a biogeochemical model coupled to a global ocean general circulation model (OGCM), which itself was forced by 55-year NCEP reanalysis fields. {I}n the first simulation, atmospheric CO2 was maintained at the preindustrial level (278 ppmv); in the second simulation, atmospheric CO2 followed the observed increase. {S}imulated air-sea CO2 fluxes and associated variables were analysed with a statistical tool known as multichannel singular spectrum analysis (MSSA). {W}e found that the subtropical gyre is not the largest contributor to the overall, basin-wide variability, in contrast to previous suggestions. {T}he subpolar gyre and the inter-gyre region (the transition area between subpolar and subtropical gyres) also contribute with multipolar anomalies at multiple frequencies: these tend to cancel one another in terms of the basin-wide air-sea CO2 flux. {W}e found a strong correlation between the air-sea CO2 fluxes and the {N}orth {A}tlantic {O}scillation (NAO), but only if one takes into account time lags as does MSSA (maximum r=0.64 for lags between 1 and 3 years). {T}he contribution of anthropogenic CO2 to total variability was negligible at interannual time scales, whereas at the decadal (13-year) time scale, it increased variability by 30\%.}}, 
     460language = {{A}nglais}, 
     461affiliation = {{L}aboratoire des sciences du climat et de l'environnement - LSCE , {L}aboratoire d'océanographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
    464462pages = {437-472}, 
    465 journal = {Ocean Science Discussions}, 
     463journal = {{O}cean {S}cience {D}iscussions}, 
    466464volume = {2}, 
    467465number = {4}, 
    476474loceanbibid = {01883}, 
    478 title = {{In situ building of dunes since the Sub Boreal (3600 BP): evidence of chronological continuity on the northern coast of Brittany. An example in Anse du Verger (Ille-et-Vilaine)}}, 
    479 author = {Hervé Regnauld and Jean-François Saliège and Jérôme Fournier and Jean-Yves Cocaign}, 
    480 abstract = {{A series of storms, from 1990 to 1995, has revealed new cross-sections on the Northern Coast of Brittany, more specifically close to St-Malo, in the Anse du Verger (Verger cove). They have also allowed the effects of storms surges on coastal features to be followed. An anthropogenic shell layer, discovered in a dune and dated from 3640 (conventional BP) is covered by a storms surge deposit, dated from 2460, conventional BP. A comparison between present and sub-boreal surges is attempted. Then a chronology for dune building is proposed, in relation with sea level rise and surges. The possibility of an accumulation feature rising itself instead of retreating before an increasing sea level is proposed.}}, 
    481 keywords = {Storm surge ; Shell deposits ; Holocene dunes ; Sea level}, 
    482 language = {Fran{\c c}ais}, 
    483 affiliation = {Littoral, Environnement, T{\'e}l{\'e}d{\'e}tection, G{\'e}omatique - LETG - Costel , Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC , Civilisations atlantiques \& Arch{\'e}osciences - C2A}, 
     476title = {{In situ building of dunes since the {S}ub {B}oreal (3600 BP): evidence of chronological continuity on the northern coast of {B}rittany. {A}n example in {A}nse du {V}erger (Ille-et-{V}ilaine)}}, 
     477author = {{H}ervé {R}egnauld and {J}ean-{F}rançois {S}aliège and {J}érôme {F}ournier and {J}ean-{Y}ves {C}ocaign}, 
     478abstract = {{A series of storms, from 1990 to 1995, has revealed new cross-sections on the {N}orthern {C}oast of {B}rittany, more specifically close to {S}t-{M}alo, in the {A}nse du {V}erger (Verger cove). {T}hey have also allowed the effects of storms surges on coastal features to be followed. {A}n anthropogenic shell layer, discovered in a dune and dated from 3640 (conventional BP) is covered by a storms surge deposit, dated from 2460, conventional BP. A comparison between present and sub-boreal surges is attempted. {T}hen a chronology for dune building is proposed, in relation with sea level rise and surges. {T}he possibility of an accumulation feature rising itself instead of retreating before an increasing sea level is proposed.}}, 
     479keywords = {{S}torm surge ; {S}hell deposits ; {H}olocene dunes ; {S}ea level}, 
     480language = {{F}rançais}, 
     481affiliation = {{L}ittoral, {E}nvironnement, {T}élédétection, {G}éomatique - LETG - {C}ostel , {L}aboratoire d'océanographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC , {C}ivilisations atlantiques \& {A}rchéosciences - C2A}, 
    484482pages = {303-310}, 
    485 journal = {Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences. Serie II, Sciences de la Terre et des planetes}, 
     483journal = {{C}omptes {R}endus de l'{A}cademie des {S}ciences. {S}erie II, {S}ciences de la {T}erre et des planetes}, 
    486484volume = {321}, 
    487485year = {1995}, 
    492490loceanbibid = {01882}, 
    494 title = {{A four-dimensional mesoscale map of the spring bloom in the northeast Atlantic (POMME experiment): Results of a prognostic model}}, 
    495 author = {Marina Lévy and M. Gavart and Laurent Mémery and Guy Caniaux and A. Paci}, 
    496 language = {Anglais}, 
    497 affiliation = {Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC , Service Hydrographique et Oc{\'e}anographique de la Marine - SHOM , Laboratoire des Sciences de l'Environnement Marin - LEMAR , Groupe d'{\'e}tude de l'atmosph{\`e}re m{\'e}t{\'e}orologique - CNRM-GAME}, 
     492title = {{A four-dimensional mesoscale map of the spring bloom in the northeast {A}tlantic (POMME experiment): {R}esults of a prognostic model}}, 
     493author = {{M}arina {L}évy and M. {G}avart and {L}aurent {M}émery and {G}uy {C}aniaux and A. {P}aci}, 
     494language = {{A}nglais}, 
     495affiliation = {{L}aboratoire d'océanographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC , {S}ervice {H}ydrographique et {O}céanographique de la {M}arine - SHOM , {L}aboratoire des {S}ciences de l'{E}nvironnement {M}arin - LEMAR , {G}roupe d'étude de l'atmosphère météorologique - CNRM-GAME}, 
    498496pages = {C07S21}, 
    499 journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research}, 
     497journal = {{J}ournal of {G}eophysical {R}esearch}, 
    500498volume = {110}, 
    501 audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     499audience = {non spécifiée}, 
    502500doi = {10.1029/2004JC002588}, 
    503501year = {2005}, 
    508506loceanbibid = {01881}, 
    510 title = {{On the relationship between satellite-retrieved surface temperature fronts and chlorophyll a in the western South Atlantic}}, 
    511 author = {Martin Saraceno and Christine Provost and Alberto R. Piola}, 
    512 language = {Anglais}, 
    513 affiliation = {Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC , Departamento de Oceanograf{\'\i}a , Departamento de Ciencias de la Atm{\'o}sfera y los Oc{\'e}anos, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales}, 
     508title = {{On the relationship between satellite-retrieved surface temperature fronts and chlorophyll a in the western {S}outh {A}tlantic}}, 
     509author = {{M}artin {S}araceno and {C}hristine {P}rovost and {A}lberto R. {P}iola}, 
     510language = {{A}nglais}, 
     511affiliation = {{L}aboratoire d'océanographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC , {D}epartamento de {O}ceanografìa , {D}epartamento de {C}iencias de la {A}tmósfera y los {O}céanos, {F}acultad de {C}iencias {E}xactas y {N}aturales}, 
    514512pages = {C11016}, 
    515 journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research}, 
     513journal = {{J}ournal of {G}eophysical {R}esearch}, 
    516514volume = {110}, 
    517 audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     515audience = {non spécifiée}, 
    518516doi = {10.1029/2004JC002736}, 
    519517year = {2005}, 
    524522loceanbibid = {01880}, 
    526 title = {{Mesoscale variability of sea surface pCO2: What does it respond to?}}, 
    527 author = {A. Mahadevan and Marina Lévy and Laurent Mémery}, 
    528 language = {Anglais}, 
    529 affiliation = {Department of Earth Sciences , Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
     524title = {{Mesoscale variability of sea surface pCO2: {W}hat does it respond to?}}, 
     525author = {{A}. {M}ahadevan and {M}arina {L}évy and {L}aurent {M}émery}, 
     526language = {{A}nglais}, 
     527affiliation = {{D}epartment of {E}arth {S}ciences , {L}aboratoire d'océanographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
    530528pages = {GB1017}, 
    531 journal = {Global Biogeochemical Cycles}, 
     529journal = {{G}lobal {B}iogeochemical {C}ycles}, 
    532530volume = {18}, 
    533 audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     531audience = {non spécifiée}, 
    534532doi = {10.1029/2003GB002102}, 
    535533year = {2004}, 
    540538loceanbibid = {01879}, 
    542 title = {{Distributions of oxygen and carbon stable isotopes and CFC-12 in the water masses of the Southern Ocean at 30°E from South Africa to Antarctica: results of the CIVA1 cruise}}, 
    543 author = {Anne-Sophie Archambeau and Catherine Pierre and Alain Poisson and Bernard Schauer}, 
    544 abstract = {{This study presents oceanic distributions of stable isotopes ($\delta$18O of water and $\delta$13C of $\Sigma$CO2) and CFC-12 from samples collected during the CIVA1 cruise (February/March 1993), across the Southern Ocean, along a meridian section at 30°E, from South Africa (44°S) to Antarctica (70°S). The isotopic measurements show important variations between the subantarctic surface waters with low $\delta$18O--high $\delta$13C values and the antarctic surface waters with very low $\delta$18O--low $\delta$13C values. The surface distributions of $\delta$13C values follow the major frontal oceanic structures; the vertical distribution shows the progressive upwelling from the subantarctic zone to the antarctic divergence of 13C-depleted CO2 derived from remineralization of organic matter. Along the Antarctic continental shelf, between 2500 and 4000 m, a core of water with $\delta$18O values close to --0.1 is associated with a relative maximum in CFC-12 concentration, although this core is not detected by its temperature and salinity parameters. This water mass, which corresponds to recently formed deep water, may originate from the eastward extension of the Weddell gyre or from bottom waters coming from the East and formed near Prydz Bay.}}, 
    545 keywords = {Stable isotopes; 18O; 13C; CFC-12; Austral Ocean}, 
    546 language = {Anglais}, 
    547 affiliation = {Laboratoire de Physique et Chimie Marines - LPCM , Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
     540title = {{Distributions of oxygen and carbon stable isotopes and CFC-12 in the water masses of the {S}outhern {O}cean at 30°E from {S}outh {A}frica to {A}ntarctica: results of the CIVA1 cruise}}, 
     541author = {{A}nne-{S}ophie {A}rchambeau and {C}atherine {P}ierre and {A}lain {P}oisson and {B}ernard {S}chauer}, 
     542abstract = {{This study presents oceanic distributions of stable isotopes ($\delta$18O of water and $\delta$13C of $\Sigma$CO2) and CFC-12 from samples collected during the CIVA1 cruise (February/March 1993), across the {S}outhern {O}cean, along a meridian section at 30°E, from {S}outh {A}frica (44°S) to {A}ntarctica (70°S). {T}he isotopic measurements show important variations between the subantarctic surface waters with low $\delta$18O--high $\delta$13C values and the antarctic surface waters with very low $\delta$18O--low $\delta$13C values. {T}he surface distributions of $\delta$13C values follow the major frontal oceanic structures; the vertical distribution shows the progressive upwelling from the subantarctic zone to the antarctic divergence of 13C-depleted CO2 derived from remineralization of organic matter. {A}long the {A}ntarctic continental shelf, between 2500 and 4000 m, a core of water with $\delta$18O values close to --0.1 is associated with a relative maximum in CFC-12 concentration, although this core is not detected by its temperature and salinity parameters. {T}his water mass, which corresponds to recently formed deep water, may originate from the eastward extension of the {W}eddell gyre or from bottom waters coming from the {E}ast and formed near {P}rydz {B}ay.}}, 
     543keywords = {{S}table isotopes; 18O; 13C; CFC-12; {A}ustral {O}cean}, 
     544language = {{A}nglais}, 
     545affiliation = {{L}aboratoire de {P}hysique et {C}himie {M}arines - LPCM , {L}aboratoire d'océanographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
    548546pages = {25-38}, 
    549 journal = {Journal of Marine Systems}, 
     547journal = {{J}ournal of {M}arine {S}ystems}, 
    550548volume = {17}, 
    551549number = {1-4}, 
    561559loceanbibid = {01878}, 
    563 title = {{L'{\'e}pid{\'e}mie de m{\'e}ningite au Mali et la circulation atmosph{\'e}rique en Afrique de l'Ouest}}, 
    564 author = {Benjamin Sultan and K. Labadi and G. Beltrando and Serge Janicot}, 
    565 language = {Fran{\c c}ais}, 
    566 affiliation = {Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
     561title = {{L'épidémie de méningite au {M}ali et la circulation atmosphérique en {A}frique de l'{O}uest}}, 
     562author = {{B}enjamin {S}ultan and K. {L}abadi and G. {B}eltrando and {S}erge {J}anicot}, 
     563language = {{F}rançais}, 
     564affiliation = {{L}aboratoire d'océanographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
    567565pages = {23-34}, 
    568 journal = {Environnement, Risques et Sant{\'e}}, 
     566journal = {{E}nvironnement, {R}isques et {S}anté}, 
    569567volume = {3}, 
    570568number = {1}, 
    571 audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     569audience = {non spécifiée}, 
    572570year = {2004}, 
    579577title = {{Extended deep equatorial layering as a possible imprint of inertial instability.}}, 
    580 author = {M. D'Orgeville and B. L. Hua and R. Schopp and L. Bunge}, 
    581 abstract = {{The deep equatorial track of the world ocean is subject to intense zonal flow fields that still remain to be better understood. Inertial instability has been invoked to explain some of its features. Here we present possible in situ imprints of such a mechanism in the equatorial Atlantic Ocean below the thermocline. We analyse the observed pattern of homogeneous density layers of 50--100 m vertical scale, which are characterized by a large meridional coherency up to 2° of latitude, a concentration in the vicinity of the equator and foremost a vertical localization within regions of well-mixed angular momentum (westward jets). These distinctive properties suggest inertial instability to be a plausible mechanism for this extended layering. Numerical simulations forced by a time-oscillating shear reproduce the observed density layering characteristics. The prescription of deep jets in the background flow controls the vertical localization of the layering inside westward jets.}}, 
    582 language = {Anglais}, 
    583 affiliation = {Laboratoire de physique des oc{\'e}ans - LPO , Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
     578author = {{M}. D'{O}rgeville and B. L. {H}ua and R. {S}chopp and L. {B}unge}, 
     579abstract = {{The deep equatorial track of the world ocean is subject to intense zonal flow fields that still remain to be better understood. {I}nertial instability has been invoked to explain some of its features. {H}ere we present possible in situ imprints of such a mechanism in the equatorial {A}tlantic {O}cean below the thermocline. {W}e analyse the observed pattern of homogeneous density layers of 50--100 m vertical scale, which are characterized by a large meridional coherency up to 2° of latitude, a concentration in the vicinity of the equator and foremost a vertical localization within regions of well-mixed angular momentum (westward jets). {T}hese distinctive properties suggest inertial instability to be a plausible mechanism for this extended layering. {N}umerical simulations forced by a time-oscillating shear reproduce the observed density layering characteristics. {T}he prescription of deep jets in the background flow controls the vertical localization of the layering inside westward jets.}}, 
     580language = {{A}nglais}, 
     581affiliation = {{L}aboratoire de physique des océans - LPO , {L}aboratoire d'océanographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
    584582pages = {L22303}, 
    585 journal = {Geophysical Research Letters}, 
     583journal = {{G}eophysical {R}esearch {L}etters}, 
    586584volume = {31}, 
    587585audience = {internationale}, 
    594592loceanbibid = {01876}, 
    596 title = {{Organic-rich sediments in ventilated deep-sea environments: Relationship to climate, sea level, and trophic changes}}, 
    597 author = {Philippe Bertrand and T. F. Pedersen and R. Schneider and G. Shimmield and  Elisabeth Lallier-Vergès and Jean-Robert Disnar and D. Massias and J. Villanueva and Nicolas Tribovillard and Alain-Yves Huc and X. Giraud and Catherine Pierre and M.T. Vénec-Peyré}, 
    598 abstract = {{Sediments on the Namibian Margin in the SE Atlantic between water depths of $\sim$1000 and $\sim$3600 m are highly enriched in hydrocarbon-prone organic matter. Such sedimentation has occurred for more than 2 million years and is geographically distributed over hundreds of kilometers along the margin, so that the sediments of this region contain a huge concentrated stock of organic carbon. It is shown here that most of the variability in organic content is due to relative dilution by buried carbonates. This reflects both export productivity and diagenetic dissolution, not differences in either water column or bottom water anoxia and related enhanced preservation of organic matter. These observations offer a new mechanism for the formation of potential source rocks in a well-ventilated open ocean, in this case the South Atlantic. The organic richness is discussed in terms of a suite of probable controls including local wind-driven productivity (upwelling), trophic conditions, transfer efficiency, diagenetic processes, and climate-related sea level and deep circulation. The probability of past occurrences of such organic-rich facies in equivalent oceanographic settings at the edge of large oceanic basins should be carefully considered in deep offshore exploration.}}, 
    599 language = {Anglais}, 
    600 affiliation = {Environnements et Pal{\'e}oenvironnements OC{\'e}aniques - EPOC , Oceanography, Earth and Ocean Sciences , Fachbereicht Geowissenschaften, Universit{\"a}t Bremen , Dunstaffnage Marine Laboratory , Institut des Sciences de la Terre d'Orl{\'e}ans - ISTO , Processus et bilan des domaines s{\'e}dimentaires - PBDS , IFP Energies Nouvelles - IFPEN , Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC , Laboratoire de min{\'e}ralogie du Mus{\'e}um National d'Histoire Naturelle - LMMNHN}, 
     594title = {{Organic-rich sediments in ventilated deep-sea environments: {R}elationship to climate, sea level, and trophic changes}}, 
     595author = {{P}hilippe {B}ertrand and T. F. {P}edersen and R. {S}chneider and G. {S}himmield and  {E}lisabeth {L}allier-{V}ergès and {J}ean-{R}obert {D}isnar and D. {M}assias and J. {V}illanueva and {N}icolas {T}ribovillard and {A}lain-{Y}ves {H}uc and X. {G}iraud and {C}atherine {P}ierre and M.T. {V}énec-{P}eyré}, 
     596abstract = {{Sediments on the {N}amibian {M}argin in the SE {A}tlantic between water depths of $\sim$1000 and $\sim$3600 m are highly enriched in hydrocarbon-prone organic matter. {S}uch sedimentation has occurred for more than 2 million years and is geographically distributed over hundreds of kilometers along the margin, so that the sediments of this region contain a huge concentrated stock of organic carbon. {I}t is shown here that most of the variability in organic content is due to relative dilution by buried carbonates. {T}his reflects both export productivity and diagenetic dissolution, not differences in either water column or bottom water anoxia and related enhanced preservation of organic matter. {T}hese observations offer a new mechanism for the formation of potential source rocks in a well-ventilated open ocean, in this case the {S}outh {A}tlantic. {T}he organic richness is discussed in terms of a suite of probable controls including local wind-driven productivity (upwelling), trophic conditions, transfer efficiency, diagenetic processes, and climate-related sea level and deep circulation. {T}he probability of past occurrences of such organic-rich facies in equivalent oceanographic settings at the edge of large oceanic basins should be carefully considered in deep offshore exploration.}}, 
     597language = {{A}nglais}, 
     598affiliation = {{E}nvironnements et {P}aléoenvironnements OCéaniques - EPOC , {O}ceanography, {E}arth and {O}cean {S}ciences , {F}achbereicht {G}eowissenschaften, {U}niversität {B}remen , {D}unstaffnage {M}arine {L}aboratory , {I}nstitut des {S}ciences de la {T}erre d'{O}rléans - ISTO , {P}rocessus et bilan des domaines sédimentaires - PBDS , IFP {E}nergies {N}ouvelles - IFPEN , {L}aboratoire d'océanographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC , {L}aboratoire de minéralogie du {M}uséum {N}ational d'{H}istoire {N}aturelle - LMMNHN}, 
    601599pages = {C2, 3045}, 
    602 journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research}, 
     600journal = {{J}ournal of {G}eophysical {R}esearch}, 
    603601volume = {108}, 
    604 audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     602audience = {non spécifiée}, 
    605603doi = {10.1029/2000JC000327}, 
    606604year = {2003}, 
    612610loceanbibid = {01875}, 
    614 title = {{M{\'e}moire de Titres et Travaux}}, 
    615 author = {Nicolas Dégallier}, 
    616 abstract = {{A synthesis of all results of researches done by the author on arboviruses cycles and bioecology of their vectors in French Guiana, Central African Republic and Brazil, from 1975 to 1996. Emphasis is put on the ecoepidemiology of yellow fever and dengue viruses. Studies are also reported on the impacts of environmental changes on the transmission of arboviruses in Brazilian Amazonia.An exhaustive list of publications and communications of the author is presented.}}, 
    617 keywords = {arbovirus;vecteurs;tiques;moustiques;Culicidae;afrotropical;n{\'e}otropical;{\'e}pid{\'e}miologie;bio{\'e}cologie;environnement}, 
    618 language = {Fran{\c c}ais}, 
    619 affiliation = {Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN}, 
    620 school = {Universit{\'e} Paris Sud - Paris XI}, 
     612title = {{Mémoire de {T}itres et {T}ravaux}}, 
     613author = {{N}icolas {D}égallier}, 
     614abstract = {{A synthesis of all results of researches done by the author on arboviruses cycles and bioecology of their vectors in {F}rench {G}uiana, {C}entral {A}frican {R}epublic and {B}razil, from 1975 to 1996. {E}mphasis is put on the ecoepidemiology of yellow fever and dengue viruses. {S}tudies are also reported on the impacts of environmental changes on the transmission of arboviruses in {B}razilian {A}mazonia. An exhaustive list of publications and communications of the author is presented.}}, 
     615keywords = {arbovirus;vecteurs;tiques;moustiques;Culicidae;afrotropical;néotropical;épidémiologie;bioécologie;environnement}, 
     616language = {{F}rançais}, 
     617affiliation = {{L}aboratoire d'{O}céanographie et du {C}limat : {E}xpérimentations et {A}pproches {N}umériques - LOCEAN}, 
     618school = {{U}niversité {P}aris {S}ud - {P}aris XI}, 
    621619  type = {{H}abilitation à {D}iriger des {R}echerches}, 
    622620year = {1996}, 
    631629  type = {{T}hèse de doctorat}, 
    632630  directeur_de_these = {{S}erge {J}anicot}, 
    633 title = {{Analyse du m{\'e}canisme de la mise en place de la mousson Africaine: dynamique r{\'e}gionale ou for{\c c}age de grande {\'e}chelle?}}, 
    634 author = {Emmanouil Flaounas}, 
    635 abstract = {{La saison des pluies en Afrique de l'Ouest est primordiale pour les populations locales. La mise en place de la mousson (MAO) se produit fin juin et correspond {\`a} un affaiblissement global de la convection sur la r{\'e}gion puis une transition brutale des pr{\'e}cipitations de la c{\^o}te de Guin{\'e}e vers le Sahel. C'est le m{\'e}canisme responsable de ce " saut " qui est {\'e}tudi{\'e} ici {\`a} partir d'exp{\'e}riences num{\'e}riques. La capacit{\'e} du mod{\`e}le {\`a} aire limit{\'e}e WRF {\`a} reproduire la circulation de la MAO en 2006 a d'abord {\'e}t{\'e} {\'e}valu{\'e}e. Diff{\'e}rentes param{\'e}trisations de la convection et de la couche limite ont {\'e}t{\'e} test{\'e}es et leur impact sur les simulations analys{\'e}. Des tests de sensibilit{\'e} ont ensuite {\'e}t{\'e} effectu{\'e}s pour {\'e}valuer le r{\^o}le de la d{\'e}pression thermique saharienne et de la SST (m{\'e}canismes propos{\'e}s dans d'autres {\'e}tudes) sur la mise en place de la MAO. Les r{\'e}sultats montrent que la phase de transition d{\'e}pend plus fortement de la dynamique de grande {\'e}chelle que des {\'e}l{\'e}ments r{\'e}gionaux. Plus pr{\'e}cis{\'e}ment, la mise en place de la mousson Indienne lib{\`e}re une onde de Rossby qui se propage vers l'ouest, arrive au dessus de l'Afrique du Nord en favorisant les intrusions de masses d'air sec au dessus de l'Afrique de l'Ouest qui inhibent la convection. En parall{\`e}le, le gradient m{\'e}ridien de pression de surface est renforc{\'e} et la MAO s'intensifie en advectant de l'humidit{\'e} au dessus du Sahel. Une fois l'onde {\'e}vacu{\'e}e, la convection se r{\'e}organise au dessus du Sahel o{\`u} les conditions thermodynamiques sont favorables. L'utilisation de simulations globales avec LMDz a confirm{\'e} le r{\^o}le de la mousson indienne sur toute la p{\'e}riode 1989-2008 avec cependant des ann{\'e}es plus ou moins marqu{\'e}es.}}, 
    636 keywords = {Mousson Africaine, mise en place}, 
    637 language = {Fran{\c c}ais}, 
    638 affiliation = {Laboratoire Atmosph{\`e}res, Milieux, Observations Spatiales - LATMOS , Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN}, 
    639 school = {Universit{\'e} Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris VI}, 
    640 type = {THESE}, 
     631title = {{Analyse du mécanisme de la mise en place de la mousson {A}fricaine: dynamique régionale ou forçage de grande échelle?}}, 
     632author = {{E}mmanouil {F}laounas}, 
     633abstract = {{La saison des pluies en {A}frique de l'{O}uest est primordiale pour les populations locales. {L}a mise en place de la mousson (MAO) se produit fin juin et correspond à un affaiblissement global de la convection sur la région puis une transition brutale des précipitations de la côte de {G}uinée vers le {S}ahel. C'est le mécanisme responsable de ce " saut " qui est étudié ici à partir d'expériences numériques. {L}a capacité du modèle à aire limitée WRF à reproduire la circulation de la MAO en 2006 a d'abord été évaluée. {D}ifférentes paramétrisations de la convection et de la couche limite ont été testées et leur impact sur les simulations analysé. {D}es tests de sensibilité ont ensuite été effectués pour évaluer le rôle de la dépression thermique saharienne et de la SST (mécanismes proposés dans d'autres études) sur la mise en place de la MAO. {L}es résultats montrent que la phase de transition dépend plus fortement de la dynamique de grande échelle que des éléments régionaux. {P}lus précisément, la mise en place de la mousson {I}ndienne libère une onde de {R}ossby qui se propage vers l'ouest, arrive au dessus de l'{A}frique du {N}ord en favorisant les intrusions de masses d'air sec au dessus de l'{A}frique de l'{O}uest qui inhibent la convection. {E}n parallèle, le gradient méridien de pression de surface est renforcé et la MAO s'intensifie en advectant de l'humidité au dessus du {S}ahel. {U}ne fois l'onde évacuée, la convection se réorganise au dessus du {S}ahel où les conditions thermodynamiques sont favorables. L'utilisation de simulations globales avec LMDz a confirmé le rôle de la mousson indienne sur toute la période 1989-2008 avec cependant des années plus ou moins marquées.}}, 
     634keywords = {{M}ousson {A}fricaine, mise en place}, 
     635language = {{F}rançais}, 
     636affiliation = {{L}aboratoire {A}tmosphères, {M}ilieux, {O}bservations {S}patiales - LATMOS , {L}aboratoire d'{O}céanographie et du {C}limat : {E}xpérimentations et {A}pproches {N}umériques - LOCEAN}, 
     637school = {{U}niversité {P}ierre et {M}arie {C}urie - {P}aris VI}, 
    641638collaboration = {AMMA}, 
    642639year = {2010}, 
    649646loceanbibid = {01873}, 
    651 title = {{La dengue et ses vecteurs au Br{\'e}sil}}, 
    652 author = {Nicolas Dégallier and Amélia P.A. Travassos Da Rosa and Pedro F. C. Vasconcelos and Luiz Tadeu Moraes Figueiredo and Jorge F. S. Travassos Da Rosa and Sueli G. Rodrigues and Elisabeth S. Travassos Da Rosa}, 
    653 abstract = {{L'histoire de la Dengue au Br{\'e}sil est survol{\'e}e depuis les premi{\`e}res relations d'{\'e}pid{\'e}mies au 19e si{\`e}cle jusqu'aux grands {\'e}pisodes de la derni{\`e}re d{\'e}cennie. Les s{\'e}rotypes DEN 1 and DEN 4 ont {\'e}t{\'e} isol{\'e}s pour la premi{\`e}re fois au Br{\'e}sil en 1982, au cours d'une {\'e}pid{\'e}mie {\`a} Boa Vista, Roraima. En 1986, le virus DEN 1 fut le responsable d'{\'e}pid{\'e}mies {\`a} Rio de Janeiro et dans le Nordeste du Br{\'e}sil. A partir de 1990, le virus DEN 2 {\'e}tait pr{\'e}sent {\'e}galement dans l'int{\'e}rieur du pays et en Amazonie. A Rio de Janeiro (1990-91) et dans l'Etat du Ceara (1994) o{\`u} les deux s{\'e}rotypes DEN 1 et DEN 2 circulaient en m{\^e}me temps, plusieurs cas de DHS/DSS ont {\'e}t{\'e} signal{\'e}s. Environ 500000 cas de Dengue ont {\'e}t{\'e} notifi{\'e}s de 1982 {\`a} 1994. Aedes aegypti est le seul vecteur urbain {\`a} partir duquel 4 souches de DEN 4, 7 souches de DEN 1 et 16 souches de DEN 2 ont {\'e}t{\'e} isol{\'e}es. La transmission transovarienne ne semble pas avoir lieu chez cette esp{\`e}ce au Br{\'e}sil.}}, 
    654 keywords = {Dengue 1; Dengue 2; Dengue 4; Aedes aegypti; Aedes albopictus; Br{\'e}sil; histoire; epid{\'e}miologie}, 
    655 language = {Fran{\c c}ais}, 
    656 affiliation = {Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN , Laboratorio de Arbovirus , Unit{\'e} de recherches en virologie , Institut Evandro Chagas-FNS}, 
     648title = {{La dengue et ses vecteurs au {B}résil}}, 
     649author = {{N}icolas {D}égallier and {A}mélia P.A. {T}ravassos {D}a {R}osa and {P}edro F. C. {V}asconcelos and {L}uiz {T}adeu {M}oraes {F}igueiredo and {J}orge F. S. {T}ravassos {D}a {R}osa and {S}ueli G. {R}odrigues and {E}lisabeth S. {T}ravassos {D}a {R}osa}, 
     650abstract = {{L'histoire de la {D}engue au {B}résil est survolée depuis les premières relations d'épidémies au 19e siècle jusqu'aux grands épisodes de la dernière décennie. {L}es sérotypes DEN 1 and DEN 4 ont été isolés pour la première fois au {B}résil en 1982, au cours d'une épidémie à {B}oa {V}ista, {R}oraima. {E}n 1986, le virus DEN 1 fut le responsable d'épidémies à {R}io de {J}aneiro et dans le {N}ordeste du {B}résil. A partir de 1990, le virus DEN 2 était présent également dans l'intérieur du pays et en {A}mazonie. A {R}io de {J}aneiro (1990-91) et dans l'{E}tat du {C}eara (1994) où les deux sérotypes DEN 1 et DEN 2 circulaient en même temps, plusieurs cas de DHS/DSS ont été signalés. {E}nviron 500000 cas de {D}engue ont été notifiés de 1982 à 1994. {A}edes aegypti est le seul vecteur urbain à partir duquel 4 souches de DEN 4, 7 souches de DEN 1 et 16 souches de DEN 2 ont été isolées. {L}a transmission transovarienne ne semble pas avoir lieu chez cette espèce au {B}résil.}}, 
     651keywords = {{D}engue 1; {D}engue 2; {D}engue 4; {A}edes aegypti; {A}edes albopictus; {B}résil; histoire; epidémiologie}, 
     652language = {{F}rançais}, 
     653affiliation = {{L}aboratoire d'{O}céanographie et du {C}limat : {E}xpérimentations et {A}pproches {N}umériques - LOCEAN , {L}aboratorio de {A}rbovirus , {U}nité de recherches en virologie , {I}nstitut {E}vandro {C}hagas-FNS}, 
    657654pages = {128-136}, 
    658 journal = {Bulletin de la Soci{\'e}t{\'e} de pathologie exotique (1990)}, 
     655journal = {{B}ulletin de la {S}ociété de pathologie exotique (1990)}, 
    659656volume = {89}, 
    660657audience = {internationale}, 
    669666title = {{Ocean biogeochemistry exhibits contrasting responses to a large scale reduction in dust deposition}}, 
    670 author = {A. Tagliabue and Laurent Bopp and Olivier Aumont}, 
    671 abstract = {{Dust deposition of iron is thought to be an important control on ocean biogeochemistry and air-sea CO2 exchange. In this study, we examine the impact of a large scale, yet climatically realistic, reduction in the aeolian Fe input during a 240 year transient simulation. In contrast to previous studies, we find that the ocean biogeochemical cycles of carbon and nitrogen are relatively insensitive (globally) to a 60\% reduction in Fe input from dust. Net primary productivity (NPP) is reduced in the Fe limited regions, but the excess macronutrients that result are able to fuel additional NPP elsewhere. Overall, NPP and air-sea CO2 exchange are only reduced by around 3\% between 1860 and 2100. While the nitrogen cycle is perturbed more significantly (by \~15\%), reduced N2 fixation is balanced by a concomitant decline in denitrification. Feedbacks between N2 fixation and denitrification are controlled by variability in surface utilization of inorganic nitrogen and subsurface oxygen consumption, as well as the direct influence of Fe on N2 fixation. Overall, there is relatively little impact of reduced aeolian Fe input (}}, 
    672 language = {Anglais}, 
    673 affiliation = {Laboratoire des sciences du climat et de l'environnement - LSCE , Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN}, 
     667author = {{A}. {T}agliabue and {L}aurent {B}opp and {O}livier {A}umont}, 
     668abstract = {{Dust deposition of iron is thought to be an important control on ocean biogeochemistry and air-sea CO2 exchange. {I}n this study, we examine the impact of a large scale, yet climatically realistic, reduction in the aeolian {F}e input during a 240 year transient simulation. {I}n contrast to previous studies, we find that the ocean biogeochemical cycles of carbon and nitrogen are relatively insensitive (globally) to a 60\% reduction in {F}e input from dust. {N}et primary productivity (NPP) is reduced in the {F}e limited regions, but the excess macronutrients that result are able to fuel additional NPP elsewhere. {O}verall, NPP and air-sea CO2 exchange are only reduced by around 3\% between 1860 and 2100. {W}hile the nitrogen cycle is perturbed more significantly (by \~15\%), reduced N2 fixation is balanced by a concomitant decline in denitrification. {F}eedbacks between N2 fixation and denitrification are controlled by variability in surface utilization of inorganic nitrogen and subsurface oxygen consumption, as well as the direct influence of {F}e on N2 fixation. {O}verall, there is relatively little impact of reduced aeolian {F}e input (}}, 
