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04/10/13 12:22:11 (11 years ago)

new published ref

1 edited


  • branches/bibliolocean/data/biblioref.bib

    r315 r316  
    1818  phybiocartheme = {2}, 
    1919  pmid = {23135676}, 
     20  timestamp = {20120419} 
     24  author = {{G}uillaume {C}harria and {P}ascale {L}azure and {B}ernard {{L}e {C}ann} and {A}lain {S}erpette and {G}illes {R}everdin and {S}téphanie {L}ouazel and {F}rançois {B}atifoulier and {F}ranck {D}umas and {A}nnick {P}ichon and {Y}ves {M}orel}, 
     25  title = {{S}urface layer circulation derived from subsurface {L}agrangian drifters in the {B}ay of {B}iscay}, 
     26  journal = {{J}ournal of {M}arine {S}ystems}, 
     27  year = {2013}, 
     28  volume = {109-110}, 
     29  pages = {S60-S76}, 
     30  aeresteam = {surf}, 
     31  aerestype = {ACL}, 
     32  doi = {10.1016/j.jmarsys.2011.09.015}, 
     33  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
     34  loceanbibid = {01401}, 
     35  loceanteam = {surf}, 
    2036  timestamp = {20120419} 
     88  author = {{J}ean-{Ph}ilippe {D}uvel and {H}ugo {B}ellenger and {G}illes {B}ellon and {M}arine {R}emaud}, 
     89  title = {{A}n event-to-event assessment of tropical intraseasonal perturbations for general circulation models}, 
     90  journal = {{C}limate {D}ynamics}, 
     91  year = {2013}, 
     92  volume = {40}, 
     93  pages = {857-873}, 
     94  number = {3-4}, 
     95  ads = {2013ClDy...40..857D}, 
     96  aeresteam = {varclim}, 
     97  aerestype = {ACL}, 
     98  doi = {10.1007/s00382-012-1303-6}, 
     99  loceanbibid = {01541}, 
     100  loceanteam = {varclim}, 
     101  timestamp = {20120419} 
    72105  author = {Jean-Louis Dufresne and Marie-Alice Foujols and Sébastien Denvil and A. Caubel and Olivier Marti and Olivier Aumont and Y. Balkanski and Slimane Bekki and {H}ugo {B}ellenger and {R}achid {B}enshila and Sandrine Bony and Laurent Bopp and Pascale Braconnot and Patrick Brockmann and Patricia Cadule and F. Cheruy and Francis Codron and Anne Cozic and David Cugnet and Nathalie De Noblet and Jean-Philippe Duvel and {C}hristian {É}thé and Laurent Fairhead and T. Fichefet and {S}imona {F}lavoni and Pierre Friedlingstein and Jean-Yves Grandpeix and L. Guez and {É}ric {G}uilyardi and Didier Hauglustaine and Frédéric Hourdin and A. Idelkadi and J. Ghattas and Sylvie Joussaume and M. Kageyama and G. Krinner and {S}onia {L}abetoulle and A. Lahellec and M.-P. Lefebvre and Franck Lefèvre and {C}laire {L}évy and Z.X. Li and J. Lloyd and François Lott and {G}urvan {M}adec and Martial Mancip and Marion Marchand and {S}ébastien {M}asson and Yann Meurdesoif and {J}uliette {M}ignot and I. Musat and S. Parouty and J. Polcher and C. Rio and M. Schulz and D. Swingedouw and S. Szopa and {C}laude {T}alandier and {P}ascal {T}erray and N. Viovy and N. Vuichard}, 
    451 @UNPUBLISHED{ArnaultMeliceEtAl:MG:2012inpress, 
    452485  author = {{S}abine {A}rnault and {J}ean-{L}uc {M}élice}, 
    453486  title = {{I}nvestigation of the interannual variability of the tropical {A}tlantic {O}cean from satellite data}, 
    454   note = {in press}, 
     487  journal = {{M}arine {G}eodesy}, 
    455488  year = {2012}, 
     489  volume = {35}, 
     490  pages = {151-174}, 
     491  number = {1}, 
     492  note = {OSTM/Jason-2 Applications-Part 3}, 
     493  abstract = {The interannual variability of the tropical Atlantic Ocean is analyzed 
     494        from 1992 to 2011 using statistical decompositions of different satellite 
     495        data such as altimetric series. Three regions of maximum variability 
     496        are highlighted: a northern one, between 10 and 20°N; a southern 
     497        region, along 20°S; and an equatorial region. This variability is 
     498        due to both local and remote wind activity. The teleconnections with 
     499        the tropical Pacific El Niño-Southern Oscillation indicate a possible 
     500        connection of the tropical Atlantic between 10 and 20°N with a 4-month 
     501        delay, and in the Gulf of Guinea with a 16-month delay}, 
    456502  aeresteam = {surf}, 
    457503  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    458   format = {in press}, 
    459   journal = {{M}arine {G}eodesy}, 