     669language = {{A}nglais}, 
     670affiliation = {{L}aboratoire des sciences du climat et de l'environnement - LSCE , {L}aboratoire d'{O}céanographie et du {C}limat : {E}xpérimentations et {A}pproches {N}umériques - LOCEAN}, 
    674671pages = {11-24}, 
    675 journal = {Biogeosciences}, 
     672journal = {{B}iogeosciences}, 
    676673volume = {5}, 
    677674number = {1}, 
    689686title = {{Why climate sensitivity may not be so unpredictable ?}}, 
    690 author = {Alexis Hannart and Jean-Louis Dufresne and Philipe Naveau}, 
    691 abstract = {{Different explanations have been proposed as to why the range of climate sensitivity predicted by GCMs have not lessened substantially in the last decades, and subsequently if it can be reduced. One such study (\textit{Why is climate sensitivity so unpredictable?}, \cite{RB07}) adressed these questions using rather simple theoretical considerations and reached the conclusion that reducing uncertainties on climate feedbacks and underlying climate processes will not yield a large reduction in the envelope of climate sensitivity. In this letter, we revisit the premises of this conclusion. We show that it results from a mathematical artefact caused by peculiar definitions of uncertainty used by these authors. Applying standard concepts and definitions of descriptive statistics to the exact same framework of analysis as Roe and Baker, we show that within this simple framework, reducing inter-model spread on feedbacks does in fact induce a reduction of uncertainty on climate sensitivity, almost proportionally. Therefore, following Roe and Baker assumptions, climate sensitivity is actually not so unpredictable. \%We then briefly focus on ongoing advances in cloud physics that may narrow the spread on feedbacks, thus reducing the uncertainty on climate sensitivity.}}, 
    692 language = {Anglais}, 
    693 affiliation = {Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN , Laboratoire de M{\'e}t{\'e}orologie Dynamique - LMD , Laboratoire des sciences du climat et de l'environnement - LSCE}, 
     687author = {{A}lexis {H}annart and {J}ean-{L}ouis {D}ufresne and {P}hilipe {N}aveau}, 
     688abstract = {{Different explanations have been proposed as to why the range of climate sensitivity predicted by GCMs have not lessened substantially in the last decades, and subsequently if it can be reduced. {O}ne such study (\textit{Why is climate sensitivity so unpredictable?}, \cite{RB07}) adressed these questions using rather simple theoretical considerations and reached the conclusion that reducing uncertainties on climate feedbacks and underlying climate processes will not yield a large reduction in the envelope of climate sensitivity. {I}n this letter, we revisit the premises of this conclusion. {W}e show that it results from a mathematical artefact caused by peculiar definitions of uncertainty used by these authors. {A}pplying standard concepts and definitions of descriptive statistics to the exact same framework of analysis as {R}oe and {B}aker, we show that within this simple framework, reducing inter-model spread on feedbacks does in fact induce a reduction of uncertainty on climate sensitivity, almost proportionally. {T}herefore, following {R}oe and {B}aker assumptions, climate sensitivity is actually not so unpredictable. \%We then briefly focus on ongoing advances in cloud physics that may narrow the spread on feedbacks, thus reducing the uncertainty on climate sensitivity.}}, 
     689language = {{A}nglais}, 
     690affiliation = {{L}aboratoire d'{O}céanographie et du {C}limat : {E}xpérimentations et {A}pproches {N}umériques - LOCEAN , {L}aboratoire de {M}étéorologie {D}ynamique - LMD , {L}aboratoire des sciences du climat et de l'environnement - LSCE}, 
    694691pages = {L16707}, 
    695 journal = {Geophysical Research Letters}, 
     692journal = {{G}eophysical {R}esearch {L}etters}, 
    696693volume = {36}, 
    697694audience = {internationale}, 
    705702loceanbibid = {01870}, 
    707 title = {{Arboviroses {\'e}mergentes au Br{\'e}sil}}, 
    708 author = {Nicolas Dégallier and A. P. De Andrade Travassos Da Rosa and P. De Tarso Ribeiro Vilarinhos}, 
    709 language = {Fran{\c c}ais}, 
    710 affiliation = {Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN}, 
    711 booktitle = {{Recherches de l'IRD au Br{\'e}sil depuis 1998}}, 
    712 publisher = {Charbel Gr{\'a}fica Editora, Bras{\'\i}lia, Br{\'e}sil}, 
     704title = {{Arboviroses émergentes au {B}résil}}, 
     705author = {{N}icolas {D}égallier and A. P. {D}e {A}ndrade {T}ravassos {D}a {R}osa and P. {D}e {T}arso {R}ibeiro {V}ilarinhos}, 
     706language = {{F}rançais}, 
     707affiliation = {{L}aboratoire d'{O}céanographie et du {C}limat : {E}xpérimentations et {A}pproches {N}umériques - LOCEAN}, 
     708booktitle = {{Recherches de l'IRD au {B}résil depuis 1998}}, 
     709publisher = {{C}harbel {G}ráfica {E}ditora, {B}rasília, {B}résil}, 
    713710pages = {102-104}, 
    714 editor = {P. Sabat{\'e} \& C.Boutrolle}, 
     711editor = {{P}. {S}abaté \& C. Boutrolle}, 
    715712year = {2006}, 
    716713comment = {20121114 : ++ compléter prénom  et diacritique dans nom dans hal}, 
    721718loceanbibid = {01869}, 
    723 title = {{Col{\'e}opt{\`e}res histeridae de Guyane fran{\c c}aise...}}, 
    724 author = {Nicolas D{\'e}gallier}, 
    725 language = {Anglais}, 
    726 affiliation = {Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN}, 
    727 booktitle = {{Insectes de Guyane : beaut{\'e} et diversit{\'e}}}, 
     720title = {{Coléoptères histeridae de {G}uyane française...}}, 
     721author = {{N}icolas {D}égallier}, 
     722language = {{A}nglais}, 
     723affiliation = {{L}aboratoire d'{O}céanographie et du {C}limat : {E}xpérimentations et {A}pproches {N}umériques - LOCEAN}, 
     724booktitle = {{Insectes de {G}uyane : beauté et diversité}}, 
    728725publisher = {SEPANGUY}, 
    729726pages = {67-74}, 
    730 editor = {Suzanon C.}, 
     727editor = {{S}uzanon C.}, 
    731728year = {2004}, 
    736733loceanbibid = {01868}, 
    738 title = {{Distribution of larval Krefftichthys anderssoni (Myctophidae, Pisces) at the Kerguelen Archipelago (Southern Indian Ocean) modelled using GIS and habitat suitability}}, 
    739 author = {P. Koubbi and G. Duhamel and X. Harlay and P.D. Eastwood and I. Durand and Y.-H. Park}, 
    740 language = {Anglais}, 
    741 affiliation = {Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN}, 
     735title = {{Distribution of larval {K}refftichthys anderssoni (Myctophidae, {P}isces) at the {K}erguelen {A}rchipelago (Southern {I}ndian {O}cean) modelled using GIS and habitat suitability}}, 
     736author = {{P}. {K}oubbi and G. {D}uhamel and X. {H}arlay and P.D. {E}astwood and I. {D}urand and {Y}oung-{H}yang {P}ark}, 
     737language = {{A}nglais}, 
     738affiliation = {{L}aboratoire d'{O}céanographie et du {C}limat : {E}xpérimentations et {A}pproches {N}umériques - LOCEAN}, 
    742739booktitle = {{Antarctic biology in a global context}}, 
    743 publisher = {Backhuys Publishers, Leiden}, 
     740publisher = {{B}ackhuys {P}ublishers, {L}eiden}, 
    744741pages = {215-223}, 
    745 editor = {A.H.L. Huiskes and  W.W.C.  Gieskes and J. Rozema and R.M.L. Schornoa and S.M. van der Vies and W.J Wolf}, 
     742editor = {A.H.L. {H}uiskes and  W.W.C.  {G}ieskes and J. {R}ozema and R.M.L. {S}chornoa and S.M. van der {V}ies and W.J {W}olf}, 
    746743series = {ISBN 90 5782 0879 X}, 
    747744year = {2003}, 
    755752title = {{Response of diatoms distribution to global warming and potential implications: A global model study}}, 
    756 author = {Laurent Bopp and Olivier Aumont and Patricia Cadule and S. Alvain and M. Gehlen}, 
    757 language = {Anglais}, 
    758 affiliation = {Laboratoire des sciences du climat et de l'environnement - LSCE , Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN , Institut Pierre-Simon-Laplace - IPSL}, 
     753author = {{L}aurent {B}opp and {O}livier {A}umont and {P}atricia {C}adule and S. {A}lvain and M. {G}ehlen}, 
     754language = {{A}nglais}, 
     755affiliation = {{L}aboratoire des sciences du climat et de l'environnement - LSCE , {L}aboratoire d'{O}céanographie et du {C}limat : {E}xpérimentations et {A}pproches {N}umériques - LOCEAN , {I}nstitut {P}ierre-{S}imon-{L}aplace - IPSL}, 
    759756pages = {doi:10.1029/2005GL023653}, 
    760 journal = {Geophysical Research Letters}, 
     757journal = {{G}eophysical {R}esearch {L}etters}, 
    761758volume = {32}, 
    762 audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     759audience = {non spécifiée}, 
    763760year = {2005}, 
    770767title = {{On the origin of the 100-kyr cycle in the astronomical forcing}}, 
    771 author = {André Berger and Marie-France Loutre and Jean-Luc Mélice}, 
    772 language = {Anglais}, 
    773 affiliation = {Institut d'Astronomie et de G{\'e}ophysique G. Lema{\^\i}tre - UCL-ASTR , Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN , Oceanography Department - UCT-OD}, 
     768author = {{A}ndré {B}erger and {M}arie-{F}rance {L}outre and {J}ean-{L}uc {M}élice}, 
     769language = {{A}nglais}, 
     770affiliation = {{I}nstitut d'{A}stronomie et de {G}éophysique G. {L}emaître - UCL-ASTR , {L}aboratoire d'{O}céanographie et du {C}limat : {E}xpérimentations et {A}pproches {N}umériques - LOCEAN , {O}ceanography {D}epartment - UCT-OD}, 
    774771pages = {doi:10.1029/2005PA001173}, 
    775772journal = {PALEOCEANOGRAPHY}, 
    776773volume = {20}, 
    777 audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     774audience = {non spécifiée}, 
    778775doi = {10.1029/2005PA001173}, 
    779776year = {2005}, 
    786783title = {{Role of cyanobacteria in the biodegradation of crude oil by a tropical cyanobacterial mat}}, 
    787 author = {F. Chaillan and M. Gugger and Alain Saliot and A. Couté and J. Oudot}, 
    788 language = {Anglais}, 
    789 affiliation = {Ecosyst{\`e}mes et Interactions Toxiques , Laboratoire de biog{\'e}ochimie et chimie marines - LBCM}, 
     784author = {{F}. {C}haillan and M. {G}ugger and {A}lain {S}aliot and A. {C}outé and J. {O}udot}, 
     785language = {{A}nglais}, 
     786affiliation = {{E}cosystèmes et {I}nteractions {T}oxiques , {L}aboratoire de biogéochimie et chimie marines - LBCM}, 
    790787pages = {1574-1582}, 
    791 journal = {Chemosphere}, 
     788journal = {{C}hemosphere}, 
    792789volume = {62}, 
    793 audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     790audience = {non spécifiée}, 
    794791doi = {10.1016/j.chemosphere.2005.06.050}, 
    795792year = {2006}, 
    801798loceanbibid = {01864}, 
    803 title = {{Escutar o r{\'a}dio aumenta o risco de ser picado por mosquitos?}}, 
    804 author = {Nicolas Degallier and Hamilton Antonio De Oliveira Monteiro and Francisco Corrêa Castro and Orlando Vaz Da Silva and Hélio Augusto Cardoso Saraiva and Roberto Carlos Feitosa Brandão and Miguel Moyses Alvão}, 
    805 language = {Portugais}, 
    806 affiliation = {Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC , Laborat{\'o}rio de Arbov{\'\i}rus - LA}, 
     800title = {{Escutar o rádio aumenta o risco de ser picado por mosquitos?}}, 
     801author = {{N}icolas {D}égallier and {H}amilton {A}ntonio {D}e {O}liveira {M}onteiro and {F}rancisco {C}orrêa {C}astro and {O}rlando {V}az {D}a {S}ilva and {H}élio {A}ugusto {C}ardoso {S}araiva and {R}oberto {C}arlos {F}eitosa {B}randão and {M}iguel {M}oyses {A}lvão}, 
     802language = {{P}ortugais}, 
     803affiliation = {{L}aboratoire d'océanographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC , {L}aboratório de {A}rbovìrus - LA}, 
    807804pages = {685-686}, 
    808 journal = {Revista de Sa{\'u}de P{\'u}blica}, 
     805journal = {{R}evista de {S}aúde Pública}, 
    809806volume = {39}, 
    810 audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     807audience = {non spécifiée}, 
    811808doi = {10.1590/S0034-89102005000400026}, 
    812809year = {2005}, 
    818815loceanbibid = {01863}, 
    820 title = {{Variability of the throughflow at its exit in the Indian Ocean}}, 
    821 author = {Michèle Fieux and Robert Molcard and R. Morrow and Annie Kartavtseff and A. G. Ilahude}, 
    822 language = {Anglais}, 
    823 affiliation = {Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC , Laboratoire d'{\'e}tudes en G{\'e}ophysique et oc{\'e}anographie spatiales - LEGOS , Puslitbang Oseanologi - PO}, 
     817title = {{Variability of the throughflow at its exit in the {I}ndian {O}cean}}, 
     818author = {{M}ichèle {F}ieux and {R}obert {M}olcard and R. {M}orrow and {A}nnie {K}artavtseff and A. G. {I}lahude}, 
     819language = {{A}nglais}, 
     820affiliation = {{L}aboratoire d'océanographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC , {L}aboratoire d'études en {G}éophysique et océanographie spatiales - LEGOS , {P}uslitbang {O}seanologi - PO}, 
    824821pages = {L14616}, 
    825 journal = {Geophysical Research Letters}, 
     822journal = {{G}eophysical {R}esearch {L}etters}, 
    826823volume = {32}, 
    827 audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     824audience = {non spécifiée}, 
    828825doi = {10.1029/2005GL022836}, 
    829826year = {2005}, 
    837834title = {{Internal gravity waves in a dipolar wind: a wave--vortex interaction experiment in a stratified fluid}}, 
    838 author = {Ramiro Godoy-Diana and Jean-Marc Chomaz and Claire Donnadieu}, 
    839 language = {Anglais}, 
    840 affiliation = {Laboratoire d'hydrodynamique - LadHyX , Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN}, 
     835author = {{R}amiro {G}odoy-{D}iana and {J}ean-{M}arc {C}homaz and {C}laire {D}onnadieu}, 
     836language = {{A}nglais}, 
     837affiliation = {{L}aboratoire d'hydrodynamique - {L}adHyX , {L}aboratoire d'{O}céanographie et du {C}limat : {E}xpérimentations et {A}pproches {N}umériques - LOCEAN}, 
    841838pages = {281-308}, 
    842 journal = {Journal of Fluid Mechanics}, 
     839journal = {{J}ournal of {F}luid {M}echanics}, 
    843840volume = {548}, 
    844 audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     841audience = {non spécifiée}, 
    845842doi = {10.1017/S0022112005007536}, 
    846843year = {2006}, 
    853850title = {{Ecosystem dynamics based on plankton functional types for global ocean biogeochemistry models}}, 
    854 author = {Corinne Le Quéré and Sandy P. Harrison and I. Colin Prentice and Erik T. Buitenhuis and Olivier Aumont and Laurent Bopp and Hervé Claustre and Leticia Cotrim Da Cunha and Richard Geider and Xavier Giraud and Christine Klaas and Karen E. Kohfeld and Louis Legendre and Manfredi Manizza and Trevor Platt and Richard B. Rivkin and Shubha Sathyendranath and Julia Uitz and Andy J. Watson and Dieter Wolf-Gladrow}, 
    855 language = {Anglais}, 
    856 affiliation = {Max-Planck-Institut f{\"u}r Biogeochemie Jena (MPI BGC) - MPI BGC , Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC , Laboratoire des sciences du climat et de l'environnement - LSCE , Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie de Villefranche - LOV , Department of Biological Sciences - BS , School of Geographical Sciences , Department of Oceanography - DO , Ocean Sciences Centre - OSC}, 
     851author = {{C}orinne {L}e {Q}uéré and {S}andy P. {H}arrison and I. {C}olin {P}rentice and {E}rik T. {B}uitenhuis and {O}livier {A}umont and {L}aurent {B}opp and {H}ervé {C}laustre and {L}eticia {C}otrim {D}a {C}unha and {R}ichard {G}eider and {X}avier {G}iraud and {C}hristine {K}laas and {K}aren E. {K}ohfeld and {L}ouis {L}egendre and {M}anfredi {M}anizza and {T}revor {P}latt and {R}ichard B. {R}ivkin and {S}hubha {S}athyendranath and {J}ulia {U}itz and {A}ndy J. {W}atson and {D}ieter {W}olf-{G}ladrow}, 
     852language = {{A}nglais}, 
     853affiliation = {{M}ax-{P}lanck-{I}nstitut für {B}iogeochemie {J}ena (MPI BGC) - MPI BGC , {L}aboratoire d'océanographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC , {L}aboratoire des sciences du climat et de l'environnement - LSCE , {L}aboratoire d'océanographie de {V}illefranche - LOV , {D}epartment of {B}iological {S}ciences - BS , {S}chool of {G}eographical {S}ciences , {D}epartment of {O}ceanography - DO , {O}cean {S}ciences {C}entre - OSC}, 
    857854pages = {2016-2040}, 
    858 journal = {Global Change Biology}, 
     855journal = {{G}lobal {C}hange {B}iology}, 
    859856volume = {11(11)}, 
    860 note = {article de base pour un mod{\`e}le avec bact{\'e}ries, picoautotrophes, fixateurs d'azote, de calcaire, diatom{\'e}es, producteurs de DMS, divers phyto, micro, meso et macroplancton}, 
    861 audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     857note = {article de base pour un modèle avec bactéries, picoautotrophes, fixateurs d'azote, de calcaire, diatomées, producteurs de DMS, divers phyto, micro, meso et macroplancton}, 
     858audience = {non spécifiée}, 
    862859doi = {10.1111/j.1365-2486.2005.1004.x}, 
    863860year = {2005}, 
    868865loceanbibid = {01860}, 
    870 title = {{Alkenone and coccolith records of the mid-Pleistocene in the south-east Atlantic: Implications for the Uk'37 index and South African climate}}, 
    871 author = {Erin L. McClymont and Antoni Rosell-Melé and Jacques Giraudeau and Catherine Pierre and Jerry M. Lloyd}, 
    872 language = {Anglais}, 
    873 affiliation = {Department of Geography , ICREA and ICTA , Environnements et Pal{\'e}oenvironnements OC{\'e}aniques - EPOC , Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
     867title = {{Alkenone and coccolith records of the mid-{P}leistocene in the south-east {A}tlantic: {I}mplications for the {U}k'37 index and {S}outh {A}frican climate}}, 
     868author = {{E}rin L. {M}cClymont and {A}ntoni {R}osell-{M}elé and {J}acques {G}iraudeau and {C}atherine {P}ierre and {J}erry M. {L}loyd}, 
     869language = {{A}nglais}, 
     870affiliation = {{D}epartment of {G}eography , ICREA and ICTA , {E}nvironnements et {P}aléoenvironnements OCéaniques - EPOC , {L}aboratoire d'océanographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
    874871pages = {1559-1572}, 
    875 journal = {Quaternary Science Reviews}, 
     872journal = {{Q}uaternary {S}cience {R}eviews}, 
    876873volume = {24(14-15)}, 
    877 audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     874audience = {non spécifiée}, 
    878875doi = {10.1016/j.quascirev.2004.06.024}, 
    879876year = {2005}, 
    887884title = {{Polar lipid biomarkers of free-living bacteria from oligotrophic marine waters}}, 
    888 author = {Laurence Méjanelle and Jeanne Laureillard and Fereidoun Rassoulzadegan}, 
    889 language = {Anglais}, 
    890 affiliation = {Laboratoire de biog{\'e}ochimie et chimie marines - LBCM , Observatoire oc{\'e}anologique de Villefranche-sur-mer - OOVM}, 
     885author = {{L}aurence {M}éjanelle and {J}eanne {L}aureillard and {F}ereidoun {R}assoulzadegan}, 
     886language = {{A}nglais}, 
     887affiliation = {{L}aboratoire de biogéochimie et chimie marines - LBCM , {O}bservatoire océanologique de {V}illefranche-sur-mer - OOVM}, 
    891888pages = {365-383}, 
    892 journal = {Biogeochemistry}, 
     889journal = {{B}iogeochemistry}, 
    893890volume = {72(3)}, 
    894 audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     891audience = {non spécifiée}, 
    895892doi = {10.1007/s10533-004-0374-9}, 
    896893year = {2005}, 
    902899loceanbibid = {01858}, 
    904 title = {{Evidence for the Antarctic circumpolar wave in the sub-Antarctic during the past 50 years}}, 
    905 author = {Jean-Luc Mélice and J.R.E. Lutjeharms and H. Goosse and T. Fichefet and C. J. C. Reason}, 
    906 language = {Anglais}, 
    907 affiliation = {Department of Oceanography , Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN , Institut d'Astronomie et de G{\'e}ophysique G. Lema{\^\i}tre}, 
     901title = {{Evidence for the {A}ntarctic circumpolar wave in the sub-{A}ntarctic during the past 50 years}}, 
     902author = {{J}ean-{L}uc {M}élice and J.R.E. {L}utjeharms and H. {G}oosse and T. {F}ichefet and C. J. C. {R}eason}, 
     903language = {{A}nglais}, 
     904affiliation = {{D}epartment of {O}ceanography , {L}aboratoire d'{O}céanographie et du {C}limat : {E}xpérimentations et {A}pproches {N}umériques - LOCEAN , {I}nstitut d'{A}stronomie et de {G}éophysique G. {L}emaître}, 
    908905pages = {L14614}, 
    909 journal = {Geophysical Research Letters}, 
     906journal = {{G}eophysical {R}esearch {L}etters}, 
    910907volume = {32}, 
    911 audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     908audience = {non spécifiée}, 
    912909doi = {10.1029/2005GL023361}, 
    913910year = {2005}, 
    919916loceanbibid = {01857}, 
    921 title = {{Diversity of Bacteria and Archaea associated with a carbonate-rich metalliferous sediment sample from the Rainbow vent field on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge}}, 
    922 author = {Olivier Nercessian and Yves Fouquet and Catherine Pierre and Daniel Prieur and Christian Jeanthon}, 
    923 language = {Anglais}, 
    924 affiliation = {Laboratoire des Sciences de l'Environnement Marin - LEMAR , D{\'e}partement G{\'e}osciences Marines , Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
     918title = {{Diversity of {B}acteria and {A}rchaea associated with a carbonate-rich metalliferous sediment sample from the {R}ainbow vent field on the {M}id-{A}tlantic {R}idge}}, 
     919author = {{O}livier {N}ercessian and {Y}ves {F}ouquet and {C}atherine {P}ierre and {D}aniel {P}rieur and {C}hristian {J}eanthon}, 
     920language = {{A}nglais}, 
     921affiliation = {{L}aboratoire des {S}ciences de l'{E}nvironnement {M}arin - LEMAR , {D}épartement {G}éosciences {M}arines , {L}aboratoire d'océanographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
    925922pages = {698-714}, 
    926 journal = {Environmental microbiology}, 
     923journal = {{E}nvironmental microbiology}, 
    927924volume = {7(5)}, 
    928 audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     925audience = {non spécifiée}, 
    929926doi = {10.1111/j.1462-2920.2005.00744.x}, 
    930927year = {2005}, 
    937934title = {{Anthropogenic ocean acidification over the twenty-first century and its impact on calcifying organisms}}, 
    938 author = {James C. Orr and Victoria J. Fabry and Olivier Aumont and  Laurent Bopp and Scott C. Doney and Richard A. Feely and Anand Gnanadesikan and Nicolas Gruber and Akio Ishida and Fortunat Joos and Robert M. Key and Keith Lindsay and Ernst Maier-Reimer and Richard J. Matear and Patrick Monfray and Anne Mouchet and Raymond G. Najjar and Gian-Kasper Plattner and Keith B. Rodgers and Christopher L. Sabine and Jorge L. Sarmiento and Reiner Schlitzer and Richard D. Slater and Ian J. Totterdell and Marie-France Weirig and Yasuhiro Yamanaka and Andrew Yool}, 
    939 language = {Anglais}, 
    940 affiliation = {Laboratoire des sciences du climat et de l'environnement - LSCE , Department of Biological Sciences , Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN , Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution , Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory , Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory , Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics [Los Angeles] - IGPP , Frontier Research Center for Global Change , Climate and Environmental Physics, Physics Institute , Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (AOS) Program , National Center for Atmospheric Research - NCAR , Max Planck Institut f{\"u}r Meteorologie , Marine Research and Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems CRC , Astrophysics and Geophysics Institute , Department of Meteorology, Pennsylvania State University , Department of Bentho-pelagic processes , National Oceanography Centre Southampton}, 
     935author = {{J}ames C. {O}rr and {V}ictoria J. {F}abry and {O}livier {A}umont and  {L}aurent {B}opp and {S}cott C. {D}oney and {R}ichard A. {F}eely and {A}nand {G}nanadesikan and {N}icolas {G}ruber and {A}kio {I}shida and {F}ortunat {J}oos and {R}obert M. {K}ey and {K}eith {L}indsay and {E}rnst {M}aier-{R}eimer and {R}ichard J. {M}atear and {P}atrick {M}onfray and {A}nne {M}ouchet and {R}aymond G. {N}ajjar and {G}ian-{K}asper {P}lattner and {K}eith B. {R}odgers and {C}hristopher L. {S}abine and {J}orge L. {S}armiento and {R}einer {S}chlitzer and {R}ichard D. {S}later and {I}an J. {T}otterdell and {M}arie-{F}rance {W}eirig and {Y}asuhiro {Y}amanaka and {A}ndrew {Y}ool}, 
     936language = {{A}nglais}, 
     937affiliation = {{L}aboratoire des sciences du climat et de l'environnement - LSCE , {D}epartment of {B}iological {S}ciences , {L}aboratoire d'{O}céanographie et du {C}limat : {E}xpérimentations et {A}pproches {N}umériques - LOCEAN , {W}oods {H}ole {O}ceanographic {I}nstitution , {P}acific {M}arine {E}nvironmental {L}aboratory , {G}eophysical {F}luid {D}ynamics {L}aboratory , {I}nstitute of {G}eophysics and {P}lanetary {P}hysics [Los {A}ngeles] - IGPP , {F}rontier {R}esearch {C}enter for {G}lobal {C}hange , {C}limate and {E}nvironmental {P}hysics, {P}hysics {I}nstitute , {A}tmospheric and {O}ceanic {S}ciences (AOS) {P}rogram , {N}ational {C}enter for {A}tmospheric {R}esearch - NCAR , {M}ax {P}lanck {I}nstitut für {M}eteorologie , {M}arine {R}esearch and {A}ntarctic {C}limate and {E}cosystems CRC , {A}strophysics and {G}eophysics {I}nstitute , {D}epartment of {M}eteorology, {P}ennsylvania {S}tate {U}niversity , {D}epartment of {B}entho-pelagic processes , {N}ational {O}ceanography {C}entre {S}outhampton}, 
    941938pages = {681-686}, 
    942 journal = {Nature}, 
     939journal = {{N}ature}, 
    943940volume = {437}, 
    944 audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     941audience = {non spécifiée}, 
    945942doi = {10.1038/nature04095}, 
    946943year = {2005}, 
    951948loceanbibid = {01855}, 
    953 title = {{Climate variability at Marion Island, Southern Ocean, since 1960}}, 
    954 author = {Mathieu Rouault and Jean-Luc Mélice and Chris J. C. Reason and Johann R. E. Lutjeharms}, 
    955 language = {Anglais}, 
    956 affiliation = {Department of Oceanography , Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
     950title = {{Climate variability at {M}arion {I}sland, {S}outhern {O}cean, since 1960}}, 
     951author = {{M}athieu {R}ouault and {J}ean-{L}uc {M}élice and {C}hris J. C. {R}eason and {J}ohann R. E. {L}utjeharms}, 
     952language = {{A}nglais}, 
     953affiliation = {{D}epartment of {O}ceanography , {L}aboratoire d'océanographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
    957954pages = {C05007}, 
    958 journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research}, 
     955journal = {{J}ournal of {G}eophysical {R}esearch}, 
    959956volume = {110}, 
    960 audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     957audience = {non spécifiée}, 
    961958doi = {10.1029/2004JC002492}, 
    962959year = {2005}, 
    967964loceanbibid = {01854}, 
    969 title = {{Causes of large-scale sea level variations in the Southern Ocean: Analyses of sea level and a barotropic model}}, 
    970 author = {Frédéric Vivier and Kathryn A. Kelly and Migel Harismendy}, 
    971 language = {Anglais}, 
    972 affiliation = {Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
     966title = {{Causes of large-scale sea level variations in the {S}outhern {O}cean: {A}nalyses of sea level and a barotropic model}}, 
     967author = {{F}rédéric {V}ivier and {K}athryn A. {K}elly and {M}igel {H}arismendy}, 
     968language = {{A}nglais}, 
     969affiliation = {{L}aboratoire d'océanographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
    973970pages = {C09014}, 
    974 journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research}, 
     971journal = {{J}ournal of {G}eophysical {R}esearch}, 
    975972volume = {110}, 
    976 audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     973audience = {non spécifiée}, 
    977974doi = {10.1029/2004JC002773}, 
    978975year = {2005}, 
    983980loceanbibid = {01853}, 
    985 title = {{Adjustment of near-equatorial wind stress with four-dimensional variational data assimilation in a model of the Pacific Ocean}}, 
    986 author = {Femke C. Vossepoel and Anthony T. Weaver and Jérôme Vialard and Pascale Delecluse}, 
    987 language = {Anglais}, 
    988 affiliation = {Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC , Centre Europ{\'e}en de Recherche et de Formation Avanc{\'e}e en Calcul Scientifique - CERFACS}, 
     982title = {{Adjustment of near-equatorial wind stress with four-dimensional variational data assimilation in a model of the {P}acific {O}cean}}, 
     983author = {{F}emke C. {V}ossepoel and {A}nthony T. {W}eaver and {J}érôme {V}ialard and {P}ascale {D}elecluse}, 
     984language = {{A}nglais}, 
     985affiliation = {{L}aboratoire d'océanographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC , {C}entre {E}uropéen de {R}echerche et de {F}ormation {A}vancée en {C}alcul {S}cientifique - CERFACS}, 
    989986pages = {2070-2083}, 
    990 journal = {Monthly Weather Review}, 
     987journal = {{M}onthly {W}eather {R}eview}, 
    991988volume = {132(8)}, 
    992 audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     989audience = {non spécifiée}, 
    993990doi = {10.1175/1520-0493}, 
    994991year = {2004}, 
    1001998title = {{Globalizing results from ocean in situ iron fertilization studies}}, 
    1002 author = {Olivier Aumont and Laurent Bopp}, 
    1003 language = {Anglais}, 
    1004 affiliation = {Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN , Laboratoire des sciences du climat et de l'environnement - LSCE}, 
     999author = {{O}livier {A}umont and {L}aurent {B}opp}, 
     1000language = {{A}nglais}, 
     1001affiliation = {{L}aboratoire d'{O}céanographie et du {C}limat : {E}xpérimentations et {A}pproches {N}umériques - LOCEAN , {L}aboratoire des sciences du climat et de l'environnement - LSCE}, 
    10051002pages = {GB2017}, 
    1006 journal = {Global Biogeochem. Cycles}, 
     1003journal = {{G}lobal {B}iogeochem. {C}ycles}, 
    10071004volume = {20(2)}, 
    10081005note = {}, 
    1009 audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1006audience = {non spécifiée}, 
    10101007doi = {10.1029/2005GB002591}, 
    10111008year = {2006}, 
    10181015title = {{Biogeochemical fluxes through mesozooplankton}}, 
    1019 author = {E. Buitenhuis and C. Le Quéré and Olivier Aumont and  G. Beaugrand and A. Bunker and A. Hirst and T. Ikeda and T. O'Brien and S. Piontkovski and D. Straile}, 
    1020 language = {Anglais}, 
    1021 affiliation = {Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry , Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC , Sir Alister Hardy Foundation for Ocean Science - SAHFOS , Heriot-Watt University , British Antarctic Survey - BAS , Plankton Laboratory, Graduate School of Fisheries Sciences, , National Marine Fisheries Service , Marine Sciences Research Center , Limnological Institute}, 
     1016author = {{E}. {B}uitenhuis and C. {L}e {Q}uéré and {O}livier {A}umont and  G. {B}eaugrand and A. {B}unker and A. {H}irst and T. {I}keda and T. O'{B}rien and S. {P}iontkovski and D. {S}traile}, 
     1017language = {{A}nglais}, 
     1018affiliation = {{M}ax {P}lanck {I}nstitute for {B}iogeochemistry , {L}aboratoire d'océanographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC , {S}ir {A}lister {H}ardy {F}oundation for {O}cean {S}cience - SAHFOS , {H}eriot-{W}att {U}niversity , {B}ritish {A}ntarctic {S}urvey - BAS , {P}lankton {L}aboratory, {G}raduate {S}chool of {F}isheries {S}ciences, , {N}ational {M}arine {F}isheries {S}ervice , {M}arine {S}ciences {R}esearch {C}enter , {L}imnological {I}nstitute}, 
    10221019pages = {GB2003}, 
    1023 journal = {Global Biogeochemical Cycles}, 
     1020journal = {{G}lobal {B}iogeochemical {C}ycles}, 
    10241021volume = {20}, 
    10251022note = {}, 
    1026 audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1023audience = {non spécifiée}, 
    10271024doi = {10.1029/2005GB002511}, 
    10281025year = {2006}, 
    10351032title = {{Impact of sub-mesoscale physics on production and subduction of phytoplankton in an oligotrophic regime}}, 
    1036 author = {Marina Lévy and Patrice Klein and Anne-Marie Tréguier}, 
    1037 language = {Anglais}, 
    1038 affiliation = {Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
     1033author = {{M}arina {L}évy and {P}atrice {K}lein and {A}nne-{M}arie {T}réguier}, 
     1034language = {{A}nglais}, 
     1035affiliation = {{L}aboratoire d'océanographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
    10391036pages = {535-565}, 
    1040 journal = {J. Mar. Res}, 
     1037journal = {{J}. {M}ar. {R}es}, 
    10411038volume = {59}, 
    10421039number = {4}, 
    1043 audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1040audience = {non spécifiée}, 
    10441041year = {2001}, 
    10451042comment = {20121114 : ++ compléter prénom dans hal}, 
    10511048loceanbibid = {01849}, 
    1053 title = {{Mesoscale variability of phytoplankton and of new production : Impact of the large scale nutrient distribution}}, 
    1054 author = {Marina Lévy}, 
    1055 language = {Anglais}, 
    1056 affiliation = {Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN}, 
     1050title = {{Mesoscale variability of phytoplankton and of new production : {I}mpact of the large scale nutrient distribution}}, 
     1051author = {{M}arina {L}évy}, 
     1052language = {{A}nglais}, 
     1053affiliation = {{L}aboratoire d'{O}céanographie et du {C}limat : {E}xpérimentations et {A}pproches {N}umériques - LOCEAN}, 
    10571054pages = {3358}, 
    1058 journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research}, 
     1055journal = {{J}ournal of {G}eophysical {R}esearch}, 
    10591056volume = {108}, 
    10601057number = {C11}, 
    10611058note = {}, 
    1062 audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1059audience = {non spécifiée}, 
    10631060doi = {10.1029/2002JC001577}, 
    10641061year = {2003}, 
    10701067loceanbibid = {01848}, 
    1072 title = {{Comparing the results of a 4D-variational assimilation of satellite and in situ data with WOCE CITHER hydrographic measurements in the tropical Atlantic}}, 
    1073 author = {E. Greiner and Sabine Arnault}, 
    1074 language = {Anglais}, 
    1075 affiliation = {Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
     1069title = {{Comparing the results of a 4D-variational assimilation of satellite and in situ data with WOCE CITHER hydrographic measurements in the tropical {A}tlantic}}, 
     1070author = {{E}. {G}reiner and {S}abine {A}rnault}, 
     1071language = {{A}nglais}, 
     1072affiliation = {{L}aboratoire d'océanographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
    10761073pages = {1-68}, 
    1077 journal = {Progress In Oceanography}, 
     1074journal = {{P}rogress {I}n {O}ceanography}, 
    10781075volume = {47}, 
    10791076number = {1}, 
    1080 audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1077audience = {non spécifiée}, 
    10811078doi = {10.1016/S0079-6611(00)00031-8}, 
    10821079year = {2000}, 
    10881085loceanbibid = {01847}, 
    1090 title = {{Twelve monthly experiments of 4D-variational assimilation in the tropical Atlantic during 1987. Part 1: Method and statistical results}}, 
    1091 author = {E. Greiner and Sabine Arnault and A. Morlière}, 
    1092 language = {Anglais}, 
    1093 affiliation = {Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
     1087title = {{Twelve monthly experiments of 4D-variational assimilation in the tropical {A}tlantic during 1987. {P}art 1: {M}ethod and statistical results}}, 
     1088author = {{E}. {G}reiner and {S}abine {A}rnault and A. {M}orlière}, 
     1089language = {{A}nglais}, 
     1090affiliation = {{L}aboratoire d'océanographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
    10941091pages = {141-202}, 
    1095 journal = {Prog. Oceanogr.}, 
     1092journal = {{P}rog. {O}ceanogr.}, 
    10961093volume = {41}, 
    10971094number = {2}, 
    1098 audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1095audience = {non spécifiée}, 
    10991096doi = {10.1016/S0079-6611(98)00016-0}, 
    11001097year = {1998}, 
    11061103loceanbibid = {01846}, 
    1108 title = {{Twelve monthly experiments of 4D-variational assimilation in the tropical Atlantic during 1987. Part 2: Oceanographic interpretation}}, 
    1109 author = {E. Greiner and Sabine Arnault and A. Morlière}, 
    1110 language = {Anglais}, 
    1111 affiliation = {Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
     1105title = {{Twelve monthly experiments of 4D-variational assimilation in the tropical {A}tlantic during 1987. {P}art 2: {O}ceanographic interpretation}}, 
     1106author = {{E}. {G}reiner and {S}abine {A}rnault and A. {M}orlière}, 
     1107language = {{A}nglais}, 
     1108affiliation = {{L}aboratoire d'océanographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
    11121109pages = {203-247}, 
    1113 journal = {Prog. Oceanogr.}, 
     1110journal = {{P}rog. {O}ceanogr.}, 
    11141111volume = {41}, 
    11151112number = {2}, 
    1116 audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1113audience = {non spécifiée}, 
    11171114doi = {10.1016/S0079-6611(98)00017-2}, 
    11181115year = {1998}, 
    11241121loceanbibid = {01845}, 
    1126 title = {{Low-frequency variability of the tropical Atlantic surface topography: altimetry and model comparison,}}, 
    1127 author = {Sabine Arnault and A. Morlière and J. Merle and Y. Ménard}, 
    1128 language = {Anglais}, 
    1129 affiliation = {Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
     1123title = {{Low-frequency variability of the tropical {A}tlantic surface topography: altimetry and model comparison,}}, 
     1124author = {{S}abine {A}rnault and A. {M}orlière and J. {M}erle and Y. {M}énard}, 
     1125language = {{A}nglais}, 
     1126affiliation = {{L}aboratoire d'océanographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
    11301127pages = {14259-14288}, 
    1131 journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research}, 
     1128journal = {{J}ournal of {G}eophysical {R}esearch}, 
    11321129volume = {97}, 
    11331130number = {C9}, 
    1134 audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1131audience = {non spécifiée}, 
    11351132doi = {10.1029/92JC00818}, 
    11361133year = {1992}, 
    11421139loceanbibid = {01844}, 
    1144 title = {{Projection of future climate change conditions using IPCC simulations, neural networks and Bayesian statistics. Part 1: Temperature mean state and seasonal cycle in South America}}, 
    1145 author = {Jean-Philippe Boulanger and F. Martinez and E. C. Segura}, 
    1146 language = {Anglais}, 
    1147 affiliation = {Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN}, 
     1141title = {{Projection of future climate change conditions using IPCC simulations, neural networks and {B}ayesian statistics. {P}art 1: {T}emperature mean state and seasonal cycle in {S}outh {A}merica}}, 
     1142author = {{J}ean-{P}hilippe {B}oulanger and F. {M}artinez and E. C. {S}egura}, 
     1143language = {{A}nglais}, 
     1144affiliation = {{L}aboratoire d'{O}céanographie et du {C}limat : {E}xpérimentations et {A}pproches {N}umériques - LOCEAN}, 
    11481145pages = {233-259}, 
    1149 journal = {Climate Dynamics}, 
     1146journal = {{C}limate {D}ynamics}, 
    11501147volume = {27}, 
    11511148number = {2-3}, 
    1152 audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1149audience = {non spécifiée}, 
    11531150doi = {10.1007/s00382-006-0134-8}, 
    11541151year = {2006}, 
    11601157loceanbibid = {01843}, 
    1162 title = {{Projection of future climate change conditions using IPCC simulations, neural networks and Bayesian statistics. Part 2: Precipitation mean state and seasonal cycle in South America}}, 
    1163 author = {Jean-Philippe Boulanger and F. Martinez and E. C. Segura}, 
    1164 language = {Anglais}, 
    1165 affiliation = {Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN}, 
     1159title = {{Projection of future climate change conditions using IPCC simulations, neural networks and {B}ayesian statistics. {P}art 2: {P}recipitation mean state and seasonal cycle in {S}outh {A}merica}}, 
     1160author = {{J}ean-{P}hilippe {B}oulanger and F. {M}artinez and E. C. {S}egura}, 
     1161language = {{A}nglais}, 
     1162affiliation = {{L}aboratoire d'{O}céanographie et du {C}limat : {E}xpérimentations et {A}pproches {N}umériques - LOCEAN}, 
    11661163pages = {255-271}, 
    1167 journal = {Climate Dynamics}, 
     1164journal = {{C}limate {D}ynamics}, 
    11681165volume = {28}, 
    11691166number = {2-3}, 
    1170 audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1167audience = {non spécifiée}, 
    11711168doi = {10.1007/s00382-006-0182-0}, 
    11721169year = {2006}, 
    11781175loceanbibid = {01842}, 
    1180 title = {{Long Equatorial Waves in a High-Resolution OGCM Simulation of the Tropical Pacific Ocean during the 1985-94 TOGA Period}}, 
    1181 author = {Jean-Philippe Boulanger and Pascale Delecluse and C. Maes and Claire Lévy}, 
    1182 language = {Anglais}, 
    1183 affiliation = {Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
     1177title = {{Long {E}quatorial {W}aves in a {H}igh-{R}esolution OGCM {S}imulation of the {T}ropical {P}acific {O}cean during the 1985-94 TOGA {P}eriod}}, 
     1178author = {{J}ean-{P}hilippe {B}oulanger and {P}ascale {D}elecluse and C. {M}aes and {C}laire {L}évy}, 
     1179language = {{A}nglais}, 
     1180affiliation = {{L}aboratoire d'océanographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
    11841181pages = {972-984}, 
    1185 journal = {Mon. Wea. Rev.}, 
     1182journal = {{M}on. {W}ea. {R}ev.}, 
    11861183volume = {125}, 
    11871184number = {5}, 
    1188 audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1185audience = {non spécifiée}, 
    11891186doi = {10.1175/1520-0493(1997)1252.0.CO;2}, 
    11901187year = {1997}, 
    11961193loceanbibid = {01841}, 
    1198 title = {{Yucatan Channel flow: Observations versus CLIPPER ATL6 and MERCATOR PAM models}}, 
    1199 author = {J. Candela and S. Tanahara and Michel Crépon and B. Barnier and J. Sheinbaum}, 
    1200 language = {Anglais}, 
    1201 affiliation = {Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
     1195title = {{Yucatan {C}hannel flow: {O}bservations versus CLIPPER ATL6 and MERCATOR PAM models}}, 
     1196author = {{J}. {C}andela and S. {T}anahara and {M}ichel {C}répon and B. {B}arnier and J. {S}heinbaum}, 
     1197language = {{A}nglais}, 
     1198affiliation = {{L}aboratoire d'océanographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
    12021199pages = {3385}, 
    1203 journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research}, 
     1200journal = {{J}ournal of {G}eophysical {R}esearch}, 
    12041201volume = {108}, 
    12051202number = {C12}, 
    1206 audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1203audience = {non spécifiée}, 
    12071204doi = {10.1029/2003JC001961}, 
    12081205year = {2003}, 
    12141211loceanbibid = {01840}, 
    1216 title = {{A three-dimensional numerical study of deep water formation in the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea}}, 
    1217 author = {Gurvan Madec and M. Chartier and Pascale Delécluse and Michel Cr{\'e}pon}, 
    1218 language = {Anglais}, 
    1219 affiliation = {Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
     1213title = {{A three-dimensional numerical study of deep water formation in the {N}orthwestern {M}editerranean {S}ea}}, 
     1214author = {{G}urvan {M}adec and M. {C}hartier and {P}ascale {D}elécluse and {M}ichel {C}répon}, 
     1215language = {{A}nglais}, 
     1216affiliation = {{L}aboratoire d'océanographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
    12201217pages = {1349-1371}, 
    1221 journal = {J. Phys. Oceanogr.}, 
     1218journal = {{J}. {P}hys. {O}ceanogr.}, 
    12221219volume = {21}, 
    12231220number = {9}, 
    1224 audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1221audience = {non spécifiée}, 
    12251222doi = {10.1175/1520-0485(1991)0212.0.CO;2}, 
    12261223year = {1991}, 
    12321229loceanbibid = {01839}, 
    1234 title = {{An intercomparison between four tropical ocean models : Thermocline variability}}, 
    1235 author = {Claude Frankignoul Sylvie Février and Nathalie Sennéchael and K. Verbeek and Pascale Braconnot}, 
    1236 language = {Anglais}, 
    1237 affiliation = {Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
     1231title = {{An intercomparison between four tropical ocean models : {T}hermocline variability}}, 
     1232author = {{C}laude {F}rankignoul and {S}ylvie {F}évrier and {N}athalie {S}ennéchael and K. {V}erbeek and {P}ascale {B}raconnot}, 
     1233language = {{A}nglais}, 
     1234affiliation = {{L}aboratoire d'océanographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
    12381235pages = {351-364}, 
    1239 journal = {Tellus Series A : Dynamic meteorology and oceanography}, 
     1236journal = {{T}ellus {S}eries A : {D}ynamic meteorology and oceanography}, 
    12401237volume = {47}, 
    12411238number = {3}, 
    1242 audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1239audience = {non spécifiée}, 
    12431240doi = {10.1034/j.1600-0870.1995.t01-2-00005.x}, 
    12441241year = {1995}, 
    12501247loceanbibid = {01838}, 
    1252 title = {{On the ability of the LODYC GCM to simulate the thermocline depth in the equatorial Atlantic}}, 
    1253 author = {Pascale Braconnot and Claude Frankignoul}, 
    1254 language = {Anglais}, 
    1255 affiliation = {Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
     1249title = {{On the ability of the LODYC GCM to simulate the thermocline depth in the equatorial {A}tlantic}}, 
     1250author = {{P}ascale {B}raconnot and {C}laude {F}rankignoul}, 
     1251language = {{A}nglais}, 
     1252affiliation = {{L}aboratoire d'océanographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
    12561253pages = {221-234}, 
    1257 journal = {Climate Dynamics}, 
     1254journal = {{C}limate {D}ynamics}, 
    12581255volume = {9}, 
    12591256number = {4-5}, 
    1260 audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1257audience = {non spécifiée}, 
    12611258doi = {10.1007/s003820050021}, 
    12621259year = {1994}, 
    12681265loceanbibid = {01837}, 
    1270 title = {{Testing, Model Simulations of the Thermocline Depth Variability in the Tropical Atlantic from 1982 through 1984}}, 
    1271 author = {Pascale Braconnot and Claude Frankignoul}, 
    1272 language = {Anglais}, 
    1273 affiliation = {Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
     1267title = {{Testing, {M}odel {S}imulations of the {T}hermocline {D}epth {V}ariability in the {T}ropical {A}tlantic from 1982 through 1984}}, 
     1268author = {{P}ascale {B}raconnot and {C}laude {F}rankignoul}, 
     1269language = {{A}nglais}, 
     1270affiliation = {{L}aboratoire d'océanographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
    12741271pages = {626-647}, 
    1275 journal = {J. Phys. Oceanogr.}, 
     1272journal = {{J}. {P}hys. {O}ceanogr.}, 
    12761273volume = {23}, 
    12771274number = {4}, 
    1278 audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1275audience = {non spécifiée}, 
    12791276doi = {10.1175/1520-0485(1993)0232.0.CO;2}, 
    12801277year = {1993}, 
    12861283loceanbibid = {01836}, 
    1288 title = {{Distributed Ocean-Atmosphere Modeling and Sensitivity to the Coupling Flux Precision: The CATHODe Project}}, 
    1289 author = {C. Cassou and  P. Noyret and E. Sevault and O. Thual and L. Terray and D. Beaucourt and M. Imbard}, 
    1290 language = {Anglais}, 
    1291 affiliation = {Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
     1285title = {{Distributed {O}cean-{A}tmosphere {M}odeling and {S}ensitivity to the {C}oupling {F}lux {P}recision: {T}he CATHODe {P}roject}}, 
     1286author = {{C}. {C}assou and  P. {N}oyret and E. {S}evault and O. {T}hual and L. {T}erray and D. {B}eaucourt and M. {I}mbard}, 
     1287language = {{A}nglais}, 
     1288affiliation = {{L}aboratoire d'océanographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
    12921289pages = {1035-1053}, 
    1293 journal = {Mon. Wea. Rev.}, 
     1290journal = {{M}on. {W}ea. {R}ev.}, 
    12941291volume = {126}, 
    12951292number = {4}, 
    1296 audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1293audience = {non spécifiée}, 
    12971294doi = {10.1175/1520-0493(1998)1262.0.CO;2}, 
    12981295year = {1998}, 
    13031300loceanbibid = {01835}, 
    1305 title = {{OPA 8.1 Ocean General Circulation Model reference manual}}, 
    1306 author = {Gurvan Madec and Pascale Delécluse and M. Imbard and Claire Lévy}, 
    1307 language = {Anglais}, 
    1308 affiliation = {Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
     1302title = {{OPA 8.1 {O}cean {G}eneral {C}irculation {M}odel reference manual}}, 
     1303author = {{G}urvan {M}adec and {P}ascale {D}elécluse and M. {I}mbard and {C}laire {L}évy}, 
     1304language = {{A}nglais}, 
     1305affiliation = {{L}aboratoire d'océanographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
    13091306pages = {91p}, 
    1310 journal = {Note du Pole de Mod{\'e}lisation, Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace}, 
     1307journal = {{N}ote du {P}ole de {M}odélisation, {I}nstitut {P}ierre-{S}imon {L}aplace}, 
    13111308volume = {11}, 
    1312 audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1309audience = {non spécifiée}, 
    13131310year = {1998}, 
    13141311comment = {20121114 : ++ compléter prénom dans hal}, 
    13191316loceanbibid = {01834}, 
    1321 title = {{Simulation of the nitrate seasonal cycle in the equatorial Atlantic Ocean during 1983 and 1984}}, 
    1322 author = {H. Loukos and Laurent Mémery}, 
    1323 language = {Anglais}, 
    1324 affiliation = {Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
     1318title = {{Simulation of the nitrate seasonal cycle in the equatorial {A}tlantic {O}cean during 1983 and 1984}}, 
     1319author = {{H}. {L}oukos and {L}aurent {M}émery}, 
     1320language = {{A}nglais}, 
     1321affiliation = {{L}aboratoire d'océanographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
    13251322pages = {15549-15573}, 
    1326 journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research}, 
     1323journal = {{J}ournal of {G}eophysical {R}esearch}, 
    13271324volume = {104}, 
    13281325number = {C7}, 
    1329 audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1326audience = {non spécifiée}, 
    13301327doi = {10.1029/1999JC900084}, 
    13311328year = {1999}, 
    13361333loceanbibid = {01833}, 
    1338 title = {{Sensibility study of an Oceanic General Circulation Model forced by satellite wind-stress fields}}, 
    1339 author = {N. Grima and A. Bentamy and K. Katsaros and Y. Quilfen and P. Delecluse and C. Lévy}, 
    1340 language = {Anglais}, 
    1341 affiliation = {Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
     1335title = {{Sensibility study of an {O}ceanic {G}eneral {C}irculation {M}odel forced by satellite wind-stress fields}}, 
     1336author = {{N}. {G}rima and A. {B}entamy and K. {K}atsaros and Y. {Q}uilfen and P. {D}elecluse and C. {L}évy}, 
     1337language = {{A}nglais}, 
     1338affiliation = {{L}aboratoire d'océanographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
    13421339pages = {7967-7989}, 
    1343 journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research}, 
     1340journal = {{J}ournal of {G}eophysical {R}esearch}, 
    13441341volume = {104}, 
    13451342number = {C4}, 
    1346 audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1343audience = {non spécifiée}, 
    13471344doi = {10.1029/1999JC900007}, 
    13481345year = {1999}, 
    13561353title = {{Climatology and interannual variability simulated by the ARPEGE-OPA coupled model}}, 
    1357 author = {L. Terray and O. Thual and S. Belamari and M. Déqué and P. Din and P. Delecluse and C. Lévy}, 
    1358 language = {Anglais}, 
    1359 affiliation = {Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
     1354author = {{L}. {T}erray and O. {T}hual and S. {B}elamari and M. {D}équé and P. {D}in and P. {D}elecluse and C. {L}évy}, 
     1355language = {{A}nglais}, 
     1356affiliation = {{L}aboratoire d'océanographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
    13601357pages = {487-505}, 
    1361 journal = {Climate Dynamics}, 
     1358journal = {{C}limate {D}ynamics}, 
    13621359volume = {11}, 
    13631360number = {8}, 
    1364 audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1361audience = {non spécifiée}, 
    13651362doi = {10.1007/BF00207197}, 
    13661363year = {1995}, 
    13741371title = {{Will marine dimethylsulfide emissions amplify or alleviate global warming? A model study}}, 
    1375 author = {Laurent Bopp and O. Boucher and Olivier Aumont and S. Belviso and J.-L. Dufresneand M. Pham and P. Monfray}, 
    1376 language = {Anglais}, 
    1377 affiliation = {Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC , Service d'a{\'e}ronomie - SA}, 
     1372author = {{L}aurent {B}opp and O. {B}oucher and {O}livier {A}umont and S. {B}elviso and Jean-Louis {D}ufresne and M. {P}ham and P. {M}onfray}, 
     1373language = {{A}nglais}, 
     1374affiliation = {{L}aboratoire d'océanographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC , {S}ervice d'aéronomie - SA}, 
    13781375pages = {826-835}, 
    1379 journal = {Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences}, 
     1376journal = {{C}anadian {J}ournal of {F}isheries and {A}quatic {S}ciences}, 
    13801377volume = {61}, 
    13811378number = {5}, 
    1382 audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1379audience = {non spécifiée}, 
    13831380doi = {10.1139/F04-045}, 
    13841381year = {2004}, 
    13911388title = {{Sensitivity study of dimethylsulphide (DMS) atmospheric concentrations and sulphate aerosol indirect radiative forcing to the DMS source representation and oxidation}}, 
    1392 author = {O. Boucher and C. Moulin and S. Belviso and Olivier Aumont and Laurent Bopp and E. Cosme and R. Von Kuhlmann and M. G. Lawrence and M. Pham and M. S. Reddy and J. Sciare and C. Venkataraman}, 
    1393 language = {Anglais}, 
    1394 affiliation = {Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC , Service d'a{\'e}ronomie - SA}, 
     1389author = {{O}. {B}oucher and C. {M}oulin and S. {B}elviso and {O}livier {A}umont and {L}aurent {B}opp and E. {C}osme and R. {V}on {K}uhlmann and M. G. {L}awrence and M. {P}ham and M. S. {R}eddy and J. {S}ciare and C. {V}enkataraman}, 
     1390language = {{A}nglais}, 
     1391affiliation = {{L}aboratoire d'océanographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC , {S}ervice d'aéronomie - SA}, 
    13951392pages = {1181-1216}, 
    1396 journal = {Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions}, 
     1393journal = {{A}tmospheric {C}hemistry and {P}hysics {D}iscussions}, 
    13971394volume = {2}, 
    1398 audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1395audience = {non spécifiée}, 
    13991396year = {2002}, 
    14001397comment = {20121114 : doublon hal-00203649}, 
    14071404title = {{Correction to "A global diagnostic of interior ocean ventilation"}}, 
    14081405  author = {{B}runo {B}lanke and {S}abrina {S}peich and {G}urvan {M}adec and {R}. {M}augé}, 
    1409 language = {Anglais}, 
    1410 affiliation = {Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
     1406language = {{A}nglais}, 
     1407affiliation = {{L}aboratoire d'océanographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
    14111408pages = {1625}, 
    1412 journal = {Geophysical Research Letters}, 
     1409journal = {{G}eophysical {R}esearch {L}etters}, 
    14131410volume = {29}, 
    14141411number = {13}, 
    1415 audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1412audience = {non spécifiée}, 
    14161413doi = {10.1029/2002GL015635}, 
    14171414year = {2002}, 
    14231420loceanbibid = {01829}, 
    1425 title = {{Observed precipitation in the Paran{\'a}-Plata hydrological basin: long-term trends, extreme conditions and ENSO teleconnections}}, 
    1426 author = {J.-P. Boulanger and J. Leloup and O. Panalba and M. Rusticucci and F. Lafon and W. Vargas}, 
    1427 language = {Anglais}, 
    1428 affiliation = {Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN}, 
     1422title = {{Observed precipitation in the {P}araná-{P}lata hydrological basin: long-term trends, extreme conditions and ENSO teleconnections}}, 
     1423author = {{J}ean-{P}hilippe {B}oulanger and Julie {L}eloup and O. {P}analba and M. {R}usticucci and F. {L}afon and W. {V}argas}, 
     1424language = {{A}nglais}, 
     1425affiliation = {{L}aboratoire d'{O}céanographie et du {C}limat : {E}xpérimentations et {A}pproches {N}umériques - LOCEAN}, 
    14291426pages = {393-413}, 
    1430 journal = {Climate Dynamics}, 
     1427journal = {{C}limate {D}ynamics}, 
    14311428volume = {24}, 
    14321429number = {4}, 
    1433 audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1430audience = {non spécifiée}, 
    14341431doi = {10.1007/s00382-004-0514-x}, 
    14351432year = {2005}, 
    14431440title = {{Analysis of a potential "solar radiation dose--dimethylsulfide--cloud condensation nuclei" link from globally mapped seasonal correlations}}, 
    1444 author = {S. M. Vallina and R. Simó and S. Gassó and Clément De Boyer-Montégut and E. Del Río and E. Jurado and J. Dachs}, 
    1445 language = {Anglais}, 
    1446 affiliation = {Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN}, 
     1441author = {{S}. M. {V}allina and R. {S}imó and S. {G}assó and {C}lément {D}e {B}oyer-{M}ontégut and E. {D}el {R}ío and E. {J}urado and J. {D}achs}, 
     1442language = {{A}nglais}, 
     1443affiliation = {{L}aboratoire d'{O}céanographie et du {C}limat : {E}xpérimentations et {A}pproches {N}umériques - LOCEAN}, 
    14471444pages = {GB2004}, 
    1448 journal = {Global Biogeochem. Cycles}, 
     1445journal = {{G}lobal {B}iogeochem. {C}ycles}, 
    14491446volume = {21}, 
    1450 audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1447audience = {non spécifiée}, 
    14511448doi = {10.1029/2006GB002787}, 
    14521449year = {2007}, 
    14601457title = {{Du temps qui passe au temps qu'il fera}}, 
    1461 author = {Maxence Revault D'Allonnes}, 
    1462 language = {Fran{\c c}ais}, 
    1463 affiliation = {Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN}, 
     1458author = {{M}axence {R}evault D'{A}llonnes}, 
     1459language = {{F}rançais}, 
     1460affiliation = {{L}aboratoire d'{O}céanographie et du {C}limat : {E}xpérimentations et {A}pproches {N}umériques - LOCEAN}, 
    14641461pages = {25-26}, 
    14651462journal = {GEOCHRONIQUES}, 
    14661463volume = {98}, 
    1467 audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1464audience = {non spécifiée}, 
    14681465year = {2006}, 
    14691466comment = {20121114 : ++ compléter prénom dans hal}, 
    14741471loceanbibid = {01827}, 
    1476 title = {{Effects of climate and different management strategies on Aedes aegypti breeding sites: a longitudinal survey in Brasilia (DF, Brazil)}}, 
    1477 author = {Charly Favier and Nicolas Dégallier and Paulo De Tarso Ribeiro Vilarinhos and Maria Do Socorro Laurentino De Carvalho and Maria Amelia Cavalcanti Yoshizawa and Monique Britto Knox}, 
    1478 language = {Anglais}, 
    1479 affiliation = {Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN}, 
     1473title = {{Effects of climate and different management strategies on {A}edes aegypti breeding sites: a longitudinal survey in {B}rasilia (DF, {B}razil)}}, 
     1474author = {{C}harly {F}avier and {N}icolas {D}égallier and {P}aulo {D}e {T}arso {R}ibeiro {V}ilarinhos and {M}aria {D}o {S}ocorro {L}aurentino {D}e {C}arvalho and {M}aria {A}melia {C}avalcanti {Y}oshizawa and {M}onique {B}ritto {K}nox}, 
     1475language = {{A}nglais}, 
     1476affiliation = {{L}aboratoire d'{O}céanographie et du {C}limat : {E}xpérimentations et {A}pproches {N}umériques - LOCEAN}, 
    14801477pages = {1104-1118}, 
    1481 journal = {Tropical Medicine \& International Health}, 
     1478journal = {{T}ropical {M}edicine \& {I}nternational {H}ealth}, 
    14821479volume = {11}, 
    14831480number = {7}, 
    1484 audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1481audience = {non spécifiée}, 
    14851482doi = {10.1111/j.1365-3156.2006.01653.x}, 
    14861483year = {2006}, 
    14921489loceanbibid = {01826}, 
    1494 title = {{Susceptibility of Aedes aegypti larvae to the insecticide temephos in the Federal District, Brazil}}, 
    1495 author = {Maria Do Socorro Laurentino De Carvalho and Eloísa Dutra Caldas and Nicolas Dégallier and Paulo De Tarso Ribeiro Vilarinhos and Luís César Kenupp Rodrigues De Souza and Maria Amélia Cavalcanti Yoshizawa and Monique Britto Knox and Cristiane De Oliveira}, 
    1496 language = {Anglais}, 
    1497 affiliation = {Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN}, 
     1491title = {{Susceptibility of {A}edes aegypti larvae to the insecticide temephos in the {F}ederal {D}istrict, {B}razil}}, 
     1492author = {{M}aria {D}o {S}ocorro {L}aurentino {D}e {C}arvalho and {E}loísa {D}utra {C}aldas and {N}icolas {D}égallier and {P}aulo {D}e {T}arso {R}ibeiro {V}ilarinhos and {L}uís {C}ésar {K}enupp {R}odrigues {D}e {S}ouza and {M}aria {A}mélia {C}avalcanti {Y}oshizawa and {M}onique {B}ritto {K}nox and {C}ristiane {D}e {O}liveira}, 
     1493language = {{A}nglais}, 
     1494affiliation = {{L}aboratoire d'{O}céanographie et du {C}limat : {E}xpérimentations et {A}pproches {N}umériques - LOCEAN}, 
    14981495pages = {623-629}, 
    1499 journal = {Rev. Sa{\'u}de p{\'u}b.}, 
     1496journal = {{R}ev. {S}aúde púb.}, 
    15001497volume = {38}, 
    15011498number = {5}, 
    15021499note = {\_arttext\&pid=S0034-89102004000500002\&lng=en\&nrm=iso}, 
    1503 audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1500audience = {non spécifiée}, 
    15041501year = {2004}, 
    15091506loceanbibid = {01825}, 
    1511 title = {{Etude par pi{\`e}geage lumineux de l'abondance saisonni{\`e}re d'insectes forestiers en Guyane fran{\c c}aise}}, 
    1512 author = {Nicolas Dégallier and P. Charles-Dominique and H. Gérard}, 
    1513 language = {Fran{\c c}ais}, 
    1514 affiliation = {Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN}, 
     1508title = {{Etude par piègeage lumineux de l'abondance saisonnière d'insectes forestiers en {G}uyane française}}, 
     1509author = {{N}icolas {D}égallier and P. {C}harles-{D}ominique and H. {G}érard}, 
     1510language = {{F}rançais}, 
     1511affiliation = {{L}aboratoire d'{O}céanographie et du {C}limat : {E}xpérimentations et {A}pproches {N}umériques - LOCEAN}, 
    15151512pages = {473-484}, 
    1516 journal = {Bull. Soc. ent. Fr.}, 
     1513journal = {{B}ull. {S}oc. ent. {F}r.}, 
    15171514volume = {109}, 
    15181515number = {5}, 
    1519 audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1516audience = {non spécifiée}, 
    15201517year = {2004}, 
    15211518comment = {20121114 : ++ compléter diacritique dans nom dans hal}, 
    15261523loceanbibid = {01824}, 
    1528 title = {{Larvicidal activity of some Cerrado plant extracts against Aedes aegypti}}, 
    1529 author = {A. M. S. Rodrigues and J. E. De Paula and Nicolas Degallier and Jean-François Molez and L. S. Espindola}, 
    1530 language = {Anglais}, 
    1531 affiliation = {Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN}, 
     1525title = {{Larvicidal activity of some {C}errado plant extracts against {A}edes aegypti}}, 
     1526author = {{A}. M. S. {R}odrigues and J. E. {D}e {P}aula and {N}icolas {D}égallier and {J}ean-{F}rançois {M}olez and L. S. {E}spindola}, 
     1527language = {{A}nglais}, 
     1528affiliation = {{L}aboratoire d'{O}céanographie et du {C}limat : {E}xpérimentations et {A}pproches {N}umériques - LOCEAN}, 
    15321529pages = {314-317}, 
    1533 journal = {Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association, 2006, 22 (2), p. 314-317.}, 
     1530journal = {{J}ournal of the {A}merican {M}osquito {C}ontrol {A}ssociation, 2006, 22 (2), p. 314-317.}, 
    15341531volume = {22}, 
    15351532number = {2}, 
    1536 audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1533audience = {non spécifiée}, 
    15371534doi = {10.2987/8756-971X(2006)22[314:LAOSCP]2.0.CO;2}, 
    15381535year = {2006}, 
    15441541loceanbibid = {01823}, 
    1546 title = {{Apparition des premiers cas autochtones caus{\'e}s par le s{\'e}rotype Dengue-3 dans le District f{\'e}d{\'e}ral, Br{\'e}sil}}, 
    1547 author = {J.M.S. Teixeira and  A.J.M. Chaib and H.P. Silva and J.L. Souza and Jean-François Molez and Nicolas Dégallier}, 
    1548 language = {Anglais}, 
    1549 affiliation = {Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN}, 
     1543title = {{Apparition des premiers cas autochtones causés par le sérotype {D}engue-3 dans le {D}istrict fédéral, {B}résil}}, 
     1544author = {J.M.S. {T}eixeira and  A.J.M. {C}haib and H.P. {S}ilva and J.L. {S}ouza and {J}ean-{F}rançois {M}olez and {N}icolas {D}égallier}, 
     1545language = {{A}nglais}, 
     1546affiliation = {{L}aboratoire d'{O}céanographie et du {C}limat : {E}xpérimentations et {A}pproches {N}umériques - LOCEAN}, 
    15501547pages = {85-89}, 
    1551 journal = {Bulletin de la Soci{\'e}t{\'e} de Pathologie Exotique}, 
     1548journal = {{B}ulletin de la {S}ociété de {P}athologie {E}xotique}, 
    15521549volume = {99}, 
    15531550number = {2}, 
    1554 audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1551audience = {non spécifiée}, 
    15551552year = {2006}, 
    15601557loceanbibid = {01822}, 
    1562 title = {{An indirect estimation of the developmental time of Haemagogus janthinomys (Diptera : Culicidae), the main vector of yellow fever in South America}}, 
    1563 author = {Nicolas Dégallier and H.A. De Oliveira Monteiro and F.C. Castro and O.V. Da Silva and G.C. Sa Filho and Eric Elguero}, 
    1564 language = {Anglais}, 
    1565 affiliation = {Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN}, 
     1559title = {{An indirect estimation of the developmental time of {H}aemagogus janthinomys (Diptera : {C}ulicidae), the main vector of yellow fever in {S}outh {A}merica}}, 
     1560author = {{N}icolas {D}égallier and H.A. {D}e {O}liveira {M}onteiro and F.C. {C}astro and O.V. {D}a {S}ilva and G.C. {S}a {F}ilho and {E}ric {E}lguero}, 
     1561language = {{A}nglais}, 
     1562affiliation = {{L}aboratoire d'{O}céanographie et du {C}limat : {E}xpérimentations et {A}pproches {N}umériques - LOCEAN}, 
    15661563pages = {117-122}, 
    1567 journal = {Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment}, 
     1564journal = {{S}tudies on {N}eotropical {F}auna and {E}nvironment}, 
    15681565volume = {41}, 
    15691566number = {2}, 
    1570 audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1567audience = {non spécifiée}, 
    15711568doi = {10.1080/01650520500398662}, 
    15721569year = {2006}, 
    15771574loceanbibid = {01821}, 
    1579 title = {{Scanning electron Microscopy study of the egg of Haemagogus (Haemagogus) capricornii Lutz, 1904 (Diptera : Culicidae)}}, 
    1580 author = {J. Alencar and A. E. Guimaraes and R. P. Mello and C. M. Lopes and Nicolas Dégallier and J. R. Santos Mallet}, 
    1581 language = {Anglais}, 
    1582 affiliation = {Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN}, 
     1576title = {{Scanning electron {M}icroscopy study of the egg of {H}aemagogus (Haemagogus) capricornii {L}utz, 1904 (Diptera : {C}ulicidae)}}, 
     1577author = {{J}. {A}lencar and A. E. {G}uimaraes and R. P. {M}ello and C. M. {L}opes and {N}icolas {D}égallier and J. R. {S}antos {M}allet}, 
     1578language = {{A}nglais}, 
     1579affiliation = {{L}aboratoire d'{O}céanographie et du {C}limat : {E}xpérimentations et {A}pproches {N}umériques - LOCEAN}, 
    15831580pages = {1-6}, 
    1584 journal = {Journal of Medical Entomology}, 
     1581journal = {{J}ournal of {M}edical {E}ntomology}, 
    15851582volume = {42}, 
    15861583number = {1}, 
    1587 audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1584audience = {non spécifiée}, 
    15881585doi = {10.1603/0022-2585(2005)042[0001:SEMSOT]2.0.CO;2}, 
    15891586year = {2005}, 
    15951592loceanbibid = {01820}, 
    1597 title = {{Plastysoma directum Lewis, 1885, esp{\`e}ce rescap{\'e}e de l'oubli (Coleoptera, Histeridae, Histerinae, Platysomatini)}}, 
    1598 author = {Nicolas Dégallier and Y. Gomy and M. Brendell}, 
    1599 language = {Anglais}, 
    1600 affiliation = {Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN}, 
     1594title = {{Plastysoma directum {L}ewis, 1885, espèce rescapée de l'oubli (Coleoptera, {H}isteridae, {H}isterinae, {P}latysomatini)}}, 
     1595author = {{N}icolas {D}égallier and Y. {G}omy and M. {B}rendell}, 
     1596language = {{A}nglais}, 
     1597affiliation = {{L}aboratoire d'{O}céanographie et du {C}limat : {E}xpérimentations et {A}pproches {N}umériques - LOCEAN}, 
    16011598pages = {180-182}, 
    1602 journal = {Nouvelle Revue d'Entomologie}, 
     1599journal = {{N}ouvelle {R}evue d'{E}ntomologie}, 
    16031600volume = {22}, 
    16041601number = {2}, 
    1605 audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1602audience = {non spécifiée}, 
    16061603year = {2005}, 
    16111608loceanbibid = {01819}, 
    1613 title = {{Notes taxonomiques sur les Chlamydopsinae et descriptions d'esp{\`e}ces nouvelles : 1. Genres Ceratohister Reichensperger, Eucurtiopsis Silvestri et Orectoscelis Lewis (Coleoptera, Histeridae)}}, 
    1614 author = {Nicolas D{\'e}gallier and M.S. Casterino}, 