     504  doi = {10.1080/01490419.2012.718212}, 
    460505  loceanaffectation = {ird}, 
    461506  loceanbibid = {01478}, 
    989 @UNPUBLISHED{CharriaLazureEtAl:JMS:2012inpress, 
    990   author = {{G}uillaume {C}harria and {P}ascale {L}azure and {B}ernard {{L}e {C}ann} and {A}lain {S}erpette and {G}illes {R}everdin and {S}téphanie {L}ouazel and {F}rançois {B}atifoulier and {F}ranck {D}umas and {A}nnick {P}ichon and {Y}ves {M}orel}, 
    991   title = {{S}urface layer circulation derived from subsurface {L}agrangian drifters in the {B}ay of {B}iscay}, 
    992   note = {in press}, 
    993   year = {2012}, 
    994   aeresteam = {surf}, 
    995   aerestype = {ACL}, 
    996   doi = {10.1016/j.jmarsys.2011.09.015}, 
    997   format = {in press}, 
    998   journal = {{J}ournal of {M}arine {S}ystems}, 
    999   loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    1000   loceanbibid = {01401}, 
    1001   loceanteam = {surf}, 
    1002   timestamp = {20120419} 
    1003 } 
    10061035  author = {{J}acqueline {C}odron and {D}aryl {C}odron and {M}att {S}ponheimer and {K}evin {K}irkman and {K}evin {J}. {D}uffy and {E}rich {J}. {R}aubenheimer and {J}ean-{L}uc {M}élice and {R}ina {G}rant and {M}arcus {C}lauss and {J}ulia {A}. {L}ee-{T}horp}, 
    13941423  loceanteam = {paleoproxus}, 
    13951424  timestamp = {20130102} 
    1396 } 
    1398 @UNPUBLISHED{DuvelBellengerEtAl:CD:2012accepted, 
    1399   author = {{J}ean-{Ph}ilippe {D}uvel and {H}ugo {B}ellenger and {G}. {B}ellon and {M}. {R}emaud}, 
    1400   title = {{A}n event-to-event assessment of tropical intraseasonal perturbations for general circulation models}, 
    1401   note = {accepted}, 
    1402   year = {2012}, 
    1403   aeresteam = {varclim}, 
    1404   aerestype = {ACL}, 
    1405   format = {accepted}, 
    1406   journal = {{C}limate {D}ynamics}, 
    1407   loceanbibid = {01541}, 
    1408   loceanteam = {varclim}, 
    1409   timestamp = {20120419} 
     5487  author = {{N}icolas {D}égallier}, 
     5488  title = {{C}apacidade vetorial: importância na modelagem da transmissão de dengue}, 
     5489  booktitle = {{E}ntomologia médica e veterinária, 2a}, 
     5490  publisher = {{E}ditora {A}theneu {L}tda, {R}io de {J}aneiro.}, 
     5491  year = {2011}, 
     5492  editor = {{CB} {M}arcondes (Ed.)}, 
     5493  series = {Biblioteca Biomédica}, 
     5494  pages = {37-44}, 
     5495  aeresteam = {varclim}, 
     5496  loceanaffectation = {ird}, 
     5497  loceanbibid = {01161}, 
     5498  loceanteam = {varclim}, 
     5499  timestamp = {20120419} 
    54725503  author = {{M}anuëlla {D}elalande and {L}aurent {B}ergonzini and {F}abrizio {G}herardi and {M}assimo {G}uidi and {L}uc {A}ndre and {I}ssah {A}bdallah and {D}avid {W}illiamson}, 
    8240 @CONFERENCE{MartinBoutinEtAl:SMOS:2011, 
    8241   author = {{A}drien {M}artin and {J}acqueline {B}outin and others}, 
    8242   title = {{S}ea {S}urface {S}alinity and {L-band} {R}adiometric {M}easurements in the {G}ulf of {B}iscay : {SMOS} and {CAROLS}}, 
    8243   booktitle = {{SMOS} {S}cience workshop}, 
    8244   year = {2011}, 
    8245   address = {{A}rles, {F}rance}, 
    8246   aeresteam = {surf}, 
    8247   aerestype = {C-COM}, 
    8248   loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    8249   loceanbibid = {01284}, 
    8250   loceanteam = {surf,phybiocar}, 
    8251   timestamp = {20120419} 
    8252 } 
    82558272  author = {{A}drien {M}artin and {J}acqueline {B}outin and {D}anièle {H}auser and {G}illes {R}everdin and {M}ickaël {P}ardé and {M}ehrez {Z}ribi and {P}ascal {F}anise and {M}onique {D}echambre and {X}aobin {Y}in and {J}oseph {T}enerelli and {N}icolas {R}eul}, 
    83008317  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    83018318  loceanbibid = {01281}, 
     8319  loceanteam = {surf,phybiocar}, 
     8320  timestamp = {20120419} 
     8324  author = {{A}drien {M}artin and {J}acqueline {B}outin and others}, 
     8325  title = {{S}ea {S}urface {S}alinity and {L-band} {R}adiometric {M}easurements in the {G}ulf of {B}iscay : {SMOS} and {CAROLS}}, 
     8326  booktitle = {{SMOS} {S}cience workshop}, 
     8327  year = {2011}, 
     8328  address = {{A}rles, {F}rance}, 
     8329  aeresteam = {surf}, 
     8330  aerestype = {C-COM}, 