    1615 language = {Anglais}, 
    1616 affiliation = {Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN}, 
     1610title = {{Notes taxonomiques sur les {C}hlamydopsinae et descriptions d'espèces nouvelles : 1. {G}enres {C}eratohister {R}eichensperger, {E}ucurtiopsis {S}ilvestri et {O}rectoscelis {L}ewis (Coleoptera, {H}isteridae)}}, 
     1611author = {{N}icolas {D}égallier and M.S. {C}asterino}, 
     1612language = {{A}nglais}, 
     1613affiliation = {{L}aboratoire d'{O}céanographie et du {C}limat : {E}xpérimentations et {A}pproches {N}umériques - LOCEAN}, 
    16171614pages = {299-326}, 
    1618 journal = {Bulletin de la Soci{\'e}t{\'e} Entomologique de France}, 
     1615journal = {{B}ulletin de la {S}ociété {E}ntomologique de {F}rance}, 
    16191616volume = {110}, 
    16201617number = {3}, 
    1621 audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1618audience = {non spécifiée}, 
    16221619year = {2005}, 
    16271624loceanbibid = {01818}, 
    1629 title = {{Notes taxonomiques sur les Chlamydopsinae et descriptions d'esp{\`e}ces nouvelles : 2. Genre Pheidoliphila Lea (Coleoptera, Histeridae)}}, 
    1630 author = {Nicolas D{\'e}gallier and M.S. Casterino}, 
    1631 language = {Anglais}, 
    1632 affiliation = {Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN}, 
     1626title = {{Notes taxonomiques sur les {C}hlamydopsinae et descriptions d'espèces nouvelles : 2. {G}enre {P}heidoliphila {L}ea (Coleoptera, {H}isteridae)}}, 
     1627author = {{N}icolas {D}égallier and M.S. {C}asterino}, 
     1628language = {{A}nglais}, 
     1629affiliation = {{L}aboratoire d'{O}céanographie et du {C}limat : {E}xpérimentations et {A}pproches {N}umériques - LOCEAN}, 
    16331630pages = {463-494}, 
    1634 journal = {Bulletin de la Soci{\'e}t{\'e} Entomologique de France}, 
     1631journal = {{B}ulletin de la {S}ociété {E}ntomologique de {F}rance}, 
    16351632volume = {110}, 
    16361633number = {4-5}, 
    1637 audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1634audience = {non spécifiée}, 
    16381635year = {2005}, 
    16431640loceanbibid = {01817}, 
    1645 title = {{Coleoptera histeridae de Guyane fran{\c c}aise : 4. Myrm{\'e}cophiles et termitophiles de la sous-famille des hetaeriinae : notes techniques, faunistiques et taxonomiques}}, 
    1646 author = {Nicolas D{\'e}gallier}, 
    1647 language = {Anglais}, 
    1648 affiliation = {Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN}, 
     1642title = {{Coleoptera histeridae de {G}uyane française : 4. {M}yrmécophiles et termitophiles de la sous-famille des hetaeriinae : notes techniques, faunistiques et taxonomiques}}, 
     1643author = {{N}icolas {D}égallier}, 
     1644language = {{A}nglais}, 
     1645affiliation = {{L}aboratoire d'{O}céanographie et du {C}limat : {E}xpérimentations et {A}pproches {N}umériques - LOCEAN}, 
    16491646pages = {293-316}, 
    1650 journal = {Bulletin de la Soci{\'e}t{\'e} Entomologique de France}, 
     1647journal = {{B}ulletin de la {S}ociété {E}ntomologique de {F}rance}, 
    16511648volume = {109}, 
    16521649number = {3}, 
    1653 audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1650audience = {non spécifiée}, 
    16541651year = {2004}, 
    16591656loceanbibid = {01816}, 
    1661 title = {{Wind speed effect on L-band brightness temperature inferred from EuroSTARRS and WISE 2001 field experiments}}, 
    1662 author = {J. Etcheto and E. Dinnat and Jacquelin Boutin and A. Camps and J. Miller and S. Contardo and J. Wesson and J. Font and D. Long}, 
    1663 language = {Anglais}, 
    1664 affiliation = {Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
     1658title = {{Wind speed effect on L-band brightness temperature inferred from {E}uroSTARRS and WISE 2001 field experiments}}, 
     1659author = {{J}. {E}tcheto and E. {D}innat and {J}acquelin {B}outin and A. {C}amps and J. {M}iller and S. {C}ontardo and J. {W}esson and J. {F}ont and D. {L}ong}, 
     1660language = {{A}nglais}, 
     1661affiliation = {{L}aboratoire d'océanographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
    16651662pages = {2206-2214}, 
    1666 journal = {IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing}, 
     1663journal = {IEEE {T}ransactions on {G}eoscience and {R}emote {S}ensing}, 
    16671664volume = {42}, 
    1668 audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1665audience = {non spécifiée}, 
    16691666doi = {10.1109/TGRS.2004.834644}, 
    16701667year = {2004}, 
    16781675title = {{Wavelet ridge diagnosis of time-varying elliptical signals with application to an oceanic eddy}}, 
    1679 author = {J. M. Lilly and Jean-Claude Gascard}, 
    1680 abstract = {{A method for diagnosing the physical properties of a time-varying ellipse is presented. This essentially involves extending the notion of instantaneous frequency to the bivariate case. New complications, and possibilities, arise from the fact that there are several meaningful forms in which a time-varying ellipse may be represented. A perturbation analysis valid for the near-circular case clarifies these issues. Diagnosis of the ellipse properties may then be performed using wavelet ridge analysis, and slowly-varying changes in the ellipse structure may be decoupled from the fast orbital motion through the use of elliptic integrals, without the need for additional explicit filtering. The theory is presented in parallel with an application to a position time series of a drifting subsurface float trapped in an oceanic eddy.}}, 
    1681 language = {Anglais}, 
    1682 affiliation = {Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN}, 
     1676author = {{J}. M. {L}illy and {J}ean-{C}laude {G}ascard}, 
     1677abstract = {{A method for diagnosing the physical properties of a time-varying ellipse is presented. {T}his essentially involves extending the notion of instantaneous frequency to the bivariate case. {N}ew complications, and possibilities, arise from the fact that there are several meaningful forms in which a time-varying ellipse may be represented. A perturbation analysis valid for the near-circular case clarifies these issues. {D}iagnosis of the ellipse properties may then be performed using wavelet ridge analysis, and slowly-varying changes in the ellipse structure may be decoupled from the fast orbital motion through the use of elliptic integrals, without the need for additional explicit filtering. {T}he theory is presented in parallel with an application to a position time series of a drifting subsurface float trapped in an oceanic eddy.}}, 
     1678language = {{A}nglais}, 
     1679affiliation = {{L}aboratoire d'{O}céanographie et du {C}limat : {E}xpérimentations et {A}pproches {N}umériques - LOCEAN}, 
    16831680pages = {467-483}, 
    1684 journal = {Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics}, 
     1681journal = {{N}onlinear {P}rocesses in {G}eophysics}, 
    16851682volume = {13}, 
    16861683number = {5}, 
    16871684note = {}, 
    1688 audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1685audience = {non spécifiée}, 
    16891686year = {2006}, 
    16901687comment = {20121114 : ++ compléter prénom dans hal}, 
    16951692loceanbibid = {01814}, 
    1697 title = {{On the deep water circulation of the eastern South Atlantic Ocean}}, 
    1698 author = {M. Arhan and H. Mercier and Y.-H. Park}, 
    1699 language = {Anglais}, 
    1700 affiliation = {Laboratoire de physique des oc{\'e}ans - LPO , Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN}, 
     1694title = {{On the deep water circulation of the eastern {S}outh {A}tlantic {O}cean}}, 
     1695author = {{M}. {A}rhan and H. {M}ercier and {Y}oung-{H}yang {P}ark}, 
     1696language = {{A}nglais}, 
     1697affiliation = {{L}aboratoire de physique des océans - LPO , {L}aboratoire d'{O}céanographie et du {C}limat : {E}xpérimentations et {A}pproches {N}umériques - LOCEAN}, 
    17011698pages = {889-916(28)}, 
    1702 journal = {Deep Sea Research Part I Oceanographic Research Papers}, 
     1699journal = {{D}eep {S}ea {R}esearch {P}art I {O}ceanographic {R}esearch {P}apers}, 
    17031700volume = {50}, 
    17041701number = {7}, 
    1705 audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1702audience = {non spécifiée}, 
    17061703doi = {10.1016/S0967-0637(03)00072-4}, 
    17071704year = {2003}, 
    17131710loceanbibid = {01813}, 
    1715 title = {{Re-evaluation of the systematics of two deep-sea species of Thalassometra (Echinomermata: Crinoidea) and its biogeographical implications}}, 
    1716 author = {M. Eléaume and  N. Améziane and Y.-H. Park}, 
    1717 abstract = {{Biogeography of deep-sea comatulid crinoids is poorly understood owing partly to the lack of detailed taxonomic studies. Recent cruises off Peru dredged up two new, well-preserved specimens of Thalassometra bispinosa, a deep-sea comatulid species which was heretofore only known from the Southern Ocean. These new records enabled re-evaluation of intra-specific variation for both quantitative and qualitative morphological characters. We thus provide a new description of the species, including these new specimens, and discuss the affinities with closely related species. As a consequence, we re-evaluate the systematic position of material previously assigned to T. bispinosa dredged from the Campbell Plateau, Southern Ocean. Discrete morphological characters, measurements and SEM photographs justify reassignment of these specimens to Thalassometra villosa. This species, another poorly known deep-sea comatulid crinoid previously known only from the Aleutian Islands in the North Pacific, is also redescribed. The biogeography of these two deep-sea comatulid species is discussed and hypotheses of their geographical distribution are proposed.}}, 
    1718 language = {Anglais}, 
    1719 affiliation = {Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN}, 
     1712title = {{Re-evaluation of the systematics of two deep-sea species of {T}halassometra (Echinomermata: {C}rinoidea) and its biogeographical implications}}, 
     1713author = {{M}. {E}léaume and  N. {A}méziane and {Y}oung-{H}yang {P}ark}, 
     1714abstract = {{Biogeography of deep-sea comatulid crinoids is poorly understood owing partly to the lack of detailed taxonomic studies. {R}ecent cruises off {P}eru dredged up two new, well-preserved specimens of {T}halassometra bispinosa, a deep-sea comatulid species which was heretofore only known from the {S}outhern {O}cean. {T}hese new records enabled re-evaluation of intra-specific variation for both quantitative and qualitative morphological characters. {W}e thus provide a new description of the species, including these new specimens, and discuss the affinities with closely related species. {A}s a consequence, we re-evaluate the systematic position of material previously assigned to T. bispinosa dredged from the {C}ampbell {P}lateau, {S}outhern {O}cean. {D}iscrete morphological characters, measurements and SEM photographs justify reassignment of these specimens to {T}halassometra villosa. {T}his species, another poorly known deep-sea comatulid crinoid previously known only from the {A}leutian {I}slands in the {N}orth {P}acific, is also redescribed. {T}he biogeography of these two deep-sea comatulid species is discussed and hypotheses of their geographical distribution are proposed.}}, 
     1715language = {{A}nglais}, 
     1716affiliation = {{L}aboratoire d'{O}céanographie et du {C}limat : {E}xpérimentations et {A}pproches {N}umériques - LOCEAN}, 
    17201717pages = {1949-1968}, 
    1721 journal = {Journal of Natural History}, 
     1718journal = {{J}ournal of {N}atural {H}istory}, 
    17221719volume = {38}, 
    17231720number = {15}, 
    1724 audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1721audience = {non spécifiée}, 
    17251722doi = {10.1080/0022290310001613566}, 
    17261723year = {2004}, 
    1736 title = {{{\'E}volution de notre compr{\'e}hension du syst{\`e}me de mousson ouest-africain}}, 
    1737 author = {Jean-Philippe Lafore and Nicole Asencio and Dominique Bouniol and Fleur Couvreux and Cyrille Flamant and Françoise Guichard and Nicholas Hall and Serge Janicot and Cécile Kocha and Christophe Lavaysse and Stéphanie Leroux and Emmanuel Poan and Philippe Peyrillé and Rémy Roca and Romain Roehrig and Frank Roux and Frédérique Saïd}, 
    1738 abstract = {{Since the pioneering GATE international field experiment in 1974, little progress had been made on the documentation and understanding of the West African Monsoon system. Ten years after the AMMA project was initiated, how has our knowledge of this monsoon evolved? Although the main actors of this atmosphere ocean-continent coupled system were already known, AMMA has allowed us to study thoroughly the details of the processes at play and their coupling. Starting from a static view of the system, a more dynamical view is now emerging, involving the whole Earth system : the whole African continent, mid-latitudes, the Indian monsoon and the entire tropical belt. This has opened new avenues of investigation into the intraseasonal variability of the West African monsoon.}}, 
    1739 keywords = {Mousson; Afrique; Dynamique; Jet; Couche limite de surface; Mod{\`e}le coupl{\'e} oc{\'e}an-atmosph{\`e}re; Ouest; Variabilit{\'e} temporelle; Saison; Campagne de mesure; Mod{\`e}le global; Zcit; Inde; Climat temp{\'e}r{\'e}; Humidit{\'e}; Vapeur d'eau; Thermocline}, 
    1740 language = {Fran{\c c}ais}, 
    1741 affiliation = {Groupe d'{\'e}tude de l'atmosph{\`e}re m{\'e}t{\'e}orologique - CNRM-GAME , Institut Pierre-Simon-Laplace - IPSL , Laboratoire Atmosph{\`e}res, Milieux, Observations Spatiales - LATMOS , Universit{\'e} Paris 6, Pierre et Marie Curie - UPMC , Laboratoire d'{\'e}tudes en G{\'e}ophysique et oc{\'e}anographie spatiales - LEGOS , Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN , Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, McGill University , Department of Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences , Laboratoire de M{\'e}t{\'e}orologie Dynamique - LMD , Laboratoire d'a{\'e}rologie - LA}, 
     1733title = {{Évolution de notre compréhension du système de mousson ouest-africain}}, 
     1734author = {{J}ean-{P}hilippe {L}afore and {N}icole {A}sencio and {D}ominique {B}ouniol and {F}leur {C}ouvreux and {C}yrille {F}lamant and {F}rançoise {G}uichard and {N}icholas {H}all and {S}erge {J}anicot and {C}écile {K}ocha and {C}hristophe {L}avaysse and {S}téphanie {L}eroux and {E}mmanuel {P}oan and {P}hilippe {P}eyrillé and {R}émy {R}oca and {R}omain {R}oehrig and {F}rank {R}oux and {F}rédérique {S}aïd}, 
     1735abstract = {{Since the pioneering GATE international field experiment in 1974, little progress had been made on the documentation and understanding of the {W}est {A}frican {M}onsoon system. {T}en years after the AMMA project was initiated, how has our knowledge of this monsoon evolved? {A}lthough the main actors of this atmosphere ocean-continent coupled system were already known, AMMA has allowed us to study thoroughly the details of the processes at play and their coupling. {S}tarting from a static view of the system, a more dynamical view is now emerging, involving the whole {E}arth system : the whole {A}frican continent, mid-latitudes, the {I}ndian monsoon and the entire tropical belt. {T}his has opened new avenues of investigation into the intraseasonal variability of the {W}est {A}frican monsoon.}}, 
     1736keywords = {{M}ousson; {A}frique; {D}ynamique; {J}et; {C}ouche limite de surface; {M}odèle couplé océan-atmosphère; {O}uest; {V}ariabilité temporelle; {S}aison; {C}ampagne de mesure; {M}odèle global; {Z}cit; {I}nde; {C}limat tempéré; {H}umidité; {V}apeur d'eau; {T}hermocline}, 
     1737language = {{F}rançais}, 
     1738affiliation = {{G}roupe d'étude de l'atmosphère météorologique - CNRM-GAME , {I}nstitut {P}ierre-{S}imon-{L}aplace - IPSL , {L}aboratoire {A}tmosphères, {M}ilieux, {O}bservations {S}patiales - LATMOS , {U}niversité {P}aris 6, {P}ierre et {M}arie {C}urie - UPMC , {L}aboratoire d'études en {G}éophysique et océanographie spatiales - LEGOS , {L}aboratoire d'{O}céanographie et du {C}limat : {E}xpérimentations et {A}pproches {N}umériques - LOCEAN , {D}epartment of {A}tmospheric and {O}ceanic {S}ciences, {M}cGill {U}niversity , {D}epartment of {A}tmospheric and {E}nvironmental {S}ciences , {L}aboratoire de {M}étéorologie {D}ynamique - LMD , {L}aboratoire d'aérologie - LA}, 
    17421739pages = {11-16}, 
    1743 journal = {La M{\'e}t{\'e}orologie}, 
    1744 number = {Octobre, Sp{\'e}cial AMMA}, 
     1740journal = {{L}a {M}étéorologie}, 
     1741number = {{O}ctobre, {S}pécial AMMA}, 
    17451742audience = {internationale}, 
    17461743doi = {10.4267/2042/48127}, 
    1756 title = {{Les avanc{\'e}es d'AMMA sur les interactions oc{\'e}an-atmosph{\`e}re}}, 
    1757 author = {Guy Caniaux and Hervé Giordani and Jean-Luc Redelsperger and Malick Wade and Bernard Bourlès and Denis Bourras and Gaëlle De Coëtlogon and Yves Du Penhoat and Serge Janicot and Erica Key and Urbain Koffi and Nicolas Kolodziejczyk and Laurence Eymard and Julien Jouanno and Alban Lazar and Marion Leduc-Leballeur and Nathalie Lefèvre and Frédéric Marin and Hanh Nguyen and Gaëlle Parard}, 
    1758 abstract = {{The results gathered since the AMMA/EGEE campaigns of 2005-2007 in the field of air-sea interactions are presented. They show the key role of the Atlantic cold tongue (ACT) in the eastern equatorial Atlantic on the West African monsoon. The strengthening of south easterlies, associated with the Saint-Helena anticyclone, promotes the preconditioning of the thermocline along the equator and the development of the ACT.The equatorial front on its northern boundary, modifies the surface heat fluxes that affect the circulation in the lower atmosphere. This circulation helps to push moisture northward, toward the West African sub-continent, and impacts the monsoon jump.}}, 
    1759 keywords = {Mousson; Interaction oc{\'e}an-atmosph{\`e}re; Mod{\`e}le coupl{\'e} oc{\'e}an-atmosph{\`e}re; Pr{\'e}cipitations; Campagne de mesure; Afrique; Atlantique afrique ouest; Donn{\'e}es m{\'e}t{\'e}orologiques; Donn{\'e}es oc{\'e}anographiques; Circulation g{\'e}n{\'e}rale oc{\'e}anique; Equateur; Aliz{\'e}s; Convection; Thermocline; Sainte Helene; Anticyclone; Courant marin; Temp{\'e}rature de la mer; SST; Flux vertical; Flux d'interface; Circulation g{\'e}n{\'e}rale}, 
    1760 language = {Fran{\c c}ais}, 
    1761 affiliation = {Groupe d'{\'e}tude de l'atmosph{\`e}re m{\'e}t{\'e}orologique - CNRM-GAME , Laboratoire de physique des oc{\'e}ans - LPO , Laboratoire de physique de l'atmosph{\`e}re et de l'oc{\'e}an Sim{\'e}on-Fongang - LPAOSF , Laboratoire d'{\'e}tudes en G{\'e}ophysique et oc{\'e}anographie spatiales - LEGOS , Institut Pierre-Simon-Laplace - IPSL , Laboratoire Atmosph{\`e}res, Milieux, Observations Spatiales - LATMOS , Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN , National Science Foundation , Laboratoire de Physique de l'Atmosph{\`e}re, Universit{\'e} de Cocody - LAPA , Centro de Investigaci{\'o}n Cient{\'\i}fica y de Educaci{\'o}n Superior de Ensenada - CICESE , Department of Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences}, 
     1753title = {{Les avancées d'AMMA sur les interactions océan-atmosphère}}, 
     1754author = {{G}uy {C}aniaux and {H}ervé {G}iordani and {J}ean-{L}uc {R}edelsperger and {M}alick {W}ade and {B}ernard {B}ourlès and {D}enis {B}ourras and {G}aëlle {D}e {C}oëtlogon and {Y}ves {D}u {P}enhoat and {S}erge {J}anicot and {E}rica {K}ey and {U}rbain {K}offi and {N}icolas {K}olodziejczyk and {L}aurence {E}ymard and {J}ulien {J}ouanno and {A}lban {L}azar and {M}arion {L}educ-{L}eballeur and {N}athalie {L}efèvre and {F}rédéric {M}arin and {H}anh {N}guyen and {G}aëlle {P}arard}, 
     1755abstract = {{The results gathered since the AMMA/EGEE campaigns of 2005-2007 in the field of air-sea interactions are presented. {T}hey show the key role of the {A}tlantic cold tongue (ACT) in the eastern equatorial {A}tlantic on the {W}est {A}frican monsoon. {T}he strengthening of south easterlies, associated with the {S}aint-{H}elena anticyclone, promotes the preconditioning of the thermocline along the equator and the development of the ACT. The equatorial front on its northern boundary, modifies the surface heat fluxes that affect the circulation in the lower atmosphere. {T}his circulation helps to push moisture northward, toward the {W}est {A}frican sub-continent, and impacts the monsoon jump.}}, 
     1756keywords = {{M}ousson; {I}nteraction océan-atmosphère; {M}odèle couplé océan-atmosphère; {P}récipitations; {C}ampagne de mesure; {A}frique; {A}tlantique afrique ouest; {D}onnées météorologiques; {D}onnées océanographiques; {C}irculation générale océanique; {E}quateur; {A}lizés; {C}onvection; {T}hermocline; {S}ainte {H}elene; {A}nticyclone; {C}ourant marin; {T}empérature de la mer; SST; {F}lux vertical; {F}lux d'interface; {C}irculation générale}, 
     1757language = {{F}rançais}, 
     1758affiliation = {{G}roupe d'étude de l'atmosphère météorologique - CNRM-GAME , {L}aboratoire de physique des océans - LPO , {L}aboratoire de physique de l'atmosphère et de l'océan {S}iméon-{F}ongang - LPAOSF , {L}aboratoire d'études en {G}éophysique et océanographie spatiales - LEGOS , {I}nstitut {P}ierre-{S}imon-{L}aplace - IPSL , {L}aboratoire {A}tmosphères, {M}ilieux, {O}bservations {S}patiales - LATMOS , {L}aboratoire d'{O}céanographie et du {C}limat : {E}xpérimentations et {A}pproches {N}umériques - LOCEAN , {N}ational {S}cience {F}oundation , {L}aboratoire de {P}hysique de l'{A}tmosphère, {U}niversité de {C}ocody - LAPA , {C}entro de {I}nvestigación {C}ientìfica y de {E}ducación {S}uperior de {E}nsenada - CICESE , {D}epartment of {A}tmospheric and {E}nvironmental {S}ciences}, 
    17621759pages = {17-24}, 
    1763 journal = {La M{\'e}t{\'e}orologie}, 
    1764 number = {Octobre, Sp{\'e}cial AMMA}, 
     1760journal = {{L}a {M}étéorologie}, 
     1761number = {{O}ctobre, {S}pécial AMMA}, 
    17651762audience = {internationale}, 
    17661763doi = {10.4267/2042/48128}, 
    17761773title = {{L'observation spatiale dans le programme}}, 
    1777 author = {{L}aurence {E}ymard and Christian Baron and Guy Caniaux and Cyrille Flamant and Laurent Kergoat and Fatima Karbou and Jacques-André Ndione and Thierry Pellarin and Nadège Martiny and Johanna Ramarohetra and Elodie Vintrou and Rémy Roca}, 
    1778 abstract = {{Spaceborne Earth observation has been widely used within the AMMA program, for various studies: process, climate variability, society impact applications. Studies are being performed in the atmosphere, ocean, land surface domains as well as interactions between them. However, the AMMA experimental framework has offered the opportunity to develop space data methodologies: data validation of new sensors, specific regional validation benefiting from an exceptional data set, unusual in this region, development of new methodologies to get either variables more accurately (e.g. precipitations) or to exploit long-term series.}}, 
    1779 keywords = {Mousson; T{\'e}l{\'e}d{\'e}tection satellitaire; Afrique; Ouest; Lidar; A{\'e}rosol naturel; Poussi{\`e}re d'origine g{\'e}ologique; Humidit{\'e} du sol; Pr{\'e}cipitations; S{\'e}cheresse; Interaction sol-atmosph{\`e}re; Variabilit{\'e}; Campagne de mesure; S{\'e}ries chronologiques; Analyse des s{\'e}ries temporelles; Contr{\^o}le de l'instrument}, 
    1780 language = {Fran{\c c}ais}, 
    1781 affiliation = {Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN , Territoires, Environnement, T{\'e}l{\'e}d{\'e}tection et Information Spatiale - UMR TETIS , Groupe d'{\'e}tude de l'atmosph{\`e}re m{\'e}t{\'e}orologique - CNRM-GAME , Institut Pierre-Simon-Laplace - IPSL , Laboratoire Atmosph{\`e}res, Milieux, Observations Spatiales - LATMOS , Universit{\'e} Paris 6, Pierre et Marie Curie - UPMC , G{\'e}osciences Environnement Toulouse - GET , Laboratoire d'{\'e}tude des transferts en hydrologie et environnement - LTHE , Biog{\'e}osciences , Laboratoire de M{\'e}t{\'e}orologie Dynamique - LMD}, 
     1774author = {{L}aurence {E}ymard and {C}hristian {B}aron and {G}uy {C}aniaux and {C}yrille {F}lamant and {L}aurent {K}ergoat and {F}atima {K}arbou and {J}acques-{A}ndré {N}dione and {T}hierry {P}ellarin and {N}adège {M}artiny and {J}ohanna {R}amarohetra and {E}lodie {V}introu and {R}émy {R}oca}, 
     1775abstract = {{Spaceborne {E}arth observation has been widely used within the AMMA program, for various studies: process, climate variability, society impact applications. {S}tudies are being performed in the atmosphere, ocean, land surface domains as well as interactions between them. {H}owever, the AMMA experimental framework has offered the opportunity to develop space data methodologies: data validation of new sensors, specific regional validation benefiting from an exceptional data set, unusual in this region, development of new methodologies to get either variables more accurately (e.g. precipitations) or to exploit long-term series.}}, 
     1776keywords = {{M}ousson; {T}élédétection satellitaire; {A}frique; {O}uest; {L}idar; {A}érosol naturel; {P}oussière d'origine géologique; {H}umidité du sol; {P}récipitations; {S}écheresse; {I}nteraction sol-atmosphère; {V}ariabilité; {C}ampagne de mesure; {S}éries chronologiques; {A}nalyse des séries temporelles; {C}ontrôle de l'instrument}, 
     1777language = {{F}rançais}, 
     1778affiliation = {{L}aboratoire d'{O}céanographie et du {C}limat : {E}xpérimentations et {A}pproches {N}umériques - LOCEAN , {T}erritoires, {E}nvironnement, {T}élédétection et {I}nformation {S}patiale - UMR TETIS , {G}roupe d'étude de l'atmosphère météorologique - CNRM-GAME , {I}nstitut {P}ierre-{S}imon-{L}aplace - IPSL , {L}aboratoire {A}tmosphères, {M}ilieux, {O}bservations {S}patiales - LATMOS , {U}niversité {P}aris 6, {P}ierre et {M}arie {C}urie - UPMC , {G}éosciences {E}nvironnement {T}oulouse - GET , {L}aboratoire d'étude des transferts en hydrologie et environnement - LTHE , {B}iogéosciences , {L}aboratoire de {M}étéorologie {D}ynamique - LMD}, 
    17821779pages = {80-89}, 
    1783 journal = {La M{\'e}t{\'e}orologie}, 
    1784 number = {Octobre, Sp{\'e}cial AMMA}, 
     1780journal = {{L}a {M}étéorologie}, 
     1781number = {{O}ctobre, {S}pécial AMMA}, 
    17851782audience = {internationale}, 
    17861783doi = {10.4267/2042/48136}, 
    17921789loceanbibid = {01809}, 
    1794 title = {{A fifty-year climatic signal in three Holocene stalagmite records from Mato Grosso, Brazil}}, 
    1795 author = {F. Soubiès and A. Seidel and A. Mangin and D. Genty and Josyane Ronchail and V. Plagnes and S. Hirooka and R. Santos}, 
    1796 language = {Anglais}, 
    1797 affiliation = {Pal{\'e}o-environnements tropicaux et variabilit{\'e} climatique - PALEOTROPIQUE , Instituto de Geoci{\^e}ncias , Laboratoire d'{\'e}cologie des hydrosyst{\`e}mes - LEH , Laboratoire des sciences du climat et de l'environnement - LSCE , Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC , ECOSS, Instituto Ecosistemas e Popula{\c c}{\\~o}es Tradicionais}, 
     1791title = {{A fifty-year climatic signal in three {H}olocene stalagmite records from {M}ato {G}rosso, {B}razil}}, 
     1792author = {{F}. {S}oubiès and A. {S}eidel and A. {M}angin and D. {G}enty and {J}osyane {R}onchail and V. {P}lagnes and S. {H}irooka and R. {S}antos}, 
     1793language = {{A}nglais}, 
     1794affiliation = {{P}aléo-environnements tropicaux et variabilité climatique - PALEOTROPIQUE , {I}nstituto de {G}eociências , {L}aboratoire d'écologie des hydrosystèmes - LEH , {L}aboratoire des sciences du climat et de l'environnement - LSCE , {L}aboratoire d'océanographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC , ECOSS, {I}nstituto {E}cosistemas e {P}opulações {T}radicionais}, 
    17981795pages = {115-129}, 
    1799 journal = {Quaternary International}, 
     1796journal = {{Q}uaternary {I}nternational}, 
    18001797volume = {135(1)}, 
    1801 audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1798audience = {non spécifiée}, 
    18021799doi = {10.1016/j.quaint.2004.10.027}, 
    18031800year = {2005}, 
    18101807title = {{In-situ based pseudo-wind stress products for the tropical oceans}}, 
    1811 author = {Jacques Servain and S. Smith and David M. Legler and J. N. Stricherz and M. Bourassa and James J. O'Brien}, 
    1812 language = {Anglais}, 
    1813 affiliation = {Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN}, 
     1808author = {{J}acques {S}ervain and S. {S}mith and {D}avid M. {L}egler and J. N. {S}tricherz and M. {B}ourassa and {J}ames J. O'{B}rien}, 
     1809language = {{A}nglais}, 
     1810affiliation = {{L}aboratoire d'{O}céanographie et du {C}limat : {E}xpérimentations et {A}pproches {N}umériques - LOCEAN}, 
    18141811pages = {979-994}, 
    1815 journal = {Bulletin of American Meteorological Society}, 
     1812journal = {{B}ulletin of {A}merican {M}eteorological {S}ociety}, 
    18161813volume = {85}, 
    18171814number = {7}, 
    18261823title = {{Times-scales of variability from the high frequency PIRATA data revealed by wavelet analysis}}, 
    1827 author = {Jacques Servain and Gabriel Clauzet and Ilana Wainer}, 
    1828 language = {Anglais}, 
    1829 affiliation = {Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN}, 
     1824author = {{J}acques {S}ervain and {G}abriel {C}lauzet and {I}lana {W}ainer}, 
     1825language = {{A}nglais}, 
     1826affiliation = {{L}aboratoire d'{O}céanographie et du {C}limat : {E}xpérimentations et {A}pproches {N}umériques - LOCEAN}, 
    18301827pages = {43-58}, 
    1831 journal = {Brazilian Journal of Meteorology}, 
     1828journal = {{B}razilian {J}ournal of {M}eteorology}, 
    18321829volume = {20}, 
    18331830number = {1}, 
    18401837loceanbibid = {01806}, 
    1842 title = {{On the connection between the 1984 Atlantic warm event the 1982-1983 ENSO}}, 
    1843 author = {Pascale Delecluse and Jacques Servain and Claire L{\'e}vy and K. Arpe and L. Bengtsson}, 
    1844 language = {Anglais}, 
    1845 affiliation = {Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
     1839title = {{On the connection between the 1984 {A}tlantic warm event the 1982-1983 ENSO}}, 
     1840author = {{P}ascale {D}elecluse and {J}acques {S}ervain and {C}laire {L}évy and K. {A}rpe and L. {B}engtsson}, 
     1841language = {{A}nglais}, 
     1842affiliation = {{L}aboratoire d'océanographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
    18461843pages = {448-464}, 
    1847 journal = {Tellus Series A : Dynamic meteorology and oceanography}, 
     1844journal = {{T}ellus {S}eries A : {D}ynamic meteorology and oceanography}, 
    18481845volume = {46}, 
    18491846number = {4}, 
    1850 audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1847audience = {non spécifiée}, 
    18511848doi = {10.1034/j.1600-0870.1994.t01-1-00009.x}, 
    18521849year = {1994}, 
    1861 title = {{Eddy properties in the California Current System}}, 
    1862 author = {Jaison Kurian and Francois Colas and Xavier Capet and James C. Macwilliams and Duddley B. Chelton}, 
    1863 abstract = {{Eddy detection and tracking algorithms are applied to both satellite altimetry and a high-resolution (dx = 5 km) climatological model solution of the U.S. West Coast to study the properties of surface and undercurrent eddies in the California Current System. Eddy properties show remarkable similarity in space and time, and even somewhat in polarity. Summer and fall are the most active seasons for undercurrent eddy generation, while there is less seasonal variation at surface. Most of the eddies have radii in the range of 25-100 km, sea level anomaly amplitudes of 1-4 cm, and vorticity normalized by f amplitudes of 0.025-0.2. Many of the eddies formed near the coast travel considerable distance westward with speeds about 2 km/day, consistent with the $\beta$ effect. Anticyclones and cyclones show equatorward and poleward displacements, respectively. Long-lived surface eddies show a cyclonic dominance. The subsurface California Undercurrent generates more long-lived anticyclones than cyclones through instabilities and topographic/coastline effects. In contrast, surface eddies and subsurface cyclones have much more widely distributed birth sites. The majority of the identified eddies have lifetimes less than a season. Eddies extend to 800-1500 m depth and have distinctive vertical structures for cyclones and anticyclones. Eddies show high nonlinearity (rotation speed higher than propagation speed) and hence can be efficient in transporting materials offshore.}}, 
    1864 language = {Anglais}, 
    1865 affiliation = {Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics [Los Angeles] - IGPP , Laboratoire de physique des oc{\'e}ans - LPO , College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences}, 
     1858title = {{Eddy properties in the {C}alifornia {C}urrent {S}ystem}}, 
     1859author = {{J}aison {K}urian and {F}rancois {C}olas and {X}avier {C}apet and {J}ames C. {M}acwilliams and {D}uddley B. {C}helton}, 
     1860abstract = {{Eddy detection and tracking algorithms are applied to both satellite altimetry and a high-resolution (dx = 5 km) climatological model solution of the U.S. {W}est {C}oast to study the properties of surface and undercurrent eddies in the {C}alifornia {C}urrent {S}ystem. {E}ddy properties show remarkable similarity in space and time, and even somewhat in polarity. {S}ummer and fall are the most active seasons for undercurrent eddy generation, while there is less seasonal variation at surface. {M}ost of the eddies have radii in the range of 25-100 km, sea level anomaly amplitudes of 1-4 cm, and vorticity normalized by f amplitudes of 0.025-0.2. {M}any of the eddies formed near the coast travel considerable distance westward with speeds about 2 km/day, consistent with the $\beta$ effect. {A}nticyclones and cyclones show equatorward and poleward displacements, respectively. {L}ong-lived surface eddies show a cyclonic dominance. {T}he subsurface {C}alifornia {U}ndercurrent generates more long-lived anticyclones than cyclones through instabilities and topographic/coastline effects. {I}n contrast, surface eddies and subsurface cyclones have much more widely distributed birth sites. {T}he majority of the identified eddies have lifetimes less than a season. {E}ddies extend to 800-1500 m depth and have distinctive vertical structures for cyclones and anticyclones. {E}ddies show high nonlinearity (rotation speed higher than propagation speed) and hence can be efficient in transporting materials offshore.}}, 
     1861language = {{A}nglais}, 
     1862affiliation = {{I}nstitute of {G}eophysics and {P}lanetary {P}hysics [Los {A}ngeles] - IGPP , {L}aboratoire de physique des océans - LPO , {C}ollege of {O}ceanic and {A}tmospheric {S}ciences}, 
    18661863pages = {C08027}, 
    1867 journal = {Journal Of Geophysical Research Oceans}, 
     1864journal = {{J}ournal {O}f {G}eophysical {R}esearch {O}ceans}, 
    18681865volume = {116}, 
    18691866audience = {internationale}, 
    18761873loceanbibid = {01804}, 
    1878 title = {{Life at cold seeps : a synthesis of biogeochemical and ecological data from Kazan mud volcano, eastern Mediterranean Sea}}, 
    1879 author = {Josef P. Werne and Ralf R. Haese and Tiphaine Zitter and Giovanni Aloisi and Ionna Bouloubassi and Sander Heijs and Aline Fiala-Médioni and Richard D. Pancost and Jaap S. Sinninghe Damsté and Gert De Lange and Larry J. Forney and Jan C. Gottschal and Jean-Paul Foucher and Jean Mascle and John Woodside}, 
    1880 language = {Anglais}, 
    1881 affiliation = {Department of Marine Biogeochemistry and Toxicology - NIOZ , Department of Geochemistry Faculty of Earth Sciences , Department of Sedimentology and Marine Geology Faculty of Earth and Life Sciences , Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC , Laboratoire de Chimie et Biog{\'e}ochimie Marines , Department of Microbiology , Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie biologique de Banyuls - LOBB , D{\'e}partement G{\'e}osciences Marines , G{\'e}oazur - GEOAZUR , Centre for Marine Earth Science}, 
     1875title = {{Life at cold seeps : a synthesis of biogeochemical and ecological data from {K}azan mud volcano, eastern {M}editerranean {S}ea}}, 
     1876author = {{J}osef P. {W}erne and {R}alf R. {H}aese and {T}iphaine {Z}itter and {G}iovanni {A}loisi and {I}onna {B}ouloubassi and {S}ander {H}eijs and {A}line {F}iala-{M}édioni and {R}ichard D. {P}ancost and {J}aap S. {S}inninghe {D}amsté and {G}ert {D}e {L}ange and {L}arry J. {F}orney and {J}an C. {G}ottschal and {J}ean-{P}aul {F}oucher and {J}ean {M}ascle and {J}ohn {W}oodside}, 
     1877language = {{A}nglais}, 
     1878affiliation = {{D}epartment of {M}arine {B}iogeochemistry and {T}oxicology - NIOZ , {D}epartment of {G}eochemistry {F}aculty of {E}arth {S}ciences , {D}epartment of {S}edimentology and {M}arine {G}eology {F}aculty of {E}arth and {L}ife {S}ciences , {L}aboratoire d'océanographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC , {L}aboratoire de {C}himie et {B}iogéochimie {M}arines , {D}epartment of {M}icrobiology , {L}aboratoire d'océanographie biologique de {B}anyuls - LOBB , {D}épartement {G}éosciences {M}arines , {G}éoazur - GEOAZUR , {C}entre for {M}arine {E}arth {S}cience}, 
    18821879pages = {367-390}, 
    1883 journal = {Chemical Geology}, 
     1880journal = {{C}hemical {G}eology}, 
    18841881volume = {205}, 
    18851882audience = {internationale}, 
    18911888loceanbibid = {01803}, 
    1893 title = {{Lipids and their modes of occurence in two surface sediments from the Danube delta and northwestern Black sea. Implications for sources and early diagenetic alterations. I. Carboxylics acids.}}, 
    1894 author = {A. Garcette-Lepecq and C. Largeau and Ioanna Bouloubassi and S. Derenne and Alain Saliot and Anne Lorre and V. Point}, 
    1895 language = {Anglais}, 
    1896 affiliation = {Biog{\'e}ochimie et {\'e}cologie des milieux continentaux - Bioemco}, 
     1890title = {{Lipids and their modes of occurence in two surface sediments from the {D}anube delta and northwestern {B}lack sea. {I}mplications for sources and early diagenetic alterations. I. {C}arboxylics acids.}}, 
     1891author = {{A}. {G}arcette-{L}epecq and C. {L}argeau and {I}oanna {B}ouloubassi and S. {D}erenne and {A}lain {S}aliot and {A}nne {L}orre and V. {P}oint}, 
     1892language = {{A}nglais}, 
     1893affiliation = {{B}iogéochimie et écologie des milieux continentaux - {B}ioemco}, 
    18971894pages = {959-980}, 
    1898 journal = {Org. geochem.}, 
     1895journal = {{O}rg. geochem.}, 
    18991896volume = {35}, 
    1900 audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1897audience = {non spécifiée}, 
    19011898year = {2004}, 
    19081905title = {{CH4-consuming microorganisms and the formation of carbonate crusts at cold-seeps}}, 
    1909 author = {Giovanni Aloisi and Ioanna Bouloubassi and Sander Heijs and Richard Pancost and Catherine Pierre and Damst{\'e} Jaap S. Sinninghe and Jan C. Gottschaland Larry J. Forney and J.-M. Rouchy}, 
    1910 language = {Anglais}, 
    1911 affiliation = {Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC , Laboratoire de biog{\'e}ochimie et chimie marines - LBCM}, 
     1906author = {{G}iovanni {A}loisi and {I}oanna {B}ouloubassi and {S}ander {H}eijs and {R}ichard {P}ancost and {C}atherine {P}ierre and {D}amsté {J}aap S. {S}inninghe and {J}an C. {G}ottschaland {L}arry J. {F}orney and J.-{M}. {R}ouchy}, 
     1907language = {{A}nglais}, 
     1908affiliation = {{L}aboratoire d'océanographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC , {L}aboratoire de biogéochimie et chimie marines - LBCM}, 
    19121909pages = {195-203}, 
    1913 journal = {Earth and Planetary Science Letters}, 
     1910journal = {{E}arth and {P}lanetary {S}cience {L}etters}, 
    19141911volume = {203}, 
    1915 audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1912audience = {non spécifiée}, 
    19161913year = {2002}, 
    19171914comment = {20121114 : doublon hal-00170824}, 
    19221919hal_id = {hal-00310889}, 
    1924 title = {{Hydrology and circulation in the Strait of Hormuz and the Gulf of Oman-Results from the GOGP99 Experiment: 2. Gulf of Oman.}}, 
    1925 author = {{S}téphane {P}ous and X. Carton and P. Lazure}, 
    1926 abstract = {{Hydrological, ADCP, and drifting buoy data obtained during the GOGP99 Experiment in October and early November 1999 are analyzed to describe the Persian Gulf Water (PGW) core and the regional circulation in the Gulf of Oman. The warm and salty PGW core flows out of the Strait of Hormuz heading southeastward unto (25°20#N, 57°E), approximately. From there, it cascades down the continental slope, veers southwestward, and joins the Omani coast near (24°50#N, 56°50#E) to form a slope current. This PGW current has then thermohaline maxima on isopycnal $\sigma$0 = 26.5, near 220 m depth. Its thermohaline characteristics decrease along its progression to Ra's al Hadd (and then offshore into the Arabian Sea) but maintain a sharp contrast with surrounding waters. Outflow variability at the Strait of Hormuz can be related to downstream fluctuations of the thermohaline maxima in the PGW core at gulf scale and over a 2- to 3-week period. Moreover, several mechanisms (baroclinic instability, flow intermittency, cape effects) are examined to explain the widening of this PGW core upstream and downstream of Ra's al Hamra. In the eastern part of the Gulf of Oman, the regional circulation is a cyclonic gyre. The circulation in the western part of the Gulf is more complex, with the outflow of PGW and southeastward currents in the upper 250 m near the Omani coast, and a recirculation of upwelled waters near Ra's Jagin (on the Iranian coast). The large cyclonic gyre occupies at least the upper 300 m of the water column and undergoes little variation over a month. The PGW outflow in the northern Arabian Sea is southward and located 50--100 km from the coast. It borders a shallower northward current located offshore.}}, 
    1927 keywords = {Gulf of Oman; regional circulation; Persian Gulf Water outflow.}, 
    1928 language = {Anglais}, 
    1929 affiliation = {Laboratoire de physique des oc{\'e}ans - LPO , Direction de l'Environnement et de l'am{\'e}nagement Littoral}, 
     1921title = {{Hydrology and circulation in the {S}trait of {H}ormuz and the {G}ulf of {O}man-{R}esults from the GOGP99 {E}xperiment: 2. {G}ulf of {O}man.}}, 
     1922author = {{S}téphane {P}ous and X. {C}arton and P. {L}azure}, 
     1923abstract = {{Hydrological, ADCP, and drifting buoy data obtained during the GOGP99 {E}xperiment in {O}ctober and early {N}ovember 1999 are analyzed to describe the {P}ersian {G}ulf {W}ater (PGW) core and the regional circulation in the {G}ulf of {O}man. {T}he warm and salty PGW core flows out of the {S}trait of {H}ormuz heading southeastward unto (25°20#N, 57°E), approximately. {F}rom there, it cascades down the continental slope, veers southwestward, and joins the {O}mani coast near (24°50#N, 56°50#E) to form a slope current. {T}his PGW current has then thermohaline maxima on isopycnal $\sigma$0 = 26.5, near 220 m depth. {I}ts thermohaline characteristics decrease along its progression to {R}a's al {H}add (and then offshore into the {A}rabian {S}ea) but maintain a sharp contrast with surrounding waters. {O}utflow variability at the {S}trait of {H}ormuz can be related to downstream fluctuations of the thermohaline maxima in the PGW core at gulf scale and over a 2- to 3-week period. {M}oreover, several mechanisms (baroclinic instability, flow intermittency, cape effects) are examined to explain the widening of this PGW core upstream and downstream of {R}a's al {H}amra. {I}n the eastern part of the {G}ulf of {O}man, the regional circulation is a cyclonic gyre. {T}he circulation in the western part of the {G}ulf is more complex, with the outflow of PGW and southeastward currents in the upper 250 m near the {O}mani coast, and a recirculation of upwelled waters near {R}a's {J}agin (on the {I}ranian coast). {T}he large cyclonic gyre occupies at least the upper 300 m of the water column and undergoes little variation over a month. {T}he PGW outflow in the northern {A}rabian {S}ea is southward and located 50--100 km from the coast. {I}t borders a shallower northward current located offshore.}}, 
     1924keywords = {{G}ulf of {O}man; regional circulation; {P}ersian {G}ulf {W}ater outflow.}, 
     1925language = {{A}nglais}, 
     1926affiliation = {{L}aboratoire de physique des océans - LPO , {D}irection de l'{E}nvironnement et de l'aménagement {L}ittoral}, 
    19301927pages = {C12038}, 
    1931 journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research C: Oceans}, 
     1928journal = {{J}ournal of {G}eophysical {R}esearch C: {O}ceans}, 
    19321929volume = {109}, 
    19331930audience = {internationale}, 
    19401937loceanbibid = {01800}, 
    1942 title = {{Hydrology and circulation in the Strait of Hormuz and the Gulf of Oman-Results from the GOGP99 Experiment: 1. Strait of Hormuz}}, 
    1943 author = {{S}téphane {P}ous and X. Carton and P. Lazure}, 
    1944 abstract = {{In October and early November 1999, the GOGP99 experiment collected hydrological, currentmeter, tide recorder, thermistor and drifting buoy data near the Strait of Hormuz. Data analysis provides the water mass structure in the Strait: Persian Gulf Water (PGW) core is banked against the Omani coast, while Indian Ocean Surface Water (IOSW) lies near the Iranian coast. These water masses are most often covered by a homogeneous surface layer. Thermohaline characteristics of the PGW core decrease substantially downstream, from the Persian/Arabian Gulf to the Gulf of Oman. PGW and IOSW thermohaline characteristics and distribution also exhibit notable changes at periods shorter than a month as shown by repeated hydrological sections. The tidal signal measured south of the Strait by moored ADCP and thermistor chains has predominant semi-diurnal M2 and S2 and diurnal K1 components and possesses a complex vertical structure. Tidal intensification near the surface pycnocline is associated with noticeable internal waves. At subtidal timescale, mooring recordings confirm the water mass variability observed in the repeated hydrological sections. The mixed layer also deepens substantially during the 1-month period. Finally, trajectories of surface buoys drogued at 15 m exhibit reversals over periods characteristic of changes in wind direction.}}, 
    1945 keywords = {Hormuz; hydrology.}, 
    1946 language = {Anglais}, 
    1947 affiliation = {Laboratoire de physique des oc{\'e}ans - LPO , Direction de l'Environnement et de l'am{\'e}nagement Littoral}, 
     1939title = {{Hydrology and circulation in the {S}trait of {H}ormuz and the {G}ulf of {O}man-{R}esults from the GOGP99 {E}xperiment: 1. {S}trait of {H}ormuz}}, 
     1940author = {{S}téphane {P}ous and X. {C}arton and P. {L}azure}, 
     1941abstract = {{In {O}ctober and early {N}ovember 1999, the GOGP99 experiment collected hydrological, currentmeter, tide recorder, thermistor and drifting buoy data near the {S}trait of {H}ormuz. {D}ata analysis provides the water mass structure in the {S}trait: {P}ersian {G}ulf {W}ater (PGW) core is banked against the {O}mani coast, while {I}ndian {O}cean {S}urface {W}ater (IOSW) lies near the {I}ranian coast. {T}hese water masses are most often covered by a homogeneous surface layer. {T}hermohaline characteristics of the PGW core decrease substantially downstream, from the {P}ersian/Arabian {G}ulf to the {G}ulf of {O}man. PGW and IOSW thermohaline characteristics and distribution also exhibit notable changes at periods shorter than a month as shown by repeated hydrological sections. {T}he tidal signal measured south of the {S}trait by moored ADCP and thermistor chains has predominant semi-diurnal M2 and S2 and diurnal K1 components and possesses a complex vertical structure. {T}idal intensification near the surface pycnocline is associated with noticeable internal waves. {A}t subtidal timescale, mooring recordings confirm the water mass variability observed in the repeated hydrological sections. {T}he mixed layer also deepens substantially during the 1-month period. {F}inally, trajectories of surface buoys drogued at 15 m exhibit reversals over periods characteristic of changes in wind direction.}}, 
     1942keywords = {{H}ormuz; hydrology.}, 
     1943language = {{A}nglais}, 
     1944affiliation = {{L}aboratoire de physique des océans - LPO , {D}irection de l'{E}nvironnement et de l'aménagement {L}ittoral}, 
    19481945pages = {C12037}, 
    1949 journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research C: Oceans}, 
     1946journal = {{J}ournal of {G}eophysical {R}esearch C: {O}ceans}, 
    19501947volume = {109}, 
    19511948audience = {internationale}, 
    19621959author = {{M}arion {L}educ-{L}eballeur and {L}aurence {E}ymard and {G}aëlle {{d}e {C}oëtlogon}}, 
    1963 title = {       Air-sea interaction in the Gulf of Guinea at intraseasonal timescales: wind bursts and coastal precipitation in boreal spring}, 
    1964 language = {Anglais}, 
     1960title = {       Air-sea interaction in the {G}ulf of {G}uinea at intraseasonal timescales: wind bursts and coastal precipitation in boreal spring}, 
     1961language = {{A}nglais}, 
    19651962affiliation = {{I}nstitut {P}ierre-{S}imon-{L}aplace - IPSL , {L}aboratoire {A}tmosphères, {M}ilieux, {O}bservations {S}patiales - LATMOS , {U}niversité {P}aris 6, {P}ierre et {M}arie {C}urie - UPMC , {L}aboratoire d'{O}céanographie et du {C}limat : {E}xpérimentations et {A}pproches {N}umériques - LOCEAN}, 
    19661963booktitle = {4th {AMMA} {I}nternational {C}onference}, 
    19741971loceanbibid = {01798}, 
    19751972timestamp = {20121109}, 
    1976 title = {{Use of a Neurovariational Inversion for Retrieving Oceanic and Atmospheric Constituents from Ocean Color Imagery: A Feasibility Study}}, 
    1977 author = {C. Jamet and {S}ylvie {T}hiria and C. Moulin and {M}ichel {C}répon}, 
    1978 language = {Anglais}, 
    1979 affiliation = {Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC , ACRI-ST - ACRI-ST , Laboratoire des sciences du climat et de l'environnement - LSCE}, 
     1973title = {{Use of a {N}eurovariational {I}nversion for {R}etrieving {O}ceanic and {A}tmospheric {C}onstituents from {O}cean {C}olor {I}magery: A {F}easibility {S}tudy}}, 
     1974author = {{C}. {J}amet and {S}ylvie {T}hiria and C. {M}oulin and {M}ichel {C}répon}, 
     1975language = {{A}nglais}, 
     1976affiliation = {{L}aboratoire d'océanographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC , ACRI-ST - ACRI-ST , {L}aboratoire des sciences du climat et de l'environnement - LSCE}, 
    19801977pages = {460-475}, 
    1981 journal = {Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology}, 
     1978journal = {{J}ournal of {A}tmospheric and {O}ceanic {T}echnology}, 
    19821979volume = {22}, 
    1983 audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     1980audience = {non spécifiée}, 
    19841981doi = {10.1175/JTECH1688.1}, 
    19851982year = {2005}, 
    19931990title = {{Mean circulations and variability between 1958 and 2004 as simulated by the DAKKAR eddy permitting 1\/4° global ocean/sea ice model driven by CORE or ERA40 atmospheric forcing}}, 
    1994 author = {{B}ernard {B}arnier and  {T}hierry {P}enduff and {J}ean-{M}arc {M}olines and {A}nne-{M}arie {T}réguier and Arne Biastoch and {G}urvan {M}adec and Claus Böning}, 
    1995 language = {Anglais}, 
    1996 affiliation = {Laboratoire des {\'e}coulements g{\'e}ophysiques et industriels - LEGI , IfM-GEOMAR , Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
    1997 booktitle = {{Proc. EGU General Assembly}}, 
    1998 pages = {pas pr{\'e}cise}, 
    1999 address = {vienne, France}, 
     1991author = {{B}ernard {B}arnier and  {T}hierry {P}enduff and {J}ean-{M}arc {M}olines and {A}nne-{M}arie {T}réguier and {A}rne {B}iastoch and {G}urvan {M}adec and {C}laus {B}öning}, 
     1992language = {{A}nglais}, 
     1993affiliation = {{L}aboratoire des écoulements géophysiques et industriels - LEGI , {I}fM-GEOMAR , {L}aboratoire d'océanographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC}, 
     1994booktitle = {{Proc. EGU {G}eneral {A}ssembly}}, 
     1995pages = {pas précise}, 
     1996address = {vienne, {F}rance}, 
    20001997audience = {internationale}, 
    20011998year = {2007}, 
    20072004loceanbibid = {01796}, 
    20082005timestamp = {20121108}, 
    2009 title = {{Validation of Sea Level Data in the East Asian Marginal Seas: Comparison between TOPEX/POSEIDON Altimeter and In-Situ Tide Gauges}}, 
    2010 author = {Y.-H. Youn and I. S. Oh and K.-H. Kim and {Y}oung-{H}yang {P}ark and J. W. Kim}, 
    2011 abstract = {{In an effort to assess the reliability of satellite altimeter systems, the authors conduct a comparative analysis of sea level data that were collected from the TOPEX/POSEIDON (T/P) altimeter and 10 tide gauges (TG) near the satellite passing ground tracks. The analysis is made using datasets collected from marginal sea regions surrounding the Korean Peninsula at T/P cycles of 2 to 230, which correspond to October 1992 to December 1998. Proper treatment of tidal errors is a very critical step in data processing because the study area has very strong tide. When the T/P data are processed, the procedures of Park and Gamberoni (1995) are adapted to reduce errors associated with the tide. When the T/P data are processed in this way, the alias periods of M2, S2, and K1 constituents are found to be 62.1, 58.7, and 173 days repectively. The compatibility of the T/P and TG datasets are examined at various filtering periods. The results indicate that the low-frequency signals of the T/P data can be interpreted more safely with longer filtering periods (such as up to the maximum selected value of 200 days). When RMS errors for the 200-day low-pass filter period are compared with all 10 tidal stations, the values span the range of 2.8 to 6.7 cm. The results of a correlation analysis for this filtering period also show a strong agreement between the T/P and TG datasets across all stations investigated (e.g., p-values consistently less than 0.001). Hence according to the analysis, the conclusion is made that the analysis of surface sea level using satellite altimeter data can be made safely with reasonably extended filtering periods such as 200 days.}}, 
    2012 language = {Anglais}, 
    2013 affiliation = {Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN}, 
     2006title = {{Validation of {S}ea {L}evel {D}ata in the {E}ast {A}sian {M}arginal {S}eas: {C}omparison between TOPEX/POSEIDON {A}ltimeter and {I}n-{S}itu {T}ide {G}auges}}, 
     2007author = {{Y}.-{H}. {Y}oun and I. S. {O}h and K.-{H}. {K}im and {Y}oung-{H}yang {P}ark and J. W. {K}im}, 
     2008abstract = {{In an effort to assess the reliability of satellite altimeter systems, the authors conduct a comparative analysis of sea level data that were collected from the TOPEX/POSEIDON (T/P) altimeter and 10 tide gauges (TG) near the satellite passing ground tracks. {T}he analysis is made using datasets collected from marginal sea regions surrounding the {K}orean {P}eninsula at T/P cycles of 2 to 230, which correspond to {O}ctober 1992 to {D}ecember 1998. {P}roper treatment of tidal errors is a very critical step in data processing because the study area has very strong tide. {W}hen the T/P data are processed, the procedures of {P}ark and {G}amberoni (1995) are adapted to reduce errors associated with the tide. {W}hen the T/P data are processed in this way, the alias periods of M2, S2, and K1 constituents are found to be 62.1, 58.7, and 173 days repectively. {T}he compatibility of the T/P and TG datasets are examined at various filtering periods. {T}he results indicate that the low-frequency signals of the T/P data can be interpreted more safely with longer filtering periods (such as up to the maximum selected value of 200 days). {W}hen RMS errors for the 200-day low-pass filter period are compared with all 10 tidal stations, the values span the range of 2.8 to 6.7 cm. {T}he results of a correlation analysis for this filtering period also show a strong agreement between the T/P and TG datasets across all stations investigated (e.g., p-values consistently less than 0.001). {H}ence according to the analysis, the conclusion is made that the analysis of surface sea level using satellite altimeter data can be made safely with reasonably extended filtering periods such as 200 days.}}, 
     2009language = {{A}nglais}, 
     2010affiliation = {{L}aboratoire d'{O}céanographie et du {C}limat : {E}xpérimentations et {A}pproches {N}umériques - LOCEAN}, 
    20142011pages = {650-660}, 
    2015 journal = {Advances in Atmospheric Sciences}, 
     2012journal = {{A}dvances in {A}tmospheric {S}ciences}, 
    20162013volume = {20}, 
    20172014number = {4}, 
    20182015note = {}, 
    2019 audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     2016audience = {non spécifiée}, 
    20202017year = {2004}, 
    20272024title = {{Determination of the surface geostrophic velocity field from satellite altimetry}}, 
    20282025author = {{Y}oung-{H}yang {P}ark}, 
    2029 abstract = {{Determination of the surface geostrophic velocity field from satellite altimetryPresently available marine geoid models are not accurate enough to extract the mean surface circulation directly from satellite altimetry. A novel method for estimating the mean velocity field of major ocean current systems is derived from the free surface boundary condition. With a given quasi-geostrophic balance for the horizontal surface flow, a scaling analysis of this boundary condition indicates that although the vertical velocity w is mostly balanced by the local change of the free surface, $\partial$$\eta$#/$\partial$t, useful information on the mean current (u overline, v overline) is contained in a small ageostrophic departure ($\partial$$\eta$#/$\partial$t -- w). Our method consists in the development of a simple algebraic equation with two unknowns (u overline, v overline) and an adjustable parameter inline equation associated with $\partial$$\eta$#/$\partial$t, assuming that the latter is proportional to ($\partial$$\eta$#/$\partial$t -- w). Most interestingly, $\partial$$\eta$#/$\partial$t and all other coefficients of the equation can be determined from altimetry. The altimeter data used is combined TOPEX/Poseidon-ERS gridded data, and the solution is obtained by least squares, minimizing the contribution from the time-variable part of the parameter inline equation and prescribing the zonal direction of the mean current. The method, which is found to be particularly useful for quasi-zonal high-energy current systems, has been validated against direct observations in the Gulf Stream and Southern Ocean. Comparisons with direct observations and Monte Carlo experiments suggest an overall solution error of about 10 cm s--1. Once calibrated against regional velocity statistics, this method will be able to determine from altimetry the mean or instantaneous surface velocity field down to the frontal scale, with a realism that has been inaccessible because of the geoid constraint.}}, 
    2030 language = {Anglais}, 
    2031 affiliation = {Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN}, 
     2026abstract = {{Determination of the surface geostrophic velocity field from satellite altimetryPresently available marine geoid models are not accurate enough to extract the mean surface circulation directly from satellite altimetry. A novel method for estimating the mean velocity field of major ocean current systems is derived from the free surface boundary condition. {W}ith a given quasi-geostrophic balance for the horizontal surface flow, a scaling analysis of this boundary condition indicates that although the vertical velocity w is mostly balanced by the local change of the free surface, $\partial$$\eta$#/$\partial$t, useful information on the mean current (u overline, v overline) is contained in a small ageostrophic departure ($\partial$$\eta$#/$\partial$t -- w). {O}ur method consists in the development of a simple algebraic equation with two unknowns (u overline, v overline) and an adjustable parameter inline equation associated with $\partial$$\eta$#/$\partial$t, assuming that the latter is proportional to ($\partial$$\eta$#/$\partial$t -- w). {M}ost interestingly, $\partial$$\eta$#/$\partial$t and all other coefficients of the equation can be determined from altimetry. {T}he altimeter data used is combined TOPEX/Poseidon-ERS gridded data, and the solution is obtained by least squares, minimizing the contribution from the time-variable part of the parameter inline equation and prescribing the zonal direction of the mean current. {T}he method, which is found to be particularly useful for quasi-zonal high-energy current systems, has been validated against direct observations in the {G}ulf {S}tream and {S}outhern {O}cean. {C}omparisons with direct observations and {M}onte {C}arlo experiments suggest an overall solution error of about 10 cm s--1. {O}nce calibrated against regional velocity statistics, this method will be able to determine from altimetry the mean or instantaneous surface velocity field down to the frontal scale, with a realism that has been inaccessible because of the geoid constraint.}}, 
     2027language = {{A}nglais}, 
     2028affiliation = {{L}aboratoire d'{O}céanographie et du {C}limat : {E}xpérimentations et {A}pproches {N}umériques - LOCEAN}, 
    20322029pages = {C05006}, 
    2033 journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research}, 
     2030journal = {{J}ournal of {G}eophysical {R}esearch}, 
    20342031volume = {109}, 
    2035 audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     2032audience = {non spécifiée}, 
    20362033doi = {10.1029/2003JC002115}, 
    20372034year = {2004}, 
    20422039loceanbibid = {01794}, 
    20432040timestamp = {20121108}, 
    2044 title = {{Nutrients and carbon budgets for the gulf of Lions during the MOGLI cruises}}, 
    2045 author = {Xavier Durrieu De Madron and L. Denis and Frederic Diaz and Nicole Garcia and Cécile Guieu and C. Grenz and Marie-Dominique Loÿe-Pilota and W. Ludwig and Thierry Moutin and Patrick Raimbault and Céline Ridame}, 
    2046 language = {Anglais}, 
    2047 affiliation = {Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie et de biog{\'e}ochimie - LOB , Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie de Villefranche - LOV , Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN}, 
     2041title = {{Nutrients and carbon budgets for the gulf of {L}ions during the MOGLI cruises}}, 
     2042author = {{X}avier {D}urrieu {D}e {M}adron and L. {D}enis and {F}rederic {D}iaz and {N}icole {G}arcia and {C}écile {G}uieu and C. {G}renz and {M}arie-{D}ominique {L}oÿe-{P}ilota and W. {L}udwig and {T}hierry {M}outin and {P}atrick {R}aimbault and {C}éline {R}idame}, 
     2043language = {{A}nglais}, 
     2044affiliation = {{L}aboratoire d'océanographie et de biogéochimie - LOB , {L}aboratoire d'océanographie de {V}illefranche - LOV , {L}aboratoire d'{O}céanographie et du {C}limat : {E}xpérimentations et {A}pproches {N}umériques - LOCEAN}, 
    20482045pages = {421-433}, 
    2049 journal = {Oceanologica Acta}, 
     2046journal = {{O}ceanologica {A}cta}, 
    20502047volume = {26}, 
    20512048number = {4}, 
    20592056timestamp = {20121108}, 
    2061 title = {{The Brazil Malvinas Frontal System as seen from nine years of AVHRR data.}}, 
    2062 author = {M. Saraceno and {C}hristine {P}rovost and Alberto R. Piola and José Bava and Antonio Gagliardini}, 
    2063 language = {Anglais}, 
    2064 affiliation = {Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN}, 
     2058title = {{The {B}razil {M}alvinas {F}rontal {S}ystem as seen from nine years of AVHRR data.}}, 
     2059author = {{M}. {S}araceno and {C}hristine {P}rovost and {A}lberto R. {P}iola and {J}osé {B}ava and {A}ntonio {G}agliardini}, 
     2060language = {{A}nglais}, 
     2061affiliation = {{L}aboratoire d'{O}céanographie et du {C}limat : {E}xpérimentations et {A}pproches {N}umériques - LOCEAN}, 
    20652062pages = {C05027}, 
    2066 journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research C: Oceans}, 
     2063journal = {{J}ournal of {G}eophysical {R}esearch C: {O}ceans}, 
    20672064volume = {109}, 
    20682065number = {C5}, 
    2069 audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     2066audience = {non spécifiée}, 
    20702067doi = {10.1029/2003JC002127}, 
    20712068year = {2004}, 
    20782075timestamp = {20121108}, 
    2080 title = {{Centennial to millennial-scale variability of the Indian monsoon during the early Holocene from a sediment, pollen and isotope record from the desert of Yemen}}, 
    2081 author = {{A}nne-{M}arie {L}ézine and J.-J. Tiercelin and C. Robert and {J}ean-{F}rançois {S}aliège and S. Cleuziou and M.-L. Inizan and F. Braemer}, 
    2082 abstract = {{Lacustrine deposits of al-Hawa (15°52#N, 46°53#E, 710 m above sea level) document the climatic and environmental history of the inland desert of Yemen during the early to mid-Holocene. A freshwater lake expanded in one of the most arid areas of the world in response to increased Indian monsoon fluxes from 12,000 to 7500 cal B.P. Three dry intervals punctuated the lacustrine phase recording episodes of weaker summer monsoon activity over Arabia. Dry intervals were coeval with cold periods recorded in the North Atlantic, confirming the links between the Indian monsoon and the North Atlantic systems during the Holocene. We demonstrate that the regional vegetation remained of semi-arid character throughout the lacustrine period.}}, 
    2083 keywords = {Pollen; Oxygen isotopes; Clay mineralogy; Paleolake; Yemen; Holocene}, 
    2084 language = {Anglais}, 
    2085 affiliation = {Laboratoire des sciences du climat et de l'environnement - LSCE , Domaines Oc{\'e}aniques , Processus et bilan des domaines s{\'e}dimentaires - PBDS , Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN , Arch{\'e}ologies et Sciences de l'Antiquit{\'e} - ArScAn , Pr{\'e}histoire et Technologie - PT , Centre d'{\'E}tudes Pr{\'e}histoire, Antiquit{\'e}, Moyen-Age - CEPAM}, 
     2077title = {{Centennial to millennial-scale variability of the {I}ndian monsoon during the early {H}olocene from a sediment, pollen and isotope record from the desert of {Y}emen}}, 
     2078author = {{A}nne-{M}arie {L}ézine and J.-{J}. {T}iercelin and C. {R}obert and {J}ean-{F}rançois {S}aliège and S. {C}leuziou and M.-{L}. {I}nizan and F. {B}raemer}, 
     2079abstract = {{Lacustrine deposits of al-{H}awa (15°52#N, 46°53#E, 710 m above sea level) document the climatic and environmental history of the inland desert of {Y}emen during the early to mid-{H}olocene. A freshwater lake expanded in one of the most arid areas of the world in response to increased {I}ndian monsoon fluxes from 12,000 to 7500 cal B.P. {T}hree dry intervals punctuated the lacustrine phase recording episodes of weaker summer monsoon activity over {A}rabia. {D}ry intervals were coeval with cold periods recorded in the {N}orth {A}tlantic, confirming the links between the {I}ndian monsoon and the {N}orth {A}tlantic systems during the {H}olocene. {W}e demonstrate that the regional vegetation remained of semi-arid character throughout the lacustrine period.}}, 
     2080keywords = {{P}ollen; {O}xygen isotopes; {C}lay mineralogy; {P}aleolake; {Y}emen; {H}olocene}, 
     2081language = {{A}nglais}, 
     2082affiliation = {{L}aboratoire des sciences du climat et de l'environnement - LSCE , {D}omaines {O}céaniques , {P}rocessus et bilan des domaines sédimentaires - PBDS , {L}aboratoire d'{O}céanographie et du {C}limat : {E}xpérimentations et {A}pproches {N}umériques - LOCEAN , {A}rchéologies et {S}ciences de l'{A}ntiquité - {A}rScAn , {P}réhistoire et {T}echnologie - PT , {C}entre d'Études {P}réhistoire, {A}ntiquité, {M}oyen-{A}ge - CEPAM}, 
    20862083pages = {235-249}, 
    2087 journal = {Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology / Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology and Palaeoecology}, 
     2084journal = {{P}alaeogeography {P}alaeoclimatology {P}alaeoecology / {P}alaeogeography {P}alaeoclimatology and {P}alaeoecology}, 
    20882085volume = {243}, 
    20892086number = {3-4}, 
    2102 title = {{Overview of the SMOS Sea Surface Salinity Prototype Processor}}, 
     2099title = {{Overview of the SMOS {S}ea {S}urface {S}alinity {P}rototype {P}rocessor}}, 
    21032100  author = {{S}onia {Z}ine and {J}acqueline {B}outin and {J}. {F}ont and {C}. {G}abarro and {M}. {T}alone and {N}. {R}eul and {J}. {T}enerelli and {Ph}ilippe {W}aldteufel and {F}. {P}etitcolin and {J}ean-{L}uc {V}ergely}, 
    2104 collaboration = {SMOS Collaboration(s)}, 
    2105 abstract = {{The Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) mission (launch scheduled for 2008) aims at obtaining global maps of soil moisture and sea surface salinity (SSS). It uses an L-band (1.4 GHz) microwave interferometric radiometer to obtain brightness temperatures (Tb) at the Earth surface at horizontal and vertical polarizations. They will be used to retrieve both geophysical variables, following specifically designed algorithms that will be applied when the satellite field-of-view is covering land or ocean surfaces respectively. The retrieval of salinity is a complex process that requires the knowledge of environmental information and an accurate processing of the radiometer measurements, because of the narrow range of ocean Tb and the strong impact on the measures of geophysical parameters (such as sea state). Here we present the baseline approach chosen to retrieve sea surface salinity from SMOS data, as developed and implemented by the joint team of scientists and engineers responsible for the SMOS Salinity Level 2 Prototype Processor. We present academic tests conducted over homogeneous scenes with the prototype. In these configurations, external perturbation sources (sky radiation, sun glint, ...) are not taken into account. Roughness is the main sea surface signal disturbing SSS retrieval. In dual pol, wind speed biases are better corrected at the center of the swath than at the edge.}}, 