     8331  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
     8332  loceanbibid = {01284}, 
    83028333  loceanteam = {surf,phybiocar}, 
    83038334  timestamp = {20120419} 
     10287  author = {{X}iaobin {Y}in and {J}acqueline {B}outin and {N}icolas {M}artin and {P}aul {S}purgeon}, 
     10288  title = {{V}alidation of {SMOS} measurements over ocean and improvement of sea surface emissivity model at {L} band}, 
     10289  booktitle = {IGARSS}, 
     10290  year = {2011}, 
     10291  address = {{V}ancouver, {C}anada}, 
     10292  note = {{P}oster}, 
     10293  aeresteam = {surf}, 
     10294  aerestype = {C-ACTI}, 
     10295  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
     10296  loceanbibid = {01216}, 
     10297  loceanteam = {surf,phybiocar}, 
     10298  timestamp = {20120419} 
    1025610302  author = {{X}iaobin {Y}in and {J}acqueline {B}outin and others}, 
    1027810324  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    1027910325  loceanbibid = {01217}, 
    10280   loceanteam = {surf,phybiocar}, 
    10281   timestamp = {20120419} 
    10282 } 
    10284 @CONFERENCE{YinBoutinEtAl:IGARSS:2011, 
    10285   author = {{X}iaobin {Y}in and {J}acqueline {B}outin and {N}icolas {M}artin and {P}aul {S}purgeon}, 
    10286   title = {{V}alidation of {SMOS} measurements over ocean and improvement of sea surface emissivity model at {L} band}, 
    10287   booktitle = {IGARSS}, 
    10288   year = {2011}, 
    10289   address = {{V}ancouver, {C}anada}, 
    10290   note = {{P}oster}, 
    10291   aeresteam = {surf}, 
    10292   aerestype = {C-ACTI}, 
    10293   loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    10294   loceanbibid = {01216}, 
    1029510326  loceanteam = {surf,phybiocar}, 
    1029610327  timestamp = {20120419} 
    1160611637  loceanbibid = {01169}, 
    1160711638  nationality = {{B}résil}, 
    11608   timestamp = {20120419} 
    11609 } 
    11611 @UNPUBLISHED{Degallier:EMV:2010inpress, 
    11612   author = {{N}icolas {D}égallier}, 
    11613   title = {{C}apacidade vetorial: importância na modelagem da transmissão de dengue}, 
    11614   note = {in press}, 
    11615   year = {2010}, 
    11616   aeresteam = {varclim}, 
    11617   booktitle = {{E}ntomologia médica e veterinária, 2a}, 
    11618   editor = {{CB} {M}arcondes (Ed.)}, 
    11619   format = {in press}, 
    11620   loceanaffectation = {ird}, 
    11621   loceanbibid = {01161}, 
    11622   loceanteam = {varclim}, 
    11623   publisher = {{E}ditora {A}theneu {L}tda, {R}io de {J}aneiro.}, 
    1162411639  timestamp = {20120419} 
    17341 @UNPUBLISHED{HannartNaveau:WRR:2009inpress, 
    1734217357  author = {{A}lexis {H}annart and {Ph}ilippe {N}aveau}, 
    1734317358  title = {{B}ayesian multiple change-points and segmentation: application to homogenization of climatic series}, 
    17344   note = {in press}, 
     17359  journal = {{W}ater {R}esources {R}esearch}, 
    1734517360  year = {2009}, 
    17346   format = {in press}, 
    17347   journal = {{W}ater {R}esources {R}esearch}, 
     17361  volume = {45}, 
     17362  pages = {W10444}, 
     17363  number = {10}, 
     17364  doi = {10.1029/2008WR007689}, 
    1734817365  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    1734917366  loceanbibid = {00955}, 
    2408724104  pages = {112-126}, 
    2408824105  number = {2-3}, 
    24089   note = {in press {T}his work was supported by the {ENSEMBLES} {E}uropean 
    24090         project (contract {GOCE}-{CT}-2003-505539) financed by the {E}uropean 
    24091         {C}ommission under the 6th {F}ramework {P}rogramme and by the {CYPRIM} 
    24092         project in the program {ACI} - {FNS} "{A}léas et {C}hangements {G}lobaux" 
     24106  note = {{T}his work was supported by the {ENSEMBLES} {E}uropean project (contract 
     24107        {GOCE}-{CT}-2003-505539) financed by the {E}uropean {C}ommission 
     24108        under the 6th {F}ramework {P}rogramme and by the {CYPRIM} project 
     24109        in the program {ACI} - {FNS} "{A}léas et {C}hangements {G}lobaux" 
    2409324110        of the {M}inistère de l'{E}nseignement et de la {R}echerche (French 
    2409424111        {R}esearch {D}epartment).}, 
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