    2106 keywords = {SMOS Salinit{\'e} de surface}, 
    2107 language = {Anglais}, 
    2108 affiliation = {Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN , Institut de Ci{\`e}nces del Mar - ICM , Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie Spatiale - LOS , Service d'a{\'e}ronomie - SA}, 
     2101collaboration = {SMOS {C}ollaboration(s)}, 
     2102abstract = {{The {S}oil {M}oisture and {O}cean {S}alinity (SMOS) mission (launch scheduled for 2008) aims at obtaining global maps of soil moisture and sea surface salinity (SSS). {I}t uses an L-band (1.4 GHz) microwave interferometric radiometer to obtain brightness temperatures (Tb) at the {E}arth surface at horizontal and vertical polarizations. {T}hey will be used to retrieve both geophysical variables, following specifically designed algorithms that will be applied when the satellite field-of-view is covering land or ocean surfaces respectively. {T}he retrieval of salinity is a complex process that requires the knowledge of environmental information and an accurate processing of the radiometer measurements, because of the narrow range of ocean {T}b and the strong impact on the measures of geophysical parameters (such as sea state). {H}ere we present the baseline approach chosen to retrieve sea surface salinity from SMOS data, as developed and implemented by the joint team of scientists and engineers responsible for the SMOS {S}alinity {L}evel 2 {P}rototype {P}rocessor. {W}e present academic tests conducted over homogeneous scenes with the prototype. {I}n these configurations, external perturbation sources (sky radiation, sun glint, ...) are not taken into account. {R}oughness is the main sea surface signal disturbing SSS retrieval. {I}n dual pol, wind speed biases are better corrected at the center of the swath than at the edge.}}, 
     2103keywords = {SMOS {S}alinité de surface}, 
     2104language = {{A}nglais}, 
     2105affiliation = {{L}aboratoire d'{O}céanographie et du {C}limat : {E}xpérimentations et {A}pproches {N}umériques - LOCEAN , {I}nstitut de {C}iènces del {M}ar - ICM , {L}aboratoire d'{O}céanographie {S}patiale - LOS , {S}ervice d'aéronomie - SA}, 
    21092106booktitle = {{IGARSS07 proceedings}}, 
    2110 pages = {Th07AF}, 
    2111 address = {BARCELONE, Espagne}, 
    2112 note = {TOSCA/SMOS ESL salinit{\'e}}, 
     2107pages = {{T}h07AF}, 
     2108address = {BARCELONE, {E}spagne}, 
     2109note = {TOSCA/SMOS ESL salinité}, 
    21132110audience = {internationale}, 
    21142111collaboration = {SMOS}, 
    21222119loceanbibid = {01789}, 
    21232120timestamp = {20121108}, 
    2124 title = {{Optimal Surface Salinity Perturbations Influencing the Thermohaline Circulation.}}, 
    2125 author = {{F}lorian {S}évellec and Mahdi Ben Jelloul and Thierry Huck}, 
    2126 abstract = {{Optimal surface salinity perturbations influencing the meridional overturning circulation maximum are exhibited and interpreted on a stable steady state of a 2D latitude--depth ocean thermohaline circulation model. Despite the stability of the steady state, the nonnormality of the dynamics is able to create some transient growth and variability through stimulation by optimal perturbations. Two different measures are compared to obtain the optimum-one associated with the departure from steady state in terms of density, and the other with the overturning circulation intensity. It is found that such optimal analysis is measure dependent; hence, the latter measure is chosen for studying the following physical mechanisms. The response to the optimal initial sea surface salinity perturbation involves a transient growth mechanism leading to a maximum modification of the circulation intensity after 67 yr; the amplification is linked to the most weakly damped linear eigenmode, oscillating on a 150-yr period. Optimal constant surface salinity flux perturbations are also obtained, and confirm that a decrease in the freshwater flux amplitude enhances the circulation intensity. At last, looking for the optimal stochastic surface salinity flux perturbation, it is established that the variance of the circulation intensity is controlled by the weakly damped 150-yr oscillation. Two approaches are tested to consider extending such studies in more realistic 3D models. Explicit solutions (versus eigenvalue problems) are found for the overturning circulation measure (except for the stochastic optimal); a truncation method on a few leading eigenmodes usually provides the optimal perturbations for analyses on long time scales.}}, 
    2127 language = {Anglais}, 
    2128 affiliation = {Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN , Laboratoire de physique des oc{\'e}ans - LPO}, 
     2121title = {{Optimal {S}urface {S}alinity {P}erturbations {I}nfluencing the {T}hermohaline {C}irculation.}}, 
     2122author = {{F}lorian {S}évellec and {M}ahdi {B}en {J}elloul and {T}hierry {H}uck}, 
     2123abstract = {{Optimal surface salinity perturbations influencing the meridional overturning circulation maximum are exhibited and interpreted on a stable steady state of a 2D latitude--depth ocean thermohaline circulation model. {D}espite the stability of the steady state, the nonnormality of the dynamics is able to create some transient growth and variability through stimulation by optimal perturbations. {T}wo different measures are compared to obtain the optimum-one associated with the departure from steady state in terms of density, and the other with the overturning circulation intensity. {I}t is found that such optimal analysis is measure dependent; hence, the latter measure is chosen for studying the following physical mechanisms. {T}he response to the optimal initial sea surface salinity perturbation involves a transient growth mechanism leading to a maximum modification of the circulation intensity after 67 yr; the amplification is linked to the most weakly damped linear eigenmode, oscillating on a 150-yr period. {O}ptimal constant surface salinity flux perturbations are also obtained, and confirm that a decrease in the freshwater flux amplitude enhances the circulation intensity. {A}t last, looking for the optimal stochastic surface salinity flux perturbation, it is established that the variance of the circulation intensity is controlled by the weakly damped 150-yr oscillation. {T}wo approaches are tested to consider extending such studies in more realistic 3D models. {E}xplicit solutions (versus eigenvalue problems) are found for the overturning circulation measure (except for the stochastic optimal); a truncation method on a few leading eigenmodes usually provides the optimal perturbations for analyses on long time scales.}}, 
     2124language = {{A}nglais}, 
     2125affiliation = {{L}aboratoire d'{O}céanographie et du {C}limat : {E}xpérimentations et {A}pproches {N}umériques - LOCEAN , {L}aboratoire de physique des océans - LPO}, 
    21292126pages = {2789-2808}, 
    2130 journal = {Journal of Physical Oceanography}, 
     2127journal = {{J}ournal of {P}hysical {O}ceanography}, 
    21312128volume = {37}, 
    21322129number = {12}, 
    21422139loceanaffectation = {ird}, 
    21432140timestamp = {20121108}, 
    2144 title = {{Monitoramento das chuvas por sensoriamento remoto em Mato Grosso de 2000 a 2001}}, 
    2145 author = {Vincent Dubreuil and {J}osyane Ronchail and Gilda Maitelli}, 
    2146 language = {Portugais}, 
    2147 affiliation = {Littoral, Environnement, T{\'e}l{\'e}d{\'e}tection, G{\'e}omatique - LETG - Costel , Institut de recherche pour le d{\'e}veloppement - IRD , Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC , Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN , Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso - UFMT}, 
    2148 booktitle = {{Anais do VI Simposio Brasileiro de Climatologia Geografica}}, 
    2149 pages = {8p. (CD-Rom)}, 
    2150 address = {Aracaju, Br{\'e}sil}, 
     2141title = {{Monitoramento das chuvas por sensoriamento remoto em {M}ato {G}rosso de 2000 a 2001}}, 
     2142author = {{V}incent {D}ubreuil and {J}osyane {R}onchail and {G}ilda {M}aitelli}, 
     2143language = {{P}ortugais}, 
     2144affiliation = {{L}ittoral, {E}nvironnement, {T}élédétection, {G}éomatique - LETG - {C}ostel , {I}nstitut de recherche pour le développement - IRD , {L}aboratoire d'océanographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC , {L}aboratoire d'{O}céanographie et du {C}limat : {E}xpérimentations et {A}pproches {N}umériques - LOCEAN , {U}niversidade {F}ederal de {M}ato {G}rosso - UFMT}, 
     2145booktitle = {{Anais do VI {S}imposio {B}rasileiro de {C}limatologia {G}eografica}}, 
     2146pages = {8p. (CD-{R}om)}, 
     2147address = {{A}racaju, {B}résil}, 
    21512148audience = {nationale}, 
    21522149year = {2004}, 
    21582155loceanaffectation = {ird}, 
    21592156timestamp = {20121108}, 
    2160 title = {{Suivi de la saison des pluies 1999-2000 au Mato Grosso (Br{\'e}sil) par imagerie infrarouge GOES}}, 
    2161 author = {Vincent Dubreuil and Anne Jallet and Virginie Jumeau and {J}osyane Ronchail}, 
    2162 language = {Fran{\c c}ais}, 
    2163 affiliation = {Littoral, Environnement, T{\'e}l{\'e}d{\'e}tection, G{\'e}omatique - LETG - Costel , Institut de recherche pour le d{\'e}veloppement - IRD , Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC , Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN}, 
    2164 booktitle = {{Actes du 16e Colloque de l'Association Internationale de Climatologie}}, 
     2157title = {{Suivi de la saison des pluies 1999-2000 au {M}ato {G}rosso (Brésil) par imagerie infrarouge GOES}}, 
     2158author = {{V}incent {D}ubreuil and {A}nne {J}allet and {V}irginie {J}umeau and {J}osyane {R}onchail}, 
     2159language = {{F}rançais}, 
     2160affiliation = {{L}ittoral, {E}nvironnement, {T}élédétection, {G}éomatique - LETG - {C}ostel , {I}nstitut de recherche pour le développement - IRD , {L}aboratoire d'océanographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC , {L}aboratoire d'{O}céanographie et du {C}limat : {E}xpérimentations et {A}pproches {N}umériques - LOCEAN}, 
     2161booktitle = {{Actes du 16e {C}olloque de l'{A}ssociation {I}nternationale de {C}limatologie}}, 
    21652162pages = {93-96}, 
    2166 address = {Varsovie, Pologne}, 
     2163address = {{V}arsovie, {P}ologne}, 
    21672164audience = {internationale}, 
    21682165year = {2003}, 
    21752172loceanteam = {varclim}, 
    21762173timestamp = {20121108}, 
    2177 title = {{Potentialit{\'e}s des donn{\'e}es TRMM pour la spatialisation des pr{\'e}cipitations des pr{\'e}cipitations au Mato Grosso, Br{\'e}sil}}, 
    2178 author = {Vincent Dubreuil and {J}osyane {R}onchail and Damien Arvor}, 
    2179 abstract = {{The data provided by the algorithm 3B43 combining syntheses of microwaves images TRMM and ground data are, at the present time, one of the best product available to this space resolution for the rainfall cartography. For this study, these data were initially compared with the measurements made for 9 stations distributed on all Mato Grosso: the correlations between data TRMM and these stations vary from 0,84 (Pontes E Lacerda) to 0,94 (Xavantina) and show that TRMM data reproduce correctly the seasonal modes. TRMM Synthesis also allow to produce annual average maps of frequency of the dry months and a classification of the seasonal modes obtained after an analysis in principal components on the whole of the series.}}, 
    2180 keywords = {Pr{\'e}cipitations ; t{\'e}l{\'e}d{\'e}tection ; Amazonie ; ressource en eau}, 
    2181 language = {Fran{\c c}ais}, 
    2182 affiliation = {Littoral, Environnement, T{\'e}l{\'e}d{\'e}tection, G{\'e}omatique - LETG - Costel , Institut de recherche pour le d{\'e}veloppement - IRD , Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC , Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN}, 
    2183 booktitle = {{Actes du XXe Colloque de l'Association Internationale de Climatologie}}, 
    2184 publisher = {AIC, Universit{\'e} de Tunis}, 
     2174title = {{Potentialités des données TRMM pour la spatialisation des précipitations des précipitations au {M}ato {G}rosso, {B}résil}}, 
     2175author = {{V}incent {D}ubreuil and {J}osyane {R}onchail and {D}amien {A}rvor}, 
     2176abstract = {{The data provided by the algorithm 3B43 combining syntheses of microwaves images TRMM and ground data are, at the present time, one of the best product available to this space resolution for the rainfall cartography. {F}or this study, these data were initially compared with the measurements made for 9 stations distributed on all {M}ato {G}rosso: the correlations between data TRMM and these stations vary from 0,84 (Pontes E {L}acerda) to 0,94 (Xavantina) and show that TRMM data reproduce correctly the seasonal modes. TRMM {S}ynthesis also allow to produce annual average maps of frequency of the dry months and a classification of the seasonal modes obtained after an analysis in principal components on the whole of the series.}}, 
     2177keywords = {{P}récipitations ; télédétection ; {A}mazonie ; ressource en eau}, 
     2178language = {{F}rançais}, 
     2179affiliation = {{L}ittoral, {E}nvironnement, {T}élédétection, {G}éomatique - LETG - {C}ostel , {I}nstitut de recherche pour le développement - IRD , {L}aboratoire d'océanographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC , {L}aboratoire d'{O}céanographie et du {C}limat : {E}xpérimentations et {A}pproches {N}umériques - LOCEAN}, 
     2180booktitle = {{Actes du XXe {C}olloque de l'{A}ssociation {I}nternationale de {C}limatologie}}, 
     2181publisher = {AIC, {U}niversité de {T}unis}, 
    21852182pages = {210-215}, 
    2186 address = {Carthage, Tunisie}, 
    2187 editor = {H.Ben Boubaker}, 
     2183address = {{C}arthage, {T}unisie}, 
     2184editor = {{H}. Ben {B}oubaker}, 
    21882185audience = {internationale}, 
    21892186year = {2007}, 
    21972194timestamp = {20121108}, 
    21982195title = {{Implementation of an assimilative physical-biogeochemical coupled system}}, 
    2199 author = {P. Brasseur and D. Beal and J.M. Brankart and Y. Ourmières and A. El Moussaoui and {M}arina {L}évy and C. Moulin and P. Monfray}, 
    2200 language = {Anglais}, 
    2201 affiliation = {Laboratoire des {\'e}coulements g{\'e}ophysiques et industriels - LEGI , Laboratoire de sondages {\'e}lectromagn{\'e}tiques de l'environnement terrestre - LSEET , Laboratoire d'{\'e}tudes en G{\'e}ophysique et oc{\'e}anographie spatiales - LEGOS , Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN , Laboratoire des sciences du climat et de l'environnement - LSCE}, 
     2196author = {{P}. {B}rasseur and D. {B}eal and J.M. {B}rankart and Y. {O}urmières and A. {E}l {M}oussaoui and {M}arina {L}évy and C. {M}oulin and P. {M}onfray}, 
     2197language = {{A}nglais}, 
     2198affiliation = {{L}aboratoire des écoulements géophysiques et industriels - LEGI , {L}aboratoire de sondages électromagnétiques de l'environnement terrestre - LSEET , {L}aboratoire d'études en {G}éophysique et océanographie spatiales - LEGOS , {L}aboratoire d'{O}céanographie et du {C}limat : {E}xpérimentations et {A}pproches {N}umériques - LOCEAN , {L}aboratoire des sciences du climat et de l'environnement - LSCE}, 
    22022199booktitle = {{4th MERSEA annual meeting}}, 
    2203 address = {Paris, France}, 
     2200address = {{P}aris, {F}rance}, 
    22042201year = {2008}, 
    22122209timestamp = {20121108}, 
    22132210title = {{Pros and cons of using seabirds as ecological indicators}}, 
    2214 author = {{J}oël {M}. {D}urant and D.O. and Hjermann and M. Frederiksen and {J}ean-{B}enoît {C}harrassin and {Y}von {{L}e {M}aho}and P. S. Sabarros and R.J.M. Crawford and N. Chr. Stenseth}, 
    2215 abstract = {{Climate change and overfishing are increasingly causing unanticipated changes in marine ecosystems (e.g. shifts in species dominance). In order to understand and anticipate these changes, there is a crucial need for indicators that summarise large quantities of information into a few relevant and accessible signals. Seabirds have been suggested as good candidates for ecological indicators of the marine environment; however, few studies have critically evaluated their value as such. We review the role of seabirds as ecological indicators, and discuss their limitations and drawbacks, as compared to other types of indicators. In addition, we highlight the statistical consequences of inverse inference when using seabird data as indicators. We discuss the use of integrated indices and the use of seabirds as autonomous samplers of the marine environment. Finally, we highlight the necessary steps preceding the use of seabirds as indicators. We conclude that, in order to use seabird time series properly, the use of recent advances both in statistics and in remote sensing is a way to move forward. This, along with the assessment of their usefulness, should enable us to use seabird indicators appropriately for managing urgent conservation problems.}}, 
    2216 keywords = {Food chain;Oceanography;Statistics;Conservation;Ecosystem-based management;Telemetry}, 
    2217 language = {Anglais}, 
    2218 affiliation = {Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis - CEES , National Environmental Research Institute , Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN , D{\'e}partement Ecologie, Physiologie et Ethologie - DEPE-IPHC , Animal Demography Unit}, 
     2211author = {{J}oël {M}. {D}urant and D.O. and {H}jermann and M. {F}rederiksen and {J}ean-{B}enoît {C}harrassin and {Y}von {{L}e {M}aho}and P. S. {S}abarros and R.J.M. {C}rawford and N. {C}hr. {S}tenseth}, 
     2212abstract = {{Climate change and overfishing are increasingly causing unanticipated changes in marine ecosystems (e.g. shifts in species dominance). {I}n order to understand and anticipate these changes, there is a crucial need for indicators that summarise large quantities of information into a few relevant and accessible signals. {S}eabirds have been suggested as good candidates for ecological indicators of the marine environment; however, few studies have critically evaluated their value as such. {W}e review the role of seabirds as ecological indicators, and discuss their limitations and drawbacks, as compared to other types of indicators. {I}n addition, we highlight the statistical consequences of inverse inference when using seabird data as indicators. {W}e discuss the use of integrated indices and the use of seabirds as autonomous samplers of the marine environment. {F}inally, we highlight the necessary steps preceding the use of seabirds as indicators. {W}e conclude that, in order to use seabird time series properly, the use of recent advances both in statistics and in remote sensing is a way to move forward. {T}his, along with the assessment of their usefulness, should enable us to use seabird indicators appropriately for managing urgent conservation problems.}}, 
     2213keywords = {{F}ood chain;Oceanography;Statistics;Conservation;Ecosystem-based management;Telemetry}, 
     2214language = {{A}nglais}, 
     2215affiliation = {{C}entre for {E}cological and {E}volutionary {S}ynthesis - CEES , {N}ational {E}nvironmental {R}esearch {I}nstitute , {L}aboratoire d'{O}céanographie et du {C}limat : {E}xpérimentations et {A}pproches {N}umériques - LOCEAN , {D}épartement {E}cologie, {P}hysiologie et {E}thologie - DEPE-IPHC , {A}nimal {D}emography {U}nit}, 
    22192216pages = {115-129}, 
    2220 journal = {Climate Research}, 
     2217journal = {{C}limate {R}esearch}, 
    22212218volume = {39}, 
    22222219audience = {internationale}, 
    22312228loceanteam = {varclim}, 
    22322229timestamp = {20121107}, 
    2233 title = {{Les a{\'e}rosols d{\'e}sertiques, un facteur potentiel des {\'e}pid{\'e}mies de m{\'e}ningite en Afrique de l'Ouest}}, 
     2230title = {{Les aérosols désertiques, un facteur potentiel des épidémies de méningite en {A}frique de l'{O}uest}}, 
    22342231  author = {{N}adège {M}artiny and {I}sabelle {C}hiapello and {B}enjamin {S}ultan and {B}ernard {F}ontaine}, 
    2235 language = {Fran{\c c}ais}, 
    2236 affiliation = {Centre de Recherches de Climatologie - CRC , Laboratoire d'optique atmosph{\`e}rique - LOA , Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN}, 
     2232language = {{F}rançais}, 
     2233affiliation = {{C}entre de {R}echerches de {C}limatologie - CRC , {L}aboratoire d'optique atmosphèrique - LOA , {L}aboratoire d'{O}céanographie et du {C}limat : {E}xpérimentations et {A}pproches {N}umériques - LOCEAN}, 
    22372234pages = {VOL 10/3-4 - 2007 - pp.31-39}, 
    2238 journal = {Sant{\'e}-D{\'e}cision-Management}, 
     2235journal = {{S}anté-{D}écision-{M}anagement}, 
    22392236volume = {10}, 
    22402237number = {3-4}, 
    22492246loceanteam = {varclim}, 
    22502247timestamp = {20121107}, 
    2251 title = {{Analysis of the relationships between climate/aerosols and meningitis epidemics in Western Africa}}, 
     2248title = {{Analysis of the relationships between climate/aerosols and meningitis epidemics in {W}estern {A}frica}}, 
    22522249  author = {{N}adège {M}artiny and {I}sabelle {C}hiapello and {B}enjamin {S}ultan and {B}ernard {F}ontaine}, 
    2253 language = {Anglais}, 
    2254 affiliation = {Centre de Recherches de Climatologie - CRC , Laboratoire d'optique atmosph{\`e}rique - LOA , Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN}, 
    2255 booktitle = {{Joint AMMA/ENSEMBLES Workshop}}, 
    2256 address = {Niamey, Niger}, 
     2250language = {{A}nglais}, 
     2251affiliation = {{C}entre de {R}echerches de {C}limatologie - CRC , {L}aboratoire d'optique atmosphèrique - LOA , {L}aboratoire d'{O}céanographie et du {C}limat : {E}xpérimentations et {A}pproches {N}umériques - LOCEAN}, 
     2252booktitle = {{Joint AMMA/ENSEMBLES {W}orkshop}}, 
     2253address = {{N}iamey, {N}iger}, 
    22572254year = {2008}, 
    22582255month = may, 
    22652262loceanteam = {paleoproxus}, 
    22662263timestamp = {20121107}, 
    2267 title = {{Linking Ocean Variabilty to Phytoplankton Changes Over the Last 2000 Years off N. Iceland}}, 
    2268 author = {{I}oanna {B}ouloubassi and {M}arie-{A}lexandrine {S}icre  and Ullah Ezat and {G}eneviève {G}ondry and Jérémy Jacob and M. Azzoug}, 
    2269 abstract = {{Understanding ocean variability at decadal to century time-scale is a key issue of climate research, yet it remains poorly described partly because high resolution marine records are lacking. Recent observations also suggested that climate-driven oceanic changes may also affect marine productivity reflecting adjustments of the pelagic ecosystem. To explore these issues we investigated sediment cores (a Calypso and a box core) off North Iceland at unprecedented high temporal resolution (2 to 5 years). The area lies in a sensitive boundary region with strong climatic gradients between the Arctic and the North Atlantic realms. Surface hydrology is affected by warm, high salinity Atlantic water (Irminger current-IC) and cold, low salinity water of the East Icelandic Current (EIC), as well as by sea ice and drifting ice exported from the Arctic Ocean and East Greenland. Using biomarker proxies we reconstructed, over the past two millennia, high frequency surface ocean properties, such as Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and patterns of major phytoplankton groups. Records from a box core covering the last 80 years and comparison with instrumental data allowed to improve constrain of the proxies used. The SST curve reveals 4 major oscillations of about 20-25 years, depicting also the Great Salinity Anomaly (GSA). It reflects ocean circulation changes with varying impact of Polar and Atlantic waters (EIC, IC). Similarities with the NAO (North Atlantic Oscillation) index suggest links between STT and westerlies intensity. Phytoplankton biomarker profiles (specific phytosterols and alkenones) are consistent with biological data acquired during annual surveys. They show significant increase in periods when Atlantic waters and subsequent mixing processes prevail during positive NAO phase, compared to low levels when Polar waters and stratified conditions occur. Over the last two millennia the SST curve depicts a broad cooling trend towards present, steepening over the last 500 years. Prolonged warm or cool centennial intervals are recognizable among which the Medieval Warm Period (MWP), the Little Ice Age (LIA), the Roman Warm Period (RWP) and cooler Dark Ages. The SST signal also shows intermittent 20-25 year oscillations that are likely reflecting the ocean response to wind forcing, presumably the NAO. Phytoplankton biomarkers show important high frequency oscillations. Diatom sterols infer a broad decrease of siliceous productivity since 2000 yr BP with minimum values during the LIA, and a sharp rise after 200 yr BP. Such a trend is not observed for coccolithophorid biomarkers (alkenones), which show low centennial scale variations since 1200 yrs BP, along with high abundance between 1600 and 1200 yrs BP. Similar trends are observed for dinoflagellate biomarkers (dinosterol). Overall, planktonic biomarkers show multidecadal to centennial scale fluctuations inferring modifications of phytoplankton community structure. These could be linked at least partly to hydrological changes indicated in the SST curve, namely modifications of the relative importance of IC and EIC, which likely reflect the ocean response to NAO forcing.}}, 
    2270 language = {Anglais}, 
    2271 affiliation = {Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN , Laboratoire des sciences du climat et de l'environnement - LSCE , Institut des Sciences de la Terre d'Orl{\'e}ans - ISTO}, 
    2272 booktitle = {{EOS Trans AGU}}, 
     2264title = {{Linking {O}cean {V}ariabilty to {P}hytoplankton {C}hanges {O}ver the {L}ast 2000 {Y}ears off N. {I}celand}}, 
     2265author = {{I}oanna {B}ouloubassi and {M}arie-{A}lexandrine {S}icre  and {U}llah {E}zat and {G}eneviève {G}ondry and {J}érémy {J}acob and M. {A}zzoug}, 
     2266abstract = {{Understanding ocean variability at decadal to century time-scale is a key issue of climate research, yet it remains poorly described partly because high resolution marine records are lacking. {R}ecent observations also suggested that climate-driven oceanic changes may also affect marine productivity reflecting adjustments of the pelagic ecosystem. {T}o explore these issues we investigated sediment cores (a {C}alypso and a box core) off {N}orth {I}celand at unprecedented high temporal resolution (2 to 5 years). {T}he area lies in a sensitive boundary region with strong climatic gradients between the {A}rctic and the {N}orth {A}tlantic realms. {S}urface hydrology is affected by warm, high salinity {A}tlantic water (Irminger current-IC) and cold, low salinity water of the {E}ast {I}celandic {C}urrent (EIC), as well as by sea ice and drifting ice exported from the {A}rctic {O}cean and {E}ast {G}reenland. {U}sing biomarker proxies we reconstructed, over the past two millennia, high frequency surface ocean properties, such as {S}ea {S}urface {T}emperature (SST) and patterns of major phytoplankton groups. {R}ecords from a box core covering the last 80 years and comparison with instrumental data allowed to improve constrain of the proxies used. {T}he SST curve reveals 4 major oscillations of about 20-25 years, depicting also the {G}reat {S}alinity {A}nomaly (GSA). {I}t reflects ocean circulation changes with varying impact of {P}olar and {A}tlantic waters (EIC, IC). {S}imilarities with the NAO (North {A}tlantic {O}scillation) index suggest links between STT and westerlies intensity. {P}hytoplankton biomarker profiles (specific phytosterols and alkenones) are consistent with biological data acquired during annual surveys. {T}hey show significant increase in periods when {A}tlantic waters and subsequent mixing processes prevail during positive NAO phase, compared to low levels when {P}olar waters and stratified conditions occur. {O}ver the last two millennia the SST curve depicts a broad cooling trend towards present, steepening over the last 500 years. {P}rolonged warm or cool centennial intervals are recognizable among which the {M}edieval {W}arm {P}eriod (MWP), the {L}ittle {I}ce {A}ge (LIA), the {R}oman {W}arm {P}eriod (RWP) and cooler {D}ark {A}ges. {T}he SST signal also shows intermittent 20-25 year oscillations that are likely reflecting the ocean response to wind forcing, presumably the NAO. {P}hytoplankton biomarkers show important high frequency oscillations. {D}iatom sterols infer a broad decrease of siliceous productivity since 2000 yr BP with minimum values during the LIA, and a sharp rise after 200 yr BP. {S}uch a trend is not observed for coccolithophorid biomarkers (alkenones), which show low centennial scale variations since 1200 yrs BP, along with high abundance between 1600 and 1200 yrs BP. {S}imilar trends are observed for dinoflagellate biomarkers (dinosterol). {O}verall, planktonic biomarkers show multidecadal to centennial scale fluctuations inferring modifications of phytoplankton community structure. {T}hese could be linked at least partly to hydrological changes indicated in the SST curve, namely modifications of the relative importance of IC and EIC, which likely reflect the ocean response to NAO forcing.}}, 
     2267language = {{A}nglais}, 
     2268affiliation = {{L}aboratoire d'{O}céanographie et du {C}limat : {E}xpérimentations et {A}pproches {N}umériques - LOCEAN , {L}aboratoire des sciences du climat et de l'environnement - LSCE , {I}nstitut des {S}ciences de la {T}erre d'{O}rléans - ISTO}, 
     2269booktitle = {{EOS {T}rans AGU}}, 
    22732270publisher = {AGU}, 
    22742271pages = {51B-1494}, 
    2275 address = {France}, 
     2272address = {{F}rance}, 
    22762273volume = {89}, 
    22772274number = {53}, 
    22862283loceanteam = {paleoproxus}, 
    22872284timestamp = {20121107}, 
    2288 title = {Changements r{\'e}cents de l'environnement et des activit{\'e}s humaines autour du Lac du Boqueir{\\~a}o (Nord Est Br{\'e}sil)}, 
     2285title = {{C}hangements récents de l'environnement et des activités humaines autour du {L}ac du {B}oqueirão (Nord {E}st {B}résil)}, 
    22892286author = {{R}enata {Z}ocatelli and {B}runo {T}urcq and {J}érémy {J}acob and {M}ohammed {B}oussafir and {J}ean-{R}obert {D}isnar and {A}bdelfettah {S}ifeddine}, 
    2290 language = {Fran{\c c}ais}, 
    2291 affiliation = {Departamento de Geoqu{\'\i}mica , Pal{\'e}o-environnements tropicaux et variabilit{\'e} climatique - PALEOTROPIQUE , Departamento de Geoquimica - DEPARTAMENTO DE GEOQUIMICA , Institut des Sciences de la Terre d'Orl{\'e}ans - ISTO , Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN}, 
    2292 booktitle = {{Mati{\`e}res Organiques et Environnement}}, 
     2287language = {{F}rançais}, 
     2288affiliation = {{D}epartamento de {G}eoquìmica , {P}aléo-environnements tropicaux et variabilité climatique - PALEOTROPIQUE , {D}epartamento de {G}eoquimica - DEPARTAMENTO DE GEOQUIMICA , {I}nstitut des {S}ciences de la {T}erre d'{O}rléans - ISTO , {L}aboratoire d'{O}céanographie et du {C}limat : {E}xpérimentations et {A}pproches {N}umériques - LOCEAN}, 
     2289booktitle = {{Matières {O}rganiques et {E}nvironnement}}, 
    22932290pages = {1 p.}, 
    2294 address = {France}, 
     2291address = {{F}rance}, 
    22952292audience = {nationale}, 
    22962293year = {2009}, 
    23012298loceanbibid = {01779}, 
    23022299timestamp = {20121107}, 
    2303 title = {{Rapid paleoenvironmental variations in NE Brazil during the Lateglacial. Insights from TpS2, S3CO2 and S3CO Rock Eval parameters.}}, 
    2304   author = {{J}érémy {J}acob and {J}ean-{R}obert {D}isnar and {M}ohammed {B}oussafir Didier Kéravis and {A}bdelfettah {S}ifeddine and {A}na {L}uiza {S}padano {A}lbuquerque and {B}runo {T}urcq}, 
    2305 abstract = {{The Rock-Eval pyrolysis technique was first developed as a rapid mean for evaluating the petroleum potential of source rocks, via the measurement of bulk organic parameters such as Total Organic Carbon (TOC), Hydrogen Index (HI), Oxygen Index (OI) and the maximum pyrolysis temperature Tmax (Espitali{\'e} et al., 1985; Lafargue et al., 1998). This method was then used to rapidly estimate organic matter quality and quantity in sedimentary series for paleoenvironmental studies (Talbot and Livingston, 1989). Recently, it has been proposed that there could be more information gained from the Rock-Eval parameters (Disnar et al., 2003). When considering also the recent analytical developments available from the Turbo6 version of the apparatus, there is a large field of investigation that remains unexplored in paleoenvironmental studies. Here we present results from the sedimentary infill of Lagoa do Ca{\c c}{\'o} (Northern Brazil) that records paleoenvironmental changes since the Last Glacial Maximum (Jacob et al., 2004). The present study focuses on the Lateglacial interval (ca. 17,000 to 11,000 cal yrs BP), a time period where different Rock-Eval parameters such as TpS2 (Tmax equivalent), HI and OI produce controversial information. In order to better understand the meaning of these parameters, we propose an original mean of obtaining more pertinent information. S3CO2/S3CO ratio and TpS2 surprisingly display similar trends over the considered period, in two different cores. Furthermore, the evolution of these parameters is comparable with that of #18O in the ice core record of Sajama (Bolivia) during the Lateglacial (Figure 1). Although the significance of these parameters and the origin of these variations remain to be cleared, our results confirm a pattern of rapid climate variability over the South American Tropics during the last deglaciation, as seen in the Northern Hemisphere.}}, 
    2306 language = {Anglais}, 
    2307 affiliation = {Institut des Sciences de la Terre d'Orl{\'e}ans - ISTO , Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN , Departamento de Geoquimica - DEPARTAMENTO DE GEOQUIMICA , Pal{\'e}o-environnements tropicaux et variabilit{\'e} climatique - PALEOTROPIQUE}, 
     2300title = {{Rapid paleoenvironmental variations in NE {B}razil during the {L}ateglacial. {I}nsights from {T}pS2, S3CO2 and S3CO {R}ock {E}val parameters.}}, 
     2301  author = {{J}érémy {J}acob and {J}ean-{R}obert {D}isnar and {M}ohammed {B}oussafir {D}idier {K}éravis and {A}bdelfettah {S}ifeddine and {A}na {L}uiza {S}padano {A}lbuquerque and {B}runo {T}urcq}, 
     2302abstract = {{The {R}ock-{E}val pyrolysis technique was first developed as a rapid mean for evaluating the petroleum potential of source rocks, via the measurement of bulk organic parameters such as {T}otal {O}rganic {C}arbon (TOC), {H}ydrogen {I}ndex (HI), {O}xygen {I}ndex (OI) and the maximum pyrolysis temperature {T}max (Espitalié et al., 1985; {L}afargue et al., 1998). {T}his method was then used to rapidly estimate organic matter quality and quantity in sedimentary series for paleoenvironmental studies (Talbot and {L}ivingston, 1989). {R}ecently, it has been proposed that there could be more information gained from the {R}ock-{E}val parameters (Disnar et al., 2003). {W}hen considering also the recent analytical developments available from the {T}urbo6 version of the apparatus, there is a large field of investigation that remains unexplored in paleoenvironmental studies. {H}ere we present results from the sedimentary infill of {L}agoa do {C}açó (Northern {B}razil) that records paleoenvironmental changes since the {L}ast {G}lacial {M}aximum (Jacob et al., 2004). {T}he present study focuses on the {L}ateglacial interval (ca. 17,000 to 11,000 cal yrs BP), a time period where different {R}ock-{E}val parameters such as {T}pS2 (Tmax equivalent), HI and OI produce controversial information. {I}n order to better understand the meaning of these parameters, we propose an original mean of obtaining more pertinent information. S3CO2/S3CO ratio and {T}pS2 surprisingly display similar trends over the considered period, in two different cores. {F}urthermore, the evolution of these parameters is comparable with that of #18O in the ice core record of {S}ajama (Bolivia) during the {L}ateglacial (Figure 1). {A}lthough the significance of these parameters and the origin of these variations remain to be cleared, our results confirm a pattern of rapid climate variability over the {S}outh {A}merican {T}ropics during the last deglaciation, as seen in the {N}orthern {H}emisphere.}}, 
     2303language = {{A}nglais}, 
     2304affiliation = {{I}nstitut des {S}ciences de la {T}erre d'{O}rléans - ISTO , {L}aboratoire d'{O}céanographie et du {C}limat : {E}xpérimentations et {A}pproches {N}umériques - LOCEAN , {D}epartamento de {G}eoquimica - DEPARTAMENTO DE GEOQUIMICA , {P}aléo-environnements tropicaux et variabilité climatique - PALEOTROPIQUE}, 
    23082305booktitle = {{IMOG meeting}}, 
    23092306pages = {2 p.}, 
    2310 address = {S{\'e}ville, Espagne}, 
     2307address = {{S}éville, {E}spagne}, 
    23112308editor = {IMOG}, 
    23122309audience = {internationale}, 
    23202317loceanteam = {surf}, 
    23212318timestamp = {20121107}, 
    2322 title = {Interpretation of CAROLS L-Band measurements in the Gulf of Biscaye}, 
    2323 author = {{A}drien {M}artin and {J}acqueline {B}outin and Danièle Hauser and {G}illes {R}everdin and {M}ickael {P}ardé and {M}ehrez {Z}ribi and {P}. {F}anise and {J}. {T}enerelli and {N}. {R}eul}, 
    2324 abstract = {{The L-band Cooperative Airborne Radiometer for Ocean and Land Studies (CAROLS) radiometer (Zribi et al., IGARSS 2008) flew seven times over the Gulf of Biscay between May 04 and May 26, 2009 around 20UTC. These flights followed two airborne campaigns with the same instrument in September 2007 and November 2008. Brightness temperatures (Tb) of the surface were measured by one antenna looking at 33° on the right hand side of the aircraft and optionally by a nadir antenna. The nadir antenna is sometimes exchanged with the radar scatterometer STORM in order to get a measurement of surface roughness, related to wind, coincident in space and time with the radiometric measurement. Measurements are compared with simulations conducted with the Terrestrial Radiometry Analysis Package (TRAP) (Tenerelli et al., 2008) software run for CAROLS geometry and different observed geophysical conditions. Concomitant ship campaign and drifter deployments provide in situ ground truths for sea surface salinity and temperature. Wind speed and direction are either estimated from the QSCAT scatterometer or from the STORM scatterometer and complemented with in situ observation TRAP uses the physical modeling of atmospheric radiative transfer, sea surface emissivity and galactic glint foreseen for the processing of the Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity satellite data. The circle flights and wing-wags movements of the CAROLS aircraft (The French research ATR42 aircraft) allow to explore a wide range of incidence angles (from 0° to about 60°) and of galactic signals reflected by the sea surface. Previous flights in 2008 and 2009 have demonstrated that on a whole, simulated and observed variations of Tb with incidence angle are very consistent, demonstrating a good sensitivity of CAROLS instrument. In this presentation we will focus on the correlation between L-band radiometer measurements and scatterometer measurements, especially in a case of strong spatial gradient of wind speed (1 to 10m/s) observed in 2007 and on the signature of coastal salinity gradients on the L-band radiometer observed in 2009 during which we observed SSS variations between roughly 32 and 35.6 pss. New CAROLS flights in the Gulf of Biscay are foreseen in April and May 2010 under the track of the SMOS satellite.}}, 
    2325 language = {Anglais}, 
    2326 affiliation = {Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN , Laboratoire Atmosph{\`e}res, Milieux, Observations Spatiales - LATMOS , Institut Pierre-Simon-Laplace - IPSL , Centre d'{\'e}tudes spatiales de la biosph{\`e}re - CESBIO , CLS Brest , Institut Fran{\c c}ais de Recherche et d'Exploitation de la Mer - IFREMER}, 
    2327 booktitle = {{ESA Living Planet Symposium, ESA-SP 686}}, 
    2328 address = {Bergen, Norv{\`e}ge}, 
     2319title = {{I}nterpretation of CAROLS L-{B}and measurements in the {G}ulf of {B}iscaye}, 
     2320author = {{A}drien {M}artin and {J}acqueline {B}outin and {D}anièle {H}auser and {G}illes {R}everdin and {M}ickael {P}ardé and {M}ehrez {Z}ribi and {P}. {F}anise and {J}. {T}enerelli and {N}. {R}eul}, 
     2321abstract = {{The L-band {C}ooperative {A}irborne {R}adiometer for {O}cean and {L}and {S}tudies (CAROLS) radiometer (Zribi et al., IGARSS 2008) flew seven times over the {G}ulf of {B}iscay between {M}ay 04 and {M}ay 26, 2009 around 20UTC. {T}hese flights followed two airborne campaigns with the same instrument in {S}eptember 2007 and {N}ovember 2008. {B}rightness temperatures (Tb) of the surface were measured by one antenna looking at 33° on the right hand side of the aircraft and optionally by a nadir antenna. {T}he nadir antenna is sometimes exchanged with the radar scatterometer STORM in order to get a measurement of surface roughness, related to wind, coincident in space and time with the radiometric measurement. {M}easurements are compared with simulations conducted with the {T}errestrial {R}adiometry {A}nalysis {P}ackage (TRAP) (Tenerelli et al., 2008) software run for CAROLS geometry and different observed geophysical conditions. {C}oncomitant ship campaign and drifter deployments provide in situ ground truths for sea surface salinity and temperature. {W}ind speed and direction are either estimated from the QSCAT scatterometer or from the STORM scatterometer and complemented with in situ observation TRAP uses the physical modeling of atmospheric radiative transfer, sea surface emissivity and galactic glint foreseen for the processing of the {S}oil {M}oisture and {O}cean {S}alinity satellite data. {T}he circle flights and wing-wags movements of the CAROLS aircraft (The {F}rench research ATR42 aircraft) allow to explore a wide range of incidence angles (from 0° to about 60°) and of galactic signals reflected by the sea surface. {P}revious flights in 2008 and 2009 have demonstrated that on a whole, simulated and observed variations of {T}b with incidence angle are very consistent, demonstrating a good sensitivity of CAROLS instrument. {I}n this presentation we will focus on the correlation between L-band radiometer measurements and scatterometer measurements, especially in a case of strong spatial gradient of wind speed (1 to 10m/s) observed in 2007 and on the signature of coastal salinity gradients on the L-band radiometer observed in 2009 during which we observed SSS variations between roughly 32 and 35.6 pss. {N}ew CAROLS flights in the {G}ulf of {B}iscay are foreseen in {A}pril and {M}ay 2010 under the track of the SMOS satellite.}}, 
     2322language = {{A}nglais}, 
     2323affiliation = {{L}aboratoire d'{O}céanographie et du {C}limat : {E}xpérimentations et {A}pproches {N}umériques - LOCEAN , {L}aboratoire {A}tmosphères, {M}ilieux, {O}bservations {S}patiales - LATMOS , {I}nstitut {P}ierre-{S}imon-{L}aplace - IPSL , {C}entre d'études spatiales de la biosphère - CESBIO , CLS {B}rest , {I}nstitut {F}rançais de {R}echerche et d'{E}xploitation de la {M}er - IFREMER}, 
     2324booktitle = {{ESA {L}iving {P}lanet {S}ymposium, ESA-SP 686}}, 
     2325address = {{B}ergen, {N}orvège}, 
    23292326audience = {internationale}, 
    23302327year = {2010}, 
    23362333loceanbibid = {01777}, 
    23372334timestamp = {20121107}, 
    2338 title = {{Evidence of a shift in the cyclicity of Antarctic seabird dynamics linked to climate.}}, 
    2339 author = {St{\'e}phanie Jenouvrier and Henri Weimerskirch and Christophe Barbraud and {Y}oung-{H}yang {P}ark and Bernard Cazelles}, 
    2340 abstract = {{Ecosystems and populations are known to be influenced not only by long-term climatic trends, but also by other short-term climatic modes, such as interannual and decadal-scale variabilities. Because interactions between climatic forcing, biotic and abiotic components of ecosystems are subtle and complex, analysis of long-term series of both biological and physical factors is essential to understanding these interactions. Here, we apply a wavelet analysis simultaneously to long-term datasets on the environment and on the populations and breeding success of three Antarctic seabirds (southern fulmar, snow petrel, emperor penguin) breeding in Terre Ad{\'e}lie, to study the effects of climate fluctuations on Antarctic marine ecosystems. We show that over the past 40 years, populations and demographic parameters of the three species fluctuate with a periodicity of 3-5 years that was also detected in sea-ice extent and the Southern Oscillation Index. Although the major periodicity of these interannual fluctuations is not common to different species and environmental variables, their cyclic characteristics reveal a significant change since 1980. Moreover, sliding-correlation analysis highlighted the relationships between environmental variables and the demography of the three species, with important change of correlation occurring between the end of the 1970s and the beginning of the 1980s. These results suggest that a regime shift has probably occurred during this period, significantly affecting the Antarctic ecosystem, but with contrasted effects on the three species.}}, 
    2341 language = {Anglais}, 
    2342 affiliation = {Centre d'{\'e}tudes biologiques de Chiz{\'e} - CEBC , Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN , Fonctionnement et {\'e}volution des syst{\`e}mes {\'e}cologiques - FESE , Mod{\'e}lisation math{\'e}matique et informatique de syst{\`e}mes complexes naturels, biologiques ou sociaux - GEODES}, 
     2335title = {{Evidence of a shift in the cyclicity of {A}ntarctic seabird dynamics linked to climate.}}, 
     2336author = {{S}téphanie {J}enouvrier and {H}enri {W}eimerskirch and {C}hristophe {B}arbraud and {Y}oung-{H}yang {P}ark and {B}ernard {C}azelles}, 
     2337abstract = {{Ecosystems and populations are known to be influenced not only by long-term climatic trends, but also by other short-term climatic modes, such as interannual and decadal-scale variabilities. {B}ecause interactions between climatic forcing, biotic and abiotic components of ecosystems are subtle and complex, analysis of long-term series of both biological and physical factors is essential to understanding these interactions. {H}ere, we apply a wavelet analysis simultaneously to long-term datasets on the environment and on the populations and breeding success of three {A}ntarctic seabirds (southern fulmar, snow petrel, emperor penguin) breeding in {T}erre {A}délie, to study the effects of climate fluctuations on {A}ntarctic marine ecosystems. {W}e show that over the past 40 years, populations and demographic parameters of the three species fluctuate with a periodicity of 3-5 years that was also detected in sea-ice extent and the {S}outhern {O}scillation {I}ndex. {A}lthough the major periodicity of these interannual fluctuations is not common to different species and environmental variables, their cyclic characteristics reveal a significant change since 1980. {M}oreover, sliding-correlation analysis highlighted the relationships between environmental variables and the demography of the three species, with important change of correlation occurring between the end of the 1970s and the beginning of the 1980s. {T}hese results suggest that a regime shift has probably occurred during this period, significantly affecting the {A}ntarctic ecosystem, but with contrasted effects on the three species.}}, 
     2338language = {{A}nglais}, 
     2339affiliation = {{C}entre d'études biologiques de {C}hizé - CEBC , {L}aboratoire d'{O}céanographie et du {C}limat : {E}xpérimentations et {A}pproches {N}umériques - LOCEAN , {F}onctionnement et évolution des systèmes écologiques - FESE , {M}odélisation mathématique et informatique de systèmes complexes naturels, biologiques ou sociaux - GEODES}, 
    23432340pages = {887-895}, 
    2344 journal = {Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B Biological Sciences}, 
     2341journal = {{P}roceedings of the {R}oyal {S}ociety of {L}ondon {S}eries B {B}iological {S}ciences}, 
    23452342volume = {272}, 
    23462343number = {1566}, 
    23582355loceanteam = {paleoproxus}, 
    23592356timestamp = {20121107}, 
    2360 title = {{Hydrologie et g{\'e}ochimie de lacs de Maars du sud-ouest Tanzanien et d'ailleurs : interactions entre eaux de surface, souterraines et hydrothermales}}, 
    2361   author = {{L}aurent {B}ergonzini and {M}anuëlla {D}elalande  and P. Branchu and M. Massault and J.-C. Parisot and A. Majule and {D}avid {W}illiamson}, 
    2362 language = {Anglais}, 
    2363 affiliation = {IDES - Universit{\'e} Paris-Sud XI , Centre europ{\'e}en de recherche et d'enseignement de g{\'e}osciences de l'environnement - CEREGE , LOCEAN}, 
     2357title = {{Hydrologie et géochimie de lacs de {M}aars du sud-ouest {T}anzanien et d'ailleurs : interactions entre eaux de surface, souterraines et hydrothermales}}, 
     2358  author = {{L}aurent {B}ergonzini and {M}anuëlla {D}elalande  and P. {B}ranchu and M. {M}assault and J.-{C}. {P}arisot and A. {M}ajule and {D}avid {W}illiamson}, 
     2359language = {{A}nglais}, 
     2360affiliation = {IDES - {U}niversité {P}aris-{S}ud XI , {C}entre européen de recherche et d'enseignement de géosciences de l'environnement - CEREGE , LOCEAN}, 
    23642361booktitle = {{RST}}, 
    2365 address = {Bordeaux, France}, 
     2362address = {{B}ordeaux, {F}rance}, 
    23662363year = {2010}, 
    23672364month = oct, 
    23742371loceanteam = {paleoproxus}, 
    23752372timestamp = {20121107}, 
    2376 title = {Fluid geochemistry of natural manifestations from the Southern Poroto-Rungwe hydrothermal system (Tanzania) : preliminary conceptual model}, 
    2377 language = {Anglais}, 
     2373title = {{F}luid geochemistry of natural manifestations from the {S}outhern {P}oroto-{R}ungwe hydrothermal system (Tanzania) : preliminary conceptual model}, 
     2374language = {{A}nglais}, 
    23782375  author = {{M}anuëlla {D}elalande and {L}aurent {B}ergonzini and {F}abrizio {G}herardi and {M}assimo {G}uidi and {L}uc {A}ndre and {I}ssah {A}bdallah and {D}avid {W}illiamson}, 
    2379 affiliation = {IDES - Universit{\'e} Paris-Sud XI , UNIVERSITY OF FIRENZE Dipt di Biologia Animale e Genetica "Leo Pardi" - UNIVERSITY OF FIRENZE , CNR Institute of Geoscience and Earth Resources , Section de P{\'e}trographie-Min{\'e}ralogie-G{\'e}ochimie , IRA Institute of Resource Assessment , LOCEAN}, 
     2376affiliation = {IDES - {U}niversité {P}aris-{S}ud XI , UNIVERSITY OF FIRENZE {D}ipt di {B}iologia {A}nimale e {G}enetica "Leo {P}ardi" - UNIVERSITY OF FIRENZE , CNR {I}nstitute of {G}eoscience and {E}arth {R}esources , {S}ection de {P}étrographie-{M}inéralogie-{G}éochimie , IRA {I}nstitute of {R}esource {A}ssessment , LOCEAN}, 
    23802377booktitle = {{RST}}, 
    2381 address = {Bordeaux, France}, 
     2378address = {{B}ordeaux, {F}rance}, 
    23822379year = {2010}, 
    23832380month = oct, 
    23902387loceanteam = {paleoproxus}, 
    23912388timestamp = {20121107}, 
    2392 title = {{Chronologie des monuments fun{\'e}raires sahariens : probl{\`e}mes, m{\'e}thode et r{\'e}sultats}}, 
    2393 author = {Françoise Paris and {J}ean-{F}rançois {S}aliège}, 
    2394 keywords = {Niger ; Afrique de l'Ouest ; Sahara central ; Pr{\'e}histoire ; Protohistoire ; s{\'e}pulture ; AMS ; datation ; radiocarbone ; m{\'e}thodologie ; ossements humains ;}, 
    2395 language = {Fran{\c c}ais}, 
    2396 affiliation = {Laboratoire m{\'e}diterran{\'e}en de pr{\'e}histoire Europe-Afrique - LAMPEA , Dynamique soci{\'e}t{\'e}s-environnements sur le temps long en Afrique p{\'e}risaharienne , LOCEAN}, 
     2389title = {{Chronologie des monuments funéraires sahariens : problèmes, méthode et résultats}}, 
     2390author = {{F}rançoise {P}aris and {J}ean-{F}rançois {S}aliège}, 
     2391keywords = {{N}iger ; {A}frique de l'{O}uest ; {S}ahara central ; {P}réhistoire ; {P}rotohistoire ; sépulture ; AMS ; datation ; radiocarbone ; méthodologie ; ossements humains ;}, 
     2392language = {{F}rançais}, 
     2393affiliation = {{L}aboratoire méditerranéen de préhistoire {E}urope-{A}frique - LAMPEA , {D}ynamique sociétés-environnements sur le temps long en {A}frique périsaharienne , LOCEAN}, 
    23972394pages = {57-60}, 
    2398 journal = {Nouvelles de l'Arch{\'e}ologie}, 
    2399 volume = {120-121 "Dossier : La coop{\'e}ration arch{\'e}ologique fran{\c c}aise en Afrique. 1 : Pr{\'e}histoire et protohistoi}, 
     2395journal = {{N}ouvelles de l'{A}rchéologie}, 
     2396volume = {120-121 "Dossier : {L}a coopération archéologique française en {A}frique. 1 : {P}réhistoire et protohistoi}, 
    24002397audience = {nationale}, 
    24012398year = {2010}, 
    24082405loceanteam = {nemo,varclim,phybiocar}, 
    24092406timestamp = {20121107}, 
    2410 title = {The regional coupled system WRF-NEMO over the Mediterranean (MORCE platform): impacts of mesoscale coupled processes on the water budget estimation}, 
     2407title = {{T}he regional coupled system WRF-NEMO over the {M}editerranean (MORCE platform): impacts of mesoscale coupled processes on the water budget estimation}, 
    24112408  author = {{C}indy {L}ebeaupin-{B}rossier and {K}arine {B}éranger  and {P}hilippe {D}robinski and {S}ophie {B}astin and {S}ylvain {M}ailler and {G}uillaume {S}amson and {S}ébastien {M}asson and {G}urvan {M}adec and {S}ophie {V}alcke and {L}aure {C}oquart and {E}ric {M}aisonnave}, 
    2412 language = {Anglais}, 
    2413 affiliation = {Laboratoire de M{\'e}t{\'e}orologie Dynamique - LMD , {\'E}cole Nationale Sup{\'e}rieure de Techniques Avanc{\'e}es - ENSTA ParisTech , Institut Pierre-Simon-Laplace - IPSL , Laboratoire Atmosph{\`e}res, Milieux, Observations Spatiales - LATMOS , {\'E}cole Nationale des Ponts et Chauss{\'e}es , Groupe d'{\'e}tude de l'atmosph{\`e}re m{\'e}t{\'e}orologique - CNRM-GAME , Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN , Centre Europ{\'e}en de Recherche et de Formation Avanc{\'e}e en Calcul Scientifique - CERFACS}, 
    2414 booktitle = {{5th HYMEX (HYdrological cycle Mediterranean EXperiment) Workshop}}, 
    2415 address = {Menorca, Espagne}, 
    2416 audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     2409language = {{A}nglais}, 
     2410affiliation = {{L}aboratoire de {M}étéorologie {D}ynamique - LMD , École {N}ationale {S}upérieure de {T}echniques {A}vancées - ENSTA {P}arisTech , {I}nstitut {P}ierre-{S}imon-{L}aplace - IPSL , {L}aboratoire {A}tmosphères, {M}ilieux, {O}bservations {S}patiales - LATMOS , École {N}ationale des {P}onts et {C}haussées , {G}roupe d'étude de l'atmosphère météorologique - CNRM-GAME , {L}aboratoire d'{O}céanographie et du {C}limat : {E}xpérimentations et {A}pproches {N}umériques - LOCEAN , {C}entre {E}uropéen de {R}echerche et de {F}ormation {A}vancée en {C}alcul {S}cientifique - CERFACS}, 
     2411booktitle = {{5th HYMEX (HYdrological cycle {M}editerranean EXperiment) {W}orkshop}}, 
     2412address = {{M}enorca, {E}spagne}, 
     2413audience = {non spécifiée}, 
    24172414year = {2011}, 
    24242421loceanbibid = {01772}, 
    24252422timestamp = {20121107}, 
    2426 title = {{The role of synoptic scale dryair intrusions on the West African monsoon onset using regional modeling and nudged climate simulations. Application to the monsoon onset of 2006}}, 
     2423title = {{The role of synoptic scale dryair intrusions on the {W}est {A}frican monsoon onset using regional modeling and nudged climate simulations. {A}pplication to the monsoon onset of 2006}}, 
    24272424author = {{S}erge {J}anicot and {E}mmanouil {F}laounas and {S}ophie {B}astin and {R}émy {R}oca and {E}lsa {M}ohino}, 
    2428 language = {Anglais}, 
    2429 affiliation = {Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN , Institut Pierre-Simon-Laplace - IPSL , Laboratoire Atmosph{\`e}res, Milieux, Observations Spatiales - LATMOS , Laboratoire de M{\'e}t{\'e}orologie Dynamique - LMD}, 
    2430 booktitle = {{World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) Open Science Conference}}, 
     2425language = {{A}nglais}, 
     2426affiliation = {{L}aboratoire d'{O}céanographie et du {C}limat : {E}xpérimentations et {A}pproches {N}umériques - LOCEAN , {I}nstitut {P}ierre-{S}imon-{L}aplace - IPSL , {L}aboratoire {A}tmosphères, {M}ilieux, {O}bservations {S}patiales - LATMOS , {L}aboratoire de {M}étéorologie {D}ynamique - LMD}, 
     2427booktitle = {{World {C}limate {R}esearch {P}rogramme (WCRP) {O}pen {S}cience {C}onference}}, 
    24312428pages = {15 p.}, 
    2432 address = {Denver, {\'E}tats-Unis}, 
    2433 audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     2429address = {{D}enver, États-{U}nis}, 
     2430audience = {non spécifiée}, 
    24342431year = {2011}, 
    24412438loceanbibid = {01771}, 
    24422439timestamp = {20121107}, 
    2443 title = {{HyMeX - Model of the Regional Coupled Earth system (MORCE): application to process and climate studies in the Mediterranean region. (poster)}}, 
     2440title = {{HyMeX - {M}odel of the {R}egional {C}oupled {E}arth system (MORCE): application to process and climate studies in the {M}editerranean region. (poster)}}, 
    24442441  author = {{Ph}ilippe {D}robinski and {A}lessandro {A}nav and {C}yndy {L}ebeaupin-{B}rossier and {G}uillaume {S}amson and {M}arc {S}tefanon and {S}ophie {B}astin and {M}élika {B}aklouti and {K}arine {B}eranger and {J}onathan {B}euvier and {R}omain {B}ourdalle-{B}adief and {L}aure {C}oquart and {F}abio D'{A}ndrea and {N}athalie de {N}oblet and {F}rédéric {D}iaz and {J}ean-{C}laude {D}utay and {Ch}ristian {É}thé and {M}arie-{A}lice {F}oujols and {D}mitry {K}hvorostiyanov and {G}urvan {M}adec and Éric {M}aisonnave and {M}artial {M}ancip and {S}ébastien {M}asson and {L}aurent {M}enut and {J}ulien {P}almieri and {J}an {P}olcher and {S}ophie {V}alcke and {N}icolas {V}iovy}, 
    2445 language = {Anglais}, 
    2446 affiliation = {Laboratoire de M{\'e}t{\'e}orologie Dynamique - LMD , Groupe d'{\'e}tude de l'atmosph{\`e}re m{\'e}t{\'e}orologique - CNRM-GAME , Laboratoire de l'Atmosph{\`e}re et des Cyclones - LACy , Institut Pierre-Simon-Laplace - IPSL , Laboratoire Atmosph{\`e}res, Milieux, Observations Spatiales - LATMOS , Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie Physique et Biog{\'e}ochimique - LOPB , {\'E}cole Nationale Sup{\'e}rieure de Techniques Avanc{\'e}es - ENSTA ParisTech , Unit{\'e} de M{\'e}canique - UME , Laboratoire d'informatique pour la mecanique et les sciences de l'ingenieur , Laboratoire Charles Fabry de l'Institut d'Optique - LCFIO , Laboratoire d'oc{\'e}anographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC , Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN , Centre Europ{\'e}en de Recherche et de Formation Avanc{\'e}e en Calcul Scientifique - CERFACS , Frontier Research Center for Global Change , Laboratoire des sciences du climat et de l'environnement - LSCE}, 
    2447 booktitle = {{WCRP Open Science Conference}}, 
    2448 address = {Denver, {\'E}tats-Unis}, 
    2449 audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     2442language = {{A}nglais}, 
     2443affiliation = {{L}aboratoire de {M}étéorologie {D}ynamique - LMD , {G}roupe d'étude de l'atmosphère météorologique - CNRM-GAME , {L}aboratoire de l'{A}tmosphère et des {C}yclones - LACy , {I}nstitut {P}ierre-{S}imon-{L}aplace - IPSL , {L}aboratoire {A}tmosphères, {M}ilieux, {O}bservations {S}patiales - LATMOS , {L}aboratoire d'{O}céanographie {P}hysique et {B}iogéochimique - LOPB , École {N}ationale {S}upérieure de {T}echniques {A}vancées - ENSTA {P}arisTech , {U}nité de {M}écanique - UME , {L}aboratoire d'informatique pour la mecanique et les sciences de l'ingenieur , {L}aboratoire {C}harles {F}abry de l'{I}nstitut d'{O}ptique - LCFIO , {L}aboratoire d'océanographie dynamique et de climatologie - LODYC , {L}aboratoire d'{O}céanographie et du {C}limat : {E}xpérimentations et {A}pproches {N}umériques - LOCEAN , {C}entre {E}uropéen de {R}echerche et de {F}ormation {A}vancée en {C}alcul {S}cientifique - CERFACS , {F}rontier {R}esearch {C}enter for {G}lobal {C}hange , {L}aboratoire des sciences du climat et de l'environnement - LSCE}, 
     2444booktitle = {{WCRP {O}pen {S}cience {C}onference}}, 
     2445address = {{D}enver, États-{U}nis}, 
     2446audience = {non spécifiée}, 
    24502447year = {2011}, 
    24512448month = oct, 
    24582455loceanbibid = {01770}, 
    24592456timestamp = {20121107}, 
    2460 title = {{Evaluation of the impact of albedo, orography, SST and large scale conditions on the 2006 West African Monsoon onset}}, 
     2457title = {{Evaluation of the impact of albedo, orography, SST and large scale conditions on the 2006 {W}est {A}frican {M}onsoon onset}}, 
    24612458  author = {{E}mmanouil {F}laounas and {S}ophie {B}astin and {S}erge {J}anicot}, 
    2462 language = {Anglais}, 
    2463 affiliation = {Institut Pierre-Simon-Laplace - IPSL , Laboratoire Atmosph{\`e}res, Milieux, Observations Spatiales - LATMOS , Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN}, 
    2464 booktitle = {{3rd International AMMA Conference}}, 
    2465 address = {Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso}, 
    2466 audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     2459language = {{A}nglais}, 
     2460affiliation = {{I}nstitut {P}ierre-{S}imon-{L}aplace - IPSL , {L}aboratoire {A}tmosphères, {M}ilieux, {O}bservations {S}patiales - LATMOS , {L}aboratoire d'{O}céanographie et du {C}limat : {E}xpérimentations et {A}pproches {N}umériques - LOCEAN}, 
     2461booktitle = {{3rd {I}nternational AMMA {C}onference}}, 
     2462address = {{O}uagadougou, {B}urkina {F}aso}, 
     2463audience = {non spécifiée}, 
    24672464year = {2009}, 
    24742471loceanbibid = {01769}, 
    24752472timestamp = {20121107}, 
    2476 title = {{SMOS First Results Successes and Issues: Towards Global Soil Moisture and Sea Sea Salinity Maps}}, 
    2477   author = {{Y}ann {H}. {K}err and {Ph}ilippe {W}aldteufel and {F}. {C}abot and P. Richaume and A. Mahmoodi and Steven Delwart and {J}ean-{P}ierre {W}igneron and {S}. {M}ecklenburg and {N}icolas {R}eul and {J}acqueline {B}outin}, 
    2478 abstract = {{SMOS, a L Band radiometer using aperture synthesis to achieve a good spatial resolution, was successfully launched on November 2, 2009. It was developed and made under the leadership of the European Space Agency (ESA) as an Earth Explorer Opportunity mission. It is a joint program with the Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES) in France and the Centro para el Desarrollo Teccnologico Industrial (CDTI) in Spain. SMOS carries a single payload, an L band 2D interferometric, radiometer in the 1400-1427 MHz h protected band. This wavelength penetrates well through the vegetation and the atmosphere is almost transparent enabling to infer both soil moisture and vegetation water content over land and sea surface salinity over the oceans. SMOS achieves an unprecedented spatial resolution of 50 km at L-band maximum (43 km on average) with multi angular-dual polarized (or fully polarized) brightness temperatures over the globe and with a revisit time smaller than 3 days. SMOS as been now acquiring data for over one year after the end of the commissioning phase. The data quality exceeds what was expected, showing very good sensitivity and stability. The data is however very much impaired by man made emission in the protected band, leading to degraded measurements in several areas including parts of Europe and of China. However, many different international teams are now addressing cal val activities in various parts of the world, with notably large field campaigns either on the long time scale or over specific targets to address the specific issues. These campaigns take place in various parts of the world, in different environments from the Antarctic plateau to the deserts, from rain forests to deep oceans. Actually SMOS is a new sensor making new measurements paving the way to new applications. However it also requires a very fine analysis of the data so as to validate both the approach and the retrieval quality, as well as for monitoring the evolution of the sensor. To achieve such goals it is very important to link efficiently ground measurement to satellite measurements through field campaigns and related airborne acquisitions as well as with other existing sensors. This paper thus gives an overview of the science goals of the SMOS mission, a description of the main mission elements, and a foretaste of the first results including performances at brightness temperature as well as at geophysical parameters. It will include how the grond campaigns were elaborated to address the main cal Val activities accounting for SMOS specificities, in what context they were organized as well as the most significant results.}}, 
    2479 language = {Anglais}, 
    2480 affiliation = {Centre d'{\'e}tudes spatiales de la biosph{\`e}re - CESBIO , Laboratoire Atmosph{\`e}res, Milieux, Observations Spatiales - LATMOS , Institut Pierre-Simon-Laplace - IPSL , Array Systems , European Space Research and Technology Centre - ESTEC , {\'E}cologie fonctionnelle et physique de l'environnement - EPHYSE - UR1263 , European State Research Institute - ESRIN , IFREMER - IFREMER , Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN}, 
    2481 booktitle = {{PIERS Proceedings}}, 
     2473title = {{SMOS {F}irst {R}esults {S}uccesses and {I}ssues: {T}owards {G}lobal {S}oil {M}oisture and {S}ea {S}ea {S}alinity {M}aps}}, 
     2474  author = {{Y}ann {H}. {K}err and {Ph}ilippe {W}aldteufel and {F}. {C}abot and P. {R}ichaume and A. {M}ahmoodi and {S}teven {D}elwart and {J}ean-{P}ierre {W}igneron and {S}. {M}ecklenburg and {N}icolas {R}eul and {J}acqueline {B}outin}, 
     2475abstract = {{SMOS, a L {B}and radiometer using aperture synthesis to achieve a good spatial resolution, was successfully launched on {N}ovember 2, 2009. {I}t was developed and made under the leadership of the {E}uropean {S}pace {A}gency (ESA) as an {E}arth {E}xplorer {O}pportunity mission. {I}t is a joint program with the {C}entre {N}ational d'{E}tudes {S}patiales (CNES) in {F}rance and the {C}entro para el {D}esarrollo {T}eccnologico {I}ndustrial (CDTI) in {S}pain. SMOS carries a single payload, an L band 2D interferometric, radiometer in the 1400-1427 MHz h protected band. {T}his wavelength penetrates well through the vegetation and the atmosphere is almost transparent enabling to infer both soil moisture and vegetation water content over land and sea surface salinity over the oceans. SMOS achieves an unprecedented spatial resolution of 50 km at L-band maximum (43 km on average) with multi angular-dual polarized (or fully polarized) brightness temperatures over the globe and with a revisit time smaller than 3 days. SMOS as been now acquiring data for over one year after the end of the commissioning phase. {T}he data quality exceeds what was expected, showing very good sensitivity and stability. {T}he data is however very much impaired by man made emission in the protected band, leading to degraded measurements in several areas including parts of {E}urope and of {C}hina. {H}owever, many different international teams are now addressing cal val activities in various parts of the world, with notably large field campaigns either on the long time scale or over specific targets to address the specific issues. {T}hese campaigns take place in various parts of the world, in different environments from the {A}ntarctic plateau to the deserts, from rain forests to deep oceans. {A}ctually SMOS is a new sensor making new measurements paving the way to new applications. {H}owever it also requires a very fine analysis of the data so as to validate both the approach and the retrieval quality, as well as for monitoring the evolution of the sensor. {T}o achieve such goals it is very important to link efficiently ground measurement to satellite measurements through field campaigns and related airborne acquisitions as well as with other existing sensors. {T}his paper thus gives an overview of the science goals of the SMOS mission, a description of the main mission elements, and a foretaste of the first results including performances at brightness temperature as well as at geophysical parameters. {I}t will include how the grond campaigns were elaborated to address the main cal {V}al activities accounting for SMOS specificities, in what context they were organized as well as the most significant results.}}, 
     2476language = {{A}nglais}, 
     2477affiliation = {{C}entre d'études spatiales de la biosphère - CESBIO , {L}aboratoire {A}tmosphères, {M}ilieux, {O}bservations {S}patiales - LATMOS , {I}nstitut {P}ierre-{S}imon-{L}aplace - IPSL , {A}rray {S}ystems , {E}uropean {S}pace {R}esearch and {T}echnology {C}entre - ESTEC , Écologie fonctionnelle et physique de l'environnement - EPHYSE - UR1263 , {E}uropean {S}tate {R}esearch {I}nstitute - ESRIN , IFREMER - IFREMER , {L}aboratoire d'{O}céanographie et du {C}limat : {E}xpérimentations et {A}pproches {N}umériques - LOCEAN}, 
     2478booktitle = {{PIERS {P}roceedings}}, 
    24822479pages = {590-593}, 
    2483 address = {Suzhou, Chine}, 
     2480address = {{S}uzhou, {C}hine}, 
    24842481audience = {internationale}, 
    24852482year = {2011}, 
    24922489loceanbibid = {01768}, 
    24932490timestamp = {20121107}, 
    2494 title = {{BEAR, une station de mesure pour l'oc{\'e}an Arctique}}, 
    2495 author = {R. Loisil and {L}aurence {E}ymard and N. Amarouche and J.M. Panel and {A}ntonio {L}ourenço and A. Matulka and {A}lain {W}eill and {F}rédéric {V}ivier and Monique Dechambre and A. Viola and V. Vitale and S. Argentini and H. Kupfer}, 
    2496 abstract = {{Dans le cadre du projet ANR OPTIMISM, une station m{\'e}t{\'e}orologique a {\'e}t{\'e} mise au point afin d'acc{\'e}der au bilan d'{\'e}nergie dans l'oc{\'e}an Arctique via le couplage de cette station avec le syst{\`e}me ICE-T de d{\'e}termination de l'{\'e}paisseur de la glace (Ice Thickness determination). Les premiers essais technologiques et scientifiques de cette station nomm{\'e}e BEAR (Bilan d'{\'e}nergie arctique et recherche) sont d{\'e}crits. Des r{\'e}sultats pr{\'e}liminaires, obtenus lors d'une campagne exp{\'e}rimentale en avril-mai 2010 {\`a} Ny{\AA}lesund (Spitzberg) au-dessus d'une surface de neige/glace, sont notamment pr{\'e}sent{\'e}s et mis en perspective. A meteorological mast was developed in the framework of the OPTIMISM ANR project in order to get the energy budget in the Arctic Ocean when coupled with the ICE-T (Ice Thickness determination) system. First technological and scientific trials of this meteorological mast named the BEAR system (Budget of Energy for Arctic Research) are described. Preliminary results from an experiment at Ny-{\AA}lesund (Spitsbergen) in April-May 2010 over an ice/snow surface are more particularly presented and put into perspective.}}, 
    2497 keywords = {Interaction oc{\'e}an-atmosph{\`e}re; Observation m{\'e}t{\'e}orologique; Oc{\'e}an arctique; R{\'e}chauffement climatique; Fonte des glaciers; Bilan {\'e}nerg{\'e}tique; Vent; Temp{\'e}rature; Rayonnement}, 
    2498 language = {Fran{\c c}ais}, 
    2499 affiliation = {Institut National des Sciences de l'Univers - INSU/SPU , Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN , Groupe d'{\'e}tude de l'atmosph{\`e}re m{\'e}t{\'e}orologique - CNRM-GAME , Laboratoire Atmosph{\`e}res, Milieux, Observations Spatiales - LATMOS , Institut Pierre-Simon-Laplace - IPSL , Istituto di Scienze dell'Atmosfera e del Clima -- CNR}, 
     2491title = {{BEAR, une station de mesure pour l'océan {A}rctique}}, 
     2492author = {{R}. {L}oisil and {L}aurence {E}ymard and N. {A}marouche and J.M. {P}anel and {A}ntonio {L}ourenço and A. {M}atulka and {A}lain {W}eill and {F}rédéric {V}ivier and {M}onique {D}echambre and A. {V}iola and V. {V}itale and S. {A}rgentini and H. {K}upfer}, 
     2493abstract = {{Dans le cadre du projet ANR OPTIMISM, une station météorologique a été mise au point afin d'accéder au bilan d'énergie dans l'océan {A}rctique via le couplage de cette station avec le système ICE-T de détermination de l'épaisseur de la glace (Ice {T}hickness determination). {L}es premiers essais technologiques et scientifiques de cette station nommée BEAR (Bilan d'énergie arctique et recherche) sont décrits. {D}es résultats préliminaires, obtenus lors d'une campagne expérimentale en avril-mai 2010 à {N}yÅlesund (Spitzberg) au-dessus d'une surface de neige/glace, sont notamment présentés et mis en perspective. A meteorological mast was developed in the framework of the OPTIMISM ANR project in order to get the energy budget in the {A}rctic {O}cean when coupled with the ICE-T (Ice {T}hickness determination) system. {F}irst technological and scientific trials of this meteorological mast named the BEAR system (Budget of {E}nergy for {A}rctic {R}esearch) are described. {P}reliminary results from an experiment at {N}y-Ålesund (Spitsbergen) in {A}pril-{M}ay 2010 over an ice/snow surface are more particularly presented and put into perspective.}}, 
     2494keywords = {{I}nteraction océan-atmosphère; {O}bservation météorologique; {O}céan arctique; {R}échauffement climatique; {F}onte des glaciers; {B}ilan énergétique; {V}ent; {T}empérature; {R}ayonnement}, 
     2495language = {{F}rançais}, 
     2496affiliation = {{I}nstitut {N}ational des {S}ciences de l'{U}nivers - INSU/SPU , {L}aboratoire d'{O}céanographie et du {C}limat : {E}xpérimentations et {A}pproches {N}umériques - LOCEAN , {G}roupe d'étude de l'atmosphère météorologique - CNRM-GAME , {L}aboratoire {A}tmosphères, {M}ilieux, {O}bservations {S}patiales - LATMOS , {I}nstitut {P}ierre-{S}imon-{L}aplace - IPSL , {I}stituto di {S}cienze dell'{A}tmosfera e del {C}lima -- CNR}, 
    25002497pages = {23-34}, 
    2501 journal = {La M{\'e}t{\'e}orologie}, 
     2498journal = {{L}a {M}étéorologie}, 
    25022499number = {74}, 
    25032500audience = {internationale}, 
    25112508timestamp = {20121107}, 
    25122509hal_id = {hal-00711272}, 
    2513 title = {{OCARINA : a new platform dedicated to measurements of Air-Sea fluxes}}, 
    2514 author = {Denis Bourras and Christophe Caudoux and Lucio Baggio and E. Luisset and Pierre Gilbert and Jean-Pierre Pineau and Jean-Jacques Correia and N. Geyskens and A. Clémençon and H. Branger and {L}aurent {M}ortier and {G}illes {R}everdin and L. Marié and Alain Weill and M. Berthet and A. Mironov}, 
    2515 abstract = {{OCARINA (Ocean Coupled with Atmosphere : Recherche Instrumentale sur Navire Annexe) is a small moving platform deployed from a research vessel. Turbulent fluxes, radiation fluxes, and wave state can all be derived from the instruments embedded on OCARINA, which include a sonic anemometer, an inertial platform, a CT probe, and other sensors. OCARINA was recently deployed during the FROMVAR experiment in Mer d'Iroise. It was successfully operated in winds up to 12 m/s and waves up to 4 m. The platform and datasets will be presented. Turbulent fluxes estimated with OCARINA data will be compared to data collected on the host vessel.}}, 
    2516 language = {Anglais}, 
    2517 affiliation = {Institut Pierre-Simon-Laplace - IPSL , Laboratoire Atmosph{\`e}res, Milieux, Observations Spatiales - LATMOS , Institut National des Sciences de l'Univers - INSU/SPU , Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN , Laboratoire de physique des oc{\'e}ans - LPO}, 
    2518 booktitle = {{EGU General Assembly 2012}}, 
    2519 address = {Vienna, Autriche}, 
    2520 audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     2510title = {{OCARINA : a new platform dedicated to measurements of {A}ir-{S}ea fluxes}}, 
     2511author = {{D}enis {B}ourras and {C}hristophe {C}audoux and {L}ucio {B}aggio and E. {L}uisset and {P}ierre {G}ilbert and {J}ean-{P}ierre {P}ineau and {J}ean-{J}acques {C}orreia and N. {G}eyskens and A. {C}lémençon and H. {B}ranger and {L}aurent {M}ortier and {G}illes {R}everdin and L. {M}arié and {A}lain {W}eill and M. {B}erthet and A. {M}ironov}, 
     2512abstract = {{OCARINA (Ocean {C}oupled with {A}tmosphere : {R}echerche {I}nstrumentale sur {N}avire {A}nnexe) is a small moving platform deployed from a research vessel. {T}urbulent fluxes, radiation fluxes, and wave state can all be derived from the instruments embedded on OCARINA, which include a sonic anemometer, an inertial platform, a CT probe, and other sensors. OCARINA was recently deployed during the FROMVAR experiment in {M}er d'{I}roise. {I}t was successfully operated in winds up to 12 m/s and waves up to 4 m. {T}he platform and datasets will be presented. {T}urbulent fluxes estimated with OCARINA data will be compared to data collected on the host vessel.}}, 
     2513language = {{A}nglais}, 
     2514affiliation = {{I}nstitut {P}ierre-{S}imon-{L}aplace - IPSL , {L}aboratoire {A}tmosphères, {M}ilieux, {O}bservations {S}patiales - LATMOS , {I}nstitut {N}ational des {S}ciences de l'{U}nivers - INSU/SPU , {L}aboratoire d'{O}céanographie et du {C}limat : {E}xpérimentations et {A}pproches {N}umériques - LOCEAN , {L}aboratoire de physique des océans - LPO}, 
     2515booktitle = {{EGU {G}eneral {A}ssembly 2012}}, 
     2516address = {{V}ienna, {A}utriche}, 
     2517audience = {non spécifiée}, 
    25212518year = {2012}, 
    25282525timestamp = {20121107}, 
    25292526hal_id = {hal-00712716}, 
    2530 title = {{Investigation of the ocean-atmosphere-continent coupling in the Gulf of Guinea and West Africa at intraseasonal timescales in boreal spring and summer with a regional atmospheric model (WRF)}}, 
     2527title = {{Investigation of the ocean-atmosphere-continent coupling in the {G}ulf of {G}uinea and {W}est {A}frica at intraseasonal timescales in boreal spring and summer with a regional atmospheric model (WRF)}}, 
    25312528author = {{R}émi {M}eynadier and {G}aëlle {{d}e {C}oëtlogon} and {M}arion {L}educ-{L}eballeur and {S}ophie {B}astin and {A}nne-{C}harlotte {P}eter and {S}erge {J}anicot and {O}livier {B}ock and {C}yrille {F}lamant}, 
    2532 abstract = {{Using 2000-2009 satellite data (Reynolds for SST and QuikSCAT for surface winds), a strong ocean-atmosphere coupling was put in evidence in the equatorial region (northern front) of the Tropical Atlantic cold tongue, implying surface winds and sea surface temperature (SST): a cold (respectively warm) SST anomaly strengthens (weakens) southerlies between the Equator and the Guinean coast during a few days. Similar investigations with ERA-Interim and NCEP-CFSR reanalyses emphasized the significant contribution of these wind fluctuations to the triggering of the Guinean coastal rainfall in spring. In this study, mechanisms at stake behind the statistical results are investigated by using a regional atmospheric model, WRF (Weather Research and Forecasting) with horizontal resolution of 50 km for the period April-July 2006. First, the influence of the SST on the spring and summer precipitation is quantified through the analysis of the moisture flux convergence over the continent. Then, some hints of a potential feedback from the changing continental surface (under rainy conditions) over the regional atmospheric circulation are shown , likely involving the southward low-level atmospheric circulation (or Shallow Meridional Circulation), subsidence over the Gulf of Guinea and then surface southerlies again, closing an active loop of ocean-atmosphere-continent interaction.}}, 
    2533 language = {Anglais}, 
    2534 affiliation = {Institut Pierre-Simon-Laplace - IPSL , Laboratoire Atmosph{\`e}res, Milieux, Observations Spatiales - LATMOS , Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN , Laboratoire de Recherche en G{\'e}od{\'e}sie, IGN - LAREG , Universit{\'e} Paris 6, Pierre et Marie Curie - UPMC}, 
    2535 booktitle = {{EGU General Assembly 2012}}, 
    2536 address = {Vienna, Autriche}, 
    2537 audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     2529abstract = {{Using 2000-2009 satellite data (Reynolds for SST and {Q}uikSCAT for surface winds), a strong ocean-atmosphere coupling was put in evidence in the equatorial region (northern front) of the {T}ropical {A}tlantic cold tongue, implying surface winds and sea surface temperature (SST): a cold (respectively warm) SST anomaly strengthens (weakens) southerlies between the {E}quator and the {G}uinean coast during a few days. {S}imilar investigations with ERA-{I}nterim and NCEP-CFSR reanalyses emphasized the significant contribution of these wind fluctuations to the triggering of the {G}uinean coastal rainfall in spring. {I}n this study, mechanisms at stake behind the statistical results are investigated by using a regional atmospheric model, WRF (Weather {R}esearch and {F}orecasting) with horizontal resolution of 50 km for the period {A}pril-{J}uly 2006. {F}irst, the influence of the SST on the spring and summer precipitation is quantified through the analysis of the moisture flux convergence over the continent. {T}hen, some hints of a potential feedback from the changing continental surface (under rainy conditions) over the regional atmospheric circulation are shown , likely involving the southward low-level atmospheric circulation (or {S}hallow {M}eridional {C}irculation), subsidence over the {G}ulf of {G}uinea and then surface southerlies again, closing an active loop of ocean-atmosphere-continent interaction.}}, 
     2530language = {{A}nglais}, 
     2531affiliation = {{I}nstitut {P}ierre-{S}imon-{L}aplace - IPSL , {L}aboratoire {A}tmosphères, {M}ilieux, {O}bservations {S}patiales - LATMOS , {L}aboratoire d'{O}céanographie et du {C}limat : {E}xpérimentations et {A}pproches {N}umériques - LOCEAN , {L}aboratoire de {R}echerche en {G}éodésie, IGN - LAREG , {U}niversité {P}aris 6, {P}ierre et {M}arie {C}urie - UPMC}, 
     2532booktitle = {{EGU {G}eneral {A}ssembly 2012}}, 
     2533address = {{V}ienna, {A}utriche}, 
     2534audience = {non spécifiée}, 
    25382535year = {2012}, 
    25452542timestamp = {20121107}, 
    25462543hal_id = {hal-00723829}, 
    2547 title = {The role of synoptic dry-air intrusions on the West African monsoon onset using observations and nudged climate simulations. Application to the monsoon onset of 2006}, 
     2544title = {{T}he role of synoptic dry-air intrusions on the {W}est {A}frican monsoon onset using observations and nudged climate simulations. {A}pplication to the monsoon onset of 2006}, 
    25482545author = {{E}mmanouil {F}laounas and {S}erge {J}anicot and {S}ophie {B}astin and {R}émy {R}oca and {E}lsa {M}ohino}, 
    2549 language = {Anglais}, 
    2550 affiliation = {Institut Pierre-Simon-Laplace - IPSL , Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN , Laboratoire Atmosph{\`e}res, Milieux, Observations Spatiales - LATMOS , Laboratoire de M{\'e}t{\'e}orologie Dynamique - LMD}, 
    2551 booktitle = {{4th AMMA International Conference}}, 
    2552 address = {Toulouse, France}, 
    2553 audience = {non sp{\'e}cifi{\'e}e}, 
     2546language = {{A}nglais}, 
     2547affiliation = {{I}nstitut {P}ierre-{S}imon-{L}aplace - IPSL , {L}aboratoire d'{O}céanographie et du {C}limat : {E}xpérimentations et {A}pproches {N}umériques - LOCEAN , {L}aboratoire {A}tmosphères, {M}ilieux, {O}bservations {S}patiales - LATMOS , {L}aboratoire de {M}étéorologie {D}ynamique - LMD}, 
     2548booktitle = {{4th AMMA {I}nternational {C}onference}}, 
     2549address = {{T}oulouse, {F}rance}, 
     2550audience = {non spécifiée}, 
    25542551year = {2012}, 
    25552552month = jun, 
    25612558loceanbibid = {01764}, 
    25622559timestamp = {20121107}, 
    2563 Author = {Simon Ruiz and Bartolome Garau and Miguel Martinez-Ledesma and Benjamin Casas and Ananda Pascual and Guillermo Vizoso and Jerome Bouffard and Emma Heslop and Alberto Alvarez and {P}ierre {T}estor and Joaquin Tintore}, 
    2564 Title = {New technologies for marine research: five years of glider activities at IMEDEA}, 
     2560Author = {{S}imon {R}uiz and {B}artolome {G}arau and {M}iguel {M}artinez-{L}edesma and {B}enjamin {C}asas and {A}nanda {P}ascual and {G}uillermo {V}izoso and {J}erome {B}ouffard and {E}mma {H}eslop and {A}lberto {A}lvarez and {P}ierre {T}estor and {J}oaquin {T}intore}, 
     2561Title = {{N}ew technologies for marine research: five years of glider activities at IMEDEA}, 
    25652562Journal = {SCIENTIA MARINA}, 
    25662563Year = {2012}, 
    2575 Author = {Evan Mason and {F}rançois {C}olas and Josep L. Pelegri}, 
    2576 Title = {A Lagrangian study tracing water parcel origins in the Canary Upwelling 
     2572Author = {{E}van {M}ason and {F}rançois {C}olas and {J}osep L. {P}elegri}, 
     2573Title = {{A} {L}agrangian study tracing water parcel origins in the {C}anary {U}pwelling 
    25782575Journal = {SCIENTIA MARINA}, 
    25942591loceanbibid = {01762}, 
    25952592timestamp = {20121107}, 
    2596 Author = {Meaghan K. Gorman and Terrence M. Quinn and Frederick W. Taylor and Judson W. Partin  and {G}uy {C}abioch and James A. Jr Austin and Bernard Pelletier and Valerie Ballu and Christophe Maes and Steffen Saustrup}, 
    2597 Title = {A coral-based reconstruction of sea surface salinity at Sabine Bank, Vanuatu from 1842 to 2007 CE}, 
     2593Author = {{M}eaghan K. {G}orman and {T}errence M. {Q}uinn and {F}rederick W. {T}aylor and {J}udson W. {P}artin  and {G}uy {C}abioch and {J}ames A. {J}r {A}ustin and {B}ernard {P}elletier and {V}alerie {B}allu and {C}hristophe {M}aes and {S}teffen {S}austrup}, 
     2594Title = {{A} coral-based reconstruction of sea surface salinity at {S}abine {B}ank, {V}anuatu from 1842 to 2007 CE}, 
    25982595Journal = {PALEOCEANOGRAPHY}, 
    25992596Year = {2012}, 
    2606 @article{Oliveira-SilvaBarbosaEtAl:MM:2012, 
    26092606loceanbibid = {01761}, 
    26102607timestamp = {20121107}, 
    2611 Author = {Patricia Oliveira-Silva and Catia Fernandes Barbosa and Carine Machado de Almeida and Jose Carlos Sicoli Seoane and Renato Campello Cordeiro and {B}runo {T}urcq and Abilio Soares-Gomes}, 
    2612 Title = {Sedimentary geochemistry and foraminiferal assemblages in coral reef assessment of Abrolhos, Southwest Atlantic}, 
     2608Author = {{P}atricia {O}liveira-{S}ilva and {C}atia {F}ernandes {B}arbosa and {C}arine {M}achado de {A}lmeida and {J}ose {C}arlos {S}icoli {S}eoane and {R}enato {C}ampello {C}ordeiro and {B}runo {T}urcq and {A}bilio {S}oares-{G}omes}, 
     2609Title = {{S}edimentary geochemistry and foraminiferal assemblages in coral reef assessment of {A}brolhos, {S}outhwest {A}tlantic}, 
    26132610Journal = {MARINE MICROPALEONTOLOGY}, 
    26142611Year = {2012}, 
    26242621loceanbibid = {01760}, 
    26252622timestamp = {20121107}, 
    2626 Author = {B. Dewitte and J. Vazquez-Cuervo and K. Goubanova and S. Illig and K. Takahashi and G. Cambon and S. Purca and D. Correa and D. Gutierrez and {A}bdelfettah {S}ifeddine and {L}uc {O}rtlieb}, 
    2627 Title = {Change in El Nino flavours over 1958-2008: Implications for the long-term trend of the upwelling off Peru}, 
     2623Author = {{B}. {D}ewitte and J. {V}azquez-{C}uervo and K. {G}oubanova and S. {I}llig and K. {T}akahashi and G. {C}ambon and S. {P}urca and D. {C}orrea and D. {G}utierrez and {A}bdelfettah {S}ifeddine and {L}uc {O}rtlieb}, 
     2624Title = {{C}hange in {E}l {N}ino flavours over 1958-2008: {I}mplications for the long-term trend of the upwelling off {P}eru}, 
    26292626Year = {2012}, 
    26342631DOI = {10.1016/j.dsr2.2012.04.011}, 
    26352632ISSN = {0967-0645}, 
    2636 Journal-ISO = {Deep-Sea Res. Part II-Top. Stud. Oceanogr.}, 
     2633Journal-ISO = {{D}eep-{S}ea {R}es. {P}art II-{T}op. {S}tud. {O}ceanogr.}, 
    2640 Author = {{R}enato {S}alvatteci and David B. Field and Timothy Baumgartner and Vicente Ferreira and Dimitri Gutierrez, Dimitri}, 
    2641 Title = {Evaluating fish scale preservation in sediment records from the oxygen minimum zone off Peru}, 
    2642 Journal = {Paleobiology}, 
     2637Author = {{R}enato {S}alvatteci and {D}avid B. {F}ield and {T}imothy {B}aumgartner and {V}icente {F}erreira and {D}imitri {G}utierrez, {D}imitri}, 
     2638Title = {{E}valuating fish scale preservation in sediment records from the oxygen minimum zone off {P}eru}, 
     2639Journal = {{P}aleobiology}, 
    26432640Year = {2012}, 
    26442641Volume = {38}, 
    26592656loceanbibid = {01758}, 
    26602657timestamp = {20121106}, 
    2661 title = {Weighted Hierarchical Mixed Topological Map: une m{\'e}thode de classification hi{\'e}rarchique {\`a} deux niveaux}, 
    2662 author = {Mory Ouattara and Nd{\`e}ye Niang and {S}ylvie {T}hiria and Corinne Mandin and {F}ouad {B}adran}, 
    2663 language = {Fran{\c c}ais}, 
    2664 affiliation = {Centre d'Etude et De Recherche en Informatique du Cnam - CEDRIC , Centre Scientifique et Technique du B{\^a}timent - CSTB , Laboratoire d'Oc{\'e}anographie et du Climat : Exp{\'e}rimentations et Approches Num{\'e}riques - LOCEAN}, 
     2658title = {{W}eighted {H}ierarchical {M}ixed {T}opological {M}ap: une méthode de classification hiérarchique à deux niveaux}, 
     2659author = {{M}ory {O}uattara and {N}dèye {N}iang and {S}ylvie {T}hiria and {C}orinne {M}andin and {F}ouad {B}adran}, 
     2660language = {{F}rançais}, 
     2661affiliation = {{C}entre d'{E}tude et {D}e {R}echerche en {I}nformatique du {C}nam - CEDRIC , {C}entre {S}cientifique et {T}echnique du Bâtiment - CSTB , {L}aboratoire d'{O}céanographie et du {C}limat : {E}xpérimentations et {A}pproches {N}umériques - LOCEAN}, 
    26652662booktitle = {{EGC '2012}}, 
    26662663pages = {10}, 
    2667 address = {bordeaux, France}, 
    2668 journal = {Fouille de Donn{\'e}es Complexes, complexit{\'e} li{\'e}e aux donn{\'e}es multiples et massives (FDC)}, 
     2664address = {{B}ordeaux, {F}rance}, 
     2665journal = {{F}ouille de {D}onnées {C}omplexes, complexité liée aux données multiples et massives (FDC)}, 
    26692666volume = {12}, 
    26702667audience = {nationale}, 
    26822679  loceanteam = {phybiocar}, 
    26832680abstract = {{RATIONALE}: {I}n ecological studies of wildlife movements and foraging, bio-logging and isotopic data are routinely collected and increasingly analyzed in tandem. {S}uch analyses have two shortcomings: (1) small sample size linked with the number of telemetric tags that can be deployed, and (2) the observational nature of isotopic gradients. {W}ildlife ecologists are thus put in a statistical conundrum known as the small n, large p problem. METHODS: {U}sing shrinkage regression, which directly addresses the issue of accurately estimating effects from sparse data, we studied what counts as a biologically meaningful isotopic difference (a prerequisite to delineate isoscapes) in the southern elephant seal (Mirounga leonina), a large and elusive marine predator. RESULTS: {S}eals foraging in {A}ntarctic waters had a lower carbon isotopic value (by 2\%) than seals foraging either in the interfrontal zone or on the {K}erguelen {P}lateau. {T}he latter two foraging strategies were indistinguishable on the sole basis of d13C values with our data. CONCLUSIONS: {S}hrinkage regression is a conservative statistical technique that has wide applicability in isotopic ecology to help separate robust biological signals from noise}, 
    2684 language = {Anglais}, 
     2681language = {{A}nglais}, 
    26852682affiliation = {{C}entre d'études biologiques de {C}hizé - CEBC , {C}entre d'écologie fonctionnelle et évolutive - CEFE , LOCEAN-UPMC}, 
    26862683pages = {2657-2664}, 
    28402837booktitle={{C}ongrès {E}uropean {G}eophysical {U}nion}, 
    2842 address = {Vienna, Autriche}, 
     2839address = {{V}ienna, {A}utriche}, 
    28532850author={{D}oauda {D}iouf and {S}ylvie {T}hiria and {A}wa {N}iang and {J}ulien {B}rajard and {M}ichel {C}répon}, 
    28542851title={{R}etrieving aerosol characteristics from satellite ocean color multi-spectral sensors using a neural-variational method}, 
    2855 booktitle={NCTA 2011 : NCTA- International Conference on Neural Computation Theory and Applications}, 
     2852booktitle={NCTA 2011 : NCTA- {I}nternational {C}onference on {N}eural {C}omputation {T}heory and {A}pplications}, 
    28672864author = {{A}nastase {A}lexandre {C}harantonis and {J}ulien {B}rajard and {C}. {M}oulin and {F}ouad {B}adran and {S}ylvie {T}hiria}, 
    28682865title={{I}nverse method for the retrieval of ocean vertical profiles using self-organizing maps and hidden {M}arkov models - {A}pplication on {O}cean {C}olour {S}atellite {I}mage {I}nversion}, 
    2869 booktitle={NCTA 2011 : NCTA- International Conference on Neural Computation Theory and Applications}, 
     2866booktitle={NCTA 2011 : NCTA- {I}nternational {C}onference on {N}eural {C}omputation {T}heory and {A}pplications}, 
    28822879title={{I}nversion of sea surface data to retrieve the vertical distribution of phytoplankton using a statistical methodology}, 
    28832880booktitle={{C}ongrès {E}uropean {G}eophysical {U}nion}, 
    2884 address = {Vienna, Autriche}, 
     2881address = {{V}ienna, {A}utriche}, 
    28962893author = {{A}nastase {A}lexandre {C}harantonis and {S}ylvie {T}hiria and {C}. {M}oulin}, 
    28972894title={{I}nfering the {C}hlorophyll-A {V}ertical {D}istribution in the {O}cean {F}rom {S}atellite {D}ata by {U}sing {H}idden {M}arkov {M}odels and {S}elf {O}rganizing {M}aps}, 
    2898 booktitle={American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting}, 
     2895booktitle={{A}merican {M}eteorological {S}ociety {A}nnual {M}eeting}, 
    28992896address={{L}a {N}ouvelle {O}rléans}, 
    29102907author = {{M}ohamed {B}errada and {F}ouad {B}adran and {M}ichel {C}répon and {S}ylvie {T}hiria}, 
    29112908title={A SOM-PCA {M}odel for {I}nverting {S}halow-{W}ater {A}coustic {D}ata}, 
    2912 booktitle={American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting}, 
     2909booktitle={{A}merican {M}eteorological {S}ociety {A}nnual {M}eeting}, 
    29132910address={{L}a {N}ouvelle {O}rléans}, 
    29332930timestamp = {20121015}, 
    2935 address = {Vienna, Autriche}, 
     2932address = {{V}ienna, {A}utriche}, 
    30323029abstract = {{N}ortheast {B}razil represents a key area in terms of {H}olocene environmental changes in {S}outh {A}merica due to its distinct semi-arid climate at near equatorial latitudes as well as to a wetter {E}arly and {M}iddle {H}olocene paleoclimate in comparison with other {S}outh {A}merica regions, which also experienced a reduced monsoon at that time. {W}e studied the lacustrine sediments of {L}ake {B}oqueirão, which is located at 5°S latitude on the {B}razilian {A}tlantic coast; it is directly influenced by displacement of the {I}ntertropical {C}onvergence {Z}one (ITCZ). A short (1 m) core "Boqc0701" was collected at a 7.5 m water depth during a seismic survey. {O}rganic matter (OM) geochemical [Rock {E}val {T}otal {O}rganic {C}arbon (TOC), {H}ydrogen {I}ndex (HI), {O}xygen {I}ndex (OI)] and petrographical studies allowed us to distinguish five sedimentary intervals during the last 3 kyrs. {P}hase E (3000 to 2050 cal yr BP) presents the largest TOC, HI and OI fluctuations in the entire core. {T}he most probable cause of these variations is a great instability in the lake level during this period. {P}hase D (2050 to 1830 cal yr BP) is marked by an increase in sedimentation rate and a higher contribution from a well-preserved OM with an algal origin; this was interpreted as a higher and more stable lake level. {D}uring phase C (1830 to 1550 cal yrs BP), low HI and high OI indicate the input of more oxidized, degraded and detrital OM, reflecting a lower lake level. {I}n phase B (1550 to 1470 cal yr BP), the OM quality and quantity (HI and TOC) indicate an algal contribution. {D}uring phase A (1470 to 570 cal yr BP), the high stability of the proxies may be due to a deep environment where OM fluctuations are strongly buffered. {T}hese changes in lake level can be compared with other tropical {S}outh {A}merica high resolution records. A correspondence seems to exist between phases of low ENSO, cool {N}orth {A}tlantic {O}cean and {B}oqueirão wet phases. {W}e did not encounter this same pattern during the last 1050 yaers, during which the 1050-570 cal yrs BP interval was generally wet (although probable fluctuations are buffered in our proxies) while the {N}orth {A}tlantic was warm (Mann et al., 2009). A prolonged dryness occurred in {L}ake {B}oqueirão from 570 cal yrs BP until recent decades. {T}his phase corresponds to the {L}ittle {I}ce {A}ge characterized by a cooler {N}orth {A}tlantic {O}cean (Mann et al., 2009). {T}hese data indicate that the teleconnection pattern between the tropical {A}tlantic, ENSO and {N}ortheast {B}razil rainfalls has changed in the past.}, 
    30333030keywords = {{R}ock-{E}val, organic petrography, macrophytes, algal, intertropical convergence.}, 
    3034 language = {Anglais}, 
     3031language = {{A}nglais}, 
    30353032affiliation = {{I}nstitut des {S}ciences de la {T}erre d'{O}rléans - ISTO , LMI "PALEOTRACES" , {L}aboratoire d'{O}céanographie et du {C}limat : {E}xpérimentations et {A}pproches {N}umériques - LOCEAN , {D}epartamento de {G}eoquìmica , {D}epartamento de {G}eoquimica - DEPARTAMENTO DE GEOQUIMICA}, 
    30363033pages = {24 p.}, 
    30473044title = {{I}mpact of the air-sea coupling in the {G}ulf of {G}uinea on the {G}uinean coastal water cycle in boreal spring}, 
    30483045author = {{R}émi {M}eynadier and {G}aëlle {{d}e {C}oëtlogon} and {L}aurence {E}ymard and {M}arion {L}educ-{L}eballeur and {S}ophie {B}astin and {S}erge {J}anicot and {O}livier {B}ock and {C}yrille {F}lamant}, 
    3049 language = {Anglais}, 
     3046language = {{A}nglais}, 
    30503047affiliation = {{I}nstitut {P}ierre-{S}imon-{L}aplace - IPSL , {L}aboratoire {A}tmosphères, {M}ilieux, {O}bservations {S}patiales - LATMOS , {U}niversité {P}aris 6, {P}ierre et {M}arie {C}urie - UPMC , {L}aboratoire d'{O}céanographie et du {C}limat : {E}xpérimentations et {A}pproches {N}umériques - LOCEAN , {L}aboratoire de {R}echerche en {G}éodésie, IGN - LAREG}, 
    30513048booktitle = {4th {AMMA} {I}nternational {C}onference}, 
    30653062title = {{A}ir-sea interaction in the {G}ulf of {G}uinea at intraseasonal timescales : A quasi-biweekly oscillation in the eastern equatorial {A}tlantic}, 
    3066 language = {Anglais}, 
     3063language = {{A}nglais}, 
    30673064affiliation = {{I}nstitut {P}ierre-{S}imon-{L}aplace - IPSL , {L}aboratoire {A}tmosphères, {M}ilieux, {O}bservations {S}patiales - LATMOS , {U}niversité {P}aris 6, {P}ierre et {M}arie {C}urie - UPMC , {L}aboratoire d'{O}céanographie et du {C}limat : {E}xpérimentations et {A}pproches {N}umériques - LOCEAN}, 
    30683065booktitle = {4th {AMMA} {I}nternational {C}onference}, 
    30813078journal = {{Z}ooKeys}, 
    30823079publisher = {{P}ensoft {P}ublishers}, 
    3083 title = {A revision of the genus {K}aszabister {M}azur (Histeridae, Histerinae, {E}xosternini)}, 
     3080title = {{A} revision of the genus {K}aszabister {M}azur (Histeridae, Histerinae, {E}xosternini)}, 
    30843081year = {2012}, 
    30853082month = jun, 
    34473444author = {{A}nna {L}ourantou}, 
    3448 title={Islands of the subantarctic region}, 
     3445title={{I}slands of the subantarctic region}, 
    34493446booktitle={{S}outhern {O}cean SOCAT meeting}, 
    34503447year = {2010}, 
    5308   author = {{K}. {N}isha and {M}atthieu {L}engaigne and {V}. {V}. {G}opalakrishna and {J}érôme {V}ialard and {S}téphane {P}ous and {A}nne-{C}harlotte {P}eter and {F}. {D}urand {S}. {N}aik}, 
     5305  author = {{K}. {N}isha and {M}atthieu {L}engaigne and {V}. {V}. {G}opalakrishna and {J}érôme {V}ialard and {S}téphane {P}ous and {A}nne-{C}harlotte {P}eter and {F}. {D}urand and {S}. {N}aik}, 
    53095306  title = {{P}rocesse of summer intraseasonal sea surface temperature variability along the coasts of {I}ndia}, 
    53105307  note = {submitted}, 
    6030   author = {{M}aria CES {B}arros and {T}atiane {GCM} {G}alasso and {A}ntônio JM {C}haib and {N}icolas {D}egallier and {T}atsuya {N}agata and {B}ergmann {M}. {R}ibeiro}, 
     6027  author = {{M}aria CES {B}arros and {T}atiane {GCM} {G}alasso and {A}ntônio JM {C}haib and {N}icolas {D}égallier and {T}atsuya {N}agata and {B}ergmann {M}. {R}ibeiro}, 
    60316028  title = {{Y}ellow fever virus envelope protein expressed in insect cells is capable of syncytium formation in lepidopteran cells and could be used for immuno detection of {YFV} in human sera}, 
    60326029  journal = {{V}irology {J}ournal}, 
    70947091  year = {2011}, 
    70957092  pages = {291-292}, 
    7096   affiliation = {{C}entre d'études biologiques de {C}hizé - CEBC , Département {M}ilieux 
     7093  affiliation = {{C}entre d'études biologiques de {C}hizé - CEBC , {D}épartement {M}ilieux 
    70977094        et {P}euplements {A}quatiques, MNHN}, 
    70987095  hal_id = {hal-00624588}, 
    7099   language = {English}, 
     7096  language = {{E}nglish}, 
    71007097  loceanbibid = {01551}, 
    71017098  loceanteam= {phybiocar}, 
    97489745  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    97499746  doi = {10.1007/s00382-011-1247-2}, 
    9750   Volume={39}, 
     9747  volume={39}, 
    1118711184  title = {{T}he role of the intra-daily {SST} variability in the {I}ndian monsoon variability and monsoon-{ENSO}-{IOD} relationships in a global coupled model}, 
    1118811185  year = {2012}, 
    11189   Volume={39}, 
     11186  volume={39}, 
    2539825395  aerestype = {PV}, 
    2539925396  aeresteam = {varclim}, 
    25400   loceanaffectation = {ird,Météo-France}, 
     25397  loceanaffectation = {ird,Météo-{F}rance}, 
    2540125398  loceanbibid = {00612}, 
    2540225399  loceanteam = {varclim}, 
    2610826105  doi = {10.1007/s00382-006-0215-8}, 
    2610926106  language = {{A}nglais}, 
    26110   loceanaffectation = {ird,Météo-France}, 
     26107  loceanaffectation = {ird,Météo-{F}rance}, 
    2611126108  loceanbibid = {00582}, 
    2611226109  loceanteam={varclim}, 
    2728227279  doi = {10.1007/s00382-006-0192-y}, 
    2728327280  language = {{A}nglais}, 
    27284   loceanaffectation = {ird,Météo-France}, 
     27281  loceanaffectation = {ird,Météo-{F}rance}, 
    2728527282  loceanbibid = {00528}, 
    2728627283  loceanteam = {varclim}, 
    3033630333  author = {{L}uciana {C}ontador}, 
    30337   title = {Étude de la structure chimique et microbiologique de linterface air-mer en Baie de Guanabara (Brésil)}, 
     30334  title = {Étude de la structure chimique et microbiologique de linterface air-mer en {B}aie de {G}uanabara (Brésil)}, 
    3033830335  year = {2005}, 
    3033930336  type = {{T}hèse de doctorat}, 
    3217832175  author = {{C}laire {T}reignier}, 
    32179   title = {Apports en matière organique marine et terrigène sur la marge équatoriale ouest africaine : rôle joué par le canyon sous-marin du Zaïre. Approche par les biomarqueurs lipidiques}, 
     32176  title = {{A}pports en matière organique marine et terrigène sur la marge équatoriale ouest africaine : rôle joué par le canyon sous-marin du {Z}aïre. {A}pproche par les biomarqueurs lipidiques}, 
    3218032177  school = {{U}niversité de {P}aris {VI}}, 
    3218132178  year = {2005}, 
    3251032507  author = {{J}acqueline {B}outin and {Ph}ilippe {W}aldteufel and {N}icolas {M}artin and {G}érard {C}audal and {E}mmanuel {D}innat}, 
    32511   title = {Surface Salinity Retrieved from SMOS Measurements over the Global Ocean: Imprecisions Due to Sea Surface Roughness and Temperature Uncertainties}, 
     32508  title = {{S}urface {S}alinity {R}etrieved from SMOS {M}easurements over the {G}lobal {O}cean: {I}mprecisions {D}ue to {S}ea {S}urface {R}oughness and {T}emperature {U}ncertainties}, 
    3251232509  journal = {{J}ournal of {A}tmospheric and {O}ceanic {T}echnology}, 
    3251332510  year = {2004}, 
    3377433771  timestamp = {20120419}, 
    3377533772  hal_id = {hal-00153947}, 
    33776 comment = {20121115 : mauvais ordre auteurs dans hal hal-00153947  Laurent Mortier <>}, 
     33773comment = {20121115 : mauvais ordre auteurs dans hal hal-00153947  {L}aurent {M}ortier <>}, 
    3418934186  hal_id={hal-00155070}, 
    3419034187  comment = {20121114 : ++ compléter prénom dans hal}, 
    34191   comment = {20121114 : mauvaise liste auteur dans doublon hal-00270746 de Francoise Cudennec <>}, 
     34188  comment = {20121114 : mauvaise liste auteur dans doublon hal-00270746 de {F}rancoise {C}udennec <>}, 
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